Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M26. Ducks carry the catcher (grabbed by the legs) .43.-.45.47. (.49.)

The character dives under waterfowl and ties a rope to their legs to catch them. Birds soar into the air, lifting the catcher with them. It later falls.

Quarry, (Klikitat), Menominee, Western Ojibwa, Potauatomi, Miami, Seneca, (Delaware), Caddo, Chirokee, Natchez, Koasati, (Wintah Ute).

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 39 [Estees catches swans by tying them under water with a rope by the legs; swans lift him into the air; he falls on a rock, sinking into it; Lynx licks the rock while making hole; it shows E.'s eye; the raven pecks it out; the Lynx pulls out the other eye, the Raven takes it away; the Lynx frees E.; he makes false eyes out of resin; comes to two girls; they show him the eyes brought by the Raven; E. inserts them into the eye sockets, runs away]: 207-208; Munro 1946 [the name Estas means "to become heavy", "to weigh"; relatives are surprised how E. catches so many swans; he shows: covering his head with a swan's shook, swims up to the swans on the lake and quietly ties ropes to their legs; but the swans flew up and carried E.; he managed to cut off the ropes, he fell, breaking through the rock; now it's rocky ledge, which is considered to be the figure of E.]: 119-121; (cf. clickite [Wild Cat goes dancing, singing: Little ones go back, big ones go forward; my eyes are closed and I hold a stick; when ducks and geese surround him, he opens his eyes, hits the big ones; his Coyote's younger brother decides to repeat the trick; he is surrounded by geese, taken to the sky, thrown down; he falls into the mud]: Jacobs 1934, No. 30:78).

The Midwest. Menominee [Myanyabus dives, ties a rope to the ducks' feet; birds lift him into the air, he falls; summons birds for a ritual dance; his drum knocks out the rhythm itself, M. free, he strangles the birds one at a time; leaves the meat to bake, goes to bed, tells the anus to guard the meat; Winnebago gives the anus a red scarf, he is silent, Winnebago takes the meat; M. punishes his anus by shoving burning smut into it]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 8:267-270; Ojibwa: Radin 1914 [Nenebozho dives, ties geese legs, geese lift him into the air, the rope breaks, he falls into the hollow] , No. 1 [hears the sound of an ax, calls for help, released]: 2-3, 3 [old women find a bear in the hollow; this is N.; he tells them to cover them with skirts if they want to be beautiful; old women leave, he dresses up as a woman, the chief's son takes him as his wife; one day N. takes off women's clothes, runs away; the chief's son dies]: 11-12; potauatomi [Nenebuc dived, tied a rope to the legs of swimming ducks; they took off, they lifted him into the air; he let go of the rope, fell into an empty stump; the women came to cut the stump for firewood, cut a hole, pulled out N.; N. put on a skirt, mistook him for a woman, passed him off as the leader's son; he found that the imaginary wife was a man, N. ran away]: Johnson 1929:209-210; Miami (drunken) [Vesochaukwa comes to two blind old men; unties the rope they walk on to get water , they fall into the river; advise V. to dive and tie swimming geese and ducks by the legs; they lift V. into the air; he unties the ropes; the spirit of light asks where he wants to fall; Into the hollow; V. falls into a hollow, can't get out; roars like a bear; hunters cut down a tree, V. comes out]: Baker 1931:187-189.

Northeast. Seneca [without arrows, the hunter dived and tied the geese with his bast by the legs; they lifted him into the air; trying to untie some, he cut off the entire ligament, fell into an empty stump; two days later, the women They came to cut the tree stump; he screamed, they got scared, and ran away; then he finally freed himself, made reindeer skin wings, flew home safely]: Beauchamp 1922:215; Smith 1883:88-89; (cf. Delaware [the hunter has only one arrow or one bullet; he ties ducks, they lift him into the air; he falls into the water, splashing a large catfish ashore; a bear cub is inside the catfish]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 192:72).

Southeast USA. Caddo [The Coyote asks the Geese to transport him across the pond, intends to eat them; the old Goose lifts him into the air, throws him into the hollow; the Fly cannot release him, calls the Woodpeckers; those they peck a hole; Coyote asks them to stick them inside their heads, bites them off, eats woodpeckers, comes out]: Dorsey 1905, No. 61:98-99; teals: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1964 [Mink dives, grabs for the duck's leg, drags him under the water; the rabbit tries to repeat the trick, the ducks take off, including the one the Rabbit grabbed; he falls into the hollow, can't get out; the woodpecker makes a hole; the rabbit asks him to hammer, supposedly, he is a very beautiful animal; he jumps out, ripping off his skin]: 24-25; 1966, No. 8 [The otter catches the Rabbit; he asks him to let him go, promises to catch the Otter ducks; dives, grabbing the duck by the legs, that He lifts him into the air, he falls into a hollow stump, suffers from hunger; two Turkeys walk by, the Rabbit screams that he is a beautiful girl; Turkeys cut a hole, the Rabbit jumps out, runs away]: 410; Mooney 1900, No. 16 [The rabbit tells the Otter that he also eats ducks; the otter dives, pulls the duck under the water; the rabbit makes a noose, dives, throws a noose around the duck's neck; the duck lifts it into the air, the Rabbit falls into hollow stump, hungry; shouts to children playing that he is something beautiful; children cut a hole, he jumps out, runs away]: 266-267; natchez [The cannibal dives, ties a rope to at the feet of ducks to catch them; they take off, lift it into the air, it falls into the hollow of a tree; woodpeckers punch a hole; he gets out, eats woodpeckers]: Swanton 1929, No. 13:241-242; koasati [Rabbit He dives, ties his legs to the ducks, they take off and carry it; they fly over the place where his grandmother cleans the pot; she throws it, cutting the rope, the Rabbit falls]: Mooney 1900, No. 58:208.

(Wed. Big Pool. Wintah Ute [Coyote catches geese and ducks by the legs, eats; birds catch their eyes at the willow, then they fall into their eye sockets; Coyote's eyes fall to the ground; he meets two girls; they run away when they realize that he's blind; he falls off a cliff, eats his brain from his broken leg, says he's eating mountain sheep]: Mason 1910, #13:314-316).