Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M38d4. The Hunting Needle, ATU 90. .31.32.

Several characters that embody small objects (and a squirrel with them) travel together. The needle penetrates the body of a large animal and kills it. (In the Baltic-Finnish texts, the needle first finds items that others find useless, but after the animal was caught, everything found turned out to be in demand for cooking meat).

Finns, Karelians, Seto, Marie.

Baltoscandia. Finns: Schreck 1887, No. 7 [the acorn, mitt and needle went hunting; the needle found a puddle, called his comrades, they came running but saw only a puddle; next time they found a stump, the comrades beat it - why did you call in vain; the third time the needle let the deer swallow itself, he died; the comrades did not come immediately, but they were happy; the mitten brought water from the puddle, the acorn cut the stump for firewood, so the first the needle's findings were useful for cooking]: 229-231; Vazhdaev 1962 [a squirrel, needle and mitt lived side by side, a needle galloped between them; found a puddle; a stump; they are annoyed that the needle was calling them for nothing; When she saw a deer, she slipped into a blade of grass, the deer swallowed it, died, the needle came out; the squirrel split the stump, the mitten brought water from the puddle, they made a good soup]: 387-389; setu [needle, mitten and awl wandering together; the needle found a pot, knife and match; others do not understand why to pick up this junk; the needle digs into the heart of the ox and it dies; everything found to cut the carcass and cook meat useful]: Kippar 1986, No. 90:83; Karelians [squirrel, mitt and needle went into the forest; the needle found a stump, called others; they beat it - such stumps are full of forest; then found a forest lake - the same; Seeing the deer, the needle hid in the hummock, the deer swallowed it and died; at first, the squirrel with the mitten does not believe that the needle has found anything worthwhile; then they stroked it on the head; the squirrel kicked the birch bark, the needle pierced, they made a pot, filled it with water from the lake, made a fire, took a stump, cooked the meat; and now they eat if the supply is not out]: Concca 1959:10-12 (Lavonen 1992:186-188).

Volga - Perm. Marie [comb, jumper (flax comb, Hechel) and needle went into the forest; the needle found a hive, called the companions; but they were already far away, and the bear came and said he would eat it; needle: I'll hide in angelica; bear: I'll swallow you with him; the bear swallowed, he feels bad; he asks the needle to come out through his ass (no, I'll get dirty), through his mouth (you'll see it), through his nose (I'll be in snot); the bear is dead, the needle is dead went out; caught up with the companions, told me how it was, led to honey; they ate, but could not eat everything; asked the jumper to get the tueski out of birch bark; she found a tuesok, they filled it with honey, brought it home; they began to argue who would get the honey; jumper: I was the one who took out the tuesok; needle: and I found honey; comb: and I brought it home; they quarreled and parted]: Beke 1938:646-647.