Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29B. Trickster - Fox, Jackal, Coyote.

.10.-.17.21.-.23.26.-.41.43.-.51. (.52.) .60.-.

Fox (a), Jackal, Coyote (or Wolf when, apparently, we mean a steppenwolf, i.e. the same coyote). See the motives in square brackets.

SW Africa. Hottentots [jackal, M51, M74B, M85, M112, M117, M156, M182]; hottentots -nama [jackal, M151A, M169]; Bushmen [jackal, M51, M172 (South Kalahari)], Kotlyar 1983, No. 30 (kung, Botswana) [The Jackal and Boa were walking on the hot sand; the jackal asked Boa for sandals, ran away with them, did not return them; became a jackal, and the boa constrictor]: 50-51, 52.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Kikuyu [across the river is a field of sugar trustnik, the jackal asks the camel to transport him across the river; on the field, the owner sees a camel, hits him, and the jackal hides in the grass; on the way back, what needs rest, sinks into the water, the jackal sinks]: Arewa 1961, No. 1245:78; bast (?) [jackal, M159]; malawi [jackal, M110]; herero [Fox, M104]; owambo (ndonga) [jackal, M119]; owambo (kunyama) ["The lengthy Jackal and Hyena story published in by Pettinen," Zeitschrif für Eingeboren Sprachen" 15-17, 1924-1927]: Loeb 1951:292; suto [jackal, M95, M112; fox (suto-chwana), M109B, M118, M151A]; tswana [jackal, M104]; braid [jackal, M51, M85, M112].

West Africa. Fulbe [fox, M143, M159; jackal, M169]; Fulbe (Guinea-Bissau) (Guinea-Bissau) [the jackal promises to cure the old woman, ate her himself; the grandson complains to the Hare, he promises to help, demands a goat; brings a goat to the jackal, offers to slaughter it, the jackal is happy; the hare asks to get salt out of an empty bag, shoves the jackal into it, brings it to the village; people beat the bag, the jackal pretends to be dead; the bag untie, the jackal ran away; The hare pretends to be another hare, the trick is repeated, people beat the jackal to death]: Mendelssohn 1971:150-154; vai [fox, M156, M169]; manjak [jackal, L34G]; hausa [jackal, M23, M112, M146, M156; fox, M91c2, M106, M145, M150, M159, M192A]; buduma [jackal, M157]; mosi [jackal, M118]; songhai (zarma) [jackal, d13i, M104, M120, M124, M131, M157, M192a]; (cf. twi [fox, M149 - recent borrowing]).

Sudan-East Africa. Zaghawa [jackal, M62F, M131, M137, M170]; Tubiana, Tubiana 2004 (1), No. 4 [the lion ordered the blacksmith a sword; the jackal ordered five and told him to be the first to fulfill his order; blacksmith: the lion will kill me; the jackal: I'll kill lion, and then you; went to the lion, pretended to be terminally ill, asked him to accompany him to the blacksmith; no need to come close - I'm about to die anyway; the blacksmith, without arguing, forged 6 sabers for the jackal instead 5; the jackals demanded that the other jackals recognize him as king; when they heard the sound of sabers, the jackals were frightened; one day a young jackal dug a hole, lit a fire in it, covered it with a mat, and invited the jackal to lie down; he fell into a hole, burned]: 44-46; truck [fox, M172]; Nubians [fox, M85, M156, M157, M159, M164, M169, M172, M173]; Sudanese Arabs [fox, M158, M159]; kunama [jackal, M85]; beja [the donkey and the bull were grazing in the steppe; the donkey wanted to voice, the bull asked him to be quieter; the fox said that a donkey's roar could be heard; other animals promised to reward her, if true, and kill her if not; Everyone heard a second roar; the lion sent the fox to scout; the fox told the donkey that her lion uncle was demanding a leg from the donkey; the donkey cut off his leg and gave it back; the fox ran away and ate it on its own; came back and said that the lion demands a hand; the donkey refused to give it back; she demanded a leg from the bull; he told the lion to come by himself, hurt him; fox: you killed my uncle, now turn the mound over; the bull turned it over; and now the mountain; the bull broke his back and died; the fox called the man to cut the carcass, promised half of the meat; while the man cut it, the fox took the honey vessel he was carrying, ate honey, replaced it with its crap; said she agreed give only one leg and liver; when he discovered the deception, the man called people; they told the foxes to jump over the spear; the last was a liar, the man pierced her with a spear]: Reinisch 1893, No. 8:22-24; amhara [jackal, M159; Dog, M177; fox, M177]; tigre [fox, M83A, M85, M91c2, M151, M157, M171 {Eritrea is probably a tiger}]; sakho [jackal, M85, M119, M150, M156, M177]; Afar [jackal, M157]; Oromo [fox, M159; two foxes sneak into the house to steal chickens; one eats only half, leaves; the other is so full that she cannot get back through the hole; in the morning the owner kills her; waiting for the first fox to appear, it also kills it]: Klipple 1992:28-29; nuers [jackal, M109, M181A; fox, M156, M167]; shilluk [fox, M127, M156, M172]; murle [M105, M124]; bari [Hare and fox, M182]; maba [jackal, M104, M157]; duk [Trickster-fox brought people fire and taught them how to talk; {no specific stories are given in the source}]: Scheub 2000:16; bilin [ Fox, K8C, K8E, M51, M85, M127, M176]; Somalis [jackal, M119, M124, M150, M159, M164; M169; Dog, M177].

North Africa. Kabilas and other Algerian Berbers [jackals, L116A, M30, M74A, M74B, M85, M120, M127, M131, M140, M149, M159, M165, M171, M182, M192A]; matmata (sedentary Berber farmers in southern Tunisia) [in fairy tales jackal - malicious and cunning, mocks a stupid hyena; M30]: Pâques 1964:186; Tuaregs [jackal, K8c, K8e, M166]; Tunisia (Arabs or also Berbers) [jackal, K119, M30, M85, M109B, M127]; Tunisian Arabs [fox, M159]; Algerian Arabs [jackal, K119, M109B, M127, M143, M159, M176]; Berbers of Morocco and adjacent areas of Algeria [jackal, M109b, M127, M131, M140, M143]; Arabs Morocco [jackal, M143, M159, M165]; Western Sahara [fox, M146, M159]; Egypt [jackal, M127, M159].

Southern Europe. Spaniards [fox, M30, M74A, M74B, M85, M109, M109B, M127, M131, M135, M140, M143, M149, M150, M159, M164, M166, M177, M180]; Basques [fox, M25, M30, M109, M109B, M131, M140, M142, M142, M180 149, M156]; Aragon [fox, M74B, M85, M109B, M140, M158]; Catalans [fox, M74A, M74B, M131, M140, M143, M149, M149A, M156, M158, M159, M164, M166]; Portuguese [fox, M74A, M74B, M109, M109B, M127, M127A, M135, M140, M142, M143, M145, M156, M164, M165, M166]; Galicians [M30, M74b, M166]; Italians (north) [fox, L118]; Italians (center) [fox, L118, M169, M193]; Italians (south) [fox, L118, M169]; Italians [fox, M109, M109B, M127, M135, M140, M143, M156, M159]; Sicilians [fox, K119, M109, M109B, M140, M156, M169]; Sardinians [fox, M109B, M159]; Corsicans [fox, M30, M127A, M140]; frets [fox, M134C]

Western Europe. Irish [fox, M74A, M74aa, M109, M135, M140, M143, M159]; Scots [fox, M74A, M74B, M109, M140, M158]; French [fox, F83A, M30, M74A, M74A, M74B, M100B, M109, M140, M131, M143, M159, M156, M169, M177; Wolf, M33]; French (Haute-Brittany) [M134, M134c, M158]; Bretons [fox, M169; fox shows the wolf the moon's reflection in the water and says there's a girl there; wolf rushes and sinks]: Sébillot 1904:27; Walloons [fox, M74A; M74B; Wolf, M33]; Flemish [fox, M74aa, M74B, M109, M109B, M140, M143, M153, M156, M158, M159, M169, M180]; Dutch [fox, M109, M143, M159]; friezes [fox, F83B, M109, M143, M153, M156, M159]; friezes [wolf asks the fox how to prepare for winter; fox: prepare meat; leads to the meadow, shows a horse to the wolf; and to be faithful, you have to contact your tails; the horse ran, dragging the unfortunate wolf]: Sundermann 1922:125; Germans (north) [fox, M109, M109B, M117, M127, M135, M143, M159, M166, M177]; Germans (south) [fox, M117, M135, M177 (?)].

Western Asia. Arabic written tradition [fox, M159]; Palestinians [fox, M30, M127, M173; jackal, M157]; Syrian Arabs [fox (?) , M127, M159, M177]; Arameans [fox, M57D, M127, M146, M159; Fox Taalo episode series]; Iraqi Arabs [fox, M127, M127C, M159, M165; jackal, M30, M127, M165, M180]; Kuwait [fox, M156, M170]; Saudia [fox, M91, M127, M159; jackal, M30, M127, M165]; Yemen [fox (?) , M159]; Qatar [fox (?) , M127, M177]; harsushi [fox, M40, M74B, M100B, M150, M174]; mehri [fox, M30, M74B, M150]

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Ladah) [fox, K119, M94A, M120B]: Francke 1925:420-425; Tibetans [jackal, fox, M188; Fox, M131, M151, M188A]; Tibetans (Sikkim) [fox, M94A]; Burma's Naga [fox, M156, (cf. M130B); jackal, M144]; Zapadova 1977 [The tiger rolls on the ground, tells the monkeys that he is sick, asks to build a fence around him; at night, there are enough sleeping monkeys from behind the fence; leaves tongues burn in the sun, tells the Forest Cat to guard them; the Bear eats their tongues, the Cat talks about it to the Bear; the Tiger killed the Bear, took his head as a trophy; the fox offers Tiger to be a servant, carry his head in front of the Tiger; runs away unnoticed, eats his head]: 247-248; khashi [fox, M91c2]: Rafy 1920:123-127; toto [fox, M143]; meitei [fox, M120, M131, M152]; lepcha [jackal, M152, M192].

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [fox, M130, M131]; sedang [fox, M143, M164]; Thais [fox, M164].

South Asia. Ancient India (Jataki and other sources) [fox, M85; M117; jackal, F5A, M61, M137, M151, M152, M156, M177, M192]; Hindi and Chhattisgarhi [jackal, M91c2, M127, M131, M151, M152, M156 , M158, M182, M192]; Santals [jackal, K119, M32, M33, M53D, M77, M91c2, M119, M131, M149A, M151, M152, M153A, M156, M169, M182]; ho [jackal, M53D, M91C, M156, M182; fox, M156]; oraons [jackal, M131, M151, M156, M157]; agaria [jackal, M156]; lohar caste, Chhattisgarh [jackal, M61]; India (translated from Hindi) [jackal, M152, M156]; baiga [Fox, M30C; jackal, M91c2 , M192]; Haria [main tricksters - jackal and fox; jackal, M91c1, cf. M45]: Roy 1937:433; Sindhi [jackal, K119, M91c2, M157, M188, M188A]; Punjabis [jackal, M127A, M131, M151, M152, M156, M171, M177, M188A; fox, M158]; Kashmiris [jackal, K119, M188]; Himachali plowmen [jackal, K119, M91c2, M188, M188A]; kumaoni [fox, M127A, M156, M157; jackal, M152, M188A]; Nepalese [jackal, L116A, M91c2, M131, M156, M171, M182, M188A, M131, M156, M171, M182, M188A, M192]; varli [fox, M131]; bhilas [jackal, M134, (M154)]; marathi [jackal, M131, M151, M156, M169, M192; fox, M182]; Manwaring 1899, No. 220 [the jackal serves as a model of intelligence and cunning] 232 [The jackal calls the crocodile to visit, serves food in the tree, the crocodile cannot get there; the crocodile calls the jackal, hides in the mud; the jackal does not fit, says it's the first time he sees his eyes in the clay ]: 31, 33; Konkani [M38, M131, M151, M152, M169, M192]; Assamese [fox, K119, M144, M156, M188]; oriya [jackal, M151, M156, M171; fox (dombo), M152, M156]; gondas (east Madhya Pradesh) [jackal, M127A, M192]; muria [jackal, M192]; duruva [jackal, L116A, M171]; condas [fox, M156]; Bengalis [jackal, K119, M61, M151, M171]; dhanwar [fox, M131]; cat [jackal, M131, M192]; Telugu [fox, M145]; Malayals [jackal, M23, M143, M152], Tamils [fox, M156]; Sinhala [jackal, M61, M62A, M127, M137, M177; fox, M131, M151].

China - Korea. Maonan [fox, M109]; fox [fox, M147]; Chinese (Heilongjiang) [fox, M109], Chinese {province unknown, conditionally assigned to Liaoning-Jilin-Heilongjiang} [M147]; Chinese (1987, Hebei, Wu. Funin, village Dunwan) [late in the evening, the fox, holding the chicken, came to the bear's house; said that she was hunting, did not find shelter, decided to spend the night with him; when the bear fell asleep, the fox ate the chicken she had brought and the feathers took him to another place; in the morning the bear fed the fox; she called him to visit; pretends to be looking for the chicken she had brought, but found only a bunch of chicken feathers; she cried - did not think you had thieves; the bear gave she had chicken from her poultry house; soon the fox came back to the bear with the chicken; everything happened again; when the fox came with the chicken for the third time, the bear realized that he was being fooled; pretended to be sleeping and saw everything; threw a fox into a mountain stream in the morning]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 809-810; Koreans [fox, M127A, M143, M147, M169].

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [fox, M127, M143, M169 (?)] ; Albanians [fox, M74A, M109, M131, M140, M145]; Slovenians [fox, M74A, M109, M109B, M135, M140, M143, M159]; Croats [fox, M74, M74A, M74B]; Bosnians [fox, K119, M127]; Romanians and Moldovans [fox, M109, M127, M135, M140, M156]; Hungarians [fox, M127, M140, M143, M159]; Bulgarians [fox, M109, M109B, M120C, M131, M135, M140, M149, M156, M159, M162]; Macedonians [fox, M119, M127B, M156]; Greeks [fox, M109, M109B, M127, M127B, M135, M143, M159, M169]; Serbs [fox, M109, M109B, M127, M131, M135, M140, M191]; Gagauz people [fox, M109, M109B, M131, M135, M140, M191] , M127A, M141, M142, (M156), M162].

Central Europe. Russian written tradition [fox, M159, M164, M166, M169, M180]; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [fox, M74a, M74aa]; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya) [fox, K119, M30, M85, M109, M109B, M120A, M127B, M135, M140, M171]; Russians (Vologda) [fox, M127B, M140, M141, M141A]; Russians (Pskov) [M109, M109a1, M127A, M140, M141, M142, M156, M162]; Russians ( central provinces) [fox, K119, M109, M109b, M127b, M140, M143, M171]; Russians (southern provinces) [fox, M85, M109, M109B, M127B, M140]; Western Ukrainians [fox, K119, M30, M85, M109, M109B, M110, M117, M127B, M130, M131, M135, M140, M143, M164, M169]; Eastern Ukrainians [fox, K119, M109, M120, M127, M127B, M127C, M140, M142, M145, M146, M171]; northern Ukrainians [m127b, m127c, m142, m149]; Belarusians [fox, M127B]; Poles [fox, M30, M109, M109B, M127, M131, M135, M156]; Kashubians [fox, M156]; Luzhitans [fox, M109, M109B, M135, M140]; Czechs [fox, M109, M109B, M127B, M143]; Slovaks [fox, M109, M109B, M127B, M131, M135, M140]

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [fox, K119, M170]; Kalmyks [fox, M125, M145, M146, M177]; Abkhazians [fox, K119, M127A, M141, M142, M162]; abazins [fox, M83A, M127A, M156, M169]; Adygs, Kabardian people [fox, M83A, M85, M109, M117, M127B, M127C, M159, M169; Wolf, M127A]; Balkarians [fox, K119, M109. M125, M127]; Karachays [fox, M74A, M74B, M109]; Ossetians [fox, K119, M33, M74A, M109, M120, M127, M127A, M149, M149A, M156, M171, M177]; Stavropol Turkmens [fox, K119, M83]; Terek Cossacks [fox, M146]; Ingush [fox, M83, M127A, M145, M146, M148, M164]; Chechens [fox, K119, M30, M120C]; Nogais [fox, K119, D116, M156]; Kumyks [ fox, M74A, M83B, M85, M146, M156, M159, M171]; Avars [fox, K119, M62A, M74A, M83, M83B, M85, M109, M120C, M146, M177]; Kyurins [fox, M94A, M120, M148, M153, M156, M174]; hwarshins [fox, M120C, M174]; caesa [fox, M74A, M85, M125]; varnishes [fox, K119, M146, M159; jackal, M83B, M188]; Dargins [fox, K119, M30, M83, M85, M94A, M120C, M142, M145, M146, M156, M164]; Tabasarans [fox, M23, M83, M94A, M100B, M120, M146, M156, M165, M174]; Agulas [fox, M83, M85]; Rutulans [fox, M94A, M120C, M174]; Lezgins [fox, M85, M94A, M109, M146, M165, M174, M177; jackal, M188]; Archins [fox, M85, M117]; tatas [fox, M127A, M159]; Georgians [fox, K119, L116A, M33, M60b, M74A, M77, M83, M85, M94A, M109, M120B, M125, M127, M127A, M127B, M140, M142, M156, M169, M176, M188]; Megrelians [fox, M156]; Armenians [fox, M83, M109, M127B, M127C, M146, M156, M165, M166]; Azerbaijanis [Lis, M61, M94A, M156, M192A]; Turks [fox, M74A, M74B, M94B, M109, M109B, K119, M127, M130A, M131, M135, M140, M146, M149, M158, M169]; Kurds [fox, K119, M30, M94A, M109, M100B, M125, M141, M143, M150, M150, M150, M109 152, M156, M177 ].

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [fox, M83, M85, M100B, M109, M127B, M127C, M146, M159, M164, M174]; Uzbeks [fox, M30, M85, M109, M120C, M127A, M127B, M127C, M146, M156, M171]; Persians [fox, M30, M171] M85 , M94A, M125, (M143?) , M156, M159, M165, M164, M169, M171; jackal, M127, M150]; the Bakhtiyars [when the dogs saw the fox climb into the chicken coop, they chased her; a piece of paper clung to her tail; the fox tells other foxes that paper is the king's order for dogs not to touch foxes; foxes believe they go to steal chickens; when they see foxes, hunters and dogs chased them; the first fox: anyone who can read will understand the order; other foxes: well, in we got an alteration]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 47:306-307; Tajiks [fox, M30, M74A, M74aa, M74B, M85, M109, M109B, M127A, M135, M142, M145, M146, M158, M159, M162, M166, M169, M182, M182, M182, M182, 188]; mountain Tajiks [fox, F83A, M85, M109B, M127B, M127C, M156, M158]; Yagnobtsy [fox, F83A, M127, M127A, M127B, M127C, M149, M165]; Vakhans [fox, K119, M140, M165, M192]; Shu people [fox, M127A]; Yazgulyams [fox, M85, M149, M149A]; Bartangans [fox, M177]; sarykoltsy [fox, K119, L116A, M100B, M119, M127B, M127C, M146, M171, M174]; Pashtuns [jackal, M110, M127A; jackal (?) , M159, fox, M165, M169, M177]; baluchi [fox, M100B, M127, M127B, M140, M145, M162, M165]; pasha'is [fox, K119]; kho [fox, M127A], kohistani [jackal, M182].

Baltoscandia. Estonians [fox, L116A, M30, M85, M109, M109B, M127B, M135, M140, M142, M143, M159, M162, M171]; set [fox, M74A, M109, M109B, M140, M143, M149, M149A, M156, M158, M162]; livs [ fox, ATU 31; probably M109]; Lutsie [M74a, M74aa, M109, M109b, M120b, M127a, M140, M141, M142, M150, M162, M170, M171]; Finns [fox, M30, M61, M74A, M74aa, M74B, M109, M109B, M120, M120A, M127B, M131, M135, M143, M149, M156, M162, M169]; Karelians [fox, M74A, M85, (M100), M109, M109a1, M109B, M120A, M135, M143]; Veps [fox, M30, M109, M109a1, M109B, M109B, M143] 120A, M135, M140] leaders [fox, M109, M109B, M171]; Latvians [fox, M30, M109, M109B, M127A, M127B, M135, M140, M142, M149, M149A, M159, M162, M164, M165, M171]; Lithuanians [fox, M74A, M74B, M171] 109, M109B, M127B, M140, M146, M149, M156, M159, M162, M165]; Western Sami [fox, M97, M109, M109B, M131, M135, M140]; Eastern Sami [fox, M97]; Norwegians [fox, M74A, M74B, M109, M149, M150, M169, M180]; Swedes [fox, M109 (northern Swedes), M109B, M143, M156]; Danes [fox, ATU 32, M143, M156]; Faroese [fox, M109]; Icelanders [fox, M109, M143].

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [fox, F83, K119, M74A, M74B, M109, M109B, M127A, M130, M131, M140, M142, M162, M181A]; marie [fox, M74A, M74B, M85, M109, M109B, M149, M181A]; Mordovians [fox, M74B, M74A] A, M85, M109, M109B, M125, M135, M140, M142, M149, M158]; Kazan Tatars [fox, K119, M74A, M83, M94A, M109, M120, M141, M158, M159]; Bashkirs [fox, M74A, M85, M94A, M109, M120, M127A, M140, M156 , M169, M171, M177]; Komi [fox, K119, M74a, M74B, M85, M109, M127A, M127B, M140, M142, M149, M162, M171]; Udmurts [fox, M74A, M85, M109, M127A, M162, M171].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [fox, F5A, F83A, K119, M3A, M74A, M83, M100, M100B, M109, M120C, M125, M127, M127A, M130, M140, M146, M147, M148, M149, M149A, M159, M164, M166, M169, M174, M177, M177, M159 188; jackal, M156] Kyrgyz [fox, M127, M127A, M127B, M127C, M130, M140, M148, M162, M165, M174, M177]; Karakalpaks [fox, M127A, M148, M166, M162, M177]; Uighurs [fox, M108a, M127B; fox teaches hares fool a tiger, M145].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [fox, K119, M74A, M85, M108A, M130]; Khakas [fox, M30, M82, M85, M109, M127A, M140, M141, M156, M162]; tubals [fox, M100, M109]; Chelkan residents [fox, M85, M100, M109]; Tuvans [Fox, K119, M85, M109]; South Altai Tuvans [Fox, M40, M74, M100, M108A, M125]; Tofalars [fox, M100, M101, M109, M156]; Chulym Turks [fox, M40, M74A, M108A]; Buryats [fox, K119, M30, M83, M85, M100, M125, M143, M145]; Mongols (Khalkha) [fox, M21b, M85, M109, M100, M110, M120, M125, M127A, M188 (written text), M192, M194]; Mongols (Inner Mongolia, including Ordos) [fox, M83]; Oirats [fox (a), M109, M188]; Oirats (Xinjiang) [a sick fox comes to a wolf and asks him for meat; when refused, He goes to the village and enters the yurt where the food prepared for the wedding was left; he eats up meat and takes raisins with him; when he returns to the forest, he notices a wolf and, before approaching him, raisins fall asleep in his nose; when he approaches the wolf, as if casually regurgitates raisins; the wolf is interested in this unprecedented product; the fox says that it is a pill that gives a long life, and says where she got it; teaches the wolf: to get it, you have to go to the village, break into the yurt, take off the gun hanging on the wall, hang it around your neck, drink araks, eat pills and eat meat, and then drag on your favorite song and go outside; the wolf does everything as the fox said; people kill him (from the collection "Betege caγān boqširγ", published in 1981 in Urumqi in the series" Xinjiang Oirat Folklore")]: Ubushiyeva, Damrinjav 2020:14; Mongors [fox, M109, M100, M110, M125].

Western Siberia. Mansi [fox, M74A, M108A, M140]; northern Khanty [fox, M74A, M162]; Eastern Khanty [fox, M74A]; tundra Nenets [fox, M74A, M74ab, M85, M108, M109, M162]; nganasans [fox, M85, M100, M140A]; chum salmon [fox, M162C, M166]; yugi [fox, M162C]; southern Selkups [fox, M142; (zap. I.N. Gemuev, born in 1980 Ket) [seven Tatar brothers go in a boat down the river; ask the capercaillie if he can speak (Ostyacki); he replies that the sand is biting; so he does not know how to; they ask the fox; she yaps, the brothers decide that the fox could speak, took it with them; she gnawed through her aunts's bows, "put bacon on herself"; said she wanted to go ashore, took the lard, ran to the old man: bran my tail with bacon; old man: what? fox: on your daughter's head; daughter's name Tyaren; the fox pulled out its tail, the old man cut off his daughter's head; the old man put crossbows, once killed a fox, took off his skin, gave the carcass to the dog; sings in her stomach: old man the dog kicked me out, I'm already confused; the dog did it; dog feces sings; crows, magpies, bite me; they pecked, their stomachs were upset]: Baulo, Tuchkova 2016, No. 1.

Eastern Siberia. Evenks (Baikal) [fox, D13i, M40, M60b, M40, M74A, M85, M94A1, M100, M108, M108A, M109, M150]; Evenks (Far Eastern) [fox, K119, M3A, M40, M85, M94A1, M109, M150]; Evenks (western and northern) [fox, D13I, M3A, M40, M60b, M74A, M94a1, M100, M101, M108, M109, M138, M140, M140A, Wolf (Turukhan Evenks), M101]; Evenks (Sym) [fox, D13I, M94a1, M94a1, M100, M101, M109, M140A]; Evens [fox, K119, M3A, M40, M60b, M74A, M85, M94a1, M100, M101, M109, M140, M140A, M150]; Kamchatka Evens [fox, M3A, M85]; central Yakuts [fox, D13I, M74A, M150] 74aa, M74B, M85, M109, M109a1, M109B, M140A, M156, M180]; Western (Viluian) Yakuts [fox, M74aa, M101]; dolgans [lonely dog Laaiku, M46; fox, D13I, M3A, M74A, M100, M108, M108A, M109, M140].

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [fox, D13I, M3A, M40, M74ab, M85, M140, M150]; Udege people [fox, D13I, M3A, M109, M140]; Nanai [fox, D13I, M3A, M38, M109, M140A, M149, M150]; Ulchi [old man and fox, M45]; Negidals [fox, D13I, K119, M46, M3A, M74A, M85, M108, M108A, M109, M140]; wilta [fox, D13I, K119, M85, M140]; nivhi [fox, M3A, M140].

Japan. Ainu [fox, B38, M62, M94a1, M109]; Dähnhardt 1912 [fox tiger: you are more cunning than everyone, I suggest a dispute - whoever has a louder voice will become master of peace; the fox quietly dug a hole, hid her head , did not suffer from the tiger roar; invited the tiger to try it again, it burst with tension; so there are no tigers in the Ainu country]: 84; Japanese [fox, M109, M140].

SV Asia. Chukchi [Fox, Fox, F63, M40, M60B, M82]; reindeer Koryaks [Fox, M3A, M42, M60B, M85, M101]; coastal Koryaks [Fox, M38, M42, M74, M93]; kereks [Lisa, M42, M60B, M82, M93]; itelmen [Fox, M42, M109, M140, M150]; forest yukaghirs [Fox, M94a1, M108A, M109, M140]; tundra yukaghirs [Fox, D13I, M60B, M101, M140; Fox, M60B, M101].

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [Fox, M31, M42, M109; Fox, M60B, M82A, M101, M151A, M162]; Bering Strait Inupiate [Fox, M61, M101, M109]; Northern Alaska Inupiate [Fox, K119, M109]; McKenzie estuary [Fox, M46]; copper [Fox, M109].

Subarctic. Kuchin [Lis, M109].

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Coyote, F18D, F58, F60, F61, F64, H20, K35, L57, M19, M38, M41, M46, M51, M67, M73, M80, M82, M87, M122]; Thompson [Coyote, M46, F18D, F58, F60, F61 (probably), H20, J12, K35, M19 , M36, M73, M82, M87], K1H, L57, M38, M65, M65B; Lis, M109, M122]; Lillouette [Coyote, M46, H20, M38, M73, M122]; Snohomish [Fox, H20, K35, L57, M19, M41, M46, M122; Coyote, F61]; upper Chehalis [Coyote, M87]; Puget Sound [Coyote, H20, K35, L57, M46, M122]; Skagit [Coyote, F64, L57, M36, M88]; Cowlitz [Coyote, H20]; Clackamas [Coyote, F18D, F60, F61, H20] , K1H, K35, M36, M53, M83]; catlamet [Coyote, M60B]; vasco [Coyote, M46, H20, K35]; cherry [Coyote, F83, H20, M30]; lower ampqua [Coyote, F56, F56A]; ne perse [Coyote, F18D, F63, F64, H20, K75, L57, M38, M41, M46, M51, M122]; Western sachaptin (the group is not a decree.) [Coyote, F56, F56A, H20, K75, L57, M30, M80; Lis, M109]; Yakima [Coyote, M30]; Upper Cowlitz [Coyote, M46, F18D, F56, F56A, F60, H20, M19, M38, M122]; clicitate [Coyote, F56, F64, H20", K35, M41, M122]; Okanagon [Coyote, F63, F64, L57, M41, M46, M82, M97, M122]; Sanpoile [M46, F18D, F60, F64, H20, M19, M38, M51]; Kalispel [Coyote, M80]; Cerdalene [Coyote, H20, M62B]; flethead [Coyote, M86, M122]; tututney [Coyote, F18C, F58]; upper coquille [Coyote, M32, M33, M36, M88]; coutene [Coyote, H18, H20, K35, M19, M30, M38, M41, M46, M65B, M97]; alsea [Coyote, K1H, M36]; kalapua [Coyote, F56, F56A, F60, F83, H20, K1H, K35, L57, M36, M122]; Takelma [Coyote, J12, K1H, M32, M36, M122]; Klamath [Coyote, K35 (Coyote?) , M30, M41, M51]; modoc [Black Brown Fox, J12, M51, Coyote, K35, M51].

The Midwest. Menominee [Wolf, M97]; fox [Wolf, M97]; potauatomi [Visakia-Fox, F63]; marsh crees (eastern) [Fox, M109].

Northeast. Onondaga [Fox, Wolf, J12]; Mohawks [Fox, M109]; Viandot [Fox, M8C].

Plains. Crowe [Old Coyote, F15, F56, F64, F82, F92, M30, M38, M51, M53, M61, M65, M66, M67, M69, M86]; hidatsa [Coyote, F64, F83, M86]; Osage [Wolf, F92, M38, M51]; teton ( Brule) [Old Coyote, F82]; Mandan [Coyote, A42]; Iowa [Coyote, F83]; Pawnee [Coyote with Fox, F63, Coyote, F92, K1H, K35, K75, M30, M38, M51, M53, M60B, M66, M86, M96, M151A]; aricara [Coyote, M38, M61, M62, M66, M67, M69, M86]; wichita [Coyote, F5A, F63, H18, K1H, M40, M50, M51, M66, M67, M96]; Tonkawa [Coyote, H18, M53]; Comanche [Coyote, F63, H18, M53] C, M30, M41, M53, M59, M80, M88; Lis, M38, M41]; Kiova-Apache [Coyote, H18, M38, M40, M41, M51, M53, M65, M80]

Southeast USA. Caddo [Coyote, H18, K1H, M26, M30, M38, M41, M51]; catawba [Wolf, M51]; chirokee [Fox, M109]; choctaw [Fox, M109].

California. Yuroc [Coyote, J12, M19, M30, M32, M50, M64, M99]; Villote [Coyote, J12, K1H, M30]; Caroque [Coyote, F25, F64, H20, M30, M50, M51, M64, M88]; Shasta [Coyote, F64, F66, K1H, M32, M50]; hupa [Coyote, F18c, M32]; cato [Coyote, F58]; mattol [Coyote, M30]; lassique [Coyote, H18]; yuki [Coyote, F58, F60]; coastal yucis [Coyote, F58, F61, F82]; Yana [Coyote, F56, F82, J12, M12]; achomavi [Coyote, F60, F82, J12, L57]; pomo [Coyote, F58, F63, F54, F82, H20, M30, M51, M60B]; vappo [Coyote, F63, M42]; screw [Coyote, F56, F61, F64, J12, K75, M32, M53]; Nisenan [Coyote, F61, M30]; Maidu [Coyote, F58, F60, F64, F82, K1H, L57, M32, M36]; Oloni [{no trickster motives from the list, but he was clearly a trickster Coyote}; Kroeber 1907a, No. 1 [after the flood, the Eagle tells Coyote to marry a girl; he asks her to look for it in his head; she finds a tick, throws it away in fear; he tells her to swallow it; she swallows, becomes pregnant; runs in fear; he makes a good road for her, but she runs through the bush; Coyote creates flowers along the edges of the road so she can stop collecting them; she doesn't want to; he's almost enough her, but she runs to the sea, rushes into the waves; turns into a shrimp or sand flea], 6 [Coyote told the women that a thorn hit his eye; asked her to grow the most beautiful one; not with his fingers, but with his teeth; hugged a woman]: 199-200, 202; monach [Coyote, F63, F64, J12]; tubatulabal [Coyote, F82; Wolf, H18]; Kawaiisu [Coyote, F58, F64, F82, J12, M38, M50]; Kitanemook [Coyote, M50, F61, F64]; chumache [Coyote, A42, F63, J12, K35, M30, M38, M45, M53, M65B; Heizer 1955 [The bat taps from the worm trunk; Coyote pretends to be sick, the Bat is forced to feed; Coyote gets protein, now Bat pretends to be sick, Coyote feeds him; Coyote leaves the Bat in a burning steam room, pulls out his body; people bring jewelry to the funeral; Coyote tells shoot, deviates from the arrows, carrying the Bat on his back; he comes to life; because he is burned, has no feathers; decides not to live with Coyote anymore]: 56]; luiseño [Coyote, K35, M50]; cahuilla [Coyote, M38, M50]; Gabrielino [Coyote? , M50]; Serrano [Coyote, F61, F64, J12, M38, M50, M122]

Big Pool. Northern Payute [Coyote, F56, F64, H18, H20, M41, M122]; Owens Valley Mono [Coyote, F61, H18]; Western Shoshones [Coyote, F25, F56, F64, F82, H18, H20, J12, M30, M38, M41, M50, M51, M86]; Northern Shoshones [Coyote, F58, H18, K35, K75, M46, M122]; Eastern Shoshones [Coyote, M41, M86]; Goshiute [Coyote, F56, F64, F82, J12, M41, M50, M62B, M73, M80, M86]; Ute [ Coyote, F56, F58, F64, F92, J12, M26, M30, M38, M41, M50, M51, M80, M86, M120B]; chemeuevi [Coyote, F82, M50, M122]; Southern Payutes [Coyote, F25, F56, F56A, F58, F64, J12, M30, M50, M5, M1221].

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [Coyote, F25, F64, J12, M38, M51]; Valapai [Coyote, F25, J12, M32, M50]; yavapai [Coyote, F25, F56, F61, F64, H18, M38, M41, M50]; Western Apache [Coyote, F64, M41, M41] , M45]; chiricahua [Coyote, F5A, F63, F64, F82, K8C, M30, M38, M41, M53, M66, M67, M86]; mescalero [Coyote, F64, M38]; jicarilla [Coyote, Lis, M51, M53; Coyote, F64, F82, M45, M45, M53; Coyote, F64, F82, M45, M45, M53 105B; Fox, M30, M38; Coyote, M41, M73]; Navajo [Coyote, F64, K35, M30, M38, M41, M45, M51, M62B, M73]; Hopi [Coyote, K35, M30, M38, M41, M102]; Zunyi [Coyote, M30, M41, M51, M105B]; oriental ceres [Coyote, H18 (Cochiti), M30, M38 (Cochiti, Sia), M41 (Sia), M102 (Sia); Fox, M45 (Paguacate)]; Western Ceres [F64 (Acoma), M45 (Laguna), M51 (Laguna)]; teva [Coyote, M30 (Hano), M38, M51]; Tiva (Taos) [Coyote, F64, M38, M41, M105B, M120B; Lis, K35]; Tiwa (Cochiti) [Coyote, M105B]; Lipan [Coyote, F18D, F64, M30, M38, M41, M51, M66, M67, M69, M86]; Cocopa [Coyote, F58, J12]; maricopa [Coyote, H18]; mojave [Coyote, M38]; diegueño [Coyote, M38]; pima [Coyote, F61, H18, M30, M32, M41]; papago [Coyote, K1H]; seri [Coyote, M41].

NW Mexico. Tarahumara [Coyote, M50]; Varigio [Coyote, M38]; Bark [Coyote, M38]; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [Coyote, M38].

(Wed. Mesoamerica {European borrowings are common in the texts. Most likely, a fox trickster in Mesoamerica from the Spaniards}. Nahuatl Veracruza [fox, L70]; juice [fox, L70]; chontal [fox, L70]).

Ecuador. Dep. Cañar [Fox, M139].

Western Amazon. Achuar [Fox, M42]; Aguaruna [Fox, K8C, M42].

Central Amazon. Munduruku [Fox, M30].

The Central Andes. Tukume (dep. Lambayeque) [Fox, M30]; Tarma (dep. Junin) [Lis, M30, M32, M35, M139]; Orgona (Mantaro Valley) [Lis, M30]; Huanca [Lis, M32]; Huanca [Lis, M33, M139]; Tarma [Lis, M33]; Huancavelica [Lis, M33]; central coast of Peru [Lis, M19, M30]; prov. Kant, dep. Lima [Lis, L33B, M139]; Kauki (prov. Yaujos, dep. Lima) [Lis, M35]; Ayacucho [Fox, M30, M32]; Kero (Cordillera Oriental) [Fox, M30]; dep. Cusco (everywhere) [Fox, M30, M35]; chipaya [Lis, M30, M35]; Aymara, Quechua in mountainous Bolivia [Lis, M19, M30, M33, M35, M139]; atacameño [Lis, M5A, M30].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [Lis, F63, F92, K35].

Chaco. Ayoreo [Lisa, H20, M30]; Chamacoco [Lisa, H20]; Chorote [Fox, F58, H20, H28, J12, K35, M8C, M30, M32, M33]; Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 33 [(about the same No. 34=36); eldest daughter She married the Battleship for a month, the youngest for the Fox; the month gave the eldest two grains of corn, they immediately filled the bag; the Month told the Battleship to make holes, put a grain in each; soon the corn grew, brought the cobs; the fox only pretended to plant the seeds and ate them himself; the Month drove him away; the fox did not want to leave, wanted to copulate with the daughter of the Month; when they saw his penis erected, others beat him to death; Fox came to life and ran away]: 56-59; nivakle [Fox, F63, K35]; angaite [Fox, M8C, M33]; poppy [Fox, F63, H20, M8C, M38, M87, M102]; toba [Fox, F63, J12, K35, M8C, M30, M33, M35, M38, M87]; mocovi [Lis, M8C, M30, M32, M33]; Quechua in Sagnago del Estero (NW Argentina) [Lis, M30]

The Southern Cone. Araucans [Fox, M30, M35]; Tehuelche [Fox, H18, L33B, M30, M40 (southern)].