Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M22A. Guardian crane. 40.42.-.44.

In a strange home, in a foreign country, where a hero, crane or heron enters is a watchman who must raise the alarm when strangers appear.

Chugach, Haida, Uvikino, Sechelt, Chalkomel, Cous, Menominee, Chippewa

The Arctic. Scoundrel: Birket-Smith 1953:167-170 [The raven marries Tresky's daughter; the girl wants crane eggs, the Raven pulls them out, marries, takes his wife away in a boat; killer whales ask him to close his eyes, kidnap him wife; the bird tells the Raven who is the kidnapper, for which he receives larvae; puts him under water; the Raven consistently comes to the Old Cod Woman, Halibut, Red Snapper, Perch; everyone replies that the kidnappers have just passed by; Perch warns that Killer Whales have a Crane as a watchman, gives a spear to bribe him; the Raven gives a spear to the Crane, since then the cranes have a long beak; Killer whales sleep, the Raven snoops, how they accidentally croak, grab it, put it under a stone, make a fire on top; the Raven has bark with him, he chews it, spits out red juice, killer whales think it's blood, take it out, throw it into the latrine place; his wife comes there; the Raven tells her to go back and wait; gets out, washes; pretends to be a leader, takes Squirrels, Martens, Lasok, Norok with him; the Killer Killer Chief asks why his men are so fast; The raven replies that he has cut out a piece of each of their liver, lungs and heart; invites the killer whales to lie in a row, smears each eye with resin; the leader has one eye barely seeing; the raven rips open the Killer Whales one by one, the chief notices this, runs away through the chimney; the Raven and his wife load the boat with the property of Killer Whales, sail away], 171 [see motif L74; The bear bites off the person's hand, the Raven returns it, heals the patient; for this The chief gives him a daughter; the Raven takes her in a boat, brags about killer whales (blackfish) that only his wife has such a rich fur coat; they promise to give him fish, ask him to close their eyes, kidnap his wife; the Raven comes to the old woman, the mistress of the tides; the bird helps him fall under the water; the Blue Watchman Crane screams, the Raven gives him a copper spear, since then the cranes have a long beak; the Crane that pops out Killer Whales explains that he yelled when he sleepy; takes the girl out of the Killer Whale house, the Raven runs away with her].

NW Coast. Hyda (Skidgate) [killer whales carry a woman, a man at the bottom of the sea marries her; the husband first gets to the floating seaweed, then goes down to the bottom; gives gifts to the Heron Watchman, who hides him; grabs his wife when steam envelops the room where she is sitting; returns home with her]: Swanton 1905:244-247 [see motif K27; the old man helps her husband find his wife's trace; advises giving the Heron tobacco and wicker cedar branches; The heron hides her husband in his mouth; hides it again when he and his wife run away from her captors], 338-340 [The marten takes her husband to the floating seaweed; he gives the Heron cedar branches, a drill, whetstone; the Heron hides it under his arm; the husband helps the slaves Raven and the Raven cut down a tree; they throw a vessel of water over the hearth to fill the room with steam; at home, the hero hides his wife in a box; one day finds him empty and there is a hole in the box]; Hyda (Masset) [the young man lives with his grandmother; the uncle sees that he is a good hunter, gives his daughter for him; at the request of his mother-in-law, his son-in-law catches a sea otter; the wife goes to sea rinse the skin, killer whales take it away; the husband descends to the bottom of the sea, gives mouse fat, whetstone to the Heron (sharpen her broken beak), Geese - tc! al (plant?) , they skip it, everyone explains how to overcome the next obstacle; a man makes a Tesla broken by a slave intact, he promises to pour water into the hearth; in the clouds, the couple takes his wife away; throws it behind hair from a comb (bushes), a comb (mountain); they climb a rope to the surface; the Killer Whale slave does not detain, but pushes the boat]: Swanton 1908a, No. 35:495-500; uvikino [young man shot at a log, which turned out to be pink salmon; Salmon offers to go with it to his country; on the way gives bait fish to help kill an eagle; eagle feathers will serve as a valuable gift; near the country of salmon The crane raises the alarm, Pink Salmon gives him fish to stop talking; the same with Kingfisher; the young man marries a female leader, she is a Chinook salmon; all the fish received an eagle's feather; two years later, Pink Salmon delivers a young man and his wife to a young man's father; the young man's wife remained human, no longer turned into a fish]: Hilton, Rath 1982:86-95.

The coast is the Plateau. Sechelt (sisiatl) [a man shot a sea otter, his wife went to wash her skin, it turned into a sea fox, dragged it into the sea; the husband went down to the bottom; the Crane, the Goose, another bird is screaming, he says keep silent, show them the way; hid in a tree, the slave began to cut the trunk, the man grabbed the chisel with his teeth, broke it; went out, repaired it, for which the slave spilled water into the hearth; in the dark and clubs, the couple took his wife away; the slave falls in front of his pursuers twice, creating a mountain each time; husband and wife reach the boat, escape]: Hill-Tout 1904a: 52-54; halkomel (snanaimook, Vancouver's east coast) [hunter kills seals; his wife goes to wash the skin, she is carried away by the Killer Whale; the husband, tying his belt to his belt and leaving the other end to his companions in the boat, goes down to the bottom; meets blind women, one serves others eat in a pot, a person grabs a pot, women understand that there is a stranger nearby; show the way, for which he makes them sighted; they warn that he will meet a Heron Watchman; a man approaches from behind, pushes her into the fire; heals her for a burn, for which she shows the way, gets a spear (= beak), warns that he will meet a slave next; the slave splits the tree, the person makes the wedge break; repairs, for which the slave pours water into the hearth in the Killer Whale's house; the husband grabs the wife, they run; the killer whale tells the Heron to kill the fugitives, but she deliberately misses; the husband and wife pull the rope, they are dragged into the boat, they get home safely]: Boas 1895, No. V.3:55-56 (=2002:153-155); cous [the heavenly leader decapitated the Hawk; the two sons of the victim make a chain of arrows, go up to heaven; on the way they ask the chief's two wives, put on their clothes, the wives promise to go to the ground with them; they come to the chief under their guise; have they forgotten that food should not be given to two old men (Cranes?) ; they screamed, but did not hear them; jumping into the boat, one of the "wives" slipped and said that she had a heavy luggage; the chief's younger brother notices his daughter-in-law's testicles, they did not believe him; they took their father's head, the head of the "husband" was cut off; when blood is shed, the husband's brother says that the daughter-in-law wet herself; the brothers take their wives, go down to the ground; the father's head is dry, they put the head of the murdered leader on the body; therefore hawk small head]: Jacobs 1940, No. 8:235-238.

The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 108 [the boy's grandfather is always lying on the floor, overgrown with moss; the young man finds his brother, whose bottom is wooden; the brother says that his grandfather did it, that he wants to kill him too, warns of dangers; the grandfather sends a young man to bring his wives; he gives tobacco to the Cranes, Cougars, they let it pass; he enters two women, runs back, Cranes, Cougars do not detain him, women do not detain them for it they kill; he, after him, women run into the house, he takes them as his wife; the grandfather shoots him, he dodges; he shoots, kills his grandfather; turns into a feather, flies (to heaven?) , cuts off the bottom of his brother's body, the bottom falls, the brother becomes whole again; the young man goes to look for the Stupid Girl; on the way, the old man stops him, they smoke, the old man lengthens the day, the young man falls asleep, the old man changes from in his guise, takes his ear jewelry - live hummingbirds; the impostor throws a young man into the water; marries the Stupid Girl; her younger sister picks up the abandoned man, takes him in husbands; impostor says it's his dog; kills lynxes and young man turns decks into bears; spits, turkeys appear; impostor spits, bugs appear; Stupid Girl steals one a bear, he becomes a deck again; the young man climbs into an empty log, regains his appearance; gives the impostor his appearance, turns his head into a hawk; returns to two wives, gives a new one to his brother]: 469- 483; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II.5 [the young man's grandfather lies in a teepee like a moss deck, wakes up every four years; the young man finds the upper body of his older brother attached to the stump; he explains that their evil grandfather will do the same to him, teach him how to win; the grandfather tells him to kill the polar bear; the young man runs without looking back, at the entrance to the house the bear falls dead; the grandfather takes the pot out of his side to cook meat; the young man gives the bear the head of two old women, they disappear; these old women cut their older brother; now hostile creatures play ball in the sky with the lower half, hang it in the chimney; the young man goes up to heaven, cuts off the rope, the lower half falls to the ground, joins the upper half; cranes, horned snakes guard the house of two dangerous sisters; the young man scares off the guards, takes sisters as wives; the old man breaks the sleeping young man's back, changes from with his clothes, pushes him into the thickets, marries his eldest wife; the youngest finds a young man, takes care of him; he turns sticks into bear carcasses, grass into beavers and turkeys; when the deceiver steals carcasses, they turn back into sticks, dung beetles; the young man climbs into the deck, regains his former appearance, turns the deceiver into a hawk; gives his elder wife to his brother]: 317-327; chippewa [young man lives with his aunt; sees girls bathing, they turn into frogs, he brings them to his bed; his aunt hears giggling at night; throws away frogs in the morning, tells his nephew to marry women; along the way The young man stumbles upon his younger brother, turned into a stump from the waist; he says that their uncle killed their father and other brothers, explains how to walk along the path leading to women; the man gives tobacco to two snakes spewing flames on the sides of the path call them grandfathers; shows two swans a red cloth; reaches women and turns back; they kill snakes and swans for letting an alien pass; They follow the young man themselves, become kind, leaving the father's power; the uncle pretends to be dying, demands to bring him a bear and two otters for recovery; the young man gets them; spirits gather for a feast; sisters uncles cry to eat his dogs; uncle shoots his nephew in the chest, he turns into a squirrel, unharmed; kills his uncle with an arrow; heals his stump brother, gives him one of his wives; younger brother forgot That you can't mention my uncle, he immediately appeared; the brothers and wives ran away, got rid of their uncle]: Barnouw 1977, No. 45:64-68.