Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M30B. Birds take the feathers they have given.

.11.-. (.62.) .66.

Birds give a non-flying or ugly character feathers so that he can fly or become beautiful, but then take them away.

Laadi, Bulu, Bamileke, Igbo, Tenda, Wolof, Acholi, Chipewayan, Pomo, Western Shoshones, Southern Payut, Utah, Navajo, Chirikahua, Hopi, Zunyi, Western Keres (Laguna, Akoma), Hano Tewa, ( tarian), chimane.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Laadi (laari) [the birds were going to fly to the festival in heaven; the turtle persuaded them to give her a pen, also flew; each of the guests must give their own name; the turtle says that hers You all call; asks the owner who all the food is for, he replies that "you all" should eat; birds take away her feathers and fly away; the parrot promises to tell the children the turtles that they should put on something soft on the ground; tells them that their father ordered them to put it sharp and hard; the turtle jumps, breaks the shell, but then glues it together]: Koutekissa, Koutekissa 2003:175-180; bulu [at the end of the season when it rains, long-billed birds fly from south to north; Beme (carpal pig, river pig - Potamochoerus porcus) tells his wife to feed those who come down to his house; asks him to take him with them, they give him each On the pen, he takes off, flies with them to the party; falls asleep, the birds take their feathers, fly away without B.; on the way back, B.'s wife asks for help to bring him back; the birds give her feathers, she finds B. who is thin; the birds give him feathers again so he can return home]: Abega 2002:116-120

West Africa. Bamileke [a little bird without feathers (MPBP) asks others to lend him feathers; flies with everyone to the tree to pick plums; tells him to collect only green ones, collects black ones himself; refuses to show his bag; the birds pick up their feathers, the MPBP stays on the tree; throws plums down piece by piece, then leaves, telling him to go down after them, but does not go down; then he jumps off, scratches painfully against the thorns; tells a passing (palm) wine collector that his back has been tattooed; he suggests that his daughters be tattooed; MPBK pulls out both navels, throws him into the fire, says he told him not throw a nutshell into the fire, leaves, asks the owner to carry it on his back, because if he touches the ground with his feet, his daughters will die; the wife shouts after her husband kills the MPBP, he kills their daughters; MPBP explains that she tells me to go faster, or it's raining; the third time a person realizes that his wife is screaming, but the MPBP jumps off; the man grabs his leg, he says that the person has grabbed the root; man believes he lets go of his leg, MPBP runs away]: Voorhoeve 1976, No. 6:91-93; Igbo: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010 [birds were invited to a festival in the sky; the turtle asked the birds to pen it, took off; said that her name was All You; when they served the treat and said it was "for all of you", the Turtle took everything for itself; the birds and the Turtle went down to the top of the tree, where the birds took their feathers; the Turtle asked Eagle to tell her wife to put rags outside the house; the Eagle said that her husband asked for stones to be placed; the Turtle jumped, broke the shell, the Crab and the Snail glued it together, the seams remained]: 64-65; Basden 1938 [ The turtle was invited to a meeting at the top of the tree; she asked the birds to give it feathers; they penned, the Turtle took off; the tree began to boast of its bright color; the birds were indignant, took away their feathers; The turtle rushed down, broke its shell; the Ant glued it together, the stitches remained; one day the Turtle accidentally cut the Ant with a machete, but glued it together; so the ant seemed to be cut]: 432-433; tenda [The cranes are flying for meat, the Hyena wants it too, she is asked to run after her on the ground, she gets tired dragging her bag; the cranes give her feathers, she flies, sleeps with them in the tree; they warn her not to eat birds, singing at dawn, there will be no day without them; Hyena eats all the birds, only one hides; sings in the morning about what happened; Cranes take away Hyena's feathers, leaving only those that it has deceived; Monkey puts Hyena on his back, begins to let her down, she sings that she will bite her on the ground, the Monkey leaves Hyena halfway; Hippopotamicha invites Hyena to jump off, promises to catch it, does not tell her to touch the bloating on his body; Hyena jumps, tears this place, runs away; now fish attack Hippopotamichus in the water, flies on land; the hare promises to help, asks Hippopotamich to open his anus, gets inside, cuts fat, gets out; tells Hyena to pretend to be dead, calls a skillful hunter; gives Hyena to taste fat; she makes meat baskets all night, Hippopotamich comes to eat in the morning; she dives into the river with her, drowns, takes out giblets, fills it with sand, plugs the holes in the body with fish; on the shore, Hyena comes to life, comes to its children; they take out their plugs, the sand falls asleep, the Hyena dies]: Ferry 1983, No. 31:157- 164; wolof [birds were invited to heaven for a holiday; the turtle begged her to take her too; each bird gave her a pen; the turtle suggested that everyone should call themselves new names, its name would be For All of you; in heaven They served food, saying that they were "for all of you"; the turtle ate everything alone; the birds took their feathers from her furious and flew away; the turtle asked them to tell her wife to take everything soft out of the house; the birds told it to carry all the hardest and sharpest things; the turtle jumped and its shell broke; the birds still took pity and brought the doctor; he glued the shell together, but the traces remained]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss- Nliba 2018:61-62

Sudan - East Africa. Acholi [the son of the heavenly king invited birds to the wedding; the turtle asked each one to give her a pen, made wings for herself, said that her name was All of you; in heaven she asked who the treat was for her they answered that for all of you, she ate everything herself, the birds got leftovers; the birds were offended, took away her feathers, flew away; the turtle asked her husband to put everything soft in the yard; the bird said that the wife ask to fold everything solid; the turtle jumped down, broke the shell, it was glued together, the seams are still visible]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:413-414.

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Zeus shows the birds the day of the king's appointment; jackdaw, knowing its beauty, adorns himself with the feathers of other birds; for her beauty, Zeus decides to appoint her king; birds pull from the jackdaw the feathers she received from them; the jackdaw remains naked]: Gasparov 1968, No. 101:93.

Baltoscandia. The Livs [various birds give their feathers to the crow, which begins to flaunt them; then the birds took their feathers, the raven remained naked and became a laughing stock]: Loorits 1926, № 249': 13.

Subarctic. Chipewayan [rain floods the ground; Visákecak makes a boat, asks the Duck to dive; she brings silt on her paws several times, V. creates land; sees larvae in a deer skull, asks allow him to join the meal, sticks his head, gets stuck, swims along the river like a deer; people rush to him, he jumps ashore, breaks his skull; leads the Bear to the berry tree, he eats, gets fat, falls asleep , V. kills him; cooks meat, asks juniper trees to move apart, otherwise his stomach hurts; gets stuck, birds eat meat; twists juniper, since then its trunk is crooked; V. decides that his his eyes are rather weak, takes them out, goes blind; goes asking trees for their names; rejects poplar, etc., when he finds a pine tree, makes new eyes out of resin; creates landscape features, animal habits; his ass burned, he throws scabs at the birch tree; asks geese to dance with his eyes closed, kills one at a time; one opens his eyes, the birds run, V. steps on water-hen and the loon, since then they have not been able to walk on drier; V. laughs at the bear's excrement, he rushes at him; V. asks the caress to get into the bear's ass, gnaw the heart; then washes the caress, the tip of the tail remains black; V. eats something black that causes eruption of gases; sits on a hot stone, throws burnt scabs on a birch tree; asks geese to give him feathers, flies with them; they pick up feathers, he falls, people put him in a hole and defecate on it; an old woman came at night, but V. by that time had freed himself and only left his clothes; the old woman asked her for need; V. runs away naked, turns into stone, goes to the ground; only his hair is visible on rock surfaces]: Lowie 1912:195-200.

California. Pomo: Angulo, Freeland 1928 (southeastern pomo) [starlings give Coyote feathers, tell him not to fly high; he breaks the ban, they take feathers; he falls, breaks, is brought back to life]: 243; Barrett 1933, № 68/II [The Coyote wants to fly like birds; each gives him a feather; he takes off but attacks their stakes, loses his eye; The tree gives him moss to close his eye socket; Blue Jay heals , the eye recovers], 77.III [starting as in (68); Coyote accidentally gouged out his eye while sitting on a bush; makes a new one out of a shell bead]: 265-266, 291-292; Williams 1954 [Coyote asks for Starling Girls (Blackbirds) give him feathers; promises to fly with them to the door of heaven, which opens and closes; tells the Sun to stand still so that Coyote's wife Frog does not know that he is having fun with girls; at the door Starlings take away feathers from the sky, the Coyote falls for four days, only his voice remains; he calls the doctor; rejects Salamander, Turtle, Owl; Kuksu revives him, but puts his head backwards; Coyote creates people from branches whose heads are also turned back, calls K.; he dances with them in the house (the first rituals of the K. cult), takes off their heads, realizes that these people cannot live; taking off Coyote's head, puts face forward; Coyote orders the Sun to move on]: 58-62.

Big Pool. Birds give feathers to the Wolf or Coyote, then they take them away; he receives a baby girl extracted from the womb of a pregnant woman, calling her sister or daughter. Western shoshones [Coyote falls because...]: Smith 1993:129 [looks down], 159 [flies too long]; Utah: Givón 2013, No. 5 (southern Utah) [Sinawav sees seven cranes, they're flying to fight, he asks to take him with him; the cranes each gave him a pen; but then S. wrote in front of them and, while he was sleeping, the cranes took their feathers and flew away; S. asks them to kill the pregnant woman and bring him a fetus; the cranes did it, this baby is a girl, S. raised her as a daughter; offered to go to his relatives; they decided to pass her off as someone who would win the run; there are fast runners: hummingbirds, blue jays, coyotes; but S. won (because he persuaded others to eat some meat; not very clear) and married a pupil; she gave birth to three daughters and a son; once S. hunted and broke his leg; eldest daughter carried him on her back, and he lifted her clothes and met her (or tried to do so); at home he said that he was ill; let him be placed on a pile of firewood when he died and leave without looking back; the eldest daughter should be passed off as someone who would come on a white horse dressed in cougar skin; the son looked around and noticed that S. had rolled down the pile of brushwood; the daughter was passed off as someone on a white horse; the son noticed that The daughter's husband lacks the same teeth as her father; then the daughters rose to heaven and became seven stars - the Pleiades (although earlier it is said about three sisters, not seven); and the wolf (this is S.) howls at night]: 31-43; Lowie 1924, No. 27 (Southern Utah) [geese take their feathers back because the wolf screams too loudly in the air]: 53; Powell 1971 [the eldest of the two Shin-au-Av (Wolves) brothers asks Geese for feathers; flies with them, they take his feathers, he falls; he eats his own brains from a broken skull; this is the first meal he eats in his life; Geese kill a lot of people; S. finds an escaped woman for the first time in his life sees a baby, wants to take it with him; Geese say that he will not be able to carry it on his legs (needed for walking), in his arms (you need to hold a bow), on his back (he will fall); must carry it in his stomach; he swallows a baby, then gives birth to a girl; it hurts; decides that men will not be able to tolerate labor pains and this should be for women]: 88-89; Smith 1992:27-28 (uncompagre Utah) [because Coyote pees in every source], 80-81 and 96-98 (White River Utah) [Coyote looks down and falls]; Mason 1910 (Wintah), No. 12 [The geese agreed to give Coyote feathers, told him to remain silent; he took off, he screamed, the geese took away their feathers, The coyote fell]: 310-311; the southern payutes [geese take their feathers because...]: Lowie 1924, No. 11 (Shivvitz) [Coyote screams loudly and looks down], 5 (Moapa) [they don't like how Coyote flies]: 124-125, 165.

The Great Southwest. Birds usually give feathers to the Coyote and then take them back. Navajo [Coyote wants to fly with larks; they tie wings to his paws; he flies in front; larks think a flying Coyote can be dangerous; everyone pulls out the feather they gave to Coyote; he falls into a pond, dies, comes to life]: Hill, Hill 1945, #3:320; chiricahua [Geese or Turkeys give wings to the Coyote; take it back, he falls]: Opler 1942, No. 58:71; Hopi [falls, dies]: Hodge 1993 [Coyote wants to dance with chiro birds; they give him feathers, he takes off with them, they take their feathers back, he falls, breaks]: 41; Voth 1905, No. 68 [blue jay feathers], 72 [bird feathers chiro]: 196-197, 203-204; Wallis 1936, No. 15:52; Zunyi [Rooks gather in a pack in autumn, dance before leaving; Coyote wants to dance with them; Rooks give him feathers; he takes off the slope, but falls because all the Rooks are penned from the same wing; next time the feathers are typed correctly, the Coyote takes off; when tired, the Rooks pretend to support him, pull out their feathers themselves; the Coyote falls, slightly alive; the remaining feathers have turned into dark hair on the legs and tail]: Cushing 1901:237-242; Western ceres: Boas 1928a: 161-164 (Laguna) [Coyoticha brings daw girls ( blackbirds) juniper berries; Jackdaws make a ladder out of sunflower stems, Coyoticha climbs it, the stairs fall apart, the Coyoticha falls, scatters berries; Jackdaws eat them, fly away, each leaves Coyotiche on pen; Coyoticha also takes off, drinks from a puddle on a rock, Jackdaws take their feathers, fly away; the Spider lowers the Coyoticha in the basket, she opens her eyes, the basket falls, the Coyoticha breaks, comes to life]: 270 [summary]; Parsons 1918, No. 3 (Laguna) [Bluebirds decide to fly to the mess; give feathers to Coyote, he flies with them; they take feathers, he falls off a cliff, breaks; Jackdaws wonder where he went] 4 (Akoma) [Pigeons give feathers to Coyote, he flies with them to the spring; they take feathers; the spider lowers him in the basket; he breaks the ban on opening his eyes, the basket falls, it breaks; the other the coyote revives it]: 219-220, 220-221; Hano Tewa [birds give Coyote feathers, then take it away]: Parsons 1926, No. 24:283-285.

(Wed. NW Amazon. Tarian [the monkeys invite Wanali to go up the tree for fruit, leave him alone; the herons give him their feathers, he flies with them, they fly to the old woman, the mother of Herons; they pull out their feathers, they grow back overnight; W. does the same, feathers do not grow back, Herons fly away without him; the old woman says that she has scolopendra, scorpions and ants in her vagina, tells her to wash her vagina with bark broth; W. does not listen his penis is swollen; she leaves him at the top of the mountain; the ant lowers him down; waits for W. to say that the muraya's mouth stinks; W. abstains, reaches the ground, the ant does not drag him into the anthill; fish wash his penis, he takes on normal sizes]: Brüzzi 1994:208-211).

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chimane [Dohichi and Micha are brothers; their sister Dobose invites them to heaven to drink a third brother named Tsun (sun) to keep him at his zenith and keep people awake; this fails; D. and M. they throw a balsa raft down, it grows, forms the ground; they cry, a vine emerges from their tears; D. descends, M.'s vine breaks, falls, breaks; D. sticks it together, but puts his head to the back; D. and M. come to the frog women; D. took one, M. raped everyone at night, they urinate with blood in the morning; M. digs a tunnel east to the edge of the world, now the dead are going to him; D. pretended to be dead, covered himself with worms; Frogs threw him into the river; he turned them into frogs, worms into fish; goes looking for M.; along the way he turns people into animals - arachnids, howlers, capuchins; asks parrots for feathers, they give on the condition that he does not imitate their voices; D. violates the ban, parrots take their feathers, he falls on a tree, it becomes tall; the caterpillar lowers it, putting it on its back; when the ground close, he makes her fall, she breaks her back; gets to a place where the sky hits the ground; inserting a log, she slips into Misha's world; steals one of his wives, she is pregnant; meets on the way, people are about to kill the one who kidnapped M.'s wife; D. turns them into arrow canes, bamboo, palm trees for making bows and tips; they climb the Manika River; the wife gives birth, D. turns her and her child into salt; wants to establish a village in the center of the world, sends birds to explore; they come back, saying that the center is further in the mountains; D. founded a village in the Andes (var.: La Paz); left footprint on the stone, it's a sign that salt is here]: Daillant 1995:163-164.