M29G. Trickster - Hare, Rabbit. .11.-.14.17.21.-.24.26.-.28.31.-.
See the motives in square brackets. They include traditions in which the hare/rabbit appears only as a trickster, and another trickster (usually a fox or jackal) often occurs.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Ila [Hare, M23, M62, M112, M131]; Nyanja [Hare, M53F, M62, M112, M119, M156, M172]; lamp [Hare, M23, M40, M62, M104, M112, M120]; nsenga [Hare, M62]; luchazi [ Rabbit, M62C]; Douala [Hare, M62]; Bass [Hare, M104, M181]; Congo [Rabbit, M74A, M112; Hare, M151]; Zombo [Hare, M181]; Laadi [Hare, L45, M62C, M156]; Ganda [ Hare, L45, M62C, M124, M131, M151, M181]; Rwanda [Hare, L45]; Tutsi [Hare, M40, M124, M181]; Rotse [Hare, M112]; Ronga [Hare, M38, M112]; Tsonga [Hare, M38, M109, M171]; Western Pygmies aka [Hare, M104; M156]; Dabida [Hare M51]; Zigula [Hare, M23, M112, M156]; Ndaw [Hare, M109, M112, M119, M181]; Ziba [Rabbit, L45]; Quaya [Rabbit, L45, M131]; Rosvie [Hare, M120]; digo [Hare, M38]; isanzu [Hare, M23, M38, M102, M112]; kikuyu [Hare, L45, M30, M131, M172, M174; Swahili (incl. ngindu) [Hare, M23, M38, M40, M85, M102, M104, M112, M151, M152, M174]; bast (?) [Hare, M109]; Comorians [Hare, M85, M112, M151]; Sumbwa [Hare, L45, M112, M131, M156]; Nyamwezi [Hare, M23, M112, M156, M157]; Safwa [Hare, M23, M40, M53F, M112, M120, M171, M181]; Nyamwanga [Hare, M38]; Nyaturu [Hare], Gogo [Hare, M119], M102, M181]; chagga [Hare, M104]; kamba [Hare, M104, M104, M112, M124, M131, M156, M157, M175, M181]; goose [Hare, M23, M157]; bemba [Hare, M104]; hehe [Hare, M152]; matumbi [Hare, M181]; subia [Hare, M104]; ganda [Hare, M38]; kiga [Hare, M104]; ziba [Hare, M104]; Bondei [Hare, M104, M169]; Kaguru [Hare, K8C, M104, M156, M157]; Kimbundu [Hare, M45, M112]; Ambundu [Hare, M156]; Yao [Hare, M62C, M156]; Tete ( nyungwe?) [Hare, M40, M120, M127, M156]; Tonga [Hare, M112, M131]; Venda [Rabbit, M120]; Suto [Hare, M156]; Casalis 1859, No. 4 [woman asks her husband to get her niamatsané liver; this a mythical animal whose body is like hot coals; the husband extracted, the wife ate, felt unbearable thirst, drank the lake that belonged to the king of animals to the elephant; the elephant tells the woman to hole in the belly, but only the ostrich dared to do it; the lake is filled again; none of it drinks - it is royal; the hare got drunk, smeared the jerboa with wet clay, he was executed; the hare sings, they did not catch up with him; he offered the lion to help catch animals; he made a pitch, disguised the lion so that only teeth were sticking out of the ground; everyone came to look at the curiosity, the lion jumped up, killed the animals; invited the lion to build a hut, he pinched his tail, the lion starved to death, the hare in his skin receives gifts; when exposed, he cut off his ear to be different from the old hare]: 366-370; tswana [Hare, M119, M120, M171]; Zulu [Rabbit, M3A, M119].
West Africa. Mosi [Hare, K8e, M62C, M62D, M119, M104, M124, M131, M156, M172, M173]; Dagomba [Hare, M62C, M62D]; Devoin [Hare, M56B]; Bassa [Hare, M104]; Crane (putu) [Hare, M62C]; senufo [{there are no stories involving a spider or jackal, so the hare seems to be the main trickster}; the hare, hyena, and warthog found three lion cubs; the hare and warthog pretended to kill each her own, but the hyena really killed; a lioness, a hare and a warthog came and gave the lion cubs to feed, the hyena insists that her lion cub was sleeping; then she threw the lion cub into the well, disappeared into the hole; the warthog became her dig it up; the hare put salt in the hyena's mouth to spit it it out into the warthog's eyes; the hyena swallowed it first; the rest still spit out, the warthog is blinded; feeling the taste of salt, the lioness decided eat the warthog, at which time the hyena ran away; the lioness demands that the hare get it; he gave the lioness peanuts to crunch, told the hyena that he had a goat in the cave; the hyena came in, the lioness on her rushed and the hare screamed that the lion cub was actually alive; the lioness let go of the hyena and they all ran away]: Diep, Bamba 2007, No. 24:76-83; casena [Hare, M119]; ela [Hare, M156, M173]; bulsa [Hare, M56B, M124]; Dogon [Hare, M23, M112, M156]; Dagari [Hare, M118]; Lobi [Hare, M118]; Tangale [Hare, M62C; Jungraithmayr 2002, No. 1 [see motif L81; cannibal they kill, the Hare says he is the eldest; everyone roasts the cannibal meat, the Hare quietly puts it in a piece of bitterness, everyone leaves, the Hare gets all the meat]: 2-43]; bobo [Hare, M158]; mandingo [Hare, M23, M62C, M172]; manden [Hare, M23, M62C, M62D, M112, M124, M169]; bambara [Hare, K8e, M23, M62C, M156, M158, M169, M172]; soninke [Hare, M62C, M62D, M159]; son [Hare, M106, M172]; raspberries, [Hare, M23, M112]; kono [Hare, L45, M104, M172]; pajadinka [Hare, M169]; manjak [Hare, M62C, M62D]; felupe [Hare, M23, M62D]; mankagna [Hare, M56B, M56C, M62C, M104, M124]; susu [Hare, M192A]; biafada [Hare, M56B]; tenda [Hare, K8E, M120, M124]; fulbe [Hare, M60B, M62C, M62D, M62E, M74B (Nigeria), M104 (Guinea Bissau), M131, M156, M173]; Zulgo [Hare, M120, M132]; Ash [Hare, M181]; Sierra Leone [Rabbit (?) , M104]; Wolof [Hare, M112, M124, M172]; Eve [Hare, M62C]; Yoruba [Hare, M112, M182]; Songhai [Hare, M53, M62E, M156, M172]; icom [Hare, M127]; tiv: Abraham 1940 [The Hare and the Leopard go fishing; the catch is small, the Leopard sends the Hare for food; he kills each time, brings a baby Leopard; on the way back he tries to escape, but the Leopard does not let him go; Seeing the only cub left at home, the Leopard calms down; the Hare asks the Lizard for help; he invites the Leopard to lean over the hole in the anthill, the Hare throws a noose around the Leopard's neck chokes]: 70-72; tiv [The hare says there are women in the sky; the spider weaves a thread, all the animals climb it to heaven, buy wives; the hare eats the old woman's food (many small seeds), sprinkles it unnoticed They are a Spider; everyone thinks that the thief is a Spider; he is offended, he goes down to the ground with his thread twisted; all the animals jump down, break; the elephant is the last; he also crashed, but the Hare jumped on his back survived]: Arnott 2000:75-78; mukulu [Hare, M62E]; somrai [to show how cunning he is, the hare promises to get wild buffalo milk; taking a calebass, he approaches the buffalo and says that his daughter is dead and he is in a hurry to go to the pohors; he suffers from thirst in the heat; climbs under the buffalo, asks for a little drink; fills the calebass with milk and leaves; the animals have recognized that milk valid buuyvolin]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 36:177-178; hausa [Hare, M145]; (cf. hausa [Jerboa, M145]).
Sudan - East Africa. Mundang [Hare, M120, M132, M156]; Shilluk [Hare, M38, M30, M42, M96, M109, M167, M181]; Anuak [Hare, L45]; Bari [Hare, M45, M176; Hare and Fox, M182]; Moru [Hare, L45]; Acholi [Hare, L45]; nzakara [Hare, M132]; Iraku [Hare, M112]; sandave [Hare, M38]; haza [Hare, M120; Kohl-Larsen 1956 (1) [The hare tells the dwarf deer that Evil people follow him; he believes he leaves with a hare; when they hid in the bushes, the hare followed their wives; on the way he met the haza hunters, led them to the deer; threw a stone to run out, but the hunters missed; told the hunters that he should not be killed because he was small, brought a wart boar to the hunters, wrapped it in grass; 2) The hare and the Matsu antelope are arguing whether the Hare can sit in the burning grass; The hare succeeds, Matsu also tries and burns; The hare revives him, warns him to run away to the mountains, because he will not succeed like the Hare; 3) The hare and Svalya met a lioness; she recently gave birth and she hadn't eaten for a long time, she goes with them, but does not want to eat grass; the hare suggested that Svalya can be eaten, helped with this; guards the lion cubs while the lioness is hunting; once gave the lion cub to a wild dog; The lioness wanted revenge The hare runs away: (transfer to Col-Larsen 1962:99-100)]: 58-69; Kalengin [The Hare, m91c2 (kipsigis), M120 (nandi)], M140 (pokot), [the hare froze and decided to get a cape; Keboet gave him a thread, but the hare did not know how weave; when the lion parents were not at home, took the thread to the lion cub and said that the chief required the lioness to weave the cape, he would come for it on the third day; the lion cub told his mother that the chief had come and demanded make a cape; the hare did not come on the third day, but waited for the lioness to go out, then came for the cape; at this time the lion returned; he beat the hare half to death, gave the cape to the lion cub; since then the hare flees as soon as he sees any animal: suddenly it was the lion who sent for him] (tugen): Chesaina 1997:70-72]; mehen [The lion met the Rabbit, was going to eat it; the rabbit said his weapon scarier than Leo's claws and fangs; these are horns (i.e. his ears), he will destroy the entire lion tribe with them; Leo ran away]: Jensen 1959, No. 8:415; Masai [Hare, M104, M120, M127, M131, M140, M171]; joluo [ Hare, M30]; lango [Hare, M30, M38, M104]; sanye [Hare, M112]; arusha [Hare, M104].
North Africa. Tuaregs (Air) [Hare, M120, M132].
Southern Europe.
Spanish [Hare, F83B]; Galicians [Hare, F83B]; Portuguese [Hare, F83B; M145]Western Europe. French [Hare, F83B], Friezes [Hare, M145].
Western Asia. Palestinians (Gaza) [Hare, M131].
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [hare, F83A, F83B, M21b, M100, M100a, M125, M152A, M156; Rabbit, M21b, M156]; O-Connor 1906, No. 7 [the wolf is going to eat a wild donkey; he suggests waiting until autumn when he is fat feeds; six months later, the wolf goes to the meeting point; the fox, then the hare asked to take them with him; the donkey offers to kill him without shedding blood; the fox brings a rope from the shepherds' parking lot; the hare tells him to put it on a noose around the wolf's neck and the other two around the wolf and fox's neck; lets go of its end, the donkey drags the wolf and fox until they suffocate; sheds its noose and continues to graze]: 43-47; Tibetans (Amdo) [ rabbit, M23, M62B, M120B, M152A, hare, M100, M100a, M125]; Tibetans (Ham; Sichuan) [Hare, M21b, M100, M109, M120B, M125, M152A, M192, M194]; Sikkim Tibetans [Hare, M192, M194]; Lavrut ng [Hare, M21b, M100, M100a, M120B, M124, M125, M148]; Meitei [hare, M53]; toto [M144]; kachari [Hare, M144]
Burma - Indochina. Karen [Hare, F83A, M61]; Viets [Hare, F5A, M23, M38, M143, M144, M144A, M149, M149A, M195]; kava [Hare, M144, M144A]; palaung [hare (rabbit), M21B, M51, M140, M144]; chams [hare, M140, M143, M144, M144A, M149A, M152D]; nung [hare, F5A, M145]; zhuang (Guangxi) [hare, M182]; Thais [hare, M144B; Rabbit, M145]; Shans [Hare, M109B, M144, M144A]; Khmer [Hare, M140, M151, M156, M192, M195]; katu [the hare came to watch the dumpling boat be made; says he is an expert in this field; he is asked for help; he asks him first feed; after eating, indicated where to hit with an ax, a hole formed in the bottom; the hare accused the worker of inability, ran away]: Nikulin 1990:263-264; banar [Hare, M149A]; zyaray [Hare, M149A, M152D]; kho [Hare, M149A]; Burmese [Rabbit, M109B, M140, M144, M145, M151, M152, M152D, M156, M157, M164A, M195]
South Asia. Ancient India (Buddhist tradition) [hare, M83]; Ancient India (Panchatantra) [hare, M145]; Punjabi [hare, M145]; northern India (Hindi) [hare, M145]; haria [ hare, M145]; Himachali plowmen [rabbit, L116A, M171]; oriya [hare, M145]; condas [hare, M145]; gondas [hare, M145]; rohingya [rabbit, M145].
Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataki [hare, M3].
China - Korea. The Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Funing, d. Zhangzhuang, 1986) [the white hare lived in the mountains, raised Tao and wanted to be immortal, but he still couldn't do it and asked everywhere how to do it; one day he dreamed of a white-bearded old man: "If you want to become a celestial, don't do evil, then you'll achieve immortality"; hare: "I've done a lot of good things, I have almost no strength left to become immortal?" Old man: "A man will be passing by here tonight, follow him; when the roosters scream, ask him, "Sir, look back, what do I look like?" He will say, "You look like a celestial hare," then you will be immortal"; when the hare woke up, he went to the beanfield, ate all the beans, waited for midnight; he followed that man at midnight; afraid to miss right moment and hurriedly blurted out, "Hey, look back, what do I look like?" Person: "On the big white hare!" ; the hare in his heart spat in the man's face; he laughed: "Look who I am!" ; the hare looked - this is that white-bearded old man; the old man: "Does someone like you still want to be immortal? Stay a big white hare!"] : Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 807; Chinese (Hubei) [hare, M156]; Chinese (Liaoning) [hare, M194]; Chinese (Jilin) [hare, M21b, M100, M100a, M152, M167a]; Chinese (Ningxia Hui Autonomous District) [hare, M182]; Chinese (Sichuan) [hare, M145]; Chinese (Guangxi) [hare, M182]; Chinese (Jiangsu) [hare, M3a]; namuzi [rabbit, K119]; (cf. Chinese (no place of recording is specified, but it is likely either Jiangsu or northeast; unlikely central provinces) [hare, M3A]); zao [hare, M149]; lolo [hare, M100a]; fox [hare, M23, M112, M182, M152D], Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994 [the hare tells the dragon he has found a magnificent lake with clear water for him; on a hot day, the dragon goes there carrying a hare on its back; a hare says he should scout the way, ran away; the dragon pretended to be a log in the water where the hare came to drink; it was in his mouth; said that it should be seen, not just held; the dragon opened mouth to clench its jaws, the hare ran away]: 283-285; Koreans [hare, M83, M109, M110, M145, rabbit, M156].
The Balkans. Bulgarians [hare, F83A].
Central Europe. Russian written tradition [M145]; Russians (no place of recording) [hare, F83A]; Ukrainians (Kursk, Kharkiv; Gnatyuk, Baiki, 75, 76) [hare, F83A].
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygs [hare, M157]; Dargins [hare, M145]; Tabasarans [hare, M145]; Lezgins [hare, M145]; Georgians [hare, M145]; Turks [hare, M56D]; Kurds [hare, M56D] , M145].
Iran - Central Asia. Pashtuns [hare, M145]; Tajiks [hare taught by a fox, M145]; parachi [hare, M145].
Baltoscandia. Estonians [Hare, M30 (?)] ; Latvians [Hare, F83A, M145]; Finns [Hare, F83A].
Volga - Perm. Bashkirs [Khayats, M145]; Komi [hare, F83, F83A].
Turkestan. Kazakhs [hare, M23, M100, M100a, M125, M145]; Karakalpaks [hare, M145]; Uighurs [hare, M21, M120, fox teaches hares to deceive a tiger, M145]; Dungans [M145]; salars [ hare, M125, M145, M152, M152A, M194].
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [hare, F83A, M125, M156, M176]; Khakas [hare, F83, F83A]; Mongors [hare, M100, M125, M140]; Khalkha Mongols [hare, L93B, M83, M145]; Oirats [hare, M145]; Inner Mongolian Mongols [Hare, M83, M145, M149]; Dongxiang [hare, M145]; baoan [rabbit, M21b, M120 and other episodes].
Western Siberia. Mansi [hare, M142]; tundra Nenets [hare, M147].
Amur - Sakhalin. Nivhi (?) [Hare, M94] {C.M. Dachshund could actually process Nivkh tales, but could also retell publications in other groups under the guise of Nivkh tales}: Dachshunds 1975:2-4.
Japan. Kojiki [Hare, M3A, M135]; Japanese [Rabbit, M192, M194]
SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs [Hare, M12, M91]; Johelson 1900 ["Noteworthy tales of hares described by clever and dexterous animals"]: iv.
The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [Hare, F83]; Katlamet [Rabbit, M53D].
The Midwest. Winnebago [The Hare, F25, F64, M96]; Menominee [Rabbit, H18]; Ottawa [The Great Hare (see the A3A motif, where he plays Manabozo); trickster episodes are probably just not fixed]; kickapoo [Rabbit, F5A].
Northeast. Passamaquoddy [Rabbit, M53, M60B]; penobscot [Hare, M38]; mikmaq [Rabbit, M38]
Plains. Omaha and ponka [Rabbit, F25, M53, M96]; Iowa [Hare, F25, F64, F82, M96].
Southeast USA. Yuchi [Rabbit, M38]; Chiroki [Rabbit, K1H, M26, M30, M38, (M62), M73; Opossum and Rabbit, M45]]; catawba [Rabbit, M38]; screams [Rabbit, J12; M38, M56A, M61, (M62), M73]; Seminoles [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Alabama [Rabbit, M38, (M62), M73]; Koasati [Rabbit, M26, M38, M40, M56A, (M62), M73]; Hichiti [Rabbit, M38, M56A, (M56B), (M62)]; Natchez [Rabbit, K75, M38, M56A, (M56B), (M62), M73], tunic [Rabbit, M56A]
California. Screw [Rabbit, M38].
Mesoamerica Totonaki [Rabbit, M56B]; Chooh [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Chol [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Kanhobal [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Tseltal [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Tzotsil [Rabbit, M56A]; tocholabal [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; pokomam [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; kekchi [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; tsutukhil [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; mom [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Maya Yucatana [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Chorti [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; lacandons [f5b, (L118, M151a)]
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [Rabbit, M40].
Llanos. Yaruro [Rabbit, M131].
Guiana. Warrau [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)].
The Central Andes. Huancabamba (dep. Piura) [Rabbit, M30]; Aymara [Rabbit, M131].
Montagna - Jurua. Capanahua [Rabbit, M73]; Kashinahua [Rabbit, M73].