Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M39. Misunderstood instructions. (.11.12.15.-.17.19.-.26.28.-.37.41.-.

After receiving instructions, the character understands (or pretends to understand) them incorrectly or too literally, committing absurdly ridiculous or violent acts.

Ronga, Congo, Laadi, Hausa, Sicilians, Basques, Portuguese, French, Bretons, Jibbali, Kamoro, Sentani, Vedau, Gudinaf (Bwaidoka), Gazelle Peninsula, Yap, Ao, Mizo, Kachin, Burmese, Khmu, India (Bhopal), Malayals, Tamils, Oraons, Santals, Kota, Minahasa, Clemantane, Paiwan, Koreans, Hani, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Russians (Moscow), Belarusians, Ukrainians (Volyn, Chernigov), Kalmyks, Stavropol Turkmens, Kabardian, Kumyks, Laki, Archins, Bukhara Arabs, Estonians, Setus, Latvians, Livs, Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Udmurts, Kyrgyz, Yellow Uighurs, Salars, Dungans, Shors, Tuvans (Sut- Khol), Dagurs, Chelkans, Tundra Nenets, Forest Nenets, Ents, Nganasans, Central Yakuts, All Evenks, Evens, Nanai, Koyukon, Kuchin, Upper Tanana, Southern Tutchoni, Tlingits, Haida, Tsimshian, Puget Sound , upper chehalis, lower chinook, tillamook, clackamas, ne perse, winnebago, menominee, hurons, mikmak, delaware, iowa, chumash, pima, papago, totonaki, mountain booths, mopan, bribri, warrau, kalinha, trio.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ronga [shepherdess Piti lost a bull; people also gave him a piece of beef, told him to eat "on a bull" (originally it means "among bulls, where he grazes the herd"); P. sprinkles hot coals on the bulls, to cook meat, bulls kick, burn; people say what they meant, tell them to grill over charcoal; P. leaves meat on charcoal, it burns to coal; he is scolded again; P. makes sure that everyone, whoever talks about this falls dead; he revives everyone; now everyone is afraid to scold him]: Junod s.a., No. 9:88-91; Congo [Moni-Mambu came to brothers who never quarreled; one was a fisherman, another was getting palm wine; MM placed fish on palm trees, calebasses with wine in the river; the brothers got into a fight; a woman told MM he could go to her house to eat baked peanuts with her children; he ate peanuts and children; the chief tells MM to shoot anything that will be chased at him (during a driven hunt); he kills hunting dogs, hunters, the chief's wife; they want to kill him, he says his bullets and knives they do not take it, let them take them to the top; on the way to the river, porters go to look for drinking water; MM tells passing merchants that he appoints leaders; the merchant is put in a net, the MM takes his property, the merchant is drowned; MM shoots an antelope, it jumps out of its skin, runs away; MM blows out, the dog carries the snot, MM throws a smut at it, it enters the house, the house burns down; he is told to build a new one, he cuts down a tree , the machete falls into the water, the crocodile grabs MM, but the osprey snatches it out of the crocodile's mouth; MM meets a talking skull, talks about it; people go to check, the skull is silent; the leader orders to kill MM, him pierced with a spear]: Belcher 2005, No. 15:82-87; laadi [Malonga sends his son to buy a needle; he stuck it in a bag of flour carried by a passerby on the way; M.: the needle must be wrapped in leaves; buy butter; son wrapped oil in leaves, it spilled; oil - in a closed bowl, buy a puppy; in a bowl the puppy suffocated; lead the puppy on a rope by the neck, buy meat; son drags meat on a rope, dogs are all ate]: Aksenova et al. 2005:105-106.

West Africa. Hausa [mother sends her son to buy a needle; he puts it in a bran basket, could not find it; the mother advised me to stick it in the sleeve of her shirt, sent it for oil; the son put oil in his sleeve, it glass; oil should be put in a jug, sent to bring a puppy from neighbors; puppy caught in a jug; it was necessary to drag the puppy by the rope, sent for meat; while the son was dragging meat on a rope, the dogs ate everything; mother said she would not send him anywhere else]: Schön 1862, No. 5:189-192 (translated in Olderogg 1959:253-254; =Pozdnyakov 1990:304-306).

Southern Europe. Sicilians [when she goes to church, the mother reminds Giufá to pull the door with her when she leaves; he removes the door from his hinges, drags him along; the mother asks to bring someone who sings at night (i.e. a rooster); J. meets a singing shepherd, kills, brings; the mother orders to throw the corpse into the pond; secretly hides the corpse of a goat from her son, throws the corpse of a goat into the pond; when the case is investigated, J. pulls out the goat, asks the shepherd's daughter, did her father have horns and hair; her mother tells J. to feed and lay her sister, but that the porridge is not hot; he feeds hot, the girl dies, he thinks she is sleeping, she puts her to bed]: Gonzenbach 2004a [ 1870], No. 22:146-148; the Basques [when leaving, two brothers told the third fool to wash the sick mother in warm water; he threw her into boiling water, dressed her up, put her in bed; when they found the dead mother, the brothers went wandering, spending the night in a tree; robbers are under the tree; the fool wrote, they think that fat is dripping from the sky; brothers something (el portón is the door?) dropped, the robbers ran away, leaving money]: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 24:95-97; the Portuguese [Pedro de Malas Artes is the son of a poor woman; she weaved canvases, said we would plug all our holes with them (in family budget); he plugged holes in the shack; she sent to buy a pig, he drags a hog on his back, and does not lead it on a rope; tells you to buy a jug - he drags it on a rope, the jug has broken; she: a jug should have been put in straw, carried on the cart; buy needles; he sprinkles needles into the straw, you can't find them; sent to rinse his clothes, he doesn't know if it's clean; screams and calls people in the boat, asks if they hit him, it's better he would like a fair wind; he wants wind for the reapers; those: must wish nothing to fly; he wishes the birdsmen; those: must wish: fly and fight (in snare); he does it to the fighters; you must: one right, other to the left; he wishes it to the newlyweds; we must wish: let it be so every day; he wishes those who brought the dead to the cemetery; he is beaten]: Shishlova 1971:183-188.

Western Europe. The Bretons [mother tells Jeanne to cook soup for her fiance Jean, tells her to put everything she needs (Péadra); she throws a puppy named Péadra into the cauldron; the mother sends her daughter to fetch water; taking a jug, she begins to think about what to call her future children, because all the names have already been sorted out; therefore, she will not be able to baptize the children; she began to cry at the well; her mother came and began to cry with her; Jean decides to go elsewhere; sees a girl trying to row peas with a pitchfork; elsewhere, another girl explains that the horse's wounds were ordered to be treated with soot, so she is dragged on ropes to a pipe on the roof is lowered and then raised; elsewhere he sees a woman cutting meat off the baby's buttocks to fit into her pants; then Jean returned to Jeanne, thinking that she was far from being the stupidest; Jean once said that they have three good pieces of bacon: for Christmas, for Carnival and for Easter; one by one, people with these names come and Jeanne gives them everything; Jean tells his wife to take it with him the door (in the sense of closing it), she takes it off its hinges and carries it; both come into the forest, climbed a tree; robbers have gathered under the tree; Jeanne peed herself, they think it's raining; then they fell with by the door; took the robbers' treasures and lived well]: Luzel 1887 (3), No. 1:381-399; the French: Arnaudin 1967, No. 28 (Gascony) [mother sends a fool's son to carry grain to the mill, say "a handful of measure" (more precisely for "a quarter"); he, in order not to forget, repeats these words on the way; the sowers beat him: not a handful of grain from a quarter of the field, but a cart; so every time: people he meets beat a fool and tell him to speak otherwise; burying an old woman: God rest her; afraid of an evil dog: God drown her; wedding: let it always be so; people in the fire: let God extinguish; woman trying to light the stove: shut up altogether; fool returned home]: 266-272; Soupault 1959, No. 45 (Haute-Brittany) [mother tells a stupid daughter named Hanne to cook soup for the groom's arrival, put lard and so on in the cauldron, and then simmer the cabbage; H. puts in the cauldron is a dog named Other; the mother explains the mistake, tells the broth to be kept on fire so that it thickens ("contacts"); the daughter puts hemp fiber into the cauldron for the ligament; after the groom arrives, the mother sends H. to the cellar for apple wine; she opens the tap in the barrel, puts up the mug and begins to think: when she starts giving birth to children, what should they be called, because all the names have already been sorted out; the wine continues to pour; into the cellar the mother comes down, then the father, begins to think with her daughter; when he sees what is going on, the groom promises to return if he finds three of the same fools; the reapers cut off the spikelet, take him home, then run to the field is back; the young man gave them a sickle; one took him by the blade, cut himself, thought that the animal was biting, he began to beat him; a woman carries sunlight in a wheelbarrow to warm the baby's house, but in the shade the light disappears; the young man advises taking the child in a wheelbarrow into the sun; in the castle, the servants do not know what to do with the crap left by the wolf, the owner suffers from the smell; the young man teaches to throw away the crap; returns to the bride and marries her; everything is fine]: 299-302; Germans (Austria) [the eldest son Jokle went to work; the priest took him on condition not to be angry; the owner orders to sow the grain first and then collect seeds back; took all the money from J. and drove it out; the youngest son Hansle comes; does not sow at all, but brings a bag of grain back; drowns pigs in the swamp, only the tail of one pig sticks out; sold cows, one hung it on a branch, said that the herd had gone to heaven; the owner told me to cook the soup with parsley and celery in it; H. cooks the master's dogs Peter and Zoller; the priest was angry, H. took it his money]: Cerf 1992:223-228.

Western Asia. Lebanese Christian Arabs ("The stories are written in the dialect of the Christians of Beirut") [Jihi's mother told him, "Tie up (rob) the road, and bring some money"; he bought a rope tried to bandage the road; mule drivers took the rope; J. told his mother: "I tied up the road, and they took the rope"; mother: "What the rope?" ; J.: "The rope with which you told me to tie up the road"; the mother explained that she told him to kill a rich man; J. returned to the road, met the judge, killed him; then brought the body to his mother; she killed the goat ; the sultan promised a reward for information about what happened to the judge; J. admitted to him that he killed the judge and threw him into the well; his mother threw a goat into the well and buried the judge; the sultan sent soldiers along with J.; the mother warned that her son was crazy; the warriors told J. to get the body out of the well; J. went down to the well, grabbed goat ears and asked, "Did the judge have long ears?" ; then he felt for his horn and asked, "Did the judge have horns?" ; warriors found him crazy]: Huxley 1902, No. 109:257; jibbali [there were two brothers, one fool; they began to work for the Sultan; a fool was sent to the Sultan's wife for food; on the way back, the fool saw his the shadow, frightened, threw all her food; they beat him, he killed seven, left, found goats, led her to the fruit tree; the goats began to eat fruits, he killed them, left only one goat; the fruit was on his horns, a fool called a goat brother]: Müller 1907, No. 4:9-11.

Melanesia. Vedau [mother tells two daughters to wash their brother and cook food for him; older sister insists that her mother told her brother to cook food; kills him, cooks meat; father is angry drives her daughters away; they starve, collect grasshoppers, lizards, snakes in a basket, come to a house where the man is in ulcers; the eldest sneaks to take his head to make a fire, but the spark falls on the man, he calls girls to themselves; eats everything by himself, makes girls work in the garden; they ask the Uapanipani crane to save them; they ask the Uapanipani crane to save them; he picks them up, brings them to their parents; they are happy]: Ker 1910:64-68; camoro [women swim in the river, the snake hides one of them's loincloth, takes her as his wife; taking off the snakeskin, it is done a man; the husband told the mother to feed her son if he sticks out his tongue; she realized that in this case he should be killed and cooked; the husband cut off the mother's hands and ears, turning him into a turtle]: Drabbe 1948-1949:77-78 in Lessa 196:129; sentani [uncle asks Jakali to cut something down on the shore of the pond; he cuts off the dog's head; tells him to cut off the banana leaves, he cuts the leaves into small pieces; pretended to be sick, uncle ordered him to be taken in a boat to his mother (i.e. his sister), J. grabbed his uncle's daughter and married him]: Cowan 1965:72-73; Bining (Gazelle Peninsula) [To Kabinana asked To Karvuvu to go take care of them mother; he realized that his mother should be killed, cooked her in an earthen oven; To Cabinana said that their descendants would now eat human beings]: Meier 1909, No. 4:27-29 (retelling in Dixon 1916:122-123); Gudinaf (bwaydoka) [when she goes to the site, the mother tells two teenage daughters to take care of her little brother and, if he cries, cook bananas for him; the girls cooked their youngest brother; when the mother returned, she drove them into the forest; says that from the fork, the left path leads to child-minder, and the right wide path leads to the razor-sharpening tesel (i.e. to the ogre); the sisters argue, the eldest chooses a broad one the path and the youngest has to go with her; they come to the ogre; he is going to approach them several times sleeping and kill them; but the youngest is awake and asks each time what he needs; he every time replies that he has come for the fire; the girl gives him a burning smut and he swallows it; the sisters run away; the cannibal follows in the footsteps and comes to the child-minder; he gives the cannibal a comb with which the cannibal pierces himself fontanel on the head, dies]: Young 1970, No. 15:96-102.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap: Mitchell 1973, No. 54 [mother tells her daughter to cook for her return; she realizes that her little brother should be cooked; she cooked him with vegetables; her mother broke her arms and legs with a stick, threw her into the river; the girl goes with the flow, tells her story, but no one helped her; she swam into the sea and drowned]: 156-158; Müller 1918, No. 51 [mother tells her daughter to watch her little sister ; she promises to cook it; the mother corrects it, but then agrees and leaves, not thinking that the daughter is answering seriously; when she returns, the sister is cooked; the mother cut off the eldest daughter's leg with a shoulder blade; daughter she jumped and shouted that her mother and father had broken her leg, and she cooked her sister; threw herself into the sea, turned into stone]: 553-554.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin [his wife teaches Bodo to make a trap; he sits on the roof (a play on words); puts a trap in the woods, a deer falls, B. releases him thinking it's someone else's calf; his wife says that if B. sees big and yellow, let him drag him home; B. drags the monk; his wife orders to honor the monks, B. bows to the tiger; goes to trade, thinks he has gone far, is surprised that the woman he meets looks like his wife; buys the old man's corpse, puts it on the road, says that his grandfather is unwell; the wagon does not have time to turn, merchants give oxen and goods for the allegedly killed old man]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 40:134-136; mizo ( best) [the widow's son meets the chief's daughter; she gives him a needle, he puts needles on the roof, the mother advises him to stick it in his pocket; next time the girl gives him a penknife, the guy sticks it in his pocket, the mother advises to fold the blade; next time - a goat (folds it, puts it in his pocket); a pig's leg (drags by the rope, the dogs are eaten); a cow (tries to put it on a tray); the girl gives herself (ties a rope behind her neck, leads him to the barn); her mother calls him a fool, the girl drives him away]: McCall 1949:82-83; ao [the father is dead, the brothers stayed with his mother; the youngest weeds; When instructed to wash the mother, he pours boiling water on her to death; does not bury her, but leaves the corpse on the road; buries the person who drank water in the spring alive; crumples the mother's corpse into pieces; the elder brother slept, on A worm crawled him, the youngest shot a worm, killing his brother; then killed a tiger with a gun]: Smith 1926, No. 20:384-385.

Burma - Indochina. Burmese: Aoun 1957:123-124 [the boy caught a forest cockerel, told him to fly to his mother; mother: the cockerel must be slaughtered first; the son crumbles mushrooms brought home in the forest, they are useless; mother: must be brought with roots; son tries to tear off a swarm of bees from the branch; mother: bees must be fumigated with smoke; son sets fire to the monk's yellow robe; mother: the monk must bow; the son bows to the tiger; the tiger eats it], 124-127 [(the story of four fools)]; ahem [a woman fell in love with a tree; a man came out of the trunk and became her husband; his name was Ñaar; he did not know about the anatomy of women, thought he had a hole his wife ran away in fear; he was told that nothing had happened; his father-in-law threw a stone into the water, the circles went apart and subsided; so did the woman, he explained; they have three sons; then he understands everything literally; the wife orders to set fire to the vegetation on the site depending on the direction of the wind, he sets fire to his hair; etc.; a bear died in the fire; the wife brought the carcass, went swimming; the husband decided that the carcass was a corpse wife, buried her; his wife came back, dug up a bear, came to N.; he decided that she had returned from the spirit world, was afraid to open the door for her; suggests dividing their three children so that each takes one, and another was divided in half; the wife breaks in, fearing that her husband would actually cut the child; the wife let him cook a bear's head, he saw a toothy mouth, pierced the pot with a spear, and the brew spilled; ( many more episodes); he sends a deer to his wife, believing that he will listen to him and come running himself; at home, his wife cooks red bark, he thinks it's venison; once he got lost in the fog, fell and died]: Lindell et al. 1978:29-42.

South Asia. North Central India (Bhopal) [Sekchilli asks the mother how to make her mouth red like the mouths of betel chewing; she advises rubbing her mouth on the mouth of the first betel chewing (seller? ) ; S. does so, the seller complains to the police; the woman jokingly tells S. to cut off the ear of her capricious child, S. cuts off, the woman complains; the old woman in the hut tells her to light a fire first, S. sets fire to the hut; to the police, S. explains that he only did what he was told]: Taylor 1895:404-405; (cf. Nepalis [the carpenter has three sons, the youngest is stupid; the father orders to kill a sheep and bring food from the market; the son does not understand, falls asleep on the road, hears two girls talking; one knows him problem: the father meant to sell the sheep, buy food with this money; the father marries the son to this girl; the father and sons go to another area, tells them to cut down the mountain; the sons do not understand, they are returning home; the youngest's wife: he meant to tell stories so as not to notice the road; the sons went again, the father is happy with the youngest; the sons are building a pagoda, the king is happy, but tells the builders to cut off their hands, so that they cannot build anything like this; the father replies that they have already sent their hands home, their youngest daughter-in-law keeps them; the king sent his son to her; his daughter-in-law locked him: if their hands are cut off carpenters, she will cut off the prince's hands; the king canceled the order]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:127-129); Malayali [the village's simpleton had a goat named Mudiattei, which meant "(let me) be ruined"; disappeared, the simpleton went to look for her; came to the house where the child died; called the goat by name; he was told to show sympathy and say, "How did this misfortune happen? What a pity!" ; the simpleton went on, saw a house on fire; began to say, "How did this happen? What a pity"; he was called a fool, told to carry water and put out the fire; then he met a potter burning pots over the fire; the simpleton immediately brought water and put it out; an angry potter told a simple man to knock on spoiled pots and pay for at least one of them; when he met a bald European, the simpleton knocked on his head and asked if he would sell it to him; a European called him a fool and gave him back]: Jacob 1977, No. 11:37-38; Tamils [when appointing a brahmana as manager, the king advises him to always be in black (i.e. serious), talk about public affairs by biting ears (in the sense of the ear), holding everyone's hair in your hands (i.e. having control over everyone); brahmana takes advice literally]: Natesa Sastri 1884-1888, No. 23:282-290; Oraons [Kana and Kuja - brothers; Kane was told to herd the goats, and if they climbed into the vetch, beat them with a stick; Cooja was told to watch the baby - wash it if he got dirty; Kana beat the goats to death with a stick, Kuja hit the baby with a stone like laundress's underwear, killed; they decided to take the goat's meat, leave; shared it with the tiger; then they climbed a tree; the king stopped under the tree; at night they dropped their goat intestines; the servants thought that the king's stomach had burst, ran away; Kana took drum, put bees there, Kuja a sword; the king attacked, they released bees, the king made peace, gave the brothers several villages]: Hahn 1906, No. 34:64-66; Santals [Bajun is the elder brother, he is married, Jhore (Jhore) - younger; B.'s wife is ill; he tells D. to cook food with three cups (rice) in a pot; he cooks cups; B. tells me to go plow if the plough catches on the roots, cut it with an ax; D. cuts the legs of oxen; B. tells me to wash the patient with warm water, he steams her, she dies; B. chases D., who picks up his goat's stomach, hides in the hollow; B. pokes a stake, his stomach falls out, B. thinks it's D.'s stomach, leaves; when B. offers memorial food, D. climbs to the roof, tells him to give it to him; takes all the food, runs away, offers it to everyone; thieves take it to their place; enter the house, and D. beats the drum; the next once they climb into the stable, a tiger also climbed there; thieves saddled horses, and D. rode a tiger, which ate it in the forest; (Zograf translation 1971, No. 75:275-281)]: Bodding 1927, No. 25:3-19; cat [at Ajav and Ajayn has four sons; A. and A. took a pig and a jackal into the house, told them to cultivate the field; the wife noticed that the pig was working and the jackal was catching crabs and ruining her work; when the jackal returned, she pretended to praise She sat him down for work, sat him on a hot ladle, the jackal ran away; squeezed pus into the pot, the wound closed; covered the pus with leaves, said it was ghee, exchanged the young man for an ox; the young man brought a pot, his opened, the father broke the pot on his son's head; the jackal drove the ox, he fell into the ravine, soon died; the jackal ate it, climbed inside, the carcass rolled lower, the jackal could not get out; the young man came to fresh the ox ; jackal: bring a rooster and bring a dog, you will receive a reward; the young man did it; jackal: tie the dog to your leg, let the rooster go, pull the carcass; the young man freed the jackal, he took the rooster, the dog pulled the young man, both fell into the ravine, the others pulled them out; when the jackal was inside the carcass, the young man put his hand to grab his tail; grabbed his leg; jackal: you grabbed the root of the tree; the young man let the jackal go; the jackal bit him; the young man is not crazy, I need the jackal's teeth; the jackal met Ajayn, wants to eat; woman: I'm thin, I'll be back in a week after eating, bring other jackals; she came, in the basket of ash, told the jackals to bend down, she squeezed the bellows they had brought, ash into the eyes of the jackals, made medicine from their teeth; the young man was married; they said: hit with a stone, hit with a club (figuratively); he killed his wife with a stone, a club; the mother drowned the corpse in the pond, in the same place drowned a goat; the young man's uncle, the father of the victim, came; the young man climbed into the pond; asked: did your daughter have horns? udder? etc.; uncle is gone, the fool drowned; No. 17:252-271 ~ (16), but only the jackal story; there is no episode of "not a leg, but a root"]: Emeneau 1944, No. 16:233-251.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Clementan [while sailing in a boat, the father tells his son Saleh to monitor the forest (in the sense of floating logs); he says he sees the forest (on the shore); tells him to put the pot on the fire, pour water; S. puts the pot upside down, fills the fire; drops the ax from the boat, makes a notch at the stern, sails to his father, dives near the notch, looking for an ax at the bottom; the father orders to collect fruits in the basket; S. puts the basket to a tree, leans his back, looks at the sky, watching the clouds move, how quickly it carries the tree along with all the fruits on it]: Hose 1912:150-151 (=Hose, MacDougall 1912:150-151); minahasa [ the girl misunderstands her mother's words, kills and cooks her little sister; runs away from her mother, asks the rock to open, hides in it]: Graafland 1867-1869 (1): 164-165 in Lessa 196:337.

Taiwan - Philippines. Paywan [when going to the field, parents tell the eldest of the children (the sex of both is not clear) to crush the grain; he hits the youngest to death with his head against the wall; tells him to boil water for the pig; he throws the pig at boiling water; shaman's name; child keeps father and shaman until they die]: Whitehorn, Earle 2003, #47:213.

China - Korea. Koreans [the mother sends her son with gifts (food and money) to his relatives, tells them to "show" it, adding (out of modesty) that the food is unlikely to be tasty; the son forgets the names of the dishes along the way, invents her own (ridiculous); shows her father-in-law and mother-in-law, takes her mother back]: Cho 2001, No. 40:75-77; Hani [Elder Ngok's son ("fool") understands instructions literally; wife: animal traps high (in the mountains: he puts it on the roof; wife: the best place to trap is a deep hole, like behind our house; N. digs a hole behind the house, harasses all the living creatures of his neighbors; catches deer in the mountains, tells him that now he prey, sends to his wife; deer runs away; wife: put a hut from the sun on the field, even with a crab shell; N. can hardly find a crab, brings it to the field]: Nikulin 1990:327-331.

Central Europe. Slovaks [Egor's mother sends Egor to buy a rare sieve; he repeats, so as not to forget, the plowman hears "rare fat", beats him, teaches him to say "more of this good", he says to the fighters, he is beaten; mother sends to sell the canvas, tells him to give it to someone who will not stand as a pole; E. tries on each pole, leaves it to the one that creaked; bought a frying pan, told her to go home herself;... etc.; he was told bring a heifer on a rope; he also leads the bride on a rope; then brings a goat instead of a bride]: Bogatyrev 1955:80-88; Luzhitans [the clever son was hired by the landowner; agreement: whoever gets angry, cut a piece of meat; the guy got angry because he was not fed, came back; a stupid son went; he sold sheep to the butcher, threw his tails into the abyss, said that the wolf drove the sheep, they went into the ground; the owner tells cook the lamb that looked at the farmhand; he stabbed everyone - they all looked; "And don't forget the pepper"; the farmhand threw his favorite master dog named Pepper into the cauldron; put a stone on the child, to prevent him from squeaking; he began to shine in the sheepfold, it burned down; the landowner had to pay a salary]: Romanenko 1962:122-124; Russians, Belarusians [God's deaf deputy - St. Peter: God orders him not to let it rain when people mow; the deaf heard, asked, he starts raining; instead of reaping, waiting, starting to rain again]: SUS 1979, No. 752C: 188; Ukrainians, Belarusians [Deputy God (forgot about the wind): to a pious man taken to heaven (St. Peter), God instructs him to control the weather; he sends rain, sunlight and warmth to the earth in time, but forgets about the wind, which will not cause bread to be born; God removes his deputy from the one assigned to him cases]: SUS 1979, No. 752B: 188; Northern Ukrainians (Chernihiv, Ostersky U.) [there were three brothers, two clever, the third was a fool; went to plow, forgot the cowganki {bacon mortars}; sent a fool for them; so as not to forget, they told him to repeat the word "kovganki"; the fool fell, forgot the word; began say: "toadstool"; went to church, young people there; hit him in the neck for "toadstool"; said that we should ask God to walk and have fun like this the next year; went on; people carried the dead; fool said about walking and fun; got hit in the neck; he was explained: we need to talk about the kingdom of heaven and eternal peace; the fool saw that a man was pulling a dead mare from the yard; said about eternal peace; man beat him; said that it would be better if a fool would help pull the mare's tail; he went on, saw that the man had smeared the boar; took the boar by the tail and started pulling; the man beat him; said that it would be better if the fool wanted To feed his wife and children with such kindness; he saw that another man went to the yard; when he came up to him, he wanted to feed his wife and children with such kindness; the man began to beat him, said that he should have said, "Oh quiche!" ; the fool saw the archers shoot ducklings; shouted: "And quiche!" ; the archers beat him, said that it would be better if he took a stick; then the fool saw another woman looking for lice on his head; began to beat her with a stick; the woman beat him and said that he would rather have his head set him up; the fool went on, met gnawing dogs; put his head up, they tore him apart]: Chubinsky 1878, No. 1:489-490; northern Ukrainians (Volyn, Kremenetsky y.) [Ivan Balaban hired his ass; whoever gets angry, cut off his tongue; pop tells him to brew pickle with parsley and bathe his little son; I. cooked a dog named Petrushka; first tried to feed the boy dog, then poured hot broth; the child was smeared with ointment, he survived; later the pop tells him to watch the boy; I. put him on a stake; where is the boy? looks at the stars; the pop decides to run; I. hides in a bag with books; first slowly, then calls out louder; the fugitives think that I. is catching up; at rest they agree to push I. into water; I. swapped places, the pop drowned his wife; the pop and I. stayed at the house; the pop put his hand in the pot of cereal and could not take his fist back; while I. was eating, the pop hid his hand under his clothes; at night he decided break the pot, hit the owner on the head, and he killed the priest; this I. the devil was]: Malinka 1902, No. 53:328-330; northern Ukrainians (Chernigovskaya, Nezhinsky y.) [pan leaves a child for Ivan and tells him to cook borsch and parsley; I. scalded the child and then cooked Petrushka's dog]: Malinka 1902, No. 78:360-361; Russians (Moscow) [the fool was ordered to crumble into soup onions and parsley, watch the door; he wants to slaughter Luke and Peter's children, took the door off its hinges and carried it; hoping that a bear would kill him, the old men sent him to bring an English cow; he brought a bear the bear slaughtered the cows; the old people decided to run; at night the fool ate what his mother had in store, climbed into the bag himself; the old people stopped for a snack, and a fool in the bag; had to return]: Chudinsky 1864Yu No. 10: 58-62.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [when returning home, the old man puts a needle in a bunch of firewood; the old woman says that the needle should be stuck in his hat; he puts an ax in his belt; he puts the puppy's belt - I must say, kitsch, kitsch; says this to the clergy, they shy away, the old woman explains that they should be invited to his place; he invites wolves, is eaten]: Badmayev 1899:1 (=Basangova 2002:155); Stavropol Turkmens [the old man found a needle, put brushwood in a bunch, can't find it; the wife says he should have pinned the needle to the beshmet; then the old man follows his wife's advice each time, one step behind; tries attach an iron axis to the beshmet; drags a puppy by the rope, strangling him; tries to lure a hare; says to a passerby "dash yatyr" ("the stone lies"), if so to speak, the hare will freeze); speaks to those who carry the dead" hairley bolsyn" ("let it be good"); on the wedding train - "nesibsiz gün" ("unhappy day"); decides not to listen to anyone else, saws the branch on which he sits, falls; thinks that a passer-by visionary, asks when he dies, he replies that when the donkey stumbles three times; after the third time, the old man lies under the bridge to die; the merchant asks for help raise the arba; the old man does not answer, gets up after third blow with a whip; brings a whip to his wife, tells him to save him by the day of his death]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 99-102; Kabardian people [khan is going to marry a stupid son to an intelligent girl; sent two servants to her with with a gift; the girl noticed that the servants cut off some brocade for themselves; asked me to tell the khan: let him not punish the servants for the sake of her daughter-in-law and son; the khan realized that the servants had stolen brocade; the khan and his son go camping, khan tells his son to cut the road; put a ladder on the road; he began to cut the road with a sword; lay down on the road, for there are no stairs; daughter-in-law to her husband: the father told you to first get off your horse and rest, and then tighten song; the abreks captured the khan; he asks to send three people for ransom, ordering them to hand over: cut one pole in Kunatskaya, knock down two; give the messengers a hundred red hornless cows and a hundred one-horned bulls; daughter-in-law: kill two messengers, injure a third; send a hundred horsemen and a hundred pedestrians; soldiers forced the wounded to show the way, freed the khan]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:21-26; Kumyks [Kulbay - the youngest of three brothers; carries a cart of firewood, finds a needle, puts it on firewood, cannot find it, dumps firewood; brothers say that the needle should have been pinned to clothes; K. finds an awl, works into clothes, hitting clothes body; the awl had to be wrapped, put in his pocket; K. does it with the puppy; the puppy should have been tied to the donkey's tail; K. ties a cauldron; K. cuts a tree in the forest, there are bees, K. says that there are mountain the army; tells the fox, the bear, that the brothers told him not to let them take honey, so let them take it themselves; the brothers kill the bear; go to the wedding, tell K. not to leave the windows and doors unattended; K. He breaks down doors and windows, drags them to the wedding; the brothers decide to leave K., but he hides in the bag they take with them; the brothers rob the unattended store, K. takes the millstone; the merchants go, brothers hide in a tree, K. drops millstones on the merchant, merchants run away, leaving their property; brothers got married]: Aliyeva 2012, No. 83:378-383; Lucky [Yarakhmed is smart, his brother Karahmed is a fool; accepts his shadow for the man, afraid of it; casts shadows the cauldron of khinkal and the golden pin he found; Y. says that the pin should have been put in his pocket; K. finds a dagger, puts it in his pocket, hurts himself; he should have tie it to his belt; finds a puppy, tied it, he is dead; he should have thrown bread to him, he would go; finds an ax, throws him bread; I go after the ax myself, stumbled, broke my leg; K. only at night, when there is no shadow, takes him to the doctor; puts a hat on the tree so that the tree does not heat its head; a shirt on a stone so that the sun does not burn him; the plough creaks, K. thinks that it spoils the air, broke it; sees the shadow again, throws stones at her, there is a mountain by night, there is no shadow, K. thinks he has defeated his enemies]: Aliyeva 2012, No. 84:385-387; Archins [the fool was returning from the forest, found a needle, threw it on the arba with firewood; told his mother, who exclaimed that the needle should have been wrapped in a coat; on the second day, the fool went back to the forest; found a puppy, wrapped it in a coat; the puppy died; the mother: "You could have told him "on" and bring him along"; the next day, the fool met the hare; shouted to him: "Come on!" ; the hare ran away; mother: "You should have shot him with a gun"; the fool met a man in the forest, started aiming at him with a gun; the man took his gun, and then beat and drove him away; about this, the fool He did not tell his mother; when he came to the village, he began to dance and jump on the grave; people drove him away; mother: "You should have started punching yourself on the head and crying right away"; the next day, the fool fell on wedding; started crying, punching himself on the head; people drove him away; the mother decided not to let his fool son out of the house until he got married]: Mikayilov 1967:153-154.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [the old woman sends his eldest son Yarmat to work for the rich Sattarbay; S. orders to bring water with a sieve, Y. cannot, S. killed him; the same with his middle son Sharip; younger Aldar buys a basin, brings a basin of water and a sieve in it; when leaving, S. tells the horses not to raise their heads from the feeder (A. cuts off the horse's head, puts it in the feeder), the yard glitters (pours oil on it), the gate is tightly locked ( builds a wall outside the gate) so that there is not a speck of dust on the walls (breaks off the alabaster carving); S. and his wife decide to move secretly; A. hides in a leather trunk; leaves at rest; S. and his wife agree drown him; A. puts on S.'s robe with his wife throws S. into the river; leaves]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 217-221; Turkmens [the owner tells Esen that if the sick horse lies down, he must be finished off; lay down a healthy horse, E. stabbed him; E. hired to work for a wealthy widow; stole eggs and butter, hid it under his hat; in the heat, the oil flowed, the widow hit him, the eggs also broke; looking for an overnight stay, E. entered the house where the woman and the lover are eating pilaf; the rest was taken to another room; the husband knocks; the wife hides her lover in a hole where they pour flour; the husband just brought two bags of flour; one poured out, but there must be little space left grabbed in two bags; began to poke an iron bar; the lover jumped out, a fight broke out, E. quietly climbed to the roof; fell with a donkey saddle caught on his neck; said that he had been sent by God to stop two Muslims fighting; E. left, earned money from the miller, went to the bazaar; the woman asked him to hold the child, and then said that E. was her husband; because E. had given the child candy before that, he went to to him, so the judge found the woman right; she led Esen, tied her belt to his neck; in the cemetery she began to devour the recently buried deceased, E. ran away; E. hid in a mosque; the woman threw off a human head inside the roof: tomorrow you will be accused of murder; E. was frightened, had to go with a woman; ran away again, hid at the bay; not knowing that he was lying below, jumped off the roof on him and killed him; Bai's sons took E. to cadia; on the way, E. asked the pregnant woman for a mug of water, got drunk, threw her a mug, she had a miscarriage; another woman also took E. to cadia; on the way, E. decided to help get her out the donkey's swamps, tore off his tail; the donkey's owner also went; the kadia was not there, Esen was sent to look, he found Kadia in an indecent situation; he cleaned himself and came and began to judge; let the sons of Kadia they will jump off the roof on E., otherwise they will pay; let other women throw them into a pregnant mug, if they do not get there, they will pay; let the donkey's owner also tear off his tail, otherwise he will pay; E. took the money and left; his they send the chest to an old woman, she gives a drink of water, turns E. into a dog, pushes him to other similar dogs; the Dog-E. ran away, others followed him; he threw himself into the river, became human; one man took him to to herself; his daughter gave sand to turn the old woman into a dog, her daughter into a donkey; the old woman regained her human appearance; to regain her daughter, she restored her human appearance to all the dogs she enchanted]: Stebleva 1969, No. 42:214-222; Bukhara Arabs [the old woman sends her son to buy butter, he pours it into a bowl, turns it over to add it to the tray; the mother's sister wants to bake him a cake; he hides the butter in his pants, it melts, the eggs are in the skullcap, his aunt hits him on the head, the eggs run down the face; he hires a grave robber; he leaves the skullcap on his shovel, the fool hits the shovel (to kill the robber), runs away; hides in the clover (hay), the thief takes him with the clover, he screams, the thief runs away, he sold the ropes; marries a woman with a child; ties the chickens to the chicken, the golden eagle takes everyone away at once; wants to kill a wasp on the child's head, kills the child, puts it in a bag, says that there is meat, sells it to the rider]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 47:295-296.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [mother sends her son for a sieve; the owner swinds peas, the guy says How many peas; the owner hits him, does not give him a sieve; mother: I should have said, "God forbid more peas "; the guy goes to another place, there is a fire, he says, God forbid more fire, he is beaten; mother: You should have poured water on the fire with a bucket; the guy pours water on women at the well; It was necessary listen to what women say; guy stops listening to two dogs fighting, brutally bitten; Should have beaten dogs with a pole; he tries to hit two Germans with a pole, beaten; Should have kiss their hands, ask for money; the guy asks the beggar, he hits him with a stick; the mother went to get a sieve herself]: M.E. Eisen in Raud 2004:241-243; Setu [father is sick, tells Semmo's son to sell 6 bulls for 50 rubles and buy a horse to ride it 20 miles from town to home; S. sold bulls; the horse seller replies that she will ride 50 versts; S. says he needs 20, goes to look for another horse; bought one that would ride 20 miles; at home, my father scolded the purchase: this horse did not cost that much; and S. gave another bull, for which he had to receive an additional 10 rubles; the horse died; in the spring the father sent to sell the bull again and buy another horse; S. sees an oak tree, decides to sell the bull to him; the oak is silent; S. leaves the bull to the oak on loan, promises to come for money in three days; in three days the oak is only rustles with foliage, S. thinks he is laughing; began to cut roots, gold under them; brought him to his father, got a farm, married a rich bride]: Kalkun 2015:120-121; Latvians [one housewife is surprised that the other one cooks a small pot of food - she does not have enough food for her family; the other offers to throw meat or cheese, then the soup will go less; the first throws the pieces, they are eaten by dogs; the second explains what she meant to give the workers a piece before lunch]: Arais 1968:245-246; the Livs [Ants is hired by Vanapagan as a servant; he goes to the funeral, tells them to take care of the children Come to the funeral in the morning too, look at the stove where the hell will sleep; A. gutts the children, hangs their bodies on the walls, takes out his eyes, comes to hell, throws them to him; on the way home, the devil pulls out an oak tree: let A. carry the top, and he, damn, take up the butt; A. says that he is stronger, chooses a butt, sits on an oak tree himself, which the hell drags without looking back; at home, the devil threw an oak tree, A. jumped up from the blow and grabbed the bird; offers to compete who will throw the stone further; releases the bird, it did not return, A. won; offers to drill oak bark with his penis; hell could not, And drilled it hidden in his pants with a drill; A. agrees to leave if the hell gives him a bag of money; there is a hole in the bag, the hell sprinkles all the money he has; the horse laughs, A. says it's his father who pulls on his pants; damn scared; hell invites his wife and A. to spend the night in bags by the river; A. persuades his wife to change the devil, throws a bag with his wife into the water; now A. agrees to leave]: Setälä 1953 in Kippar 2002:68-71.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [mother tells her son to say hello, count money with people; he greets crossed dogs, counts his fingers; mother tells them to beat them, son kills them, lets them down elder's cellar; mother tells me to hide the corpse, lowers the corpse of a goat into the cellar; relatives are looking for the victim, the fool asks if that horn was; relatives leave]: Nasyrov, Polyakov 1900:13-14; Chuvash (western 1913) [of the three brothers, the youngest Peter is bald; after the harvest, when it is necessary to prepare beer, he is sent to the bazaar to buy malt, bowl spoons, butter, salt, and a table; he bought everything, it is difficult for him to carry what he bought on foot; sat on the table, told him to become a horse; the table is in place; P.: if you don't want to run on four legs, you'll run on three; then two, one; finally broke the table; thinks that the spoons in your pocket are teasing him." Bald", threw them away and trampled them; mixed the malt in the river; decided that the beer was good, but there was little salt, threw salt into the water; the gate posts cracked from the heat, P. sympathized with them, oiled them; the brothers scolded P. , they bought everything themselves, told P. to invite guests; he tells men to come, women to stay; he is sent for women, P. tells them to leave their children; they send them for children; P. loaded them on the cart, the children cry , he killed them, crushed them with oppression, put a piece of snow in everyone's hands; said that the children were in the bathhouse, he gave them a piece of sugar; Bald was beaten; the brothers decided to run away from him, he hid in the kul where they put the crackers; the brothers sat down, decided to eat, P. jumped out; had to return, P. improved]: Chuvash tales 1937:152-155; the Udmurts [two smart brothers, the youngest fool; staying at home, puts a trap; says he was hit by a dog, but it is a ram; then a turkey; then his mother, he also beat her to death; the brothers send a fool to bury his mother; he is lucky to meet the master, the fool is not giving way, master pushes the cart, the fool says he killed his mother, the master paid money; the fool tells the brothers he sold his mother; the older brother killed his wife, went to sell, came back with nothing; the brothers had a wake, They sent a fool to call the people; he calls, warning them not to take children; brothers: why are there no children? sent for the children; the fool threw them on the cart, the children all died]: Wichmann 1901, No. 53:174-177.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [Jeerenche's son Telemyrz is a liar and bragger; J. tells him to cook food on the horse's mane (i.e. eat without dismounting), he begins to set fire to his mane; shorten the long path (i.e. start conversation), he begins to smooth out the mounds on the road with catman; J. finds his son's clever wife Karachach; she correctly answers the tyrant Khan; when he throws J. in prison, he interprets his message correctly - Khan must be killed; he is being killed, J.'s family lives well]: Ledenev 1987:16-22; yellow Uighurs [a pregnant wife sends her husband to her father for millet and Chinese matter; on the way back he sees a river thinks it's a bubbling cauldron, throws millet at it; covers frozen grass with matter, thinks they're children]: Malov 1967, No. 111:112; salars (Ullagyl, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [y the old woman has two sons; both went hunting; the elder said to the youngest before falling asleep: "If anyone comes, shoot him with a gun!" ; a louse crawled over the elder's chest; the youngest shot her with a gun; the eldest died; the mother told the younger sister to go to her older sister, take two measures of oilseeds from her, loaded them on a donkey, and brought me home, and added: "When you get to the ditch, take off your shoes!" ; the young man reached the ditch, took off his shoes and told the donkey to do the same; the donkey did not take off his shoes; the young man hit his hoof with a stone; the hoof fell, the donkey began to limp; the young man took two measures of oilseeds from his sister seeds and got to the ditch; untied the bag, threw the seeds into the water and came home empty; said to his mother: "These are not seeds, but fleas! I threw them into the water!" ; the mother cooked porridge, told her son to invite ahun; the young man brought the little dog and told her to sit on the kan; the little dog could not climb; the young man grabbed her and put her on the kan; the mother asked if he had brought ahun; The young man replied that he had brought it; his mother saw a little dog sitting on the cana and began to swear: "Wash these cups! Watch the cauldron! I'll go get ahun"; the young man started washing the cups, they rang; he thought they had decided to swear with him and interrupted them; porridge was boiling in the cauldron, making the sound "poh-poh!" ; the young man told me not to fight and said: "I will separate you!" ; then he took the stone and threw it into the cauldron; the mother brought Akhun, saw that the cups were broken, the cauldron was perforated, the porridge had flowed out; the young man explained why he did it]: Tenishev 1964, No. 51:99-100; Dungans [ the wife gives birth, sends her husband to her mother to give the paintings to wrap the child; he sees wheat and millet swaying in the wind, thinks they are bowing to him, tears the canvas into ribbons, ties it to wheat and millet]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 55:252.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors [older brother Maas ("gadfly") is rich, younger Arychak ("bee") is poor, he has a daughter Sholban ("Venus"), M. agreed to give her a calf, he gave him a big offspring, M. demanded not another calf, and the whole herd; both brothers came to Khan, who tells them to solve riddles; M.'s wife gives stupid answers, S. - wise (mother earth is fatter than fat, sun is faster than fast); Khan tells Sh. a mosquito leather fur coat, which in response demands to give her a thread of sand; Khan orders the bull to calve; S. collects grass, says that for the newborn, because her father gave birth; Khan marries Sh. became wiser; Khan goes with his son, tells him to shorten the road, he begins to draw on the ground; S. explains that Khan asked to talk to shorten the path]: Funk 2011 (2): 248-252; Tuvans (Sut-Khol) [ The old woman has sons, the eldest, the smart Manay and the youngest stupid Dulun; D. sees a beautiful beast in his snare, sniffs, he vomited, he let him go; M.: kill and then untie (snare); the same again; M.: be sure kill me! D. kills his trapped mother; M. orders to invite a hunchback shaman, collect tea in yurts for tea leaves, a nodule of tobacco, a blue and white cloth, a sheep; the shaman cannot walk, D. decided to straighten his back, broke it, the shaman died; D. throws tea into the spring (it "boils"), the tobacco is next to the smoke mushroom (he smokes, and D. has it!) , the fabric is tied to the talnik (it also swings and D.'s fabric!) , she lets the sheep race with a wolf who ran by; having found its coat: it is hot, she threw off her fur coat; finding the insides: while she changed her shoes, she was torn; M. decides to destroy D., sends her to the rocks to catch rams, goats, they easily catch and kill them, do not fall off a cliff; brings bears alive; turns trees with roots; M. suggests catching red maralukh, he will lower them down the mountain; rolls hot stones, D. grabs them and dies; M. went across the waterless steppe, died]: Samdan 1994, No. 11:325-333; Chelkan residents [mother-in-law gives his son-in-law festive clothes and shoes; he cooks while waiting for his wife received at home instead of eating; wife says clothes should be hung on a hook; husband receives sheep from mother-in-law, hangs it on a hook; wife, She must be kept in the pen; mother-in-law comes, son-in-law locks her in a pen; daughter they beat a fool with her mother, drive them away]: Kandarakova 1988:138-139; Dagurs [the older brother tells the younger brother to check the traps; he releases a pheasant (maybe it's a rich man's pheasant), a fox (a rich man's dog?) , kills the trapped mother; the elder sends the youngest to his sister to report the funeral; by the river, the youngest's donkey does not want to enter the water; he thinks that the donkey is afraid to soak his shoes, pants, clothes - cuts off his hooves, rips his skin off his feet, then freshens everything, the donkey dies; the younger brother comes to his sister, her baby cries, the younger brother sees a fontanel on his head, thinks it's an abscess, sucks his brain; sister tells me to bring vegetables from the garden and light a fire; the younger brother does not find firewood in the yard, cuts off the ears of the children playing, throws them into the oven; the pot boils, the younger brother tells them not to fight, breaks the pot with an ax; his sister gives him a white mourning robe and a bag of rice; he sees ripples on the river, thinks that the water is boiling, pours rice into the river; tears his clothes, ties his reeds; his older brother is hot a stone in the mountains, tells the eldest to bring a red bull, lowers a stone; the younger brother grabs him and dies]: Stuart et al. 1994:109-110.

Western Siberia. Tundra Nenets: Kupriyanova 1960, No. 12 [at the crossing, a fool removes the skin from the cow's feet to prevent the pimas from getting wet; his brother pushes him into the ice-hole, he returns with the sturgeon; offers to lie down in the coffin, boils up; the brother marries the daughter of the Yamal reindeer herder, who sends him for firewood; the fool sends fog; the brother is forced to free the fool; the fool tells Y. about his brother's attempts to kill him, he marries his daughter Ya.]: 90-94; Labanauskas 2001 [there is one fool among the three Khanty; the brothers sent him hunting, he killed him, brought a Russian; the brothers decided to run away, climbed the cedar, the fool dragged him there Russian; the pursuers made a fire under the cedar; the fool relieved their cauldron, they thought that resin was dripping; dropped the corpse, the cauldron overturned, the Russians died; the fool was left to cook her moose; he splashes fat, he thinks his head spits, hits her, the cauldron turns over, the plague burns; the fool stops in the plague, calls the mistress his sister, he is left to babysit the baby, he squeezes out his brain, says that the baby cried because of an abscess; in another plague, he pulls out the baby's penis, says he had a growth; the girls go to get water, the fool spat on the leader's daughter, she fell ill; the fool promises her cure, blows on her head, the girl recovers, he gets it without dowry; returns both killed babies to women; becomes a deity of the upper reaches of rivers, giving people deer]: 214-219; Forest Nenets (Variegan) [two brothers went hunting; the older brother said to the younger brother: "It will soon be dark. I saw a trail recently. I saw a trail of Sable. I'll see where he went. And you - there is a river there - put a chum in the bend of this river, tie the deer, make tea"; the youngest agreed, went to the bend of the river; at nightfall, the eldest came there; saw that the youngest was sitting on the shore was wet and crying; the eldest asked what had happened; the youngest said: "You see, you told me: "You'll put a chum in the river for us, you'll light a fire for us. You can make a chum for us." I've been stabbing for a long time. Chum didn't want to stand. The current carried him away. I got all my clothes wet. The chum did not put it, I was tired"; the elder explained that the plague should have been placed by the river]: Koshkareva et al. 2007:40-41; Entsy [Dia has Baruchi's brother with one arm, one leg; rips off the skin from her legs deer so that they do not soak their shoes at the river crossing; D. decides to get rid of him, invites him to step into the ice-hole; he returns three days later with fish; D. ties B. to the top of the tree, that returns, with firewood; takes Sigio's nets; disguises his mother as Satan (idol), who broadcasts that his nets, B.; S. agrees; B. finds an awl, a strap, a polynole, a pestle, a fish bubble, a mouse; they all agree to go to war with S., hide in his house, kill him; S. no longer kills people]: Long 196:32-36; Nganasana [brother asks Ibula to check the traps, Ibula feels sorry for the animals, he feels sorry for them releases; he is left to sit with his brother's baby, he cries, I. thinks that he has an abscess on his head, pierces his head, releases his brain; his brother sends him back to the traps, tells him to beat everything with a stick will find; I. beats, kills his brother's wife; brother tells I. to put a plague on the river; I. puts the flooring, the bed in the water, the river takes everything away]: Porotova 1980:50-52; (cf. Northern Selkups: Tuchkova 2004:107-108 [ (zap. Prokofiev); Aya (= Iche) puts on skis in the dugout, wasting time, dancing in the dugout and in front of the sledge; goes to the forest in the evening, spends the night nearby, takes her dugout for a bear den in the morning, He kills his grandmother with a palm tree instead of a bear; dresses her nicely, sticks a knife into the wound, takes her to the king, shows off her beautiful bride; the royal daughters go to see, A. accuses them of murder, gets compensation for the royal daughter as a wife], 237 (Lower Baiha) [Paya Colusa ("fidget, rowdy") releases birds and animals from snares so that they do not suffer; kills mother; older brother suggests that he better fight with trait; it requires a seven-layer chain mail park, a hat, pliers and a hammer, kills the devil, burns pieces of the body (otherwise they grow together)]).

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 30 (central, Ordzhonikidzevsky, i.e. Khangalassky district) (1936, Ordzhonikidzevsky {=Nyurbinsky, western Yakutia} district) [Mayor Maginiyeen is the youngest of three brothers; he is sent to test his snare, he releases game; then he is told to blow the head of everyone he sees; kills his mother; brings Doha from his sister; the horse does not want to go across the lake, MM thinks the horse is afraid wet the torbaza, rips off the skin from his feet, then takes off all the skin; the sister thinks that the baby has an abscess, squeezes the brain out of his head; lucky Doha, thinks that dry grass bows to him, cuts Doha into pieces, puts them on blades of grass; he is told to dig the grave head over heels, he digs to fit his ear; cuts the bull of three abaasa girls; they take the brothers away; MM says he does not know how to lie down, the girl shows he is hers kills, cooks; kills her returning sisters; takes Sabya Baay Toyona's mare away and slaughtered at home; he goes with the army, the brothers run, hide in spruce trees at night, the army stops under the spruce tree; MM urinates, defecates in the cauldron, they think fat; they drop the needle; they think they are abaas, they run, MM catches up and kills everyone; brothers take wealth]: 311-327; Popov 1936a (the place of recording is not specified; central?) [like in Ergis before "defeating the Abaasa"; the brothers go to the Abaasa girl, the MM follows them; they tie him to the tree, to the ice, he drags everything with him, they take it; he kills the abaasa daughters, their mother eats it; then kills it itself]: 169-174; Ergis 1967b, No. 326 (summary of several texts, including archival ones; at least central ones) [the youngest of the three brothers is Manick Maniguhan ( Mischievous Shalunishka); he was sent hunting, ordered to kill all the transverse (animals) he met; he caught a lot of game, and when his mother came out to meet her, he killed her; then he was told to dig a hole from ear to ear; he got up upside down and dug a hole head over heels; sent to his sister; babysitting a child, he kills him by squeezing his brain out because he thought it was a boil; returning home on horseback, he rips off her skin, thinking that the horse is afraid to soak it in the river; the trees are swaying and moaning in the wind; thinking they were cold, the guy tore his clothes into pieces and hung them on branches; to get rid of the stupid MM brothers tied him to a tree and ran away; he uprooted a tree and caught up with them, and later defeated the Abaas tribe; pursues a man dressed in squirrel fur in the lower world; watches for three Siberian girls and burns their skins; three brothers marry three Siberian sisters (var.: MM and his brothers marry Har Haan's daughters or Siberian girls, after deceiving them, fly away)]: 250; Ilimpic Evenks (Chirinda, 2007) [There were three brothers, two smart ones, the third was a fool, Ivil, did the opposite; when asked to bring water from the river, he went to the taiga, lost his pot; when asked to cut wood for the fire, he brought a talnik ; they began to wander, told Iwul to catch the deer, he tied them by the tails; when the argishels, the brothers were away for a while; Iwul began to cross the river with the deer, and to avoid getting their feet wet, he cut them all off reeds; deer died; brothers decided to get rid of Ibul - they said that taimen was calling him from the bottom of the river; Ivol believed, his brothers tied a stone to his neck, Ibul drowned]: Duvakin 2013; Evenki [ Ivul is the youngest of three brothers; his elders tell him to put a plague on the river; he tries to put it in the water, poles and rovdugs are carried away by water; the deer do not want to go into the water; he thinks they are afraid to soak pebbles, rips their skins off their feet, they die; brothers tell them to bring ribs for the boat, shoot live when hunting; he brings deer ribs, kills domestic deer; then the brothers say that Taimen is waiting for him on a visit, they advise you to jump into the water with a stone; I. drowns]: Sangi 1989:200-201; Evenki of the Baikal region [the elder brother asks Ivil to put a plague on the river; he tries to put it in the water, asks help the deer, they do not help, he kills them; the brother tells them to bring roots to make a net, I. cuts off the children's heels, brings them (one word for root and heel); brother goes hunting for an old woman, in whose house all wild ungulates live; tells I. to spit on the burning beast and drag it; I. spits on the moose, cannot hold it, asks the old woman to help; she cuts off his head; his head rolls, wants get across the river; doesn't get on a man's boat, an old woman, sits down with a girl; at her house she doesn't want to sit next to her parents, smiles when a girl puts her next to her; does not want to lie down with an old man , with an old woman, goes to bed with a girl; becomes human in the morning; the old woman makes Ivil's skin; his brother comes, shoots an old woman with a bow; she tells moose, roe deer, musk deer and other animals disperse through the taiga; wild animals have been living there ever since]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 16:53-55; Cyrenian Evenks [Chinanay releases animals caught by his brothers out of the pit; his brothers tell him to kill whatever comes across; he kills his mother; they tell him to dig the grave from ear to ear; he measures his ears, scraps off the sand a little; they tell them to put a plague over the shiver; he drives the deer into the river, they don't go, he skins them off legs, because they do not want to wet their boots; the brothers tell them to put a plague on the China River; he sees a bunch of branches (rank) on the tree, climbs there; bring the ambassador roots (nyinsha) to sew a birch bark boat; tells the devils to lie down, to try them on, he cuts off their heels (nyinsha); devils come, older brothers climb a tree from them; C. roasts their heels, hits the devils, drives them away]: Pinegina et al. 1952:71-75; Sym Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 85 [Ivul takes the running moose for his late father's dog, runs after him; Akaramo collects it piece by piece, revives it; tells him to put a yurt on Chino (rocky mountain), who drags the poles onto the rock ; A. was attacked by enemies, I. killed them; A. threw I. a stone, shouted that it was an elk; I. grabbed, died], 86 [Iwul tells Choro's younger brother to bring ribs for the boat; he kills his mother, brings her ribs; I. orders put a yurt on the river, C. drags the poles into the water, rips off the "boots" from the feet of deer]: 121-122, 122-123; Evenki of the Angara region [Ivul puts a yurt on the river, drives the deer into the water, removing their boots]: Vasilevich 1936, No. 6:152-153; Amur Evenks: Varlamova 2002 (Charo-Olekminsky basin) [older brothers - Delonoy, Sikteney, younger - Chinanay; the elders tell him to set up a camp on the river; that puts peels in the middle of the river, rips off the horses so that they do not soak their boots, the water carries away the poles; the brothers tell them to check the loops; they have a bear, a red deer, he lets them go, slapping them in the ass; since then the bear's ass is wide, the red deer is white; he is told not to let anyone go; he kills mice, birds, then his mother; he is sent to his mother's sister for cloth for funeral clothes; C. kills his aunt's child, He hangs matter on trees (he thinks they are asking); he is asked to bring tree roots, he cuts off and brings the heels of children; their fathers attack, C. easily defeats them; together with his brothers he climbs three trees, says he wants to write, falls, enemies run away in fear; he catches up with them, kills them; brothers come to the shiteke, who has three daughters; each in turn calls one of the brothers to lie down on bed; every time C. goes, sees skulls and bones, kills a girl; later with. finds their heads; Evenks come from C., Yakuts come from the middle brother, the elder brother of the ray became the root (?) ; C. goes to marry the daughter of the Month; the frog laughs at him, he cannot hit her with a stone, pulls out a tree, drags him, paving a new river; the daughter of the Month will go beyond the cliff, the rock will become lower if anoint her with blood; C. rubs two people against her; on the rock the house, the hostess says that she is the daughter of the Month, lies down with C.; C. hears the voice of the real daughter of the Month, demanding that the maid open the door; throws the maid away, tells H. to ventilate in the storage shed for three days; when leaving, tells C. not to open one of the barns; he opens it with a sitke; c. sticks C. into the ground, pulls out the maid's eyes; she blindly begins to cut C.'s legs; C. gets out of the ground, chases s., sees his wife hanged from a tree by her legs, does not take it off, continues to chase; after defeating s., finds his wife's bones; Raven brings medicine, his wife comes to life; when C. is old, his wife gave birth to him two boys; they throw them on the ground, they give birth to Evenks]: 183-211; Malchakitova 2003 [two smart brothers, younger Ivulder is a fool; brothers sent him to bring the roots of the trees; I. saw the children, asked him to take off his shoes and stretch his legs, cut off his heels, brought a bag of heels, answered his brothers that they had sent him behind their heels; the brothers realized that There's nothing to take a fool]: 227; Evens: Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951 [as in Novikov 1958:75-76]: 303-305; Novikova 1958:75-76 [=1987:79-80; Wyndya lives with his older brother; he tells him to put a yurt to Hevindu ("big nest"); crossing the river, W. takes off his boots, demands the same from the deer; skins him; the water murmurs, W. thinks it asks for meat, he throws the deer into the river; finds an eagle's nest, climbs into it], 76-79 [brother tells us to put a yurt on the lake, W. puts it on a raft; brother tells me to go down the river, put a yurt by the hollow; W. leads the deer in the middle of the river, climbs into the hollow; he thinks that the partridges who have fallen into the snare ask them to let them go, he lets them go; the brother tells them not to let anyone else go, he falls into a trap, W. does not want to release him; his brother beats him].

Subarctic. Koyukon [one of the widow's sons, Ggaadooggaa, sleeps all the time as a child, becomes a shaman; his mother drives him to throw snare at the rabbits, he goes, throws them into trees; his mother tells him to put normally, he catches rabbits in them; the mother sends them to check the traps on blackfish, they are full; the mother asks for crooked sticks (i.e. porcupines), he brings a bunch of sticks; when he finds out what's going on, catches lots of porcupines; his mother tells me to cut wood into the hearth; he cuts and roasts his younger siblings; {it is not clear from the text why; apparently an unexplained play on words}; mother says that it is necessary to cut down there were trees; he cuts a tree, blood splashes from the trunk, which means that he has become a real shaman; chasing a woodpecker, he comes to the lake house, lives there with an old woman; she kills the Caribbean with her gaze; G. hears blows, this a dangerous man is more powerful than an old woman; G. goes to him, he asks him to look for squirrels, mice, caresses in his head, instead of lice; G. pokes them with an old woman's awl, throws them into boiling water; the old man wants to throw him, but G. confronts him himself, there is only blood in the boiling pot; G. lives with the old woman, sends her for firewood, comes to his two uncles, who hide him from the woman who comes, but he goes with her; her father is dangerous; G. does not eat a man, puts a woman to sleep, changes places with her, cutting off her hair, putting it to his head; her father kills her instead of G., he runs, the cannibal tells him to cramp, he freezes to the ice, G. his uncle calls, they save him, their dogs kill the ogre; G. returns to the old woman; she does not tell him to move the stove under her pillow, he moves it, sees the ground through the hole, sees his mother; the old woman lowers him on tendon rope, asks to untie rather than cut the rope; he cuts off, so people hang themselves on a rope; G. finds his mother, becomes a good shaman]: Alaska Native Writers 1986:42-45 (=Attla 1989:31 -69); kuchin [mother tells her son to scatter rabbit snare in the bushes; he hangs them on the bushes; the mother goes to see why there is no prey, tells him to place the snare on the ground; asks "to carry the dog, and then she is all on a leash; the son throws a noose around the dog's neck, drags the dog, it is dead; mother and son buried it; the son remained so fool until old age]: Perry, Pope 1976:47-53; upper tanana [on the moon can see a man holding caribou ovaries on one side and caribou stomach sausage on the other; something fell from the top of the fir tree, turned out to be a baby; the old woman has two girls, they went to the voice twice, no one was found, the old woman found it between her roots, brought it; she asks him to "carry the dog up the mountain to find the porcupine"; he drags the dog by the rope all day long, its mouth has long been covered with snow; he is told to set traps on rabbits under branches, he puts them between branches in a tree (a play on words); an old woman teaches him, he hunts rabbits, she makes clothes for him from rabbit skins; his uncle (younger brother) old woman) killed a bear, arranged a party; the boy lies down in the doorway; watches who steps over him and who politely goes around him; he killed a lot of caribou with a word; it snowed, the village fell asleep; he went up to sky visible on the moon {the end is not well understood}]: Kari 1996:77-87; southern tutchoni: Workman 2000:58-63 [during the migration, the old woman found the baby Sha Kay Dadaya (S.); he has grown up; she tells me to take the dog , because he cannot bring the caught rabbits alone; he asks if it is true to drag the dog with him; drags it by the rope, it dies; hang traps on rabbits everywhere - the old woman goes to see, that traps are hung on trees; she shows how to do it; now S. catches a lot of rabbits, but hides, brings them home to eat enough; hunts caribou with the husband of the old woman's daughter (hereinafter M.); kisses the night sings; says that there will be war; tells him to pour water into birch bark vessels, they themselves fly to the other side of the lake; they do not believe him, the children laugh at him because he is small; he burns M.'s arrow, tells him he follows the trail of the arrow; he comes to the fallen tree, there is his whole arrow, under the den tree; S. and M. kill the bear, feed the hungry; S. moves the old woman away; magic kills many caribou (he knocks trees in their direction, turns into forty, etc.); gives everyone fat, says that there is not enough caribou fat that followed the leader; cries, but no one confesses; he goes to the old woman; it snows heavily at night, all people are frozen; in the plague, old woman S. flies out through the chimney; she grabs his S. leg, leg comes off; now a man with his leg torn off is visible on the moon; the old woman complains that he left her; he raises her to the moon; you can see how he holds her hand there], 71-75 [during the migration, the old woman found a baby; he has grown up, but not taller than 1 m; following the rabbits, asks if he should drag her a dog; drags her by the rope, she dies; the old woman tells us to hang traps for rabbits everywhere - she goes to watch, sees that the traps are hung on the trees; she shows how to do it; says that his uncles are killed, his sisters are gone; he comes to the camp, pretends to fall from weakness at every step, hides an arrow every time; approaches the old man, he wants to kill him; he kills him and everyone with arrows , except sisters; leads them to an old woman; magically kills many caribou; fat from one caribou is gone; he is insulted; at night meat turns into animals again, they run away; people starve, the old woman remains, her daughters and their husbands; the boy flies out through the hole of the plague; the old woman grabs his leg, she breaks off; now he is visible on the moon, one leg is torn off; one day he came to an old woman, sang her a moon song; it was sung during lunar eclipses].

NW Coast. The Tlingits [little sister cries; mom to boy: Bake an oyster in the fire and give it to it; he hears: Make a hole in the fire and put your sister there; the girl is burned]: Swanton 1909, No. 17:47; haida [Your little brother (sister) is crying, give him/her a big oyster left for him/her; Where is your brother? - I don't know, I killed him as told; (oyster and I destroyed - homonyms]: Swanton 1905:362; Tsimshian [Vox, son of Asdival I, goes to the mountains, forgets the spear with which He split the rocks; an earthquake begins; he sees his wife in the valley, shouts to her to sacrifice fat to pacify the elements; she hears that he tells her to eat fat; then drinks cold water, bursts, turns into flint; V. turns into stone]: Boas 1916, No. 36:245-246, 825 [summary].

The coast is the Plateau. Puget Sound: Adamson 1934 (White River) [The crow tells his son to fry oysters for his little sister; he hears his sister's ass to fry; the charred corpse hides in the bushes; mother revives her daughter]: 361-362; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 (Southern Lushootseed) [When leaving to collect oysters, the Raven tells her son to fry oysters for his sister; he hears "fry his sister's ass"; roasts his sister alive, hides the corpse in the bushes; confesses, brings the corpse, the Raven revives his daughter]: 267-269; the upper chehalis [Blue Jay's sister tells him to sit on the bench or on the bow of the boat; he understands that he must lie down and cover yourself with a broom; he was almost trampled]: Adamson 1934:10, 15, 20 [sister asks for meat, Blue Jay hears crap; brings crap in the bag]; lower chinook [ sister tells brother 1) give the children a duck nose pendant, and she leave a stone with a rope (she meant giving the children some and leaving her stomach; the brother hangs pieces of fat from the children's noses, they stick them in fry fire, their faces turn red), 2) make a boat for one leg (I meant for one person, my brother understands literally), 3) marry even a dead woman; he digs up a corpse; takes his soul from the dead deceased; her relatives demand a ransom from him; they drag her home; her brother turns into a blue jay, the woman dies again]: Boas 1894a, No. 14:158-160; clackamas [wife asks Skunk to bring meat from a deer's breast; he comes back with a swollen face, gives it his torn teeth (breasts and teeth are almost homonyms)]: Jacobs 1958, No. 19:179-181; tillamook [like lower chinook; 1) make a boat out of rotten wood (I didn't mean literally), 2) split the top (head) to make a digging stick (I meant a fir's paw, it cuts his face), 3) buy meat by throwing shell money in the genitals of any old hag (meant to buy from any old woman; he comes literally), 4) gives him salmon, says he will throw stones in the sun all day (so he will leave fish and dinner; he throws stones), 5) marry even a dead woman; an old woman; a baby (he digs up a corpse; brings an old woman; a child); finally marries normally]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 37:118-120; ne perse [Laska takes care of the farm while his older brother is hunting; marries a sunflower girl; his older brother is surprised that the house is now more tidy; Laska gives him a wife; she gives birth to a son; the boy is dirty, his mother asks Laska to throw him into the river (=wash him); Laska cries but drowns the child; his brother beats him; Laska commits suicide by sitting in an anthill; brother resurrects him from his bones]: Phinney 1934 : 201-204.

The Midwest. Winnebago [old woman: Pour broth into his quiver; her grandson Hare wants to do so; I meant pour it on his ribs; he wants to pour over his side; for the fourth time he realizes that broth should be drunk]: Radin 1956, No. 7:68; menominee [Meanyabush carries his grandmother; she asks to throw her on a stump and collect acorns; he throws her on a stump; she is angry that he understood her this way literally]: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 4:251.

Northeast. Hurons [uncle asks nephew 1) to stab arrows around the bear (he literally understands he does not kill a bear), 2) cook (a play on words; instead of meat, fat, corn, the nephew cooks loincloth, ax, branches), 3) invite High, Powerful Trees, Horned Trees (calls mountains, trees, deer instead of noble people and members of the deer genus), 4) face the Potter (he knocks down his uncle with a similar name), 5) expel guests (he throws them out of the house, and does not politely say that the holiday is over), 6) hang on the girl's door (he hangs himself in a bag, not makes an offer)]: Barbeau 1960, No. 28:41-42; Malesit [Gluscap asks his Uncle Turtle to check the trap; he climbs into the trap himself; G. saves him]: Mechling 1914, No. 1:27; Delaware: Bierhorst 1995, No. 49 [orphan Wehixamukes lived with old people, they offended him in every possible way; the spirit promised him "charmed life"; he became a servant of hunters and warriors; they ask 1) to mix food into such a puddle; he interferes with eating in a puddle; 2) It would be nice to drown a turkey in fat; he catches a turkey, drowns in fat; 3) on a bear hunt, he is told to report if he notices a hole in the tree; he points to woodpecker's hollow; 4) find a flat place for a campfire; it leads satellites to a frozen lake; 5) puts a bloody bubble on his head as if it were scalped; jumps out at enemies, kills everyone; 6) the warriors buried themselves in the sand, ordered them to try to direct the enemies through them; the enemies went side by side, he called them to go through the hidden warriors; 7) when V. grew up, the parents threatened the children that V. was theirs he will take it away; V. dragged him away so that his parents did not look like liars; 8) when he was old, he defeated his enemies, throwing hot porridge at them; 9) very old, began to cut down a tree, rushed to him, disappeared; he would return help the Delaware in battle], 79 [about the same; he is told to "kill the first thing he meets", he kills two people; first raises the alarm among enemies, then one kills them all], 97 [same series his ridiculous deeds and exploits; at the end he grabs a tree, falls into the ground with it], 127 [about the same; looking for a bear, you have to bury his nose in the ground; V. buries his nose into the ground, puts him out ass; kills enemies], 155 [same], 156 [same], 167 [same], 169 [same]: 40, 47, 51-52, 60-61, 66, 69, 70.

Plains. Iowa [The hare lives with his grandmother; asks what his uncles make onions from; From elm (wagla'shku), he hears frog legs (wagna'sku); catches frogs, understands his mistake; calls birds, rejects eagles and others, takes arrow feathers from Thunderbirds; he can't see well with his sore eyes, asks his grandmother to aim his arrow; she lies as if he missed, herself He eats bear meat; he tastes like meat in beans; his grandmother is ashamed, she gives him meat, his eyes recover]: Skinner 1925, No. 36:496-497.

California. Chumash [1) his mother asks Sixnex to swing the cradle by the rope; he ties a rope to the baby's neck, he dies; 2) he is told to carry a supply of acorns to the cave; he finds a cave on the shore the seas, acorns are soaked and deteriorated; 3) he is told to find a place on the shore where there are many islay bushes; sign by covering his forehead with white clay; he finds a lonely bush in the hills, smears his ass; 4) he is told cook a soup of acorns at noon; he throws out acorns at noon; 5) mother asks for warning if S. sees a bear; S. says he saw only a big fly; this is a bear, he killed mother C .; 6) Grandma tells S. to marry a girl of the same age as his sister; S. tries to lie down with her sister]: Blackburn 1975, No. 55:242-244.

The Great Southwest. Pima [the young man is told to close the trough (through which the beaters will drive deer); he does not pay attention to the deer, builds a fence from hill to hill; he is told to climb a tree above the deer path; he climbs but does not shoot deer (because he was not told to shoot too); he is told to shoot at pregnant women (deer); he shoots at a pregnant woman; shoot at an old one (a deer with big horns); he kills an old man]: Russel 1908:218; papago [grandmother tells an orphan to bring edible plants called owl feathers, crow legs, skeleton head; he brings real feathers, legs, skull; after marriage, he breaks pots without understanding what is being asked of him; his wife leaves; he goes west, believing that the Striking Wind is to blame for his stupidity; the Wind straightens him]: Densmore 1929a: 35-38.

Mesoamerica Totonaki [a man escapes from a flood in a boat; sends a dove to see if there is land; one day she returns with feet stained with clay; after the flood, a dog comes to man; he finds tortillas cooked in the house; finds a woman throwing dog skin into the fire; wife gives birth to a boy; husband asks her to make tender bread; means tender pumpkins, she kills their son; husband finds a finger in bread; continues to eat]: Oropeza 1947:269-275; mountain food [woman tells her little brother to cook pumpkins for herself and her young son; he cooks pumpkins and her young son; the child's father leaves the boy in the forest; he turns into a partridge]: Foster 1945a, No. 7:199-200; mopan [woman asks daughter to cook cassava; girl kills her younger brother]: Ulruch, Ulrich 1982: xviii.

Honduras-Panama. Bribri [woman asks her son to fetch seeds; he kills his little sister]: Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1989, No. 12:19.

Guiana. Varrau [people go to the palm grove to hook fish in the ducts; they drive the forest from side to side, as if imitating a crawling snake; this is called serpentear (in Spanish); the fool thinks that you have to squirm yourself while swimming in the water, swimming in the nearest backwater for six hours; they laugh at a fool; in another village people go to "break the leg of a dark heron", i.e. cut down trees in which wild bees; two fools kill a heron; when people open their packages, everyone has honey, and fools have a heron]: García 1993, No. 70:233-234; kalinya [man to wife: It's raining, I'll sleep well ; the wife tells the brothers that he wants to sleep in the rain; they tie him up in a hammock, leave him in a hammock for the night; while hunting, he tied his wife in a basket, fried him alive on the grill; fed her mother-in-law meat; brothers catch up with him, cut off his leg; he rejects opportunities to become different constellations, becomes Orion]: Penar in Magaña, Jara 1982:119; trio [woman sends her son Otoyo catches pio turtles in the lake; he doesn't know what it is, he tries to catch a bird screaming pio, pio; his mother sends him for corn; he calls corn, no one answers, he returns; his brother invites him to accompany women who go to dig cassava; his brother's wife's sister looks at him, others leave them alone; he doesn't understand what the girl wants him to do; at home asks his brother what it means to "copulate"]: Magaña 1988b, No. 6:581.