Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29U. Trickster - Month.

.12.18.19. (.23.-.25.) .

See the motives in square brackets.

West Africa. Ewe [Month, M104]; background [Month, M104]; wute [Month, M104].

Australia. Nguluwonga [Month, M50]; Bunya Bunya [Month, M50].

(Wed. South Asia. Moon, M104. Sora; ho; birkhor; santals; bondo; bhuya; bhuya; baiga; cond; oraons; muria; binjwar; battra).

(Wed. Malaysia-Indonesia. Moon, M104. Semangs; Senoi; Malays Aboriginals (mantra); Bataks; Mentawai; Javanese; Toraja).

(Wed. Taiwan - Philippines. Tagaly [Moon, M104]).

Melanesia. Paparatawa (New Britain) [Month, A28].

NW Amazon. Carijona [Month, A28, M18]; Wanana [Month, F58]; andoque [Brother Month, K1H].

Eastern Amazon. Urubu [Month, A28].

Southern Amazon. Vaura [Month, A28]; kamayura [Month, A28]; bakairi [Month, A28]; trumai [Month, A28]; kayabi [Month, H18]; umotina [Month, A28, H18]; bororo [ Month, A28].

Montagna - Jurua. Sharanahua [Month, F58].

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [Month, A28]; krenje [Month, A28]; apinaye [Month, A28]; frame camera [Month, A28]; crash [Month, A28]; apaniecra [Month, A28]; sherente [ Month, A28].

SE Brazil. Kamakan [Month, A28 (and M18?)] ; mashakali [Month, M29U].

Chaco. Chamakoko [Month, A28]; matako [Month, A28, M18].

Southern Brazil. Ofaye [Month, A28 (=H18), M18]; Chiripa [Month, A28, M18].

Patagonia - Chile. Puelche [Month, A28].