Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

M27. Returning from Heaven.43.64.70.

The tree or staircase that people took to heaven collapses; on the way back, people fall down. Usually some stay in the sky forever or longer than others.

The coast is the Plateau. Snowman [the boatmaker knocks at night; the chief in heaven tells him to be picked up, tied to the roof of the house for a year; to return it, people make a chain of arrows (the little bird can do it); Winter and Summer Robins find the boat maker tied; Beaver pretends to be dead, swims to the salmon top; a little girl notices that the dead is smiling but is not believed; Beaver grabs fire, goes down ; four bear shamans are camlaing, the chain of arrows breaks; the Beaver and others fall but are not injured; the Snake and the Lizard stayed hanging and descended only in spring; since then, people have not made boats at night; The Milky Way is the heavenly leader's river]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 21:411-412; skagit [a man makes a boat, picks unripe berries, they take it to heaven; earthly inhabitants shoot arrows, only Chickady it is possible to make a chain; it hardens, the Woodpecker makes steps on it; animals, birds, fish climb up; it's cold upstairs, Malinovka warms up by the fire, her breast turns red; Beaver distracts attention by climbing into the top; while it's fresh, others find the boat builder; everyone, including Beaver, climbs down; the chain of arrows breaks, everyone falls; fish get their current features depending on how they fell; children with since then, prevent you from eating raw berries]: Hilbert 1985:3-5; snookualmi [The Fox and the Blue Jay climb a rope into the sky; the Fox turns into a beaver, falls into the trap of the Month; it refreshes it; until He sleeps for a month, the beaver comes to life, takes fire and sun out of his house, takes small pines and cedars with him; turns back into a Fox, brings the stolen goods to the ground; when the Month climbs after him, the rope breaks, the Month crashes, turns into Mount Xi]: Hunt, Kaylor 1917:515-516 in Clark 1953:38-39; Puget Sound [The old fire goes out; the fire owners live in the sky; the raven orders to make a chain of arrows; this is a little bird succeeds; only Beaver can pretend to be dead and not laugh when his skin is removed; the chain of arrows breaks when the Rattlesnake and Garter snake are still upstairs; their relative The Old Toad cries, but they're still offended; they're falling from the sky, now they're eating frogs; the rattlesnake makes its teeth out of arrowheads]: Ballard 1929:52-54; catlamet [five SW winds they blow continuously; Blue Jay tells people to sing, the sky goes down, it is tied to the ground; people climb into the sky; Blue Jay and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways, Jay is wounded by an arrow; Beaver fire goes to steal; it is caught, scorched, it comes to life, the fire is carried away; Malinovka is sent to scout the entrance to the celestial house; she remains basking by the fire, her breast turns red; Skunk did not scout, returned in fear; Mice and Rats gnawed through bow bowstrings, ties on enemies' women's clothes; Eagle, Owl, Golden Eagle, Turkey, Hawk grab five Winds; four are killed, the youngest has slipped away; people return to earth, Blue Jay cuts off the rope, the sky rises again; Stingray stayed there, turned into a constellation]: Boas 1901a, No. 9:67-71; quinalt [a bright star turns out to be a young man, marries an elder sister; red is an old man, takes the youngest; the girls' father organizes a trip to heaven; large animals fail, the Wren makes a chain of arrows; animal people climb into the sky; it's cold there; the flycatcher is sent behind the fire, it remains to warm up; the Beaver allows himself to be trapped; brings fire to the expedition members; Mice gnaw through the bowstrings of celestials, the expedition members attack them, return to earth ]: Clark 1953 [return with both girls; Stingray and Marten remain in the sky; Stingray turns into Ursa Major; Marten causes eclipses by biting the moon and sun]: 158-160; Farrand 1902, No. 5 [older the sister hurries Spider to bring her down to the ground; the rope is short, the girl dies sitting in a basket between heaven and earth; people go to save her sister; the dog is sent for fire, she remains to eat the roots; on the way back, the chain of arrows breaks off, the rest in the sky turn into stars]: 107-109; quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 26 [the younger sister wants a dim star, the older one wants a bright one; the younger sister wants a dim star, the youngest wakes up with the old one, the eldest wakes up with her young husband; the girls' father makes a bow; Keith, the Bear, the Elk can't pull it, the Wren shoots, makes a chain of arrows; only the Snail sees an arrow that pierces the sky ; Osprey lends her eyes, does not return it; animal people climb into the sky; the Spider lowers her younger sister on a rope, she hangs between heaven and earth, turns into a star; in the sky, a Thrush (Snowbird), then the Dog is sent for fire; both stay warm, do not return; the Rabbit kidnaps and brings fire; Rats spoil the weapons and clothes of the Stars; in battle, many Stars are killed; animal people descend to the ground, the chain of arrows breaks; those left in the sky become stars]: 71-83; Clark 1953 [a man from the sky steals the sun; Wren suggests making a chain of arrows; first Shark, then Puma, Kingfisher, The hawk and others shoot successfully; the sky is cold; the wren rushes to the sun to warm up; while some treat a person to baked roots, others take the sun away; raise it to illuminate the whole world; Eagle and the Hawk takes the Snail's keen eyes; Stingray turns into Malaya, Bear's skin into Ursa Major]: 151-152; Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 10 [sisters sleep outside; one wants red husband, the other blue star; Stars take them to heaven; red is an old man with sore eyes, blue is young; sisters want to go home, Stars send them to earth; earthly people decide to fight against heaven; (episodes with Wren and Snail like in Andrade); once in the sky, Raven and Stingray duel; Stingray turns sideways and Raven is wounded by a spear; a little bird asks the fire owners to let them warm up; her breast turns red; (Beaver episode like Andrade); heavenly people win, earthly people hurry back, stairs break; the rest turn into stars, including Stingray]: 264-266; shuswap [Fish and Birds under Led by the Black Bear and Wolverine, they fight against the inhabitants of the sky; only Wren's arrow pierces the sky; the warriors of the earth rise up a chain of arrows; the Bear quarrels with Wolverine, knocks him down a chain of arrows; the Bear quarrels with Wolverine, knocks him down feet still on the ground; earthlings are broken, stairs fall, Fish and Birds jump down; Pisces falling on rocks are crippled: sematsai fish skull flattened, kwaak broken jaw, tcoktcitcin bloody mouth, sucker has broken all bones (the origin of the anatomical features of fish species); those left in the sky are killed and become stars]: Teit 1909a, No. 57:749; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.3 [(short excerpt); the birds decided to go to war against the inhabitants of the sky; they fired arrows into the sky to make a chain; only a wren arrow pierced the sky; the animals climbed into the sky; then the stairs were cut short only a part of the animals were able to return]: 17 (=2002:86); Teit 1912a [sky dwellers (including Grizzly, Black Bears, Moose) kidnap Swan's wife; only Wren reaches the sky, he makes a chain from arrows; the inhabitants of the earth climb up, are defeated, come back; the chain breaks, some animal people remain in the sky forever]: 212; lillouette [like Thompson]: Teit 1912b, No. 12:311; Okanagon [the inhabitants of the earth decide to go to war against the inhabitants of the sky; only Chickady (Wren?) you manage to plunge an arrow into the sky, then shoot arrows one at the other's tail to make a chain; Black Bear and Grizzly quarrel, the chain breaks to half; the Earth's inhabitants are defeated, start going down, see that the chain does not reach the ground; fall, breaking or maiming; fish are particularly affected, Sucker has broken all his bones]: Teit 1917c, No. 5:85; kalispel [like Okanagon; Wren shoots; since then, sucker's body has had many small bones; before the war with heavenly inhabitants (i.e. stars), there were more animal species, but many died in the sky]: Teit 1917 d, No. 6:118; sanpual [fire in the upper world; Woodpecker or Chickady shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows; the bear is the last to climb, breaks the chain; animal people fall back to earth with fire; arrows pierce into fish, they now have a lot of bones]: Clark 1953 [in different versions Chickady, Little Woodpecker, Great Woodpecker, Flycatcher makes a chain of arrows; Eagle Chief sends a Dog and a Frog to scout, they are lazy, they don't find fire; The beaver pretends to be dead, hides the coal under its claw, puts fire in trees on the ground]: 189-192; Ray 1933, No. 11, 12 [Excrement is sent behind the fire first; dogs eat it in the sky; Beaver pretends to be dead, there are enough coals; fire owners urinate trying to put out the fire; it's raining, but the fire is preserved], 13 [as in No. 12; Excrement and the Dog are sent first, one eats the other]: 152-159; coutene [ Brother Muskrat's widow rejects him; he kills her, runs to heaven; animal people make a ladder out of arrows; the Raven's beak serves as the lowest step; everyone goes up without waiting for Wolverine; he breaks the stairs ; people kill Muskrat; kill Thunderbird, descend on its feathers]: Boas 1918, No. 50 [Fish jump down, Bats plan on blankets; Little Woodpecker and some of the other warriors return through horizon]: 73-77; Clark 1960 [two Hawk brothers manage to make a chain of arrows; those who could not descend were killed in the sky became stars]: 32-33; 1966 [like Boas; Coyote's arrow did not reach, y Hawk arrows pierced the sky]: 146-147.

Eastern Amazon. A hissing [monstrous of cancans, a bat, and a caraman√£ the size of a heron) attack humans; they tie bamboo poles and climb them into the sky; a swarm of cancans attack there too, people go back down; a storm hits, stairs fall, people fall, crash into dust; now hisses live both on the ground and in the sky]: Nimuendaju 1920:1008-1009.

Eastern Brazil. Kariri [Tuppart sends the Great Father to live among the cariri; people ask him for meat; he turns their children into wild pigs; pigs go up to heaven on a huge tree, people chase them, many are killed; the Great Father sends ants to gnaw through the trunk; toads try to protect the tree, but ants bite them (the origin of warts on the skin of toads); the tree is fallen down, people go down the rope, it tears; people fall and break their legs; this is how joints appeared]: Martin de Nantes 1671-1688 in Lowie 1946:559; in Wassen 1933:125-126.