Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29w2. The tiger is a loser and a loser.


As a result of its stupidity or antisocial behavior, the tiger dies or suffers damage. See the motives in square brackets.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Lhasa) [M100, M149, M152A, M156]; Tibetans (Sichuan) [M100, M125]; Lavrung [M100]; Amdo Tibetans [M100, M125]; Khashi [F5A]; Khrusso (aka) [Tiger wants to eat a wild boar; he offers to fight first, sends the tiger to bring a man to judge; while the tiger is away, the boar is smeared with mud; the tiger brings the young man Rariu-Jija; the boar begins to shake off, dirt flew into the tiger's eyes and he ran away; R. awarded victory to the boar; then motive K136]: Elwin 1958a, No. 10:371-374]; toto [M38]; lhota [M144]; best [M61]; meitei [M53, M152]; chiru [M183]; Burma naga [M152D]; lepcha [M152]; kachins [M144, M179A].

Burma - Indochina. Burmese [M152, M152D, M156]; Arakan [M152, M152D]; Karen [F83B]; Shans [M109B, M143, M144]; Viets [F5A, M143, M144, M152, M152D, M183]; Palaung [M23, M51, M144]; Khmu [M91c2, M143, M162A]; Khmers [M140, M149, M152, M156]; Thais [M91c2, M144, M149]; Kawa [M144]; Thais [M144]; Vietnamese Thai [M149, M152, M152D] ; zhuang [M144]; banar [M149A, M183]; kho [M149]; zyaray [M149, M152D]; bru (wankieu) [M61, M183].

South Asia. Kashmiris [M149A, M149]; Punjabi [M152, M156]; North India (Hindi) [M134, M158]; Rajastans [M134]; Kumaoni [M134]; Nepalese [M156]; Marathi [M156]; Konkani [M152, M193]; Assamese [M134, M149A, M149B, M156, M158]; Oriya [M145, M152, M156]; Bengalis [M61, M152, M156]; Santals [L53, M134, M149A, M156, M158] ho [M152C]; haria [M145]; orahons [L53, M149, M149A]; condas [M145, M149, M156]; gondas [M145, M149]; maria [L44]; dhanwar [M149A]; pardhan [ M156]; Tamils [M156, M167]; Malayalam [M152]

Malaysia-Indonesia. Javanese [M144, M152]; Bali [M156]; Bahau [M144]; Mangaray [M144]; Malays [M145, M152D, M156, M159]

China - Korea. Chinese (recording location unspecified) [K8C, M101A, M149, M152]; Chinese (Jilin) [M21b, M152]; Chinese (Sichuan) [M167A]; Chinese (Beijing, Hebei) [M167A]; Chinese ( Shandong) [M167A]; she (Fujian) [M152a, M167a]; Chinese (Liaoning-Jilin-Heilongjiang) [M147]; Chinese (Henan) [M152a, M167a]; Chinese (Zhejiang, Jiangsu) [M167A]; Koreans [K8C, L53, M83, M109, M147, M156]; Maonan [M109]; Yi [M167A]; Lolo [M21B]; Lisu [M144, M147, M152D]; Chuan Miao [L53, M152]; ZAO [M149]

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [M101A]; Azerbaijanis [M61]; Turks [L118; M101A].

Iran - Central Asia. Pashtuns [M145, M177]; Baluchis [M145, M149]; Tajiks [M193]

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [K60A]: Zamaletdinov 2008, No. 28:80-81; Bashkirs [M177].

Turkestan. Kazakhs [M100, M125, M141A, M145, M147, M152B, M156]; Karakalpaks [M145, M162, M174]; Kyrgyz [M149B, M152B, M191]; Uighurs [M145]; Salars [M145]; Dungans [M145].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khalkha Mongols [M100, M101A, M194]; Mongols (Ordos) [M135, M145]; Oirats [M61]; Dongxiang [M145]; Western Buryats [M152]; Tuvans [M125, M149]; South Altai Tuvans [M109A].

Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts [M101A].

Japan. Ainu [M185; tiger fox: you are more cunning than everyone, I suggest a dispute - whoever has a louder voice will become the master of peace; the fox quietly dug a hole, hid its head, did not suffer from the tiger roar; suggested Try the tiger again, it burst with tension; therefore, there are no tigers in the country of Ainu]: Dähnhardt 1912:84; Japanese [M187].