Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29b2. The bear is a loser and a loser.


As a result of its stupidity or antisocial behavior, the bear dies or suffers damage. See the motives in square brackets.

{In some North American traditions, the bear appears in the corresponding role only in connection with the M109 motif, "Tail in the Ice Hole". It is highly likely that we are talking about European borrowing. However, the choice of the protagonist (a bear, not a wolf or someone else) most likely reflects the preferences characteristic of the era before European contacts, especially in Western Europe, from where to America colonists arrived, only the wolf is associated with the M109 motive}.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [M101B]; frets [M109, M134C].

Western Europe. French [F73B, L118]; Dutch [M158]; Flemish [L118, M109]; Germans (north?) [L118].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [M144]; Tibetans (Ham) [M120a1]; Lushey [M61].

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [M144]; Palaung [M144]; Khmu [M95, M05].

South Asia. Ho [M94A]; inhales [M145].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Javanese [M152].

China - Korea. Yi [M127A, M167]; Chinese (Heilongjiang) [M109]; (cf. Chinese (Hebei) [late in the evening, the fox, holding the chicken, came to the bear's house; said that she was hunting, did not find shelter, decided to spend the night with him; when the bear fell asleep, the fox ate what it had brought the chicken, and took the feathers to another place; in the morning the bear fed the fox; she called him to visit; pretends to be looking for the chicken she had brought, but found only a bunch of chicken feathers; cried - I didn't think you had thieves ; the bear gave her the chicken from his poultry house; soon the fox came back to the bear with the chicken; it happened again; when the fox came with the chicken for the third time, the bear realized that he was being fooled; pretended to be sleeping, and saw everything; in the morning he threw a fox into a mountain stream]: Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 809-810); Koreans [M143, M167].

The Balkans. Slovenes [M199]; Albanians [M145, M153, M191, M199, M199k]; Hungarians [M191]; Moldovans [L118, M199]; Romanians [M199]; Serbs [M191]; Bulgarians [M101A, M158, M162, M191].

Central Europe. Western Ukrainians [F73B, M74a, M95]; Eastern Ukrainians [M74a]; Northern Ukrainians [M74a, M149]; Russians (Terek coast) [M74a, M74aa, M95]; Russians ( Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Karelia) [M158]; Russians (central provinces) [M74a, M149, M162]; Russians (southern provinces) [M95, M149, M162]; Russians (Arkhangelsk) [M74a, M74aa, M74b, M149]; Russians (Pskov) [M109a1, M149, M158]; Russians (Vologda) [M73a, M74aa, M74b, M95]; Belarusians [M141]; Poles [F73B, M109, M131, M156]; Slovaks [M131]; Lusatians [M101b].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [M162]; Adygs [M74a, M191]; Ossetians [M74a, M95, M120]; Karachays [M74a]; Balkarians [M156]; Ingush [F73B, M191]; Kumyks [M74a, M141A]; Avars [M74a, M74b, M177A]; varnishes [M191]; Caezes (Didoans) [M74a, M125]; Rutulans [M94a1, M174]; Georgians [L118, M60B, M60b1, M74a, M94b, M146]; Armenians [L42]; Turks [M74a, M74b, M125, M146, M158]; Azerbaijanis [M135]; Kurds [M60B, M94a, M125].

Iran - Central Asia. Lurs [M135A, M153]; Persians [M135a, M135, M143, M149, M153]; Tajiks [M158, M191, M193]; Mountain Tajiks [F83b, M158]; Yagnobs [F83b]; Yazgulyam [M94b]; Rushantsy [L108]; Khuftsy [L108]; Sarykoltsy [M100B, M146, M174]; Uzbeks [M60b]; Vakhans [M174]; Dards (tire) [M193].

Baltoscandia. Swedes [F73B, L118, M109, M131]; Norwegians [F73B, L118, M74a, M74b, M100, M101b, M109, M131, M158]; Western Sami [L42, L118 (?) , M60b1, M109, M131, M191; Eastern Sami [L42, M95]; Finns [M61, M109, M120, M131, M156, M162, M191]; Karelians [M95, M109, M191]; Veps [M94b, M158, M191]; Lutsi [M170]; Latvians [L118, M95, M156, M158, M162, M191]; Lithuanians [L118, M74a, M74b, M162, M191]; Estonians [L118, M95, M109, M120, M158, M162, M191]; Setu [L118, M95, M120, M158, M162].

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [M74b, M95, M109, M191]; Bashkirs [M60b, M74b, M95, M109, M191]; Chuvash [M162]; Marie [M158, M181A, M191]; Mordovians [M70, M95, M109, M125, M158, M162]; Udmurts [M158, M162, M191]; Komi [K8C, L118, M74b, M95, M158, M162].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [M141A]; Kyrgyz [M199]; Salars [M152A].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians [b44, b44f]; Tubalars [M100]; Chelkans [M100]; Khakas [B44, M152A]; Tofalars [M60B, M94b]; Tuvans [M152A]; South Altai Tuvans [M100, M125]; Buryats [M100, M125, M152].

Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets [M109, M162]; Kets [K8C, M162C]; Nganasans [M100]; Northern Khanty [M162]; Mansi [K8C]; Northern Selkups [M191].

Eastern Siberia. Turukhan Evenks [L42, M94A1, M100, M101]; Ilimpic Evenks [M100]; Podkamennotunguska Evenks [M94A1, M100, M101]; Kiren Evenks [D13i]; Sym Evenks [M101]; Evenks [M60b (Baikal?) , M100]; Far Eastern Evenks (Ayan) [M94a1, M101]; Amur Evenks [sable and bear]; Evens [M60B, M101, M109]; northeastern (Kolyma) Yakuts [M101]; dolgans [M100].

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [M94a1, M109]; Udege [M94a1, M109]; Negidals [K8C, M94]; Nivkhs [K8C, M94].

Japan. Ainu [K8C, M109]; Japanese [M109].

SV Asia. Chuvans [M101]; Forest Yukaghirs [M109]; Tundra Yukaghirs [M60B, M101]; Kereks [L53, M60B]; Reindeer Koryaks [M101]; Chukchi [K8C, M60b, M101].

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [M60B, M101, M162]; Bering Strait Inupiate [M60B, M61, M101, M109]; Aleuts [K8C]; Chugach [L74]; Copper [b44f1]; Netsilic [K8C]; West Greenland [K8C]; Labrador Eskimos [b44f1]

Subarctic. Koyukon [b44f1, K8C]; upper cuskoquim [K8C, L74, M61]; tanaina [K8C]; kuchin [b44f1, K8C, L74, L99, M46D, M109]; khan [M46D]; tanana [L74]; upper tanana [L74]; southern tutchoni [b44f1]; helmet [M162b]; tagish [L53]; taltan [K8C, L53]; slevi [b44f1]; chipewayan [b44f1, b44, k8c, L74].

NW Coast. Tlingit [K8C, L53]; Haida [K8C, L53]; Tsimshian [K8C, L53]; bellacula [K8C, L53, L56]; Heiltsuk [K8C, L53, L56].

The coast is the Plateau. Quileut [K8C]; thompson [b44f1, L70, M109]; lilluet [L70]; shuswap [B44]; comox [L74]; Western sachaptin [M109]; catlamet [L56, L70, M60b1]; skagit [L53]; Puget Sound [b44f1]; upper chehalis [B44]; ne perse [B44]; clamath [L53]; modoc [K8C]; flethead [L53]; curdalen [L53]; sanpual [K8C]; clickitat [b44f1]; quileut [K8C]; koulitz [b44f1, K8C]; yakima [K8C]; clackamas [K8C]; lower ampqua [K8C]; takelma [K8C]; kutene [K8C]; cous [K8C]; upper coquill [L70].

The Midwest. Western Forest Cree (North Manitoba) [M162b]; Eastern Marsh Cree [M109, M162b]; Western Ojibwa [K8C, L99]; Menominee [b44f1]; Illini (?) [b44f1].

Northeast. Iroquois [b44f1, M109 (mohawks)]; montagnier [M162b]; delaware [K8C].

Plains. Blacklegs [L53]; Assiniboine [I n ktumni invites Black Bear to take a steam bath; closes the exits from the steam room, finishes off the Bear with a club; invites all animals to a feast; Rock I. grabs and holds for two days; animals eat all the meat; I. promises daughters to fly by; they produce the wind, breaking the Rock; I. says he has no daughters; Fisher dragged away meat on a tree; I. sees a reflection in the water, dives; noticing Marten, asks to drop some of the meat; he throws a flintlock knife, I. is killed]: Lowie 1909a, No. 11-12:108-109; santi [K8C].

Southeast USA. Choctaw [M109]; chirokee [M109]; screams [B44].

California. Shasta [K8C]; pomo [L53]; maidu [K8C, L53]; vintu [L53]; achomavi [K8C]; chukchansi yokutz [L53]; tubatulabal [L53].

Big Pool. Gosiyute [M74].

The Great Southwest. Navajo [M109]; chiricahua [B44]; jicarilla [b44f1]; Western Apache [b44f1].