Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M29x2. Trickster are other creatures.

See the motives in square brackets.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Congo [Korolek, M62C]; zombo [Korolek, M62C]; Makonde [Pig, M30]; Western pygmies (aka?) [Elephant, M102]

Sudan - East Africa. Tsamai [Mole, M104].

Western Europe. Germans [Cuckoo, M50]; Danes [Cuckoo, M50].

Burma - Indochina. Tai (North Vietnam) [Mole, M149A].

Central Europe. Czechs [Cuckoo, M50].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [Die Fledermaus, M30].

Eastern Siberia. Evens [Sobol, M60B, M74A, M74ab].

Amur-Sakhalin. Nivhi [Seal, B38].

The coast is the Plateau. Lillouette [Bald Eagle, J12]; Clackamas [Dwarf Flint, J12]; Sanpual [Woodpecker, M59]; Catlamet [Beaver, J12]; Tillamook [Wolf, Deer, J12]; Cous [Beaver, J12, K75]; clickitate [Lynx, M53]; Kalapuya [slave Flint, J12].

Northeast. Naskapi [Kingfisher's children imitate father, M38].

Plains. Assiniboine [bird, M59]; Osage [Grasshopper, M53].

Southeast USA. Natchez [Vulture, M60B]; screams [Vulture, M60B]; hichiti [Vulture, M60B]; alabama [Vulture, M60B]; koasati [Vulture, M60B].

California. Maidu [Tick, M59].

Big Pool. Chemewevi [Poloz; Die Fledermaus].

NW Mexico. Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [Heron; Honey, M38].

Guiana. Makushi [Cayman, F5A]

Southern Amazon. If not otherwise: Maned Wolf, Jaguarundi J12. Vaura; kalapalo [Laska, Kingfisher; Seriema]; kuikuro; kamayura; trumai; bakairi; bororo [small forest predators].

Chaco. Nivakle [Seriema (Chunga burmeisteri), J12]; toba [bird Carrier, J12].