Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M30A. They relieve the need for a fallen person. 41.44.45.

The character flying over the village falls, is tied up, and defecated on him.

Beaver, Chipewayan, Western Marsh Cree, Eastern Marsh Cree, Western Ojibwa, Steppe Cree, Nascapi, Montagnier.

Subarctic. Beaver [Caya asks ducks and geese to give him feathers, flies with them; they warn that there are bad people on earth; people see S. flying, screaming, he falls, he is tied up, everything is done he needs him; when an old woman comes, he asks him to untie him first, kills him, runs away; since then, the birds fly to the sea in the fall]: Ridington 1988:122; Chipewayan [rain floods the ground; Visá Kecak makes a boat, asks the Duck to dive; she brings silt on her paws several times, V. creates land; sees larvae in a deer skull, asks for permission to join the meal, sticks his head, gets stuck, deer swims along the river; people rush to him, he jumps ashore, breaks his skull; leads the Bear to the berry tree, he eats, gets fat, falls asleep, V. kills him; cooks meat, asks for juniper trees move apart, otherwise his stomach hurts; gets stuck, birds eat meat; juniper twists, since then his trunk is crooked; V. decides that his eyes are rather weak, takes them out, goes blind; goes asking trees about their names; rejects poplar, etc., finding a pine tree, makes new eyes out of resin; creates landscape features, animal habits; his ass is burned, he throws scabs at the birch tree; asks geese dancing with his eyes closed kills one at a time; one opens his eyes, the birds run, V. steps on water-hen and the loon, since then they have not been able to walk on land; V. laughs at bear excrement, that rushes at him; V. asks caress to get into the bear's ass, gnaw his heart; then washes his caress, the tip of his tail remains black; V. eats something black that causes gas to erupt; sits on a hot stone, throws burnt scabs on the birch tree; asks the geese to give him feathers, flies with them; they take the feathers, he falls, people put him in a hole and defecate on him; an old woman came at night, but V. by this time freed himself and just left his clothes; the old woman asked for her need; V. runs away naked, turns into stone, goes to the ground; only his hair can be seen on the surface of the rock]: Lowie 1912:195-200.

The Midwest. Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [In autumn, Wīsahkīcāhk admires Geese's ability to fly; they turn it into the biggest of them, it flies ahead; despite warning, looks down when people start shooting, falls; hunters recognize V., tie him in the bushes on the ground, everyone relieves him; he asks the old woman to untie him; when she also relieves Needy, kills her, puts her clothes over her back, throws her on a tree, runs away]: Brightman 1989:28-29; Eastern Swamp Cree (Albany) [birds fly south; Wicágatcak wants to fly with them; they warn him not to look down; he looks, falls, becomes human again from the bird, but cannot get up; people relieve him; when an old woman sits down, he pierces her with a stick, puts it on a stick like meat on a skewer]: Skinner 1911:87; Steppe Cree [Visukejak (= Nenapuk) asks Swans to turn him into one of them; flies, contrary to warning, looks down, is shot, falls, losing consciousness, looks human; the chief tells him to defecate; he asks the old woman to release one hand; grabs a stick, stabs her in the ass, frees himself, runs away; the old woman's corpse remains lying]: Skinner 1916, No. 1 (3): 348; Ojibwa (Western, Ontario) [Nanabushu asks geese to allow him to search for wild rice with them; they allowed , but he did not find anything; geese say they are going to fly; they agree that N. should fly with them, but he should not look down if there are people below; people see him flying with geese, N. looks and falls into the middle of the village; he was tied up and everyone relieved him; two blind old women were the last to come; N. tells them to untie him first; they did it, they killed them with a stick; went to wash into the lake; crap floated on the water; N.: let the name of this lake be "Smelly Water"]: Jones 1917, No. 15:127-132.

Northeast. Nascapi, Montagnier [Wolverine dresses in feathers, flies with the Goosks; they warn not to look down when people scream on the ground; she looks, falls; two old women come to fix Wolverine needs it; he says whoever does this should have a skewer with him; they bring skewers, he stabs them in the ass, killing them both]: Desbarats 1969:86-87.