Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29. Trickster: identification with objects and creatures.


trickster is defined as a protagonist in the following characteristic episodes.

A28. The smart Sun Man draws the stupid Month into all sorts of tricks. The Month itself is unable to invent them; it tries to repeat the actions of the Sun. As a result, the Month is usually humiliated, maimed, or killed (the Sun usually brings it back to life).

A42. The character comes to the Sun, presumptuously tries to play his role, fails.

B38. Someone paints birds or animals, or they paint each other. This is not happening as expected. A Trickster is a character who is not happy with his coloring book.

D13I. The character makes the audience laugh to identify the deceiver and thief by a broken tooth. The fox laughs and gives herself away.

F5A. The character is forced to promise to marry another daughter or sister. Without one or unwilling to give her away, he makes a girl out of wood, snow, etc., turns an animal into a girl, sends not a daughter, but a maid, turns into a woman himself, or confesses a lie when the trouble is over.

F15. The character sticks his plant-like penis out of the ground, provoking the woman to sit on it.

F18C. The character sends his penis across the river to a girl who is swimming on the other side or sleeping on the other side, or turns his penis into a bridge for the girl to cross the river or into a dam, which blocks the river in front of it.

F25. The character sprays animal blood or his own blood on or near a woman and says that the woman is now on her period.

F56. Seeing the vagina of a mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, niece, or mother-in-law, a man or boy thinks about or commits incest.

F56A. To see a woman's genitals, a man throws something brightly flashing into the hearth. The woman loosens back, exposing her genitals.

F58. The character spends the night with a group of women hiding their nature and/or intentions. He is then either identified and punished, or he escapes to continue his antics.

F60. The girl fell ill. The character comes to heal her. The treatment consists of him copulating with her or trying to do it.

F61. The male character pretends to be sick or weak; asks a woman to carry him on her back; she agrees, he copulates or tries to copulate with her on the go.

F63. A man becomes a woman and gets married.

F64. The character changes his appearance to combine with a close relative in a descending (less commonly ascending) line.

F65B. The character simulates his death to eat greedily alone.

F81. The character does not recognize his reflection in the water, thinks that a woman is looking at him and wants to marry her.

F82. The son-in-law uses the trick to sleep with his mother-in-law, or the mother-in-law uses the son-in-law. Usually, the son-in-law insists that his mother-in-law, not his wife, accompany him on the hunt.

F83. The character does something forbidden and indecent in a place where no one can see him. Soon after, he asks people what's new. He is told that there is no news, except that the name (this character) did this and that.

F83A. A weaker character asks the children of a large predator to convey an insult to their mother - usually announcing his intention to make love to her.

F83B. A strong female animal chases a weak male, but gets stuck between trees, stones, etc. The runaway mocks his stalker, usually rapes her.

F92. The male character allows himself to be used as a sexual object.

H18. Commercial animals were concentrated in one place, the character allows them to run away.

H20. The character releases fish that were previously concentrated in one place.

H37A. The character gives the other the ability to light a fire. He uses it unnecessarily, loses it.

J12. A girl or two sisters travel, usually looking for a suitable, gone or far away groom or husband; along the way they find unpleasant contenders for their hand who pretend to be worthy . The Trickster is a false fiance.

J12L. The killer pretends to mourn the victim with everyone else. The deception is revealed, the murderer is persecuted.

K1H. Due to stupidity, negligence, or because of the machinations of an opponent, the character finds himself in a hollow of a tree or inside a rock and cannot get out; someone frees him by making a hole from the outside.

K8A1. The raven finds himself in Keith's womb, seeing a woman asking him not to touch a Keith's organ (usually the heart) or a burning lamp. The raven breaks the ban, the woman goes missing, Keith dies.

K8C. The character penetrates into an ordinary herbivore or omnivorous animal. It kills the animal from the inside and/or returns to the outside without assistance.

K8E. The character penetrates the creature through the anus, kills it from within and/or comes out on his own.

K19E. Returning from heaven to earth, a woman or two sisters find themselves in a tree. Some animals are unable or unwilling to help them get down to earth; the last animal comes down to marry their sisters; they run away from him.

K35. The deceiver takes the guise of a hero in order to take possession of a woman.

K75. A girl (usually the youngest sister) does not reject a hero who temporarily looks like a freak, an old man, a poor man, an animal, or picks up the remains of a hero and he comes to life. After a while, the hero discovers his true nature. A character who unreasonably claims to be a hero, tries to replace him, and acts as a jester in contrast to the hero is a trickster.

K119. The animal promises to marry the poor man to a rich bride and, having resorted to deception, fulfills its promise.

L33B. The character and the Boulder agree to race down the slope. The boulder is rolling faster and crushing the character.

L33G. A tree or stone kills anyone who calls it a certain way. The character provokes others to do this and eats the dead, the last guest deceives the provocateur

L45 himself. A strong character drives the weak one into a trap, leaves someone to guard the prey; the weak one fools the watchman and runs away.

L57. The character loses his inner organ, part of his body, they are carried away by others; he approaches imperceptibly, takes what has been lost.

L116A. A zoomorphic character tricks on getting or trying to get a girl or woman, but she runs away from him or kills him.

M3A. The character invites aquatic creatures to count them, to form a chain, cross it to the other side or go to land.

M5A. An animal that can't swim with others sails in a boat. The boat sinks, the animal can hardly reach the shore or sinks. Usually, an aquatic animal puts a drowning person on its back, brings him to the shore, and the rescued animal shows ingratitude to the savior.

M8C. The holes in the character's body are covered with clay, wax, resin, etc. Birds pierce this crust.

M12. Unable, unwilling or unable to catch game (fish), a hunter (fisherman) cuts flesh from his body, pulls out his entrails, and collects blood. It usually offers it to others under the guise of animal meat or fish.

M18. The character turns into an object of fishing or hunting, exposing himself as a target for enemies. Arrows, darts, harpoons get stuck in his body without causing harm, he carries them away; the hook he uses is bitten off and carried away by him; he catches fish on his own. A trickster is a character who tries to resort to such a trick, but finds himself caught.

M19. After it is carried away by the river or falls from a height, the character turns into a piece of wood. Someone brings it into the house. In the absence of owners, the character takes on his true form.

M20. The character unhooks fish or bait; he is caught, his beak or jaw is damaged. Except for Koryaks: people keep their torn jaw in the house; the character comes and picks it up.

M23. The character pretends to be afraid of only one method of killing that is not really dangerous for him.

M26. The character dives under waterfowl, ties a rope to their legs to catch them. Birds soar into the air, taking their catcher with them. It later falls.

M30. A character who has no wings by nature or is unable to fly long distances rises into the air, but as a result falls or, losing wings, stays high above the ground.

M31. A character who can't swim runs the risk of swimming on the other's back but falls into the water.

M32. The character's food or water, or his own entrails, flow out of his ass.

M32A. The character's insides or pieces of flesh fall out of his back. He eats them, mistaking them for regular meat and fat.

M33. The character himself or someone else sews up, plugs, or seals his anus tightly (with wax, clay, grass, etc.).

M35. Two characters compete to see which of them will spend the whole night in the cold and stay alive. By morning, one of them (the trickster) dies.

M36. The character finds himself inside wood, stone, ice, etc. He or someone else makes a hole, but it's too small. He disassembles himself, pushes these parts into the hole and reassembles it.

M38. The character sees others acting (usually getting food) using magic or techniques that suit their nature. He (or a member of his family) imitates their actions but fails.

M40. A weaker character comes to a stronger wife (mother, son) and tells her (him) that her husband (father, etc.) told him to surrender to him, feed him, marry him, etc.

M41. The character throws his eyes (Alaska: tooth) up or into the distance; they first return to the eye sockets, then disappear.

M42. The character inadvertently loses his eyes. Later, it returns, makes new ones from a substance, or takes away from another character.

M45. The character falls asleep, pretends to be dead or sick, and lots of wild animals gather for him. He catches them or kills them.

M46. The character turns into a small object, from contact with which a woman becomes pregnant, or into a baby. A picked up or born baby takes on its true appearance and steals valuables.

M50. The character tries unsuccessfully to join a group of star characters or tries to catch up with characters who run away from him and turn into stars. Most of the time, the motif is combined with other trickster episodes.

M51. One of the two characters gets meat. The weaker of the two deceives the other by hiding meat on a tall tree or on a rock in his absence (usually then throws something inedible to the strong man, who is most often killed or injured with this object).

M53. The character invites others (usually ducks, geese) to gather around him and focus on some activity (usually dance with their eyes closed or lowered). Kills the crowd one at a time.

M53A. A character (always a raven) tricks seals or other marine mammals into killing and eating them.

M53D. The character pretends to be enemies coming; when people run away in fear, the character takes what the deceived people owned.

M56A. A weak character hits a crocodile, but the crocodile is safe. He says he would be killed if the attack hit a specific location. Next time, the same character hits this place, kills a crocodile.

M56B. The character's wish will be fulfilled if he brings the skin (paw, tears, etc.) of animals that are stronger than him or are difficult to catch. He cunningly completes the task, but does not receive the reward he expected. {Statistical calculations take into account only African variants; in America, the motive is from African Americans}.

M57D. The character consistently receives magical items that bring wealth. Others replace them. In the end, he gets a baton or warrior servants who beat the kidnappers, forcing them to return everything. {In most cases, the character is anthropomorphic, but zoomorphic characters are also found}

M59. The little animal asks the big one to transport it across the river. Consistently rejects all seats on the carrier's body. He sits where he can kill the carrier when the crossing is over.

M60B. The character pretends to be a doctor and comes to the patient, but does not heal, but eats him.

M61. The character provokes a quarrel by telling each of his opponents that one of them allegedly insulted the other or was hostile to him.

M62A. The hero quietly damages each of the two characters; they think at each other, quarrel, fight.

M62C. A weak character takes turns negotiating with two strong ones to compete in a tug of war. They, unaware of this, pull the war from each other.

M62D. The character wears rotten skin, pretends to be another animal, says that the name of the rivers (i.e. himself) bewitched him. The animals are frightened and leave the character alone.

M62E. A weak character alternately negotiates with two strong ones to cultivate the site. They work at different times and can't see each other. As a result, a weak character takes the entire harvest.

M62F. The character consistently asks others to come to him (to help with his work or get a debt). Those called come, each next one is stronger than the previous one and eats it (or the previous one runs away when they see him), the last two die when they fight

M64 with each other. The character comes to the owner of the food (salmon; to the owner of the tides), pretends that he already owns the food, as a result, the food is made available (the littoral is exposed during tides, salmon spread across the river).

M65. The character is baking meat; he is unable to move by sticking to a tree or stone or being trapped by trees; at this time, the other character eats all the meat.

M65B. By deception, the character kills the game, but thieves take away its prey.

M66. After eating or rubbing his body with a certain animal or plant, contrary to warning, the character suffers from itching, diarrhea, or an irrepressible eruption of intestinal gases.

M67. By stupidity or carelessness, the character causes a wind that blows him away.

M69. The character is attracted to the inside of the skull of a large animal (small animals or insects dance or feast inside, or there is some meat); he sticks his head inside, it gets stuck.

M73. Two characters compare their excrement or vomit to learn about each other's diet. The weaker one can replace the secretions.

M74. Two characters burp their food to learn about each other's diet. The weaker manages to replace secretions or regurgitate pre-swallowed unusual food.

M74A. The character (usually Lisa) pretends to be invited to visit several times in connection with the birth of a child, eats up supplies himself; when he returns, he replies that the child was named "Beginning", "Middle", etc.

M74aa. The character (several times) pretends to be his name (that he is going to visit), and eats up supplies himself.

M74B. The character secretly eats supplies from others; at night he adjusts so that the sign that identifies the thief is not on him, but on another character (smears another character with leftovers or secretions from his body, replaces secretions, etc.).

M77. The character stains another's clothes or bed with sewage or something similar to sewage; threatens to spoil the air and blame the other; taking advantage of the victim's confusion, achieves his goal.

M80. The character insults a partrige-like bird, kills or offends its chickens; the partridge suddenly takes off in front of the offender, he falls (usually into a lake or river).

M82. The character sees that something is tied to the other's tail. He also wants such a tail for himself, and as a result he suffers damage.

M82A. One zoomorphic character quietly ties something thundering to another's tail. He runs in panic, believing that he is being chased.

M83A. The characters are arguing which one is older. After some people tell us how long they were born, the latter says that his son, grandson or brother died at that time.

M85. A character unable to climb a tree threatens to knock it down or climb a trunk if a bird or squirrel does not drop a cub or egg. The third character explains that the threat is untenable (ATU 56A).

M86. A rock stalks or otherwise punishes a character when he wrongly insults her.

M87. The character comes to a house that is abandoned or seems to have been abandoned by its inhabitants. He tries to pick up or touch things. Invisible owners prevent him from doing this, or the things themselves hurt him.

M88. The character follows the dancing girls and dies.

M89A. Only horned animals are allowed to attend the festival. The character makes fake horns for himself, is exposed.

M91. The character pretends that the dead (inanimate) is alive. When it becomes clear that this is a dead man, he blames others for his death, receives a ransom, gifts.

M91c2. A character is placed in a bag or chest, locked in a cage, tied, etc., to drown, burn, etc. When left for a while, the character pretends to be in the bag voluntarily or because that he does not want to become a chief, marry, etc.; the other agrees to take his place.

M92. Something red is glued to the character's eyelashes, he thinks it's a fire.

M93. When falling asleep, the character tells his eyes, which he takes out of his eye sockets beforehand, or his ass to wake him up in case of danger. The eyes or ass did not give a signal, or the character himself did not listen to them, as a result, the misfortune happened.

M94a1. Mountain riding: trickster animals.

M94B. The character lures another into the basket, as a result he dies or is maimed.

M96. In order not to share with his family, the character pretends to have a lot of people visiting him. He eats everything himself, sending his family away.

M97. The character goes blind, walks, bumping into trees of various species, asking each one what it is called. According to their answers, he understands whether it is far from water or whether he can make new eyes out of wood resin.

M100. One of the characters encourages the other to go to bed on the edge of a cliff. At night (or at other times, if the character is blind) offers to move, he falls and crashes.

M100B. One of the characters leads the other to a cliff to start a fire, or makes a fire on the edge of a cliff. The other one falls and crashes as a result.

M100B. One of the characters encourages the other to jump off a high cliff, because his ancestor allegedly did so. The character jumps, crashes.

M101. The fox admits that he is afraid of people, and the Bear is afraid of birds. Everyone goes hunting those they're not afraid of. As a result, the Bear was killed or injured.

M102. The character believes that the other has only temporarily separated his head or legs from himself, asks to do the same to him, dies or is maimed.

M104. The character hides his close relative (children, brothers, mother), tells another that he killed them. When another kills her own, it turns out that the children (mother) of the first are alive and well.

M105B. The character replies that the burden, hump, or bloating on his back or head is his dead mother or grandmother. The other one kills his mother or wife, puts it on her back, on her head.

M106. The character is called to help transport property or provisions across the river. He steals a boat along with his luggage.

M107. A small character kills a large four-legged by biting off his genitals.

M108. The character calls to help transport property or provisions across the river, steals a boat along with luggage.

M108A. Single elderly spouses adopt a trickster. He steals them and runs away.

M109. One zoomorphic character advises the other to stretch out, lower the tail so that something edible sticks to him. It is impossible to pull out the tail, the character remains without a tail or dies.

M109A. One zoomorphic character advises another to sit on the ice until food falls from the sky. The person sitting on the ice freezes to him.

M109B. The fox convinces the injured wolf or bear that she is even worse than he is, he agrees to drag it on his back.

M110. Upon learning that it is being transported by water to eat, the land animal explains to the carrier that it has forgotten on the shore that the meat does not taste good, which should be used as medicine, etc. The carrier agrees to return for this authority, the animal runs away (ATU 91).

M111. A trickster who can climb trees (usually a monkey) negotiates with another animal (turtle, crab) to collect fruits. The trickster eats good fruits, sheds one peel or rot on the companion. The satellite takes revenge.

M112. The character refuses to work with others (usually digging or cleaning a source of drinking water), but comes to enjoy the fruits of labor (ATU 55).

M117. A fox or other predator asks the bird what it does when the wind blows. The bird shows how it puts its head under its wing, the fox grabs it.

M118. The character gets valuables or takes refuge inside an animal, tree, or room. The Trickster follows his example, but destroys the source of valuables, dies himself or suffers damage.

M119. The character eats another's cubs. He gives the parent the same thing uneaten, he believes that all the cubs are intact.

M120. The character is hired as a babysitter, does not care about the child, usually eats the baby.

M120A. The character is hired as a mourner, eats the dead.

M120B. The character calls to look after the child, kills him, usually makes the mother eat his meat (unlike the M120 motive, the imaginary nanny kills the child not by negligence or because wants to eat it).

M120C. Two animals agree to raise their children together. One of them eats the other's children, continuing to pretend that the children are common and it doesn't matter which ones are missing.

M122. In a difficult situation, the character asks for advice from his tail or some creatures in his stomach (these are excrement, intestinal parasites, his "sisters", etc.).

M123. A bird of prey or scavenger (crow, owl, hawk, coyote) marries (or tries to do so) with a partner who (or whose brothers) are geese or other waterfowl. The marriage gets upset or fails.

M123C. The non-migratory bird travels south with migratory birds, but is unable to reach the end of the

M123D. The Raven groom is rejected after the bride or her relatives discover that he is eating carrion or sewage.

M124. The character buries the pet's tail or head, assuring that it has gone into the ground. He usually asks to pull the tail (head) and when it "comes off", accuses others of missing the cattle (ATU 1004).

M125. The character lies to another like he ate his own eyes. He agrees to eat his own, dies.

M127. The zoomorphic character escapes but is left without a tail. To prevent the pursuer from recognizing him, the character adjusts so that other members of his species (ATU 2A) also lose their tails.

M127A. When asked by the trickster to laugh or feed him, the bird sits on the head of a person or cattle or on a fragile object. Another person tries to knock out a bird, kills or maims the person the bird is on, breaks the object.

M127B. The character attaches a vessel or part of it to the body, lowers it into the water, and the vessel drags it with him (ATU 68A).

M127C. Seeing an object deliberately left or accidentally thrown, or hearing a sound made by it, the character takes it as a sign of danger and commits inadequate actions.

M130. The trickster fox and the bird hide from the hunter in the same hole or hollow. The bird pretends to be dead, as a result it is saved alone or with a fox.

M131. The character does not show that he is grabbed by the tail or leg. The other thinks he's grabbed the root, lets go of the first one.

M132. The enemy is ready to capture the character. He asks to throw away his clothes or shoes first, and puts his ears in. The enemy grabs it by the ears and throws it away, the character runs away.

M135. The character eats enough, smudges or gets dirty; explains his appearance by saying that he was terribly beaten. Usually, a fox smears its head with sour cream, dough, etc. (ATU 3).

M138. The character is sailing in a boat to attack neighbors. Not noticing that the boat has turned, he comes back and attacks his own house. The Trickster is a character who quietly turned the boat.

M139. The character caught the birds, put them in a bag, the other imperceptibly replaces them with thorns.

M140. The character pretends to be dead, sick, or weak, picked up, and eats food that people carry - usually by throwing it out of a cart, sleigh, or sack first (ATU 1).

M140A. The fox cunningly connects a wolf or person and runs away.

M141. Several different animals go on a journey and fall into a hole. They eat each other one at a time. The last is the Fox, who gets out of the pit (ATU 20A).

M142. The zoomorphic character accuses his tail of only preventing him from escaping the chase (he usually punishes him and dies as a result).

M143. Once in the well, one character convinces the other to go down to it, so he gets out on his own, leaving the other at the bottom. Usually, the second character goes down a rope or bucket and the one below rises as it goes (ATU 32).

M144. One character manages to convince another that dangerous and inedible objects are attractive and tasty (a hornet's nest is a drum, a snake is a flute, crap is a delicacy, etc.) (ATU 49A).

M145. One zoomorphic character shows another his reflection in a pond. He believes that a beast like him challenges his seniority, invites him to visit, etc., usually throws himself into the water and dies (ATU 92).

M146. Knowing that the meat is trapped or poisoned, the fox provokes the wolf to try it (ATU 35B).

M147. A weak beast tells the strong that everyone is afraid of him, the weak one. Suggests checking. At the sight of the strong, everyone runs away, and the strong believe that they are running away before the weak.

M148. The trickster convinces another animal to agree to be eaten - he usually says that it will be resurrected and compensated for the inconvenience caused. The animal agrees.

M149. A strong opponent is ready to kill a person. Another, as if not knowing this, loudly says that the enemy is being wanted to kill. The enemy asks not to give him away, to say that he is a stump, a log, etc. This allows him to be treated like appropriate items - throwing, cutting, etc. (ATU 154).

M149A. The character, frivolously or against his own will, is bound by a contract with a predator that he cannot or does not want to fulfill or violates. The predator is going to eat it. The third character intervenes in the dispute and saves the contract breaker.

M150. The character is hired to herd a herd, eats animals trusted to him.

M151. The predator pretends to be dead or not. A potential victim says out loud that an inanimate object (house, log, etc.) or a dead person must do or say this and that. This is what a predator does, pretending to be.

M152. A weak character manages to deceive a predator, who leaves in fear. Another character explains to the predator that he was scared in vain and leads him to the weak one. The weak one repeats the previous trick or pretends to be dissatisfied - why only one predator is being led to him. The predator runs away, usually dragging whoever brought him along.

M152D. An elephant and a tiger (lion) clash (usually competing to see who will make a louder roar). The tiger wins and is going to eat the elephant, but the trickster animal saves him.

M157. The character proves the absurdity of another's statements by making an equally absurd statement; one or both says that a man or male animal gave birth or that an animal of the same species gave birth a different kind of cub.

M159. Leo proposes to split the loot. The wolf (jackal, hyena) divides, giving the lion most of it, and the lion kills him. The fox (jackal) gives everything to the lion. He asks who taught her how to divide so well, she replies that a dead (maimed) wolf (jackal, hyena).

M156. Released from the trap is about to eat his liberator. The Trickster acts as a judge and lures the thankless person back - supposedly wanting to consider the circumstances of the case.

M158. A person and an animal, or two animals, decide to cultivate the field and divide the crop so that one receives an aerial part and the other receives an underground part. One of the characters (all the time) is the loser.

M159. Leo proposes to split the loot. The one who is more cunning gives up his share, but stays alive.

M162. The character pretends to eat his own insides. Others believe and kill themselves.

M164. The character refuses to enter the predator's lair when he sees that all traces lead in but not out

of the

M164A. Asking animals if his mouth really smells bad (his lair is dirty), the predator (lion, wolf) kills both those who answer honestly and flatterers. The cunning man says he can't answer - he has a runny nose (forgot his glasses).

M165. One zoomorphic character promises another to sew a fur coat (boots), asks him to bring sheep, eats them, and does not sew anything.

M166. The predator tells potential victims in the tree that they should no longer be afraid of him (usually peace between animals). The victim is hesitant and usually advises to report the same news to dogs. The predator runs away.

M169. One character is intriguing against another. He says that the problem can be solved by crippling the former (usually using part of his body as a medicine.

M170. Pretending to repent of his sins and refuses meat, the character kills those who trust him.

M171. The character stays at the house, says that the item or animal he brought of insignificant value has disappeared, and receives something more valuable in return. This is the case several times. As a result, he gets a valuable item, an expensive animal, or a person.

M172. To show that a strong character is his slave, a mount, a weak character adjusts so that a strong character undertakes to carry him. People around them are temporarily convinced of the veracity of the weak.

M173. The zoomorphic character pretends to be dead so that the traveler notices him. At first, the traveler passes by, but the deceiver runs ahead unnoticed, repeating his trick several times. Finally, the luggage carrier puts it on the ground and returns to pick up the deceased (for skin or meat), the deceiver takes the luggage.

M174. A weaker character adjusts so that the stronger one loses the ability to move while still alive. The weak one eats the strong one from behind, refusing to come from the front, or waits for the victim to be dead.

M176. To identify the culprit, everyone is asked to jump (cross a log) over a ditch, stream, etc. The culprit stumbles and falls.

M177. A weaker predator eats part of the victim's body and explains to the stronger one that the victim did not have that part at all (ATU 52).

M180. A zoomorphic character invites someone else to visit, but serves food in such a way that he can't take it in his mouth. The other calls the first one to visit and puts him in a similar position.

M181. Two characters are invited to a party, on the way and getting to the place, one deceives the other.

M181A. The character successfully convinces another that unattainable natural sites are accessible cultural sites. He usually

sends another to pick up fire, pointing to a false source (red sunset, firefly).

M181B. The story of the Spider Trickster ends with his transformation into a spider that lives under a roof, in blind corners, etc.

M182. To catch a thief, a deceiver, the property owner puts a sticky figure to which the person who comes (usually mistaking it for a living being) sticks (usually touches it consistently with his limb) .

M188. The character is honored after taking on an unusual appearance - getting dirty with paint or sticking on an object that he cannot remove.

M188A. The character demands to be treated like a ruler (he usually sits on a bunch of garbage and demands that he be recognized as a king). One of the animals exposes him.

M192. A scavenger who has climbed into an animal's carcass or has put on fresh animal skin cannot get out of it when the skin dries up from the heat; he is chosen when the skin is soft again or by someone torn.

M192A. The character agrees to be put on fresh skin or wrapped in damp belts. The skin or belts dry out, causing suffering. (The Trickster is the one who persuaded the character to be wrapped in a belt).

M194. Several animals take possession of items that belonged to humans. When distributing the loot, one keeps food for himself, and gives others things that are more expensive than food, but are only suitable for humans. Animals that receive these items die or suffer damage.

M195. The character finds himself in the mouth of a crocodile, but provokes him to be released.