Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29g1. Trickster - Hare, Rabbit (main trickster).


In episodes involving deception, ridiculous, obscene, or antisocial behavior, the hare or rabbit is the main trickster. Traditions in which 1) a hare or rabbit occurs only once as a trickster, and another trickster (usually a fox/jackal/coyote) is typical; 2) Mesoamerican traditions in which a small rabbit is associated with a small a set of episodes and a high probability of recent African influences. See the motives in square brackets.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ila [Hare, M23, M62, M112, M131]; Nyanja [Hare, M53F, M62, M112, M119, M156, M172]; lamp [Hare, M23, M40, M62, M104, M112, M120]; nsenga [Hare, M62]; luchazi [ Rabbit, M62C]; Douala [Hare, M62]; Congo [Rabbit, M74A, M112; Hare, M151]; Zombo [Hare, M181]; Laadi [Hare, L45, M62C, M156]; Ganda [Hare, L45, M62C, M131, M151, M181 ]; Rwanda [Hare, L45]; Tutsi [Hare, M40, M124, M181]; Rotse [Hare, M112]; Ronga [Hare, M38, M112]; Tsonga [Hare, M38, M38, M109, M171]; Western Pygmies (aka) [ Hare, M104; M156]; dabida [Hare M51]; zigula [Hare, M23, M112, M156]; ndau [Hare, M109, M112, M119, M181]; ziba [Rabbit, L45]; kwaya [Rabbit, L45, M131]; grow [Hare, M120]; digo [Hare, M38]; isanzu [Hare, M23, M38, M102, M112]; kikuyu [Hare, L45, M30, M131, M172, M174; Swahili (incl. ngindu) [Hare, M23, M38, M40, M85, M102, M104, M112, M151, M152, M174]; bast (?) [Hare, M109]; Comorians [Hare, M85, M112, M151]; Sumbwa [Hare, L45, M112, M131, M156]; Nyamwezi [Hare, M23, M112, M156, M157]; Safwa [Hare, M23, M40, M53F, M112, M120, M181]; nyamwanga [Hare, M38]; nyaturu [Hare], gogo [Hare, M119], M102, M181]; chagga [Hare, M104]; kamba [Hare, M104, M112, M124, M131, M156, M157, M175, M181]; goose [Hare, M23, M157]; bemba [Hare, M104]; hehe [Hare, M152]; matumbi [Hare, M181]; subia [Hare, M104]; ganda [Hare, M38]; kiga [Hare, M104]; ziba [ Hare, M104]; Bondei [Hare, M104, M169]; Kaguru [Hare, M104]; Kimbundu [Hare, M45, M112]; Ambundu [Hare, M156]; Yao [Hare, M62C, M156]; Tete (Nyungwe?) [Hare, M40, M120, M127, M156]; Tonga [Hare, M112, M131]; Venda [Rabbit, M120]; Suto [Hare, M156]; Tswana [Hare, M119, M120, M171]; Zulu [Rabbit, M3A, M119]

West Africa. Mosi [Hare, K8e, M62C, M62D, M119, M104, M124, M131, M156, M172, M173]; Kasena [Hare, M119]; ela [Hare, M156, M173]; Dogon [Hare, M23, M112, M156]; Dagari [ Hare, M118]; lobi [Hare, M118]; tangale [Hare, M62C; Jungraithmayr 2002, No. 1 [see motive L81; the cannibal is killed, the hare says he is the elder; everyone roasts cannibal meat, the hare unnoticed puts bitterness in a piece, everyone leaves, the Hare gets all the meat]: 2-43]; bobo [Hare, M158]; mandingo [Hare, M23, M62C, M172]; manden [Hare, M23, M62C, M62D, M112, M124, M169]; bambara [Hare, K8e, M23, M62C, M156, M158, M169, M172]; soninke [Hare, M62C, M62D, M159]; raspberry, [Hare, M23, M112]; cassonne [Hare, M172]; kono [Hare, L45, M104, M172] ]; pajadinka [Hare, M169]; manjak [Hare, M62C, M62D]; felupe [Hare, M23, M62D]; mankagna [Hare, M56B, M56C, M62C, M104, M124]; susu [Hare, M192A]; biafada [ Hare, M56B]; Tenda [Hare, K8E, M120, M124]; Fulbe [Hare, M60B, M62C, M62D, M62E, M74B (Nigeria), M104 (Guinea-Bissau), M131, M156, M173]; Zulgo [Hare, M120, M132]; Ash [ Hare, M181]; Sierra Leone [Rabbit (?) , M104]; Wolof [Hare, M112, M124]; Eve [Hare, M62C]; Yoruba [Hare, M112, M182]; Songhai [Hare, M53, M62E, M156, M172]; ikom [Hare, M127]; Tv: Abraham 1940 [ The Hare and the Leopard go fishing; the catch is small, the Leopard sends the Hare for food; he kills each time, brings a baby Leopard; on the way back, he tries to escape, but the Leopard does not let him go; when he sees it at home the only cub left, the Leopard calms down; the Hare asks the Lizard for help; he invites the Leopard to lean over the hole in the anthill, the Hare throws a noose around the Leopard's neck, strangles]: 70-72; tiv [The hare says there are women in the sky; the Spider weaves a thread, all the animals climb it to heaven, buy wives; The hare eats the old woman's food (many small seeds), sprinkles them quietly on the Spider ; everyone thinks that the thief is a Spider; he is offended, he goes down to the ground with his thread twisted; all the animals jump down, break; the elephant is the last; he also crashed, but the Hare jumped, climbing on his back, remains alive]: Arnott 2000:75-78; (cf. hausa [Jerboa, M145]).

Sudan - East Africa. Mundang [Hare, M120, M132, M156]; Shilluk [Hare, M38, M30, M42, M109, M167, M181]; Anuak [Hare, L45]; Bary [Hare, L45, M176; Hare and Fox, M182]; Sarah [M91c2]; moru [Hare, L45]; acholi [Hare, L45]; nzakara [Hare, M132]; Iraku [Hare, M112]; sandave [Hare, M38]; haza [Hare, M120; Kohl-Larsen 1956 (1) [Hare speaks to the dwarf deer that evil people are following him; he believes he is leaving with a hare; when they hid in the bushes, the hare followed their wives; on the way he met the haza hunters, brought them to the deer; threw a stone to make him ran out, but the hunters missed; told the hunters that he should not be killed because he was small, brought a wart boar to the hunters, wrapping it in grass; 2) The hare and the Matsu antelope are arguing whether the Hare could sit in the burning grass; the hare succeeds, Matsu also tries and burns; The hare revives him, warns him to run away to the mountains, as he will not succeed like the Hare; 3) The hare and Svalya met the lioness; she recently gave birth and has not eaten for a long time, she goes with them, but does not want to eat grass; the hare suggested that Svalya can be eaten, helped with this; guards the lion cubs while the lioness is hunting; once gave the lion cub to a wild dog; The lioness wanted revenge, the Hare runs away: (transferred to Col-Larsen 1962:99-100)]: 58-69; nandi [Hare, M120]; pokot [Hare, M140]; mehen [The lion met the Rabbit, is about to eat it; Rabbit said that his weapon is more terrible than the Leo's claws and fangs; they are horns (i.e. his ears), he will destroy the entire lion tribe with them; the lion ran away]: Jensen 1959, No. 8:415; the Masai [Hare, M104, M120, M127, M131, M140, m171]; joluo [hare, M30]; lango [hare, M30, M38, M104]; sanye [hare, M112]; arusha [hare, M104].

North Africa. Tuaregs (Air) [Hare, M120, M132].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [hare, F83A, F83B, M21b (hare, rabbit), M100, M100a, M125, M156 (hare, rabbit)]; O-Connor 1906, No. 7 [the wolf is going to eat a wild donkey; he suggests waiting until autumn when he is fat feeds; six months later, the wolf goes to the meeting point; the fox, then the hare asked to take them with him; the donkey offers to kill him without shedding blood; the fox brings a rope from the shepherds' parking lot; the hare tells him to put it on a noose around the wolf's neck and the other two around the wolf and fox's neck; lets go of its end, the donkey drags the wolf and fox until they suffocate; sheds its noose and continues to graze]: 43-47; Tibetans (Amdo) [ rabbit, M23, M62B, M100a, M120B]; Tibetans (Ham; Sichuan) [hare, M21b, M100, M109, M120B, M125, M192, M194]; Sikkim Tibetans [Hare, M192, M194]; lavrung [hare, M21b, M100, M100a, M120B, M124, M125, M148]; toto [M144]; kachari [hare, M144]

Burma - Indochina. Karen [Hare, F83A, M61]; Viets [Hare, F5A, M38, M143, M144, M149, M149A, M195]; kava [Hare, M144]; palaung [hare, M21B, rabbit, M140, M144]; cravings [Hare, M140, M143, M144, M149A]; nung [hare, F5A, M145]; nung [Hare, F5A, M145]; zhuang (Guangxi) [hare, M182]; Thais [rabbit, M145]; Shans [Hare, M109B, M144]; Khmers [ Hare, M140, M151, M156, M195]; katu [the hare came to watch the dumpling boat be made; says he is an expert in this field; he is asked for help; he asks to feed him first; after eating, he indicated where hit with an ax, a hole formed in the bottom; the hare accused the worker of inability, ran away]: Nikulin 1990:263-264; banar [Hare, M149A]; zyaray [Hare, M149A]; kho [Hare, M149A]; Burmese [Rabbit, M109B, M140, M144, M145, M151, M152, M156, M157, M195]; Aung 1957 [Leo appoints Bear, Monkey, Rabbit as ministers, but then looks for an excuse to eat them, asks what he smells like from the mouth; The bear says that the smell is bad (eaten), the Monkey is thin (accused of hypocrisy, also eaten), the Rabbit says that he has a runny nose, asks him to let him go home for a few days; Leo lets go]: 12-13.

China - Korea. {Although there is only one episode involving a hare or rabbit for some provinces, there is no other trickster in these areas, and not all Chinese texts that may contain relevant material, translated}. The Chinese (Hebei, Wu. Funing, d. Zhangzhuang, 1986) [the white hare lived in the mountains, raised Tao and wanted to be immortal, but he still couldn't do it and asked everywhere how to do it; one day he dreamed of a white-bearded old man: "If you want to become a celestial, don't do evil, then you'll achieve immortality"; hare: "I've done a lot of good things, I have almost no strength left to become immortal?" Old man: "A man will be passing by here tonight, follow him; when the roosters scream, ask him, "Sir, look back, what do I look like?" He will say, "You look like a celestial hare," then you will be immortal"; when the hare woke up, he went to the beanfield, ate all the beans, waited for midnight; he followed that man at midnight; afraid to miss right moment and hurriedly blurted out, "Hey, look back, what do I look like?" Person: "On the big white hare!" ; the hare in his heart spat in the man's face; he laughed: "Look who I am!" ; the hare looked - this is that white-bearded old man; the old man: "Does someone like you still want to be immortal? Stay a big white hare!"] : Bai Gengsheng 2007a: 807; Chinese (Hubei) [hare, M156]; Chinese (Liaoning) [hare, M194]; Chinese (Jilin) [hare, M21b, M100, M152, M167a]; Chinese (Ningxia Hui) Autonomous District) [hare, M182]; Chinese (Sichuan) [hare, M145]; Chinese (Jiangsu) [hare, M3a]; Chinese (Jiangsu) [hare, M3a]; zao [Hare, M149]; namuzi [rabbit, K119]; lolo [hare, M100a]; fox [hare, M23, M112, M182, M152D], Dessaint, Ngw√¢ma 1994 [the hare tells the dragon he has found a gorgeous lake with clear water for him; on a hot day, the dragon goes there, carrying a hare on his back; the hare says he must scout the road, ran away; the dragon pretended to be a log in the water where the hare came to drink; it was in his mouth; said that it should be seen, not just hold; the dragon opened its mouth to clench its jaws, the hare ran away]: 283-285; Koreans [hare, M83, M109, M110, M145, rabbit, M156].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [hare, M23, M100, M100a, M125, M145]; Uighurs [hare, M21, M120, M149, fox teaches hares to deceive a tiger, M145]; salars [Hare, M125, M145, M152, M152A, M194].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans [hare, F83A, M125, M156, M176]; Inner Mongolian Mongols [hare, M83, M145, M149]; Mongors [hare, M100, M125, M140]; Dongxiang [hare, M145].

Japan. Kojiki [Hare, M3A, M135]; Japanese [Rabbit, M192, M194]

The Midwest. Winnebago [Hare, F25, F64, M96].

Plains. Omaha and ponka [Rabbit, F25, M53, M96]; Iowa [Hare, F25, F64, F82, M96].

Southeast USA. Yuchi [Rabbit, M38]; Chiroki [Rabbit, K1H, M26, M30, M38, (M62), M73; Opossum and Rabbit, M45]]; catawba [Rabbit, M38]; screams [Rabbit, J12; M38, M56A, M61, (M62), M73]; Seminoles [Rabbit, M56A, (M56B)]; Alabama [Rabbit, M38, (M62), M73]; Koasati [Rabbit, M26, M38, M40, M56A, (M62), M73]; Hichiti [Rabbit, M38, M56A, (M56B), (M62)]; Natchez [Rabbit, K75, M23, M38, M56A, (M56B), (M62), M73]