Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M30. The trickster falls, (ATU 225, 225A).



character who has no natural wings or can't fly long distances rises into the air, but falls or, having lost its wings, stays where he can't return from. (The motive includes several options, but even when taken together, they don't cover the whole world. Texts with M25 and M28 motifs are counted as including the M30 motif).

SW Africa. Hottentots [The Jackal climbed onto the white cloud and began to eat it; when he went down, asked Hyena to support him; now Hyena climbed in; when she was full, asked the Jackal to support him; he pulled back, shouting that pricked her leg, Hyena knocked off her hind legs, now they are short]: Pozdnyakov 1990:33-34.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Suto-chwana [The Crane advises the Turtle, if the Jackal comes, to grab its tail, they will take off together; the Jackal calls the Turtle names, they shout that it's not true, it's neither old nor old wrinkled, falls; Jackal eats her]: Olderogge 1959:42; Sakata: Colldén 1979, No. 168 [The hawk calls the Turtle to go to the market in heaven; the turtle tells the children to put themselves in a bale with with leaves, ask the Hawk to hand the package to his friend the Bird Above; in the sky he tells the Hawk that he will return to earth later, climbs into the bag that the Hawk must bring to the Turtle's wife; so twice; on the third time the Hawk opens the bag, throws the Turtle to the ground, it breaks], 169 [as in (168); the Turtle repeats the trick many times; one day the Hawk sees why his bag is so heavy, drops Turtle to Earth]: 336-338, 338-339; laadi (laari) [the birds were going to fly to the festival in heaven; the turtle persuaded them to give it a pen, also flew; each of the guests should name their own name; the turtle says its name is all of you; asks the owner who all the food is for, he replies that "you all" should eat; birds take away its feathers and fly away; the parrot promises to give it to the children turtles that they should put something soft on the ground; tells them that their father told them to put it sharp and hard; the turtle jumps, breaks the shell, but then glues it together]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003: 175-180; silt [The turtle tells his wife that it is humiliating for him not to be able to pay a return visit to their friend Vulture; hides in a bundle, the wife tells Vulture that there is tobacco, The vulture carries the package to exchange tobacco for grain for Turtle grain; when it flies to the sky, where his home is, he hears the Turtle's voice, releases the rope in fear; the impact on the turtle's shell cracks] : Smith, Dale 1920, No. 23:373-374 (=Radin 1962, No. 34:141-142; Makonde [The pig wants to fly like a Kite; he waxes its wings, it flies with it; the wax has melted closer to the sun, the feathers fell out, the Pig hit the ground with its nose, since then her nose has a patch; grunts angrily when she sees the Kite in the sky]: Pozdnyakov 1990:112-113; kikuyu: Gagnolo 1952, No. 13 [Wakahare climbs a tree, gives Hyena off honey; says that sweetness must remain in her body, Hyena agrees that V. sews up her anus with thorns; cannot relieve the need, Jackal, Serval, Hare refuse to help, fearing get dirty; the Raven agrees, for Hyena promises him pieces of meat from his belly; finds himself under a pile of white droppings; since then his neck has turned white; decides to take revenge; tells hyenas that clouds are pieces bacon and meat; invites them to hold each other's tail, let the first hold on to its tail, raise it high into the sky, cut off their feathers in their tails, hyenas fall, break, one pregnant female crippled her leg but escaped; hyenas have been limping ever since]: 128-129; Mwangi 1983:57-61 [when the Hare gets honey, he only lets Hyena lick his finger; says that this sweetness should be eaten little by little; and to did not disappear, the anus must be sewn up; the Hyena is barely alive, asked the Eagle to tear the thread, the Eagle was under a pile of droppings; in order to take revenge, he began to bring meat to Hyena; said that these were pieces of clouds, let everyone gather hyenas, he will pick them up; hyenas clung to each other, the Eagle flew; asks if the earth is far away; when hyenas say they do not distinguish between land, the Eagle asks Hyena to scratch his feathers behind him; hyenas fall, break, only one survived; hyenas have been limping since then], 68-71 [the spider called the hare to meet his fiancée; the hare sent a spider to bring water, and he told the girl that she was suffering with a spider: he has 8 legs and to wash each one, you have to bring 8 calebas of water a day; the girl refused the spider; the same with the other girls; the spider found a bride in the sky, but the hare quietly climbed after the web and said that the same heavenly girl; she also refused the spider; he went down to the ground with a web; the hare does not know how to go down; heavenly people tied him by the ears by two ropes and told him to pull when he will be on the ground; ears began to stretch, the hare jerked, the ropes are released, the hare fell and broke his back; recovered, but the ears remained long]; bulu [at the end of the rainy season, long-billed birds they fly from south to north; Beme (carpal pig, river pig - Potamochoerus porcus) tells his wife to feed those who come down to his house; asks him to take him with them, they give him a pen, he takes off, flies with them to the festival; falls asleep, the birds take their feathers, fly away without B.; on the way back, B.'s wife asks for help to get him back; the birds give her feathers, she finds B. who is thin; the birds give him again feathers so that he can return home]: Abega 2002:116-120; aka [Tôlé asks the birds to carry it across the river, where the tree has fruits; they each give a pen, T. makes wings, flies over ; the birds want to go back, but T. has not yet eaten; when the birds flew away and T. was full, he saw that there were no more wings; the water in the river rose and carried T., he caught on to the top; sees the fisherman inspecting the peaks; one fish shouts not to kill her; once in the hunter's parking lot, she turns into a woman, cooks and cleans; so several times; the hunter found her, they have three children; once the eldest son missed fish; the father is angry, tells his son that his mother is also a fish; the wife took the children and went to the river; the fisherman met T.; he turned fish into people, arranged dances; the fisherman goes to the sound; T. also pretended to be dead, ordered to cover himself with bark and bury him; the fisherman does not believe it; sends more and more burning ants to bite T.; finally, he jumps up; the fisherman says that this will not happen anymore and the fish will not become human]: Motte- Florac 2004, No. 2:17-26.

West Africa. Bamileke [a little bird without feathers (M.) asks others to lend him feathers; flies with everyone to the tree to pick plums; tells him to collect only green ones, collects black ones himself; refuses to show his bag; the birds pick up the feathers, M. stays on the tree; throws plums down piece by piece, then leaves, telling him to go down after them, but does not go down; then he jumps off, scratches painfully against the thorns; tells a passing (palm) wine collector that his back has been tattooed; he suggests that his daughters be tattooed; M. pulls out both navels, throws him into the fire, says he told him not throw a nutshell into the fire, leaves, asks the owner to carry it on his back, because if he touches the ground with his feet, his daughters will die; the wife shouts after her husband kills M., he kills their daughters; M. explains that she tells me to go faster, or it's raining; the third time a person realizes that his wife is screaming, but M. jumps off; the man grabs his leg, he says that the person has grabbed the root; the man believes releases his leg, M. runs away]: Voorhoeve 1976, No. 6:91-93; Devin [rice bird) invited the catfish to drink palm wine, which the collector collected in a vessel on top of a palm tree; gave the catfish half their feathers; both flew in, drank, came back; one day they got very drunk; the collector just climbed onto the palm tree; the bird felt that half the feathers could not fly, took the feathers given to the catfish, flew away; the catfish collector cooked at home]: Pinney 1973:117-118; Igbo: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [birds were invited to a festival in the sky; the turtle asked the birds to pen her, took off; said her name was All of you; when they served the treat and said it was "for all of you", the Turtle took everything for itself; the birds and the Turtle went down to the top of the tree, where the birds took their feathers; the Turtle asked the Eagle to tell put rags outside the house to his wife; the Eagle told her husband to ask for stones to be placed; the turtle jumped, broke the shell, the Crab and the Snail glued it together, the seams remained]: 64-65; Basden 1938 [The turtle was invited to meeting at the top of the tree; she asked the birds to give her feathers; they penned, the Turtle flew up; the tree began to boast of its bright color; the birds were indignant, took away their feathers; the turtle rushed down broke the shell; the Ant glued it together, the stitches remained; one day the Turtle accidentally cut the Ant with a machete, but glued it together itself; so the ant seemed to be cut]: 432-433; engenny [starving the Turtle asks the birds to move her to a place where it is satisfying; invites them to hold the ends of the twig, and she grabs a twig in the middle; when she flies, she thinks she is a king, screams about it, seeing people, falls, cracks in her shell still visible]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:63-64; moshi [a hare with a hyena saw cakes on the tree; they climbed for them, but the tree began to grow and they were in the sky; Wende told them to return to earth; gave the hare a drum and a wand and began to lower it on a cotton rope; when he reached the ground, the hare began to beat the drum and W. realized that the rope could be dragged back; now it was the hyena's turn; but when he saw the carrion, The hyena was so excited that it hit the drum before reaching the ground; W. let go of the rope, the hyena fell and broke her hips; people found the rope and learned how to weave]: Tauxier 1917, No. 9:421; mamprusi [mischievous brother Nanzu-bishi (NB) and calm Nanzu-kara (NK) were born from a bump on a woman's leg; leaving their parents, they went on a journey; a woman with a baby asks to fry for him grasshopper; NB roasts the baby, tries to feed the meat to the grasshopper; the old man asks to take the threshed millet to the house by the stream, the NB sprinkles it into the stream; the brothers climb the tree under which the naba rested (ruler ), the NB spits on the naboo; he tells the tree to be cut down; when it is ready to fall, the lizard raises its head and the tree straightens up; the NB kills the lizard with a knife; the tree falls, but the vulture picks up and carries the brothers; the NB speaks to him, that he stinks, the vulture drops them; where the NB fell, small hot peppers grew, and where NK is a large sweet one]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 12:22-24; tenda [Cranes are flying for meat, Hyena wants it too, for her They offer to run on the ground, she gets tired dragging her bag; the cranes give her feathers, she flies, sleeps with them in a tree; they warn not to eat birds singing at dawn, without them there will be no day; The hyena eats all the birds, only one hides; in the morning she sings about what happened; the cranes take away the feathers from Hyena, leaving only the ones she has deceived; The monkey puts the Hyena on his back, begins let her down, she sings that she will bite her on the ground, the Monkey leaves Hyena halfway; the Hippopotamicha invites Hyena to jump off, promises to catch it, does not tell her to touch the bloating on her body; the Hyena jumps, tears it up place, runs away; now Hippopotamychus is attacked by fish in the water, flies on land; the hare promises to help, asks Hippopotamich to open his anus, climbs inside, cuts fat, gets out; tells Hyena to pretend dead, calls a skillful hunter; gives Hyena a taste of fat; she makes meat baskets all night, Hippopotamich comes to eat in the morning; she dives with her into the river, drowns, takes out giblets, fills it with sand, plugs the holes in the body with fish; on the shore, the Hyena comes to life, comes to its children; they take out their plugs, the sand falls asleep, the Hyena dies]: Ferry 1983, No. 31:157-164; mankagna [Hyena spies on how the Hare asks the vine hanging from the sky to become shorter, climbs it into the sky, eats up there, then asks the vine to become longer, goes down; Hyena also casts a spell, finds himself on heaven, the lord of heaven Nasha-Bata invites her to cook the porridge herself; Hyena does not want to cook, he drives her back; she has forgotten the spell, cannot go down; the NB gives her goatskin to make a drum, tells her soak; the hyena eats the skin; so several times; the NB gives shade from the skin; makes the drum himself; lowers the Hyena on the vine, tells you to hit the drum when the Hyena reaches the ground; Hyena sees the merchant, asks give her something to eat; she demands Hyena to hit the drum; the Hyena first tries to just say "Nderen-Nderen", then hits the drum, the NB cuts off the vine, the Hyena falls; ever since then, she has been limping and howling at night looking at the sky]: Nikolnikov 1976:109-113; hausa [starved crows fly to an island in the middle of the river to peck figs; agree to bring the Spider there; he takes all the figs for himself, the Ravens leave him on tree; he jumps into the water; Crocodiles agree to recognize him as their own and take him home when he pretends to eat mud porridge; Spider warns that if Crocodiles hear a crash at night, he let him in winds; crocodile bakes eggs himself, they burst miserably; in the morning the Crocodile carries the same egg, pretending that it is new each time (he supposedly laid the first egg himself); the spider is sent across the river to boat, in the middle he invites the Crocodiles to check the eggs; Crocodiles tell the carrier to return, but he is deaf, listens to the Spider]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 68:163-166; mofu-gudur [Belka {rather just an earthen squirrel, Xerus inauris} comes to heaven, invites a woman to sow her field, grow crops; eats seeds, sow wild cereal; when the harvest is near, she says that she needs to harvest at home on the ground, gets chickens as a reward, begins to descend the rope; birds threaten to cut the rope, forcing Squirrel to give each chicken; she does not want to give the last one, the Heron cuts the rope, the Squirrel falls at a tree in the middle of the river; throws the fruit, it sinks, the leaf swims; the squirrel jumps, falls between two crocodiles, says that his aunt sent it to them; the Crocodile makes the Squirrel a babysitter; he eats one at a time, shows the Crocodile of the same cub; after eating the latter, she smears herself with ocher and charcoal, as if he has blood and bile, asks the Crocodile to take him home; she puts the Squirrel on herself back, sending her daughter to watch over the children; daughter shouts that Squirrel ate the cubs, the Crocodile mother does not hear well, Belka explains that the daughter tells her to run faster; hides in a termite mound; Crocodiles ask Djalo get the Squirrel; he gives Jalo flying ants, Jalo likes the taste; The squirrel tells you to open his eyes and nostrils, throws soldier ants, Jalo goes blind, the Squirrel runs away; Crocodiles catch him, he suggests break branches fry it; climbs a tree, screams that they are coming fulbe, Crocodiles are hiding in the grass, the Squirrel creeps up, breaks their heads]: Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 11:79-87; banena [tarantula spider invited a monitor lizard to a festival in heaven; he climbed his web; girls and boys are dancing in the sky, girls like the spider, but the monitor lizard does not; the young men offer to fight, the spider refuses, he is ashamed; he fights with a monitor lizard, and he broke an egg in his stomach; the spider was offended and went down to the ground, cutting off the web; the monitor lizard that followed him stayed hanging and then fell; since then it has no ear holes]: Dugast 1975:422 -426; wolof [birds were invited to heaven for a holiday; the turtle begged her to take her too; each bird gave her a pen; the turtle suggested that everyone should call themselves new names, its name would be For All of you; on They served food in the sky, saying that they were "for all of you"; the turtle ate everything alone; the birds furiously took their feathers from her and flew away; the turtle asked them to tell her wife to take everything soft out of the house; the birds told it to carry all the hardest and sharpest things; the turtle jumped and its shell broke; the birds still took pity and brought the doctor; he glued the shell together, but the traces remained]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss- Nliba 2018:61-62; (cf. Yoruba [during hunger, animals agree to kill their mothers; The dog hides its own in the sky, secretly climbs a rope to it, its mother feeds it, the dog shines, other animals have moved away; The turtle spies and overhears the Dog's song, hearing her mother lowering the rope; the Dog's mother pulls up the rope, but when she sees the Turtle, she lets it go; the Turtle breaks the shell; the Ants come to him glue; The turtle says they smell bad; the offended Ants are leaving, the Turtle's shell is cracked]: Walker, Walker 1980:27-29); mukulu [the raven called an earth squirrel to visit; ordered mother mix millet with sand; calmly pecked on grains, and the squirrel tried to gnaw it; called a crow to visit, told her mother to cook broth; slurped with a spoon, and the raven burned its beak; invited the squirrel to roll it ; lifting it into the air, threw it; she fell on the back of a donkey led by a learned doctor (marabou); rode a donkey; tells the lion that she has gone on a pilgrimage; promises the lion to heal him; let him make belts and buffalo skins; tied the lion with belts - let him try to tear, then he will be cured; the lion cannot tear; the squirrel put a sliver in his ass and left; after 7 days the ants gnawed through his belts; the lion went and fell into well; no one wants to help; finally, the rhesus monkey has pulled it out; the lion is about to eat it - he has been starving for 7 days; the monkey jumped on the tree but fell and broke its neck]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 38:180-184.

Sudan - East Africa. Lango: Driberg 1923 [The Hornet invites the Hare to bring it to heaven; holding the Hornet's waist, the Hare sings something offensive; in the morning the Hare is going back; the Hornet returns to earth, says that the Hare should stop his absence, the Hare sings something offensive; to people that these are Leogria's eyes; {Is the hare left in the sky?}] : 448-449; Wright 1960 [The hornet invites the Hare to his uncle in heaven; he behaves brazenly, the Hornet flies back without him; the Hare; the hare descends on the rope, but his friends let her go too early; The hare falls, breaks his hip, jumps ever since]: 104; joluo [The spider decides to marry the girl in the sky; invites the Hare to accompany him; the hare stipulates that everything served to the "guests" will go to him, and "in-laws" - Spider; first all the food goes to the Hare; Then the Spider asks to say that this and that is intended for the owners; now the Hare is starving; the Spider returns to earth, leaving the Hare; that jumps from heaven to earth, turns into a piece of meat; an old woman finds it, carries it in a basket; her child says that a piece of meat ate what is in the basket, the mother does not believe it; cooks meat, calls guests; pieces of meat they gather, become a Hare, he runs away, knocking over the broth]: K'Okiri 1970:116-126; acholi [the son of the heavenly king invited birds to the wedding; the turtle asked each one to give her a pen, made it for herself wings, said that her name was All of you; in heaven she asked who the food was for, she was told that for all of you, she ate everything herself, the birds got leftovers; the birds were offended, took away her feathers, flew away; The Turtle asked her husband to fold everything soft in the yard; the bird said that the wife asked her to fold everything hard; the turtle jumped down, broke the shell, glued it together, the seams are still visible]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 : 413-414; the Nuers [the jackal and the hawk went to the jackal's bride; on the way, the jackal quietly picked up the shell to serve as a spoon; then found 4 small ones, gave two to the hawk; and then offered spoons throw it away: the owners may be offended that the guests took their own; the jackal knew that the young man going to the girl must take his spoon, but the hawk did not know; on a visit, the jackal slowly reported that a hawk He only eats porridge right from the fire; they served food, the hawk cannot eat, the jackal invited him to run away for a spoon (the jackal still has that large spoon); during this time he poured sand into his plate; said that with or without sand, you have to eat what they give; at night, the jackal stabbed, fried and ate a goat, and smeared a hawk with blood; in the morning he was almost beaten to death; when he learned how he had been let down, the hawk offered to go to judgment to God, gave the jackal a wing, and the second from another bird; God limited himself to censure, then the hawk took his wings and left the jackal in the sky; gave the jackal grains; then got angry and shoved the jackal down; he prays to fall into the pond, but fell on solid ground, the grain crumbled, the ants stole it; the jackal came to his mother, said he was dying; ordered him to dig the grave, slaughter the bull and leave meat in the grave and water; cover the grave, but so that the clay does not fill it; if you hear a noise, this flesh falls off my bones; three days later, the jackal ate everything and came to my mother, saying that he had recovered; now the jackal with they came to heaven as a hawk for the bride; the jackal stole and ate the goat again, but the hawk demanded a test; God: jump over the hole - whoever falls eats; the jackal refused; once on the ground, the jackal and the hawk they threw darts at each other; the jackal missed, the hawk wounded him; then the jackal climbed a tree, threw the hawk's fruit; he bent over to pick it up, and the jackal threw the other one on his head and killed him]: Fergusson 1925:108-111; shilluk: Hofmayr 1925 [the eagle takes the hare to the sky, where it is dancing; the hare makes a comment about the unsightly appearance of the eagle; he leaves it, flies away; children in the sky bring the hare down to the rope is given a drum; when it reaches the ground, let it hit the drum; when he sees the ground, the hare hits the drum with joy, the children pull the rope up, the hare falls, breaks his lip; since then it has been split]: 375; Wattermann 1912, No. 78 [a dove (Tapero) takes a hare to the sky, where they dance; all the girls dance with the hare, but no one wants to have a dove; he is offended and flies away; a hare on a rope, when he reaches the ground, he must pull her; he pulls ahead of time, lets go of the rope, the hare breaks]: 189-190.

North Africa. Western Sahara [The Hedgehog and the Eagle agree to run/fly in a race; the Hedgehog puts other hedgehogs at a distance in advance; the Eagle admits defeat, asks for permission to see the Hedgehog's head; he tells him to be lifted into the air, then he will see; the Eagle sees the Hedgehog's head, throws it, the Hedgehog breaks]: Aris, Cladellas 1991:146-147; Moroccan Berbers: El-Shamy 2004, No. 225A: 87; Arabs of Morocco [ the raven offered to take the turtle to heaven to attend an angelic wedding - then he would lower it back; rising higher and higher, asks the turtle how it sees the ground; the size of a basket, a nest, etc. .; when there was nothing but fog below, the raven threw the turtle, it crashed against the rocks and the raven ate it]: Bushnaq 1987:245-246; kabila [The jackal threatens the chicken to climb the rock and eat it if it is not will throw off the chicken; every day it throws a chicken; the Eagle explains that the Jackal will not be able to climb the rock; seeing him try to do so unsuccessfully, the Eagle suggests taking him to a country where there are many chickens; sheds when the Jackal replies that he no longer distinguishes between trees on the ground; The Jackal wants to fall into the water or straw, but falls on the rocks; var.: The eagle raises the Jackal not on his back, but in his claws]: Frobenius 1937:83-85; the Algerian Berbers (Oued Righ) [the eagle invited the jackal to a party in heaven; put it on his back; when he rose high, he threw off the jackal; he wants to fall on straw or in warm water; falls on a blind man abluting]: Basset 1897, No. 78:34; matmata (sedentary Berber farmers in southern Tunisia) [The raven, seeing Hood Jackal, brings him to heaven, he bites off there's a piece of the moon; the raven later drops it, the Jackal falls into the swamp; falling, he promises God to build him a domed mausoleum (qubba) if he stays alive; in the myth, the Jackal bites off one piece, he can't get away from the moon for 28 days, after which the second one bites off; each of the pieces that have bitten off fell into a star; these are two winter stars, six of them came out (sic!) Ursa Major stars, with six more (actually 7) constellations]: Pâques 1964:186-187; Tunisia [The dove laid eggs every year and then incubated them on the tallest tree in the forest, and a jackal ("wolf", see above) would come to her, throw his tail over a rosemary trunk and say that he would now climb a tree and eat it if she did not throw her chicks on it. Then she threw them off for him. The king of birds began to count how many chicks had bred this year, and the dove told him that the jackal had eaten her chicks. Then the stork volunteered to help her. He taught her not to give the jackal its chicks because he can't climb a tree. When the jackal came and demanded the chicks, the dove did not give them away and said that it was the stork that taught her that way. Then the jackal decided to take revenge on the stork. He found him and pretended to be sick, said as if he fell into a cold pond and caught a cold, then the stork covered him with its wings and the jackal chewed at them. The stork decided to take revenge on the jackal; when his wings had healed, he found him and invited him to a party in heaven. The jackal climbed the stork when they took to the sky, the stork threw it off, it fell and crashed]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 41 in Korovkina MS; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 225:86-87.

Southern Europe. Portuguese [fox dogs: come to us, an order has been issued for peace between animals; fox: now, I'll just ask the rooster if he knows about the order to keep us company; fox hunter: if If you want chickens, come to me in the evening; released dogs on the fox, and the rooster screams: show them the order; after running away from the dogs, the fox picked up stones so that they could climb into the stable; called the donkey: go there, there grain; donkey is full and stuck; fox to crow: do you want meat? the donkey got stuck there; the raven came down to peck at the donkey's ass; the fox met the wolf: distract people and I would steal their basket of rice; the fox ate rice, rice on his head; wolf: so tired, running away, barely alive; fox: a They broke my head, so my brain came out; they say to the old man: let's have a party; the wolf went for the lamb, the fox for the chicken, and the hare for parsley; the hare came back first, the old man killed him with a stick, and the wolf with the fox poked his spit in the ass; they thought that the old man had a hot finger; at night, the fox showed the wolf the reflection of the moon in the well: look what a cake, you need to drink water; the fox was just pretending, and the wolf drank and burst; then the fox became friends with the heron; she spread flour in the can, ate it, and the fox cannot stick its face; the heron invited the fox to attend a feast in heaven, told her to sit on her back; raised it high, threw it off; fox: if I stay alive, I don't go to the festival in heaven anymore; hey, boulder - part; when I fall on a stone, I crashed]: Coelho 1879, No. 7:13-15; Basques [seeing snow, Fox asks what kind of white fluffs are falling from the sky; Vulture explains that these are chicken feathers, they are preparing for the wedding in the sky; agrees to take the Fox there, tells him to hold on to his tail; getting up three times asks if Lisa sees well; the third time Lisa opens her mouth and says, Yes; falls, threatens the rocks, which will break them into dust if they don't part; the rocks are motionless, the Fox has crashed]: Barandiaran 1962b: 135-136; Spaniards (Murcia) [raven (eagle) invites a fox to visit, serves food in a narrow-necked dish; a fox invites a crow (eagle), gives food in small dishes; a raven (eagle) invites a fox to a wedding in heaven, carries; the third time the fox replies that it does not see the ground, the bird throws it off; when falling, the fox screams to make it soft (different versions, rhyming), breaks]: Hernández Ferná ndez 2013, No. 275:81-82; Galicians [the eagle invites the fox to fly; she clings to his tail, he rises to the sky, but the feathers pulled out and the fox flew down; falling, she said that fall on a stack of straw; this is what happened; since then, peasants have been sticking un pucheiro into the middle of the haystack so that the fox does not care]: Contos 1972, No. 15:25; Aragon [the eagle convinces the fox to agree to him I rolled it; throws it to the ground; "If I stay alive, no more weddings in the sky!"] : González Sanz 1996, No. 225:72; Catalans [fox calls stork, offers porridge smeared on stone; stork suggests taking the fox to heaven, where the wedding throws down]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 60:33-34; Sicilians: Kabakova 2006, No. 58 [the pig asked God to make her wings; God agreed and wore its wings with wax; the pig flew higher to see more, the wax melted in the sun, the pig fell with its nose, it became a blunt patch], 59 [the pig envied the birds, also wanted to fly; God gave it wings with wax; the wax melted in the sky under the sun, the pig fell, her body acquired current form]: 109-110, 110; Corsicans [Kum Fox and Kum Hedgehog sowed wheat together; only the Hedgehog worked, and the Fox demanded to divide the harvest; then offered to race: reached the current will be the first to get everything; the Fox went to bed, and the Hedgehog walked all night and hid under the grain measure; the Fox ran, sat down in moderation, bragged; but the Hedgehog got up and knocked down the Fox; the Hedgehog took the grain, and the Fox took the straw; asked him to give it; the Fox agreed that the Donkey would give him one eye; then the other; drove the Donkey along the bad road, he fell, died; the Ravens flew; the Fox asked him for a ride; he was lifted into the air and threw it off, he fell into the garden, with his back on a stick, beans curled through the bark; persuaded the woman to take it off, promising to watch her baby for a year; but when he was free, he ran away]: Massignon 1984, No. 5:10-12; Italians (Basilicata): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 225:36; Maltese [in drought, birds decide to fly to another country; the turtle asks to take it with them, promises to remain silent; birds carry a wand, for that the turtle is holding on; the people below are laughing, the turtle wants to answer, falls, crashes]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 225:17.

Western Europe. The Germans (old written texts), the Dutch [two herons, two swans, or geese raise the turtle's wand by the ends; the turtle falls with its mouth open; or a bird (eagle) called to ride a turtle through the air, drops]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 225A: 143; Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Pomerania): Uther 2004 (1), No. 224:142-143; French: Arnaudin 1967, No. 17 ( Gascony) [the fox would like to hunt wild pigeons like an eagle; he puts it on his back; seeing pigeons, the fox jumps, falls, screams to current people to lay straw, but they only open mouths; fox crashed]: 186-188; Delarue, Tenèze 1976, No. 255 [the eagle lifts the fox into the air and throws it, or it jumps by itself (apparently because it has "learned" to fly); shouts to people to be laid straw, but breaks to the ground]: 457; the Welsh [King Blooduth tried to soar high into the sky with wings for himself, but fell in Trinovant on the temple of Apollo and crashed so that he did nothing not left; after B.'s death, his son Leir becomes king]: Galfried of Monmouth 1984 (History of the Britons, 30): 22.

Western Asia. Palestinians [the fox asks the eagle what the world looks like from above; does not believe that it is as small as the eagle says; the eagle offers to carry it through the air and, when the world is gone, drops it; the fox fell on the soft ground where the shepherd's sheepskin lay; ran away with sheepskin; told the leopard that he was making jackets; the leopard agreed to send six lambs; then the fox demanded three more; etc.; finally, the leopard rushed at the fox, grabbed the tail; the tail came off and the fox disappeared into the hole; the leopard left a hornet's nest at the entrance, the fox was afraid to go out for several days because it heard a noise; ate the children and his wife; when he came out, the tailless fox brought others to the vineyard, tied everyone by the tail so that the foxes would not make noise; called people; all the foxes cut off their tails, ran away]: Hanauer 1935:205-207 (=Hanauer 2009:253-256); Syrian Arabs: El- Shamy 2004, № 225A: 87; the Arabs of Iraq [the stork calls the jackal for lunch, leads to the thorny thickets, easily pecks berries there, and the jackal peels off; the jackal calls the stork, pours milk on the stone, licks, the stork is hungry; the stork offers the jackal to teach him how to fly, lifts him on his back; drops when the jackal replies that he no longer sees the ground; the jackal asks God to let him fall on the shepherd's sheep coat; He puts it on, the sheep take him for a shepherd, he takes them to the cave, feasts with jackals; the lion asks where the fur coat comes from; the jackal says that everyone in his family was tailors; measures a lion: you need 20 camels, 50 sheep , 100 chickens; when all this is eaten, asks for buttons for another 20 sheep and 50 chickens; after figuring out what is going on, the lion grabs the jackal, he runs away with his tail cut off; promises other jackals to teach them a new dance, ties them up tails, shouts that a flock of lions is coming, jackals are running, now everyone remains tailless; the lion can't find a culprit]: Stevens 2006, No. 14:80-82; Saudia [the stork offers the jackal to ride it, picks it up in and throws off the air; he falls on the shepherd, the shepherd runs away, the sheep go to the jackal; he summons other jackals to a feast chosen by the Jackal Shah; the jackal promises the lion to sew a fur coat for him, asks for a considerable price; to mark the deceiver, the lion tore off his tail; the jackal set up so that the other jackals were left without a tail; the lion could not identify his enemy]: Nowak 1960, No. 4:50; mehri [the raven called the fox to the guests, then the fox is a crow; both are happy; the fox wanted to see Mr. Peace; the raven put her on her back; asks if she sees the ground; when the fox replies that he no longer sees, he throws it down; she screams: into the pond, into the pond! Falls into the pond; boy, slave throw stones at her; she runs away]: Hein, Müller 1909, No. 9:9-10;

jibbali [like mehri]: Müller 1907, No. 6:13-14.

Melanesia . Trobrians [The louse flies on the Butterfly; when it flies over the sea, the Louse makes a loud scream, the Butterfly shudders, the Louse falls, sinks]: Malinowski 1948:81 (=Malinovsky 2004:294).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibet [the story of a turtle releasing a stick for which geese carried it is known in Tibetan texts]: Yeongdong 1989, No. 25:119-121; Tibetans (Amdo): Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:31 [two storks and a turtle lived by a pond that was beginning to dry out; the turtle suggested that the Storks take the ends of the stick in their beaks, it would cling to the middle, they would carry it; below the children began to scream, what clever storks; The turtle shouted that it was her idea and fell], 151 [two lazy people decide to go to heaven where they don't have to work; they climb into the eagle's nest, one grabs the eagle by the leg, the other grabs a friend's leg; an eagle carries them; one asks if it is far from paradise, he replies that he already sees a hole in the sky leading there; wants to show how big it is, lets the eagle go; both lazy people fell and crashed]; khasi [the fool finds the gold bars hidden by the merchant, thinks they are raw cakes, brings his mother to cook them; she sends him to look for more gold; the celestials suggest taking him to her world they tell him to remain silent on the way; he flies, asks if there are big cakes in the sky, falls, breaks]: Rafy 1920, No. 24:111-115; the meitei [eagles went down to peck at the dead elephant, climbed into his belly; the sun dried the elephant's skin and the eagles could not get out; a man who was training playing the Jhwal musical instrument saw an elephant; the eagles inside the carcass tried to fly; the eagle rose to the air and descended; a man flew on an eagle to the king and sold him an elephant for a lot of money; the king and his wife fly away on an elephant, the subjects waved after; but instead of going up and down, the king continued to play and the eagles lifted the elephant higher; when the elephant reached the cold air layer, the skin softened, the eagles flew out, the elephant fell, the king and queen crashed]: Oinam et al. s.a.; [the heavenly elephant went down to the fool's field and began to eat rice; the fool grabbed his leg, the elephant flew up and brought the fool to heaven; he complained to the heavenly ruler, the ruler gave him gold and silver, and ordered an elephant to bring a man to the ground; a clever neighbor decided to repeat this experiment; when an elephant arrived again, the fool grabbed his leg, and the clever one grabbed the fool's waist; the clever asks how much the heavenly ruler will give gold; a fool spreads his hands to show how much; both fell and crashed]: Oinam et al. s.a.

Burma-Indochina. Thais [the turtle asks two swans to show her the lake on the mountain; they ask her to hold on to the wand, the ends of which they have taken in their beaks, tell her to remain silent along the way; the jackal deliberately mocks as a turtle, she wants to answer, falls, the jackal ate it]: Kornev 1963:151-152; Viets: Karpov, Tkachev 1958 (Central Vietnam) [boy Quay ("merry man, entertainer") serves rich Tua Lang; he orders to kill the terrible Elephant; K. says that there will be an earthquake, the sky will fall, pretends to tie himself up; The elephant asks to tie him; first tears his fetters, the second time unable; K. kills him; crows they flock to peck at the elephant, climb into its womb, K. covers the wound with a leaf; sits on an elephant, takes off on it; TL wants to fly, K. advises him to pick a leaf over the sea; crows fly out, the elephant falls, TL sinks]: 84-89; Landes 1886, No. 79 [an evil woman became a turtle after rebirth; two herons flew to the pond, she began to swear; they said that the pond would dry out, offered to take it to another; let will gnaw off each of them's wing, holding a wand in the middle, and they will hold them around the edges; flying over people, the turtle could not restrain itself, began to scold them, fell]: 197-198; Khmers [Monkeys invite A turtle for a wedding; they offer to hold on to the wand they raise by the ends; the turtle answers the greeting, opens its mouth, falls]: Gorgoniev 1973:96-97.

South Asia. Ancient India: Syrkin 1964:46-47 (Jataka 215 [two Geese invite the Turtle to visit their house; carry a stick to both ends, the Turtle holds on to the middle; the boys scream, the Turtle answers them falls, breaks], 141-143 (Panchatantra) [in drought, two geese decide to leave the dry pond; the turtle asks to take it with them; they fly with a wand in their beaks, the turtle clings to it with its mouth; asks geese what people are shouting about on earth, immediately falls, people kill her]; Tawney, Penzer 1926a, No. 84gg (Ocean of Tales) [two Swans decide to leave the parched lake, fly to another; the Turtle asks take it with them; they fly with a wand in their beaks, the Turtle clings to it with its mouth; asks Swans what people are screaming about on the ground, immediately falls, people kill her]: 55-56; Kumaoni [father 9 stupid sons; after his death, they decided to fly like birds, attached grain sieves to their hands, rushed into the abyss and crashed]: Upreti 1894:75; ho [the fool allows the bird lift it into the air and falls (general definition of the plot)]: Haldar 1916-1917 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 225A: 41; oriya [the pond is dry, the turtle asks the crows to move it to another; they fly, holding a wand by the ends, and the turtle in the middle; the boys shout: let him fall, eat it; the turtle scolds the boys and falls]: Mohanti 1975:72; Telugu [Gopal merchant dreamed of going to heaven alive; pandit, to get rid of him, ordered him to stand on one leg by the stream for 24 hours; G. managed to do this, Indra's elephant descended from the sky and took him to heaven; then he returned; called his friends; G. grabbed the elephant's tail, and his friends are one by one; already at the target, G. tried to spread his arms to show the size of the shop (in the sky); everyone fell and crashed]: Books Ameya 2021; Veddas [the pond is almost dry; the turtle asks two storks to figure out how to move to another; they tell her to grab a wand with their mouths, and they will take its ends in their beaks and fly; the jackal sees a shadow in the field; shouts that storks are unpleasant friend; turtle: an unpleasant companion for your mother; falls; tells the jackal to soak it first and then eat it; the jackal brings the turtle to another pond, puts it in the water and holds it with its paw; turtle: now I'm wet, but a dry place is left under my paw; the jackal raised its paw, the turtle almost swam away, but he grabbed it by the paw; the turtle: grabbed the root; the jackal let go of the paw, grabbed the root, the turtle swam away; the jackals tried to lure the turtles out of the water by inviting them to the wedding, but they immediately jumped back into the water]: Parker 1910, No. 36:234-239; baiga [the fox admires how cleverly the crane pulls out the key giblets from the bodies of fallen animals; he replies that Bhagavan himself taught him; the fox asks him to be taken to B.; the crane tells him to hold on to his legs and not look down; the fox looks and falls into a half-dried pond, only tail and hind legs stick out of the mud; Ahir grazed cattle next to him, decided that the dog was in the mud, pulled it out; fox: why did he prevent me from getting a rupee from the bottom, I'll call my uncle a tiger right now; ahir agreed to give fox daughter and calf for a feast, tied both to a tree; but the calf hit the fox with its hoof; the fox to the girl: it was me who tumbled over to scratch my back; at night the fox brought chicken and fire, lay down with the girl, but He did nothing to her; threatened to call the tiger if she did not allow it; she allowed it, but he scratched it; she screamed, the tiger came; the fox: I prepared a calf for you; the tiger sent a fox to wash your stomach , the fox hid half; the tiger wanted to eat the girl, the fox persuaded him not to do it; they went to drink, the fox began to eat his own stomach, said he was eating his own; the tiger asked him to teach him; the fox asked him to teach him tied him, pulled out his insides, ate and gave it to the tiger; but he died of pain; the fox climbed into the tiger's carcass and could not get back; the young Baiga saw a tied girl, at first mistook him for an old woman, but I still decided to get together with her; she told her to feed and drink first; married a young man]: Elwin 1939, No. III: 485-486.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja [nggasi, Tarsius fuscomanus) invites the Heron to look for insects, pulls its feathers himself; the Heron offers N. to move it to the island, dumps it into the sea; N. says crocodiles, who want to count them, runs down their backs to land; one grabs his leg, he says he grabbed a branch; the crocodile grabs the females, N. runs away; then other tricks]: Adriani 1898:344; minahasa [about the same, the trickster is a bird]: Adriani 1898:345; mangaray [The crow invites the Frog to raise it high into the sky; the Frog agrees to tie its leg to the Raven's paw; in the sky thirsty, dies, the Raven eats it; another Frog tells the Crow that there are many frogs in the pool; the Raven agrees to tie its paw to the Frog's leg, which drags it under water, the Raven drowned]: Burger 1941, No. 14:274-275.

China - Korea. Koreans (Shenyang in Liaoning) [when a young child cries, he is told that if he does not stop, an old hawk will arrive; the hunter shot 1000 birds, ripped off the skins and feathers, sewed them from them vest and sewed 5 buttons; as he buttoned, it became lighter and began to rise into the air; when the fifth unbuttoned, he fell to the ground; he became comfortable finding and killing wild animals; van found out, envied; the hunter decided that a van who could fly and looked into all corners would be dangerous; when van ordered the hunter to be brought to his place, he presented him with a robe; van went up to the sky, but could not fall to the ground; gradually dried up and turned into a hawk with enough wild and domestic birds]: Liaoning 1994, No. 142; Chinese: Dennys 1876 [a turtle lived in the pond, and a couple nearby - geese; when the pond began to dry, the geese offered to move it to another pond: let her grab the stick with her mouth and they carry it; but let him be silent along the way; people from below scream, pointing to the turtle; she is not she withstood and shouted back: what do you care; fell and crashed]: 149; Ting 1978, No. 225A (many records) [Turtle Left Self be Carried by Eagle; Herons, etc. carry the Turtle through the air; she brags falls to the ground or to a chimney].

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [1) After Master Daedalus helped Ariadne save Theseus from the labyrinth, King Minos of Crete imprisoned him and his son Icarus into the labyrinth. He made wings for his son and himself, gluing his feathers together with wax. Icarus rose too high, the sun melted the wax, and Icarus fell into the sea. The Greeks called this part of the Aegean Sea the Ikarian Sea. 2) On the island of Lefkada near Akarnania, feathers and birds were tied to the criminal's body and thrown off a cliff (Cell: 106; Strabo X, II, 9); Aesop's fables [ the turtle sees an eagle in the sky; wants to fly; asks the eagle to teach it; the eagle refuses; the turtle insists; the eagle raises it into the sky and throws it; the turtle crashed to death]: Gasparov 1968, No. 230:129; Serbs, Slovenians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 225:142-143; Greeks: Megas 1978, No. 225A, 225B in Uther 2004 (1), No. 225A: 143; Hungarians: Kovács 1987, No. 225 [fox (wolf) asks for a crow teach him to fly; he holds on to the crow's tail, and the crow takes off and, as it rises into the sky, asks several times if the fox (wolf) sees the earth; when the earth is no longer visible, the crow tells him to let go tail; when falling, the fox (wolf) tells the fallen tree trunk and shouts to avoid it; but the trunk is motionless and the fox (wolf) breaks], 225A [the turtle is jealous of flying birds; after much request, the eagle or the vulture lifts it high into the air and drops it; the turtle falls on a rock, crashes and dies]: 291; Bulgarians [mainly literary sources, 1 entry in the field; the eagle teaches the turtle to fly or a toad; raising it into the sky and dropping it]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 225A: 80; Albanians [the turtle asks the eagle to ride it across the sky; believing that it can fly, asks him to let it go, falls, crashes to death]: Serkova 1989:239-241.

Central Europe. Czechs [{general definition of two motives (it is impossible to say what exactly in the Czech version}: two herons, two swans, or geese lift a stick that the turtle holds in its mouth by the ends; a turtle falls with its mouth open; or a bird (eagle) is called to ride a turtle through the air, drops]: Uther 2004 (1), No. 225A: 143; Poles [an eagle or crane promises to teach a fox to fly; rises with it in the sky and throws down]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 225:70; Luzhitans [the old man in Rivne decided to see how high he could go; tied bags under his arms (? Mulden, mecki) with the open side down and climbed onto the roof (or fence); but when he tried to take off, he fell down and lay in bed for two weeks; said he tried to fly, but didn't want to fly anymore]: Schulenbudg 1882:11-12; Russian written tradition: Likhachev et al. 2003 [Bulgarian-Russian version of the Greek Stefanite and Ikhnilat, a rework of Kalila and Dimna (Synodal List 1478): Two dives and a turtle lived in the same body of water; when the water in it ran out, the dives decided to fly away; the turtle begged them to take it with them; the divers promised it would not say nothing until they carried it; then told her to eat a straight tree in the middle; when the turtle did, the divers grabbed the ends of the tree and took it with them into the air; people passing below saw that the turtle was flying between dives and said it was a miracle and a sign; the turtle opened its mouth to answer their words, and as a result crashed to the ground]: 232-235; Tarkovsky, Tarkovskaya 2005, No. 57 ["Proverbs, or Fabulous, by Jesop Frigi" by Fyodor Gozvinsky (1607, more than 20 copies of the 17th - early 18th centuries, including The Book, Verbal Jesop), which are a translation of the younger edition Aesop's fables, published around 1479 Bon Accurus in Milan: the turtle begs the eagle to teach it how to fly; the eagle refuses; the turtle continues to ask; the eagle lifts it high into the air and lets it go; the turtle falls on the rocks breaks]: 230, 276; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Samara), Ukrainians (Hutsulshchik), Belarusians [Crane (eagle) teaches a turtle (fox) to fly: throws it from above at the ground, it breaks]: SUS 1979, No. 225A: 90; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [the fox went to the boyar's house, wanted to steal a calf from a calf, a child from a woman, a lamb from a sheep, etc., but the rooster screamed; After lying under the bush for three days, the fox went to the tree on which the rooster was sitting, began to convince him to repent: the last times are close, and he has many wives; the rooster began to descend, the fox grabbed him; he became tell how they will live together, take care of the fox, sing songs; the fox loosened its grip, the rooster escaped; a crane towards the fox, offers to teach it how to fly, puts it on its back, asks what is the ground; when the fox replies that the earth is sheepskin, it throws the fox; it fell on the hay; the crane again offers to sit on it; this time the fox fell to a solid place - three bone plants are gone]: Onchukov 2008, No. 11:110-112; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Mezen) [the fox was going to drag a chicken coop from the chicken coop, a calf from the calf; the rooster screamed, the fox lay under the bush for three days; speaks to the rooster that he should not go to paradise, because he has many wives and does not go to confession, and she has not eaten meat for 30 years; and the one who wanted to drag a calf out of the calf was another fox; the rooster listened, his fox grabbed it; the rooster began to convince the fox that if she lived with her, and not with the man, they would bake prosphora; but the crane mocked her; the fox listened, the rooster escaped; the crane offers to teach her fly; when the earth was thrown off the millstone; the fox fell on the haystack; the crane continued its training, this time the fox fell into the swamp, the bones went three fathoms into the ground, the skin on the ground remained, the crane took it to the nest]: Nikiforov 1961, No. 117:303-304; Russians (Samara) [the old people did not have a horse, one cat; you have to go for firewood; the old man harnessed the cat in a sieve and went; the hare asks to plant him; then the fox, the wolf, bear; the old man asked the cat to jump over the hole, they will fall into the hole; the animals decide to eat someone who can't reach out in his voice; ate the hare; then the wolf; the fox hides the bones under themselves; tells the bear that it eats its eyes; guts; the bear pulled out his own; died; the fox ate him; threatens the nightingale to ruin his nest if he does not pull it out; the nightingale brought "teasing" into the pit, the fox got out; tells her to drink, feed her, laugh, learn to fly; the woman was carrying pies and beer; the nightingale sat on an arc, the woman hit him with a stick, broke the arc, the horse ran away, the woman after her; the fox ate, got drunk; the nightingale on the threshing floor, sat on the man's bald head; the fool's son killed his father with a flail, the fox laughed; the nightingale put the fox on his back, she tells him to fly higher; the nightingale threw it; "God willing on the pole!" ; fell on a stump and killed]: Sadovnikov 1884, No. 53:176-178; Russians (Samara) [in autumn, the fox invites the crane to its hole: it will feed it all winter, and then he will teach it how to fly; in spring, a crane put the fox on his back, it wants it higher, fell; the fox: God willing on the haystack, and the man: God grant it to the harrow; dying, the fox says that the crane did not teach her to fly, but made her die an evil death]: Sadovnikov 1884, No. 54:178-179; Ukrainians (9 sources; Hutsulshchyna, Volyn) [The Crane (Eagle) teaches the Fox {not the Turtle} to fly: it throws it to the ground from a height, it crashes]: SUS 1979, № 225a: 90; northern Ukrainians (Volyn) [the crane asks the fox to take it for the winter, promises to teach him how to fly; the fox asks how many thoughts the crane has; it first says 9, then etc., and the fox is alone all the time; when the crane remains alone, he says that he will pretend to be dead, the hunter will look at him, let the fox run away at that time; they are saved, the crane offers the fox to ride it; rises twice low, then high, asks - it would be nice to fly, the fox does not answer - her bones are on the ground]: Pankeev 1992:29-30; northern Ukrainians (Volyn, Dubensky y.) [summary of the text from Mikhail Krivoshapkin's manuscript "On Volyn and Minsk Polesye" (1898-1899): the wandering Ivan "came across feathers in his sermage and wanted to fly, first sent his Jewish friend, who crashed"]: Zelenin 1914, No. 12:295.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ingush [the crane and fox each had a couple of cubs; they decided to get food together; the crane went hunting; the fox stayed at home and ate the cranes; when the crane returned, the fox began rushing around home and say that the cubs are gone; crane: long-necked or short-necked? fox: doesn't it matter, all ours; the crane kept silent, but told the fox that there was a dead horse in the sky; the fox sat on the crane's back, he picked it up and threw it off; when it fell, the crane asked how she was doing herself feels; fox: you would know if I had something to lean on my feet]: Dakhkilgov 2010b, No. 192:98-99; Chechens [Lisa began to live with the Crane; eats his children when the Crane is gone, complains that" our child is gone", when asked which one, answers that he is "long-legged"; at this time Lisa's children have grown up; the Crane invites Lisa to show her the sky; the Fox falls, the Crane does not pick her up]: Baranov 1903, No. 1:55- 57; Dargin people: Osmanov 1963 [The fox and the Crane live together, the Fox eats the Crane's chick, pretends to cry that "one of the longnecked" has died; so it kills everyone; the Crane puts it on its back for a ride, throws down]: 16-17 (=Kapieva 1991:143-144, =Khalilov 1965, No. 14:30-31); Uslar 1892, No. 3 (Hyurkilins) [fox and crane live together, both have three cubs; the fox ate one; says the best the child died; what difference does it matter, yours or mine, but the neck was long; so with all three; crane: go to God, ask why this is so; fox: I have no wings; the crane put the fox on its back, threw it from a height]: 237-238; Georgians [the eagle teaches the turtle to fly, throws it to the ground]: Kurdovanidze 2000, No. 225A: 25; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 [the fox invited the stork to visit, spread porridge on tray; the stork invited the fox, put the porridge in a jug; offered to ride the fox; when the ground was not visible, he threw it down; the fox fell into the school yard, stole the notebook, came to the hole, pretended to read; tells the bear to call her mullah baba, promises to learn the cubs; bear: the meat is yours, and the bones are mine (in the sense of learning); the fox ate the cubs, replies for several months that they cannot be shown, otherwise they will become unaccustomed from reading; then throws a bag with their bones to the bear; the bear is stuck in a hole, the fox came out from the other side, went from behind the bear and "began to crumple it"; the bear asks the ploughman if he saw; he: saw; the bear promises to bring sheep for silence; but he told his wife; the bear heard, promised to kill the ploughman; the fox promised to save him if he gave her two chickens; teaches her what to say; tied a broom to his tail; bear: what's the dust? - The king's son was prescribed bear meat, the army is looking for a bear. - Where can I hide? - Get into the bag, they will think that wheat; the fox and the plowman beat the bear with sticks; the fox has come for the chickens; the plowman's stomach grumbles: a few years ago he ate a hunting dog puppy, now wants to go out; the fox ran away]: 505-512; Nabiev 1988 [The frog asks the Crane to show her peace; sits on his back but falls; maimed but survived]: 295-296; Seyidov 1983:209; Kurds [The fox calls the Crane to visit , rolls the dough thinly, it can't bite; The crane calls the Fox, serves rice in an oblong pumpkin; the fox promises to teach the Crane tricks, ties a rope to its leg, the other end to its tail, runs between stones, the Crane is slightly alive; the Crane offers Lisa to teach her how to fly; in the air, Lisa says she has already learned, the Crane throws her on the rocks]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 164:470-471.

Iran - Central Asia. Shahname [with Rustam's help, Shah Kai-Kovus regained his throne and reigned safely; a diva in the guise of a young man told him that he had achieved everything on earth and must now live in heaven; then from stems aloe made a throne, four spears with lamb carcasses were attached to it, four eagles were tied to the throne; in an effort to grab meat, the eagles carried the throne from the KK into the clouds; when tired, they descended in Chinese forests; R . hardly found the exhausted KK, regained his throne]: Ulug-zoda 1989:121-122 (Cancer 2006:180 in short); Persians: Osmanov 1958 [the fox calls the stork, offers a talker in a stone bowl, the stork remains hungry; the stork calls the fox, serves food in a narrow-necked pumpkin; offers to raise the fox into the air, the fox gladly agrees; when he replies that he does not see the ground at all, the stork throws it off; praying achund thinks that a genie is falling from the sky, runs away, leaving his sheepskin coat, the Fox falls on his sheepskin coat; puts it on, becomes Aga-Sheikh the fox; the stork is ashamed that he threw off the Fox, he went to Mecca, became a Haji Stork]: 443-444 (= Rosenfeld 1958:44-47); Romaskevich 1934a, No. 45 [the fox came to visit the crane, which poured wheat on the stone, ate everything himself; the fox called the crane, poured flour into the water, poured it on the stone, licked everything itself; promised to show the crane a game, put its head in the mud under a stone; the crane put the fox on its back, took off, threw it off, it fell and went into the mud; the shepherd pulled it by the tail; fox: I wanted to dig a treasure here my father, you prevented me, now give me one sheep; he brought me a fat one, but the fox did not like it and took the skinny one, sat on horseback and rode it; everyone says that she is going to a praying mantis; wolf, hyena, bear, the leopard, the boar, the lion join; the sheep died, it was cooked; at night the fox ate the meat, put the bones in the wolf's ass; let's jump over the ditch - whoever falls bones from the ass ate; fell out of the wolf's ass, he was killed, put in a cauldron; the fox ate the meat, the bones in the bear's ass; then the same with all the animals; the fox and the lion remained; the fox pretends to eat its eyes; the lion let his eyes be pulled out; the fox: our fathers jumped over this cliff; the lion jumped, crashed to death]: 227-230; Marzolph 1984, No. 225 [the fox teaches the stork to run, steps on its tail; the stork teaches the fox to fly, lets go, it falls to the ground]: 57; Tajiks [the stork agreed to carry the fox to the padishah's garden, let it hold a hook in her mouth, carried it; she shouted, Oh, fell, crashed, the stork cried]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 392:302; Turkmens [ a turtle, a duck, a coot live on the island; hunters are coming, a duck with a fish decides to fly away, the turtle asks not to leave it; the duck has decided that it should grab a twig, and they will carry it in their beaks; the kids shout that two birds are carrying a turtle; it shouts, "This is me", falls]: Stebleva 1969, No. 8:32-33 (=Fur Fair 1980:38-40); Uzbeks [stork and fox began to live together; fox ate one stork, meets the stork with tears: one of yours is missing, the frogs must have eaten; the storks flew to catch frogs, the fox ate the second chick; the stork offered to move to the other side of the lake, move the fox; when the fox replies that the land is no larger than a coin, it drops it, the fox crashed]: Afzalov et al. 1972:40-41; (cf. Sogdians [Sogdian fragment SI 5704 from the Serindi Foundation of the IVR RAS (text in Sogdian-Manichaean, which is a translation of a Buddhist, most likely Chinese, work; exact location unknown findings): "...] turtle/...] that:/"You will grab a stick in the middle with your mouth/grab it tightly, and we, two/falcons, at both ends (stick) with our mouth/grab tightly, fly, /let's go, you (from this)" [/] a dried place (taking) [..."]: Chunakova 2017:40-47).

Baltoscandia. Scandinavians [Song of Wölund. Wölund, the son of the king of the Finns, a skillful goldsmith, is captured by Nyard Lord Nidudu (N. puts his shackles on V. while he sleeps). Previously, Wölund and his brothers Egil and Slagfid married Valkyries, who took off their swan clothes and then flew away again, leaving their husbands. Nidud orders that V.'s tendons be cut under his knees, settled on a deserted island away from people, where he must create more and more jewelry for N., his wife and children. V. made wings from the feathers of birds that Egil killed for him (this is explained in Norwegian Tidrexag in the late 13th century). E. is the first to try to fly and dies. V. flew away, decapitating N.'s two sons and raping his daughter. V. - ruler of the Alvas (=elves)]: Andreev 1989:45; Meletinsky 1968:272-273; Elder Edda 1963:68-72; Estonians: Kippar 1986, No. AT 225 [Eagle (Crane) undertakes to teach Lisa (Hare, Frog) fly; lifts into the sky on its back, throws it down]: 150; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 34 [the fox is jealous of the eagle: it can fly; the eagle offers to ride it; turns over in the clouds, the fox turns over falls; screams, God, send it to the haystack! But he falls on the wattle fence, breaks the ridge, crawls into the thicket]: 80; the Swedes [the craftsman made wings for himself and, deciding to fly, jumped from the bell tower; he falls on a pile of manure, into a lake, etc.]: Klintberg 2010, No. Z81:460; Finns [the fox asks the crane to teach it how to fly, for which it feeds it all winter; in spring it lifts the fox but sheds it, the fox breaks its leg]: Schreck 1887, No. 11:238 (quoted in D & #228; hnhardt 1912:270); Veps (materials by E. Lönnrot and A. Alquist) [the crane stayed for the winter; the fox asked him to teach it how to fly, for which she fed it all winter; in spring the crane told him to sit on his back; flew high, threw off the fox; she broke her leg]: Ujfalvy 1875 , No. 6:47; Latvians [the fox asks the stork to teach her how to fly; standing high on Stork's back, says that now she can do it herself; falling on a stump, shouts to him, Run, filthy; the stump is not moves; after falling, the fox lies for a long time with its tail thrown back; the tail remains thrown back]: Pogodin 1895:443 (=Alksnite et al. 1958:53; =Aris 1971:45); Lithuanians, Danes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 115: 142-143.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 104 [(=Sidelnikov 1971 (3): 185-186); the water level in the lake falls, the frog asks the ducks to take it with them; they carry it on a plaque, tell them not to scream; frog croaks over the village, people throw stones at the ducks, they drop the frog], 105 [the frog asks two geese not to drink from its lake or it will dry out; they suggest moving it to another, holding on to the middle sticks; flying over the village, he hears people arguing whether geese are carrying a frog or something else; shouting, "I'm a frog", falling]: 189-190, 191-192; Karakalpaks (Kegeli district) [two ducks lived on the lake and frog; the water was dry; the ducks decided to fly away; the frog began to lament and cry; the ducks agreed to carry it with a blade of grass; they took an oath from the frog that it would not speak; then they took an oath one at one end of the blade of grass, the other at the other, let the frog grab hold of the middle and flew; people in the steppe said: "We should be surprised how (this) these two ducks fly, picking up a frog [so] deftly"; the frog said: "So that it would be empty for those who did not see this flight of mine," unhooked the blade of grass and fell to the ground]: Baskakov 1951, No. 2:201-202.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [The fox tells the Columns to throw the cub off the tree; threatens to jump on the cloud, from there on them; the second threatens to jump to the moon; the Cranes explain that the Fox will not be able to jump; the Fox tells the Cranes that the fire offers to hide in her hole; they fell on her, flew away, two stayed; they promise to move her across the sea so that she could catch up with the whole flock; they throw her into the sea, the Fox drowned]: Balter 1958:60-63; Buryats [The fox makes the girl Honhinur give her 27 rattles, otherwise she will take her gold ring in her mouth, trample on her ground; two swans explain to H. that the Fox will not be able to do it do; after learning from H. who gave it away, the Fox grabs the Swans; they offer to ride it, throw it into the sea; she hardly gets ashore]: Khangalov 1960, No. 127:355-357 (quail in Dugarov 1990:369-371; in Eliasov 1973, No. 28:216-217); Mongols: Yongdong 1989, No. 25 [the story of the turtle that released the stick for which geese carried it from its mouth is known in Mongolia, including in proverbs]: 119-121; Potanin 1893, No. 2 [Khan Hurmusten Khan promises to give his daughter for the bird that will rise above everyone else and whose song he will be the first to hear; the Kite takes off, the Bat sits quietly on his back; when H. asks whoever is closest to him, the Bat answers; when he hears her voice, the Kite throws her off; falling, the Bat screams, Soft Earth! ]: 343; Ikeda 1971 [see Japanese (Turtle flies with Ducks); modern Mongolian version in Mookyoo Bungaku, 1942, v. 2:5., 58]: 54; Oirats (Xinjiang) [motif M30D {and probably the M30C motif} corresponds to the fairy tale "Goose and the Turtle" from the collection "Betege caγān boqširγ", published in 1981 in Urumqi in the Xinjiang Oirat Folklore series {without details; original verification required}]: Ubushiyeva, Damrinjav 2020:15; Mongors [A frog jumped into a puddle left by a cow's hoof; asks two migratory birds if the lake is bigger, where they came from; they say a thousand times more; agree to take the Frog to check; tell her to hold on to the middle of the wand, the ends of which they will hold; women on the ground surprised at the witty device; The frog screams that she came up with it, falls, crashes]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:128.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais: Aurora 1986, No. 14 [The Fox pretends to be the Devil, tells the Flying Squirrel to throw off the cub; then more; the Heron explains that it is the Fox; the Fox disguises itself as a fish, grabs the Heron by the tail, it takes off , tells the Fox to shout, Heavenly people are fun, the Fox falls on the island; tells the Worm that her people are on every island; the Worm exposes his own, the Fox runs ashore on the worms, believes Odin, two, sirbidok, three, four, sirbidok; says he will count properly on the way back; trapped by old man Ka, he carried a fox, it caused rain, snow, came to life (unclear); along with Heron feasts in the house while the drunks sleep; both run away]: 68-69; Sam, Sem 2020, No. 33 [the fox pretended to be a monster, tells the flying squirrel to throw off its chicks; she throws a bump twice; heron: chase the fox, it's toothless, tell me that I taught me to answer this way; the fox grabbed the heron by the tail and it lifted it high into the air; the fox screamed in fear, fell into the swamp; the worm does not believe that the fox does not cry; if it has more relatives, so he is right; the fox tells them to line up across the swamp, runs across a living bridge and thinks the latter has scratched his eyes; other foxes offer her to steal yukola from the Ka-map hunter; the fox has fallen into a trap, K. took off the skin, left it to dry, the skin split in the rain, K. threw it into the fire]: 137-141; Hodger 2011 [The fox threatens to cut down a tree with a "spider ax", Flying to her three cubs one by one; Heron announces that the Fox is not an evil spirit and will not be able to cut down a tree; the Fox grabs the Heron by the tail, which carries it over the sea, the Heron says it gnaws carrion and feces, defecates, the Fox falls on an island, finds no food ; says that her head will turn into a sea bump, her eyes into sea cream, her skin into seaweed, her wool into seaweed, her bones into sea fins, her tail into a panicle; answers to an earthworm that does not cry, but sings like parents used to sing; suggests that the worm call its relatives, then calls her to see who is bigger; jumps on a chain of worms, counting them finds herself on the other side; worms promise that she falls into the trap of old Ka; she fell, Ka took off her skin, threw away the carcass, the Fox caused snow, hail, rain, a new skin grew, the Fox came to life; The Heron invites you to go to old man Ka's party together; the house offers to shout louder, the hosts woke up, the Fox ran through the chimney, turned black, the Heron flew through the hole in the roof]: 85-91; Orochi [Fox tells the Flying Squirrel to throw her cub to eat, threatens to cut it with an ax, fry it on a spit; the flying squirrel gives three cubs one by one; the Heron explains to the Flying Dog that the Fox has neither an ax nor a skewer; The flying squirrel no longer gives the Fox its cubs, she rushes to the Heron, grabs the tail; the Heron carries it above the ground, the Fox falls on the island; says to Nerpe that it counts the animal breeds; to count the Seal, asks them to appear; Seals fill the strait, the Fox runs across their bodies to the mainland; defecates on the last Seal; dies in a hunter's trap]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 1:127-128.

Japan. Japanese: Ikeda 1971, No. 225A [The Turtle asks the Ducks to carry it from where it lives, (1) because of drought, or (2) because it is tired of living there; two Ducks hold a wand in their beaks, the Turtle grabs with her mouth in the middle; she is warned not to speak or look down; they fly over the village, the children scream when they see an unusual sight; the turtle screams back, falls; (1) crashes to death, or (2) with since then, her shell is cracked; (this story is in Panchatantra, book 4, and Hitopadesia]; 800 [old man, fool or lazy, bochar or umbrella maker goes to heaven; (1) climbs the wonderful plant; (2) grabs an umbrella, blown up by the wind; (3) the bamboo hoop from the barrel sprung, threw the master to the sky; he becomes Thunder's assistant; following him on the cloud, pours water, causing rain; Once over his native village, it rains; at this time, in the local temple, everyone runs away, looking for shelter; with excitement, a person stumbles and falls down; spilled water formed Lake Biwa; the hero falls at him, becomes a gibel fish; his name was Gengoro, the fish is now called Gengoro gibel; (2) falls on the roof of a famous temple, calls for help; jumps on a cloth that four men are held in the corners, they collide with their foreheads, sparks fly from their eyes, the temple burns down; (3) he falls into the sea, serves as a gatekeeper (gardener, servant) in the Dragon's house; he is not told to take it in his mouth certain food; he takes it, is caught by a fisherman on the ground, returns home; (4) falls from the sky on mulberries; the thunder feels sorry for him, since then it has not hit this tree; the Chinese version in "The Rainmakers" in Chinese Myths and Fantasies, p. 101-110]: 54, 185-186; Markova 2000, No. 66 [a man shot several geese with one bullet, put him in his belt, the birds came to life, lifted him up, he fell to the top of the pagoda in Yamato; people spread the canvas, he jumped into the middle, those holding their foreheads hit, causing sparks, the pagoda and all the people burned down]: 255-256.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiate (Norton Bay Unalick): Ivanoff Brown 1987 [The raven marries a waterfowl; everyone flies south in autumn, he decides to accompany them for a while, turns back, falls into the water, ends up in the whale's belly; inside there is a lamp, he pokes it with a knife, it goes out; the whale's corpse is washed ashore, the Raven pecks a hole, goes out, eats to his heart's content]: 79-82; Nelson 1899 [The Raven pecks a hole, goes out, eats marries Goose; in autumn he flies south with the Geese; when they see that he is tired, the Raven lies that he has an arrowhead stuck in his heart; Geese do not believe, the Raven falls into the water, has difficulty getting to the shore; asks Keith to open her mouth, flies inside; inside, the beauty warns not to touch her lamp; the beauty is the soul, the lamp is the heart of the whale; the raven touches the lamp, the whale dies; the raven swims inside the carcass to the shore ; forgets a fire drill inside the whale; when people fresh a whale and find a drill, the Raven says it's a bad sign; people run away, the Raven takes all the meat for himself; looks for a fat vessel, meets Norka, they they build porridge; the Raven; sends Mink to invite marine life to the festival; Seals come; the Raven says he must improve their eyesight by touching their eyes with his rod; glues their eyelids with resin; forgets the seal in the doorway; he raises the alarm when another seal cries trying to open his eyes; the raven kills guests with a stick one at a time, only the seal in the doorway is saved]: 462-467; inupiate [The raven flies over the sea, gets tired, flies into the whale's mouth; inside the beauty warns not to touch its lamp; the beauty is the soul, the lamp is the heart of the whale; the raven touches the lamp, the whale dies; the raven swims on the carcass to the shore; brags that he killed a whale]: Ostermann 1952:24-25; Northern Alaska Inupiate (Noatak) [The raven marries the Duck, flies south with the ducks in the fall; asks his wife and mother-in-law to carry it; they get tired, leave him; he descends into the whale's breath; everything inside; his voice tells him not to eat dripping fat; he eats; when the fat runs out, the lights go out; it was fat from the whale's heart; the carcass nails to the shore, people cut it, The raven comes out; says that this whale has no giblets; he is silent that he ate them]: Hall 1975, No. PM117:347-348; copper [Owl marries Goose; Geese do not tell her to fly with them in autumn, because the sea she will not be able to relax on the water; but Owl does not listen; (the informant does not remember further)]: Rasmussen 1932:215-216; caribou [Owl marries Goose; Geese fly south in autumn; despite warning, The owl flies with them; the geese rest, sitting on the water, the Owl flies over them; tired, sits on their backs; Geese fly away, the owl drowns]: Rasmussen 1930b: 87-88; netsilic [The raven marries a Goose; in autumn Geese fly south; contrary to warning, the Raven flies with them; the geese rest, sitting on the water, the Raven hovers above them; tired, sits on his wife's back; he spoils her feathers, her brothers advise her to fly, the Raven remains drown]: Rasmussen 1931:400-401; igloolik: Kroeber 1899, No. 13 (Smith Sound) [Drozdikha (snowbird), widowed, cries, Raven offers himself as a husband, is refused; comes to the Geese going to south, asks to take him with him, flies with them; geese go down to sleep on the water, the Raven can't swim, asks for permission to sleep on the Geese's backs; they get tired, throw him off, the Raven drowns]: 173-174; Rasmussen 1930a [The raven takes two Geese as his wife; in the fall they fly to their country; the raven decides to fly with them; first hovers while they rest, sit on the water, then sit on their wives; he spoils their feathers, their brothers advise them take off, the Raven stays drowning]: 280-281; Polar Eskimos: Holtved 1951, No. 60 [The raven married two Geese; flies south with them in autumn; tries to sleep in the air, then on his wives; Geese fly away, The crow falls and turns into many sea crows (pterypods that form plankton or silt)]: 92 (trans. Menovshchikov 1985, No. 197:408); Kroeber 1899, No. 13 (hall. Smith) [The Raven asks the Geese to take it with them; they sleep on the water, the Raven lies on them, they throw it off, he drowns]: 174; Labrador Eskimos [Hawk marries Goose; flies with Geese in autumn through sea; Geese sleep on the water, it can't, it sinks]: Nungak, Arima 1969, No. 19:45.

Subarctic. Kuchin [a man makes wings out of birch bark, climbs a tree; when he sees geese flying in the sky, he flaps his wings, jumps; his wings can't stand it, he breaks]: McKennan 1965:154; (cf. Khan [Raven marries Goose; Geese fly south in autumn; Raven goes with them, gets tired, comes back; crows now live in the north all year round]: Smelcer 1992:123; atna [Raven marries Geese; geese gather south in autumn; The raven can hardly keep up with them, does not find suitable food in the parking lots, becomes weaker; the wife and her relatives alternately carry it on their backs; when they fly to the sea, they convince The crow comes back; he agrees]: Smelcer 1997:63-64); tanana [The Raven marries a Goose; Geese fly south in autumn, the Raven is with them; gets tired; first the Geese support him, then they abandon him; he makes an island out of a fin; (then the storyline shifts to other topics)]: De Laguna 1995, No. 8:111-112; tanaina [Chulien (raven) marries Goose (species of geese with black heads, necks and his descendants with his feet); in autumn he also wants to fly south; first geese help him, then get tired and throw him; he falls, tells the rock to be under him; Belukha offers to get into her breath, takes him to Shore; C. eats her fat, lies that the coast is still far away; Beluga whales jumps ashore, C. throws stones into her breath, she dies; people appear, he flies out, returns in human form; people say that something black flew out of the beluga whale's womb; C. says that his relatives ate white whales under similar circumstances and all died; gets the foreman's daughter, eats beluga whales at night; people find his fat on a mustache, beaten to death, thrown into the trash; an old woman cuts off his beak; Magpies defecate on C., he comes to life; creates enemies; covering his face with his hand, shouts to run and throw everything; finds a beak, hurriedly applies, now he's crooked]: Vaudrin 1969:35-40; Upper Tanana: Brean 1975 [The Raven marries Swans; flies with swans in the fall, his wife throws him off, he tells him to go to sea under him turned out to be a fin, turns it into an island; leaves it on the shore of the eye to see if the boat comes; the eye raises the alarm when they see a fin; next time people take their eyes away; the raven guesses them, takes their eyes, puts it back crooked; that's why crows have different eyes]: 63-67; McKennan 1959 [The raven marries Swans; flies south with her across the sea; gets tired, the swans leave him; he sits on a rock in the middle of the sea; enough the child is a big fish; promises to return if the fish pulls stones from the bottom; makes them an island; tells them to bring moss, returns the child to the fish; moss grows, Alaska appears]: 190; beaver [ Caya asks ducks and geese to give him feathers, flies with them; they warn that there are bad people on earth; people see S. flying, screaming, he falls, he is tied up, everyone relieves him; when he comes old woman, he asks to untie him first, kills him, runs away; since then, the birds fly to the sea in the fall]: Ridington 1988:122; chipewayan [rain floods the ground; Visákecak makes a boat, asks Duck dives; it brings silt on its paws several times, V. makes land; sees larvae in a deer skull, asks for permission to join the meal, sticks his head, gets stuck, swims along the river like a deer; to him people rush, he jumps ashore, breaks his skull; leads the Bear to the berry tree, he eats, gets fat, falls asleep, V. kills him; cooks meat, asks juniper trees to move apart, otherwise he gets sick stomach; gets stuck, birds eat meat; twists juniper, since then its trunk is crooked; V. decides that his eyes are rather weak, takes them out, goes blind; goes asking trees for their names; rejects poplar, etc., when he finds a pine tree, makes new eyes out of resin; creates landscape features, animal habits; his ass is burned, he throws scabs at the birch tree; asks geese to dance with his eyes closed, kills alone; one opens his eyes, the birds are running, V. steps on water-hen and the loon, since then they have not been able to walk on land; V. laughs at the bear's excrement, he rushes at him; V. asks for caress to climb bear in the ass, gnaw the heart; then washes the caress, the tip of the tail remains black; V. eats something black that causes gas eruption; sits on a hot stone, throws burnt scabs on a birch tree; asks geese give him feathers, flies with them; they take their feathers, he falls, people put him in a hole and defecate on him; an old woman came at night, but V. by this time was free and only left his clothes; on her the old woman asked for her need; V. runs away naked, turns into stone, goes to the ground; only his hair is visible on the surface of the cliff]: Lowie 1912:195-200.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [The Raven marries a Goose, flies south with geese; he doesn't like their food, he kills the Goose, is abandoned by geese]: Boas 1916, No. 179:578; Haida [The raven is flying with Geese; they throw it, he sprinkles sand, creating Rose Spit; [there seems to be a text similar to Tlingit}]: Boas 1916, No. 112:575.

The coast is the Plateau. Lekuñen [A raven comes to visit his sister, she plants blueberries in the house (a spray of blackberry), dances around, berries appear, she feeds the Raven; he calls her to visit, in vain dances around blueberries, her sister creates berries herself; Sqwináuk pulls halibut from under the floor, feeds the Raven; in response, the Raven offers to ride it through the air, drops it, returns to his house, throws a hook under the floor, S. pulls it, he falls, sinks; the body nails to the shore, the Raven comes to life in the sun, tells his story to the Crane; advises birds to drown in spring, then they will come to life; but he does not listening; brothers follow her footsteps one by one, each slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:348-350; upper chehalis [Geese do not command xWαnä'xwαne look down at people if he wants to fly with them; S. sees a man, scolds him, Geese leave S. on the mountain, take their wings; he kills an owl, descends on its wings; meets a monster woman, she carries camas tubers, he exchanges the tubers for a bead, but it is not a bead, but a stick; he runs ahead several times and repeats the trick, says that their five brothers look the same; a woman puts them in the basket bees, leaves on the stump, tells the stump to close when S. gets there; the stump closes, the bees dazzle him; the woodpecker cut the hole, S. got out, made imaginary eyes out of dandelion flowers, came to The snail pretends to measure her house; that she sees unusually far away; the Snail agreed to change eyes; when the dandelions withered, she became completely blind; S. caught salmon, baked it, turned milk into two girls ; S. tries to get along with the girls, they run away; the old woman shakes the baby on the swing; the girls kidnap him with a rotten deck; his mother conceived him from a blue stone, he is the Month; she squeezes his diapers, makes the Sun out of his brother's urine; Blue Jay goes west, finds the Month; the Month is the husband of the women who kidnapped him; they gave birth to him bushes and trees, the youngest is the mother of all fish; the Month says goodbye to its fish children; on the way to earth turns and destroys monsters; rises to heaven to shine during the day, but is too hot; the weak Brother Sun should have shone at night, but is afraid of ghosts, gives at night too little light; the month becomes a month, the Sun becomes the sun]: Adamson 1934:173-177; Vasco [on holidays, people go to heaven where they get berries and roots; after the festival, the Fox falls asleep, celestials throw him to the ground; his brother brings him gatherings from heaven; the fox spreads berries and roots on the ground; people no longer go to heaven; they celebrate in April, when gathering products become available after winter]: Clark 1953:184; Vishram [Red Fox is Coyote's younger brother; said he is going to heaven for a festival; Coyote lied that he was there in When young, the Fox agreed to take him; the Coyote was dancing, the Fox warned him not to get so tired; on the third night, the Coyote fell asleep; he was found by a watchman and thrown to the ground; he woke up, returned to the Fox, asks why it was thrown away; Fox: it was perfume; Coyote: it won't work like this, all the game, roots and berries that are now in the sky must be lowered to the ground; the Coyote blocked the way to heaven alive, now only the dead go there; the holiday is celebrated in spring on earth]: Hines 1998, No. 4:40-43; yakima [Geese are sisters and brothers, despise the Crane; one went down to watch him fish; tried it the same way, got sick after swallowing water and fish; The crane came to treat her, told her to beat tambourines; said that the disease was serious; but she was pregnant (it is not clear whether he got pregnant now or earlier); she gave birth to a Crane; geese carry four times The crane is in the sea, where there are a lot of fish; food makes it heavier, the fourth time they throw it off, it drowns; for this his wife kills her brothers, only the youngest has run away; the crane has grown up, became a healer; gave a woman- The frog has beautiful clothes that, like his father, kept in his stomach]: Beavert 1974:137-144; curdalen [Coyote came to a woman who gave him meat; he has no teeth, he says he is tired and will eat later; he sleeps, she notices that he has no teeth, inserts deer teeth in him; the woman's four brothers come, they are good hunters; the Coyote is going to go with them; they are Geese; pick him up while flying through lake; on the way back they tell him to be silent, he screams, ooh, they leave him; his sister does not cook for them at home; finds a drowned Coyote, brings his skin and tail; directs his tail at the brothers, three fall dead; the youngest did not look, survived; the brothers come to life; they find a sister in the tree, she is a Squirrel; two tell her not to clap, to be silent; she does not listen; the other two shot her]: Reichard 1947, No. 13: 130-132; Western sachaptine [The Coyote hears the noise like a duck is flying, something hits him in the eye, he has a hard time ripping it off, throwing it into the river (var.: the object consistently hits him in the jaw, face, forehead, mouth); cooks it for the fifth time and eats it; the object turns out to be a female vulva, the Coyote loses teeth; when going hunting, five Goose Brothers tell his sister to marry the first man who comes; the Coyote turns into handsome, forgets that he is toothless, cannot bite off meat; falls asleep, the girl sees that he has no teeth, she inserts mountain ram teeth in him; Coyote says that his teeth grow in his sleep; marries; The brothers are reluctant to hunt him, tell him not to make noise, he flies, screams, everyone falls; next time they throw him off; when he falls, he yells "I am a feather!" , but at the last moment he accidentally shouts "Bitch!" , breaks; the wife puts her heart in her little fingers, kills the brothers with arrows, the youngest two remain; the youngest tells the eldest to shoot his sister in the little finger, who kills her; both came to the house of Cold, his daughter Winter, they're naked; went to Summer's house, married his daughters; Winter and her daughters came to war, but Summer ruined the blanket, everything melted]: Farrand, Meyer 1917, No. 3:144-148; ne perse: Aoki 1979, No. 3 [ The Frog and the Duck are Eagle's wives; the Frog also wants to fly; her husband carries her through the air; she says his claws are painfully dug into her hands; he lets her go, she falls into the swamp; frogs have had a flat belly ever since] : 21-22; Phinney 1934 [like Spinden 1908]: 331; Spinden 1908, No. 12 [Coyote turns into a handsome young man, comes to the sister of five hunting brothers; she gives him meat, he doesn't eat; falls asleep, she sees that he has no teeth, puts the teeth of a mountain sheep in him; his younger brother recognizes the Coyote, others do not believe; the Geese brothers carried the Coyote by air, told him not to sing, he sings, they threw him into the river, they told her sister that her husband was dead; she killed two older brothers with arrows, the youngest two managed to kill her; in winter, the brothers were on hunger strike, they came to Shchima's house, who has five daughters, he himself and the youngest Hlp-H ; lp; the other sisters brought food, but the father and youngest ate everything themselves; Warm Weather and his daughter live in another house, they fed the brothers; the brothers married five daughters of Warm Weather; the spears of Winter have melted ]: 149-152; yakima [to participate in the festival in heaven, the Coyote and the Fox make tipi, ask the Wind to raise it; the Coyote poplar poles immediately break, but the Fox built firmly, they arrive; the chief commands seven days to dance before the feast took place; the fox kept him awake; after dancing and sleeping, Coyote began to feast; knocking on the floor, made a hole in the sky, fell, crashed; the fox goes east for three years, old man and an old woman lowers it on a thread loaned from hemp; a fox killed two deer for them, they took them to heaven; the fox stepped over the remains of the Coyote five times, he came to life]: Hines 1992, No. 42:118-120; Klamath [The Coyote fell in love with the Star, waited for her on the mountain; she gave him a hand, he began to rise into the sky with the stars, they were dancing higher and higher, the Star let go of his hand, the Coyote fell, crashed, at this place A lake was formed]: Monroe, Williamson 1987:100-102; coutenay [a hungry Coyote comes into the house; gets closer to the girl as her Goose Brothers come in and sit down; marries her; goes hunting with her brothers; on the way back they throw him off when people on the ground start shooting at them; Coyote marries Cod; imitates her children as they steal bait from hooks; Fox catches him, he turns into a Coyote again]: Dyer MS in Reichard 1947:131.

The Midwest. Winnebago [Wakjunkaga asks Vulture to ride him through the air on his back; he throws him into the hollow; V. sticks the fur of his raccoon blanket into the hole, shouting that he is a raccoon; wanting to get a raccoon, women cut the trunk, freeing V.]: Radin 1956, No. 17-18:20-21; menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 73 [Menapus wants to be beautiful like Geese; one of the Geese gives his clothes for him, M. flies south with the Geese; they tell him not to look down if you fly over the village; M. looks, is shot, falls; comes to life], 83 [Menapus asks Vulture to ride him; he is his throws from a height; after falling, M. sees his own ass in front of him; asks moose to turn it into an elk; killed by wolves, animals and birds gather for a feast; Vulture sticks his head into the ass of an elk, M. clamps it; lets it go, but Vulture remains bald]: 173-174, 233-235; Hoffman 1896 [Myanyabush asks the vulture to ride it through the air on his back; he leaves him on a high mountain; M. jumps down, falls into the hollow; screams like a porcupine, women cut the trunk, freeing M. ]: 164-165; Ojibwa (chippewa): Barnouw 1977, No. 12 [Venebojo asks Vulture to teach him how to fly; waves his arms like wings; Vulture leaves him high in the sky; M. doesn't know how go down, jump down; turns into a dead moose, catches Vulture, makes him bald]: 90; Blackwood 1929, No. 7 [Manabazoo asks a beautiful bird to carry it across the lake; the bird warns not look down; he looks, falls into the water, gets ashore; turns into a dead animal; birds flock to peck at him; the one that carried M. through the air sticks her head into the animal's body (obviously into the anus), M. jumps up, holding the bird's head; comes to the village; frees the bird; feathers have come down from its head, the bird has become a bald vulture (turkey-buzzard); at night M. joins the dancers; in the morning discovers that They were not humans, but reeds swaying in the wind]: 339-341; Western Swamp Cree: Brightman 1989 (Stone Cree): 28-29 [Wīsahkīcāhk admires Geese's ability to fly in autumn; they turn him into the biggest of them, he flies in front; contrary to warning, he looks down when people start shooting, falls; hunters recognize V., tie him in the bushes on the ground, celebrate everything He needs him; he asks the old woman to untie him; when she also relieves her, kills her, puts her clothes over her back, throws her on a tree, runs away], 49-51 [as in p. 28-29; geese fly north; V. promises the old woman money, she unties her, he ties her up, runs away]; Clay 1978:60-63 (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak asks Eagle to take him to the cloud; the cloud begins to melt, the Eagle refuses carry V. back, he falls his head into the swamp; V. kills, gutts a deer (moose), hides inside; birds flock to peck carrion, V. grabs the Eagle; drags him with him, pieces of rotten meat fall on him, with since the eagle's feathers stink], 77-80 [Wesukechak lives on a high mountain; the frog wants to give him a willow bast as a gift; asks Osprey to take the parcel, hides inside; sneezes, Osprey drops the bundle, The frog falls on a pine tree by the lake, gets stuck with its hind legs at the fork; legs stretch out, the Frog is finally free, but its legs are long]; eastern swamp crees (west bank hall. James): Ellis 1995, No. 20 [Weesakechahk wants to fly south with geese; they make him a goose; the leader warns not to look down if people on the ground scream; he looks, he has been shot, he has fallen, but didn't crash; so geese don't crash if they fall to the ground shot]: 139-143; Skinner 1911 [birds fly south; Wicágatcak wants to fly with them; they warn you not to look down; he looks, falls, becomes human again, but cannot get up; people relieve him; when an old woman sits down, he pierces her with a stick, puts her on a stick like meat on a skewer]: 87; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Visakaijak wants to fly with geese; they give him gooseskin, tell him not to descend over villages, not to look down; he breaks prohibitions, is shot, falls; runs away leaving a gooseskin]: Ray, Stevens 1971:41; chippewa (Michigan) [Manabozo asks Wenange (like a blue eagle) to ride it; he leaves him on the edge of the cliff, saying he himself he hurries to the party; M. falls, falls into a hollow stump; two women named Bad Woman and New Woman cut a stump, believing that there may be a white porcupine inside; M. replies that this is him; PJ expands the hole, Nj tells her not to do this; M. tears off her suede clothes from PJ, runs away; makes greaves out of it, but a toad is in them, M. throws out greaves; sees the reflection of the red ones berries, dives, hits his head in the blood against a stone, this is the first bruise; sees berries on the bushes, breaks branches angrily; takes the form of a dead moose; Wenange descends the carrion last to bite; M. clamps him backwards, drags with him, releases when his feathers are peeled off, the vulture has since bald; then see M65 motif]: Kinietz 1947:211-213; Ojibwa (Western, Ontario) [Nanabushu asks for geese allow him to search for wild rice with them; they allowed him, but he did not find anything; geese say they were going to fly away; they agree that N. should fly with them, but he should not look down if down below people; people see him flying with geese, N. looks and falls into the middle of the village; he is tied up and everyone has relieved him; two blind old women were the last to come; N. tells them he needs him first untie; they did it, they killed them with a stick; went to wash in the lake; crap floated on the water; N.: let this lake's name be "Smelly Water"]: Jones 1917, No. 15:127-132; Ojibwa (Minnesota) [ Manabozo asks a beautiful bird to ride it through the air; a bird warns not to look down; M. looks, falls into a hollow; turns into a bear; women cut down a tree to get a bear; M. goes out ]: Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 12:91-92; timagami ojibwa [geese give Nenebuk wings, tell him not to look down; he looks, falls into a hollow stump; girls cut the stump with axes, think it's inside porcupine; old man im: this is N.]: Speck 1915d, No. 2:38-39; Algonquins [Spoop Fook Kivis asks Geese to make him one of them; flying over the village, violates the ban on looking down, falls into a hollow , dies there, revives in its former form, continues its journey]: Schoolcraft 1999:97-98; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929:329-330 [Vesakaicak wants to go to the moon, asks the Crane raise it; as a reward decorates it (scarlet spot between the eyes); the moon decreases and disappears, V. falls; screams, Soft place; falls into the swamp (the origin of barren moss swamps)], 350-352 [ Vesakaicak wants to fly with geese; they give him wings; they don't tell him to take off until his wings are attached; he takes off, one wing breaks, he falls; they don't tell him to fly over camps; he flies, an arrow pierces his wing; he falls, shamed]; Curtis 1976 (18) [Visákecsi asks the Swans to make him one of them; they give him feathers, tell him not to make noise near settlements; V. Voices, people beat swans, V. He takes his true form, feasts with everyone; when he comes to the lake, he makes a bundle of grass and leaves; Ducks ask what he carries; (apparently, answers what songs); V. He tells them to dance with his eyes closed, kills one at a time; the Fox calls to a feast; he pretends to be lame; V. He offers to race; the Fox overtakes him, eats everything; V. He makes a fire around the sleeping Fox; he jumped out, burned, now red]: 132-133; Skinner 1916, No. 1 (3) [Visukejak (= Nenapuk) asks the Swans to turn him into one of them; flies, contrary to the warning, he looks down, is shot, falls, losing consciousness, becomes human; the leader tells him to defecate; he asks the old woman to release one hand; grabs a stick and pierces her in the ass, frees herself, runs away; the old woman's corpse on a stick remains lying]: 348; steppe ojibwa [Nanybozhu asks the vulture Wisnyange to ride him; he is tired, but N. demands fly further; V. throws N., he wants to fall on a soft one, and so it happened; turns into a dead moose (bull); when V. puts his elk's head into the anus, N. squeezes the sphinker; since then V. is bald, N. tells him eat carrion]: Skinner 1919, No. 4:281-282; potauatomi [Visakya first hides under the carcasses of dead animals, then turns into a dead moose; Vulture sticks his head in his ass, V. catches him; other birds ask him to let him go; V. wants him to ride him; Vulture leaves V. at the top of the mountain; V. asks Eagle to bring him a stick, kills Eagle with it, descends on his wings, falls into a hollow; people think there's a bear inside, they cut the trunk; V. gives them Vulture feathers to make a sacred bundle]: Skinner 1924:340-342.

Northeast. In addition to the Mikmaq, Delaware and Seneca: Wolverine wears feathers and flies with the Goosks; they warn not to look down when people scream on the ground; Wolverine looks and falls. Naskapi: Millman 1993 [Wolverine asks Geese to teach him how to fly; they give him feathers, tell him to fear people; Wolverine screams as he flies over the camp, Stupid people; the old woman shot him, relieved him; Wolverine doesn't fly anymore]: 36-37; Turner 1894 [(=199:163); Wolverine calls birds, calls herself their older brother, dresses them in feathers, makes wings, offers to fly; Geese they warn not to look down, Wolverine looks at screaming people, falls; two old women come up to pluck the "goose", but feel the stench, tell the children to throw away the carrion; another old woman does not believe that the goose is already deteriorated, finds a dead wolverine in this place]: 327; nascapi, montagnier [two old women come to relieve Wolverine; he says that whoever does this must have a skewer with him; they bring skewers, he stabs them into their anuses, killing both]: Desbarats 1969:86-87; mikmaq [see motif K19, pp.168-179; Wolverine stalks two girls, Heron stretches his neck like a bridge, girls they cross, Wolverine falls into the river); two boys find his corpse; they see an old man in front of them, he comes to life; looks like one of the boys, comes to his mother, asks for food; she refuses he kills her with a knife, eats everything, cooks her head; the boys are unable to catch up with him, call their Uncle Raven for help; then the Raven; both are unable to overcome it; then they call Kulu (a huge mythical bird); he raises Wolverine to the upper world, leaves it on the rock, throws it off; when he falls, Wolverine tells his spine to survive; turns into a pile of bones, but his spine is intact; he goes uphill with Wolverine's brother, they push the Boulder, run from behind, calling him to compete; at night, the Boulder rolls uphill, presses Wolverine, who manages to tell his spine to stay intact; collects his dicks, spreads around Boulder fire, it cracks, Wolverine crumbles it, throws it into the water, the particles turn into biting horseflies (blackflies); then (pp.185-191) see motive F63]: Whitehead 1988:179-185; seneca [without arrows, the hunter dived and tied the geese with his bast by the legs; they lifted him into the air; trying to untie some, he cut off his entire ligament, fell into an empty stump; two days later, the women came to cut a stump; he screamed they got scared and ran away; then he finally got free, made wings out of deerskin, flew home safely]: Beauchamp 1922:215; Delaware [the hunter has only one arrow or one bullet; he ties ducks, they lift it into the air; it falls into the water, splashing a big catfish ashore; there is a bear cub inside the catfish]: Bierhorst 1995, No. 192:72.

Plains. Assiniboine: Lowie 1909, No. 7 [And n ktumni asks the geese to take him with them; they fly to support him, throw him into wet clay, he gets stuck waist-deep there for a few days] , 8 [Sitkonsky asks Eagle to take him with him; he leaves him on an icy mountain; when the snow has melted, S. jumps, falls upside down into the swamp; turns into a dead moose; the eagle sticks his head in him anus (since then that of its current color), S. grabs it and kills it], 9 [S. asks geese to take it, because he likes the way they sing and laugh; when they fly over the village, people scream that big goose probably S.; they shoot, he falls his nose into the mud, only his ass sticks out; mice recognize him, people say it's really S.'s ass; mice try to get inside, S. shakes them off]: 107, 107, 108; santi [The spider asks Vulture to fly with him; sitting on Vulture's back, it makes it clear that it smells bad; the Vulture throws him into the hollow of a tree; the Spider pretends to be a fat raccoon; two women cut a hole; a spider fools them, kills and eats their pet raccoons, suffocates women with smoke]: Wallis 1923, No. 15:73-74; crowe [Coyote flies with geese, becoming one of them; they warn he won't make it; children shoot geese, Coyote falls; when the chief's wife, her sister, and he himself start plucking him, he grabs their genitals; runs away]: Lowie 1918:38; throw off the pawnee : Dorsey 1904b, No. 60 [approximately as in 1906]: 246-253; 1906, No. 124 [The Coyote asks the protein to feed him; the squirrel allows his testicle to be cut off, from there pecans pour in; tells you not to repeat the trick again four times a day; when the wife cuts the Coyote for the fifth time, blood flows; the Squirrel heals him; the same with Beaver (cuts the scrotum, oil flows into a piece of bark, turns into a pemmican); The bear allows you to cut fat from his thigh; Coyote cuts deep, kills, roasts a bear; trees creak, Coyote threatens to kill them, his hand gets stuck between trunks; coyotes eat meat; Coyote asks the doctor how he will heal the leader's wounded son; kills him with a club, puts on his clothes, kills the chief's son with a hot rod, cooks and eats his meat, gives him a snake; she almost choked, struggled to say, Coyote ran away; asks The vultures roll it; they throw it into a hollow stump; the Coyote rattles raccoon tails from the quiver, sticks it into the holes, the women cut the stump to get raccoons, the Coyote pretends to be angry; when he comes to two women, he kills their child; the chief throws the Coyote into the fire, a hairy man jumps out of there, he has not been heard from again]: 439-445; Comanche [Coyote believes he is not on earth equals in dance, asks the stars of the Milky Way ("Coyote's Way") to dance with him; each takes turns dragging him into a dance, then lets go of his hand, he falls to the ground, crashes, comes to life; so until dawn; since then Since not dancing with the stars]: Krieger 1998:30.

Southeast USA. Caddo [The Coyote asks the Geese to transport him across the pond, intends to eat them; the old Goose lifts him into the air, throws him into the hollow; the Fly cannot release him, calls the Woodpeckers; those they peck a hole; the Coyote asks them to stick them inside their heads, bites them off, eats woodpeckers, comes out]: Dorsey 1905, No. 61:98-99; teals: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 8 [Otter catches Rabbit; he asks him to let go, promises to catch the Otter; he dives, grabbing the duck by the legs, which lifts it into the air, he falls into a hollow stump, suffers from hunger; two Turkeys walk by, the Rabbit screams that he is beautiful girl; Turkeys cut a hole, Rabbit jumps out, runs away]: 410; Mooney 1900, No. 16 [The rabbit tells the Otter that he also eats ducks; the otter dives, pulls the duck under the water; The rabbit makes a noose, dives, throws a noose around the duck's neck; the duck lifts it into the air, the Rabbit falls into a hollow stump, suffers from hunger; shouts to children playing that he is something beautiful; the children cut a hole, he jumps out, runs away]: 266-267; Natchez [The ogre dives, ties a rope to the ducks' feet to catch them; they take off, lift him into the air, he falls into the hollow of a tree; woodpeckers punch a hole; he gets out, eats woodpeckers]: Swanton 1929, No. 13:241-242; koasati [The rabbit dives, ties the legs to the ducks, they take off and carry them; fly over the place where his grandmother cleans the pot; she throws it, cutting the rope, the Rabbit falls]: Mooney 1900, No. 58:208.

California. Yurok [Pleiades dance at night; Coyote wants too, dies from a quick dance, gets thrown away; he comes to life, jumps down from the sky; only his bones reach the ground; he comes to life]: Kroeber 1976, No. P7:368-369; viyote [Coyote goes west, ascends to the sky; doesn't know how to return; jumps down, shatters; comes to life, healed with dandelion juice]: Reichard 1925, No. 37: 199; Karok: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. B1 [evil spirits kidnap a young man; animal people climb a rope into heaven to save him; everyone comes back, Coyote is lost, the rope is stolen; he jumps down; his the remains turn into coyotes], II50 [like yurks; deer girls dance in the sky; when they jump down, they turn into a rock]: 27-28, 205; screw [Coyote makes wings from sunflower leaves; they wither, he falls]: Curtin 1898 [decides that people should not go to heaven and rejuvenate themselves, he is afraid that he will die too; tries to fly]: 173-174; Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 8-11 [imitates Hummingbird]: 411-415; DubOis, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 9 [as in Curtin], 54 [dies]: 299, 380-382; mattol [2 var.; Coyote leaves the child in the sun, he dies; Coyote goes to kill the Sun, ends up in the sky, not can go down; The Spider starts to let him down three times, each time telling him not to open his eyes or laugh; the Coyote sees the Spider's ass, laughs; he throws it off; the Coyote breaks, two girls kick his bones, he comes to life]: Nomland 1938:119-120; Pomo: Angulo, Freeland 1928 (southeastern pomo) [starlings give Coyote feathers, tell him not to fly high; he breaks the ban, they take feathers; he falls, breaks , brought back to life]: 243; Barrett 1933, No. 68/II [The Coyote wants to fly like birds; each gives him a feather; he takes off but attacks their stakes, loses his eye; The tree gives him moss to close eye socket; Blue Jay heals, eye recovers], 77.III [starting at (68); Coyote accidentally gouged out his eye while sitting on a bush; makes a new one out of a shell bead]: 265-266, 291-292; Williams 1954 [Coyote asks Starling Girls (Blackbirds) give him feathers; promises to fly with them to the sky door, which opens and closes; tells the Sun to stand still so that Coyote's wife Frog does not know he is has fun with girls; Starlings take their feathers at the door of the sky, the Coyote falls for four days, his voice remains; he calls the doctor; rejects Salamander, Turtle, Owl; Kuksu revives him, but puts his head backwards; Coyote creates people from branches whose heads are also turned back, calls K.; he dances with them in the house (the first rituals of the K. cult), takes off their heads, realizes that these people are not can live; taking off the head of the Coyote, puts him face forward; the Coyote orders the Sun to move on]: 58-62; Nisenan [Coyote wants to fly, asks Eagle to make him like him; he does, but Coyote falls from a pine tree to the ground, crashes to death]: Uldall, Shipley 1966, No. 7:35; chumash: Blackburn 1975, No. 18 [[Momoy (Datura meteloides) tells her daughter not to stay long while swimming; she lingers, the Bear comes to her, first in the form of a human, then a bear; when she becomes pregnant, he kills her; M. revives his grandson from a drop of blood; the boy hunts larger animals; his grandmother first made him a small bow, then a real bow; talks about the death of his mother; a young man kills a bear with arrows; puts the corpse by the river as if the Bear is drinking; the grandmother is frightened, the grandson explains what is going on; the grandmother does not tell me to go over the hill; the young man walks, sees the village, stays there, takes his wife; Coyote makes him lose (apparently, the ball game is on the court), loses his property and his wife; decides to leave, Coyote goes with him; he flies north to Huasna (he may take the form of a fly), Coyote runs; then the road to heaven, the Coyote leads the young man; at the Sun's house they are greeted by two daughters of the Sun in skirts from rattlesnakes; the guests were given a deer but told not to break their bones; the Coyote accidentally broke his leg bone; the daughter of the Sun threw her bones into the water, the deer came to life but the leg was not enough; the Coyote wanted to drink; there was blood in four vessels, pus, snot, body fluid; he does not drink, he is given sweet juice; and the young man drinks from every vessel; daughter of the Sun: when the father comes, there will be fog, wind, then he will throw stones into the house; brings dead people, The Coyote eats them; the Coyote asks the Sun to allow him to go across the sky instead of him; carries the torch too low, the earth burns; does not return for a long time; the Sun takes his torch away; the Coyote decides to return to earth; asks the cannibal eagle Slo? w bring him down; he stretches his wing down; the Coyote runs on it, jumps ahead of time, crashes to the ground; comes to life; the grandson stays with the daughters of the Sun forever]], 29 [Coyote's son marries a rich Rat ; with her money, Coyote organizes a holiday, inviting even inhabitants of other worlds; Xoy descends from the fifth (uppermost) sky; Coyote wants to see the upper world; when K. rises, clings to his legs; frightened, stays in the first heaven; comes to the daughters of the Sun; the Sun returns home; Coyote asks him to be allowed to accompany him in the morning; asks him to carry his torch, almost drops, the Sun struggles to save the earth from fire; the Coyote asks the Eagle to bring him down to the ground; sitting on the Eagle, plucks his feathers to make wings for himself; the Eagle sheds him, he falls, breaks; brothers Sumivovo and Six'usus revive him]: 126-134, 198-201; Sanger 1983 [young people compete to see who will climb to the top of the pole faster; The centipede brags that he will always win; when he climbed , the Coyote made the pole grow to the sky; the centipede reached the hole in the sky and climbed into the sky; he was attacked by huge mosquitoes, leaving only bones; feeling guilty, the Coyote went to save Centipede; when he climbed into the sky, the pole shrunk again and the way back was cut off; the Coyote revived the Centipede, but the brightly colored one now turned brown; the Eagle agreed to carry them back, but not directly to to the ground, but to the pole; The centipede clung to the pole and tears, and the Coyote fell and crashed; and then came to life again]: 1-4.

Big Pool. Geese give feathers to the Wolf or Coyote; he falls but stays alive or comes to life; then Coyote finds the corpse of a pregnant woman, takes out the girl, calls her sister. Western shoshones [Coyote falls as...]: Smith 1993:129 [looks down], 159 [flies too long]; Utah: Lowie 1924, No. 27 (southern Utah) [geese take their feathers back because the wolf is too loud screams in the air]: 53; Powell 1971 [the eldest of two brothers Shin-au-Av (Wolves) asks Geese to give him feathers; flies with them, they take feathers, he falls; eats his own brains from a broken skull; this is the first food he eats in his life; Geese kill a lot of people; S. finds a woman who has escaped, sees a baby for the first time in his life, wants to take it with him; Geese say he will not be able to carry it on his legs (needed for walking), in his arms (you need to hold a bow), on his back (it will fall); must carry it in his stomach; he swallows a baby, then gives birth to a girl; it hurts; decides that men will not be able to tolerate labor pains and this should be the lot of women]: 88-89; Smith 1992:27-28 (Utah uncompagre) [because Coyote pees into every source], 80-81 and 96-98 (White River Utah) [Coyote looks down and falls]; Mason 1910 ( Wintah), No. 12 [like Southern Utah; Coyote]: 310-311; Southern Payutes [geese take feathers because...]: Lowie 1924, No. 11 (Shivvitz) [Coyote screams loudly and looks down], 5 (Moapa) [they don't like how Coyote is flies]: 124-125, 165; Sapir 1930, No. 6 (kaibab) [they are afraid that the Coyote will make noise, give them away]: 375-377.

The Great Southwest. Birds usually give feathers to the Coyote and then take them back. Navajo [Coyote wants to fly with larks; they tie wings to his paws; he flies in front; larks think a flying Coyote can be dangerous; everyone pulls out the feather they gave to Coyote; he falls into a pond, dies, comes to life]: Hill, Hill 1945, No. 3:320; hicarilla [Geese give feathers to Fox; warn not to open his eyes during the flight; he flies over the village of Svetlyakov because of sparks opens his eyes, falls; asks Svetlyakov how to get over the wall surrounding the village; they show the cedar; the fox invites them to dance, hits the drum he invented; puts his tail into the fire, runs away; tells the cedar to bend down and throw it over the wall; hands fire to the Hawk; Fireflies say that the Fox himself will not use it as punishment for stealing fire]: Russel 1898:261-262; lipan [The Coyote wants to fly south with the Geese; he is given white sheets instead of wings, told him not to look down; in spring, on his way back, he looks at the village of Svetlyakov; falls, steals fire from them]: Opler 1940: 108; chiricahua [Geese or Turkeys give wings to Coyote; take it back, he falls]: Opler 1942, No. 58:71; Hopi [falls, dies]: Hodge 1993 [Coyote wants to dance with chiro birds; those give him feathers, he takes off with them, they take the feathers back, he falls, breaks]: 41; Voth 1905, No. 68 [blue jay feathers], 72 [chiro bird feathers]: 196-197, 203-204; Wallis 1936, No. 15:52; Zunyas [Rooks gather in a pack in autumn, dance before departure; the Coyote wants to dance with them; the Rooks give him feathers; he takes off the slope but falls, because all the Rooks are penned by the same wings; next time the feathers are typed correctly, the Coyote takes off; when tired, the Rooks pretend to support him, pull out their feathers themselves; the Coyote falls, slightly alive; the remaining feathers turn dark wool on legs and tail]: Cushing 1901:237-242; Western ceres: Boas 1928a: 161-164 (Laguna) [Coyoticha brings juniper berries to blackbirds; Jackdaws make a ladder out of stems sunflower, Coyoticha climbs it, the stairs fall apart, the Coyoticha falls, scatters berries; Jackdaws eat them, fly away, each leaves Coyoticha on the pen; Coyoticha also takes off, drinks from a puddle on a rock, Jackdaws take their feathers, fly away; the Spider lowers the Coyoticha in the basket, she opens her eyes, the basket falls, the Coyoticha breaks, comes to life]: 270 [summary]; Parsons 1918, No. 3 (Laguna) [Bluebirds decide fly on a mass; they give feathers to Coyote, he flies with them; they take feathers, he falls off a cliff, breaks; Jackdaws wonder where he went], 4 (Akoma) [Pigeons give feathers to Coyote, he flies with them for a month to to the spring; they take the feathers; the spider lowers it in the basket; he breaks the ban on opening his eyes, the basket falls, it breaks; another coyote revives it]: 219-220, 220-221; Hano teva [Coyote wants to dance in the air with birds; falls, crashes to death]: Kroskrity 1985 [mother bird sings when teaching chicks; Coyote thinks it's enough, tries to fly, falls]: 192-195; Parsons 1926, No. 24 [the birds give him feathers, then they take him away]: 283-285; pima [Coyote asks Vulture to take him to heaven for a feast; he plays all night, slept in the morning, the Vulture flew away; without waiting for help jumps from the sky; coyotes emerge from his bones]: Shaw 1968:63-69.

Mesoamerica Tequistlateca [a turtle flying on a vulture claims it stinks; a vulture throws it down]: Turner 1982:212-214; Chorti: Anónimo s.a. [Zope (Hawk?) tells Toad that there will be a holiday in heaven; he asks his wife to make cakes, give it to the Hawk, hides in a flat cake, goes out in the sky; after the holiday, the Hawk flies away; the Toad jumps down, breaks against a stone]; Fought 1972, #6 [Hawk flies to God; Toad sneaks into his bag; Hawk flies away; Toad jumps down; flattened ever since]: 144-145; chontal [Toad and Vulture find crap, eat; Toad asks Vulture to ride it; during the flight he tells him that it stinks; after the third time, the Vulture throws the Toad down, since then it has been flat]: Ortegón 1988:72; quiche (Chapultenango) [The Vulture invites the Turtle to lift it into the air; she says its head stinks; the second time he drops it; the doctor has repaired it, but the stitches remain]: Montemayor 1996 (1): 73; quiche, kukchi, kekchi [The crow takes the Frog with him to listen to a bird concert in the sky; during the concert, the Frog croaks; the crow leaves her, she jumps down, breaks her legs]: Peñalosa 1996, № 225B: 59; Canhobal: Peñalosa 1995b: 130-132 [The lizard is unhappy that Vulture has sat on the roof of her house; for this he promises to ride it; leaves it on a pile of garbage, promising to pick it up in the evening; At home, the Lizard spoke about her adventure; another Lizard also wanted to fly, but fell and crashed on the way back], 133-134 [there is a holiday in the sky; the Hawk agreed to take the Toad there; she overdue time to return, jumped into the sea; since then she has bulging eyes and membranes on her legs]; canhobal, celtal [Vulture takes the Turtle on its back, takes off; the turtle falls or is thrown off] : Peñalosa 1996, No. 225:59; Jacalteki [Toad wants to be friends with Vulture; he offers a ride; feeling his belching, the Toad exclaims, What a stench! - What are you saying? - I say it's great to fly through the air; then he adds, The stench from your beak makes me feel bad; Vulture understands, but asks again, What are you saying? - That happy flying with you; Toad continues his insults, Vulture throws her off, she crashes]: Montejo 1991:52-54; juice: Relatos Zoques 1997 [The turtle is jealous The vulture offers a ride through the air; the Turtle says the Vulture stinks; after the second time, the Vulture drops it; the Turtle's grandmother glued her shell, but the stitches remain]: 37; Sulvar & #225; n López 2007 [same; third time; var.: frog instead of turtle, since then it has a swollen belly]: 42-43.

The Northern Andes. Embera (chami) [The toad hides in a bag of provisions that the vulture carries to heaven; on the way back, he sits on the vulture's back; he tries to throw it off; the toad jumps, hurts, loses tail]: Pinto García 1978:255-256; guajiro [The turtle agrees to Black Vulture's offer to take it to heaven, where Maleiwa is celebrating; both dance, Vulture forgets about The turtle flies away; after waking up, the Turtle jumps down, since then its shell has been broken; since then, the turtle's ribs have been separated from each other]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 88:231-232.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 9 [The turtle rolls head over heels down the mountain, the Deer wants to play like this too, rolls down, crashes to death; the Turtle hides the carcass, invites the Jaguar to roll down; he bruised but alive; The turtle gives the Jaguar a deer carcass in fear; the Jaguar consistently refuses to give the Turtle various parts of the carcass, finally gives mondongo; the turtle cooks this part, the Jaguar likes the broth , he also asks, the Turtle pours boiling broth in his face, grabs it anasibari (something that makes it possible to run fast), runs away, jumps into the lake; the Jaguar asks the Cocibo eagle to take it away from the Turtle, but The turtle drowns the Eagle, takes its wings, flies to his two daughters; they see at the last moment that it is not their father, they close the door; the turtle shouts "cocoa", but Eagle's daughters understand that this is someone else's voice ; The turtle takes off, its feathers fall out, falls against a tree trunk, and since then its shell on its chest is split and pressed]: 54-56; Wilbert 1970 [The turtle takes the Jaguar necklace; he asks Hawk for help or Vulture; The turtle defeats the bird, pulls out its feathers, attaches it to itself, flies, the feathers fall out, the turtle falls on the old woman, killing her; cooks her meat; her granddaughters find the brew], No. 183 [sticks waxing hawk feathers, wax melts under the sun], 184, 208:411, 413-414, 480-481; caliña: Magaña 1987, No. 33 [man pretends to be dead, leaves excrement next to him; descends Royal Vulture, a man kills him; Vulture's assistant invites him to take the place of the victim, gives him wings; Vulture's wife suspects a substitution, invites her father to give her husband difficult assignments; 1) make a bench in the shape of a father-in-law's head (The fly climbs into Vulture's nostrils, tells the person what the head looks like); 2) get an arrow from the top of the seiba (the Squirrel brings); 3) the same, from the top of the giant seiba; a person runs back to the ground; teaches others how to make wings; tells them not to fly high; one person takes off, Vultures attack him, he falls, breaking a hole in the ground; people forget how to make wings ], 51 [a person marries a vulture woman, rises to heaven with her; father-in-law suspects that he is a stranger, gives difficult tasks; 1) cut out a bench with his image (oropendola tells us what she); 2) build a house on a rock (a worm helps); 3) climb a tall tree; a person cannot do this, but other vultures hide him, he runs to the ground; the boy steals his wings and takes off; he does not know how to use his wings, he gets to the vultures, they attack him, he falls, falls into the ground]: 242, 246; Galibi [the ibises offered the jaguar to take him to a place where there is a lot of game; everyone gave a pen, (did the jaguar fly and then the ibises took their feathers?) , left on a sandbar; the water rises; 3 species of turtles refuse to take a jaguar, the manatee agrees; when the jaguar was on the shore, he managed to bite off a piece of the manatee's shoulder blade; In the morning, a turtle saw a dead (or seriously injured?) on the shore manatee, began to beat the drum, calling the animals to find out who the killer was; a jaguar came, the turtle helped the manatee grab him and drag him into the water; the urubu refused to eat the dead jaguar; when it came jaguariha, the jaguar is alive; the jaguar will never die]: Renault-Lescure et al. 1987, No. 3:27-37.

Ecuador. The canyar [animal (la comadreja) flies with its teeth clinging to the bird's tail; the bird provokes it to answer the question; it opens its mouth and falls]: Howard-Malverde 1981, No. 42:269 .

Western Amazon. The wax melts under the sun. Napo [The Vulture invites the Battleship to fly; brings him feathers, waxes him; the wax melts under the sun, the Battleship falls, asks Tapir to pull it out of the clay; he offers to hold on to his eggs, pulls them out; Battleship cuts them off with a knife, Tapir dies; Battleship hides in a carcass; vultures flock, he kills them one by one]: Mercier 1979:199-201; shuar: Pelizzaro 1993 [the sun makes the wings of the Possum and Vulture; waxes them, tells them not to fly for a month until the wings grow; the Opossum takes off ahead of time, his fiancée admires him, the wax melts, he falls; so humans have no wings, but vultures do]: 70-71; Rueda 1987, No. 7 [The sun gives Opossum wings, waxes, tells him not to fly in the sun; Opossum hurries to his lover, takes off, the wax melts, it falls; var.: Opossum also wants to play with the month like a ball, burns his hands against it; the Sun curses the Possum, does not give it wings]: 62-63; Aguaruna [Little Battleship wants fly, asks people who make them and wax them; they warn not to fly in the sun; he breaks the ban, the wax melts, it falls; in this place a woman sculpted a clay vessel, put on it on the Battleship; part of the vessel was blinded by the Frog, a bad potter; therefore, some parts of the battleship's shell look different; birds take their wings]: Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979, NO. 25:253-257.

NW Amazon. Yukuna [see motif K1; one by one, Kawarimi asks three groups of cranes to take him; the latter give him feathers; tell him not to look down when they fly over the little ones, or else fall; people let him in There are arrows in the cranes, they scream that they are bitten by a scorpion, an ant, a spider; he looks at the next little one, falls, the cranes pick him up, bring his aunt to her husband; this is an anaconda; aunt - Pamitewa; cranes flew away, K. pretends not to wake up; P. lets his daughter carry this crane across the stream; K. turns into a man, rapes her, runs away; see motive I14 (demon without anus)]: Jacopins 1981:127-134.

Central Amazon. The mestizos of the lower reaches of Jurua [The turtle hides in a drum that takes a vulture to heaven; on the way back he finds it and throws it down; God glues its shell]: Tastevin 1927:426-427; the uniform [The fox waxes feathers, takes off after the Vulture; the wax melts in the sun, the Fox falls, breaks]: Farabee 1917:134 in Lévi-Strauss 1966, No. 220:94

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [Vulture invites you to a bird festival; Kururu toad hides in a bag of provisions that Vulture carries to heaven; plays an instrument at the festival, Vulture happy; after the holiday, the Vulture finds a Turtle in his bag, throws it away, it hurts, since then the turtles have short legs; the turtle waits for help at the entrance to heaven for a long time; falls, God (Tupan) glues broken shell]: Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 31:156-157.

The Central Andes. If not otherwise: The fox rises, sits on the vulture's back and descends on the rope. Huancabamba (dep. Piura) [Rabbit rises on Vulture; falls from the sky, crashes]: Morote Best 1988:65; Tarma (dep. Junin): Metraux 1935b: 407-408, 408-409 [Fox climbs to heaven on a rope]; Morote Best 1988:68-69; Orgona (Mantaro Valley): Morote Best 1988:69; Peru's central coast [turns into huarango tree]: Jimenez Borja 1937 in Benson 1995:9; Ayacucho: Lauriault 1957:24-26; Morote Best 1988:69; Kero (Cordillera Oriental): Morote Best 1988:58-61; dep. Cusco: Morote Best 1988 (Cusco, Chumbivilcas, Kispicanchi, Calca): 61-64; Pacaritambo (dep. Cusco) [three var., recorded by the author; Condor invites Fox to a banquet in heaven; carries it on his back; when he returns, the Fox is still eating; the fox weaves a grass rope, climbs down; quarrels with parrots, those they cut off the rope, he falls on rocks; the corn, quinoa, and other cultivated plants he ate spread across the ground; his remains become current foxes]: Urton 1985:262; chipaya [Fox makes a ladder, climbs to heaven to listen to mass; a bird (Ctenomis sp. or Octodon sp.) cuts off the stairs; the fox goes down the rope, it breaks, it hangs, falls; now there are many foxes, so there are few rabbits and young lamas]: Metraux 1935a: 74-75 (=1935b: 410-411); Pichiua, dep. Cusco [The fox asks Condor to take him to heaven; they eat meat there; Condor says the party is over; the fox decides to stay, eat more; but there is nothing else to eat; he asks the Star to shelter him at night, "Dove" turns to her; one day she tells him to cook canyua grain; he cooks ten, the food overflows; the Star scolds him; he makes a rope, the Star lets him return to ground; when he goes down, the Fox insults the Parrot for no reason, calls it "Tongue is like dry potatoes"; he cuts off the rope; falling, the Fox shouts "Spread the mattress"; he is not heard, he breaks; from his stomach Thousands of foxes scatter]: Farfan 1943:119-122; Cusco [Toad climbs Vulture; goes down a rope, insults parrots, crashes]: Morote Best 1988:64; Aymara (Kakachaka, dep. Oruro) [The fox talks to God; breaks, the seeds of cultivated plants fall out of his belly]: Arnold, Yapita Moya 1992:16, 23; Aymara, Quechua of mountainous Bolivia: Metraux (Quechua) 1934:97- 98; 1935a: 406-408 [The fox wants to go to the festival in heaven; asks Condor to carry him on his back; he is drunk, falls asleep, the Condor flies back; the fox goes down the rope; the parrot asks how he ended up in the sky; they quarrel, the Fox calls the Parrot, who cuts off the rope; the fox falls, breaks], 408-409 [The fox wants to take a closer look at the moon; asks Condor to tie a rope to the sky, climbs it; Parrot laughs at him; he calls her names, she cuts off the rope, the Fox falls], 409 [The fox asks the Condor to take him to heaven, where the holiday is expected; in the sky he is eating innumerable, seduces all the girls; the Condor flies away, the Fox goes down the rope; quarrels with the Parrot, who cuts off the rope; the fox falls, bursts, the swallowed seeds of cultivated plants spread across the ground (the origin of agriculture); the Fox himself turns into weed - false quinoa)]; Morote Best 1988 [as in Metraux]: 72; Paredes Candia (prov. Norcichas, dep. Potosi) [birds fly to feast in the sky; the fox asks Condor to take him; he warns not to gnaw bones; there are many different cultivated plants and wild meat in the sky; the fox continues eat, when the birds have eaten, chews on bones; Condor flies away as punishment, leaves him alone; a bird gives him a rope; he goes down, calls the flying parrots bastards, dirty ass, insignificant; t cut off the rope; the fox screams to put clothes on the ground; no one comes to the rescue, he breaks; corn, quinoa, canyua fly out of his belly (the origin of cultural plants)] 1953:23-25; 1957:69-70; Tomoeda 1982 (dep. Sucre) [as in Metraux; the origin of two types of corn, quinoa, amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus L.)]: 278; aymara [The crocodile asks the Alcamari bird to teach it to fly like Condor; And first tells him to lose weight by running; then he puts him on his back, lifts him high, drops him; hitting the ground permanently deformed the Crocodile's body and limbs]: Toro Montalvo 1990:555-557 by Jose Luis Ayala. Ms. Un Aymara en el Cosmos. Leyendas Aymaras; Atacameño: Guggiana 1966:9 in Lehnert Santander 1988:757-758 [The fox asks Condor to take him to heaven; he warns not to gnaw his bones if thrown; the fox gnaws first; the Condor flies away, asks the Devil to tell the Fox to go down to earth; God advises the Fox to weave the rope; a year later she is ready; asks to take the cultivated plants to the ground, puts them in the Fox mustaches, nostrils, into all parts of the body; as he descends, the Fox sees Kondorov, calls them names (Crooked, Pumpkin Peel Beaks, Just dare to cut the rope! ); The Condors cut the rope, the Fox falls, screams for a blanket to be spread out on the ground - God falls! breaks, seeds are scattered across the ground (the origin of cultivated plants)]; Tolosa 1970:32 in Lehnert Santander 1988:758 [The fox lies monkey; the Condor descends to eat it; he is alive, Condor suggests take him to heaven; Easter is there; the fox says that Condor has dirty and lousy feathers; the Condor flies away; San Isidro advises the Fox to weave a rope, gives a basket of various seeds; The parrot cuts off rope; the fox falls, (cultivated) plants spread across the ground].

Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo [battleship; turtle; wax melted under the sun]: Roe 1991a: 26-28.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana [Ocelot asks Eagle to take him to heaven; he agrees if Ocelot brings him 10 forest hens; he brought him, the Eagle fed the chicks, warned Ocelot not to hunt in the sky, but to eat partridges brought from the ground; Ocelot invites the owner of the partridges to guard them; she promises to kill them if even one is missing; he eats one; weaves a rope, goes down; tells flying parrots that travels without wings; parrots cut off the rope; Ocelot asks people to pick him up; they don't understand, he breaks]: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 32:77-79; mosethen [Dohitt wants to fly like a bird; the birds of ken each give him a pen; he flies, pulls out feathers, falls; becomes small, the Caterpillar lowers it down the trunk; drops it on bamboo, it hangs there; Jaguar, the Big a wild cat doesn't cut his tongue against bamboo; a small cat frees D.]: Nordenskiöld 1924:141-142; chimane [see motif B28]: Daillant 1995 [Dohiti and Micha are brothers; their sister Dobose invites them to heaven give a third brother named Tsun (the sun) a drink to keep him at his zenith and keep people awake; it fails; D. and M. throw a balsa raft down, it grows, forms the ground; they cry, out of their tears a vine appears; D. goes down, M.'s vine breaks, he falls, breaks; D. glues it together, but puts his head to his ass; D. and M. come to the frog women; D. took one, M. raped everyone at night, in the morning they urinate with blood; M. digs a tunnel east to the edge of the world, now the dead are going there; D. pretended to be dead, covered with worms; the frogs threw him into the river; he turned them into frogs, worms in fish; goes to look for M.; on the way turns people into animals - arachnids, howlers, capuchins; asks parrots for feathers, they give on the condition that he does not imitate their voices; D. violates the ban parrots take their feathers, he falls on a tree, it grows tall; the caterpillar lowers it, putting it on its back; when the ground is near, it makes it fall, it breaks its back; gets to a place where the sky hits the ground; inserting a log, slips into Misha's world; steals one of his wives, she is pregnant; meets people on the way about to kill the one who kidnapped M.'s wife; D. turns them into arrow canes, bamboo, palm trees for making onions and tips; they climb the Manika River; the wife gives birth, D. turns her and the baby into salt; wants to establish a village in the center of the world, sends birds for exploration; they return, reporting that the center is further in the mountains; D. founded a village in the Andes (Var.: La Paz); left a footprint on the stone, this is a sign that salt is here]: 163-164; Hissink, Hahn 1989, No. 1 [Dohitt created the earth as a raft on the water; brought Kiri (the moon), his brother's wife, whose name is Meech, to see; made a vine out of snot, went down to earth; K. climbed, the vine broke off, she fell; the next day she returned to heaven; D. sent the Hummingbird and another bird to scout where the end of the earth was; that bird returned quickly, the Hummingbird searched for a long time; D. marked the center of the earth's footprint, but The hummingbird said that the center was in the mountains; then D. made a salt rock here, and the village in the mountains (var.: La Paz); where D. was walking, the Beni River formed there; turned the Inigua River; he was frightened by the cry of an eagle he peed himself, a lake was formed; walking on the ground, he turned evil people into animals; Cimane created from stone, carved the inhabitants of San Borja and others out of balsa; since then people have spoken different languages; D. and M. they come to women who live without men; they lock them in the house; M. digs a tunnel to the end of the world; D. dies, women throw his wormy corpse into the river; he comes to life, turns them into frogs, their house into a rock; D. received feathers from the birds, flew; the feathers fell out, he fell on the tree; the caterpillar lowered him; D. almost catches up with his brother; cuts the tree without noticing that M. was sitting on it; M. falls, breaking his neck; D. puts him on head to ass; D. took the eldest of his brother's two wives, she is pregnant; in Rio Pacena he turned them into salt; asks people in the tree what they eat; they eat fruits, say they have their eggs; D. hit himself with a stone eggs by egg, died; came to life, turned those people into monkeys; goes further, turned other people into arachnids; in the same way he created jaguars, agouti, wild pigs, birds, fish; jaguars of almost all humans ate; D. turned jaguars into battleships, bakers, anteaters, but one escaped, the current ones from him; turned monstrous cannibal animals (huge duck, fish, snake, monkey, dog) into stone]: 60-63.

Southern Amazon. Paresi [a person wants to participate in a festival arranged by a heavenly deity; hides in a bag of provisions that the vulture carries to heaven; hides again after the festival, vulture He finds it and throws it down; the shaman heals the crashed, he becomes a turtle (the origin of the stitches on the shell)]: Pereira 1987, No. 335:773-775.

Chaco. Ayoreo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989b, No. 309 [people find a tree with water and fish in the trunk; women take fish from the hole as needed; the worse ones are given to Lisa-Dibe; she pretends to have she has a thorn in the water, comes back, opens a hole, the water pours out, forming a river with fish; fearing punishment, D. turns into a fox; Iguana married her, but then kicked her out; she grabbed him, but in hers only skin remains in her teeth; so the iguanas shed every year; D. grabbed the Chougoupedate fishing bird by the legs, began to pluck; it escaped, flew; D. attached her feathers, took off, then fell; people wanted to kill her, but she already had children because she slept with several people; so now animals give birth to many young at once, and women give birth to one child; D.'s children were fed honey, and now feeding her deceased mother's children], 313 [The fox released the fish inside the bottle tree; Vulture was sent to find and kill her; another Vulture saw Liu sleeping, picked it up to the top of the tree; the small Battleship climbed there and met the Fox; all the birds did the same; sex has been known ever since; Battleship made a rope out of his saliva, the Fox descended it; Vulture at night (Vulture) started smoking a pipe; the fox woke up, he agreed to let her smoke, but told her not to tell others; she said she ran away to escape; attacked the Heron, she flew away; the fox took off her feathers, flew off, fell; the fox tried to steal meat; she lived alone]: 370-371, 375-378; matako [Jaguar chases Taquah; birds each give him a pen; he waxes them, flies away; the Jaguar blows, the wax melts, T. falls, hides in a hole; the Jaguar leaves a piece of his skin before entering, leaves; T. starves; finally comes out, runs away]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 112:217; nivacle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 216 [Vulture gives Jaguar feathers; he wants to eat it; Vulture kills him with a club], 217 [The jaguar takes the wings of a snow-white bird to fly down and back from the tree; one falls off, it crashes to death]: 524, 525; chorote [fox]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 149:279; maca [The Jaguar asks Vulture to teach him how to fly; he makes his wings from feathers glued together with wax; under the sun, the wax melts, the Jaguar falls, the Vulture bites his corpse]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 54 [ovenbird revives it from bones], 55:136-138; toba: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 111-112 [Fox; wax melted under the sun]: 228-229; 1989a, No. 203-207 [Fox; imitates the Chauna bird]: 228-229; 1989a, No. 203-207 [Fox; imitates the Chauna bird torquata, its feathers fall out], 208-209 [as in Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b], 363 [anthropomorphic Hawk; imitates and sticks to a parrot; feathers fall out]: 285-290, 290-291, 485-486; mocovi [The fox is the fiance of the Creator's daughter; flies to heaven for a festival on a chakha bird (Chauna torquata); the bird returns, the bride persuades the Fox to stay, weaves a rope for him to go down; he calls names parrots Dry tongue and; they cut off the rope; the fox falls, breaks]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 121-123:155-158; Quechua in Sagnago del Estero (NW Argentina) [Fox insults parrots, breaks (like a mockovi? without details.)]: Morote Best 1988:71.

Southern Brazil. Guarani (kaaiva) [the man waxed his wings, flew, the wax melted under the sun, it began to fall, turned into a jacaveré (Gallinago paraguaensis) bird; it rises high, then falls with folded wings, lives in a swamp]: Strelnikov 1930:226 (=Tanasiychuk 2003:219).

The Southern Cone. Araucana [The fox takes Condor to heaven and walks at the wedding; Condor goes down, sees the Fox fall down with a rock; eats him]: Pino Saavedra 1987, No. 18:55-56; South Tehuelches [ The fox has risen to heaven, where people live without an anus, feed on the smell of food; they see how the Fox gets rid of what he has eaten, pierces the anus of one person at his request; he dies; the fox weaves a grass rope to go down; it's short, he falls, fills a bump, and a flowering bush grows out of it on his head]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, No. 92:134-135.