Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29W. Jaguar (ocelot, puma) is a loser and a loser.


As a result of their stupidity or antisocial behavior, a jaguar (puma, ocelot) dies or suffers damage. See the motives in square brackets. The character is named if it is a puma or ocelot; otherwise, a jaguar.

Mesoamerica Chontal [L70]; chol [M56A]; tseltal [puma, L73; itsa [L118]; masateki [L70]; juice [L70].

Honduras - Panama. Kuna [M73, M183]; Sumy [L70].

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [F92].

Llanos. Cuiva [F92].

Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [L70]; sanema [M41, M52].

Guiana. Warrau [M30, M183]; taulipan [M41]; pemon [M21]; carinha (Guyana) [M42, M52, M73, M94a1, M183]; Galibi [M30]; Makushi [L70, M183]; Wapishana [L70, M41]; oyana [L70]; emerillon [L70].

Western Amazon. Napo [L70 (Jaguar, Puma), M183].

NW Amazon. Tariana [L70, M131]; Desana [L70]; Yagua [L70].

Central Amazon. Katawishi [M131]; Lower Jurua [L70]; Maue [L21]; Munduruku [L43, L70, M1, M42].

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [F92, L70]; Urubu [L70].

The Central Andes. Quechua (dep. San Martin) [Puma, M71].

Montagna - Jurua. Machigenga [M8C, M71].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tacana [L70, M30 (ocelot)]; chacobo [L70]; guarazu [M41]; sinta larga [L70, M107]; surui [L46, L70].

Southern Amazon. Iranshe [M51, M107]; bakairi [M51, M73]; Rickbacza [L70, M42, M131]; kayabi [L43, L70]; spiking [J35]; bororo [L70].

Araguaia. Tapirape [F92].

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo [M42 (shikrin), M65B].

SE Brazil. Kaingang [L70].

Chaco. Chamacoko [M51, M131]; caduveo [M51]; nivakle [M30]; maca [M30]; toba [L43, L70, M40]; mokovi [L46].

Southern Brazil. Caigua [M41]; Apapokuwa, Caigua [M73].

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [M40].