M23. A feigned fear of imaginary danger, ATU 1310-1310C; K581. .11.-.17.20.-.29. (.30.) .31.-.34.39.42.-.
The character pretends to be afraid of only one method of killing that isn't really dangerous for him (K581: Turtle: If you throw me in the water, I'll drown! ). {All American variants with a rabbit are highly likely to be of African descent and are not included in the correlation table}.
Lingala [turtle], sakata [turtle], luba [iguana], ila [hare], lunda [turtle], nyamwezi [hare], isanzu [hare], goose [hare], zigula [hare], safwa [hare], Swahili [turtle, hare], ambundu [turtle], lamba [hare], kona [human], ekoi [dormouse], raspberry [hare], bambara [hare], mandingo (?) [hare], gola [spider], gbandi [spider], felupe [hare], banen [dwarf deer], dogons [hare], hausa [jackal], yoruba [turtle], anuak [hyena], nubians [raven], amhara [monkey], saho [raven], bilin [raven]], Malgashi [turtle], Berbers Morocco [shrimp; hare], Tunisian Arabs [shrimp], Egyptian Arabs [poultry], Italians, French, British, Irish, Germans (Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania, Austria), Dutch, Walloons, Flemish, Friesians, Arameans [fox], Syrian Arabs [hare], Maori [human], Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan), Lepcha [monkey], garo [turtle], kho [turtle], palaung [hare], Vieti [hare], bru [ liar], Punjabi [squirrel], Nepali [jackal], varley [turtle], Marathi [turtle], ho [jackal], Malayali [cunning jackal but tortoise thrown into the water], Sinhalese [turtle], Simalur [dwarf deer], kenya [ tortoise], kelabit [turtle], minahasa [turtle; bird], Sangihe [turtle], toraja [turtle], galela [turtle], pampango [turtle], ilongot [turtle], ilokan [turtle], visayas [turtle], tinghian [turtle], Koreans [crab], Ancient China [turtle], Chinese [turtle], fox [hare], Greeks, Hungarians, Slovenes, Romanians, Slovaks, Poles [cancer], (Russians [crab]), Belarusians [crab], Ingush [Tsagen], Tabasarans [crow], Armenians [crow], Turks [crows], (Persians [man vs diva]), Latvians [cancer; eel], Lithuanians, Livonians, Estonians, Finns, Western Sami (Norway), Danes, Swedes [cancer], Norwegians [eel], Bashkirs [ magpie], Kazakhs [hare], Mongols [turtle], Tlingit [human], kutene [turtle], kurdalen [turtle], lower chinook [human], quinolt [squirrel, black throated loon], menominee [turtle], chippewa [turtle], ojibwa [turtle], kickapoo [turtle], potauatomi [turtle], illini [turtle], (steppe cree [rabbit]), steppe ojibwa [turtle], naskapi [otter], viandot [turtle], seneca [turtle], wawenok [ turtle], mikmak [turtle], passamaquoddy [turtle], malesit [turtle], teton [turtle], yankton [turtle], omaha and ponka [turtle], osage [turtle], oto [turtle], shayen [turtle], pawnee [ tortoise], chirokee [turtle], catawba [opossum], (natchez [rabbit]), pomo [turtle], luiseno [frog], utah [skunk], navajo [frog, turtle, (rabbit)], (western apache [rabbit]), hopi [turtle], Laguna [wild cat], oriental keres (Sia) [rabbit], varigio [turtle], masateki [toad], chorti [toad], cabecar [turtle], warrau [monkey], wapishana [turtle, monkey], macushi [turtle], tarian [ turtle], yagua [turtle], tariana [turtle], tenetehara [turtle], sinta larga [turtle], paresi [turtle], botokudo [frog, toad], chamacoco [toad]
Bantu-speaking Africa . Lingala [The turtle is hired by the Leopard to take care of his seven children; the Eagle persuades her to eat the children, carry the Leopard the same thing again; the Eagle hides the Turtle in a tree; The leopard goes to the sorcerer, who tells the turtle to be named Minong, she responds; the Eagle takes it to another tree, but she responds again; he refuses to save it again; the Leopard pulls out the Turtle; that says she should be killed in the middle of the river; jumps from a boat into the water]: Vinogradov 1984, No. L4:51-56; Sakata [The turtle is hired to take care of Leopardich's eight children; Mombende teaches Eat the turtle one at a time, showing the same thing many times; hides when everything is eaten; saves them from the Leopard eight times, then leaves them; the Leopard grabs the Turtle; she advises not kill her on land, where she is strong, but on the water; brings her to a deep place in a boat; she is going to cut off the Turtle's head; she hides it under its shell, the knife bounces, the Leopardich hurts herself, dies]: Colldén 1979, No. 175:346-348; buba [knowing that Iguana would come to pick mushrooms, the Leopard hid under the biggest one; Iguana guessed it, hit the mushroom with a stick, knocking out the Leopard's teeth; he ordered her to be grabbed; Iguana asked the old woman to hide it, she put it in a bag, brought it to the Leopard; Iguana said that she could not be killed on the ground, she should be thrown into a tree; from there she jumped into the water and escaped]: Kotlyar 1975:110-111 (=Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 94:224-226; =Pozdnyakov 1990:67-70); lunda {referred to as the Mbundu text, but Olderogge has a Lund text; the same attribution with reference to Olderogge in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976} [man caught a turtle; it explained that it cannot be killed with an ax, stone, knife, fire; cries when it is going to be thrown into the river; it is thrown, it is saved]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1975:213-215 (=Olderogge 1959: 70-72); silt [a woman gives fruit, calls it munjebele; Leo, Elephant slip, fall, forget the name; the hare, on the advice of a woman, shouts the name of the fruit when she falls, does not forget; everything they go to bed at the spring, agree to kill someone who goes out of need at night; the Hare relieves the Elephant's body, the Elephant is killed; the hare carries his head, sings about what happened; he is grabbed; he says that he will not die if he is hit against a stone, but dies if thrown into a hole; hides in a hole; he is grabbed by the leg, he says it is the root; comes out on the other hand, offers to dig himself, breaks the hoe; to get the handle back on, hits Buffalo's leg and head with a hoe; refuses to dig a well with everyone, the animals decide not to let him go to the water; The hare, promising honey to the watchman, consistently binds set to guard Wildebeest, Leo, Elephant; The turtle offers to smear it with glue, the Hare sticks, he is killed]: Smith, Dale 1920, 18:394-398; Nyamwezi [in drought, the Elephant gathers animals to dig a well; The hare refuses to work; when the well is ready, the Gazelle, as the fastest, is left to guard him; the hare brings her beer, binds her asleep, collects water; the Gazelle tells the animals that the Hare has bewitched her; Leo guards, the Hare comes, curling his hair with pigtails; the Leo wants the same way, allows himself to be tied; the Frog is called to guard; hides in the water, grabs the Hare by the nose; the animals decide to throw the Hare against the stone; that replies that he will die faster when thrown against a termite mound; runs into a hole]: Spellig 1929, No. 3:237-239; safwa [in the drought, the animals dug a well, the frog managed to dig in; the hare refused to work, the rest began to guard him not to use water; the hare offered honey to the leopard, braided his hair, tied it to a tree, drenched it with hot soup, collected water; the same with an antelope, with a "skunk" {?} ; the turtle puts a glue-smeared seat on the hare; the hare says it can be killed by throwing it in the ash; runs away]: Arewa 1961, No. 1981:105; isanzu [The hare hits the ground with its paw, millet on the field turns into grass; the owner puts a scarecrow, the Hare's paw sticks; he asks the Jackal to stick it off, hit the scarecrow; The Jackal sticks with four legs; The hare advises the field owner to throw him into a pile of ash (hits him herself on the nose so that blood can be seen), and the Jackal against a stone; The Jackal is killed; the hostess begins to cook the Hare, he makes sure that the water does not boil; the hostess goes out, the Hare jumps out, puts the owners' child to cook; when the meat is eaten, she shouts to the hostess that she ate her child]: Kohl-Larsen, Allensbach 1937, No. 48:66-67; goose [The hare tells Leo that thieves steal his cows, at this time he eats dinner Leo; he puts a sticky scarecrow in the place where he eats; the hare hits him, sticks; says that he will die if he is thrown on a mole mound; runs away under the cover of rising dust]: Vinogradov 1984, No. G9:314; zigula [The hare refuses to dig a well with others, he is not allowed to use water; they send the Frog to guard; she says that something big has come and it hid; then they make a figure they smear it with sticky juice; The hare comes, the figure is silent, he hits it, sticks it; says he will die if his face is wrapped in a web and his eyes turn white; the animals do so, the Hare runs away]: Dammann 1937, № 6:153-154; Swahili: Bystrov et al. 1962 [The hare sees a nest of bees on the baobab, tells the rat that the tree belongs to his father; they smoke bees with torches; the lion, the owner of the tree, comes up; the hare climbs inside the torch, tells the rat to throw the torch and then go down by itself; the hare runs away, the lion kills the rat; the same with the turtle, but it shouts to the lion that the hare is inside the torch; the hare advises the lion kill him by twisting his tail, runs away; the turtle advises putting it in the mud and rubbing it until the shell comes off; the lion rubs its fingers and the turtle slipped away; the lion hides in the hare's house; the hare notices traces; greets the house loudly and wonders why he does not answer; the lion says hello, the hare runs away]: 58-62; Olderogge 1959 [the Sultan has no water, he orders to dig a well; animals complain that the Hare refuses to work; Hyena guards; The hare gives it "its water" - honey, the Hyena allows itself to be tied to a tree to get more; the hare collects water, hits Hyena; the same with the lion; the turtle hides in water, the Hare grabs; The hare asks the Sultan to tie him not with coconut, but with a banana rope, then he will die in the sun; tears the rope and runs away]: 74-77; lamp [The elephant tells you to dig a well; only the Hare does not came to work; the Elephant forbids him to use water; the Rhino guards, grabs the Hare who has come for water; he allows the Rhinoceros to taste honey; will give more if the Rhino allows himself to be tied; Hare takes away water; now the Elephant himself remains to guard - the same; the Leo is the same; the Turtle is called to guard, grabs the Hare; he asks to kill him in the sand, he will not die here; he is thrown into the sand, he runs away]: Doke 1927:27-29; ambundu [people began to think about how they could kill a turtle; she explained that it could not be killed with an ax, fire, knife; pretended to die if thrown into the water; she has been abandoned since then the turtle lives in water]: Serauky 1986:140.
West Africa. Kono [286: An orphan asks to be burned, hoping to be thrown into the water; escapes; (becomes chief)]: Holas 1975:283-289; ecoi [people cleared a plot of land and someone cleared him at night then spoiled; Ise began to guard, shot shivetta; she was smoked and told Ise to guard the meat; Sonya (the man) got him drunk, ate the meat, Ise killed, smoked the meat; so with several watchmen (these are antelopes, boar); the last is a big dormouse; pretended to be sleeping, and smeared the meat with resin, the dormouse stuck, hitting him with his hands, then with his feet; everyone offers execution for him; he just asks not to throw him vertically standing spears; he flew up a tree; a tree was cut down, he moved to another; he was left alone; since then, the dormouse has been living high in the trees]: Talbot 1912:397-400; raspberries [animals dig in drought well, the Hare refuses to work; comes to drink; The lion offers to put a sticky figure, the Hare hits it, sticks; they want to burn him, but he says that fire is his friend, and he is afraid of thorny bushes; Elephant throws it into the bushes, the Hare runs away]: Herve 1936:86-87 in Paulme 1977, No. 813:63; Bambara: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:91-93 [animals dig a well, the Hare refuses to work, he is not given water; he comes at night, drinks and stains water; animals put a sticky scarecrow, the Hare hits it, sticks; says he is ready to be burned and quartered, just asks not to throw it into the dewy grass; the elephant threw The hare into the grass, he ran away], 94-96 [Somajan ("tall warrior") arranges feasts; the hare secretly holes his calebass with wine; the animals announce an imaginary wake for S., the hare appears, they want to execute him; he asks not to be thrown into the dewy grass; he is thrown wrapped in sticky bark; the glue melted from the dew, the Hare ran away]; mandingo (? "mande"): Frobenius 1922b, No. 47 [the lion says that no one will enter his house; the hare promises to come in; comes, goes to bed when the lion is not at home; the lion comes, ties him up; the hare tells him to untie, throw him in water; the lion throws, the hare escapes], 48 [the hare uses the reservoir of other animals; they make a girl's doll, smear it with glue, the hare sticks; tells him to throw it not into raw grass, but under the elephant's feet; it is decided throw it into the grass, he runs away]: 105, 105-106; goal [The Dwarf Deer secretly goes to the forest spirit's house to steal eggs; the Spider's dog discovers a cache, the Spider follows its trail, KO has to open it secret; The spider eats eggs greedily, the spirit catches him; The spider convinces the spirit that he cannot be burned, shot, his legs broken, thrown into the river; gets ashore, returns home to his children]: Westermann 1921a, No. 29:110; gbandi [the hare found a house in the forest where the spirit lived, and there were chests of rice in the house; he opened the chest, the bat saw and said that she was a watchman; the hare also offered her rice, she is happy; the spider found out, went with the hare, picked up a heavy bag of rice, refused to share it with the bat; the bat climbed into the bag and ate almost everything while the spider was on its way home; the spider found only crap in the bag; began to chase with a bat, she sat on the spider's wife's stomach, the spider swung and killed not the mouse, but the wife; for this he was sentenced to death; he begged not to be thrown into the water, but burned; he was thrown into the water, he ran on the water and laughed at fools; since then, spiders have been caught and thrown into the fire]: Pinney 1973:31-34; felupe [The hare planted pumpkins, dried them, made ratchets, put Hyenas near the rice field; Hyena comes for rice, hears a sound, thinks a rattlesnake runs away; the hare puts a pumpkin on his head, sits in the river, gurgling, frightened Hyena again; Hyena's wife comes to the river, sees the Hare, grabs his leg; Hyenas think like him execute; The hare only asks not to be thrown into the grass at dawn, the Hyenas are thrown, he runs away; puts on the wormy gazelle skin, meets Hyena, says that the Gazelle, the damned Hare, even the dew on does not take it to the grass; next time the Hare puts the gazelle skin with fur inside, says that all his hair has fallen out; Hyenas have decided not to contact the Hare]: Nikolnikov 1976:121-123; banen [departure has begun termites, the elephant and the Dwarf Deer (KO) went to catch them; the elephant got full ears; the KO said he had injured his leg, asked to put it in his ear; ate termites, leaving only wings; asked transplanting him into the other ear is the same; ran away; caught; asks him to tie him with a thin rope, otherwise he cannot be killed, thrown off a cliff; tears the rope and runs away, and the elephant fell off the cliff and crashed]: Dugast 1975: 326-340; catch-up [all animals give a piece of ear to make a drum, the Hare refuses; the Toad is appointed watchman, only the Elephant is allowed to beat the drum; The hare comes secretly to beat, pretends to beat the Toad, she is expelled; the hare comes again, is caught; says that if he is thrown into fonio (a cultivated plant), he will die; he is abandoned, he runs away]: Paulme 1977, No. 454:89; hausa [in the drought, the lion summoned animals, the hyena offered to build a dam; the jackal refused to work, but began to drink from the pond and swim in it; the lion guarded the monkey; the jackal pretended to bring a jug of honey, promises to treat the monkey if she will give her baton and allow herself to be tied; tying the monkey, as usual, got drunk and swam; the turtle smeared herself with sticky resin and climbed into the water; the jackal stepped on the turtle, then hit, stuck, tried poke his face, stick completely; the jackal asks permission to choose the type of death; let his tail be greased, then the hyena will take it by the tail and hit the stone; the hyena's tail slipped out of its paws, the jackal ran away]: Tyutryumova 1991:90-94; Yoruba [the turtle promises animals that it will ride an elephant; tells the elephant that the animals think it is too big to come to town; elephant: yes, no, I'm just not I know the roads; the turtle calls to show; asks to let the elephant sit on its back, otherwise he is too tired; teaches signals when to run fast, when it is even faster; calls the elephant his father's slave, the animals laugh; the elephant is going to throw the turtle on the rocks; the turtle: this way I will not die, I must throw it into the swamp; he did so; he wanted to trample, but the turtle swam away; the elephant ran away into the forest; elephants have not come to the city since then]: Ellis 1894, No. 3:265-267.
Sudan - East Africa. Anuak [the hyena steals beans from the old woman; she asks the boy for help; he made a wax doll; the hyena is angry that she does not know her refuses to talk to her; hits, sticks; the old woman went out with Pestle, boy with a spear; hyena: I won't die from blows or from a spear, but if you pour hot water on me, I'll die; the old lady started pouring water, the wax melted, the hyena ran away]: Evans Pritchard, Mynors 1941, No. 23:70 -71 (translated to Katznelson 1968:237-239); Nubians [The fox makes a spade out of clay, threatens to knock down a palm tree, the Duck sheds her chick every day; for the fourth time, the Raven teaches the Duck to answer that birds can fly to another tree; the fox pretends to be dead, grabs the Raven who has come down to peck; he says that his parents cursed him, ordered him to be pushed off the top of the mountain; the Raven takes off, laughs at the Fox]: Reinisch 1879, No. 6:213-217; =Dähnhardt 1912:280-281; Klipple 1992:43; =Meinhof 1921, No. 67:287-290; transfer to Katznelson 1968:102-104); amhara: Gankin 1979, No. 28 [Leopard and Hyena ask the Baboon to forgive them their sins; he refuses; they bind him, they want to kill him; he just asks not to be thrown into the ravine; they untie him and throw him, the Baboon makes faces for them; The donkey invites them to ask Monkey for remission of sins; she first asks for help her get the thing forgotten in the cave; with the help of the Leopard, he lowers the Hyena on a rope off the cliff, leaves it there; gives the Leopard a hot stone wrapped in fat, the Leopard dies; pulls out Hyena, says the Leopard wants to kill them both; sews Hyena's tail to the Leopard's neck unnoticed; when Hyena sees the Leopard, he rushes to run , falls into the abyss, breaks], 29 [the man instructed the monkey to guard the honey; she ate it, filled the jug with her manure, poured some honey on top, said that she did not do it; the man ordered monkeys jump over the ditch; everyone jumped over, the culprit refused - she was wearing her mother's dress, afraid of getting dirty; the man tied a monkey, went to get a stick; the monkey told the hyena that she was forced to eat and drink; the hyena swapped places with it, the man beat the hyena; the hyena wants to kill the monkey; she asks to be planted - its insides will fall out of it; runs away]: 41-46, 46-47; sakho [grabbing the goat by the scrotum, the jackal kills him; the raven takes the meat; the Kaffir horned crow (Bucorvus leadbeateri) tells the jackal about this; he hides in the house under the pot, grabs the crow; the raven asks anyone to kill him in a way, just don't throw him off a cliff in a pot; the jackal throws, the raven flies away, the jackal tries to grab him, falls, breaks]: Reinisch 1889, No. 31:225-227; bilin [at the Kaffir horned crow a nest in a tree with 17 chicks; a fox brings a clay ax, threatens to cut down a tree, demands that the chick be thrown down; every day he gets a chick, the last one remains; the Raven explains to the Horned Crow that the Fox has an ax made of clay; the fox pretended to be dead, the Raven came down, the Fox grabbed him; the Raven asks to be executed in one way - to put him under a milk jug; a week later, the Fox raises the jug - the Raven is alive; The raven explains that it is now necessary to light a fire in the pit and throw it there; the Fox does, the Raven flies away]: Reinisch 1883, No. 13:231-234; the Malgashi [Cryptoprocta ferus) and the turtle were friends; fossa climbed the banana, but did not throw off a single one; the turtle came across sharp sticks around the banana, fossa fell and injured herself to death; when she met other foss, she admitted that she carried fossa fat; says that She cannot be shot or stabbed with spears; advises wrapping her in banana leaves and throwing it into water; swam laughing at fosses]: Rodman 1965:56-57.
North Africa. Moroccan Berbers, Tunisian Arabs, Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1310:731; Moroccan Berbers: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1310A: 731; Egyptian Arabs; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, NO. 1310C: 731-732.
Southern Europe. Italians (Ticino): Todorović-Strähl, Lurati 1984, no. 70 in Uther 2004 (2), No. 1310B: 114-115.
Western Europe. French, British, Irish, Germans (Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania), Dutch, Walloons, Friezes: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1310-1310C: 113-115; Germans (South Tyrol) [people living near Lake Kalterer caught a mole, began to think about the best way to execute it; decided to bury it alive]: Menghin 1884, No. 46c: 98.
Western Asia. Aramei [the old woman has a donkey; every time she grazes, a fox comes and rides it from morning to evening; the donkey comes back tired; neighbors advised to smear resin on the donkey's back; shepherd brought the donkey to the old woman and she and her daughter began to beat the fox with a stick; fox: hit as much as you want, but don't lock her in the raisin pantry; eats raisins; she is beaten again; she asks not to be locked in the chicken coop; eats chickens; the rooster crows, the old woman tells him to peck out the villain's eyes; the fox ate the rooster, and when the old lady opened the chicken coop in the morning, she ran away]: Belov, Welsker 1960:326-328; Syrian Arabs: El- Shamy 2004, No. 1310A: 731.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Maori [two brothers stand on stilts and steal fruit from a tree; they wait for them, one is caught at once, the other is caught on the shore; he says that if he is thrown off the stilts in the water, nothing will happen, and if on the shore, he crashes; he gets dumped on the shore, he runs away, then frees his brother]: Dixon 1916:86-87.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lepcha [at ra so pu nu (PN), king of ra zo, wife of shing ra ni pun di (PD); she washed her hair in the stream, one carried water to the land of mungs (evil spirits); hair appeared there in the form of a rainbow; the king of the mungs sent his sister to look for the mistress of the hair; she flew in as a crow, then tried to persuade PD to leave her husband as a woman; she refused; while PD was hunting, the Mung king sent warriors, they brought PD together with the room she's locked in; PN goes in search; the black monkey fights the white monkey, PD kills the black monkey; the monkey king surrounds his palace with a lake; the monkey king tells PN to shoot at wooden painting above the entrance to the palace, arrows pierce each other's tails; monkeys cross, carry PN, dismantle the bridge; the monkey king throws seed, mango grows to PD room, monkey king brings PD to her husband; mung warriors rush at him, he bounces, they kill each other; catch the monkey king; he replies that you can kill him if you put his tail in the maso and set him on fire; runs with the burning with his tail, the palace burns down, the monkey king extinguishes his tail in the lake; the monkeys killed all the mungs; they cursed the monkeys, they died at night, except for the king and queen; the monkeys were revived; the feast, PN awarded the monkeys] : Siiger 1967, No. 2:215-218; garo: Mandal 2009 [the monkey and the turtle caught and fried fish; the monkey offered to eat it at the top of the tree, invited the turtle to hold on to its tail; going up to middle, asked to loosen her grip, the turtle fell; the monkey threw her bones only; when the monkey went to the river to drink, the turtle grabbed her ass; the monkey's nephew tore off the turtle, but the monkey died from losing blood; the nephew wants to kill the turtle, which says that the ax will break; the fire will go out; pretends to be thrown into the water; the turtle has swam away]: 110-111; Rongmuthu 1960 [turtle and the monkey decided to put the tops; the clever monkey caught a lot of fish; the turtle put the top in a small puddle, but a boar hit its top, the monkey offered to cut it, fry the best pieces and eat them on the tree, where the best view comes from; invited the turtle to hold its tail to pick it up; going up to the middle, asked to loosen its grip, the turtle fell; so three times; the monkey ate all the meat, throwing the turtle has only bones; when the monkey went to the river to drink, the turtle grabbed its ass; the monkey's nephew tore off the turtle, but the monkey died of bleeding; the monkeys are discussing options for executing the turtle; that replies that the axe will break, the club will be dull, the fire will go out; pretends to be afraid of drowning; swims away]: Rongmuthu 1960:138-140; Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan) [the hare poisoned the old woman's bread; ta namazade a stone with glue, the hare stuck; the old woman promises to execute the hare with the most painful death; he suggests putting it in a pot and throwing it off the mountain; the pot crashed, the hare ran away; the old woman smeared it again stone with glue, the hare is caught again; promises to marry the old woman's son to the youngest of the three princesses; the traveler goes to the nunnery to make a sacrifice; the hare: they are allowed there only naked, leave the horse here and clothes; the one who came naked was badly beaten because he was mistaken for the cunning Aku Tambe, who had just run naked; on the way, the hare stole silk from his idol, put the guy in boots instead of insoles; in front of the princesses threw away the silk and put a new one; ordered it to be sent to the bride; in the house, the devil sambo said that an army was coming to him, let him hide in the cauldron; the hare covered the cauldron with a lid, made a fire, the devil melted; the hare fed it with it with the broth of the guests; shows the chambers; gold and silver - the dowry for the bride of the deceased older brother; the bones of those ignorant people who were drunk drunk at his wedding and were executed; half-alive prisoners - they got drunk at the middle brother's wedding; the drunk guests left the bride and ran; to check if the old woman's son was grateful, the hare pretended to be sick, sent the owner to the llama; ran ahead himself and pretended to be a llama; "we must cut out my son's heart and feed him to the patient"; the owner brings the knife, the hare gets up and stops him; the old woman's son and his family lived happily, and the hare ran into the forest]: Potanin 1914, No. 19:416- 419 (reprinted in Komissarov 1997:240-244).
Burma - Indochina. Kho [the turtle trapped a wild boar, the monkey caught a bird; the turtle offered to release the bird, carry the wild boar on a pole together; cut down a pole with thorns closer to the butt, let this part carry the monkey was exhausted; when the turtle saw the tiger, offered to carry the butt to him; sent beetles to the tiger; the turtle and the monkey weaved baskets, carried the meat in the big one, put stones, some meat on top, left tiger; came to the tiger's wife and children, tied them up, sawed down the supports of the house; the tiger brought a large basket, the house collapsed; the tiger caught a monkey and a turtle; a turtle: I'd better soak in the water, the monkey - dry on a rock; both run away, the tiger is trapped; the turtle lets him go for promising to collect a basket of mushrooms; there are no mushrooms during the dry season, the turtle burns the thickets, since then the tiger has been striped; both hide the blacksmith; he hits the turtle, since then it has been flat; blacksmith's fur is tied to the tiger's paw - when the tiger runs, there is a puff]: Nikulin 1990:273-280; bru [liar Tan says he's in his field the doe climbed; everyone rushed to catch, there was no fallow deer, T. was driven into the forest; T. to the monkeys: I will climb the tree, drop the fruits, and you will cut off the trunk so that the fruits pile up along the slippery trunk ; slippery monkeys cannot be climbed; T. eats ripe fruits, throws green fruits to monkeys; T. ran across the river, shouted that the flood was beginning, advised the monkeys to tie stones to their backs; the monkeys went along the reed bridge, T. brought it down, they drowned; T. collected them, began to fry them; a tiger came, T. threw him a few monkeys; the tiger agrees to carry T. on his back if he catches monkeys; towards him boar; T. tells the tiger to hide; tells the boar that the tiger wants to attack him, so it's better to attack him himself; after the fight, the tiger killed the wild boar; T. suggests taking the tree to carry the carcass: he will take the top, and the tiger by the butt; thorns dug into the tiger's neck; by the river T. sends a tiger to fry a wild boar for fire, points to the setting sun - this is the fire in my grandmother's house; a day later the tiger returned - there is no wild boar; T. says he brought fire from his grandmother himself; instead of meat, he gave the tiger a pipe - the meat went rancid because of your scream; the next day T. invites the tiger to eat its ears, gave the boars; cut off the tiger's ears; he saw that T.'s ears are in place, chased him; T. fell into a hole; says that his ears have grown; that the sky is falling; pokes a stick in the tiger's ears, tells him to throw the turtle out of the hole - the sky will flatten it; then asks him to eat it here, just don't throw it away; the tiger threw burning guns into the pit, since then the tiger has been striped; he came to the village, lied again about the doe, climbed onto the roof; threw pepper into the audience's eyes, ran away; stood on the old woman's shoulders to get honey from the hollow for her; he eats everything himself; the old woman bent down; T. hung his head in the hollow; people set fire to the tree; T. went up to the moon with the tree, seen there]: Nikulin 1976: 212-220; Palaung (Yunnan) [The hare ate grass and branches and wanted to try something else. I saw bees in the tree. A tiger came up. Hare: "There is a manga (several connected gongs) on the tree that I inherited from my grandfather, and I'm guarding it. The tiger said, "Is this manga sound good?" "Certainly excellent! The best in the world!" The tiger got even more interesting, he asked the hare to hit him once, but he said, "No, grandpa will be angry." The tiger started asking again, and the hare pretended to have mercy: "I'll go ask my grandfather if he allows me, I'll scream at you and you can hit you three times." The hare ran to the mountain and shouted: "Tiger, hit!" , - he hit, bees flew out of the hive and bit him. He wanted to bounce, but the hare had previously tied him to a hive. Seeing the tiger's suffering, the hare ordered to hit harder. The tiger knocked the hive down to the ground, and the bees became even more ferocious. The tiger decided to take revenge. The hare wet his fur and rolled over the flower petals, getting stains. When I met a tiger: "I did not deceive you, that hare was white and I was spotted." The tiger agreed. The hare untied the tiger and asked him to eat the honeycombs in half. He took half of it for himself with honey, and gave the tiger his honeycombs. The empty honeycombs pricked the tiger's mouth, and the hare ate. He showed his mouth full of honey: "Look, my mouth is all over in porridge." Now the hare has decided to try beef. I met another tiger and said he offered to become friends. Let the tiger get a cow and we'll celebrate our friendship!" The tiger bit to death the cow and they started butchering it. The hare broke off its horn and gave it to the tiger to eat, which screamed from abdominal pain. Hare: "Don't scream, the meat will go bad." The tiger listened and suffered in silence. The hare cut the meat and let the tiger go for water, the pumpkin must be full, otherwise the meat will deteriorate. Wild pigeon: "The tiger has a leaky pumpkin." The tiger mistook sincerity for a mockery and threw a stone at the pigeon. The hare hid the meat, divided the leftovers into two parts, and gave the bad one to the tiger. This meat was salty and bitter, but the hare said that it went bad because the water was not up to the brim. The next day, the hare saw people returning from picking bananas, lay down by the road, pretending to be dead. People put it in a basket full of bananas. The hare ate them, jumped out and ran away. I fell into a hole and couldn't get out. The tiger asked what the hare was doing in the pit. Hare: "Today the sky will fall, my grandfather told me to hide." Pointed to the movement of the clouds, the tiger believed that the sky was trembling. He promised not to touch the hare and jumped into the hole. The hare began to poke the tiger in the side with a stick. He began to swear, and the hare promised not to poke again. Same thing over again. For the third time, the tiger threw the hare out of the hole. I told people there was a tiger in the pit. People slaughtered a tiger and cut meat. The hare set fire to the grass near the village and said that the village was on fire. They ran to the village, and the hare ate meat. I climbed a tree, people started cutting it.. Hare: "I won't die if I fall out of the blue. People cut down the tree so that it fell towards the cave, and the hare disappeared into it. People closed the entrance. An old man lived in the cave and had a manga (combined gongs). People told the old man to hit the manga three times when he caught a hare. Hare to an old man: "I'm going to die soon and I only want this golden cup, will you give it to me?" The old man leaned over the hare, the hare bit his ear, the old man backed away, tripped over the barrier that blocked the entrance to the cave, it broke, the old man fell on the rocks and crashed to death. The hare hit the manga three times. People hurried to the cave, but the hare was gone. I ran to the edge of the field, where there are lots of snails. "We're going to honor the snail king." The hare began to laugh: they were too slow. The snails offered to compete in running. The hare reached the end of the field, called out to the snails, but answered from the beginning of the field: "We've been here for a long time, you're behind!" The hare ran back and forth until he died of exhaustion]: Chen, Wang 1989d: 529-533; viets [the hare jumped on a stump and stuck to the resin; shouts to the elephant that he is sitting on the throne and guarding the lake, the elephant should not drink it; the elephant grabbed the hare with its trunk, tearing it off the stump; the hare says that it is poisonous; if an elephant hits it with its trunk or tramples it, its bone will pierce the elephant's flesh and kill it; to kill him, you must throw it it into bushes or reeds; the elephant did so]: Vazhdaev 1982:99-101.
South Asia. Punjabi [The squirrel drank the old woman's milk; she caught her; the squirrel says she likes to cool off in the river, warm up in the fire; asks not to feed her almonds or throw her into the bushes; this is what the old woman and does]: Zograf 1964:82-84 (=197:38); Nepalese [the jackal shouted "hawk" while he was stealing chickens; people agreed to see if the jackal was captured, dragged to execution; when dragged along the grass, he screams "in pain" when at the stones, pretends to be happy; he is deliberately dragged along the grass; hung, beaten, he swells; a bear is walking, the jackal pretends to be happy; apparently reluctantly allows the bear untie it, hangs it in its place, runs away; the bear is heavy, the noose immediately strangled him; the jackal found the elephant's soaked carcass, climbed inside and eats; the sun has come out, the carcass has dried up, the jackal cannot get out; Mahadeva and Parvati came up; the jackal shouts from the elephant's carcass that it was M., and if he wanted to prove the opposite, let it rain; the rain poured, the carcass got wet, the jackal ran away, climbed into a hole under the wall; M. grabbed his leg, the jackal asked him why he had grabbed the root; M. let go of the jackal's paw, he ran away; M. put a figure covered with bird glue in his way, gave sugar in his hand; the jackal began to ask for sugar, the figure is silent, he hits her, sticks with all his limbs; at the request of P., M. released the jackal, made her companion]: Heunemann 1980:166-169 (=Sakya, Griffith 1980:56-59); ho [the peasant plows; jackal: when these eggs fall off (referring to the bull); man: when water flows out of this stone; a man knocks down the top of a petrified anthill, and the jackal sat there; white ants gnawed a hole in his ass; the jackal swallows the mouse, and it immediately jumps out of his ass; the peasant: goes to the shoemaker, he will pay you a patch; the shoemaker put a patch, and the jackal realized that it would make a good drum and started knocking; came to the village, started hitting his "drum" and shouting that the Indians would come and rob everyone; people ran, all the chickens went to the jackal; but one old woman could not escape and saw everything; people left the old woman's wax figure; the jackal told her to get off the road, hit her; stuck with all her paws and muzzle; jackal: execute me in the forge with a hot iron; he was dragged into the forge, the wax melted and the jackal ran away]: Halder 1916, No. 13:287-290; Malayali [jackal and turtle are friends; a tiger appeared; the jackal disappeared into a hole; the tiger began to beat and gnaw the turtle's shell; the jackal: put it in the water, it will soften; the turtle sailed away]: Menon 1995:58; Sinhales [7 princesses swam in the pool, frightened of the turtle; she was caught and began to think about how to execute; hang; burn; the turtle laughs every time; throw it into the river - let will take you to the land of the naga; the turtle: but not that! she was thrown into the river, she went to the nagas; tells the naga king that she is King Bamba's messenger from the city of Bamba; he has 7 daughters and is ready to give any of them to the naga king; he is pleased and sends two to the land snakes; the turtle asks them to take it to the ground, and then disappears into the pond; when the snakes came to the king to ask for his daughter, he called them mean words; then the naga king sent many snakes and the king did not there is nothing left but to give his daughter; she gave birth to a son; he asks his mother, decides to go to earth; there he was caught by a snake charmer; the princess gave birth to a second son, who followed the first; they killed the charmer and became ascetics]: Parker 1914a, No. 150:339-340.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Simalur [dwarf pelanduk deer (P., Tragulus Kantjil Raffl.) steals a sugar trustnik from a plantation; the owner makes a cat out of sticky resin; P. calls out to her, she is silent, he hits it, sticks; he was locked in a chicken coop; he tells the dog that he is sitting because he refuses to marry; the dog takes his place; the servants stabbed the dog so as not to answer to the owner, served meat; P. tells the owner that he ate; suggests tying dry leaves to its tail and setting it on fire, only this will destroy him; P. burned down the estate, the owner died, jumped into the pond himself, ran away]: Koehler 1964:125-127; (cf. mentawai [The turtle asks to be taken into the boat; gnaws a hole, opens the water when it is out of sight; everyone is drowning, it comes back; women are going to burn it, she asks to fill it first bamboo with sea water; sitting in the water, gnawing through a hole, running away from the fire; others say you can kill a turtle by hammering a nail into its nose; they did so]: Loeb 1929, No. 7:102-103); ngaju [in the Kundja forest came across the village of Peres, the owner of the disease; Perez tells the servants to put K. in a cage so that he does not see them doing crafts; P. asks if K. sees anything, he replies that he sees everything; the same in a vessel wrapped in cloth; planted at the top, replies that he does not see; learns blacksmithing, weaving, wood carving, etc.; pretends not to know that he is going to be killed, runs away at night , climbs a tree above the river; P. notices the reflection, tells his servants to dive; not finding K., sends everyone to look for fish poison, K. at this time crosses the river, returns home, teaches people crafts]: Schä rer 1966:35-40); kenya [The Dwarf Deer offers the Turtle to help climb the tree, asks him to drop the fruits; the Turtle has to jump back; the Deer divides the fruits, deliberately speaks loudly, when people approach, it takes its share; the turtle is considered a thief; it pretends to be happy if it is burned, crushed (last time it did not rain, did not crush it); it is thrown into the river; they decide to poison the river; a person rubs a poisonous plant on the shell of a turtle, which he mistook for a stone; a turtle sinks unnoticed; a person thinks that water is coming, so don't throw poison into the water]: Hose 1912 : 147-149 (=Hose, McDougall 1912:147-149); kelabit [dwarf deer (pelandok) invites the turtle to eat fruit in the garden; sheds fruits; people come to the noise, the deer runs away, the turtle caught; they try to decapitate her, she pulls her head in; they throw her into the fire - she does not burn; they offer to press, she says she was not pressed last time; pretends to be thrown into the water; swims away; a dwarf deer promises her a vegetable garden across the river; she's driving him, he's not happy, she dumps it, he sinks]: Villard 2013:37-43; galela (Halmahera), minahasa, toraja, islands Sangihe [first a conflict over bananas (see pampango); The turtle tricked the Monkey into killing the Monkey, making a betel out of her hair, wine from blood, lime from burnt bones, dried meat from flesh; invited her to other Monkeys feast; they heard her talking to herself about what they eat; decide to crush, burn the Turtle; she replies that her parents did it to her; pretends to be afraid of being thrown into water; screams out of the water about deception; Monkeys ask Buffalo to drink the sea; when he drank almost everything, the Turtle lured him with a ripe coconut, bit through a hole in his stomach, the sea spilled out, the Monkeys drowned; current descend from one pregnant woman who escaped in a tree]: Dixon 1916:195-197, 335 (approx. 32, 33); minahasa: Bezemer 1904 [the monkey grabbed the wris bird, plucked feathers, offers different species death (drown, cook, burn, chop), the bird every time replies that it is not afraid of it; begs not to throw it into the grass; the monkey threw it, the bird flew away; calls the monkey at low tide to the littoral collect mollusks; the shell pinched the monkey's paw, the monkey drowned]: 304-305; Braginsky 1972 [The turtle saves a monkey that has fallen into the river; The monkey plants the top of the banana stem, the turtle bottom, the stem The monkeys are dry; the monkey eats the turtle bananas, does not give it; she sticks pegs under the banana, disguises them with leaves, the Monkey attacks the stakes, the Turtle feeds it with the meat of other monkeys; screams after that they ate a friend; says that he will only warm up in the fire, that a new turtle will appear from each piece of it, pretends to be afraid of being thrown into the water; once in the water, he laughs at monkeys]: 37- 39; toraja [as in Dixon; The turtle asks wasps, bees to bite the buffalo, it dies]: Adriani 1898:353-354.
Taiwan - Philippines. Pampango [The turtle asks the Monkey to pull the tree out of the water; it takes the leaves, leaves the Turtle with roots; they grow into a banana; the Monkey climbs up, throws only the peel to the Turtle; The turtle sticks its stakes, screams that the hunters are coming; the monkey falls and dies; the turtle sells its meat to other monkeys, they notice scraps of hair; the turtle says it cannot be burned, cut, made appearance afraid to drown; thrown into the river]: Rybkin 1975, No. 60:157-159; Bayliss 1908, No. 1 (Bay, Laguna {pampango?}) [The monkey and the turtle go together to look for food; the monkey climbs the banana, the turtle sheds only its peel; the turtle sticks the ground around the banana with hard and spicy grass, the monkey is injured; finding A turtle in a coconut shell asks if it wants to be crushed in a mortar or roasted; Anything but don't throw me into the water; once in the water, the Turtle laughs at the Monkey; that jumps after her, drowns]: 46-47; ilokan [monkey to the turtle: alas, all the peasant's pumpkins have already been eaten by the other monkeys; turtle: then let's go for bananas; they took two shoots, the monkey planted its own on the tree and the turtle in the ground; the monkey banana dried up and the turtle bore fruit; the monkey climbed on this banana and ate everything, and the turtle threw only unripe bananas; then the turtle bumped into a banana around sharp bamboo and screamed that a crocodile was coming; the monkey jumped in panic, ran into its tips and died; the turtle cut it, salted it, sold it to other monkeys for pumpkins, and then said they ate; monkeys think how to execute a turtle; chop it with an ax - I'm reborn, I've been cut down more than once * (stitches on the shell); throwing it into the water is not that! she was abandoned, she brought it from the bottom of the lobster; turtles: teach me how to catch lobsters; turtle: tie yourself with a rope and a rock at the other end; turtles drowned; and have not eaten meat ever since]: Cole 1916:176-178; ilongot [The monkey and the turtle found the banana plant; the monkey planted the stem, the turtle roots planted by the monkey died; the turtle can't climb the banana, the monkey climbed, ate everything alone; The turtle can't climb the banana, the monkey climbed, ate everything alone; The turtle can't climb the banana, dotted the stem with thorns, hid under a coconut shell; when getting off, the Monkey hurt himself; sat on a coconut, the Turtle pulled its tail; the Monkey grabbed the Turtle; she says she is not afraid to be beaten, that pinches will rush to dance; cries at the prospect of being thrown into the water; the monkey throws her into the river, the Turtle emerges, says this is her home; the monkey jumps into the water, drowns]: Wilson 1947a: 50-52; visayas [The turtle catches the floating banana stalk; takes the bottom, the Monkey gets the upper hand, both plants, the Monkey planted wilted; the Turtle banana has borne fruit, the Monkey climbs upstairs, the Turtle throws one peel; the turtle masks sharp stakes with leaves, tells the Monkey not to jump on them, she jumps stubbornly; the turtle feeds the other Monkeys with the meat of the deceased; one cub recognizes its brother's finger; the Turtle hides under coconut peel, Monkeys find it; The turtle says it likes to sit on fire, pretends to be afraid of water; Monkeys ask Fish to drink water in the pond, go down to the bottom to look for the Turtle; she asks Kingfisher to peck a hole in the fish's belly; water gushed, the monkeys drowned; var.: The monkeys tried to drink water themselves, burst]: Maxfield, Milington 1907:316-318; bagobo [Turtle tries to climb a banana, the Monkey mumbles to make it fall, it falls; the monkey climbs a banana, eats the fruit, throws its excrement into the Turtle's mouth; the next time the Turtle sticks a banana around the banana sharp stakes, screams that a storm is coming, the Monkey attacks the stakes, the Turtle fried it; turned its ears into leaves that are chewed with the betel; the heart into betel; the brain into lime, the stomach into lime, the stomach basket, tail - a plant that chews in the absence of betel; divides it all between monkeys; shouts to them that they are chewing a Monkey; they catch a Turtle, want to hack it with an ax (You've already tried it, there's only one left marks on the shell), burn it (I tried it, I just turned brown); it is thrown into the water; monkeys and all animals almost drink the pond, covering the urinary canal with a leaf; red-billed batak bird takes out the leaves, the water pours out; the monkeys pluck the bird's feathers; when they have grown, the bird brings fruit to the Monkey; all monkeys, wild boars, deer, except one pregnant monkey and deer, gather in and around the tree; the bird and the Turtle set fire to the grass around, all burned down, some wild boars ran away]: Benedict 1913, No. 6:58-59; Tingyan [as in Indonesia]: Dixon 1916:195-196, 335 ( note 32, 33).
China - Korea. Koreans [The toad caught the Crab, does not know how best to start eating it; he suggests drowning it first; hiding in the water]: Choi 1979, No. 32:14; Ancient China, Chinese (since the 5th century. AD) [turtle]: Ting 1978, No. 1310:; fox [in drought, the wolf invites the hare to dig a well; he readily agrees, but says on the first day that he has a headache , the second, his stomach, the third, that he first needed to change the roof in the house; the wolf dug one, the bear helped him put a roof over the well; said that the hare is quite healthy; the hare goes to use with water without permission; the wolf makes a wooden figure of a boy, smears him with resin; the hare consistently hits her with his paws, sticks; tells the wolf that he agrees if he roasts him, drowns him, tortures him in Chinese, but let him not throw it into the thorny bush; the wolf does it, the hare ran away]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:286-292.
The Balkans. Greeks, Hungarians, Slovenes: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1310:113-114; Romanians: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1310C: 115.
Central Europe. Belarusians (one entry, Poleshchuks; Federowski, III, No. 422:213; this text is also taken into account in Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1310), [cancer is mistaken for a tailor: they want to drown]: SUS 1979, No. 1310:280 ; Poles (7 entries) [fools caught cancer and demand that it sew clothes for them; cancer knocked down candles, causing a fire; says he should be drowned for this; fools threw cancer into the river]: Krzyż anowski 1963, No. 1310:39; Slovaks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1310C: 115; (cf. Russians (one reference to Afanasiev 1897, 248bb; given the lack of a plot even among Ukrainians and on the main territory of Belarusians, it is more reliable not to take it into account for Russians): SUS 1979, No. 1310:280).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingush [rich people harvest poor people if the field is on the coast; Tsagen convinced the sowers not to give up grain; the rich decided to drown W.; he asked not to plant him on boards, but to tie him to his neck throw a stone into the sea; the rich decided that this was another deception, put C. on a boardwalk; the rich man's son herds the sheep; C. swam to the shore, said that he was swimming to the girls, sent the young man on a raft, took rams, told the rich that he had received them on the seabed; they jumped into the sea and drowned; the wives of the rich put C. in a bag, went to get stakes to beat him to death before throwing him into the sea; master the store is carrying a full arba of goodness; C. says he is put in a bag because he does not want to marry 7 girls, he changed with C., he was beaten and thrown into the sea; C. told the wives of the rich that their husbands are good live and marry marine women; wives with stakes in their hands threw themselves into the sea, drowned]: Sadulaev 2004, No. 99:255-259; Tabasarans: Uslar 1979, No. 18 [forty bred chicks in a tree; a fox came, said that she would cut down a tree and eat all the chicks if the magpie did not throw it alone; the magpie threw it, the fox ate it; the crow explained to the magpie that the fox did not have an ax; when the fox came back to forty, it did not believed and did not throw off the chick; the fox asked who said that she did not have an ax; the magpie replied that it was a crow; the fox lay down on the rock, spreading a rumor that she was dead; the crows began to her to flock; the fox grabbed the one that helped the magpie; said, "You told the magpie I don't have an ax, now tell me what execution should I do against you?" ; crow: "Do whatever you want, but don't throw it off the cliff"; the fox threw her off a high cliff; the crow flew away]: 532-533; Armenians [The fox tells the newlywed to give her jewelry, otherwise she will reveal her sin; says The wolf that she took out the jewelry with his tail in the water; tells people that the Wolf is being beaten; the fox falls into a trap, pretends to be dead; the man throws it away, she runs away; tells the Wolf that he pulled too much a lot of gold, shows a trap of meat; The wolf is caught, killed; the Fox threatens the Pigeon to cut down a tree, he drops the chick, then the second; the crow tells the Dove that the Fox is lying; the fox pretends to be dead, catches The crow; she asks not to be thrown off the cliff; next time not to throw it into the lake, as if it would be eaten by worms and leeches; both times the Raven flies away; hunters kill Lisa]: Bunyatov et al. 1900, No. 11:139-144; Turks [the jackal demands that the thrush throw him one, then the second chick; the raven explains that the jackal will not be able to carry out the threat; the jackal pretends to be dead, grabs the crow that has descended; that says he is most afraid of being thrown into the abyss; the jackal throws him, the raven flies away]: Dor 2002, No. 15:51-52; Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 9:33.
(Wed. Iran - Central Asia. The Persians [the father orders not to hunt the mountain after his death; the elder, middle brothers go, the green rider kills them; the younger puts a wooden figure on the horse, sneaks into the mountain after the rider; the ploughman is afraid to talk to him, MM harnesses two lions; the fish in the well gives water in exchange for the girl to be eaten; MM kills the fish, refuses the crown and the padishah's daughter, asks for help to return home; the padishah tells her to turn to Simorg; MM kills the dragon crawling to her nest; Simorg carries the MM up, he feeds and water her, cuts off a piece of her thigh, on the ground she puts meat back; MM penetrates fortress, ready to kill the green rider, he turns out to be the daughter of Padishah Peri; they fall in love; the divas takes her away, MM burns Simorg's feather, she tells me to ask the horse for eight legs at the stone on the seashore, not agree to the six-legged; MM takes the six-legged, the peri sends him back, he brings the eight-legged (meanwhile the divas grabs him, MM replies that he wants to be thrown into the mountains, he throws him into the sea, he swims out ); Peri's father takes her away; MM takes Soleiman's flying carpet, invisible hat, magic bow and arrows from the divas; Peri's father returns his daughter to him; her relatives tell him to instruct his son-in-law to find out the secret Sad and Sanoubar; MM performs the task, gets a wife]: Osmanov 1987:109-124).
Baltoscandia. The Norwegians [the fool thinks the eel ate his salted herring and is about to drown it]: Hodne 1984, No. 1310:235; the Swedes [punish cancer by throwing it into water]: Liungman 1961, No. 1310:282; Western Sami (Norway): Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 1310:252; Danes, Finns, Livons, Estonians, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1310:114; Latvians : Arys, Meedne 1977, No. 1310 [Cancer is mistaken for a tailor. They decide to drown it], *1310D [They decide to teach the eel a lesson: they throw it into the river]: 346.
Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [The fox tells Karagush (vulture korshun) to throw off the chick, otherwise he will climb the tree; then the second; Magpie advises - let Karagush invite the Fox to get up; she breaks her teeth against the trunk; threatens Magpie; she proposes to execute her as her ancestors did: throw her into the abyss in a bottomless bucket; flies away]: Barag 1989, No. 93:404-405 (=Yukhma 1990:108-109).
Turkestan. Kazakhs [The fox grabs the Hare; he says she can do whatever she wants with it, but let him not throw it into the bushes; the Fox throws it, the Hare runs away]: Bosingen 1985:65.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (recorded by C.J. Zhamtsarano in Russian in 1904 in Urga by Ilbek Gabzhi, 58 years old, in Gandan, the text was kindly sent by D.A. Nosov) [Turtle, Fox, Wolf found a jug of wine, let him drink the one who is older; The wolf replies that he is 100 years old, the Fox is 120, the Turtle cries, says that it remembers its sons, the eldest is 120 years old, the youngest is 100; the one who gets drunk faster will drink; The wolf gets drunk with the smell , Fox from the sight of wine, Turtle from the word "wine"; decide to jump who's next; The fox jumps further than the Wolf, the Turtle clung to its tail, fell on; the Wolf and the Fox decided to eat the Turtle; she agrees, but She has no hair, her upper meat is dirty, she must be washed; she was thrown into the river, she swam away]: Jamzarano 1904.
NW Coast. The Tlingits [wife is taken to heaven; the husband comes for her; the heavenly inhabitants want to burn him; he says he is happy; they drag him to the water, he screams that he is afraid; swims, says that all waters are his creation; The Spider brings him and his wife down to earth in a web]: Swanton 1909, No. 88:250-251.
The coast is the Plateau. Kutene [The turtle man cuts off the leader's head; says he is not afraid of a knife, arrow, ax; thrown into the water; shows a trophy head from there]: Boas 1918, No. 16:22-23; kordalen [after feasts with Pisces and other aquatic life The turtle announces that it will go hiking on a ne-perse; soon the Pisces turned back, the Salmon Chief said they needed water; the turtle went alone; climbed into the leader's tip, cut his sleeper's throat, took off her scalp; when the chief was buried, the Turtle was found; she says she is not afraid to be crushed on stones thrown into the fire; asks not to be thrown into the water; the Turtle they drag him to the water; one old man says that this is her element; when he hears this, the Turtle throws herself into the water; on the other side she shows the leader's scalp; she was not caught up; at home there is a holiday, a scalp dance; translator: ne- Perse are just as afraid of turtles as white people are afraid of mice]: Reichard 1947, No. 37:194-196; lower chinook [a captive man in the Blue Jay boat says it is safer to tie him not with ropes, but sea grass; jumps into the water, frees, runs away]: Boas 1894:22; quinolt [Blue Jay and his wife Jui go to visit; 1) Magpie cooks a pot of caviar by throwing one egg into boiling water; Jay can't repeat the trick; 2) The duck sends the children to bring salmon; Soyka's children are frozen, almost drowned; 3) The bear melts the fat from the sole of the foot, cuts the meat from his wife's back (since then, the bears have there is no fat on the soles and little meat on the back); Jay hurts himself and his wives; 4) The otter sends children to fish, as in (2); 5) The beaver tells his wife and children to bring berries, they bring branches and dirt; Jay does not eat it, Bobrov feeds himself the same; they are happy; 6) Quet's wife and daughters (songbird) quickly pick up baskets of berries; Soyka's family spends all day, collects little; 7) Kingfisher, as in (2), (4); 8) In the House of Spirits Soyke thinks the objects are moving by themselves; he takes clothes, jewelry, and the perfume screams not to pull; Soyka leaves with nothing; 9) The sea otter kills his youngest son, tells the others to jump into the water, them again five; Jay cannot revive his son; Squirrel and Black-throated Loon mock Blue Jay that he cannot revive his child; Jay and his wife tie them up, take them in a boat across the river; Gagara replies that it is safer to tie it not with ropes, but with grass; in the middle of the river it tears its fetters, dives overboard; the squirrel replies that it is best to throw it into a pile of brush-pile; runs away]: Farrand 1902, No. 2:85-91.
The Midwest. Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 91 [The turtle goes to war; rejects the Raven, the various Eagles and Hawks, the Thunder, takes the Turtles with him; there is a tree in the way of the warriors, they can't do it climb over, burn it; in a village of enemies, a turtle cuts off the heads of two sleeping young women; Turtles attack, women pack them in bags; a turtle is grabbed; he says people shoot each other a friend if they shoot him; he will pour boiling water on them if they cook it; pretends to be afraid of drowning; thrown into the water, escapes]: 293-303; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. II23 [Turtle Warrior scalps the leader, is captured; says he is not afraid of fire, boiling water; thrown into the river]: 392-393; chippewa [The turtle goes to war; rejects the Bear, the Deer, takes little turtles as friends; they the heads of the leader's two sleeping daughters are cut off; the turtle is caught; she promises to throw hot coals at the village, pour boiling water over it if it is burned or boiled; blunt the axes if they cut it; thrown into water; gives girls heads, revives them, marries]: Barnouw 1977, No. 36:151; Ojibwa [The turtle goes to war; rejects the Deer, the Thunderbird, takes little turtles as friends; the Turtle they catch it; she says that it will be bad for the enemies themselves if they try to cut, cook or burn it; she pretends to be afraid of water; she is thrown into the river, she is saved]: Radin 1914, No. 30 [also rejects the Bear] : 61-62; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 27 (Southeast Ontario) [Turtle kills chief's daughter]: 124; kickapoo [Turtle goes to war; cuts off the head of the chief's daughter, caught; promises to burn enemies hot coals, pour boiling water over it if it is burned, boiled; thrown into the pond; The otter chases her, it bites the Otter's testicles]: Jones 1915, No. 6:29-45; potauatomi [The Turtle goes to war, takes other turtles with her; women threw them into baskets; only Box Turtle, left behind, escaped; people offer to burn, bow, cook the Turtle; she smiles every time; people think she'll throw fire, arrows back at them, knock over the cauldron; throw turtles into the water; they're having a holiday]: Skinner 1924:356-358; illini (peoria) [story about a Turtle on the warpath ends with being thrown into the water and being saved; the second part (Turtle's revenge when they try to grab her in the water) is attached to the Wolf cycle (after the Wolf enters the water)]: Michelson 1917: 495; (cf., probably African borrowing through the Southeast; Steppe Cree [A rabbit steals nuts, is caught sticking to the resin; he is asked if he is afraid of being thrown into a bush or well; he replies that the bush is worse; thrown there, runs away]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 29:280); steppe ojibwa [The turtle goes to war; rejects the Owl, the Raven, the Hawk, takes little Turtles as friends; the old woman finds them when she goes to relieve himself; people put turtles in bags, carry them to cook; the turtle promises to throw hot coals at enemies, add boiling water if it is burned or boiled; axes will break if she will be cut; pretends to be thrown into the river; at night she gets out of the water, cuts off the heads of two sleeping girls, takes off their scalps; sings; the Otter starts catching her, the Turtle grabs her testicles; people hit a tambourine, but the Turtle knows it's not thunder; they ask real Groomers for help; when the Turtle hears thunder, the Turtle releases the Otter]: Skinner 1919, No. 5:295-297.
Northeast. Naskapi (mistasini) [boy cries, requires summer birds to shoot at them; people go to get Summer; don't want to take Otter, who is funny; Muskrat gnaws on oars owners of Summer; lets a tree resembling an elk with horns on the water; the owners of Summer rush to catch it; only Sucker and Sturgeon remain guarded by Summer; their mouths are sealed, Summer is carried away; the owners begin chase, but their oars break; they catch up with the Otter; he says that the enemies themselves will die if they try to burn or beat him; pretends to be afraid of water; he is thrown into the river; the pursuers shoot at Marten; he runs from the tree to the sky, turns into the Big Dipper; the second star of the bucket handle is the place where the arrow hit]: Speck 1925:28-31; 1935a: 66-69; viandot [Comrades Turtles - Otter, Skunk, Porcupine; The Turtle gets the Eagle's valuable feather but is grabbed; it pretends not to be afraid of fire and beatings; thrown into the river]: Walker 1995, No. 8:84-94; Seneca [The turtle goes to war; refuses to take Moose and Bison as comrades, because they do not run fast enough; takes Skunk, Porcupine, Rattlesnake; enemies - Seven Sisters and their mother; one sister dies from a Snake bite; the rest grab Turtle; he says he is not afraid of fire; thrown into the river]: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 6:92-95; wavenok [Gluscabe trickster kills a whale; trickster's uncle Turtle calls birds to feast; cuts off The eagle chief has buttocks; birds catch the Turtle; he pretends to be cut to pieces, burned; thrown into the lake; birds dive, pull out the Turtle, hit to death]: Speck 1928:187-188; mikmak, passamaquoddy [Gluscap turns his Uncle Turtle into handsome; he marries the leader's daughter; lazy; gets stuck in the chimney; his skin becomes a shell; they want to kill him; he pretends to fall asleep in the fire; he is thrown into the water]: Leland 1968:51-57; Norman 1990:115-119; Malesite: Jack 1895 [Gluscap makes his Uncle Turtle a military leader; he is taken prisoner ; he pretends to be happily climbing into the fire, as if he is cutting his throat with a knife; he cries when he hears plans to drown him; he has been thrown into the water, he is saved]: 193; Mechling 1914, No. 1 [Gluscap's nephew The turtle kills the bird; it turns out to be the leader; people want to hang it, burn it, it pretends to be unafraid; thrown into the water; then caught again, tortured, saved by Gluscap]: 22-27.
Plains. Blacklegs [A turtle warrior cuts off a woman's head, caught; he is offered to burn, crush him with stones, hang him; he pretends not to be afraid; thrown into the river; shows a scalp trophy from the water]: Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 18:160; teton: Wissler 1907, No. 4 (oglala) [The turtle goes to war; comrades Hot Coal, Grasshopper, Pemmican, Yellow Butterfly, Runner; they are all along the way disappear; A turtle in captivity is not afraid of fire; thrown into the river, shows enemies a severed child's head out of the water]: 126-128; Yankton [Ash, Fire, Bubble, Grasshopper, Dragonfly, Fish, Turtle go to war; the ash was carried away by the wind, the fire went out in the river, the grasshopper's legs fell off, the dragonfly's head; People are going to throw fish and the Turtle into the fire; Fish spit hot water on others, both decide drown; thrown into muddy waters]: Zitkala-Ša 1985:159-163; Omaha, Ponka [The turtle goes to war; comrades the Red-breasted Turtle, Squirrel, Terochnik, Crest, Shiloh, Pest, Smut, Bison bubble; rejects Puma, Wolf; on the way The bubble breaks, the Red-breasted turtle cannot climb over the log; the woman picks up Terochnik, tries to rub the grain, hits her arm to blood, Terochnik triumphantly returns to the Turtle; another woman picks up the Comb, he pulls out half of her hair, comes back screaming that he brought a scalp; the third picks up Shiloh, it pierces her hand; the fourth - Pest, he hits her on the knee; now the Turtle goes to the enemies, is captured; says that whoever cuts it, cooks it, burns it will be crippled themselves; pretends to be afraid of water is thrown into the river, it turns out alive; the Snake and the Otter dive after her, the Turtle bites the Otter; two birds drink water, the Squirrel bites their goiters, the water fills the river again; the turtle and his comrades come home triumphantly]: Dorsey 1888b: 206- 208 (=1890:271-277); Osage [The Turtle goes to war; agrees to take the Wolf and the Deer with her, they run as fast as she does; asks the Bison to transport her across the river; afraid of falling between its horns; climbs into the anus; eats the intestines of the Bison; crosses the river, he dies; hangs a refreshed bison on a tree above the river; Wolves jump into the water, seeing its reflection; enemies catch the Turtle; offer to cook, burn them; she promises to burn them with spray, coals; pretends to be afraid of water; thrown into the river, runs away; at home, the wife breaks it with a stone]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 12:15-16; oto [The Biting Turtle reluctantly agrees to go camping with the Spotted Turtle; they reject the Hare, take the Skunk, the Squirrel, the Mortar, the Crest; when they approach the enemy camp, Stupka asks to leave it in the bush, the Crest - closer to the dwellings; The spotted Turtle is immediately grabbed, they want to throw it into the fire; she asks to be allowed to sing first; says that the fire will spread throughout the camp; if it is cooked, it will flood the whole camp with boiling water; pretends that she is afraid of being drowned in a pond; three times she is thrown nearby, she laughs; when far away, she disappears, people think that the turtle has drowned; she screams that the water is her home; the chief tells the Big Belly to drink water ; The turtle asks the Squirrel for help; she shoots from a tree, water pours back from the hole in the monster's stomach; the Skunk, hiding in the bushes, stunned the woman with the stench, took off her scalp; the girl picked up the comb, he took the hair off her and her father's head, she threw it away; The squirrel screams that the Comb had taken the scalp; the girl tried to pick up the Mortar with a pestle in it; the pestle stuck, she pulled, the mortar hit her forehead; The squirrel shouted that Mortar had scalped; hiding at the bottom, the Biting Turtle almost dragged the boy by the leg; the squirrel offered to return home; The elk doubts that such slow-walkers could get scalps; The Spotted Turtle invites him to race; the Turtle places the other turtles when the Moose comes to the finish line, the Turtle is already sitting there]: Curtis 1976 (19): 164-166; Shayens: Kroeber 1900, No. 31 [Turtle, Grasshopper, Skunk go to war; Grasshopper gets stuck in the mud; Turtle kills the leader, gets captured; pretends not to be afraid of fire; thrown into a pond; swims away with the leader's scalp; enemies they scoop up the pond, only the chief's corpse is found]: 189; Marriott, Rachlin 1975 [Turtle, Skunk, Grasshopper, Snake, Cricket, Willow go to war; Grasshopper lost his leg along the way, Cricket stayed singing in the bushes, Snake swam into the lake, Willow is stuck in clay; the three remaining at night cut off the enemy leader's head; a woman finds raiders under a pot ready to dance with a scalp; Skunk and Porcupine run away; a turtle is thrown into a fire, he throws fire, his shell has been cracked ever since; then he is thrown into the water, he drowns the two warriors who led him; the turtle comes back with two scalps; his sister dances with them; so we say that the turtle is smart, we let the children raise the turtle so that they grow up the same way]: 70-74; Pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 74 (throw it off) [like Oglal; takes Knife, Shiloh, Brush as friends, rejects Hawk; in captivity he is not afraid of hot coals, boiling water; teases enemies out of water; people take a knife, awl, brush to use them]: 275-276; 1906, No. 147 (kitkehahki) [The turtle goes to war, taking the Mosquito and The cricket; it is grabbed, the mosquito hides in the hearth, the Cricket in the hole; the turtle says that if it is thrown into the fire, it will scatter it; it pretends to be afraid of water; it is thrown into the water, it screams that it has deceived everyone ; The cricket stays in the people's house, the mosquito flies into the swamp]: 469-470.
Southeast USA. Chirokee: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 1 [The wolf catches the Turtle; she asks not to eat it, promises that her friend Opossum will drop the Wolf's persimmon; for the fourth time, Opossum throws flint, the Wolf dies; friends make spoons out of wolf ears; other Wolves catch a Turtle; she braves not to be afraid of fire, boiling water, a deep hole; thrown into the river]: 399-400; Mooney 1900, No. 31 [Opossum drops his persimmons To the Turtle's friend, the Wolf takes the fruit for himself; the Opossum throws a large fruit or bone into the Wolf's mouth, which dies; further like Kilpatrick]: 278-279; catawba [Opossum kills the Wolf; other Wolves they catch him; offer to throw it into the fire, into the water; he pretends to be thrown into a dense bush; runs home]: Speck 1934, No. 16:17; Speck, Carr 1947, No. 7:82-83; (cf. natchez (probably an African borrowing) [The rabbit argues that it cannot be burned, drowned, etc.; thrown into thorny bushes]: Swanton 1929, No. 32 [The rabbit arranges that the Wolf carries it to back; Wolf catches him], 33 [animals dig a well; Rabbit does not work, but comes to drink; animals make a resin doll, the Rabbit hits it, sticks; after catching the Rabbit, although he is thrown into the fire, he replies that he does not He is afraid; pretends to be afraid of being thrown into the thickets; he is thrown there, he runs away]: 257, 258-259).
California. Pomo: Barrett 1933, No. 96 [The turtle comes to the village, is captured; replies that it will burn and poison those who burn it in the steam room; arrows bounce off its shell; it is thrown into the water, she saved], 97 [as in (96); The turtle kills people in the village with arrows; they also suggest crushing it with a stone; she replies that her blood will poison everyone]: 368-370; Williams 1954 [boy sees how The turtle fires arrows, they fall on the shell without causing harm; persuades his father to do the same to him; the last arrow kills him; people blame the Turtle for the boy's death, because he has such arrows; The turtle replies that it cannot be killed with a stick, because it will not be possible to cook food on wood; with a stone (you will not be able to use hot stones in an earthen furnace); with a spear (you can't harpoon fish); can be drowned; he is thrown into the water, he sinks to the bottom, has been living in mud ever since]: 8-10; luiseño [The frog asks the Jaguar not to throw it into the water, but to kill it on the spot; the Jaguar throws, the Frog escapes]: Hyde, Elliote 1994, No. 195:1242-1243
Big Pool. Uncompagre Utah [Skunk kills gophers with his jet, bakes them; Coyote offers to race, the winner will get all the meat; while the Coyote is running, the Skunk returns, picking up the fattest gophers, sits by the hole; Coyote is going to smoke a Skunk out of it; I'll set fire to the dry grass. - I'll eat it. - Tar. - I'll die. The coyote sets fire to the resin, the Skunk kills it with his jet]: Smith 1992:32-34.
The Great Southwest. Navajo: Haile 1938, No. 23 [old Tortoise and Frog scalp a lot of Taos Indians; they catch them; they try to burn them, but the Frog pees, want to cook, but the Turtle breaks the cauldron; them thrown into the river]: 155; (cf., probably an African borrowing; Haile 1984, No. 6 [The Coyote has driven the Rabbit into a hole, promises to light a fire at the entrance; the Rabbit pretends not to be afraid of fire from various branches and dry grass is supposedly afraid of pine resin; throws burning resin at Coyote's face]: 38-39; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 10 [as in Sia in Eastern Ceres]: 324-325; Klah, Gahni 1951 [as in Haile 1938]: 2, 17-18; Parsons 1923b, No. 9 [The Coyote smokes the Rabbit from the hole; promises to light green branches and leaves at the entrance; The rabbit pretends to like it, supposedly afraid of pignon pine resin; throws his feet away burning resin in Coyote's nose]: 372); Western Apaches (White Mountain) [Coyote goes, wants the sand under his feet to be wet; to walk on water, up to his neck in water; etc., water brings him to his homes; he pretends to be dead, fills grass into all holes in his body; Rabbit girls find him, summon all small animals and birds to dance on the occasion of the enemy's death; Skunk shouts to Coyote that it's time to grab the prey ; The coyote only manages to drive one Rabbit into the hole; he promises to make a fire from bush branches and grass before entering; each time the Rabbit replies that he eats it; pretends to be afraid of tar; until The Coyote goes for resin, the Rabbit runs away, leaving the moccasins responsible for himself; the Coyote finds only burnt perforated moccasins in the hole; rushes to a stuffed rabbit full of sand; next time he sees real, but thinks that one is also made of sand; rushes at another rabbit, attacks yucca thorns; the bird asks her to warm up, the Coyote holds it under his arm, she flies away; the grasshopper advises to take him to crack in the ground, then eat it, runs away]: Goodwin 1994, No. 43:168-171; Hopi [The turtle lost its mother, cries; Coyote, Sing, or I'll kill you! - Just don't throw me in the river! Turtle laughs in water]: Voth 1905, No. 58:183; Western Ceres (Laguna) [Coyote kills gophers, leaves, Polecat picks them up; Coyote offers to compete in the run; for now The coyote runs, the cat hides in the hole, comes back, takes the gophers to the rock, eats them there; the Coyote persuades him to go down, wants to kill him, he hides in a hole; the Coyote is going to make a smoky fire from the cedar trees branches, The cat replies that he is not afraid of this smoke (this is a lie); from pine-pignon branches (same); made of pine resin; The cat lies that he is afraid of it; advises Coyote to fan the fire, throws pieces of burning resin at him muzzle; Coyote burned]: Parsons 1918, No. 10:229-230; Oriental ceres (Sia; possibly African borrowing) [Coyote wants to smoke the Rabbit out of the hole; lists different fuels; every time The rabbit replies that this is his food but is afraid of tar; throws burning resin into Coyote's nose]: Stevenson 1894:147-148.
NW Mexico. Varigio [The turtle offers Coyote to drive deer at her, she will shoot; misses; only the Coyote catches the deer; decide to cook meat, go to drink before that, the Turtle immediately comes back, asks aura {Vulture?} pick meat on the palm tree and then it; thorns poke thorns in the head; the Coyote's children come across them; the Coyote lies under a palm tree, the Turtle drops a piece of meat on him, he asks God to throw more; Seeing the Turtle, the Coyote cuts a palm tree, the Turtle asks Aura to move the meat to the top of the mountain; despite the warning, he opens his eyes, falls; answers Coyote that trying to eat it, break it, he will break it teeth, a knife, an ax, will break a stone; pretends to cry when he offers to drown her; laughs when she gets into the pond; Coyote asks ducks and herons to grab her, she swims to a nearby pond; two frogs drink almost all the water, but the hummingbird pierces their bellies, the water pours out]: Relatos Guarijíos 1995:33-39.
Mesoamerica Masateki [man is tired of listening to Toad's voice; he is going to burn it; she pretends not to be afraid, pretends to lick coals; says that only water is fatal to her; man throws her into the river, Toad is happy]: Inchaustegui 1977:56-57; chorti [Toad hears that the children are going to throw her into the fire; says he will not burn, supposedly die if thrown into the water; this is how he saves himself]: Anó nimo s.a.
Honduras - Panama. Cabecar [God: An iguana into the river]: Stone 1962:66-67
Guiana. Warrau [a jaguar throws a monkey into the air, she escapes in a tree]: Wilbert 1970, No. 128:260-261; wapishana: Wirth 1950:182 [The Jaguar catches the Turtle and the Monkey; the Monkey advises him throw the Turtle into the bushes and into the river; the Jaguar does so, the Turtle and the Monkey run away], 184-185 [The Jaguar caught the Turtle; she says he will break his teeth on its shell; if he wants to eat it, let him throw it in water; he threw, the Turtle swam away]; the macushi [The Jaguar invites the turtle to race; its relatives placed at a distance are responsible for the turtle; the turtle claims that it hunts tapirs; Jaguar suggests comparing their excrement; The turtle shows the Jaguar stars, at this point replaces the secretions; the Jaguar believes; the turtle is the first to hunt tapirs; says Tapira, what can drink only from a vessel; this vessel is Tapir's penis; Tapir lets her take it in her mouth, the Turtle bites it off; pierces poisoned arrows into an already dead tapir; throws poison into a portion of Jaguar, that dies; the turtle sings that it has a necklace made of jaguar teeth; Jaguar's wife wants to kill her; the turtle replies that it will only die in water; swims away; next time she tells Yaguariha that a tapir is running down the slope; lowers a stone instead of a tapir, Jaguariha is killed]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 15:88-92.
NW Amazon. Yagua [to kill the Turtle, the Jaguar throws it into the water; asks if it is alive; the Turtle answers quieter each time, then falls silent; the Jaguar thinks it is dead]: Powlison 1972a: 71; 1993, No. 2:50; tarian [the woman saw a tapir on the site, wanted to reach for his liver; the next day, the tapir came up and asked if she wanted his liver; offered to put her hand in his ass and reach it; squeezed the sphincter and dragged the woman, dragged her until she died; the turtle asked the old woman where her mistress had gone; she replied that if the turtle were a man, she would avenge the tapir for her death; the turtle I came to the tapir when they were drinking chicha in his house; tapir: I'll go pour pineapple juice; turtle: I would drink it; the tapir went out and started urinating, invited the turtle to drink; she grabbed his penis; he started screaming what will kill her; turtle: I can't be killed with a stick; tapir tells me to throw it into the fire; turtle: I don't burn; when the tapir is about to throw the turtle into the water, it cried; the tapir immersed the turtle in water, but she continued to hold his penis until the tapir died]: Brüzzi 1994:178-180 (quoted in Bidou 1996:76-77).
Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [the turtle brings his daughter, disguised as tapir meat, pieces of its own flesh cut off from her leg; his wife's relatives (brothers-in-law) ask them to be taken to where the tapir was killed, they discover a deception; they are going to burn a turtle, she says that the fire is her father, it will not die in the fire, it is better to throw it into the water; screams, teasing those who threw it into the river]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 29:155.
Bolivia - Guaporé. Cinta Larga [see full text in J12 motive; Sunkip kills Jaguariha in avenging his mother's death; the Jaguars are chasing him, he asks the Turtle for help; the Turtle invites Jaguar to write in her mouth bites off the penis, the Jaguar dies; another Jaguar wants to kill the Turtle, who advises to drown it in the lake; the Wild Cat tells Jaguar that the Turtle did not drown; the Jaguar goes to kill the Turtle, who asks the Squirrel for help; The squirrel invites the Jaguar to chop nuts, injures his penis; the Inambu bird offers to jump from tree to mouth, throws a nut, the Jaguar is killed; the monkey offers Jaguar {another?} jump, he crashes; Jaguars grab the Monkey by the tail, tear it off, now these monkeys are tailless; they grabbed the Anteater's tail, ripped off his hair; the Jaguars did not catch up with S.]: Leonel Queiroz et al. 1988 : 63-69.
Southern Amazon. Paresi [The turtle plays with a stone ball; the Jaguarenok asks to throw the ball to him; the Turtle explains that the stone ball will kill him, he insists that the Turtle throws the ball, the Jaguarenok is killed, The turtle roasts it, eats it; Jaguariha is looking for her son, does not believe that the Turtle did not see him, promises to throw it to the ground, burn it; the Turtle says it will fall through the ground, put out the fire, Jaguariha will starve to death; pretends to be thrown into the river; from the other side he shouts that he killed and ate the Jaguarenka; makes a flute out of the bone eaten; the beetle (caramujo-do-mato) asks to let me play hides, taking the flute; he plays himself, answering Calango (the great forest lizard Tropidurus torquatus) that killed the Jaguarenka, made a flute; Kalango takes the flute from the Beetle, as he took it from the Turtle; The partridge from Kalango; he chased her, fell into the river, turned into a little chameleon]: Pereira 1986, No. 36:379-384.
SE Brazil. Botocudy (São Paulo State): Schaden 1947a [man throws a frog into the water]: 263; Manizer in Sebestien 1981 [The hare throws flour in the Toad's eye, runs away; the Jaguar asks her where the Hare is; she thinks that he sits next to him; the Jaguar digs the ground, finds no one, wants to throw the Toad into the fire; she says she was born in the fire, pretends to be afraid of water; the Jaguar throws it by the water, it swims away]: 143-144.
Chaco. Chamacoco [Doxóra and Jaguar agree to shoot two tapirs; Jaguar missed, D. killed a tapir, Jaguar changed arrows, began to fry meat; told Butterfly to bring water; D. told her carry water in a leaky vessel; Jaguar has to go by himself to drink; D. puts meat on a platform on a pole, tells the pole to grow; the Jaguar makes a fire, floods it, tries to cut down a pole, breaks it axe; D. wounds Jaguar with a bone, saying he is throwing meat at him; Jaguar is dead; D. pulled out two fangs for him, revives the Jaguar; Kingfisher dives for fish screaming ëlebiché, offers to catch Jaguara; he too ëlebiché screams, falls his head into the clay, gets stuck, the Kingfisher takes out two more fangs from him; the Jaguar takes the crab for an eel, tries to dig it out of the mud, decides to kill it by defecating on it; The crab grabs it with its claws, pulls out his ass {penis?} , then pulls out a few teeth; the monkey pretends to be sick, the Jaguar agrees to carry it; before that, the Monkey wanted to get along with Jaguar's wife Deer, said that the Jaguar is her horse; the Jaguar agrees to put a harness on him; the monkey leaves with Jaguar's wife, but he remains attached; the monkey tells Jaguar that he climbed the tree backwards, pours boiling water on it; the Jaguar guards at the watering hole, but The monkey is covered with honey, pasted over with leaves, the Jaguar does not recognize it; the monkey says that the whirlwind will take everyone away, the Jaguar allows itself to be tied, the Monkey hits him; the Fox unties it, the Jaguar eats it; The monkey hid in the hollow, the Jaguar grabbed her tail, the monkey says he grabbed the root, the Jaguar let go; he went after the stick, leaving the Vulture to guard; the monkey threw dust into his eyes, ran away; the Jaguar found a Toad in the hollow, telling me where the Turtle is; the Toad says he is not afraid of fire, he is afraid of water; the Jaguar threw it into the water, it swam away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 98:385-392.