Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29k1. Turtle, Toad, Frog are a loser trickster. (.11.-.13.15. .16.21.-.24.26.-.

A turtle (toad, frog) gets into unpleasant situations due to its own stupidity or carelessness. See the motives in square brackets. The character is named if it is a toad or frog; otherwise, a turtle.

Many or even all of the American variants in which a toad, frog, or turtle is the protagonist in the M30 motive episode can be borrowed from Europeans or Africans. Although the question is open, it is better not to use this motive for statistical calculations.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Suto-chwana [M30]; ilah [M30]; laadi [M30]; sakata [M30]; quiri [M182]

West Africa. Igbo [M30]; engenny [M30]; wolof [M30].

Sudan - East Africa. Acholi [M30].

Southern Europe. The Maltese [M30].

Western Europe. Germans (south?) , Dutch [M30].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [M30]; Tibetans (Amdo) [M30].

Burma - Indochina. Thais [M30]; Khmers [M30]; Viets [toad, M30]; Tyams [M152A].

South Asia. Ancient India [M30]; Oriya [M30]; Veddas [M30].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mangaray [frog, M30].

China - Korea. The Chinese [M30].

The Balkans. Greeks [M30]; Hungarians [M30]; Bulgarians [turtle, toad, M30]; Albanians [M30].

Central Europe. Russian written tradition [M30, M30C, M30D]; Ukrainians [M30]; Czechs [M30].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [M30]; Azerbaijanis [M30].

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [M30]; (cf. Sogdians [Sogdian fragment SI 5704 from the Serindi Foundation of the IVR RAS (text in Sogdian-Manichaean, which is a translation of a Buddhist, most likely Chinese, work; exact location unknown findings): "...] turtle/...] that:/"You will grab a stick in the middle with your mouth/grab it tightly, and we, two/falcons, at both ends (stick) with our mouth/grab tightly, fly, /let's go, you (from this)" [/] a dried place (taking) [..."]: Chunakova 2017:40-47).

Baltoscandia. Estonians [frog, M30].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [frog, M30]; Karakalpaks [frog, M30].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols [M30]; Oirats [M30, M30D]; Mongors [frog, M30].

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts [frog, M31].

Japan. The Japanese [M30].

(Wed. The coast is the Plateau. Ne perse [frog, M30]).

(Wed. The Midwest. Western Marsh Cree [frog, M30]).

Mesoamerica Totonaki [toad, h26]; tepehua [toad, h26]; Puebla Nahuat [toad, h26]; Veracruza Nahuatl [toad, h26]; mihe [toad, h26]; mountain dogs [toad, h26]; lacandons [toad, h26]; (cf. chorti [toad, M30]; chontal [toad, M30]; tequistlateca [M30]; quiche [turtle, frog, M30]; canhobal [M30]; celtal [M30]; jacaltecs [toad, M30]; poke [frog, M30]; juice [turtle, frog, M30]; kekchi [frog, M30]).

Honduras - Panama. Sumu [toad, h26].

(Wed. The Northern Andes. Embera (chami) [toad, M30]; guajiro [M30]).

(Wed. Guiana. Varrau [M30]).

(Wed. Central Amazon. Mestizos from the lower reaches of Jurua [M30]).

(Wed. Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [turtle, M12, M30; toad, M30]; urubu [skull M12]).

(Wed. The Central Andes. Dep. Cusco [toad (rare), M30]).

(Wed. Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [M30]).