Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M28. Icarus (failed flight on artificial wings), K1041.1. .11.-.


When able to take off, the character takes off but falls or stays in a remote place from where he can no longer take off.

Makonde, Laadi, Bulu, aka, Bamileke, Igbo, Tenda, Wolof, Devoin, Acholi, (Sakho), Sicilians, Welsh, Meitei, Kumaoni, Koreans, Ancient Greece, Luzhitans, Northern Ukrainians, Shahname, Kho, Scandinavians, Swedes, Kuchin, Beaver, Chipewayan, Upper Chehalis, Western Sachaptin, Chippewa, Swamp Cree, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Eastern Ojibwa (Timagami), Steppe Cree, Naskapi, montagne, crowe, vintu, pomo, nisenan, western shoshoni, utah, southern payut, navajo, jicarilla, chiricahua, lipan, hopi, zunyi, western ceres, teva, warrau, kalinha, galibi, napo, shuar, aguaruna, munduruku, Lambayeque, Shipibo, Mosetén, Chimane, Ayoreo, Matako, Nivacle, Chorote, Maca, Toba, Guarani (Kaaiva)

Bantu-speaking Africa. Makonde [The pig wants to fly like a Kite; he waxes its wings, it takes off with it; closer to the sun, the wax has melted, the feathers have fallen out, the Pig has hit the ground with its nose since then nose with a patch; grunts angrily when he sees the Kite in the sky]: Pozdnyakov 1990:112-113; laadi (laari) [the birds were going to fly to the festival in heaven; the turtle persuaded them to give her a pen, also flew; each guest must give a name; the turtle says her name is all of you; asks the owner who all the food is for, he replies that "you all" should eat; birds take away her feathers and fly away; the parrot promises to tell the turtles to the children that they should put something soft on the ground; tells them that their father ordered them to put sharp and hard; the turtle jumps, breaks the shell, but then it glued together]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003:175-180; bulu [at the end of the rainy season, long-billed birds fly from south to north; Beme (carpal pig, river pig - Potamochoerus porcus) tells his wife feed those who go down to his house; asks him to take him with them, they each give him a pen, he takes off, flies with them to the party; falls asleep, the birds take their feathers, fly away without B.; on the way back, wife B . asks for help to get him back; the birds give her feathers, she finds B. who is thin; the birds give him feathers again so that he can return home]: Abega 2002:116-120; aka [Tôlé asks for birds carry it across the river, where the tree has fruits; they each give a pen, T. makes wings for himself, flies over; the birds want to go back, but T. has not yet eaten; when the birds have flown away and T. is full, he saw that his wings not anymore; the water in the river has risen and carried T., he catches on the top; sees a fisherman inspecting the peaks; one fish screams not to kill it; once in the hunter's parking lot, it turns into a woman, cooks and cleans; so several times; the hunter found her, they have three children; once the eldest son missed the fish; the father is angry, tells his son that his mother is also a fish; the wife took the children and went to the river ; the fisherman met T.; he turned fish into people, arranged dances; the fisherman goes to the sound; T. also pretended to be dead, ordered to cover himself with bark and bury him; the fisherman does not believe; sends more and more burning ants to bite T.; finally, he jumps up; the fisherman says it won't happen anymore and fish won't become human]: Motte-Florac 2004, No. 2:17-26.

West Africa. Bamileke [a little bird without feathers (MP) asks others to lend him feathers; flies with everyone to the tree to pick plums; tells him to collect only green ones, collects black ones himself; refuses to show his bag; the birds pick up the feathers, the MP stays on the tree; throws plums down piece by piece, then leaves, telling him to go down after them, but does not go down; then he jumps off, scratches painfully against the thorns; tells a passing (palm) wine collector that his back has been tattooed; he suggests that his daughters be tattooed; MP pulls out both navels, throws him into the fire, says he told him not throw a nutshell into the fire, leaves, asks the owner to carry it on his back, because if he touches the ground with his feet, his daughters will die; the wife shouts after her husband kills MP, he kills their daughters; MP explains that she tells me to go faster, or it's raining; the third time a person realizes that his wife is screaming, but the MP jumps off; the man grabs his leg, he says that the person has grabbed the root; releases his leg, MP runs away]: Voorhoeve 1976, No. 6:91-93; Devin [rice bird) invited the catfish to drink palm wine, which the picker collected in a vessel on top of a palm tree; gave the catfish half their feathers; both flew in, drank, came back; one day they got very drunk; the collector just climbed onto the palm tree; the bird felt that half the feathers could not fly, took the feathers given to the catfish, flew away; the catfish collector cooked at home]: Pinney 1973:117-118; Igbo: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [birds were invited to a festival in the sky; the turtle asked the birds to pen her, took off; said her name was All of you; when they served the treat and said it was "for all of you", the Turtle took everything for itself; the birds and the Turtle went down to the top of the tree, where the birds took their feathers; the Turtle asked the Eagle to tell put rags outside the house to his wife; the Eagle told her husband to ask for stones to be placed; the turtle jumped, broke the shell, the Crab and the Snail glued it together, the seams remained]: 64-65; Basden 1938 [The turtle was invited to meeting at the top of the tree; she asked the birds to give her feathers; they penned, the Turtle flew up; the tree began to boast of its bright color; the birds were indignant, took away their feathers; the turtle rushed down broke the shell; the Ant glued it together, the stitches remained; one day the Turtle accidentally cut the Ant with a machete, but glued it together itself; so the ant seemed to be cut]: 432-433; wolof [the birds were called to heaven to go to heaven holiday; the turtle begged her to take it; each bird gave her a pen; the turtle suggested that everyone should call themselves new names, its name would be For All of you; food was served in the sky, saying that they were "for all of you "; the turtle ate everything alone; the birds furiously took their feathers from her and flew away; the turtle asked them to tell her wife to take everything soft out of the house; the birds told her to take everything out of the house hard and sharp; the turtle jumped and its shell crashed; the birds still took pity and brought in a doctor; he glued the shell together, but traces remained]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2018:61-62; tenda [Cranes they fly for meat, Hyena wants to too, she is asked to run on the ground, she gets tired dragging her bag; cranes give her feathers, she flies, sleeps with them in a tree; they warn not to eat birds singing on dawn, there will be no day without them; Hyena eats all the birds, only one hides; sings in the morning about what happened; Cranes take away Hyena's feathers, leaving only those that it has deceived; The monkey plants The hyena on her back, begins to descend, she sings that it will bite her on the ground, the Monkey leaves Hyena halfway; Hippopotamicha invites Hyena to jump off, promises to catch it, does not tell her to touch the bloating on her body; Hyena jumps, tears this place, runs away; now fish attack Hippopotamychus in the water, flies on land; the hare promises to help, asks Hippopotamich to open his anus, gets inside, cuts fat, gets out; tells Hyena to pretend to be dead, calls a skillful hunter; gives Hyena a taste of fat; she makes meat baskets all night, Hippopotamis comes to eat in the morning; she dives with her into the river, drowns her, takes out the giblets, fills it with sand, plugs the holes in the body with fish; on the bank, Hyena comes to life, comes to its children; they take out their plugs, the sand falls asleep, the Hyena dies]: Ferry 1983, No. 31:157-164.

Sudan-East Africa. Acholi [the son of the heavenly king invited birds to the wedding; the turtle asked each one to give her a pen, made wings for herself, said that her name was All of you; in heaven she asked who the treat was for her they answered that for all of you, she ate everything herself, the birds got leftovers; the birds were offended, took away her feathers, flew away; the turtle asked her husband to put everything soft in the yard; the bird said that the wife ask to fold everything solid; the turtle jumped down, broke the shell, it was glued together, the seams are still visible]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:413-414; (cf. sakho [the father is poor but wise; promises his son to become an eagle; the son tells him not to do foolish things; but the father made wings from rags, climbed a tree, crashed to death; the son went to travel, married in another country; his wife gave birth to a cat; his wife's relatives killed her husband; the cat came to the king, complained, told everything; the king ordered the father and uncle of the victim's wife to be hanged]: Reinisch 1889, No. 17:146-148).

Southern Europe. Sicilians: Kabakova 2006, No. 58 [the pig asked God to make her wings; God agreed and attached his wings with wax; the pig flew higher to see more, the wax melted in the sun, the pig flew higher to see more, the wax melted in the sun, the pig fell with her nose, it became a blunt patch], 59 [the pig envied the birds, also wanted to fly; God gave her wings with wax; the wax melted in the sky under the sun, the pig fell, her body acquired the current one form]: 109-110, 110.

Western Europe. The Welsh [King Blooduth tried to soar high into the sky with wings for himself, but fell in Trinovant on the temple of Apollo and crashed so that nothing was left of him; after the death of B. his son Leir becomes king]: Galfried Monmouth 1984 (History of the Britons, 30): 22.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Meitei [the eagles came down to peck at the dead elephant, climbed into his belly; the sun dried the elephant's skin and the eagles could not get out; a man who trained to play the Jhwal musical instrument, saw an elephant; the eagles inside the carcass began to try to fly; the eagle took off and fell; the man flew on an eagle to the king and sold him an elephant for a lot of money; the king and his wife fly away to to the elephant, the subjects waved after; but instead of going up and down, the king continued to play and the eagles lifted the elephant higher; when the elephant reached a layer of cold air, the skin softened, the eagles flew outside, the elephant fell, the king and queen crashed]: Oinam et al. s.a.

South Asia. Kumaoni [his father has 9 stupid sons; after his death, they decided to fly like birds, attached grain sieves to their hands, rushed into the abyss and crashed]: Upreti 1894:75.

China - Korea. Koreans (Shenyang in Liaoning) [when a young child cries, he is told that if he does not stop, an old hawk will fly in; a hunter shot 1000 birds, ripped off the skins and feathers, and sewed them vest and sewed 5 buttons; as he buttoned, it became lighter and began to rise into the air; when the fifth unbuttoned, he fell to the ground; he became comfortable finding and killing wild animals; van found out, envied; the hunter decided that a van who could fly and looked into all corners would be dangerous; when van ordered the hunter to be brought to his place, he presented him with a robe; van went up to the sky, but could not fall to the ground; it gradually dried up and turned into a hawk with enough wild and domestic birds]: Liaoning 1994, No. 142.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [1) After Master Daedalus helped Ariadne save Theseus from the labyrinth, King Minos of Crete imprisoned him and his son Icarus into the labyrinth. He made wings for his son and himself, gluing his feathers together with wax. Icarus rose too high, the sun melted the wax, and Icarus fell into the sea. The Greeks called this part of the Aegean Sea the Ikarian Sea. 2) On the island of Lefkada near Akarnania, feathers and birds were tied to the criminal's body and thrown off a cliff (Cell: 106; Strabo X, II, 9).

Central Europe. Luzhitans [the old man in Rivne decided to see how high he could go; tied bags under his arms (? Mulden, mecki) with the open side down and climbed onto the roof (or fence); but when he tried to take off, he fell down and lay in bed for two weeks; said he tried to fly, but did not want to fly anymore]: Schulenbudget 1882:11-12; northern Ukrainians (Volyn, Dubensky district) [summary of the text from Mikhail Krivoshapkin's manuscript "On Volyn and Minsk Polesye" (1898-1899): the wandering Ivan "came across feathers in his sermage and wanted to fly, first sent his Jewish friend, who crashed"]: Zelenin 1914, No. 12:295.

Iran - Central Asia. Shahname [with Rustam's help, Shah Kai-Kovus regained his throne and reigned safely; a diva in the guise of a young man told him that he had achieved everything on earth and must now live in heaven; then from stems aloe made a throne, four spears with lamb carcasses were attached to it, four eagles were tied to the throne; in an effort to grab meat, the eagles carried the throne from the KK into the clouds; when tired, they descended in Chinese forests; R . hardly found the exhausted KK, regained his throne]: Ulug-zoda 1989:121-122; Uzbeks in Khorezm [the plot of one of the stories completely repeats the ascension of Kai Kaus to heaven]: Snesarev 1973:51; kho [fools decided to fly, put on eagle down jackets, jumped off a cliff and crashed]: Leitner 1893b:12

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians: Andreev 1989 [Song of Wölund. Wölund, the son of the king of the Finns, a skillful goldsmith, is captured by Nyard Lord Nidudu (N. puts his shackles on V. while he sleeps). Previously, Wölund and his brothers Egil and Slagfid married Valkyries, who took off their swan clothes and then flew away again, leaving their husbands. Nidud orders that V.'s tendons be cut under his knees, settled on a deserted island away from people, where he must create more and more jewelry for N., his wife and children. V. made wings from the feathers of birds that Egil killed for him (this is explained in Norwegian Tidrexag in the late 13th century); E. is the first to try to fly and dies; V. flew away, decapitating two sons N. and raping his daughter; V. - ruler of the Alvas (=elves)]: 45 (also Meletinsky 1968:272-273); Elder Edda 1963:68-72; Ardrén 2013 [drawing an image on a stone from Ardre in Gotland, ca. 800 AD; above, Alone on an 8-legged horse, probably approaching Valhalla, where the Valkyrie has a goblet; in the middle register, the blacksmith Wayland (Völund); he has the heads of the king's two sons in the forge and flies away like a bird]: 849-950, fig. 52.1; the Swedes [the craftsman made wings for himself and, deciding to fly, jumped from the bell tower; he falls on a pile of manure, into a lake, etc.]: Klintberg 2010, No. Z81: 460.

Subarctic. Kuchin [a man makes wings out of birch bark, climbs a tree; seeing geese flying in the sky, he flaps his wings, jumps; his wings can't stand it, he breaks]: McKennan 1965:154; Beaver [Caya asks ducks and geese to give him feathers, flies with them; they warn that there are bad people on earth; people see S. flying, screaming, he falls, he is tied up, everyone relieves him; when an old woman comes, he asks him to untie him first, kills him, runs away; since then, the birds fly to the sea in the fall]: Ridington 1988:122; Chipewayan [rain floods the ground; Visákecak makes a boat, asks the Duck to dive; she brings silt on her paws several times, V. makes land; sees larvae in a deer skull, asks for permission to join the meal, sticks his head, gets stuck, swims like a deer along the river; people rush to him, he jumps ashore, breaks his skull; leads the Bear to the berry tree, he eats, gets fat, falls asleep, V. kills him; cooks meat, asks the juniper trees to part, and then his stomach hurts; gets stuck, birds eat meat; juniper twists, since then its trunk is crooked; V. decides that his eyes are rather weak, takes them out, goes blind; goes, asking the trees about them names; rejects poplar, etc., when he finds a pine tree, makes new eyes out of resin; creates landscape features, animal habits; his ass is burned, he throws scabs at the birch tree; asks geese to dance, closing eyes, kills one at a time; one opens his eyes, birds run, V. steps on water-hen and a loon, since then they have not been able to walk on land; V. laughs at the bear's excrement, he rushes at him; V. asks the caress to get into the bear's ass, gnaw the heart; then washes the caress, the tip of the tail remains black; V. eats something black that causes the eruption of gases; sits on a hot stone, throws burnt scabs on a birch tree; asks geese to give him feathers, flies with them; they take their feathers, he falls, people defecate on him; he runs away naked, turns into stone, goes to the ground; only his hair is visible on rock surfaces]: Lowie 1912:195-200.

The coast is the Plateau. Upper Chehalis [Geese don't tell Shvaneshwane to look down at people if he wants to fly with them; he curses a man; geese leave him on the mountain, take his wings; he kills an owl, descends on her wings; deceives a monster woman into taking her food; birds eat his eye; he takes his eyes off the Snail, leaving her blind]: Adamson 1934:173; Western sachaptine [Coyote hears a noise , as if a duck is flying, something hits him in the eye, he has difficulty ripping it off, throwing it into the river (var: the object consistently hits him in the jaw, face, forehead, mouth); for the fifth time he cooks it and eats it; object turns out to be a female vulva, Coyote loses teeth; when going hunting, five Goose Brothers tell his sister to marry the first man who comes; Coyote turns handsome, forgets that he is toothless, cannot to bite off meat; falls asleep, the girl sees that he has no teeth, she inserts the teeth of a mountain sheep in him; Coyote says that his teeth grow in his sleep; marries; brothers are reluctant to take him hunting, tell him not make noise, he flies, he screams, everyone falls; next time they throw him off; when he falls, he screams "I'm a feather!" , but at the last moment he accidentally shouts "Bitch!" , breaks; the wife puts her heart in her little fingers, kills the brothers with arrows, the youngest two remain; the youngest tells the eldest to shoot his sister in the little finger, who kills her; both came to the house of Cold, his daughter Winter, they're naked; they went to Summer's house, married his daughters; Winter and her daughters came to war, but Summer ruined the blanket, everything melted]: Farrand, Meyer 1917, No. 3:144-148.

The Midwest. Chippewa [Venebojo asks Vulture to teach him how to fly; waves his arms like wings; Vulture leaves him high in the sky; M. does not know how to go down, jumps down; turns into dead moose, catches Vulture, makes him bald]: Barnouw 1977, No. 12:90; Marsh Cree (Albany) [birds fly south; Wicágatcak wants to fly with them; they warn not to look down; he looks, falls, becomes human again, but cannot get up; people relieve him; when an old woman sits down, he pierces her with a stick, puts her on a stick like meat on a skewer]: Skinner 1911:87; the northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Visakaijak wants to fly with geese; they give him gooseskin, tell him not to descend over villages, not to look down; he breaks prohibitions, is shot, falls; runs away, leaving goosebuk's skin]: Ray, Stevens 1971:41; timagami ojibwa [geese give Nenebuk wings, tell him not to look down; he looks, falls into a hollow stump; girls chop a stump with axes, they think there are porcupines inside; old man im: this is N.]: Speck 1915d, No. 2:38-39; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [Vesakaicak wants to fly with geese; they give him wings; they don't tell him to take off, until his wings grow; he takes off, one wing breaks, he falls; he is not told to fly over camps; he flies, an arrow pierces his wing; he falls, shamed]: 350-352; Curtis 1976 (18) [Visá Kechah asks Swans to make him one of them; they give him feathers, tell him not to make noise near settlements; V. Voices, people beat swans, V. He takes his true form, feasts with everyone; when he comes to the lake, he makes a bundle of grass and leaves; Ducks ask what he carries; (apparently, answers what songs); V. He tells them to dance with his eyes closed, kills one at a time; the Fox calls to a feast; he pretends to be lame; V. He offers to race; the Fox overtakes him, eats everything; V. He makes a fire around the sleeping Fox; he jumped out, burned, now red]: 132-133; Skinner 1916, No. 1 (3) [Visukejak (= Nenapuk) asks the Swans to turn him into one of them; flies, contrary to the warning, he looks down, is shot, falls, losing consciousness, becomes human; the leader tells him to defecate; he asks the old woman to release one hand; grabs a stick and pierces her in the ass, frees herself, runs away; the old woman's corpse on a stick remains lying]: 348.

Northeast. Wolverine wears feathers and flies with the Geese; they warn him not to look down when people scream on the ground; he looks and falls. Naskapi: Millman 1993 [Wolverine asks Geese to teach him how to fly; they give him feathers, tell him to fear people; Wolverine screams as he flies over the camp, Stupid people; the old woman shot him, relieved him; Wolverine doesn't fly anymore]: 36-37; Turner 1894 [(=199:163); Wolverine calls birds, calls herself their older brother, dresses them in feathers, makes wings, offers to fly; Geese they warn not to look down, Wolverine looks at screaming people, falls; two old women come up to pluck the "goose", but feel the stench, tell the children to throw away the carrion; another old woman does not believe that the goose is already deteriorated, finds a dead wolverine in this place]: 327:327; nascapi, montagnier [two old women come to relieve Wolverine; he says whoever does this must have with him skewer; they bring skewers, he pierces them into their anuses, killing both]: Desbarats 1969:86-87.

Plains. Crowe [Coyote flies with geese as one of them; they warn he won't make it; children shoot geese, Coyote falls; when the chief's wife, her sister, and he start it himself pluck, he grabs them by the genitals; runs away]: Lowie 1918:38.

California. Vintu [Coyote makes wings out of sunflower leaves; they wither, he falls]: Curtin 1898 [deciding that people should not go up to heaven and rejuvenate, he is afraid that he will die too; tries to fly] : 173-174; Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 8-11 [imitates Hummingbird]: 411-415; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 9 [people have decided to build a ladder to heaven; Vulture Chief: old men will go up to heaven and rejuvenate; Coyote: it will be good if people die and cry at funerals; Vulture: acorns ripen without peel; Coyote: let the boy and girls clean their acorns; it's cold, people are angry and destroyed the stairs; Var.: Hawk instead of Vulture, made a ladder alone, climbed upstairs; Coyote: come back! The coyote made his wings out of sunflower leaves, they withered, he fell], 54 [dies]: 299, 380-382; pomo: Angulo, Freeland 1928 (southeastern pomo) [starlings give Coyote feathers, tell him not to fly high; he breaks the ban, they take feathers; he falls, breaks, brought back to life]: 243; Barrett 1933, No. 68/II [Coyote wants to fly like birds; each gives him a feather; he takes off but attacks their stakes lose their eye; The tree lets him close his eye socket; Blue Jay heals, the eye recovers], 77.III [starting as in (68); Coyote accidentally gouged out his eye by sitting on a bush; makes a new one shell beads]: 265-266, 291-292; Williams 1954 [Coyote asks the Blackbirds to give him feathers; promises to fly with them to the sky door that opens and closes; tells the Sun stand still so that Coyote's wife Frog does not know that he is having fun with girls; Starlings take feathers at the door of heaven, Coyote falls for four days, leaving only his voice; he calls the doctor; rejects Salamander, Turtle, Owl; Kuksu revives him, but puts his head backwards; Coyote creates people from branches whose heads are also turned back, calls K.; he dances with them in the house (first K. cult rituals), takes off their heads, realizes that these people cannot live; taking off the Coyote's head, puts him face forward; Coyote orders the Sun to move on]: 58-62; Nisenan [Coyote wants to fly, Asks Eagle to make him like himself; he does, but Coyote falls from a pine tree to the ground, crashes to death]: Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 7:35.

Big Pool. Birds give feathers to the Wolf or Coyote; he falls, but remains alive or comes to life; after that, Coyote finds the corpse of a pregnant woman, takes out the girl, calls her sister. Western shoshones [Coyote falls as...]: Smith 1993:129 [looks down], 159 [flies too long]; Utah: Lowie 1924, No. 27 (southern Utah) [geese take their feathers back because the wolf is too loud screams in the air]: 53; Powell 1971 [the eldest of two brothers Shin-au-Av (Wolves) asks Geese to give him feathers; flies with them, they take feathers, he falls; eats his own brains from a broken skull; this is the first food he eats in his life; Geese kill a lot of people; S. finds a woman who has escaped, sees a baby for the first time in his life, wants to take it with him; Geese say he will not be able to carry it on his legs (needed for walking), in his arms (you need to hold a bow), on his back (it will fall); must carry it in his stomach; he swallows a baby, then gives birth to a girl; it hurts; decides that men will not be able to tolerate labor pains and this should be the lot of women]: 88-89; Smith 1992:27-28 (Utah uncompagre) [because Coyote pees into every source], 80-81 and 96-98 (White River Utah) [Coyote looks down and falls]; Mason 1910 ( Uintach), No. 12 [The geese agreed to give the Coyote feathers, told him to remain silent; he took off, he screamed, the geese took their feathers, the Coyote fell]: 310-311; southern payutes [geese take their feathers because...]: Lowie 1924, No. 11 (shivvitz ) [Coyote screams loudly and looks down], 5 (Moapa) [they don't like how Coyote flies]: 124-125, 165.

The Great Southwest. If not otherwise: the birds give their feathers to the Coyote, then they take them back. Navajo [Coyote wants to fly with larks; they tie wings to his paws; he flies in front; larks think a flying Coyote can be dangerous; everyone pulls out the feather they gave to Coyote; he falls into a pond, dies, comes to life]: Hill, Hill 1945, No. 3:320; hicarilla [Geese give feathers to Fox; warn not to open his eyes during the flight; he flies over the village of Svetlyakov because of sparks opens his eyes, falls; asks Svetlyakov how to get over the wall surrounding the village; they show the cedar; the fox invites them to dance, hits the drum he invented; puts his tail into the fire runs away; tells the cedar to bend down and throw it over the wall; hands fire to the Hawk; Fireflies say that the Fox himself will not use it as punishment for stealing fire]: Russel 1898:261-262; lipan [The Coyote wants to fly south with the Geese; he is given white sheets instead of wings, told him not to look down; in spring, on his way back, he looks at the village of Svetlyakov; falls, steals fire from them]: Opler 1940: 108; chiricahua [Geese or Turkeys give wings to Coyote; take it back, he falls]: Opler 1942, No. 58:71; Hopi [falls, dies]: Hodge 1993 [Coyote wants to dance with chiro birds; those give him feathers, he takes off with them, they take the feathers back, he falls, breaks]: 41; Voth 1905, No. 68 [blue jay feathers], 72 [chiro bird feathers]: 196-197, 203-204; Wallis 1936, No. 15:52; Zunyi : Cushing 1901 [Rooks gather in a pack in autumn, dance before departure; Coyote wants to dance with them; Rooks give him feathers; he takes off the slope but falls, because all the Rooks are penned by one and same wing; next time the feathers are typed correctly, the Coyote takes off; when tired, the Rooks pretend to support him, pull out their feathers themselves; the Coyote falls, slightly alive; the remaining feathers turn into dark hair on legs and tail]: 237-242; Parsons 1918, No. 2 [bluebirds give feathers to Coyote, he takes off with them; they take off feathers, he falls, breaks; his remains are brought to his grandmother]: 218-219; Western ceres: Boas 1928a: 161-164 (Laguna) [Coyoticha brings juniper berries to blackbirds; Jackdaws make a ladder out of sunflower stalks, Coyoticha climbs it the stairs fall apart, the Coyoticha falls down, scatters berries; Jackdaws eat them, fly away, each leaves Coyoticha on the pen; the Coyoticha also takes off, drinks from a puddle on the rock, Jackdaws take their feathers, fly away; the Spider Coyoticha lowers in the basket, she opens her eyes, the basket falls, the Coyoticha breaks, comes to life]: 270 [summary]; Parsons 1918, No. 3 (Laguna) [Bluebirds decide to fly to the mesa; they give feathers to Coyote, he flies with them; they take feathers, he falls off a cliff, crashes; Jackdaws wonder where he went], 4 (Akoma) [Pigeons give feathers to Coyote, he flies with them to the spring; they take feathers; the Spider He lowers it in the basket; he breaks the ban on opening his eyes, the basket falls, it breaks; another coyote revives him]: 219-220, 220-221; Hano Tewa [Coyote wants to dance in the air with birds; falls, crashes to death]: Kroskrity 1985 [mother bird sings when teaching chicks; Coyote thinks it's enough, tries to fly, falls]: 192-195; Parsons 1926, No. 24 [birds give him feathers, then select]: 283-285.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 9 [The turtle rolls head over heels down the mountain, the Deer wants to play like this too, rolls down, crashes to death; the Turtle hides the carcass, invites the Jaguar to roll down; he bruised but alive; The turtle gives the Jaguar a deer carcass in fear; the Jaguar consistently refuses to give the Turtle various parts of the carcass, finally gives mondongo; the turtle cooks this part, the Jaguar likes the broth , he also asks, the Turtle pours boiling broth in his face, grabs it anasibari (something that makes it possible to run fast), runs away, jumps into the lake; the Jaguar asks the Cocibo eagle to take it away from the Turtle, but The turtle drowns the Eagle, takes its wings, flies to his two daughters; they see at the last moment that it is not their father, they close the door; the turtle shouts "cocoa", but Eagle's daughters understand that this is someone else's voice ; The turtle takes off, its feathers fall out, falls against a tree trunk, and since then its shell on its chest is split and pressed]: 54-56; Wilbert 1970 [The turtle takes the Jaguar necklace; he asks Hawk for help or Vulture; The turtle defeats the bird, pulls out its feathers, attaches it to itself, flies, the feathers fall out, the turtle falls on the old woman, killing her; cooks her meat; her granddaughters find the brew], No. 183 [sticks waxing hawk feathers, wax melts under the sun], 184, 208:411, 413-414, 480-481; caliña: Magaña 1987, No. 33 [man pretends to be dead, leaves excrement next to him; descends Royal Vulture, a man kills him; Vulture's assistant offers him to take a month to kill, gives wings; Vulture's wife suspects a substitution, invites his father to give her husband difficult assignments; 1) make a bench in the shape of a father-in-law's head (The fly climbs into Vulture's nostrils, tells the person what the head looks like); 2) get an arrow from the top of the seiba (the Squirrel brings); 3) the same, from the top of the giant seiba; a person runs back to the ground; teaches others how to make wings; tells them not to fly high; one person takes off, Vultures attack him, he falls, breaking a hole in the ground; people forget how to make wings ], 51 [a person marries a vulture woman, goes up to heaven with her; father-in-law suspects that he is a stranger, gives difficult tasks; 1) cut out a bench with his image (oropendola tells us what she); 2) build a house on a rock (a worm helps); 3) climb a tall tree; a person cannot do this, but other vultures hide him, he runs to the ground; the boy steals his wings and takes off; he does not know how to use his wings, he gets to the vultures, they attack him, he falls, falls into the ground]: 242, 246; Galibi [the ibises offered the jaguar to take him to a place where there is a lot of game; everyone gave a pen, (did the jaguar fly and then the ibises took their feathers?) , left on a sandbar; the water rises; 3 species of turtles refuse to take a jaguar, the manatee agrees; when the jaguar was on the shore, he managed to bite off a piece of the manatee's shoulder blade; In the morning, a turtle saw a dead (or seriously injured?) on the shore manatee, began to beat the drum, calling the animals to find out who the killer was; a jaguar came, the turtle helped the manatee grab him and drag him into the water; the urubu refused to eat the dead jaguar; when it came jaguariha, the jaguar is alive; the jaguar will never die]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 3:27-37.

Western Amazon. The wax melts under the sun. Napo [The Vulture invites the Battleship to fly; brings him feathers, waxes him; the wax melts under the sun, the Battleship falls, asks Tapir to pull it out of the clay; he offers to hold on to his eggs, pulls them out; Battleship cuts them off with a knife, Tapir dies; Battleship hides in a carcass; vultures flock, he kills them one by one]: Mercier 1979:199-201; shuar: Pelizzaro 1990 (=1993) [The sun makes wings to the Fox (Kujáncham) and Vulture; waxes them, tells them not to fly for a month until the wings grow; K. takes off ahead of time, his fiancée admires him, the wax melts, it falls; so humans have no wings, but vultures do]: 70-71; Rueda 1987, No. 7 [The sun gives the Fox (Kujáncham) wings, waxes, tells him not to fly in the sun; K. hurries to mistress, takes off, the wax melts, it falls; var.: K. also wants to play with the month like a ball, burns his hands on it; the Sun curses K., does not give him wings]: 62-63; Aguaruna [Little Battleship wants to fly, asks for wings from people who make them and wax them; they warn them not to fly in the sun; he breaks the ban, the wax melts, it falls; in this place a woman sculpted a clay vessel, I put it on the Battleship; part of the vessel was blinded by the Frog, a bad potter; therefore, some parts of the battleship's shell look different; birds take their wings]: Chumap Lucía, García- Rendueles 1979, No. 25:253-257.

The Central Andes. Dep. Lambayeque: Narvaez Vargas 2001:119-120 (Tucumé) [There is a holiday in heaven; the fox musician asks the red-headed vulture to take him there; the Vulture refuses, the Fox makes his wings out of calebas, not can fly up; the Vulture still picks it up, drops it, the Fox breaks, the Vulture pecks out his eyes], 352-353 (Tucume) [The vulture says it's a holiday in heaven; the fox makes his wings out a calebass, but can't fly; the Vulture lifts it into the air, sheds it, pecks its eyes out], 359 (Motupe) [The Vulture tells the Fox that it's easy to fly, you have to make wings out of calebas; the fox does jumps into the abyss, crashes, Vulture eats it].

Central Amazon. Munduruku [The fox waxes feathers, takes off after the Vulture; the wax melts in the sun, the Fox falls, breaks]: Farabee 1917:134 in Lévi-Strauss 1966, No. 220:94.

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [battleship; turtle; wax melted under the sun]: Roe 1991a: 26-28

Bolivia - Guaporé. Mosetin; Mosethen [Dohitt sculpted people out of clay; went to heaven, closed it; decided to go down; made a rope out of his snot, went down; his companion, the white condor Keri, climbed after him; rope cut short, K. crashed; D. threw his head into the water, it turned into fish; D. went and asked people for food; he was not given; in one place men wanted to give, women refused; D. turned people into vultures, anteaters, and other animals; people dyed women's clothes red; D. asked three times what they were doing; they answered, then they got angry; he turned them into red monkeys; in another the place was painted with black paint - penelope chickens; people stoned motaku fruits, did not give D., he turned people into capuchin monkeys; others wanted to kill him, D. shot, people climbed a tree for with his arrows, he turned them into squirrels; D. has a bird wife; Ken's birds give him a pen each; he flies, pulls feathers, falls on the chima fruit tree; it was low but began to grow, D. can't get down; D. became small, the Caterpillar lowers it down the trunk; throws it on the bamboo, it hangs there; Jaguar, the Big Wild Cat, does not cut his tongue against bamboo; The little cat frees D.; D. came to the village, where the sorcerer Kókotze is sitting on a snake, playing with a top; he got up, D. sat in his place; K. pierced him vertically with his point; when D. moved, the ground trembled; K. another point in his head, D. more does not move, the earth does not tremble; D. gave the sorcerer a vessel of water; when there is thunder below, D. asks the sorcerer to splash water, he answers from above]: Nordenskiöld 1924:139-142; chimane [like a moseten; asks from parrots; breaks the promise not to imitate their voices; parrots take their feathers back]: Daillant 1995:164; Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1:61

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 309 [people find a tree with water and fish in the trunk; women take fish from the hole as needed; the worse ones are given to Lisa-Dibe; she pretends to have she has a thorn in the water, comes back, opens a hole, the water pours out, forming a river with fish; fearing punishment, D. turns into a fox; Iguana married her, but then kicked her out; she grabbed him, but in hers only skin remains in her teeth; so the iguanas shed every year; D. grabbed the Chougoupedate fishing bird by the legs, began to pluck; it escaped, flew; D. attached her feathers, took off, then fell; people wanted to kill her, but she had already given birth to children because she slept with several people; so now animals give birth to many young at once, and women give birth to one child; D.'s children were fed honey, and now feeding her deceased mother's children], 313 [The fox released the fish inside the bottle tree; Vulture was sent to find and kill her; another Vulture saw Liu sleeping, picked it up to the top of the tree; the small Battleship climbed there and met the Fox; all the birds did the same; sex has been known ever since; Battleship made a rope out of his saliva, the Fox descended it; Vulture at night (Vulture) started smoking a pipe; the fox woke up, he agreed to let her smoke, but told her not to tell others; she said she ran away to escape; attacked the Heron, she flew away; the fox took off her feathers, flew off, fell; Lisa tried to steal meat; lived alone]: 370-371, 375-378; matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 78 [Sipilah owned a bottle tree full of fish; did not tell Tokhuah to shoot fish; he shot at the dorado, the tree split; S. told T. to take the water away; stick a stick in the ground for the night, the water would stop, he would be able to sleep; ordered not to look back; T. looked around, saw a water monster, drowned; until This was offered to Iguana by anal sex; he said that T.'s penis was too big, but did not say that he had two penises himself; T. began to eat mistol fruits, they fell out of his ass; he covered it with grass; T. eats the baby nanda, they drive it into a hole, leave their feathers at the entrance, he thinks they are still here; he escapes as a hummingbird; in an empty village he asks a mortar where its owners are; she is silent, he throws her against a tree, she bounces into his head; asks a needle, she says pin-pin, he steps on her, she pierces his leg; the excrement answers, Thlapapapa, he gives with his foot, covered in crap; thinks that frogs are croaking in the water, diving, and there are cacti; the white bird advises digging into hot ash to turn white; T. is burned; asks for chakha birds (Chauna torquata) give him feathers, they wax them, he takes off, the wax melts in the sun, T. falls, screams, I'm a mortar, falls with a mortar, becomes human; The hawk stands on a branch on one leg, helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two; the Spider puts his leg back, he calls it redmouth and fat, his leg falls off again; the other Spider heals him again; the red-eyed The pigeon advises rubbing red pepper into his eyes, T. goes blind temporarily; a white-faced bird with a long beak advises him to smear clay and put sticks in his nose; he does this], 112 [(Metraux 1939:31); Taqwah stole fire; Jaguar was left without fire, chasing T. ; birds each give him a pen; he waxes them, flies away; the Jaguar blows, the wax melts, T. falls, hides in a hole; the Jaguar leaves a piece of his skin before entering, leaves; T. starves; finally comes out, runs away]: 165-168, 217; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 216 [The vulture gives the Jaguar feathers; he wants to eat it; the Vulture kills him with a club], 217 [The jaguar takes the wings of a snow-white bird to fly down and back from the tree; one falls off, it crashes to death]: 524, 525; chorote [The fox wants to fly with parrots to where they feed on corn ; he was given wings, he took off, fell immediately, threw his wings, found himself in dry thickets where he was thirsty]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 149:279; maca [Jaguar asks Vulture to teach him how to fly; he makes his wings from feathers glued together with wax; under the sun, the wax melts, the Jaguar falls, the Vulture bites his corpse]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 54 [ovenbird revives it from bones], 55:136-138; Toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 111 [The fox is jealous of Chajá (Chauna torquata), which advises him to attach feathers; the fox jumps from a tall tree, the feathers soon fall out, the Fox breaks; as always, a year later he comes to life], 112 [The fox is jealous of the Chajá birds, they give him feathers, he waxes them, takes off with the birds; the sun melted the wax in the sky, the Fox fell and crashed]: 228, 229; 1989a, No. 203-207 [Fox; imitates Chauna torquata, its feathers fall out], 208-209 [as in Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b], 363 [anthropomorphic falcon; imitates a parrot and sticks to it; feathers fall out]: 285- 290, 290-291, 485-486.

Southern Brazil. Guarani (kaaiva) [(zap. Manizer); the man waxed his wings, flew, the wax melted under the sun, he began to fall, turned into a jacaveré bird (Gallinago paraguaensis); it rises high, then falls with folded wings, lives in a swamp]: Strelnikov 1930:226 (=Tanasiychuk 2003:219).