Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29w1. The leopard is a loser and a loser.


As a result of their stupidity or antisocial behavior, the leopard (panther, leopard) dies or suffers damage. See the motives in square brackets.

SW Africa. Hottentots [M152].

Bantu-speaking Africa. Western Bantu language pygmies [K60B, M109, M104]; ndau [M112]; kikuyu [M131]; kamba [M112]; isanzu [M112]; safwa [M112]; sekiani [M118]; hehe [M152]; mpongwe [M106, M118, M131]; benga [M118]; fang [M118]; bondei [M102]; lingala [M119]; subia [M104]; ziba [M104]; kiga [M104]; douala [M157]; bulu [M104]; Krug 1912, No. 14 [there is a lot of food in the turtle village and poverty in the leopard village; the leopard occupied the turtle village, but the food is gone, and turtles again in the new village abundance; so three times; they turtle suggests asking the underground spirits who owns the village; hides in a hole; her eldest son, dressed up, asks spirits; the turtle answers on behalf of the spirits; her dug up; now the leopard tells us to bury itself; he is asked, but unanswered; the grave has been opened, the leopard is dead]: 116-118; Congo [K60B, M56B, M62C, M119]; zombo [M91c1]; sakata [M91c1, M102, M119]; luba [M91c2; M102]; cube [M119]; ganda [M151]; nyoro [M119]; Zulu [M119]; Xhosa [M119]; mbundu, ambundu and ovimbundu [ K60B, M104, M152].

West Africa. Banen [M104, M112A, M131]; guro [M118]; ashanti [K60B]; capsiki [M118]; douala [leopard dug a trap hole, the toad fell into it; asked that before her Yes, he went to the village and asked his parents what toads tasted like; the leopard went, the parents said the toads were delicious, and when he returned, the trap was empty; now the toad had dug the trap, the leopard was caught ; sent a toad to her parents to ask if leopards were tasty; toad: already asked; killed a leopard]: Lederbogen 1901, No. 4:162-163; tiv [M119]; vute [Dwarf Deer (Tukur) dug a trap hole , the Leopard fell into it; the monkey lowered its tail and pulled out the Leopard; but one day he fell into the trap again; T. began to beat him and thought he had killed him; brought him into the house, called animals; everyone beat him in revenge for the death of the young; but when the bees began to bite the Leopard, he jumped up and killed everyone in the house; only T. ran away with his wife and children; climbed the tree with them, the Leopard followed; T. lowered his buffalo and told him to keep the skin until he cut the meat himself; let the Leopard sleep; cut down a tree, jumped with his own to the ground, the tree fell, the leopard died]: Siebert 1921, No. 6:70-72; Bamileke [M157]; ecoi [M57D]; baule [K60A, K60B, M56B]; devoin [M56B]; tenda [M115, M119A, M120]; kuwaa [M151]; kono [M104]; limba [M119a]; mosi [M56B, M134] Zulgo [M132]; Ashanti [M62E]

Sudan - East Africa. Sande [L70, M151A]

North Africa. Arabs of Morocco [M159], Arabs of Egypt [M159.

Western Asia. Palestinians [M127, M152]; Harsushi [M150].

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bhutan [M94b, M109, M144]

Burma - Indochina. Vietnam [M156].

South Asia. Hindi [M156]; Kumaoni [M152, M156]; Santals [M91c2, M152]; Sinhala [M109C, M131, M135A, M152]

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [M177]; Ossetians [M101B]; Lezgins [M101A].

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [M101A]; Tajiks [M152]; Dardas (tire] [M193].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [M61, M152].