Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29A. Trickster - Raven (a) .18.22.24.-.26.35.-.44.46.

See the motives in square brackets.

Australia. Cariera [Raven, F82]; Chapvurong [Raven, M50]; Mara [Raven, M50].

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [Raven, B38]; Khmer [Raven, B38].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mangaray [Crow, M30, M31.

Taiwan - Philippines. The Philippines (ethnicity is not a decree.) [Raven, B38]; apayao [Crow, B38].

China - Korea. The Chinese (and Miao?) [Raven, B38].

Western Siberia. Nenets [Raven, M60B]; Entsy [Raven, M60B]; Northern Khanty [Raven, M38].

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts [Raven, B38]; Evens [Crow, B38, M123C].

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [Voronenok, J12, Vorona, M38]; Udege [Raven, M38]; Wilta [Vórons, J12]; Negidals [Quaimi tells mother he is going to marry; meets along the way a crow, a woodpecker, a flying squirrel, who join K. in the form of human beings; they enter a house where five daughters, each gets a wife, K. takes the youngest; the old man had another long-coming son-in-law, a seagull; in winter K. and his wife go hunting one way, and the other five with their wives go the other way; crows to his wife: when the smoke swirls on the char, say that we killed the moose; at noon there are clouds of smoke; wives believe that there is a fire; husbands they dragged a deer slaughtered by wolves, they say they killed a lot; only droppings were found on the char in his wife's log house; husbands: all the birds ate; the raven borrowed a spear from his father-in-law, pecked his nose, it's covered in blood, says that fought with the bear; the crow's wife got the little bit herself; when the father cut off his part for himself, he cut his nose; and K. got the elk and the bear; put one bear head for his father-in-law, the other to his seagull; seagull: I He had never eaten a bear before; he went out and flew away with a seagull; his wife hanged herself; the same with everyone else, their wives hanged themselves too; K. brought his father-in-law and wife to live]: Cincius 1982, No. 26:139-143.

Japan. Ainu [Raven, J12]; Japanese (Tohoku, Honshu City Center, North Ryukyu) [Raven, B38].

SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs [Raven, B38]; Tundra Yukaghirs [Raven (a), B38, M123D]; Markovo [Raven, F5A]; Chukchi [Raven, F58, F63, F81, M53D, M60B, M92, M94a1]; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 111 [mother- the fox found half of the navaga; the raven offered her to make a pack, took the navaga, put a stone in the bag; offered to cut the seal - the same, two stones; the fox mother told the children to treat the crow, put it in bone marrow needle; raven ate, died]: 346-347; reindeer (?) Koryaks [Raven, F81, M20, M92]; coastal Koryaks [Raven, B38, F65B, F81, M31, M92, M94a1]; kereks [Raven, F81, M30, M94a1]; itelmen [Raven, F65B, F81, M92].

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [Raven, F5A, M38, M94a1]; Nuniwak Island [Raven, K8A1, M53E, M64]; Central Yupik [Raven, F5A, M46, M53, M53E, M64, M123C]; Aleuts [Raven, M46]; Kodiak [Raven, B38, M46]; Chugach [Raven, B38, K8A1, M53, M53A, M53E, M64]; Bering Strait Inupiate [Raven, K8A1, M30, M53, M53A, M53E, M77, M94a1, M123D]; Northern Inupiat Alaska [Raven, B38, M30, M46, M77, M94a1, M123, M123C]; McKenzie Estuary [Raven, B38]; Copper [Raven, B38]; Caribou [Raven, B38]; Netsilic [Raven, B38, M30, M123, M123C] igloolik [Raven, B38, M30, M123, M123C]; Baffin's Land [Raven, K8A1, B38]; Labrador Eskimos [Raven, B38, K8A1, M123]; Polar Eskimos [Raven, B38, M30, M123, M123C]; Zap. Greenland [Raven, B38, K8A1]; SW Greenland [Raven, B38]; Angmassalik [Raven, B38].

Subarctic. Upper Kuskoquim [Raven, L57, M61, M64]; Inhalic [Raven, M42B, M46]; Koyukon [Raven, F64, M12, M32, M33, M46, M53, M64, M123D]; Kuchin [Raven, B38, L57, M18C, M30, M46, M123, M123D]; Khan [Raven, B38, M123]; Tanana [Raven, L57, M30, M32, M46, M53D, M64, M123, M123C]; Tanaina [Raven, F64, L57, M30, M42, M46, M53E, M123, M123C, M123D]; atna [ Raven, B38, M46, M87, M123, M123C]; Upper Tanana [Raven, B38 (?) , L57, M18C, M30, M46, M53E, M123, M123C]; Southern Tutchoni [Raven, M53D, M53F]; Tagish [Raven, M38, M46, M53D, M77]; Inner Tlingit [Raven, M42, M46, M93]; Taltan [Raven, F15, F81, L57, M18C, M33, M46, M61, M64, M77, M83, M87]; helmet [Raven, F18D, M46, M122, M123]; slave [Raven, B38]; Chipewayan [Raven, B38, M46, M123D].

NW Coast. Eyak [Raven, B38, L57, M46, M120]; Tlingits [Raven, F63, F65B, L57, M18C, M30, M38, M46, M53D, M61, M77, M83, M87, M120A, M123, M123C]; Haida [Raven, B38, F58, F63, K35, L57, M18C, M30, M38, M46, M53E, M61, M64, M87, M123, M123C]; Tsimshian [Raven, F63, L57, M18C, M38, M46, M53D, M64, M77, M87]; Bellacula [Raven, B38, F15, F60, F64, M12, M38, M46, M53D, M83, M87] Heiltsuk [Raven, M46, M53D]; Uvikino [Raven, M46, M53D]; Quakiutl [Raven, B38, F60, M38, M53D, M77]; Nootka [Raven, F64, L57, M19, M38, M46, M53D, M77, M87].

The coast is the Plateau. Chilcotin [Raven, F15, F64, K75, M46, M38]; comox [Raven, B38, M38, M53A]; sechelt [Raven, M53A]; clallam [Raven, M38]; chalcomel [Raven, K75]; Puget- Sound [Raven, M38]; Quileout [Raven, M38, M53D]; Western Sachaptin [Raven, K75]; ne perse [Raven, K75]; tillamook [Raven, F25, M53A]; upper coquill [Raven, M123D] .

The Midwest. Western Swamp Cree [Raven, B38].

Plains. Blackfooted [Raven, K75]; Arapaho [Raven, K75].