Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29o. Trickster - Monkey.


See the motives in square brackets.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Lingala [M3A]; Sakata [M110]; Chagga [M164]; Hehe [M110]; Lamba [M110]; Kimbundu [M45, M181].

Sudan - East Africa. Amhara [M127, M145, M156, M157, M164, M169, M176]; Oromo [M157]; Tigre [M74e]; Meen [Cercopithecus Monkey, M157]; Nubians [baboon, K119].

North Africa. Berbers of Morocco [M74e]; Tunisia [K119].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [M83]; Lepcha [M23]; Kirachi [K119]; Angami [M144]; Meitei [M45C]; Kachari [M45C]; Mikir [M45C].

Burma - Indochina. Vietnam [M144]; Khmers [M151].

South Asia. Ancient India (Puranas, Buddhist tradition) [M83]; Assamese [M45C]; Tamils [M171]; Sinhales [K119]; Ho [M144].

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [M3A, M131]; aceh [M131]; dusun [M31, M131]; minahasa [M144, M156] toraja [M3A, M30, M131]; galela [M3A, M5A, M111, M131], tobelo and galela [M5A, (M144?)] ; East Timor [M31, M111]; Tutum [M51]; Athoni [M131]; Simalur [M5A], Dusun [M5A], Malays (Kelantan) [M5A], Sangihe Islands [M3A, M5A, M131, (M144?) ].

Taiwan - Philippines. Pampango [M111]; ilongot [M111]; visayas [K119, M111, M182]; bagobo [M111]; Tagals [M111, M144, M182]; Tinghian [M111]; sambal [M144].

Central Europe. Russian written tradition [M30, M30C, M30D]; Ukrainians [M110].

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kurds [M74e, M110].

Turkestan. Dungans [M110].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. A Buddhist story in written monuments. Buryats [M83]; Mongols [M83].

Japan. The Japanese [M110].

Guiana. Varrau [M23].

Chaco. Chamacoco [M131].