Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M38b1. The young woman is waiting for her husband to guess. .14.15. (.16.) .17.29.

After the wedding, the wife is silent until her husband says certain words that indicate her origin. {In North Africa, the Pyrenees and the Arabs of Western Asia, the motive is very popular, which suggests that the list of traditions in which it is known may include some records that have so far been supported only with links to pointers, but not by the texts themselves}.

Arabs of Morocco (?) , Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt (?) , kabila (?) , Sicilians, Italians (Tuscany, Campani), Catalans, Spaniards (?) , Portuguese, (French?) , Palestinians, Arabs in Syria, Iraq, Kuwait (?) , Qatar (?) , Saudi Arabia (?) , Yemen (?) , Armenians.

North Africa. Algerian Arabs [a man loved an old wife and abused a young one; taking a newborn daughter, she went to the forest to buy firewood and the girl was stolen by a lion genie; she lives in a palace; a lamb came: a lion Fattens you to eat; genie lion: tell the lamb that it will be eaten at your wedding and wool will be used to make a mattress for my bed when I marry the prince; the lamb told the shepherd everything, and he Prince Emhammed; the prince demanded that he marry Leo's daughter; Leo tells his adopted daughter not to talk to her husband until he says her name: Moonsun; even if E. takes other wives; the young wife tells the lamb to be served at the wedding feast and the mattress filled with wool; talks to everyone but not her husband; has two children; E. takes a second wife; she wants to go to the bathhouse together with Leo's Daughter; complains that you can't see if the flag is raised, which means that it's time for women in the bathhouse; Leo's daughter takes her eye out, puts her on the reed, raises it and says that yes, the flag is hung; in the bathhouse they Ginnia servants wash; the new wife decides to imitate Leo's Daughter, pulled out her eye, but only mutilated herself; then, imitating Leo's Daughter, jumped into the well and drowned; E. took a third wife; she sees how Leo's Daughter, frying fish, turns it over with her bare fingers in boiling oil and picks up handfuls of hot coals; the new wife tried to repeat everything, died of burns; the fourth wife saw the Daughter The lion stuck burning candles to her fingers and toes, and when the candles burned, her fingers began to burn, but this did no harm; when the fourth wife tried to imitate, her clothes burned and burned down; to find out the name of Leo's Daughter, E. left her alone in the room, began to eavesdrop; all objects work by themselves, "Moon Sun" refers to her; in the evening, the prince says to his wife, "Hello Moon Sun"; she replies, "Hello Prince E."; E. goes to meet Leo; he rides a lion in the form of a man; tells the Moon Sun that she is only his adopted daughter; calls her real parents; demands for her father to apologize to her mother; after Leo's death, all the treasures went to E. and his wife]: Filleul de Pétigny 1951:138-156; Tunisian Arabs [when leaving, parents tell seven daughters not go out of the house; the elders see the bazaar, decide to go; the youngest is against, but they beat her, spit, etc.; the sisters came back, had a feast, but did not close the door; the gulya came, ate the elders, and the youngest hid and ran away (gulya asks everyone which part of the body to start eating it from; each replies that with the one that hurt her younger sister); the youngest comes to Gulya's house, who calls her daughter, gives the keys to 6 rooms, forbids entering the seventh; she steals the key, unlocks the forbidden room, it has a window to the Sultan's garden; there is an ox; he tells the girl that the ghoul will eventually eat her; she told the gulya, that replied that this was a lie, let the ox go blind for 7 days; the next day she repeated Gulya's words to the ox; he fell and lay for 7 days; the garden began to dry up; the ox was replaced, but he fell because of the words spoken; the son of the Sultan went to slaughter the ox, but he told him about the beautiful woman; the prince climbed the tree and came to the gulya to ask his daughter; he gave, warning the girl not to answer the prince until he told "with the head of a gulya, your father"; after a third night of silence, the prince took another wife; Gulya's adopted daughter tells objects to move by themselves, dips her hands in boiling oil, and 10 fried fish appear; jumps into the oven to create baked buns; the new bride said it was nothing special, leaned over the stove, burned down; the prince hears the conversation between two jugs, hears "the head of a ghoul, your father," Addresses Ghoul's adopted daughter; she spoke to him and became his wife]: Bushnaq 1987:174-181; the Arabs of Libya (Tripoli) [parents went to Hajj, telling seven daughters not to leave home; via two years old, the eldest went up to the roof, saw people and the bazaar, decided to go out; the youngest objected; the eldest each hit her with something, etc.; they brought food, the youngest hid on the roof under a broken jug; came in a witch, each asked where she wanted to be eaten from, each named the part of the body that damaged her younger sister; the witch ate six and the youngest ran away; came to the cannibal Buk Ettemsuch (BE ), hid; he came and told the hid person to go out: you will be my father, if older than me, brother, if the same age, etc.; called the girl his daughter; she cooked meat - human for EB and game for EB herself; BE forbade her to enter the same room; she stole the key and went in, there was a window to the garden, there was a bull in the garden pulling water from the well to water the garden; tells the girl that EB is feeding her and will eat her soon; returning , BE found his daughter tearful; told the bull tomorrow that he was not going to eat her and let the prince let the bull's eye make a mirror; when he heard this, the bull lay down for a week and the garden withered without water; the prince killed the bull, replaced it with another; wants to kill the one who the bull tells him about the girl, he asked EB for her and received it; but the wife is silent, because EB forbid her to speak; then the prince took another one; EB's daughter shows how to cook; according to her word, the firewood appears themselves, the fire lights up, she climbs into the hot stove; the new wife also climbs into the stove and burns; the same with the next wife; the daughter of EB sat on a stake stuck in the floor with her and became spinning; the new wife tried it, the stake pierced her, she died; the prince hid and saw his wife send a jug and a pot for water; the pot beat off the jug's nose, he came to complain; the wife said that the prince doesn't know what he should say, "By the name of Buk Ettemsuch, conspiracy!" ; the prince went out and said so, everything is fine]: Stumme 1898, No. 5:120-130; Kabila, Arabs of Morocco, Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, No. 898:554-557.

Southern Europe. Sicilians [the fortuneteller told the king that when his daughter was 14 years old, she would be pregnant by the Sun; the king placed his daughter in the tower, the maid brought her food; when the girl was 14, she found a bone in the meat, dug a hole in the wall, a ray of sunshine penetrated her bosom, she became pregnant; the king returned her daughter, telling her to leave the newborn girl in the garden among the salad; the prince found her, named Lettucia; when she grew up, the prince fell in love with her, asked her whose daughter she was; she answered every time that dogs and cats; he got married; after the wedding, his wife asks what he cares about; the prince replies that his sister is unhappy; his wife sends that food; the servant who brought the food sees the prince's "sister" tell the fire to catch fire, puts her hands in oil on a hot frying pan, where two fried fish appear; Upon learning about this, the prince's wife tries to repeat the trick, but the fire does not light up; she burns, dies; the same with her second wife (sister climbs into a hot oven, gets out, pearls fall off her braids and jewelry, wife burns); third ("sister" puts the chair on the edge of the roof to enjoy the passing sun; the wife falls, breaks her neck); the old woman advises the prince to pretend to be sick; when "sister " will start preparing the medicine, you must hide it, hold the gold pot tightly; the "sister" tells the pot to fly up to her, but the prince does not let her; she is indignant that she is the daughter of the Sun, and the miserable pot does not obey her ; this is how the prince finds out who the girl's father is, calls her the daughter of the Sun, she marries him]: Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 29:195-201; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 74 (Pisa) [y the king had a daughter; astrologers predicted that when she was 20, she would give birth to a daughter from the Sun; the king enclosed her daughter in a tower, with her a maid and a little girl; when she was 20 years old, the girls put benches and chairs on top of each other, looked out the window; the princess became pregnant from the sunlight and gave birth to a girl; the maid left the newborn in the beanfield; the king did not notice anything and released the princess from the tower; another king picked up a baby; when the girl grew up, the king's son decided to marry her, but the king did not want the son to take a foundling wife and marry him to some princess; on the day weddings sent almonds to everyone; when they knocked on the room of the daughter of the Sun, she went out headless; apologized: they found her combing her hair; in front of those who came, she told the firewood to jump into the oven catch fire; then the stove shouted that it was "ready"; the daughter of the Sun got into the oven and took out the cake - let them take it to the audience; the bride, out of jealousy, decided to repeat everything, climbed into the oven and burned down; the king married her son to another princess; the daughter of the Sun went out to the servants, going through the wall; put her fingers in the oil boiling in the pan and 10 fried fish appeared there; the bride tried to repeat and died of pain shock; for the third time, the daughter of the Sun cut off her ear, pulled out a long gold lace from her head, gave it as a gift and put her ear back; the bride cut off her ear and died of bleeding; prince fell ill from love; witch: he will be cured by food from barley, which grew, ripened and harvested in one day; the daughter of the Sun brought food, but it was tasteless and the prince spit it it out; "How dare you spit on your daughter Suns and the king's granddaughter"? the king heard this, married his son to the daughter of the Sun, after which she became a normal woman]: 269-273; Crane 1885, No. 30 (Naples) [the merchant's wife asks her husband to bring her a doll as tall as her, who could sew with her; gives a ring as a reminder; if he forgets, the ship will not budge; the merchant forgets, the ship does not move, the merchant gets a doll; the wife sews with her on the balcony; the prince sees the doll, falls in love, the king tells the merchant to give his daughter; the Orlanda fairy turns the doll into a girl, she will talk to everyone but the prince; the prince is tired of waiting, takes another bride; the wife- the doll cuts off her hands, puts them in the oven, they turn into sausages, she sends them to her husband and his lover; she tries to imitate, cuts off her hands, they burn, the woman dies; the same goes for the second bride (black pudding); third (severed legs turn into hams); the prince first sends the servant, then climbs under his wife's bed for the night and hears the lamp asking for a bottle of oil filled her with oil, complains that it hurts; the wife exclaims how beautiful the Orland fairy is; prince: blessed she; wife: why did you have to wait so long? they connect]: 114-118; Catalans (incl. Mallorca) [the daughter of the sun and moon lives in a house on the shore; the king sees her doing wonders and falling in love (she tells the firewood to gather and catch fire, pour oil into the pan, etc.); the heroine refuses to give his name; the king tells his wife about her, who tries to imitate the sorceress and dies; to marry a sorceress, the king must know her name; he overhears when she says who her parents; wedding; otherwise, the heroine is a dough doll; the fairy revives her and gives her wonderful powers; there are versions in which the king can marry a sorceress only by saying a certain word; a girl grows up, rejects a prince, but he finds out her name by accident and marries]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 898:178; Spaniards: Uther 2004 (1), No. 898:521-522; Portuguese : Braga 2002 [grandmother sent her granddaughter to sell linseed oil; she came to the castle, no one; she cleaned everything up; when the 7 bewitched brothers came, she hid; they promise to make the one who came brother, if it is a man, and a sister if a woman; one day the seventh brother says he would like to have his hair washed; at night, the girl washes her brothers' heads, but the seventh does not sleep, she is enough; the brothers promise not harm her; the prince sees the girl and marries her; the brothers tell him not to agree with him until he says: "(By Will) the seven bewitched"; she is not given to the prince, he settles her in with as a maid, takes another wife, a princess; the maid reports how the girl combs her hair: takes her head off her shoulders and then puts her back; the new wife, imitating, cut off her head, died; the king again marries; maid: that girl, if her spindle falls, cuts off her hand, reaches the spindle where it fell, then returns to her place; the new wife cut off her hand, dies; mother The prince advises to try to say that phrase about the bewitched; after that, the prince meets his wife, and the enchanted princes are disgraced]: 192-194; Cardigos 2006, No. 898 [predicted that the princess becomes pregnant by the Sun or gives birth to an illegitimate child; she is imprisoned in a tower; she makes a hole in the wall with her bone and becomes pregnant by the sun's ray; the newborn is found by a prince or she gets to seven bewitched brothers; patrons will only allow a prince to marry a girl if he says a certain word that will disappoint them; or the prince refuses his intention to marry a girl, each once receiving an incomprehensible answer to a question about her name; does not pay attention to her or mistreats her; marries three times successively, but every wife dies trying to imitate the sorceress; she cuts off his hand, a watermelon appears; creates grapes, setting fire to the room; combs his hair with his head cut off; cuts off his hand over tea, and then puts it back; gives orders to objects and they do everything; prince finds out a girl's true origin when she grabs a jug she sent for water and she scolds the jug; or hears her telling me who she is; he says the right word; wedding (reconciliation)]: 225-226.

(We should check: Western Europe. French: Soupault 1959, No. 6 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 898:521-522).

Western Asia. Palestinians [two sisters slaughtered their chickens, the third says it would be better to eat eggs; sisters throw her chicken into the well where the ghoul lives; the girl goes down, cleans the ghoul's house, hides; he promises not to touch her; she lives with him like his daughter, combs her hair on the edge of the well; geese fly by, screaming that the ghoul is feeding her to eat; she is losing weight, the ghoul tells her to answer the geese that tomorrow the Sultan tells them to pluck and eat them; geese lose their feathers, the Sultan finds a girl for them, marries them; the ghoul tells her to remain silent until her husband says, "Oh Mrs. Tatarka, her father is the sun, her mother is the moon"; the husband thinks that the wife is dumb, takes another; she comes to the imaginary dumb, she talks to her, tells the objects in the kitchen to work themselves, climbs into a hot oven, takes out cookies; the second the wife tries to repeat everything in front of her husband, burns; the third wife comes to the imaginary dumb, who creates fried fish by putting her hands in the pan; the third wife burns her hands, dies; the husband hears a mug with a jug regret that he does not say the right formula; he says, happy with his first wife]: Muhawi, Kanaana 1989, No. 20:178-181; Syrian Arabs: Bushnaq 1987 [three sisters are spinning; it's time to light the lamp and the fire no; the eldest went to the roofs to look for fire, all the doors were closed; found a house with a marble roof; there are 40 lamas burning there; she lit one of her own; voice: now you'll get pregnant with me; when you're ready to give birth, the wall split, efreet came in, took out the baby girl and said that he would provide her with everything she needed before the wedding; the girl became beautiful; went with her mother to the wadi, where the water lost her foot after the rains bracelet; prince found it; his mother went to look for the owner and soon found it; the girl's mother: needs her father's permission; efreet daughters: conspiracy with her husband only after he says "in the name of the sheikh lamps and seven bright stars in the night sky"; after a year of silence, the prince found a new wife; efrita's daughter jumped off the roof to greet her; the new one also jumped off the roof to greet her husband and crashed to death; when a wedding feast with another wife, efrita's daughter puts her hand in boiling oil, the pot is filled with grilled meat and fish; the new wife decides to repeat the trick, died of pain; the third wife saw how the dishes move by themselves and one jug tells the other about the words that the husband must say in order for the daughter of efrita to speak; the new wife tells the prince about this, who refers these words to daughter of Ifritha; she answers: O king of my soul and ruler of my heart! All is well]: 201-205; Nowak 1969, No. 231 [a woman goes with her little daughter to the forest; the lion takes the girl to his castle; she grows up, the sheep tells her that the lion will eventually eat her; the lion tells the sheep to answer that she will be slaughtered at the girl's wedding with the prince; the sheep says everything to the shepherd and the shepherd says everything to the prince; before the wedding, the lion silences the girl until the prince calls her the sun of peace; to get her to talk the wife, the prince takes the second; she sees how the first one takes out her eye, sends an object that fell out of the window and puts her eyes back; trying to do the same, she dies; the prince takes a new wife, she sees how the first shovels hot coals with her hands, tries to imitate and burns; the fourth wife sees the first woman turn her fingers into candles, tries to imitate, burns; the prince pretends to leave, hide, overhears the conversation of objects doing work for the sorceress, learns her name from this conversation; the lion turns into a man who is the master of spirits, tells all animals to bring gold and silver]: 226-228; Iraqis [a childless woman asked her husband to make a wooden doll; she looks like a bride; the ruler's son saw her, sent as much gold as the bride weighs; on the way to the wife found a way out of the palace: she led the "daughter" to the well, threw it down to say that the girl had drowned; the king of the seas was in the well, the fallen doll tore his abscess on his back; in gratitude for He sent his daughter to his couple; the ruler's son thought that his wife was the daughter of a simple carpenter, treated her like a maid, and consistently married noble women to shame her; 1) the emir's daughter tries, following the daughter of the king of the seas, to turn the meat in a frying pan not with a fork, but with her fingers, she is burned; 2) the vizier's daughter also decides to stick the dough to the walls of the tandoor, entering it and burns; 3) the commander's daughter sees the daughter of the king of the seas jumping from the balcony to dance, jumps after him, crashes to death; the husband learns from imaginary parents about the origin of his first wife, arranges with she has a new lavish wedding]: Yaremenko 1990, No. 46:196-199; Arabs of Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 898:554-557.

Caucasus - Asia Minor.

Armenians ["the girl didn't say a word for many years, because the prince, when she married her, did not ask her who she was"]: Gullakian 1983:107