Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

M34. An attached tail.

An object is thrown at the character, which turns into a tail, and the character himself into a corresponding animal.

Quakiutl, Nootka, Quileut, Upper Chehalis, Guajiro, Chiriguano, Spike, Selknam.

NW Coast. Quakiutl [people know Kanekilah is coming; everyone is busy preparing a weapon to kill him with; unrecognized K. asks for a closer look at this weapon; uses it to transform the character; Deer: I sharpen these shells to slaughter the Kanekilah Organizer; Kanekilah turns him into a deer, sprinkled with crushed shells; from Mink's spears, the Raccoon makes it one tails; makes four blind women sighted, turns them into ducks; a man and a woman have genitals on the forehead, K. places them in the groin; leaves a person with many mouths on his body only one mouth; turns Oldest to stone; turns Perch into perch]: Boas 1910, No. 16:201-209; Nootka [people know the Converter is coming; everyone is busy preparing the weapon they are going to kill him with; unrecognized P. asks for a closer look at the relevant item; uses it to transform the character]: Boas 1895, No. 1 [two Converters descend from the sky]: 98; 1916, No. 6 [converter - Young Man out of snot, see motif L38; spear to tail: otter, raccoon, beaver, marten; two stone hammers into paws: bear; two knives from shells to horns: deer], 910-911; Clutesi 1967 [The deer sharpens two shells to make knives; answers an unrecognized Transformer that he will kill the Transformer with them; he asks for shells, puts a Deer on his head, turns it into a deer, shells into ears]: 93-97; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 10 [tail club: beaver; knife in ears: deer; spear to tail: otter, raccoon, wolf, mink; claws (weapons) of Puma, Eagle in the claws of a puma, an eagle]: 46-51.

The coast is the Plateau. Quileut [Queti goes when he meets different people; everyone sharpens their weapons, says they are going to kill the world transducer; he praises weapons, turns those he meets into deer (knife - ears), beaver (club - tail), otter (spear - tail); creates tribes; turns dogs into Macae Indians]: Andrade 1931, No. 27:83-85; Clark 1953:122-124; Farrand, Mayer 1919 [Kweeti travels; first meets the White Man, tells him to have only one wife; Beaver sharpens the stone tip, replies that he is waiting for K. to kill him; K. puts a point to his ass, turns it into a tail; Deer sharpens the shells, replies that K. is waiting for him, he makes his ears out of his shells; on the Kvitz River, K. spits on his hands, throws mud spools into the river, they turn into Quetzush Indians (made of mud); Hoh Indians walk in their arms, holding nets between their legs; K. puts them on their feet; in Kvileuti turns wolves into people, tells them to fish; in Ozette creates Indians from two dogs; in Nii Bay he teaches people to fish]: 251-252; upper chehalis [Jesus (Swade, or Month) meets Beaver; I make a knife to kill Jesus; asks him for a knife, makes him a tail, turns into a beaver; turns an old man into a deer]: Adamson 1934:119.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [The fox marries, only pretends to work in the field; finding him sleeping and the field untreated, the woman stabs Fox in the ass with a digging stick, it turns into his tail]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985 (1), No. 93 [wife], 94 [mother-in-law], 95 [mother; throws a pitcher at him; her loincloth clings, becomes a fox tail]: 250-252.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chiriguano [Battleship son-in-law grows crops in a day; the fox son-in-law does not have such abilities; when he comes to the fire, his mother-in-law sticks smut in his ass, it turns into his tail]: Nordenski& #246; ld 1912:264-269.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [The otter and other aquatic animals were people subordinate to Kumafari; the Otter did not like fishing for K., began to grumble; K. called him to his place, smoked him with a cigar, threw him into the water, he became an otter; turned others into animals, there were no people left at all; K. walked from village to village, found no one; began to blow on the ash, but could not fan the fire, birds took him away; passing by the house Otters, heard his name; Otter pretended to be K.'s relatives, deceived him by witchcraft, K. saw fire and fried fish in his home; K. ate and drank bananas and kashiri, but thought he was eating fried fish; The otter himself spoke about the deception, jumped into the water; K. threw an oar after him, it became his tail; on the way home, K. became ill, he died; after his death, K. Jr. went on a journey; a vulture flew by gavião de anta {HA; "tapirium vulture" i.e. royal vulture?} with smut in his claws, shouted that that son K., and he did not have fire himself; then K. died, stank, uruba flew, and GA came, but left his fire on the stump, K. could not reach; when he was eaten, K. turned into a dead deer, but GA did not approach, noticed that K. opened his eyes; then K. lay down on a stone, his hands sprouted out of the ground in two bushes of five branches each; at this fork, GA left his smut, K. grabbed it; GA said that son K., and does not know that you can get fire by rubbing Uruku branches in the sun; K. said he now knows, but he also has smut]: Nimuendaju 1920:1014-1015.

The Southern Cone. Selknam [first-ancestor men run into the hut one by one to find out what rituals women perform in it; they shoot an arrow or harpoon in everyone's back, turning into animal tails appropriate species; A fox is put in the back of a Drimys winteri bush]: Wilbert 1977, No. 65:190.