Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M3. Human chain. .11.12.22.-.

The character crosses a water or air barrier on the backs of chained animals, birds, or fish.

Lingala, Zulu, Ganda, Western Dan, Vieta, Sora, Mentawai, Bataki, Sunda, Aceh, Lampung, Java, Dusun, Toraja, Sangihe, Galela, Minahasa, Apayao, Koreans, Ancient China, Chinese ( Liaoning, Jiangsu; et al.?) , Kazakhs (?) , Mongols, Dolgans, Western Evenks (village. Polygus, Baikit District, Podkamennaya Tunguska), Far Eastern Evenks (Ayan), Evens, Kamchatka Evens, Nivkhs, Nanais, Orochi, Udege, Negidals, Wilta, Kodziki, Reindeer Koryaks, Primorsky Chukchi, Iowa, Otomi, Huasteca, Huasteca Nahuatl, Kekchi and Mopan, Lacandons, Waiwai, Makuna, Yagans.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Lingala [The monkey is a good hunter; the animals go to live elsewhere; the monkey asks the Crocodile to transport him across the river; in the middle of the river, the Crocodile says his wife will heal his heart Monkeys; he replies that he left his heart under the tree; runs away, but returns home without prey; the Monkey's wife takes the children, goes to their parents; the Monkey asks the Eagle to move him to the island; pulls him out he has feathers; the Eagle agrees with the Crocodile to leave the Monkey on the island; he tells the Crocodile that there are many monkeys on the island; suggests counting the relatives of the Crocodile, for this purpose he tells them to line up in a chain, runs ashore over their backs]: Vinogradov 1984, No. L7:293-295; Zulu [The rabbit is on a river island, around a crocodile; the crocodile offers to transport him, show his own relatives; Rabbit asks the Crocodile to bring his relatives first so that he, the Rabbit, can bring as many of his own; to make it convenient to count, build them in a chain across the river; ran over them backs; laughed so much that his lip burst]: Canonici 1995, No. 12:27; ganda [the king of Uganda issued a decree prohibiting animal hunting; they rejoiced; he once sent a messenger to the chiefs Busoga; he was supposed to cross the Nile; all the local carriers hid because it was a storm; when they found out, the hippopotamuses formed a chain as soon as the storm was over and the messenger crossed their backs]: Baskerville 1922:47-48.

West Africa. Western Dan [To is the son of the leader's unloved wife, so he does not love him either; He climbed a tree to get the dead monkey; the son of another wife, cut off the vine, said at home that To was dead; father glad, mother Sometimes in mourning; the chimpanzee formed a chain, Then he descended it to the ground; He brought the dead chimpanzee, the meat was eaten; father and brother offer To hunt the dangerous Schuppentier; He climbs down the hole for him, brothers they make a fire at the entrance to the hole; He spends a month underground; Xra (supreme god) sent two antelopes, a male and a female, they ran, pierced brushwood at the hole with their hooves, Then got out; became the leader of the village; summoned his mother, she came with fear and respect, the chief turned out to be her son; father and brothers began to respect That]: Fischer 1967:723-724.

Burma - Indochina. Vieta [the daughter of god Thick Ny fell in love with shepherd Nguu Lang; God placed them on opposite sides of the Milky Way, the heavenly river; with pity, allowed them to meet on the seventh day of the seventh month; ordered them to build the carpenters have a bridge; they did not have time, God turned them into ravens; on the seventh day of the seventh month, the crows stretch out in a chain, TN and NL walk along it towards each other; carpenters quarrel plucked feathers out of each other's heads]: Karpov, Tkachev 1958:321-322 (the same in short, clarifying that crows gather in September at Cadière 1955:232? 252-253).

South Asia. Sora [When Rama traveled from India to Sri Lanka, all the monkeys helped him. They turned their bodies into a bridge to Sri Lanka. The chipmunk also decided to help, went into the water, soaked his skin, rolled in the sand, and then ran and brought a little sand on his skin for the Rama Bridge. Rama was delighted and stroked the chipmunk on the back, leaving Rama's fingerprints as a blessing]: Krylova, Renkovskaya 2017, field materials.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Mentawai [when the Monkey was crossing the river, she was grabbed by a Crocodile; the monkey asked why he was chewing a bamboo stem; the crocodile let the Monkey go, actually grabbed the stem; The monkey climbed in on a tree; advised all crocodiles to line up so that she could count how many of them would eat it; ran over their heads to the other side]: Loeb 1929, No. 14.9:124; bataks [to get to across the river, the Hare provokes crocodiles to form a living bridge]: Voorhoeve in Bødjer 1957, No. 357:45; sunda, lampung [variants of the story as kanchil counted crocodiles]: Dixon 1916:332, note 10; bengkulu [Princess Kemang is a hunter; chased a deer; the tree tells her that this deer is actually a tiger; but K. shot the deer, its carcass turned into tiger, she took off her skin; K.'s dog was swallowed by a huge cat; she comes to the river, promises to defeat 1000 crocodiles, wants to make sure that there are really 1000 of them; she forms a chain, K. runs across them backs to the other side, pretending to think; the tree that warned K. about the tiger became a prince itself, and the whole forest became a kingdom; the king gave K. for this prince]: Bunanta 2003:50-52; aceh [ about like Bare'e Toraja]: Adriani 1898:348; Dusun [Plandok (dwarf deer) wanted to cross the river; told the Crocodile that he would lead his relatives to battle, let him bring his own; trampled on the shore, told the Crocodile that his relatives were tired of waiting, parted; invited the Crocodiles to lie next to them to count them; crossed them across the river; next time the Crocodile grabbed his leg, P. pretended to grab a stick; the crocodile let go of his leg]: Evans 1913:476; Toraja: Adriani 1898:344 [nggasi, Tarsius fuscomanus) invites the Heron to look for insects from her, herself pulls out feathers; the Heron offers N. to take her to the island, throws her into the sea; N. tells the crocodiles he wants to count them, runs down their backs to land; one grabs her leg, she says he grabbed the branch; the crocodile grabs the females, N. runs away; then other tricks], 347 (bare'e) [the crocodile wants to eat N.; she asks to call other crocodiles, he can't eat alone; runs along their backs to the other the shores, counting three; hiding in a tree; crocodiles gnaw trees one by one, N. hides in bamboo, they can't gnaw through it]; sangihe, galela [like a toraj, trickster - Monkey]: Adriani 1898:345; minahasa [about toraja - a bird]: Adriani 1898:345; Javanese: Bragin 1972 [caught in front of the Crocodile, Kanchil (dwarf deer) pretends that it can be used to make a potent drug; asks the Crocodile how many there are, he says 70; Kanchil argues that everyone will have too much of a dose of crocodiles must be 150; when the Crocodile brings the missing, Kanchil asks them to line up to the shore, runs down their backs; once on land, teases the Crocodile; he pretends to be a log; Kanchil says that the log must float against the current; the crocodile does it, Kanchil laughs]: 25-29; Ostrovsky 1958:73-77 [to cross the river, Kanchil told the crocodiles that the king ordered them to be counted; they lined up, he ran over their backs, counting; when he reached the other side, laughed at their stupidity] (same in Dixon 1916:190 by Brandes 1894:39).

Taiwan - Philippines. Apayao [Dam-ot wanted to marry a girl across the river; invited crocodiles to lie in a row from one bank to the other to count them; whoever is twentieth will eat him; ran to the other side to the girl]: Wilson 1947b: 111-112.

China - Korea. Koreans: Kontsevich, Riftin 1980 [the ruler of Kymwa finds a woman Lyuhwa (Willow Blossom) in a lonely home; she says that she joined a person, her parents expelled her; L. conceives from a ray of the Sun, gives birth to an egg; K. throws it away to dogs, pigs, bulls, horses, birds, they protect it; L. heats the egg, the boy Chumon (Sharpshooter) is born; L. warns his son that K. decided to destroy him; C. and his three comrades are fleeing, approaching the Omcha River; C. says that he is the grandson of the Heavenly Sovereign, and on his mother's side, the grandson of the River Deity; fish and turtles made up the bridge, C. crossed him; when his pursuers stepped on it, the bridge collapsed, those who set foot died; C. establishes the kingdom of Gogurë]: 39-42 (same Trotsevich 1996:12); Choi 1979, No. 723 [king's daughter - Jinknyeo (Weaver), father passed her off as Kyeonoo, a good shepherd; then he got angry with the young, sent his son-in-law east, his daughter to the west; their tears cause heavy rains; they may meet once a year on July 7, after which the rains stop; To do this, the crow and magpie make a bridge out of their bodies; their heads are bald, because the Shepherd (Altair) and the Weaver (Vega) are stepping on them]: 315; Fuyu (Korean Buyeo) [Fuyu is probably Tungus-Manchu a state in the upper reaches of Sungari; a servant of Doli-Wan (the ruler of one of the Eastern barbarian states) conceived when an accumulation of air the size of a chicken egg fell on her from the sky; D. ordered put her in prison; the child born was thrown to pigs, then horses, but they only warmed him with their breath; D. allowed his mother to feed him, the boy was named Dongmin (Korean Tongmyeon); he must was a slave or grew up to be a good archery; D. decided to kill him, he ran south; by the Yandi River, he hit the water with an onion, fish and turtles formed a bridge, D. crossed it, reached Fuyu , became a van there]: Kychanov 2010:84 (=Jarylgasinova 1979:109, but the author considers Buyeo to be a Korean state); Ancient China: Gan Bao 2004, No. XIB. 342 [Gaoli Wang's slave gave birth to a child Dong-Ming from the descending cloud; he was thrown to pigs and horses, but they warmed him up; when he grew up, Wang wanted to kill him, fearing that he would seize the throne; he ran to the Shiyanshui River, hit the water with an onion, fish and turtles surfaced and formed a bridge for him; when his pursuers came, the bridge parted; DM became a wang of Fuyu State]: 18-19; Williams 1974 [story by philosopher Huai Nan Tzu; "shepherd Ch'ien Niu (cow shepherd, Altair) and Chih Nü (the virgin who spins, Vega) went down to earth, met, got married; when they returned to heaven, they only dealt with each other, quit their jobs; the ruler and the ruler of Heaven decided to separate them; the ruler drew a line between them with her silver pin - the Milky Way, the river; the ruler took pity and allowed them to meet every seventh day of the seventh day months; magpies make a bridge out of their bodies in the morning of this day; the tears of lovers are the heavy rain that falls at this time"; two stars next to Vega are her children from Altair; Yangtze is the earthly extension of the Milky Paths whose waters become dirty when they come into contact with the ground; The Spinning Maiden is the patron of embroidery and weaving]: 373-374; Chinese: Riftin 1957 [the hares had long fluffy tails; to move to the grass on the other side of the river, hares invite the turtle to count its relatives; turtles line up in a chain, hares run along it; on the shore they shout about deception; turtles manage to cut off their tails]: 14- 15 (=1993:39-40; =2007:43-44); Wilhelm 1921, No. 16 [The shepherd always has well-fed cows; in the mountains one of the cows tells him that this evening nine daughters of the Jade Emperor are swimming in the sky lake; The seventh is spinning cloud silk for the Heavenly Lord and his wife, so she is a Weaver; the one who hides her clothes will become her husband; the cow brings the Shepherd to heaven, there are jade trees, jasper grass; Shepherd The Weaver hides her red robe; she agrees when, on the advice of the cow, asks the willow if she can marry; the willow replies that yes, it is the seventh evening; seven days later the Weaver runs away to cook clothes for the Heavenly Lord; The Shepherd pursues, but she draws a line across the sky with a hair clip, the heavenly River, the Milky Way, appears; every seventh evening, the Shepherd and the Weaver converge again, time crows are not visible on earth, they all form a bridge across the heavenly river; the rain at this time was the tears of the Shepherd and the Weaver; once the Shepherd became angry with the Weaver that she did not cross him, threw a yoke at her; it can be seen as stars under the Weaver's feet; she also threw a spindle at him, it's under his feet]: 31-34; Chinese (Liaoning) [In ancient times, the hare's tail was not short, once one hare needs When he crossed a wide river, he saw a group of turtles and decided to deceive them to use them to move to the other side. He went to the biggest turtle and said, "Sister, are these all your descendants?" "Yes, that's right." Then he began to argue that there were more of his descendants, and, supposedly to count all her children, invited them to stand in a row one after the other to the other side. They did so, the hare started running over their backs, and when he almost reached the other side, he could not help himself and shouted: "Old turtle, you've been deceived!" But she did not sleep and grabbed the rabbit by the tail. His tail came off, he ran away, and the hare's tail has been short ever since]: Zhou Yang et al. 1994:377-378; Chinese (Jiangsu) [the hare wanted to go to the other side of the river, but there was no bridge or crossing. He saw a couple of crabs near the shore and said to them: You have so many children and grandchildren, your luck is great! I asked them to gather all their descendants to count them by themselves. The next day, the crabs came together, stretching from one bank to the other. The hare began to cross them to the other side. At the last moment, he could not restrain himself and shouted: fools! The crab grabbed the hare's tail with its claws, which has since been short]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998a, No. 480:531.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Western? Seals and the sea exist only in the Caspian Sea; or is this even a mistake?) [The fox jumps to the Seagulls from the shore to catch fish, the log turns over, the Fox holds on to it, takes her to sea; she explains to the Seal that she wanted to know if there were still any inhabitants in the sea; Fox wants to count them, runs over their backs to the shore]: Makeyev 1952:147-149.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols [Burkhan-Bakshi sends the Cuckoo every summer to find out what bread is; back The Cuckoo returns over the heads of forty, who stand side by side and form a bridge; that's why they have the seventh moon feathers are wiped off on the crown]: Potanin 1983, No. 11:349.

Eastern Siberia. Dolgans: Popov 1937 [The fox got to the island; hears Burbot say, Can the fox really cry; invites them to race and tells them to swim closer to count; ran across him ashore; began to drink, drowned, died; the old woman took off her skin, hung her to dry, the wind carried her skin away, the old woman followed; thinks that her chest is heavy, interferes, cut off one, then the other, then hand, other; "to kiss God's son, as long as her lips remain intact"; then she ran; her strength ran out, died]: 35-36 (=Efremov 2000, No. 8:195-197); Ergis 1967b, No. 14 [the river overflowed, Lisa stayed on the island; invites the burbot to compete in the run; asks them to stand in a row to count them first; runs over their backs to the shore; began to drink, drowned, died; the old woman hung her skin dry; the wind carried her skin, the old woman chased after her; thinks that her breasts, arms, legs prevent them from running, consistently tears them off, dies]: 154; Western Evenks (pos. Polygus, Baikit District, Podkamennaya Tunguska) [The fox deceived the burbot to cross the river - offered to count them; as a result, she moved to the other side on their backs]: Duvakin 2013; further Eastern Evenks (Ayan) [The fox tells the Flying Squirrel to eat her cub, otherwise promises to climb the tree; the flying squirrel gives all four cubs one by one; after finding out what is going on, Owl takes the Fox, throws them to the island; she asks bears, seals, and seals to line up from island to mainland to count them; when she reaches the shore, she comes to live with her older brother; calls to herd the deer, everyone eats them; advises the Bear to get fat by lowering its tail into the water; the tail is frozen, comes off]: Levin, Vasilevich 1936, No. 2:221-224; Evens: Novikova 1987:8-17 [the fox requires cedar to shed her eggs , threatens to cut down a tree; the Garandya bird explains that the fox cannot do it; the fox tries to grab Garandya, who takes it to the island; the fox tells the seals that it is going to count who is bigger; let the seals They will be the first to line up, the fox runs ashore on their backs; invites the old man to herd his deer; eats them, fills their skins with grass, leaves them standing; the old man sees deception, shouts to the old woman to hold the fox, that explains that the old man tells her to feed her yucola, berries and nuts; yet the old woman grabs the fox by the tail; the fox says that she grabbed the burned place, runs away; the fox says she is another fox, invites the old man to drag the sledge; says he is tired, sits on the sledge, the old man drags it; the fox eats the dried berries, leaves his tooth; says he will go for firewood, throws away the ax; the old man tells his wife sew shaggy pants, call all the animals to the yurt; dances ridiculously, everyone laughs, he sees a toothless fox; the exit is closed, the old man tells us to beat the fox, and the old woman beats everyone; since then, the hare's ears are black, the ermine black end of the tail; the fox asks her not to hit - it will come in handy; invites the moose to race, pushes them to the shore, they fall, drown; the old man offers to hunt wolves, the fox says to the wolf, that caught fish on the tail, the wolfs' tails freeze, the old man killed them, ripped off their skins; the fox leads the bear to the old man, who wounds him with the bow; the fox promises to heal, pulls out the liver, the bear dies; the fox invites the old man to tie her, feed her; then ties the old man, leaves; the wolf, the bear refuse to untie her - the fox did not order; the mouse untied; the fox was caught by the old man's crossbow], 17-21 [the hare has 10 bunnies; the fox demands to give one cub every day; the hare complains to the eagle; he advises asking the fox to fight the tree first; it butts, its horns of their grass are broken; the fox asks who taught the hare to answer this way; when he learns that the eagle grabs him sleeping; the eagle broke the fox's leg, threw it to the island; she cries, the burbot asks what was going on; the fox asks all the burbot to swim to the surface, she will count them; believing that she crossed their backs to the shore; asks the old man to give her a ride in a sledge; he asks what the rivers are called; Elementary; Middle; Final; the fox took an ax, went for firewood; the ax threw it, ran away; the grocery bag was empty, it had two fox teeth; the old man called birds and four-legged animals, stuffed rotten and moss into his pants, lit it, smoke came through the holes, everyone laughed, the old man found out a toothless fox, began to beat her; she asked not to beat her, promised to marry Kagankan's daughter; entered K.'s yurt, ordered her daughter to be given, otherwise she would not be able to sleep and walk; brought the girl an old man as a wife; hired to herd an old man's deer; when the old man came to see, the deer has only bones; the old man shouts to his wife to catch the fox by the tail; the fox explains that he asks to be tied to her tail a piece of fat; the bear says he is afraid of hazel grouses, the fox is like a crossbow; the bear went in front, the arrow hit his stomach; the fox volunteered to treat, pulled out his intestines, the bear died; once she fell for crossbow]: 17-21; Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951:286-290 (=Novikova 1987:21-24) [The fox disguises her ears with blades of grass as if they are horns, threatens to break the tree if Orlitsa does not drop her egg; eating all three eggs, reveals the deception; the Eagle takes her to an island in the sea; the Fox replies to Nerpa that she does not cry, but counts her relatives; asks to put the Seal to count them; on her backs, the Seal gets to shores, confesses to deception], 291-300 [The fox demands that Kedrovka throw her eggs, threatens to cut down the tree; the Garandya bird explains that Lisa cannot do this; the Fox tries to grab Garandya, she takes her to island; then the episode with the Seals; the fox is called to guard the old man's deer, eats them, fills stuffed animals with grass; continues to deceive the old man; brings the Bear to him, who wounds him with an arrow; the fox takes heal, pulls out the liver, the Bear dies; binds the old man, leaves him to die; The mouse frees him, he kills the Fox]; Evens of Kamchatka [by the sea, a fox sees an eagle's nest on a tree; inserted it into her ears the reeds, in order not to recognize her, tells her to throw the egg, otherwise she will knock down the tree with a stick; after eating all the eggs, she shouted to the eagle that she had deceived her; she grabbed the fox, threw it into the sea; the fox climbed onto the ice floe; the seal sees that the fox is crying, suggests counting its people; the fox tells the seals to line up from the ice floe to the shore; ran ashore, told the seals that she had deceived them]: Kasten, Avak 2014:55-59.

Amur-Sakhalin. Nivkhi: Pevnov 2010, No. 7 [the fox was crossing the ice, the ice floe came off, the fox asked the seal to call all the seals, she would count them; ran over the seals, the last to squeeze out her eyes; the seals shouted to her, that she would fall into a trap; she was trapped by a man, says she sings, the man put her on sledges carrying fat; she pretended to be sick, ate all the fat, ran away; she was trapped again, the person killed her]: 126-130; Sanghi 1974 [Lisa asks Nerpa to teach her to count in order to know how many seal friends she has; to do this, seals must be taken out of the water so that the Fox jumps from one to the other and I thought; this is how Lisa thinks until nine, then jumps on the ice floe, asks the seal to sail; eats the seal; she crosses the seals back; the Nerpa is happy that she quickly taught Lisa to count]: 17-19; Nanais : Aurora 1986, No. 14 [The fox pretends to be the Devil, tells the Flying Squirrel to throw off the cub; then more; the Heron explains that it is the Fox; the Fox disguises itself as a fish, grabs the Heron by the tail, it takes off, tells the Fox shout, Heavenly people are fun, the Fox falls on the island; tells the Worm that her people are on every island; the Worm puts his own, the Fox runs ashore on the worms, thinks One, Two, Sirbidok, three, four, sirbidok; says he will count properly on the way back; trapped by old man Ka, he carried a fox, it caused rain, snow, came to life (not clear); feasts with Heron in the house while the drunks are sleeping; both run away]: 68-69; Sam, Sem 2020, No. 33 [the fox pretended to be a monster, tells the flying squirrel to throw off its chicks; she throws a bump twice; heron: chase the fox, it's toothless, tell me to answer this way taught; the fox grabbed the heron by the tail, and it lifted it high into the air and threw it into the swamp; the worm does not believe that the fox does not cry; if it has more relatives, then he is right; the fox tells them to line up across the swamp, runs across a living bridge and thinks the latter has scratched his eyes; other foxes offer her to steal yukola from the Ka-map hunter; the fox fell into a trap, K. took off his skin, left it to dry, the skin broke in the rain, K. threw it into the fire]: 137-141; Hodger 2011 [The fox threatens to cut down a tree with a "spider ax", the Flying Squirrel her three cubs one by one; the Heron announces that the Fox is not an evil spirit will not be able to cut down a tree; the Fox grabs the Heron by the tail, which carries it over the sea, the Heron says it gnaws carrion and feces, defecates, the Fox falls on an island, finds no food; says that her head will turn into a sea bump, eyes into sea cream, skin into seaweed, wool into seaweed, bones into sea fins, tail into sea panicle; replies to the earthworm that it is not cries and sings like parents used to sing; suggests that the worm call its relatives, then calls her to see who is bigger; jumps on a chain of worms, counting them, finds himself on another shore; worms promise that she falls into the trap of old Ka; she fell, Ka took off the skin, threw the carcass away, the Fox caused snow, hail, rain, a new skin grew, the Fox came to life; the Heron offers together go to old man Ka's party; the house offers to shout louder, the hosts woke up, Lisa ran through the chimney, turned black, the Heron flew out through the hole in the roof]: 85-91; Orochi: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966 No. 1 [The fox tells the Flying Squirrel to eat her cub, threatens to cut it with an ax, roast it on a spit; the flying squirrel gives three cubs one by one; the Heron explains to the Flying Dog that the Fox has neither an ax nor skewers; the flying squirrel no longer gives the Fox its cubs, she rushes at the Heron, grabs the tail; the Heron carries it above the ground, the Fox falls on the island; says Nerpe that he counts the animal breeds; to count The seal asks them to appear; Seals fill the strait, the Fox runs across their bodies to the mainland; defecates on the last Seal; dies in a hunter's trap]: 127-128; Berezinsky 1999, No. 9 [The fox pretended to be a hunter dead, the hunter picked her up, put her on the sledges; she threw away all the fish and ran away; hides with the old people; the hunter dances ridiculously, the Fox laughs; the hunter grabs her, takes her to the island; she tells the Nerpam that wants to count them; runs away from the island over their heads], 10 [The fox tells Belka to throw her cub to eat her, threatens to knock down a tree; the squirrel gives two cubs one by one; the owl explains to Belka that Lisa doesn't have an ax; takes Lisa to the island; Lisa asks Nerpa if she has many relatives, says she has stars in the sky; Seals stick out their heads to count stars, Lisa runs over their heads to the mainland; falls asleep, the old woman kills her, makes a hat out of her skin; The fox comes, promises the old woman to feed her dogs if she gives her a hat for a while; takes her hat away; her child is sick; Tit says she the shaman, promises to cure the child, asks for a hat; takes it to the elder]: 147, 147-148; the Udege people [Lisa remains on the island at high tide; tells Nerpe that the landlady ordered her to count animals; seals line up in a chain, Lisa jumps over the heads, thinks, having reached the shore, runs away]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:178-179; Negidals: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 60 [Fox scares The flying squirrel, imitating the Owl, makes her cubs throw away one by one; Grandfather Owl promises to punish the Fox; grabs, throws them into the sea; Lisa asks the Seal to show how many of them there are; jumps over their heads on shore], 61 [The fox knocks on the tree with its tail, the bird throws its chicks; the grandfather owl tells her not to be afraid of the Fox, takes the Fox, throws it into the sea; the fox points the Nerpa to the talniki on the shore, says it's hers relatives; says Nerp, jumping over their heads; insults when he jumps ashore; Nerpa promises that Lisa will die on what the old woman dries bird cherry on; The fox eats bird cherry, the old woman kills her with a chock, makes a hat ; another Fox offers to go get water, asks for a hat so that her ear does not freeze, runs away; The crow cannot return the hat; The bird flies to the Foxes to camla, puts a hat on it, she brings it to the old woman]: 117- 118, 122; Cincius 1982, No. 24 [the fox tells the flying squirrel to eat the cub, threatens to hurt it; the flying squirrel gives four cubs one by one; the owl grandfather explains to the flying squirrel that the Fox's horns are herbal; the flying squirrel no longer gives the cubs, the fox rushes at the owl grandfather, who carries it above the ground, throws it into the sea; the fox tells the seal that he sings the songs that her parents sang when her parents matchmaking, that her people as numerous as stars; asks how many relatives the seal has; counts seals leaning out of the water, runs across their bodies to the mainland; meets burbot; fox runs along the shore, burbot swims; his fox calls out; he first responds through one bend {i.e. ahead}, then two; the fox came to the place where the old woman left the bird cherry to dry; the fox ate the bird cherry, fell asleep; the old woman came and killed the fox with a knife, took off her skin, made a hat; the wolf offered to guard the hat while the old woman feeds the puppies, takes the hat away; the crow offers to return it, the old woman asks how she will talk to the wolf; carr carr, old woman does not like it; bird: black man, old woman agrees; the bird flew into the winter road, there are hares, foxes, wolves, crows, ferrets and an old man with an old woman; cross mother camlaet; bird: chwick; old man: this is good shaman, let her wear our hat; the bird put it on and flew away, brought it to the old woman; she gave her a handmade knife for her nose, a needle in her paws]: 132-135 (quail in Sanghi 1989:274-277); wilta [fox collected shells near the shore; the heron took her to a distant island; the sea lion asks why she is crying; the fox: I'm not crying, but singing; suggests counting who has more comrades; while the sea lion was collecting sea lions, the fox ran along the shore, leaving many traces; when the sea lions lined up, the fox ran ashore along them, supposedly counting; she took the shell again; she offered to race: if the fox wins, then can eat it; the shell clung to the fox's tail, the fox believed that it had lost; the old man checked the traps, fell asleep; the fox thought he was dead, but from what? If he is hungry, he has a jukola, if it is cold, he has insoles in his shoes; squirrels, foxes, sables, deer and other animals took the old man and brought him into his house; the old woman closed all the holes in the house and they Many animals were killed by an old man]: Ikegami 2007, No. 12:46-50.

Japan. Kojiki 1994 [also paraphrased in Chamberlain 1887:25-26; eighty gods go to marry Yagami-hime; Oo-namuji-no kami is loaded with luggage; grooms see a ragged Hare, advise he takes a bath in salt water, lie on a mountain; the hare gets worse; he tells O., as suggested to Vani (Sea Crocodile - ver., monster or Shark; cf. Nihon Shoki 1996:421, note 158) count relatives; Vani laid down a chain from island to cape, the Hare ran down their backs, supposedly counting; jumping to the ground, shouted, I deceived you; Vani manages to rip off his clothes; O. advises him to wash himself in fresh water, lie in cane pollen; the hare recovers, promises O. that he will marry Y.; after marriage, 80 gods try to kill O.; he comes to life, runs away from them], ch. 16:61-63.

SV Asia. Reindeer Koryaks [The fox puts blades of grass in her ears, knocks them on the tree trunk, says Orlice that she will knock him down if she does not shed the egg; this way she gets two eggs; laughs and explains that you can't use a blade of grass cut down a tree; the Eagle grabs it, carries it across the sea, throws it on the island; the Fox sings, Walruses, Whales come; the fox explains that she wants to know if there are more animals at sea or on land; for this purpose, sea animals the animals must form a chain to the mainland, and she will run down their backs and count; when they reach the shore, the Fox meets the Bear; he says he is not afraid of people; the fox reports this to the hunters, they injure The bear with an arrow; the fox comes to treat him; inserts a sharp hot stone into the wound; the bear dies, the Fox brings his meat to the children]: Jochelson 1908, No. 36:184-185.

The Arctic. Chukchi [a tale about the war between Asian and American seaside residents. It describes the struggle between two tribes: the Eskimos on the Asian coast and the Eskimos from Lawrence Island. However, the fairy tale was recorded among the coastal Chukochi. Two villages are mentioned on the Asian coast: Nuukan at Cape Dezhnev and Unasik at Cape Chaplin. Both protruding capes on the Asian continent, Chaplin and Dezhnev, were, of course, the starting points for all Asian natives to the American coast; "Two people from Cape Chaplin, one of them shaman, were carried away by a blizzard in the winter on floating ice. The ice floe was brought to Lawrence Island, to the village of Cibikak. Residents ran out, killed one of them by drilling his skull with a sharp drill. The shaman was left alive and made a slave. He spent one night alone with them, then called his walruses, spirits. Many walruses came and lined up so he could walk over their heads. After many adventures, the shaman returned to Cape Chukotka and told people what fate befell his friend. People decided to avenge him"; then about the military campaign and battle]: Bogoraz 1934:174-175.

Plains. Iowa [see motif J19; brothers go to the land of giants, crossing the sea over a bridge of chained Swans; killing giants, returning back the same way]: Skinner 1925, No. 1:427-441.

Mesoamerica Otomi [the woman kept her daughter in the drawer, did not let him out; the young man made wooden spoons, bowls, came disguised as a salesman; the girl asked her mother to buy it; when she saw him, the girl felt itchy; when she went swimming and took off her dress, found a corn kernel in it; she rubbed it and threw it into the water, the shrimp took care of it, the fish raised it, since then some have dark spots on their backs; boy grew up, asked the girls who were washing their clothes to cross the river; they refused; then persuaded them to stand in a row to cross their backs; as they walked, the girls turned into frogs; came to his mother, she made clay vessels, he smashed them with arrows; she scolded him, he explained that he was her son, whom she grinded and threw into the water; he began to play an instrument her grandfather; ordered to stop: another, angry, grandfather would hear him kill the player; he came, took the young man to the temazcal, closed the door, gave a couple; opened it, intending to cut and eat the cooked one; the bathhouse was empty, the young man came from the spring, all wet; then the grandfather offered to separate the black grains from the white ones; the young man covered the vessel with a cross, the grains separated; but the grandfather could not separate; the young man offered to catch the abandoned one a stone; the young man caught; he threw the stone himself, and when he fell, he threw cornthorns (espigas) into his grandfather's eyes, the stone hit him in the head and killed him; asked his mother for cakes, she replied that they were eating here only bones, nothing else; he told me to take the pot, it boiled, it contained tortillas; he ordered the field to be cooked, the first corn grew on it]: Oropeza Escobar 2007:185-191; Huasteci [young man Corn's Heart (SK) lived with his grandmother, constantly playing melodies (apparently on the flute); these sounds annoyed the big judge on the other side; sent him twice to tell the UK to stop talking; the third time he told him bring; a crocodile came out by boat, the UK kicked him with his foot, he disappeared into the water, called the turtles, who formed a chain, the UK crossed the river along it; listened to the judge, came back, began to play again; he was brought back, the referee orders 1) to wash the house (washes quickly), 2) wash where the bees, wasps, hornets are all black (washed, painted everything yellow, insects turned yellow-black stripes); 3) play ball with the referee with an iron ball; The UK threw the yach to the sky, it fell on the judge's head, he died]: Relatos Huastecos 1994:76-95; Nahuatl (Huasteca District) [the hero runs across the sea on the backs of the chained turtles, the Cayman is going to eat it, he cuts off his tongue]: Greco 1989:183; kekchi, mopan [the forest spirit asks a person for honey; eats with wax; when a person climbs a tree, the spirit makes the tree tall, leaves; various animals refuse to help because a person hunted them; coati form a chain, told not to step on a pregnant female; a person steps but manages to jump to the ground]: Thompson 1930:146-147; lacandons [like kekchi; the spirit cuts off the vine on which a person has climbed; most animals are unable to help; woodpeckers are hammering holes in the trunk so that the koati can cling; without a motive for taking the wrong step]: Boremanse 1986: 163-167.

Guiana. Waiwai [hunters eat a harpy eagle, at night the forest spirit comes screaming: You ate an eagle's liver! Some wake up, poke the rest on the cheeks with smut, they run away, becoming kibihee (some animal, hunting object); so they have a white spot on their cheeks; Kurum-yenna (people- Vultures) play flutes, inviting them to dance in their village; Kworo-yenna (Parrot People) and other Birds come and take local girls; some of the current waiwai bands come from them; when they separated home, became real birds; Kamara-yenna (Jaguar people) came to the river; turtles formed a bridge, the Jaguars walked along it; Kurum Yenna asked the turtles to destroy the bridge; the Jaguars were eaten by a giant piranha , the boy escaped, part of his foot was bitten off; Kurum Yenna kept him; see motif B36]: Fock 1963:62-63.

NW Amazon. Makuna [Yiba hunts with his younger brother; climbs a tree to the parrot's nest; the youngest cuts down the thin tree he climbed, leaves, takes his wife; the chicks have grown and flew away; woodpeckers do A staircase from his beaks, J. goes down it, finds his wife and brother; turns into an anaconda, turns the house into a lake, women in it into parrots, men into tapirs]: Palma, Feuillet 1980 {without pagination}.

The Southern Cone. Yagans: Wilbert 1977, No. 57 [(Gusinde 1937:1273-1276); running away from enemies, two men began to cross the bay over the fish's backs; one slipped, the fish swallowed it; people made harpoons to kill the fish; a woman went with the men; there lived a man who seduced women; the husband ripped his wife's womb, but the seducer cured her and married her], 59 [once on the island, the man crosses the strait flat to the backs of water spirits; his hesitant companions drown when the spirits sink into water]: 168, 177.