M38a. Inept imitation: visiting, Th J2425. .11.-.
On a visit, the character sees how the owner acts with magic or techniques that suit his nature (in Africa, too, deception). He imitates their actions but fails. Actions are not tests or competitions and are not related to performing feats. This is mainly getting or preparing food.
Laadi, Bondei, Bulu, Eton, Lamba, Luguru, Digo, Nyamwanga, Pogolo, Yebecolo, Kamba, Ronga, Tsonga, Mozambique, Songe, Ganda, Mamprusi, Ijo, Liberia, Kono, Baule, Ibibio, Songhai, mukulu, joluo, lango, mukulu, mofu-gudur, madi, mbuti, zande, nzakara, sandave, haza, shilluk, kalenjin (kipsigis), Alsatians, Angami, Rengma, Vieta, Nenets, Ents, Nganasans, Mansi, Southern Selkups, Orochi, Udege, Forest and Tundra Yukaghirs, Coastal Koryaks, Asian Eskimos, Tagish, Tlingits, Haida, Tsimshian, Bellacula, Quakiutl, Nootka, Quarry, Chilkotin, Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouet, Quinolt, Quileut, comox, clallam, Puget Sound, upper and lower chehalis, colitz, lower chinook, clackamas, sanpual, curdalen, vasco, sachaptin, yakima, ne perse, kutene, winnebago, menominee, chippewa, ojibwa, sauk, fox, kickapoo, illini, miami, nascapee, montagne, penobscot, mikmak, seneca, crowe, santi, omaha and ponka, osage, iowa, arpahoe, arikara, skidy pawnee, comanche, kiowa apache, caddo, yuchi, chirokee, natchez, catawba, screams, hichichi, alabama, koasati, vintu, chumash, kawaisu, serrano, cahuilla, western, eastern and northern shoshoni, utah, havasupai, yavapai, jicarilla, chiricahua, mescalero, lipan, navajo, hopi, tiva (Picuris, Taos), Tewa, Western Ceres (Laguna), Oriental Ceres (Cochiti), Mojave, Diegueño, Varigio, Cora, Nahuatl Zap. Mexico, maca, toba.
Bantu-speaking Africa. Bondeis [The Cuckoo and the Rooster go to visit each other; after the first exchange of visits, the Rooster tells his wife to pour water on him, hides by the hearth, tells him to answer that the Rooster is cooking in the cauldron; The Rooster jumps out, the Cuckoo believes that it was cooked with bananas; tells his wife to put it in the pot, dies; the Rooster and the Leopard go to visit each other; the Rooster hides his head under his wing, the wife replies that he sent his head to herd sheep; a rooster enters the yard with his sheep; a leopard tells his wife to cut off his head, dies; since then, leopards have been hunting poultry]: Woodward 1925, No. 15:373-377; laadi [The leopard comes to the Hare, who feeds him corn, replies that these were his wife's teeth; at home, the Leopard knocked out his wife's teeth, cooked them, they are inedible; the hare hides from the Leopard in a tree; says he will throw off a bag of fruit, then jumps off by himself; jumps, hides in a hole; The leopard leaves a Toad at the entrance; the hare invites him to look at sweet things, catches the pepper, the Toad runs away to wash his eyes; the hare runs away; The leopard digs a hole, the Toad hides in the river]: Aksenova et al. 2005, No. L.11:109-111; bulu: Schwab 1919, No. 6 [The leopard comes to Hawk; he asks himself what to feed the guest, climbs a tree , sees a chicken in the village, brings it; The hawk pays a return visit; the leopard climbs a tree, rushes to the chicken, crashes to death], 7 [The dog comes to the Elephant; he cooks bananas, puts his foot in the fire, with she drips fat, he fills a pot of bananas; comes to the Dog; he puts his foot in the fire, his leg burns]: 432-433, 433; ethone: Abega 2002:44-45 [Beme (carpal pig, river pig - Potamochoerus porcus) went with Otana (bat) to collect termites; O. asks why he does not collect for his wife, B. replies that he does everything like him, O.; at home O. tells his wife to set up a plate, hit on his back, regurgitates termites; B. at home tells his wife to do the same; does not regurgitate anything, tells him to hit harder, screams in pain, gets sick for a long time], 82-84 [The elephant calls Beme to visit; puts the cauldron on the fire, puts his leg in there, fat drips, fills the cauldron, the Elephant feeds B.; B. says that this witchcraft was bequeathed to him by his father, and the Elephant stole it; calls the Elephant to visit; tries to repeat the trick, burns his leg, yells in pain; his wife fed the guest chicken and B. recovered for three months]; lamba [Lurie (who is this?) comes to visit the Bat; he tells his wife to cook sweet potatoes, climbs into a boiling pot; the wife lifts the lid, the Bat comes out, says that there is a bat with sweet potatoes for lunch; Lurie invites visit him; tells his wife to cook him with sweet potatoes; dies; his wife cut off her head, put it on a stump; when the Bat came, told him that her husband had gone to dance and left his head; The Bat returned home, told his wife to cut off his head; the wife came to complain to Lurie's wife, who replied that they were even]: Doke 1927, No. 62:117-119; Luguru [The elephant calls Kisimi to visit, he comes with his wife; the elephant tells his wife heat a big shard, puts her leg in it, fat flows, they fill the porridge; K. calls the Elephant to him, tells his wife to burn his shard, burns his leg]: Brain 1973, No. 3:125-126; digo [rooster I agreed with my wives: when the goat comes, I will hide my head under my wing - say that my head will return in the evening; in the evening I fed the goat; at home, the goat told the shepherd to cut off his head; a rooster came and said that they killed a goat]: Arewa 1961, No. 1401:88; nyamwanga [the rooster came to the hare; the hare's wife is cooking pumpkins, the hare looked under the lid and hid; when the pumpkins are ready, he went out: without him they would not be cooked; comes to visit the rooster; he tells his wife to cook pumpkins, climbed under the lid of the cauldron, cooked; the rooster's wife accuses the hare, he takes the rooster to bury; takes him away, plucks, brings him back, the rooster's wife cooked, the hare ate]: Arewa 1961, № 1402:86-87; cholo [1) goldfinch eats fat from an elephant's foot; when it sticks its foot in the fire, it burns; the elephant cries, leaves; 2) in the buffalo house, the bird sleeps on the end of the spear; the buffalo comes to the bird, lies on the spear, is pierced, dies]: Arewa 1961, No. 1457:87; Yebecolo [Beme (see ethon) sees birds rushing from the tree to pick up abandoned grain on the fly; decides to repeat the trick, breaks painfully; The elephant calls him to visit, puts his foot in the fire, then pierces it, fat pours out of his leg, the Elephant pours it on the baked cassava, gives B.; B. calls the Elephant, puts his foot on the fire , burned, screams; The elephant repeats his trick himself; falls asleep; B. ties a vine to his leg, the other end ties it to the banana; the elephant gets up and leaves, dragging a banana and B. entangled in vines; B.'s wife cuts off vine; B. hits her, says he almost caught an elephant; goes to live alone]: Abega 2002:85-88; ronga [The swallow asks the Hare how he cooks vegetables; explains what will taste better if instead use your own sweat; to do this, you need to sit at the bottom of the boiler; The hare comes to the Swallow, who agrees with her wife in advance, hides by the boiler, the couple takes off in the clouds; The hare agrees that the pumpkins are especially tasty; calls the Swallow to visit, sits in the cauldron, tells his wife to pour pumpkins on top, put them on fire; The swallow comes, explains what's going on, but the Hare is already dead]: Junod s.a. No. 5:75-77; kamba [the hyena brewed beer, called a rooster; then the rooster brewed beer, called a hyena; told him to come to him tomorrow as well; told his wife to tell the hyena when she came that she had cut off his head, the head went to drink beer elsewhere, but would soon return; the rooster appeared and pretended that only his head was missing; the hyena called the rooster the next day; told his wife to cut off her head; a rooster came - the head of the hyena next to the body; the rooster told the hyena's wife that she had killed her husband and took her to him]: Lindblom 1928, No. 6:11-13 (retelling in Arewa 1961, No. 1401:83-84); tsonga [The hare comes to guests to the Chicken, sees the Rooster hiding his head under his wing; The chicken says that the head has gone to call guests; The hare calls the Chicken to visit, cuts off his head, dies]: Junod 1927:236; Mozambique ( ethnicity is not specified) [the swallow calls a rooster to visit, says that she cooks herself to make the soup tastier; the couple hides in the cloud; the rooster believes that the swallow has been in the cauldron; calls her to visit, tells his wife put yourself in the cauldron; when the swallow arrived, there was a boiled rooster under the lid]: Pitrè 1912:70-72; songe [Dwarf Antelope's wife is pregnant, wants meat; The elephant lets the Antelope cut pieces from his thighs; when Elephant is pregnant, Antelope also allows meat to be cut off his thighs, dies]: Frobenius 1983:301); ganda [The hare comes to visit the Elephant; he goes to catch termites without fire and baskets; puts his trunk in a hole; termites fly to the white trunk like fire, fall into a hole, an elephant collects them by the cheek; at home tells his wife to hit him on the head with a stick, termites fall into the pan; Hare tries to repeat the trick, hardly caught two termites; tells his wife to hit him harder to fill the basket; died of adar]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:384-385.
West Africa. Liberia [Nymo and Goat agree that whoever marries first will come to visit another; Goat marries, comes; N. cooks palm oil, cools, collects pepper in his mouth and hands, says tie himself hand and foot, put it in oil; when the Goat tries to cut meat in a pot of butter, he cuts the ropes that tied N., he jumps out, throws pepper into the eyes of Goat and his wife; Goat invites N., does the same thing, but tells him to put himself in boiling oil, cooks]: Bundy 1918, No. 4:408-409; kono: Holas 1975:240 [The rat invites the Spider to lunch, tells his wife to rub cassava on his back; The Spider invites the Rat, also tells his wife to rub cassava on her back, screams in pain, runs into the forest], 251 [The caterpillar calls the Spider to work on his field; jumps into a boiling pot before lunch, feeds workers with its melted fat; the next day, the Spider calls the Caterpillar to work for him, jumps into a boiling pot, dies]; baule [the edible woodworm calls the Spider to visit, climbs into a pot placed on fire, heats fat; The Spider calls the Worm, climbs into the pot, burns]: Himmelheber 1951b: 72-73 (translated into Himmelheber 1960:94-96); ibibio [Mouse asks Teach her how to cook delicious soup; she cooks, hides the pot, pours warm water into another, jumps into it, replaces it with a pot of ready-made soup; The mouse believes that it jumps into boiling water at home, dies; the wife complains about the Bat to the chief, the Bat has been hiding ever since, flying only at night]: Arnott 2000:152-154; ijo (kalabari) [forest rat wonders why the food that the bat cooks, so tasty; she explains that she bathes in boiling water, so fat fat; dips in warm water, the rat believes that it is in boiling water; at home, the rat tells his wife to boil water, cooked; the rat wife complains to the king; he tells you to grab the bat, but it hides in the forest and has not gone out since then]: Dayrell 1910, No. 7:36-37; mamprusi [during hunger, the Spider notices that the Grasshopper and his children are getting fat; sees as he asks his wife to serve a hot frying pan, rolls on it, melting his fat; tries to do the same at home; howled in pain, became a spider, hung on the web]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 19:37-38; mukula [the raven called an earthen squirrel to visit; told his mother to mix millet with sand; calmly pecked on grains, and the squirrel tried to gnaw it; called a crow to visit, told her mother to cook broth; slurped with a spoon, and the raven burned its beak; invited the squirrel to ride it; lifting it into the air, threw it; she fell on the back of a donkey led by a learned doctor (marabou); rode a donkey; tells the lion that she went to pilgrimage; promises the lion to heal him; let him make belts and buffalo skins; tied the lion with belts - let him try to tear it, then he will be cured; the lion cannot tear; the squirrel put a sliver in his ass and left ; after 7 days, the ants gnawed through their belts; the lion went and fell into the well; no one wants to help; finally, the rhesus monkey pulled it out; the lion is going to eat it - he starved for 7 days; the monkey jumped on the tree, but fell and broke her neck]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 38:180-184; mofu-gudur: Barreteau 1988a [The squirrel (earth squirrel, Xerus erythropus) and their maternal uncle Crane went to the savannah to look for mice; The crane did not tells you to take a hoe, water and food; with your teeth (?) tore a hole, the mice jumped out, the Crane killed them with his gaze, so they picked up a bag of mice; pulled out a bump, under it the water was like pus; next time like blood; on the third, water for washing; on the fourth, clean; The crane left Squirrel to fry the mice, said that he could eat fatty ones, went to wash himself, leaving his eye on the stump as a watchman; when the Squirrel wanted to eat the mouse, the eye forbids; the crane came back, took the grain out of termite mound, they ate; the crane raised its leg, fruits fell from the yuyuba tree; the crane climbs the tree for honey; a panther appears, the Crane from the tree tells the Squirrel to curse her; the panther rushes, the Crane tells her The squirrel grabs his testicles, raises him to the tree; they return home; next time the Squirrel goes with the Turtle, tries to play the role of the elder, repeat the Crane's tricks; but cannot kill the mice with a glance, the Turtle caught three; it cannot reach water, the Turtle has water under its shell; the turtle eats fat mice, and the ants eat Squirrel's eye left by the watchman; the fruits of the jujube do not fall, the Squirrel broke its leg; The squirrel disappeared into the termite mound, the panther grabbed the Turtle, but grabbed its tongue, told her to take it to the pond; Belke Crane: Don't go alone]: 488-540; Sorin-Barreteau 2001, No. 6 [The monitor lizard calls the Squirrel (earthen squirrel, Xerus inauris) to mow the grass; tells you to return alone if he is not there by noon; at home tells his wives to make sauce out of it; The squirrel comes to Varan's house, his wives feed him a delicious sauce; Squirrel hears Varan's voice from his stomach, runs in horror; Varan agrees to leave when Belka gives him two goats; he invites Varan to mow the grass, goes home, tells himself to cook; unable rush into the fire, into boiling water; hides in the cooled sesame sauce; Varan notices Squirrel's eye, intends to pierce it with straws, the Squirrel jumps up, calls his wives for help; Varan says that he cannot be fooled]: 47-50; songhai [The elephant invites the Herba bird with his wife and children to visit; tells his wife to cut his leg, get meat; Herba asks the Elephant to pay a return visit; tells his wife to cut her leg, but there one bone; The elephant and his family go home]: Prost 1956:175; mukulu [the lizard invites the hyena to visit; puts its tail in the cauldron where the millet is cooked, the food becomes tasty and fatty; the hyena called the monitor lizard, put the tail into the cauldron, the tail scalded]: Jungraithmayr 1981, No. 40:191.
Sudan-East Africa. Madi [Ito (hare, rabbit) brother Caragule; K. called 600 people to cultivate his field; dancing, water appeared, people got drunk, washed themselves; then the Hare called 600 people to cultivate the field millet, dancing, there is no water; then K. began to sing and dance, water appeared; millet in K.'s field was ugly, but the Hare did not]: Blackings, Fabb 2003:671-678; Zande: Arewa, Shrewe 1975, No. 5 [Depago killed with a spear, burned his father, collected the ashes in his horn; Thur (Ture, spider) came to him; it began to rain, but there was no shelter; D. poured ash on the ground, it opened, the whole D. family was sitting there, there was plenty of food; T. killed, burned his father, told his wives to burn down their huts; Nangbatudo did not let his own be burned; T. got wet in the rain, had to rebuild the huts], 33 [T. comes to Nzuamba; he tells me to set fire to the grass far around him, kill fleeing animals; when the fire is close, lubricates the heads of its people with sesame oil, dances, the fire goes out; T. receives oil from N., but eats it; tells his wife to burn sesame seeds and peanuts, for now everyone will eat meat; lights grass, but lubricates their heads with peanut butter; almost burns, N. stops the fire with his oil], 37 [T. sees a person lubricating his stomach with oil, taking out giblets, washes, puts it back in, his stomach overgrows; T. wants to learn the same thing; the person gives him a horn full of oil; on the way home, T. opens his stomach twice and closes it again; the third time the wind knocks over horn, stomach does not overgrow; T. cries, the owner of the oil comes, heals the stomach T.], 39 [the person takes out his eye, puts it on the hook like fish bait; after pulling out the fish, rubs the eye socket with ash, the eye returns to the place; T. asks for magic ash; catches fish; when the box is full, throws away the one already caught, catches more; the ash runs out, T. is left without an eye; that man catches fish that has swallowed T.'s eye, in his own eye, returns T.'s eye; he insults the savior, goes home]: 199, 250-251, 254-255, 260-261; nzakara: Retel-Laurentin 1986, No. 31 [Toúlé spider comes to Gbiyimguili, sees his wives pushing cassava in his anus; at home, telling his wives to break mortars, grind cassava in their anus; leaves clog his anus, T. loses consciousness; G. comes, takes out leaves, brings T. to life], 32 [the Toúlé spider comes to the Bat (bats are believed to be able to fire from the ass); at night, when termites fly out, the Bat sets fire to its torches wives; going to collect termites, T. does not tell his wives to take fire; the younger two obey, the older two hide the coals in a pot; at the right time, T. spews only bowel movements, the young wives did not collect termites]: 193-195, 196-200; mbuti pygmies [Nbali went to his friend Elephant; he told his wife to make banana porridge; held his leg on the fire to stack fat into the porridge; when the Elephant came to visit N., he put foot into the fire, screamed, almost died; The elephant filled the porridge himself, brought N. to life]: Turnbull 1959:53 (=1965:265-266); lango [The turtle calls the Hare to visit, lies down in the yard, tells the Hare to grind millet on his stomach; cooks; after eating, the Hare calls the Turtle to visit; lies down in the yard, tells him to grind just on his stomach, is wounded; The turtle orders to grind on her stomach; refuses to eat porridge, leaves, after a quarrel with the Hare; he comes to the Bee, she washes the vessel, climbs a tree, releases honey into the vessel, feeds the Hare; he invites her to visit, washes the vessel, tries to climb a tree, pees into the vessel; The bee tells wash the vessel, make honey himself, but refuses to eat, leaves after a quarrel with the Hare; The hare comes to Boa, who tells him to beat him with a stick, regurgitates and cooks termites, feeds the Hare; the hare calls him to visit, tells them to beat, termites do not appear; The boa constrictor belches them himself, but does not eat them, quarrels with the Hare]: Driberg 1923:444-446; Joluo [Abvola divorced Crocodile, married the Elephant; when it rains, he raises its tail, everyone hides there; to feed people, the Elephant puts its foot in a boiling pot, it pours fat; the Spider, Brother A., sees it, calls the people, puts his feet in the cauldron, only burns them; in the rain he raised his ass, screams in pain when they try to climb into him; the Elephant raises its tail, the Spider, along with everyone else, climbed into the Elephant's belly, pierced his heart with a spear; people ripped his belly apart to go outside; then A. goes beyond Mahogany; warns not to intervene if the Red Trees fight; The spider intervenes, gets stuck between branches, tells his sister to divorce; passes off as Termite; discovers that the termite is walled up, he will not return his sisters]: Katznelson 1968:217-220; sandave [The giraffe calls the Hare to visit, the wife cooks millet, there is no gravy; the giraffe tells him to put a bowl, hit him on the leg with an ax, from there fat flows; leaving, the Hare asks the Giraffe to come to visit; repeats everything, but fat does not flow from the wound on his leg; the friendship between the Giraffe and the Hare ends; the hare made friends with the Pigeon; comes to him; the wife says that the body at home, and the husband's head went to visit his mother; the Pigeon's head returns; the Hare asks the Pigeon to visit him on the third day; tells his wife to cut off his head with an ax before the arrival of the Pigeon, put it in the chest; the wife answers Dove that the Hare's head has gone to visit her mother; he hears a rustle in the chest, the Hare's wife replies that it is a rat; the Dove returns home, the Hare is dead]: Dempwolff 1916, No. 58:162-164; haza [Buffalo and Gnu have decided to become friends; Gnu invites buffalo and his relatives to visit, regrets it and decides to treat them with blood; pretends to kill his wife, give her blood to the guests, and then pretends to resurrect her. The buffaloes thought he was a sorcerer and took his magic medicine; then Buffalo invited Wildebeest to his place and gave him blood too; he actually killed his wife and could not resurrect her; Wildebeest leaves for a new one medicine and runs away; Buffaloes fed meat to dogs, one of whom was killed and the other ran away and warned Wildebeest never to return]: Col-Larsen 1962:; shilluk [giraffe breaks its leg, from there the bone marrow flows, he makes it porridge; the hare calls a giraffe to visit, hits his leg with a stick, the pain is terrible, but nothing flows; the giraffe makes his leg healthy again; the raven takes out his eye and puts it on the sun kindles the fire; the hare calls the crow to visit, takes out his eye, the fire lights up; but the hare forgets to put his eye back immediately, the ants ate it; the raven cleaned his eye, inserted it into the hare's eye socket; the ram breaks the tree with its head; the hare tries to repeat the trick, its head goes into his shoulders; the ram pulls it by the ears, adjusts it; the hare promises not to try to imitate sorcerers anymore]: Artin Pacha 1909, No. 10, 11, 12:35, 36, 37; kalenjin (kipsigis) [the hare invited his friend Kipsongut to visit; then K. invited the hare; told his wife to tell the hare when he came that only K.'s torso and his head were home. went to look after the cattle; he hid his head himself, only his body could be seen; after eating, the hare asked his wife K. to tell her husband that he invited him again the next day; told his wife to cut off his head, died, the hare's wife is crying; K. came and said that when imitating others, you should measure your capabilities]: Chesaina 1997:74-75.
Western Europe. The Alsatians [Commère petite saucisse de foie invited the Mouse to visit; she asks why the cabbage is so tasty; Sausage: ran once from above; Mouse invited Sausage, became cook the same way, baked]: Lefftz 2006, No. 6:73.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Angami [The bird called everyone to work on her field; at noon she put the water pot on the fire, sat on the edge, laid eggs for each assistant, which were immediately cooked; seeing this, the Crab called help him; climbing to the edge of the cauldron, fell down and cooked; he was eaten]: Hutton 1914, No. 13:490; rengma (Tesophenyu band) [the tiger leads his assistant to a Bengal cat (Prionailurus bengalensis manchurica) fish; enters the river, opens its mouth, fish swims into it; shaking its paw, a fire drill makes a fire (since then, fire has been made by friction); scratches the head, salt falls, hits beer on the front leg, rice on the back leg, pepper on the knee; a Bengal cat fish its assistant to a squirrel; only small fish swims into its mouth; a splinter bounces off the bamboo and falls into its eye; it all ends in cuts and bruises]: Mills 1937:262-263.
Burma - Indochina. Vieta [The Hare and the Tiger went to cut the grass for the roof, the Chicken stayed cooking, laid the egg in boiling water, fed the Hare and the Tiger; the next time the Chicken and Tiger went to work in the field, Hare stayed to cook, spoiled him in boiling water, the Tiger beat him; when the Tiger went with the Hare to get grass, he asked him to lie down to pour grass on the Tiger, set fire, since then the Striped Tiger; the Hare offered to the Tiger stick your tail between the bamboos, there will be a beautiful sound; he offered to hit the wasp's nest - this is a drum; bamboos cut off the Tiger's tail, the Tiger is bitten by wasps; the hare tells the Tiger that the sky is falling, telling him to hide in the well, called people, they killed the Tiger; the hare ate sweet potatoes, he was caught, he pretended to be dead, he was thrown away; the hare asked the Crocodile to transport him across the river, promised to give him his sister; he has no sister; the next time the Crocodile grabbed the Hare; he offered to say "Ha", then he will be frightened; the Crocodile opened his mouth, the Hare ran away]: Landes 1886, No. 45:115-117 (Russian translation to Nikulin 1970a: 36, =1976:26-28).
Western Siberia. Nenets [an ostyak skier puts his hand into the ice-hole, pulls a sturgeon on each finger; divides in half, bypassing the tree; leaves his arms and legs along the way; hangs his skis on a blade of grass; the skis enter themselves in the plague, the deer himself refreshes; an eagle sits on his father's head, a hawk on his mother's head; his mother wakes his father up with a knife; an ostyak skier enters his father's mouth, comes out of his mother's mouth; Ehan Hoba all this sees; his fool brother asks him to take him with him; imitating Ostyak, tries to cut off his arm and leg; calls an ostyak skier to visit; tells his wife to pretend to stab him; tells the skis to move, but it is an ostyak skier who makes them enter; tries to enter his father's mouth, tears his mouth; a blizzard takes away a fool's plague]: Kupriyanova 1960, No. 11:81-86; Entsy [Deua sails in a boat to another's large frame boats (?) made of copper iron; Inak sits on it, lowers the stairs, calls for a visit; scares arrowpoles, chips fly away like birds; I. pulls the rope, asks his mother to send treats, picks up the rope from- under the water, a boiler with hot meat; returning, D. calls I. to visit; builds a frame of trees, drowns his mother next to the boiler; scares arrows, chips remain nearby; pulls the rope, nothing happens; says that the mother has fallen asleep, pulls out the drowned one; I. does not eat, leaves; D. gutts, cuts his mother's corpse, dries meat, feeds people passing by, tells them it's jukola]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 8:42 -45; nganasany [Recorded by Alexander Cheleevich Momde in 1982 from old reindeer herders, p. Volochanka; They say that in the old days, Dyaikyu's boyfriend and his grandmother lived, had a deer rib bow and an arrow with iron tips, went hunting and hunted many partridges, and fished on a bark boat wood. Throughout the winter, Dyaika and her grandmother were argishil and by summer they arrived on the bank of a large river, putting a chum. One morning, D. says to his grandmother: "I'll take a boat along the river." I got into a boat made of tree bark. After three turns of the river, a man in a boat meets him. He stopped in the middle of the river and asked: "Where are you sailing from? What is your name? Do you want to eat?" - "I am D., I live with my grandmother, not far from here my chum is on the shore. Where are we going to eat?" - "Oh, I've heard of you! We're going to eat here." The man pointed to the water, leaned down and whispered something. The water near the boat began to boil and a table with different meals and two cups of hot tea came out. A stranger and D. ate and drank hot tea. After that, D. said to the person: "Thank you for the treat. Come visit me tomorrow." D. returned home and told his grandmother how a stranger treated him to food and hot tea on the water. In the morning, D. to his grandmother: "I invited that person to visit today. I'll also serve you on the water. I'll put you and the table in the water, and when we get there, I'll say, "Grandma, give it!" - you get out of the water with the table." My grandmother nodded her head in agreement, and she thought: "It is better to drown than to live with such an unlucky grandson." D. tied a stone to his grandmother and lowered the table into the water near the shore. At noon, a guest came to the camp. D. met him: "You treated me on the water. And I'll treat you on the water." D. and the guest man sailed to the place where his grandmother with the table was sunk, leaned to the water and loudly called: "Grandma, serve it!" But the water did not boil and my grandmother did not swim out. D. shouted again, and then again, but there was neither grandmother nor table; told M. Momzikova]; southern Selkups [five brothers catch crucian carp, take turns coming to fry; every time an old man comes, his remaining brother treats him; others see that there are fewer crucian carp; the old man calls brothers to visit; the old woman does not cook anything; the old man cuts off her head; revives her, she says that she slept, feeds her brothers {the logic is not clear, something is clearly missed}; at home, the brothers told their wives to cook, stabbed them , could not revive; they came to the old man; he advises not to put him in the fire - the fire is rich and he will get rich; they put the old man in a bag in the fire; the fire went out, the old man came out; a few years later he said brothers who got rich; they told them to be put in the fire burned down]: Porotova 1980:62-64; Mansi [a young man grows up, goes to look for a wife; reaches a country where everyone who walks leaves one leg with a ski track, one hand, then the other leg, arm, torso, the head remains; the young man does the same; in the village, they put his head in the furnace, hot red, hit with a hammer, but it rolls down the anvil; like the others, he finds the parts of the body left behind, becomes full again; enters the house; there is a nest of a black eagle on the old woman's head, a turuj eagle's nest on the old man's head; next to a woman sews, pokes a knife in the side of a sleeping man , he is angry that he did not wake up to receive the guest sooner; puts on skis, goes into his mother's mouth, leaves his father's mouth with the moose tied; the moose is fresh, cooked; the owner asks if the guest wants a friend at the other end of the bowl, the cup; there is a young woman, a live marten rises one by one, a live bear descends on the other; a young man and his wife go to their parents; seven years later, a son comes to him The head of the city, asks to take him to that land; he goes through the same tests, but each time he does everything with difficulty, screams in pain; marries an old woman without hair or nails; seven years later, a young man and owner houses in that country go to visit the son of the Mayor; his parents have eagles nests on their heads; the wife wakes up the owner with a knife, he screams in pain; enters the mother's mouth, leaves the father's mouth, both they shout that he will tear their mouths; but the elk brings them; when they come to the son of the Mayor again, there are only guns from home; a man from that country says that when the time comes for people, let people not trying to imitate his seven damn tricks]: Munkácsi 1995:29-37.
Amur-Sakhalin. Orochi [two var; Otter jumps into a boiling pot, pulls out fish, treats the Raven; she also calls the Otter to visit, jumps into the cauldron, dies]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 5, 6:133; Sangi 1989; 285; Udege people: Feeder 1998, No. 17 [The otter dives into a boiling pot, pulls out fish, feeds the Raven; The crow calls the Otter to visit, cries, dives, cooks; The otter decided to become an otter]: 126; Lebedeva et al. 1998, No. 1 [An otter jumps into a boiling pot, appears outside, holding a kukan with fish, cooking it; The crow is cooked; the otter has decided to leave the fish ashore to be eaten by crows living on the ground]: 75; Mozhaev 1955 [Otter jumps over a boiling pot, takes fish out of the river, puts it in the cauldron, treats the Raven; she thinks that the Otter is fishing in the cauldron, invites her to visit, jumps into the cauldron, dies]: 92-93; Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010 [ The crow invites the Otter to be friends, comes to visit; The otter cooks the fish she had previously caught in the cauldron, feeds the Crow; she thinks that the fish is in the cauldron; calls the Otter to visit, puts the cauldron on the fire; thinks that the fish is at the bottom, dived, cooked]: 192-193; Nanai: Aurora 1986, No. 13 (Naikha) [Otter comes to play with the Crow, jumps into the boiling pot, the Raven closes the lid, the Otter enters door; The crow tries to repeat the trick; The otter waited a long time, found a cooked Raven in the cauldron; says she deceived her)]: 65-66); Kiel 1996, No. 31 (Nanai District of Khabarovsk Krai, 1968) [The fox comes to The hare, she rushes into boiling water, the Fox puts a spoon, finds nothing, cries, the Hare comes in with a basket of food; The fox calls Hare to visit, also rushes into boiling water, the Hare takes out the boiled seeds; Mergen comes, the Hare feeds him in the same way; explains that the fox trail is the trail of her deceased sister; M. brings Hare to him, marries; she turns into a beautiful woman]: 319-321; (cf. Naikha Nanais [Akiah enters a house full of moose; a big elk makes a fire, puts his leg in there, fat drips into the vessel, he gives it to A., he ate, brought it home for Ude; he also went, became scream when the elk put his foot in the fire, the moose ran away; A. came to an old woman frying the peritoneums of the carps; began to hook them, drag them towards him; W. came to the old woman, tried to put them on his back and take her barn away, called her for help, she crocheted his stomach; A. sewed up W.'s stomach; A. came to the house where he was not fed, did not notice; W. came, smoked all the tobacco himself, ate the porridge; those people died, And . and W. took their supplies]: Aurora 1986, No. 35:210-212).
SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs: Gogolev et al. 1975 [The Fairytale Old Man (SS) visits Tebegay, whose ax stabs firewood himself; at home, the SS sticks an ax into a tree, goes to bed; the axe remains in the same place; T . puts snow in the cauldron, cooks, pulls out meat; the SS just melts its snow; T. hits his blind wife with a knife, she sees the light; the SS cuts her ax, kills; the SS wants to kill T., puts it in a bag, carries it to the ice-hole; T. sends him to bring a sheath from home; replaces himself with an old lamute woman, telling her that he has seen the light in the bag; the SS drowns the old woman; T. comes on deer, says he is from the land of the dead; the SS asks him to drown; T. does this]: 234-235; Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 28 [(the same as Gogolev, but without wonderful motives): T. lies to the old man that his ax cuts wood itself; pretends to stab his wife with a knife; puts meat in the cauldron, snow from above, pretending that meat comes from snow]: 89-91; coastal Koryaks [crows (Big Raven, Kutkinnyaku) and fox live in neighboring houses; the raven throws a hook into the sea, consistently catches various types of seals, walruses, salmon, whales, rejects everyone (too small, tasteless, etc.); after catching the Master of the Sea's child, he takes fat from his navel, brings him home; the fox does the same, but everyone once he praises the caught; when he catches a child, he tries to get fat from the navel, but there is almost nothing there; the raven, without turning around, drags pieces of ice on the sledge, they turn into pieces of whale meat, Mitya is happy; the fox drags pieces of ice, turns around, they remain ice; the fox sends his son to ask the crow for food; he roasts his own meat, it turns into bear meat; the fox covers himself hot with coals, burns]: Jochelson 1904, No. 119:315.
The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 8 [The Seagull calls all his daughters Mamana; tells his wife to kill and cook her eldest; keeps her skin, the girl comes to life; when the Seagull visits the Raven , he does the same to his daughter; she does not come to life]: 35-36; Rubtsova, Vakhtin 2019, No. 3 [same; when a crow's wife kills her daughter, blood attacks the ground (this should not be allowed), the skin is torn, the meat is not prepared]: 66-70.
Subarctic. Tagish [The Raven (Yéil) comes to the Grizzly, who cuts his back, melts fat above the fire, gives the Raven mixed with snow; the Raven cuts his hand, holds it over the fire, only foam bubbles; the Raven goes with the Grizzly in a boat to catch halibut; only the Raven bites, he tells the Grizzly he is bait (apparently from bear fat); the Grizzly kills himself; the Raven gives the servant a louse, he opens his mouth, he pulls out his tongue, the servant cannot tell Grizzly's wife what happened to her husband; the Raven explains that the servant caught the fish, so he only mooes; gives Grizzly's wife fat by putting hot fat inside stone; gives water; it explodes, dies]: McClelland 2007, No. 73e: 363-364.
NW Coast. The Tlingits [The bear cuts through the back of its hand, fat flows from there; cuts the meat off his thighs; the Raven tries to repeat everything, hurts himself]: Swanton 1909, No. 1:6; hyda [The seal holds Fingers are above the fire, fat drips from them; The raven burns his fingers; the dumper hits his ankle, caviar pours from there; the raven only hurts himself]: Swanton 1905:132-133; Tsimshian [like Hyde; because that the Raven has burned his hand, people's hands are crooked in old age; the bird screams, the bowl is filled with caviar; the raven puts unripe caviar in the bowl, cannot make it mature]: Boas 1902:47-50; bellacula: Boas 1895, No. 1 [The seal keeps its hands on fire, drips fat, it feeds the Raven; the bird quickly fills its body with berries; the raven returns with a body full of crap]: 245; 1898 [The raven marries the widow, him likes her daughter; he asks various trees how they burn; thuja replies that sparks fly off her to women's genitals; Raven advises the girl to cure the burn by planting on a plant in the forest; hiding, exposes her penis, she sits down; the raven is not invited to the party; pretends to be sick, secretly comes up, screams, tells her sons to sprinkle ash on it as if he had not left the house; says that those screams mean enemies are approaching; people leave, the Raven eats holiday food; asks the Deer when he is fattest; leads to the meadow to the edge of the abyss; says that he, the Raven, was already when the mountains began to grow; The deer replies that it was when the Sun was just beginning to give the world its current appearance; the Raven pushes the Deer off the cliff, eats; when he enters an empty house, sees fish stocks; tells the sisters everything load into the boat; invisible hands beat him and his sisters; The raven goes to the guests, asks for return visits; the bird cuts his leg with a stone knife, from there caviar falls; the seal holds his hands over the fire, drips fat; another bird sings, fills the box with berries; the raven only hurts himself, there is excrement in his box; he sails to the Salmon; tells the sisters to hole the boats; asks the chief's daughter to help carry food to his boat, takes the girl away, Salmon in leaky boats can't chase him; at home tells his wife to make his hair as long as hers; she warns that salmon hanged to dry will get entangled in his hair; as it happens, the Raven screams that he does not want to catch it again; the insulted wife jumps into the water, all the salmon come to life and swim after her]: 90-95; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [Dumpkin makes a hole in his leg, caviar flows from there; only a little fat or nothing comes out of the Raven's leg; it's bruised; the seal holds its fins above the fire, fat flows; the Raven burns its arms or legs; The thrush sings, her the basket is filled with berries; the Raven's body is filled with crap]: 386-389; quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII (tlatlasicoala neveti) [1) Vacacoli defecates in a vessel full of berries; Omeatl (Raven) fills the vessel with excrement; 2) the water bird cuts its leg, salmon fall from there; O. injures itself; 3) The seal holds its hands over the fire, fat pours; O. burns]: 177; Boas 1910, No. 12 [ Thrush turns green berries into ripe ones, gives them to guests; Dipper hits his leg, plays; Mink can't repeat both tricks; Hawk grabs salmon with its claws; Mink gets Hawk's clothes, falls into water, its intestines cling to the tree and hang], 18 [The thrush turns its excrement into berries; the omial (the raven) gives excrement to the guests; the seal holds his fingers over the fire, and fat drips from them; Omean burns his fingers; Kingfisher harpoons fish, Omean falls into the water; animal people burn his mouth with hot stones]: 151-157, 237-241; Wallace, Whitaker 1981 [1) Kingfisher beats salmon with a spear, the Raven borrows a spear, falls into the tail, the salmon beats, the Raven almost drowned, it was pulled out; 2) The sparrow asks to bring bushes into the house, sings, berries appear on them; the raven tries to do the same only one half-rotten berry appears; he is given a piece of meat to laugh, putting a hot stone inside, the Raven screams, flies away; then comes back; 3) The seal holds its paws over the fire, fat drips from them; from its paws The crow falls only one drop of fat, its paws remain dry and cracked; 4) The bear bathes, tells him to slap him on the back, the vessels are filled with berries; the raven repeats everything, there is only dirt in the house]: 86-91; Chickpea: Boas 1895, No. XIII/3 [The bear melts fat from its paws, the Raven burns its paws]: 106, 177; 1916, No. 4 [The Raven and the Egg visit Cod; he bakes his ten daughters, they turn into cod; he throws the bones into the sea, they turn into girls again; the Raven bakes his twelve daughters, they die]: 897-900; Clutesi 1967:31-51 [The raven comes to the Eagle; he sees salmon from the tree, dives, Eagle's wife roasts it for the guest; the Raven invites the Eagle's family to visit; sitting in a tree, takes a stone protruding from the water for salmon, rushes at it, almost drowns; the Eagle saves him], 63-69 [The bear holds over With the fire of his hand, fat drips from them into the empty shells placed on the coals; the Raven asks for a visit back; his wife Squirrel frightened the last salmon to the coals; the raven sits above the fire until until he turns black and his hands shrink into his claws (the origin of the appearance of crows)], 85-90 [the snipe hits himself in the leg with a stone, salmon caviar falls from there; the raven calls guests, but only cripples himself]; Sapir, Swadesh 1939, No. 9 [like Hyde]: 45
The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [the grandfather's bird jumps on the box, sings, the box is full of blueberries; Estees has a sewage box in a box; the rat buries snow at the hearth, covers it with a blanket, and a baked bird under it; E. snow melts, fills the fire]: Jenness 1934, No. 39:209-110; chilcotin [the little bird's wife magically fills the basket with berries; the raven whispers wrong, the basket is filled with feces; black a waterfowl hits the leg with a stone, caviar falls; The raven breaks its leg to the bone, catches only one egg]: Farrand 1900, No. 6:18; shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 1 [Fat man roasts his back; Fish and Fat holds his hands above the fire, fat drips from them; in both cases, Coyote eats fat; burns while trying to fry himself; Beaver gives alder juice and cambium for lunch; Coyote eats with pleasure; gives Beaver inedible bark, he throws it away; Kingfisher dives between floating logs, brings fish; Coyote almost sinks; comes to the Spirits, sees snowshoes dancing; grabs one, invisible Spirits hit him], 53 [ Kingfisher takes sticks, dives, turns sticks into fish; Coyote as in (1); Beaver (as in 1); Black Bear (like Fat Man in 1)]: 627-628, 739-740; Thompson: Teit 1898, No. 8 [Black Bear holds hands in front of fire, fat drips from fingers; Coyote burns hands (the origin of the coyote's paw), the Bear gets fat again; Kingfisher (?) dives into the ice-hole, brings fish; the Coyote's neck gets stuck in the ice-hole, the Kingfisher saves him; the magpie teases the deer, lures him into a trap, hits him to death; the Coyote falls into the trap himself, the deer butts him]: 40- 42; 1917b, No. 11 [The kingfisher dives into the ice-hole four times, each time he returns with fish; the Coyote puts a skewer in his nose, breaks his neck and head into the hole; the Kingfisher catches several fish for him]: 6; lillouette [The deer sits with its back to the fire, fat drips from his back; the Coyote only scorched his hair; the dumper dives to the bottom, brings eggs; the Coyote pulls only sand; the Kingfisher hits the fish into the ice-hole with a spear; Coyote puts a spear in his nose, holes it]: Teit 1912b, No. 8:305-306; quinolt [Blue Jay and his wife Jui go to visit; 1) Magpie cooks a pot of caviar, throwing one egg into boiling water; Jay can't repeat the trick; 2) The duck sends the children to bring salmon; Soyka's children are frozen, almost drowned; 3) The bear melts the fat from the sole of the foot, cuts the meat from his wife's back (since then, the bears have there is no fat on the soles and little meat on the back); Jay hurts himself and his wives; 4) The otter sends children to fish, as in (2); 5) The beaver tells his wife and children to bring berries, they bring branches and dirt; Jay does not eat it, Bobrov feeds himself the same; they are happy; 6) Quet's wife and daughters (songbird) quickly pick up baskets of berries; Soyka's family spends all day, collects little; 7) Kingfisher, as in (2), (4); 8) In the House of Spirits Soyke thinks the objects are moving by themselves; he takes clothes, jewelry, and the perfume screams not to pull; Soyka leaves with nothing; 9) The sea otter kills his youngest son, tells the others to jump into the water, them again five; Jay can't revive his son; Squirrel and Black Diver mock Blue Jay that he cannot revive his child; he and his wife tie them up, take them in a boat across the river; Black Diver replies that it is safer to tie him not with ropes, but with grass; in the middle of the river he tears his fetters, dives overboard; the squirrel replies that it is best to throw it into a pile of brush-pile; runs away]: Farrand 1902, No. 2: 85-91; Quileout: Andrade 1931, No. 14 [Drake and his wife dive, get salmon; Raven's wife can't dive, Drake laughs], 15 [Bear melts fat from the sole of his feet; Raven's feet burn], 37 [as in (14)], 38 [Kingfisher cooks one egg, gets a caviar boiler; Raven's water remains water], 39 [as in (15)]: 39-43, 43-45, 109-111, 111-113, 113-115; Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 6:259 [ The raven comes to visit the Bear; he holds his paw above the fire, fat flows from it into the vessel, the Bear treats the Raven; asks if he wants a dog, human or elk; the raven replies that he eats only elk meat; after eating a little, takes the rest with him; stops on the way, devours everything; the Bear comes to the Raven; he asks if he wants a dog, human or elk, starts frying on fire his paw, burns it to the bone, but there is no fat; Raven's wife asks what he intends to do now; The bear laughs, goes home], 259-261 [The raven comes to the Kweed drake; K. and his wife dive, the wife brings salmon; Raven says he eats little, takes fish with him, stops on the way, eats everything greedily; K. comes to the Raven; Raven and his wife try to dive, are wet and frozen; K., laughing, goes home; The raven comes to Kingfisher; he unties a knot of hair on his head, takes one egg from there, puts it in a cauldron, which is filled with salmon caviar; the raven takes it with him, eats it when he does not look at it; The kingfisher comes to the Raven; he tries to repeat the trick, the only egg remains the only one; the kingfisher laughs and goes home]; the bird pulls the comox [1) out of it with a wooden hook mountain sheep's ass fat, feeds guests; The raven pulls out his gut; 2) another character cuts his ankle, caviar pours; The raven only hurts himself; 3) The seal melts fat with his hands over the fire; The raven burned]: Boas 1895, No. VIII. 5:76 (=2002:197); clallam (Lekuñen) [A raven comes to visit his sister, she plants blueberries in the house (a spray of blackberry), dances around, berries appear, she feeds the Raven; he invites her to visit, dances in vain around blueberries, his sister creates berries herself; Sqwináuk pulls halibut from under the floor, feeds the Raven; in response, the Raven offers a ride to the air, throws it off, returns to his house, throws a hook under the floor, S. pulls it, he falls, sinks; the body nails to the shore, the Raven comes to life under the sun, tells his story to the Crane; advises birds drown in spring, then they will come to life; but if they don't listen to him; brothers follow her footsteps one after another, each slides and falls, the cannibal pulls out, swallows]: Hill-Tout 1907:348-350; Puget Sound [ The raven marries his sons to the daughters of other characters; goes to visit his relatives]: Ballard 1929:98-99 [The bear holds its paws above the fire, fat drips into the oyster shells; the Raven's paws are dry and cracked], 99 [Dipper dives, brings a basket of caviar; The raven only catches a cold in cold water], 99-100 [Pheasant spits salmon; The raven sits aft but demands every second fish for himself; Pheasant turns salmon into herring]; upper chehalis [1) the bird sends the children to pick berries, they quickly return with full baskets; Blue Jay's children, although they say quick, quick, nothing they bring, only tired; 2) The Beaver feeds the Blue Jay with clay and branches; Jay treats the guest the same way, he is satisfied; 3) The bear cuts his paw, holds it over the fire, drips fat; Blue Jay hurts himself; 4) The Sea Lion cuts the meat off his side, Jay hurts himself; 5) The seal kills his youngest son, he comes to life; 6) Duck's children bring fish; Jay's children are tired, soaked, caught nothing; 7) when Jay comes to Spirits, there is no one in the house; he pulls a low bead, someone shouts: Oh, it hurts! Jay invites the Spirit to his place, but does not see him and the guest leaves]: Adamson 1934:3-10; lower chehalis (winuchi) [Duck dives, brings salmon; Blue Jay jumps on rocks, barely alive; Bear cuts meat off his leg; Jay hurts himself]: Adamson 1934:244-245; Cowlitz [Coyote's son is married to Grizzly's daughter and Duck's daughter (Fish Duck); Duck dives, breaking ice, brings salmon; Coyote hit the ice painfully; the Grizzly cuts fat out of his wife's chest, keeps her hands above the fire, they're dripping fat; the Coyote cripples himself and his wife; she's also too thin]: Adamson 1934:249; lower chinook [Blue Jay and her sister visit 1) Magpie (cooks one egg, gets a pot full of caviar; the Blue Jay pot remains empty), 2) Duck (sends children to swim, they catch trouts; Blue Jay's children and his sisters frozen in water), 3) Bear (he cuts off pieces of meat; Blue Jay only hurts himself), 4) Beaver (he offers twigs and clay; they can't eat it; the Beaver eats this food at their place), 5) Seals ( he kills one of his five children and five children again; Blue Jay has to bury his murdered child)]: Boas 1894a, No. 16:178-182; clackamas [Sturgeon kills his wife; she comes to life; they they bake her meat together; Blue Jay can't revive his wife]: Jacobs 1958, No. 26:222, 225; sanpual [Coyote comes to Kingfisher; he jumps into the ice-hole, brings fish; the Coyote breaks on the ice, Kingfisher revives him]: Ray 1933, No. 25:177-178; curdalen [hungry in winter, Coyote has a wife Mole and five children, Magpie also has many children; Coyote asks his powers, i.e. his own excrement), what to do; one replies that it will turn into irgi berries (irga - serviceverries, Amelanchier; probably alnifolia, or Canadian, A. canadensis)]: Reichard 1947, No. 14: 132-133; vasco [? ; episodes (Boas 1916:700-701): The character cuts off pieces of meat from himself; dives, brings fish]: Curtin 1909b, No. 3:269-273; Western sachaptines: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 10:164-165 [Coyote's daughters married to Deer, Moose, Osprey; Coyote visits sons-in-law; Deer cooks a piece of his wife's dress, serves venison; Moose bakes a stick, turning its feces into duck, sausage; Osprey dives into an ice-hole, brings fish; The coyote fails, he bakes mice, falls on the ice], 165-168 [The Coyote visits his wife's sisters and their husbands; the Kingfisher dives, the Moose bakes his wife's piece of clothes, feces and a stick; the Beaver dives (like a Kingfisher), the Wolf kills deer, shaking his rattle, Mountain Sheep bakes a piece of his wife's dress, brings sheep (Coyote falls off a cliff, barely alive)]; yakima: Hines 1992, No. 38 [Kingfisher (? Fish Hawk) shoves five twisted willow branches into his belt, jumps from a tree into an ice-hole, emerges with fish strung on branches; Coyote falls on the ice; when he wakes up, the Kingfisher has already caught fish, Coyote thinks he caught it himself], 39 [The elk cuts off a piece of meat from his wife's chest, puts two sticks in her nostrils, collects blood in the cauldron, cooks delicious food; when Coyor tries to do the same to his wife, she screams, doesn't give; The elk feeds them with its flesh and blood, goes home]: 109-110, 111-112; ne perse: Phinney 1934 [The elk cooks and serves a piece of his wife's clothes for food; when Coyote cooks a piece of clothes his wife Mouse, he only shrivels; Osprey bakes the bush, it turns into baked giblets; the bush baked by the Coyote straightens in the fire, burning the Coyote's wife; Osprey dives into the ice-hole, brings salmon; Coyote jumps past the ice-hole, hits the ice painfully]: 445-447; Spinden 1917, No. 2 [Coyote's four daughters are married to Moose, Mountain Sheep, Otter, Osprey; taking a young son, Coyote goes to his sons-in-law; 1) Moose bakes a stick, it turns into sausage; stabs himself in the ass, camas tubers fall out; Coyote wounds his wife with a stick, stabs himself; 2) The ram cuts off a piece of his wife's dress, turns it into meat; Coyote spoils the dress ; 3) An otter brings fish from under the ice, the Coyote almost sinks; 4) Osprey dives into the ice-hole, returns with fish; Coyote jumps off a tree, breaks his head on the ice]: 181-184; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 5 [ The kingfisher catches two fish in the ice-hole; the elk cuts off his wife's nose, immediately heals her; bakes the roots, they turn into giblets; pulls out the roots, clapping his ass; the Coyote maims his wife, the Moose heals her too]: 8-11 ; Linderman 1997, No. 8 [an old woman tells hungry children that their Uncle Kingfisher has a lot of food; Coyote hears this, runs to Kingfisher himself (same beginning with Moose, Puma); he pulls fish out of the ice-hole, Coyote breaks on the ice, the wife revives it; the elk bakes the roots, they turn into brain bones; cuts off his wife's nose, feeds the Coyote, sprinkles ash on his wife's nose; since then, moose have such a nose; Coyote hurts the dog wife, Since then, dogs have a short nose; Coyote takes meat from Puma while he is not, sends his wife; Puma beats her; Coyote kills him with a magic arrow, lives in his house; kills not two deer at once, as his wife tells him, but many; Deer roll stones at him; he turns into a board, swims along the river to the top; it is owned by three women; one picks up a board; in her house, the Coyote turns into a baby; left alone, breaks the top, releasing salmon into rivers]: 73-89.
The Midwest. Winnebago [every time Vakjunkaga (Trickster) deliberately forgets the mitten; the owner's son brings it to him, and he sends an invitation to pay a visit back through the boy; each time says that this is the first time he has failed; Muskrat brews a bucket of ice, the ice turns into edible bulbs; V.'s ice melts, floods the fire; Muskdatra makes ice herself; Snipe climbs a tree above the river, screams Ririririki, the fish splits off, he flies into the biggest gills with a rope in his hands, flies out through another gill hole, pulls out the fish; B. the fish swallows, the Snipe pulls it out; the woodpecker climbs on a pole, pulls out a bear; V. attaches an awl to his nose, hurts himself, falls; Woodpecker pulls out raccoons and bears again]: Radin 1956, No. 41-43:41-46; Menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 74 [Menapus every time he says that things fail when his wife kindles the hearth; 1) The woodpecker climbs a tree, knocks, pulls out the raccoon; when leaving, M. deliberately leaves the mittens; the Woodpecker's children bring them, he asks give their father an invitation to visit; inserts horns into his nose, injures himself, falls off a tree; Woodpecker pulls out a raccoon; 2) The squirrel pierces its testicles with an awl, from there wild rice falls; an episode with mittens; M. hurts himself, falls, Squirrel cooks; 3) The skunk gets up backwards to the exit from the house, kills deer; gives M. two volleys; an episode with mittens; on the way home, M. fires volleys, knocking down a pine tree and breaking a boulder; when Skunk comes to visit, M. just defecates; Skunk hunts deer], 75 [M. can't get anything hunting, his family is starving; the Woodpecker episode is like in (74); M. puts an awl in his nose], 76 [episode with With a squirrel as in (74)]: 187-197, 197-205, 205-213; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 12 [Moose cuts meat and fat off his wife's ass; Myanyabush's wife screams in pain; Moose cuts meat off her without causing her harm; Myanyabush explains his failure by saying that his wife is now on her period], 13 [The squirrel climbs onto a pole, cuts its testicles, from which wild rice is poured, fat is poured; M. has difficulty climbing a pole, injuring himself; explains the failure by the fact that his wife is now on her period], 14 [Woodpecker climbs a tree, pulls out a worm, turns it into a raccoon; M. attaches a copper beak to himself, hurts his face, falls off a tree; explains his failure by the fact that his wife is now on her period], II20 [=No. 14, but Blue Jay as M. ]: 278-286, 387-389; Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977, No. 3 (chippewa) [The wolf gives Venebojo his old sock; V. throws it away, the sock turns into meat; in a moccasin V. The wolf finds only worn hay]: 62-63; Coleman et al. 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958) [Nanabozho came to the woodpecker; he knocked on the tree, pulled out the raccoon, his wife cooked it; N. left when he left mittens, shouted to the woodpecker to bring them; the woodpecker told the children not to go, brought it himself, N. invited him to visit; N. put a sharp bone into his nose, climbed a tree, began to hit the trunk, the bone pierced his nose, he fell; The woodpecker brought him to life, left]: 75-76; Jones 1916, No. 60 [The elk cuts off a piece of clothes from behind his wife, cooks it; Nanibozo only bares his wife; The elk cuts off a piece of meat from his wife, N.'s wife cooks it; The squirrel crumbles his testicles into the cauldron, cooks; N. injures himself; Woodpecker knocks on wood, cooks worms, turns out delicious food; N. inserts sharp sticks into his nostrils, injures himself, falls off a tree]: 390-391; Radin 1914, No. 5 [Skunk kills deer with its jet, Nenebozho cannot; Duck defecates in a pot of wild rice; N. stains it; Woodpecker pulls the raccoon out of the tree; N. flattens his face against the tree, falls], 6 [Black The duck defecates, filling the cauldron with rice; N. only stains the cauldron; Woodpecker (as in 5); Skunk (as in 5; N. wasts shots along the way)]: 14-16; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 7 [Poquis brings ice, turns it into fish; Manabozo makes only one skinny fish; Woodpecker climbs a pole, pulls out raccoons; M. sticks in his nose, hits a pole, hurts himself, falls to the floor], 8 [each time M. intentionally leaves the mittens to come back and ask the owner to pay a return visit; Andahaunahkvodishkung cuts off a piece of meat from his wife's ass; M. injures his wife; Squirrel stabs herself with an awl, fat flows; M. injures himself; The woodpecker pulls out raccoons and the bear (as in 7); The duck cooks some rice, it fills the entire pot; M. dives for rice, but gets only mud (it turned into a duck of the wrong species that wild rice bites)]: 76-84; timagami ojibwa [Vemikus visits his numerous sons-in-law; each time he deliberately forgets the mitten; returning for it, asks his son-in-law to pay a visit back; the Black Drake does rice soup, relieving himself over a boiling pot; Muskrat puts ice on the fire, turning it into baked tubers; Woodpecker climbs a pole, pulls a raccoon from under the bark (V. injures himself by inserting a stick into his nose, falls from Pole); Skunk summons animals, blowing a horn, kills them with his jet; gives charges to V.; he wasts them by breaking trees]: Speck 1915d, No. 4:39-45; Sauk: Skinner 1928, No. 3 [Visakia comes to Kingfisher; he catches sturgeon; turns leftovers thrown into the water into snakes; V. ties the tip of the horn to his nose, jumps from the tree into the water, mistaking the log for sturgeon; maimed], 4 [The duck defecates in a boiling pot full of rice; V. only stains the pot]: 147-148; Fox: Jones 1907, No. 1 [Visakia comes to Beaver; he kills one of his children, serves meat to V.; V. hides a kitten; The beaver throws the bones into the water; the beaver respawns, cries, he lacks a finger; V. returns the kitten; since then, one of the beaver's claws of an unusual shape; at home V. kills one of his children; he does not comes to life from bones; Beaver revives him], 2 [as in (1); V. lives with his grandmother; without an episode of unsuccessful imitation], 3-4 [Skunk lures deer with berries, kills with his jet; gives V. several volleys; he spends it on the road, carrying a tree, a rock, a mountain, drying the lake; he cannot kill deer], 5-6 [The duck relieves himself in the cauldron, it is full of rice; V. has excrement in the cauldron], 7 [Kingfisher dives, brings fish; V. attaches a stick to his nose, hits a snag; Kingfisher revives it], 8 [Woodpecker pulls honey out of the tree; (without imitation)]: 229-269; kickapoo [Wiza'kä'a) visits Skunk, who feeds him meat; when he returns, Wiza'kä'a paints the faces of his wife and children with white paint, Skunk comes to visit (something is missing in the text); comes to visit Beaver; he kills, cooks one of his children; after eating, throws the bones into the water, the beaver comes to life; the Beaver pays a return visit, V. kills his child; after eating, tells his wife to throw the bones into the water, the child does not comes to life; Beaver revives him himself; V. comes to Kingfisher; he dives, brings fish; V. jumps from a tree, loses consciousness when hit]: Jones 1915, No. 1:5-7; illini (peoria) [episode imitating Squirrel and a futile attempt to carve meat out of his wife's ass - like an Ojibwa; the Beaver episode is like Sauk, Fox and Potauatomi]: Michelson 1917:494; Miami (drunken) [Kingfisher rushes off the tree, brings fish; Vesochaukwa dives, fish swallows it]: Baker 1931:186.
Northeast. Naskapi (escumen) [Kingfisher harpoons eels with its beak, feeds guests; Woodpecker gives larvae to guests, no one eats them; Kingfisher's children imitate their father, eels drag them to the bottom]: Speck 1925:10- 11; Montagnier [The beaver kills his son, cooks his meat, tells Wolverine to keep his bones; R. hides the kitten; the Beaver demands the kitten back, the son comes to life; R. makes himself a flat tail, builds a beaver hut, kills his son; he can't revive it again; Woodpecker pulls a caribou rib from under the bark; R. ties a chisel to his nose, wounds himself, falls off a tree; Caribou cuts off part of his wife's dress, roasts, serves a piece of meat; wife R. is embarrassed that her ass is naked; her dress burns; Skunk kills the caribou with his jet; R. relieves her need, the caribou run away; each time R. explains that until he got married, he did all the tricks]: Desbarats 1969:90-92; Penobscot: Speck 1915a, No. 1 [The woodpecker pulls "eels" out of the stump with his nose; the Rabbit ties the bone to the nose, hammers, falls and breaks; the woodpecker revives it; The rabbit comes to the Otter ( Fisher, his wife and children are there, the Rabbit kills them, runs away, turns into a church and a priest; the priest answers the otter stalker, all the hares in the swamp; gives wine, gives bread, the Otter sticks it for himself shirt; waking up on ice, rabbit crap behind his shirt; otters have been catching rabbits ever since], 2 [Kingfisher jumps upside down from a tree into the water, fishing; The rabbit sees it, calls Kingfisher to guests; ties a sharp bone to his forehead, jumps from a tree into the water, drowns, the Kingfisher revives it; The rabbit comes to the Lynx's house; there are two cubs, they are alone, the Rabbit kills them with a club, runs away, turns into church with a priest; the stalker lynx asks the priest if he has seen the Rabbit; the priest invites the Lynx to church, gives wine, gives bread, the Lynx puts them behind his shirt; when he wakes up, he finds that he is lying on ice, rabbit crap instead of bread; he comes to people carrying firewood; they say that the Rabbit ran to the sea; there's a ship, they shoot from it; since then, the lynx chases rabbits]: 52-53, 53-54; 1935b, No. 75-77:100-102; mikmaq: Leland 1968:179-180 [Wolverine serves the Crane food on a flat plate; he serves Wolverine in a jug; both come to Blue Jay; he catches salmon; Wolverine calls Soyka to visit, jumps for salmon from a tree, carried away by the current], 208-210 [Otter catches fish under ice; Rabbit invites Otter to pay a return visit; almost drowns] 210-211 [Woodpecker girls pull rice by knocking on wood; Rabbit attaches a harpoon to his nose, breaks his face into blood; Woodpecker pulls rice for him], 212-213 [The bear cuts the meat off his leg, cooks; The rabbit just hurt himself, the Bear gave him his meat again]; Parsons 1925, No. 15 [The rabbit comes to Malinovka, her daughters bring some eels from Soyka; Malinovka visits Rabbit, his daughters can't find eel, Rabbit cooks birch branches; first Malinovka Soyke, then Soyka Malinovka cooks worms and mushrooms, both happy; they come to Rabbit, who serves mushrooms with his crap and urine; Woodpecker hits his nose tree; Rabbit hits too, breaks his nose to blood]: 83-84; Speck 1915b [like penobscot; Rabbit imitates Woodpecker, Otter; breaks his nose, almost drowns in the river]: 64-65; Wallis, Wallis 1955, No. 99 [Bear cuts meat off its paw, cooks; Rabbit hurts itself; Otter brings eels from the ice-hole; Rabbit can hardly swim out; Woodpecker knocks on the trunk, pulls out eels; Rabbit breaks its nose]: 414-417; seneca [without details]: Parker, pers. inform. in Skinner, Satterlee 1915:521.
Plains. Crowe [Owl and Vulture wives pierce their husbands eyes, from there fat flows into the bark, it turns into meat; Moose and Raven turn bark into meat; Moose's wife cuts off pieces of skin for him and cooks it; wife Crows pierce his beak, fat pours out from there; Coyote cripples himself when he calls them all to visit]: Lowie 1918:38-41; 1960:182-185; Santi [The chipmunk climbs a pole, cuts off his testicle, throws it at the cauldron, which is filled with wild rice; the Spider calls the Chipmunk to his place, does the same, but will only mutilate himself]: Wallis 1923, No. 21:90; Omaha, Ponca [Iktnike comes to visit his grandfathers wives; each time he deliberately forgets a bag of tobacco to come back for it and call the owner to pay a visit back; Beaver kills one of his children, serves his meat; asks not to break his bones; I. breaks a finger; the beaver comes to life, since then the beavers seem to have one finger broken; The beaver stops I. when he starts killing his own child; The muskrat boils water, the cauldron is filled with wild rice; I. there is only water in the cauldron; Kingfisher dives, brings fish; I. almost drowns; The flying squirrel climbs onto a pole, stabs its testicles with an awl, nuts fall from there; I. injures himself]: Dorsey 1890:557-558; Osage : Dorsey 1904c, No. 8 [The bear calls the Wolf to visit; kills his four children, tells the Wolf not to swallow bones; he swallows his rib, kneecap, wrist, ankle; children are born lame; when The bear comes to the Wolf, who also kills children; they do not respawn], 11 [The Bald Eagle calls the Wolf to visit; catches fish in the river; the wolf calls the Eagle, tries to catch fish, drowns]: 13, 15; iowa [ The squirrel stabs its testicles with an awl, nuts fall from there; The elk cuts the meat from his wife's thighs; Mink clicks fish, crochets; Vanshike clicks turkeys, climbing into an empty deck, kills one ; Ishinki injures himself and his wife, is swallowed by fish (Mink saves him), gets stuck in the deck, turkeys bite his ass; explains his failures to guests by being old]: Skinner 1925, No. 32:491-493; arpaho: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 57 [1) Nihansan comes to visit; a friend sharpens his leg like a spear, kills a bison, feeds N.; he repeats the trick, his leg gets stuck in a bison; friend frees him; 2) N. comes to the same friend; he asks his wife for feathers, makes wings, climbs a tree, whistles, flaps his wings, rushes into the ice-hole, brings fish and ducks; N. breaks on the ice head; recovers], 58 [as in (57, 2); friend and then N. painting himself white; friend brings two beavers; N. breaks his bones, friend heals him], 59 [as in (58); friend Kingfisher, paints himself with soot], 60 [a friend tells his wife to fry poplar bark, the bark turns into meat; N. repeats the trick; a friend hits his wife on the head with an ax, pulls out the brain, it turns into bone fat, the wife is unharmed; N. kills his wife, her friend resurrects; see motive M37], 61 [friend repeats four times: Let food fall from heaven; meat falls before tipi; N. pretends to have shamanic power; gives children bags of meat, tells children leave them when he says the same phrase; children fall asleep, do not hear, N. is embarrassed]: 112-120; arikara [Coyote comes to Beaver; he pierces his testicle with an awl; fat flows from there, he treats the guest pemmican; returning home, Coyote tries to repeat the trick for his children; dies of blood loss]: Park 1996, No. 53:362-363; skidy pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 60 [Beaver tells Coyote to cut himself the scrotum; the fat dripping from there on the rotten tree turns into a pemmican; the Coyote does this trick too often, is maimed for the third time; The squirrel pulls pecans out of its scrotum in the same way, The coyote is crippled], 67 [The beaver pierces the scrotum with a peg, the fat with the rotten tree turns into a pemmican; the Coyote repeats the trick; one of his children replaces the peg, the Coyote dies]: 246-247, 267-268; 1906, No. 124: 439-441; Comanche [The fox comes to the Otter; he invites him to choose a fatter otter, kills him, cooks him, tells him to keep the bones; thrown into the water, the bones turn into an otter again; the fox asks pay a return visit, tells the cubs to climb into the water, choose a thicker otter; after the meal, the fox did not revive from bones]: Barnard: 229-230 in Archer 2000:163-164; Kiova-Apache: McAllister 1949, № 15 [The Coyote tells Woodpecker that he and his children have lights under their wings; they are actually red feathers; the Coyote calls the Woodpecker to visit, tells his children to put dry grass under their wings and set fire; the house lights up , Coyote dies; Woodpecker flies out through the chimney; his tail is burnt, black and sharp], 22 [man asks his wife to scrape his back with a scraper, cutting meat; treats Coyote; Coyote's wife only hurts him]: 60-61, 74-76; (cf. kiova-apache [an old woman finds a blood clot, cooks it, he turns into a boy; she asks for meat from a tipi, he finds a snake under her skin, kills; she says he killed his grandfather; chief promises two daughters to whoever knocks two eagles off a tree; a young man hits an eagle, a Coyote replaces arrows, gets an eldest daughter; a young man hits the second, gets the youngest; always snotty; shakes off on a blanket snow and mud from moccasins; when the bundle is unfolded, there are sweet summer fruits, everyone eats them; magically kills bison, turns severed beards and manes into the best pieces of meat; Coyote tries to repeat both tricks, fails; his wife leaves him, becomes the young man's second wife; the young man becomes handsome; leaves, turns into a yuca with edible petals ("Indian cabbage")]: McAllister 1949, No. 7:45 -51).
Southeast USA. In addition to the caddo: The bear invites the Rabbit, removes the fat from his side; the Rabbit tries to repeat the trick, is injured; except yuchi and catavba: The Vulture comes to heal him and eats him. Caddo: Dorsey 1905, No. 57 [The raven fires an arrow up; falling, it pierces its right side; from there comes bison meat and fat; the Coyote hurts himself, the Raven laughs; the bear leans against the persimmon (persimon) , the fruits fall; the Coyote cuts down, brings home and sets up a tree without fruit; steals fruits from the Bear, hangs them from himself; shakes the tree, it falls on his head; the Bear laughs], 58 [the Woodpecker has light ( red feathers) on his head, he treats the Coyote; Coyote puts straw on his head and sets fire; burns badly]: 93-95; yuchi: Speck 1909, No. 20:153; chirokee [The bear calls the Rabbit to his place have lunch; cuts his side, fat flows from there; Rabbit asks the Bear to pay a return visit, hurts himself; The bear has difficulty healing him]: Mooney 1900, No. 23:273-274; natchez [The bear cooks a piece his own meat; cuts his stomach, pours fat into a bean pot, feeds the Rabbit; he invites the Bear to his place; wounds himself with a knife, the Bear calls the Vulture Doctor; he tells him to leave him with the patient opens a hole in the roof; eats the Rabbit, flies away; animals shoot after him, shooting a hole in the nose; he is only happy]: Swanton 1929, No. 30:254-255 (=1913, No. 5:198); catavba [ The bear came to visit Rabbit, stabbed an awl into his head, and fat poured out from there; The rabbit pierced himself with an awl, was seriously wounded, died]: Speck 1934, No. 114:84; screams [The bear called the Rabbit to visit, tells cook peas for his wife; cuts his leg between his fingers, there is no fat; then less often his side, fills the peas with spilled fat; The rabbit calls the Bear, cuts between his toes, then pierces the knife in the side, seriously wounded, falls to the ground; the Bear calls the Vulture Doctor; he tells him to be left alone with the wounded; Rabbit's wife asks why he is screaming; Vulture replies that he is treating the wound; through for four days, the wife finds her husband's eaten bones]: Swanton 1929, No. 61:55-56; hichiti [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, fills the beans with the fat he cut out of his body; the Rabbit calls the Bear; stabs him in the stomach, is seriously wounded; The bear calls the Vulture Healer; he tells him to be left alone with the patient; replies to the Bear that the Rabbit is screaming because he is afraid of treatment; The bear finds gnawed Rabbit bones; tells an orphan youth to shoot Vulture with a bow; kills, hangs over fire; yellowish vultures since then]: Swanton 1929, No. 35:111-112; Alabama: Martin 1977 [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, cuts out fat, the wife roasts beans on it; the Rabbit calls the Bear, injures himself; the Bear leads Vulture to be treated; he tells him to leave him alone with the patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; the Bear finds the Rabbit's bones, shoots Vulture, since then he has wide nostrils]: 39; Swanton 1929, No. 59 [The bear calls the Rabbit to guests, pulls fat out of his body, refills peas; Rabbit calls the Bear, tries to repeat the trick, injures himself; The bear brings Doctor Vulture, who tells him to leave him alone with the patient; answers that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; the Bear finds the Rabbit's bones]: 162-163; koasati [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, cuts out its fat, roasts, feeds the guest; The rabbit calls A bear, cuts himself, is seriously injured; The bear brings the Vulture Doctor; he tells him to be left alone with the patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; the bear finds bones Rabbit; Vulture is shot, hit in his beak, he screams that he is happy, now at least something hangs from his nose (not clear - jewelry?)] : Swanton 1929, No. 61:210-211
California. Screw [The bear cuts himself, takes out fat, puts it in beans; when he visits Rabbit, he tries to do the same; dies]: Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 69:494-495; chumash [ The vulture hits its knee with a pestle in a big way, from there cooked juniper berries pour in; pierces its nose with an awl, sage seeds fall from there; Coyote only hurts himself]: Blackburn 1975, No. 40:224- 225; kawaiisa [in all cases, the Coyote receives food to his family on a visit, but eats everything along the way; asking for a return visit, promises to give a "star shirt"; after the Coyote dies , his wife tells the guest that her husband did not bring food home and that he does not have any star shirt]: Zigmond 1980, No. 20 [two options; Red Runner climbs into the bush, rubs his body against the ground, scraping off meat, feeds the Coyote; Coyote rubs against the ground, scratched, bleeds, dies], 21 [three options; The raven sets fire to the bush around him, kills many rabbits and rats, jumps over the fire, treats A coyote; by setting fire to a bush, the Coyote kills few rats, burns himself; his wife is a red-breasted bird], 22 [The Red-headed Bird sticks its head into a boiling pot, it fills up with something like rice; repeating trick, Coyote dies]: 93-95, 97-99, 101; serrano [1) Wild Cat tells his daughters to bury him in hot coals; they take out baked caterpillars, the cat enters the house from the other side; the Coyote is baked to death; 2) The Wild Cat is pounding his blanket, from there mesquite nuts fall into the basket; the Coyote only has a swollen knee on which he placed the blanket]: Benedict 1926, No. 17:16-17; cahuilla [Coyote comes to Wild Cat; 1) asks how his children got beautiful spots; The cat replies that he sang a shamanic song and burned them with a burning stem of hard grass (arrowweed); Coyote burns his children, their wounds they feast, the Wild Cat treats them; Coyote's children are injured, Bobcat cures them; 2) in late summer, the Wild Cat feeds the Coyote with baked caterpillars that only appear in spring; explains that he has ripped himself apart stomach, they fell down from there; at home, Coyote rips open his stomach, his insides fall out, the Cat heals him; 3) The cat feeds the Coyote with mesquite bread; explains that his wife split his forehead with stone pestle, flour fell from there; Coyote asks his wife to do the same, killed]: Modesto, Monut 1986:58-63.
The Big Pool. Western shoshones [Rabbit turns grass into roasted rabbits; Otter catches fish with a split willow branch; Beaver cooks, eats, revives its children; Mountain Sheep fires an arrow into the air, she falls into his anus, he gets fat; Coyote can't do it]: Smith 1993:87-89; northern shoshones [Coyote visits his wife's brothers (or sisters' husbands?) ; The owl pokes its awl in the eye, the fat flows; the Coyote does the same, cuts off pieces of meat from him; the owl does not eat; the Widotc bird kills birds with arrows; the Coyote cannot lure them so easily, but then kills them too ; A rabbit roasts a rotten tree, makes a fried rabbit; the Coyote fails; The beaver kills his sons, cooks; bones thrown into the water turn into beavers again; the Coyote kills his sons, Beaver does not eat; The otter dives, brings salmon; the Coyote feeds him stale salmon, the Otter does not eat; the deer fires an arrow, it falls on him, he feeds the Coyote with his meat and fat; the Coyote repeats the trick; secretly kills the Deer, advises his relatives to throw the corpse into the river; catches and eats]: Lowie 1909b, No. 17:265-266; Eastern shoshones [without details; visiting Beaver (like the Western Shoshones), Owls, Moose]: Saint clair 1909b, No. 1:266; Utah [Wolf or Coyote visits other animal people; invites them; imitating them, fails]: Kroeber 1901 (Wintah), No. 3 [Mountain Sheep (like Western Shoshones); Snowbird turns wood into nuts; Magpie bakes blood from its nose; Coyote only gets some meat, its nuts are small, he only hurts himself in the nose]: 264-266; Lowie 1924 (Southern Utah) [Wolf], No. 9 [Hawk roasts rotten wood, it turns into grilled ground squirrels; Bison sticks a stick in its nose, drips fat; Osprey catches fish by rushing into the river; Wild Goose pulls out edible roots, hitting its knee], 9a [Beaver cooks and revives his children; Wild Goose - like No. 9], 9b [Osprey, Goose, Beaver as in No. 9, 9a; Mountain Sheep prepares its kidneys and lungs]: 19-23; Smith 1992 (White River Utah) [Beaver serves his own sons; Coyote kills his son but cannot revive]: 70-71.
The Great Southwest. Hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 37 [1) Kingfisher catches fish by rushing against the ice; 2) The bison pulls meat out of its body, fat from its nose; 3) The elk cuts the meat from its thigh; 4) Woodpecker has a red head; The Coyote imitates their actions and appearance]: 231-233; Russel 1898 [Kingfisher catches fish by rushing against the ice and breaking through it; the fox breaks its head, the Kingfisher revives it, catches fish; The gopher sticks it in coals sticks, takes out baked gophers; Fox's sticks burn, Gopher repeats his trick; Bison shoots up, arrow falls, pierces him, takes out kidneys and fat, adds a piece of nose; Fox runs away from the falling arrow; The elk cuts the meat from its side; the fox unsuccessfully tries to turn the blood from the nose into meat; the cougar kills the horse; the fox gets entangled in its mane, dies]: 265-267; chiricahua [ The woodpecker flaps its wings, the Coyote is frightened; ties colored cow skins to his hands, flaps them; the woodpecker is not frightened; The deer sticks a stick in his nose, fat pours; the Coyote attaches branches to his head, from his nose blood flows; The goat butts the rock, pieces of meat fall into the basket; the Coyote breaks his head; The bumblebee shakes the stem, food falls; the Coyote sticks pieces of food to the stem in advance; dirty crumbs fall; Bumblebee: This is the same food I gave you; Gopher roasts arrows, they turn into grilled ground squirrels; Coyote's arrows burn]: Opler 1942, No. 18, 20, 21, 23, 24:42-47; Mescalero, No. 1 [Oatmeal pushes bark, turns it into tobacco; Coyote gives only bark, Oatmeal turns it into tobacco itself], 2 [Owl gives Coyote what he wants, i.e. giblets and fried bison ribs; Coyote offers Owl and her family dried up tough meat], 3 (Nos. 3 and 4 do not meet the definition of motive) [Coyote asks Beaver to give him the same moccasins so he can swim; Beaver showers his feet four times with cane pollen, they become like Beaver, Coyote jumps into the water, almost drowns, is saved; (gets his legs back); gets tobacco, returns home], 4 [The turtle pulls roasted reindeer ribs and roasted ground squirrels out of the water; when the Turtle their family pays a return visit to the Coyote, they are also well fed]: 155-158, 158-161, 161-166; lipan [Bison sticks a stick in his nose, fat drips onto the rotten tree, it becomes meat; from the nose The coyote is bleeding; the woodpecker hits himself on the head with a stone, pulls out pecans; the Coyote smashes his head; the deer shoots into the air, the arrow falls, pierces his side, pours kidney fat; the Coyote attaches to himself and branches on his wife's head, ties deer ears; his arrow falls to the ground; he burns his children with hot fat; another Deer shoots a cliff by the river, where vazhenka and deer appear; the Coyote has nothing appears; Osprey dives, brings two turtles; Coyote breaks his head on ice]: Opler 1940, No. 19-23:137-142; Navajo [Porcupine turns pieces of bark and blood from its nose into meat; Coyote imitates ]: Haile 1984, No. 5:36; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 12 [Porcupine turns bark into meat, sumac into gophers, arrow into large intestine, sumac into bowel filled with blood; Coyote has matching items every time they just burn]: 328; Matthews 1994 [+ The wolf puts an arrow on hot coals, it turns into meat]: 87-88; Hopi: Voth 1905, No. 73 [Coyote comes to visit Porcupine; he puts his chopsticks in his nose blood and fat drip, he bakes it; Coyote tries to repeat the trick, blood flows from his nose, fills the fire, Coyote is barely alive], 74 [Mole, Badger, Coyote steal food from people; Badger tells Coyote he cuts fat from himself from his side; Coyote cuts himself, dies]: 202-204, 204-206; Tiva (Picouris): Harrington 1928 [The old Coyotich comes to the Raven; the floor is slippery, it falls; the crow says he smears him with clay and He lies on it; hits himself on the nose with a poker, piñons pour nuts from his nose; at home, Coyoticha tells the children to sprinkle clay on the floor, lies around; the floor is not slippery, but dirty, but the Crow pretends to be slippery; The coyote hits her nose, bleeds, she dies; the crow pecks out her eyes]: 375-377; 1989:66-68; Tiwa (Taos) [1) The bison puts a sharp stick in his nostrils, pulls out his brain; Coyote tries do the same for yourself, your wife, your children; blood flows, they all die; 2) = (1) + The bison goes to the eastern, northern, western, southern parts of the house, brings bread, clothes, all kinds of food]: Parsons 1940a, No. 69:127- 128; teva [Coyoticha comes to visit Bird; she hides her children in the back room, pretends (or really?) that they eat their meat; asks not to break bones; throws away bones, calls children; Coyoticha asks for a return visit, kills his children; asks not to break bones; The bird accidentally breaks; the Coyotich does not can revive its children]: Parsons 1926:292-293; oriental ceres (Cochiti) [Coyote invites the Rattlesnake to visit, treats him to sheep; the Snake says it eats only sacred food, pollen, invites them to visit Coyote, cooks chickens for him; Coyote wants to tie a rattle to his tail to look like a Snake, but only ties corn husks; says he also eats only pollen; the snake is angry, the Coyote runs away; regrets that he did not eat chickens], 160-161 [The deer kills his two children, tells the Coyotiha to throw the bones into the river, the children come to life; the Coyoticha invites Olenicha, also kills the children, they do not come to life; chases Olenikha; Big Deer butts Coyotich to death]: Benedict 1931:146-147; Western Ceres (Laguna): Boas 1928a: 171-174 [Coyote comes to visit Woodpecker; Woodpecker's mother pushes herself on her leg, from there she falls corn; when the Woodpecker comes to visit, the mother of the Coyote hits her leg, the corn does not fall; the Woodpecker leaves, asking him to visit him again; the Woodpecker's mother tells the Stone to roll, lays wood and stone turns over, flat corn tortillas fly out from under it; when the Woodpecker comes to the Coyote, Coyote's mother calls the Stone, which rolls, presses her and the Coyote to death; the Woodpecker returns home], 174-176 [The Snake gives the Coyote rabbits, invites them to him; he comes, the Snake asks his mother to feed the Coyote, who takes corn and pumpkins out of the room; gives them boiled to the Coyote with her for his mother; the snake comes to the bones curls up on the floor, asks him to sprinkle pollen on his head, licks his tongue; calls Coyote to visit again; he also says that he does not sit on chairs, but curls up on the floor, asks him to sprinkle pollen on head, but fails to reach it with his tongue; when the Coyote leaves, the Serpent sends fire after him, the Coyote is burned], 272 [resume], 272-273 [resume]; Stevenson in Judson 1994 [The rattlesnake comes to visit Coyote; that frightened; the snake refuses the rabbit, says it feeds only on yellow corn pollen, asks to pour it on the back of its head; the Coyote pays a visit back, tries to crawl like a snake, rattles with a rattle; The snake pretends to be frightened; the Coyote refuses a rat dish, demands pollen, cannot lick it off the back of his head with his short tongue; returns home hungry]: 178-181; havasupai [ A deer shoots up, an arrow falls into his anus, he pulls fat from there; a coyote is killed with his arrow; a hard-shell beetle lies on the road that the sheep are walking on; they step on him, slide, fall, he He finishes them off; feeds the Coyote; he promises to hunt in the same way; The beetle finds him dead]: Smithson, Euler 1994:122-123; yavapai [Coyote's opponent takes his widow]: Gifford 1933a: 383 [like havasupai], 391-393 [The turtle hunts, allowing deer to step on its shell; their hooves slide, their legs break; the Coyote is trampled; the Wild Cat hits its legs with a stone, peeling off the meat; the Coyote breaks its legs, dies]; mojave [like havasupai]: Kroeber 1948, No. 6:49; diegueño [The rabbit, the wife of the Coyote, went to the red-winged blackbird; the Coyote approaches the creaking willow, thinks that this is the Rabbit; burns his shoulders to make them red like a Starling; the Rabbit chases him away; he comes to the willow, his penis is pinched, he has to tear it off; he is left without a wife; comes to visit Wild Cat; he hits himself on the forehead with a stick, chips fly into a boiling pot, turn into food; next time he defecates in a pot, it's also food; Coyote calls everyone to him, hits himself with a stone on the forehead, into the pot blood flows; defecates into a pot, it's not edible; Wild Cat tells him to light a fire around him in the thickets, falls through the ground, reappears, tells him to pick up the rabbits that have died in the fire; Coyote tells you to light a fire around him, burns out (Var.: The cat climbs a tree from the fire, the Coyote jumps but cannot climb, burns)]: Spier 1923:332-334.
NW Mexico. Varigio [The Honey Deck invites the Coyote to visit; puts his paw in the trough, asks one of his children to hit it with an ax, honey pours; the Coyote invites the Honey Deck, tells him to cut his paw with an ax, bleeding, Coyote injured]: Relatos Guarijíos 1995:43; bark [Rooster squeezes eggs out of his wife; Coyote tries to crush his own, Hens stop him, eat tortilla without eggs; Bob beats beans are pouring in his house with a stick; Coyote hits his own, Bob: You'll break the house! The bee hits itself with an ax, honey flows from its body; the Coyote hurts itself]: Preuss 1912:202-204; Nahuatl Zap. Mexico [The deer eats fish when visiting the Heron; the fish appears when the Heron knocks on the floor with its reed; the Deer treats the Heron to beans, pulls it out of the bins; the Heron comes to Honey; he hits himself on the leg with an ax, honey flows; the Heron hurts itself; Honey comes to the Morning Star; he jumps across the hearth, the hearth is full of porridge; Honey jumps, falls into the hearth, the Star pulls it out; Coyote eats corn when visiting Opossum; steals Morning Star corn; his wife suggests poisoning corn at the Possum house; Opossum and Coyote die]: Preuss 1968, No. 28:183-189.
Chaco. Maca: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 31 [Battleship beats his child's head on a tree to get honey; the fox refuses to eat the honey offered to him, runs to try the same method; hits his child dies with his head against a tree; this is how he kills all his children, but he does not have enough honey], 32-34 [The Fox and the Pigeon come to the Battleships; they have a lot of nandu meat; to catch nanda, the Battleship pours his urine is on his shell, the nanda comes to drink, he clamps the bird's head with the folds of the shell; the fox does not eat the meat offered, goes hunting himself in the same way; does not have time to grab the nanda who comes up; remains hungry]: 96-97, 97-105; toba [The fox comes to the Skunks; the Skunk lures wild pigs with a song, kills them with his jet; when he returns to himself, the Fox invites guests to a feast; lures pigs with a song, defecates, pigs run away; the fox only manages to catch up with a few piglets]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 108:224-225.