Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29P. Trickster vs Spider. 12.13.46.

See the motives in square brackets.

West Africa. Mamprusi [F65B, M38, M156, M181, M182]; Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 27 [the father said he would give his daughter to someone who eats a whole plate of bitter pepper without taking a break, never once will say "ooh-ha!" ; many young men tried to eat pepper, but they got burned and involuntarily shouted "ooh-ha!" ; he sat down at the table and asked the bride's father: "You don't let him talk while eating," he took pepper in his mouth and finished saying, "Uh-ha!" ; the father replied that he did not allow it; "You can't even..." the spider took the pepper in his mouth again, "make "ooh-ha" quietly?" ; the father said you can't; "And you can't say "ooh-ha" out loud?" - asked while continuing to eat pepper; the father replied that it was impossible; "You can't say "ooh-ha" quickly or slowly?" - the spider asked when swallowing pepper; it was easy for him to eat, because he kept doing "ooh-ha!" , but the owner did not understand his tricks; "So I don't say ooh-ha," said eating up the leftovers of the pepper; the bride's father agreed and gave him his daughter]: 46-47; Dagomba [M181B]; krachi [M181B]; Sierra Leone (mende?) [F65B]; gbandi [M23]; kono [F65B, L34G, M38, M96, M118, M182]; scrap [M118]; loma mende [in two villages a holiday; to get to both, the Nan-sil spider tied two to his belt ropes, giving ends to holiday organizers in both villages; where it starts first, he will pull him there; both began to pull, the spider has remained in place, since then it has a narrow waist]: Pinney 1973:103-104; guro [M124, M171]; mano [L33G]; kuwaa [F65B, M182]; ashanti [M171]; anyi [F64, F65, F65B, K75]; kachi [M171]; baule [M38, M56B, M124, M171]; icom [M106, M181]; eve [F65B, M62F, M91, M171]; hausa [M30, M56b, M62c, M62d, M62f, M9cc, M118, M132, M150, M172, M181, M181a]; dark [K8e, L34G, M62C, M62C, M181a], M124, M182]; goals [ M23, M118]; vai [M65B, M118, M182]; limba [M120]; limba: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [The spider is invited to five feasts at the same time; in order not to miss a single one, he tells his five sons to go there, tied a rope to him, and pull when the food is served; served at the same time, the Spider's sons almost tore their father]: 176; Peek, Yankah 2994 [limb has a trickster - spider]: 269; beta [M182]; bassari (Togo) [during hunger, a man cuts a tree by the river, drops an ax, finds a scraper to scrape out cauldrons instead, from which food falls; Spider's son comes to the man, sees that he has the house is full of food; the spider tells the leader that he tells the man to bring a scraper, the leader gathers the people, everyone rushed for food, broke the scraper; the spider climbs a tree, deliberately drops an ax, finds a whip; he hits him, then his family; the Spider brings it to the chief, the whip hits everyone until the chief takes it in his hand]: Frobenius, No. 23 in Klipple 1992:211-212.

Sudan - East Africa. Joluo [K8e, M38, M118, M182]; Zande [L70, M38, M42, M87], Evans Pritchard 1963 [a woman lived across the river, she had 4 big scary dogs and others; grain and dried meat in the barns; Ture (spider) made such a loop that if it steps into it, it throws itself across the river; threw itself, made the same loop on the other side, got food, the woman heard, let the dogs down, T. threw it himself back; Dikdik (Madoqua) asked T. to take him with him; while he was picking up food, T. quietly ruined his noose; he was transferred to the other side, and the dikdik was torn by dogs; the same with the red duker ( Cephalophus natalensis); a shrub duker (Sylvicapra grimmia), whose loop T. also spoiled, used T.'s loop, jumped over himself, and dogs chased T.; he climbed a tree, put it to his eyes fruits, began to look up, play the harp and sing: if I lower my eyes, everyone would die; told the woman to tie her dogs, otherwise she would lower her eyes; she did not recognize T., believed, tied the dogs and left; T. escaped]: 65-68; nzakara [M38, M118]; ngbandi and gbaya [trickster-spider]: Peek, Yankah 2004:269; sarah [trickster-spider]: Peek, Yankah 2994:269; ngambaye [K8e, M118].

Plains. Assiniboine [Sitkonsky, Iktomi, Inktumni, F5A, F58, F63, F64, F92, M32, M41, M51, M53, M60B, M61, M66, M80, M86, M93]; teton [Iktomi, old F64, K1H, K35, K75, M53, M65]; Santi [old Ungtomi, Inktomi (Spider), K75, M93, K35, M32, M38, M53, M51, M66, M67, M86]; Omaha and Ponka [villain, Iktinica, F92, K35, K75, M38, Sisemakan, Iktinike, Ictinike, M53, M65, M120B]; iowa [Ishiinki, Ishji 'nki, F18D, F63, K35, K75, M38, M53, M65, M66, M120B]; from [Ichthínke, M53, M65, M79, M120B].