M29b3. The fox (jackal, coyote) is a loser and a loser.
As a result of its stupidity or antisocial behavior, the fox (jackal) dies or suffers damage. See the motives in square brackets. If it is not specified that a "jackal", then the protagonist is a fox.
SW Africa. Hottentots [jackal, M152A].
Sudan - East Africa. Zaghawa [jackal, M137].
North Africa. Berbers Beni-Snou (Morocco-Algeria) [jackal, M95, M134C, M183]
Southern Europe. Spaniards [M137]; Catalans [M183]; Portuguese [M183]; Maltese [jackal, M183]; Italians (Tuscany) [M193].
Western Europe. The French [M183]; the French (Haute-Brittany) [M183]; the British [M183]; the Germans (Harz) [the fox was about to grab the goose; he asked permission to dance in front of her first; The fox liked the dance, and the goose was slowly getting ready to take off and finally soared into the sky; fox: no dancing before eating next time]: Pröhle 1854, No. 3:9-10.
Western Asia. Palestinians [M152A]; Iraqi Arabs [M183].
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [M152A]; Eastern Tibetans (Sichuan) [M152A, M194]; lepcha [jackal, M152A]; bodo [jackal, M152A]; angami [jackal, M144]; toto [M144]; meitei [M152a]
Burma - Indochina. Aracans [jackal, M152A].
South Asia. Ancient India [jackal, M137]; India (Hindi) [M152A]; Kashmiris [jackal, M152A]; Kumaoni [jackal, M152A]; Assamese [M152A]; Oriya [jackal, M152A]; Konkani (Goa) [M169, M193], Rodrigues 2020 [The fox sees a hive in a tree but the Fox refuses to help her get there; she climbs himself, eats honey, drops her wax honeycombs; she makes a house out of them; the fox makes a house out of manure; rain washed away manure, fox died of cold]: 186-188; condas [M152A]; ho [jackal, M152a]; pardhan [M137]; Tamils [jackal, M167]; Malayals [jackal, M152]; Sinhalese [jackal, M137, M152A]; Veddas [jackal, M131].
China - Korea. Chuan Miao [M152A].
The Balkans. Ancient Greece [M137]; Hungarians [M137]; Bulgarians [M137, M151, M152A]; Greeks [M152A]; Serbs (either Bosnians or Croats; Herzegovina, Western Vuk Vrcevic; about the same, but briefly No. 53, S. 223-224, where the Serbs) [the fox steals grapes; persuaded the badger to participate; asks how many tricks he knows; three; and she, fox 77, fell into a trap; the badger advises to pretend to be dead; the hunter opened the trap, the fox ran away; next time the badger advises to pretend to be a pet fox: to portray joy at the sight of the hunter; the fox ran away again; for the third time a badger was caught; the fox refused to help him out; he asked her to come to say goodbye; grabbed his throat; the hunter thanked him and let the badger go by shooting the fox]: Eschker 1992, No. 54:224-225.
Central Europe. Poles [M137]; Northern Ukrainians [M127b].
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [M152A]; Stavropol Turkmens [M83, M152A]; Adygs [M83]: Balkarians [M152A]; Ossetians [M83B, M83C, M152A]; Ingush [M83, M83C, M137]; Avars [M152A]; Kumyks [M83, M83B]; varnishes [M83B]; Lezgins [M183]; Archins [M137, M153]; Aguls [M152A]; Tabasarans [M29b3]; Georgians [M152A]; Armenians [M83]; Turks [M183]; Talysh [M152A {fox death has not been described, but is likely}]; Kurds [M137, M152A].
Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [jackal, M137, M193]; Persians [M152A]; Bakhtiyars [M183]; Turkmens [M137, M152A]; Baluchis [jackal, M152A]; dards (tire) [M193].
Baltoscandia. Finns [M137]; Norwegians [M137]; Swedes [M153].
Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [M183].
Turkestan. Salars [M152A, M194]; Uighurs xM153]; Uighurs [the husband went to herd camels for the whole tribe, and the wife stayed to look after the baby and the sheep; once saw a fox chases the bunny, and sending a herd of sheep there, drove away the fox; she held her anger, snuck into the yurt, ate the baby, and put her head under the blanket as if he were sleeping; in the evening the woman tried to take the baby rolled into her arms and head to the floor; the next day, the woman drove the herd again, and the fox ate the lamb in the sheepfold, put its feces under the woman's pillow; in the dark, the woman took it in her mouth, her vomited; the next day, the hare, whose bunny the woman was sleeping, was taught to take revenge on the fox; the woman dug a hole in the sheepfold, made a fire in it, covered it with branches; the fox fell through, and when she jumped out, on she had no hair or skin left; the hare offered to cure her, led her to the river, told her to ride along the icy shore, and then jump into the water; the fox was dragged under the ice]: Zhou Yang et al. 2001a, No. 266: 381-383.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [M183]; Khalkha-Mongols [M83S]; Inner Mongolian Mongols [M83S].
Western Siberia. Nganasana [M183].
Eastern Siberia. Northwestern Yakuts [M183]; Western Evenks [M183]; Baikal Evenks [M183].
Japan. Ainu [m94a1].
SV Asia. Chukchi [fox, M94a1].
The Arctic. Northern Alaska Inupiate [m94a1]; Bering Strait Inupiate [M94a1]; Netsilic [b44f]; Igloolik [b44f].
The coast is the Plateau. Ne perse [coyote, M51]; clamate [coyote, M51]; modoc [black-brown fox, M51].
Plains. Arikara [coyote, L33C, M183]; crowe [coyote, M51]; osage [coyote, M51]; pawnee [coyote, M51]; kiowa apache [coyote, M51]; wichita [coyote, M51]; tonkawa [coyote, M51].
Southeast USA. Caddo [coyote, M51].
California. Karok [coyote, M51]; pomo [coyote, M51]; Chukchansi yokutz [L33].
Big Pool. Northern Payutes [coyote, M51]; goshiute [M183]; Western Shoshones [coyote, M51]; Ute [M51, M183]; Southern Payutes [coyote, M51]; chemeuevi [coyote, M51].
The Great Southwest. Jicarilla [M51]; lipan [coyote, M51]; navajo [coyote, M51]; zunyi [coyote, M51]; western ceres [coyote, M51]; teva [coyote, M51]; havasupai [coyote, M51].
NW Mexico. Varigio [coyote, M51].
The Central Andes. Quechua (Lima Department) [L33]; Quechua (Cuzco Department) [L33]
The Southern Cone. Araucans [M183]; Tehuelche [L33].