Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M39a2. Misunderstood instructions: a sharp object .

The character does ridiculous things, understanding the instructions too literally or one episode late (i.e., doing what was relevant to the previous episode). One episode involves improper handling of a needle and other sharp objects.

Laadi, Hausa, Portuguese, Mizo, Kalmyks, Stavropol Turkmens, Kumyks, Laki, Archins.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Laadi [Malonga sends his son to buy a needle; he stuck it in a bag of flour carried by a passerby on the way; M.: the needle must be wrapped in leaves; buy butter; the son wrapped it in leaves oil, it has spilled; oil is in a closed bowl, buy a puppy; the puppy suffocated in the bowl; lead the puppy by the neck on a rope, buy meat; the son drags meat on a rope, the dogs ate everything]: Aksenova et al. 2005:105-106.

West Africa. Hausa [mother sends her son to buy a needle; he puts it in a bran basket, could not find it; the mother advised me to stick it in the sleeve of his shirt, sent it for oil; the son put oil in the sleeve, it was glass; the oil should be put in a jug, sent to bring a puppy from the neighbors; the puppy was caught in a jug; it was necessary to drag the puppy by the rope, sent for meat; while the son was dragging meat on a rope, the dogs were all ate; mother said she would not send him anywhere else]: Schön 1862, No. 5:189-192 (translated in Olderogg 1959:253-254; =Pozdnyakov 1990:304-306).

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [Pedro de Malas Artes is the son of a poor woman; she weaved paintings, said we would plug all our holes with them (in the family budget); he plugged holes in the shack; she sent to buy a pig, he drags a hog on his back, not leads it on a rope; tells you to buy a jug - he drags it on a rope, the jug has broken; she: the jug should have been put in straw, led on a cart; buy needles; he sprinkles needles in straw, you can't find them; sent to rinse his clothes, does not know if it is clean; screams and calls people in the boat, asks if they hit him, he would rather wish a fair wind; he wants wind to the reapers; those: we must wish nothing to fly; he wishes the birdsmen; those: must wish: fly and fight (in snare); he does it to the fighters; we must: one right, the other to the left; he wants it for the newlyweds; we must wish : let it be like this every day; he wishes those who brought the dead to the cemetery; he is beaten]: Shishlova 1971:183-188.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mizo (best) [the widow's son meets the chief's daughter; she gives him a needle, he puts needles on the roof, the mother advises him to stick it in his pocket; next time the girl gives him a pocketknife, boy sticks it in her pocket, his mother advises to fold the blade; next time, a goat (folds it, puts it in his pocket); a pig's leg (drags it by the rope, the dogs are eaten); a cow (trying to put it on a tray); the girl gives herself (ties a rope by the neck, leads her to the barn); her mother calls him a fool, the girl drives him away]: McCall 1949:82-83.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [when returning home, the old man puts a needle in a bunch of firewood; the old woman says that the needle should be stuck in his hat; he puts an ax in there - he needs to the waist; puts the puppy behind the belt - it is necessary say kitsch, kitsch; says this to the clergy, they shy away, the old woman explains that they should be invited to his place; he invites wolves, is eaten]: Badmayev 1899:1 (=Basangova 2002:155); Stavropol Turkmens [the old man found a needle, put brushwood in a bunch, can't find it; his wife says he should have pinned a needle to the beshmet; then the old man performs every time wife's advice, one step behind; tries to attach an iron axis to the beshmet; drags a puppy by the rope, strangling him; tries to lure a hare; says to a passerby "dash yatyr" ("the stone lies"), so to speak, the hare will freeze); says "hairley big syn" ("let good be") to the carriers of the deceased; to the wedding train - "nesibsiz gün" ("unhappy day"); decides not to listen to anyone else, saws the branch on which he sits, falls; thinks that a passer-by is a seer, asks when he will die, he replies that when the donkey stumbles three times; after the third time, the old man lies under the bridge to die; the merchant asks for help in lifting the arba; the old man does not answer, gets up after the third blow with a whip; brings a whip to his wife, tells him to save him by the day of his death]: Bagriy 1930 (2): 99-102; Kumyks [Kulbay is the youngest of three brothers; carrying a load of firewood, finds a needle, puts it on the firewood, can't find it, dumps firewood; the brothers say that the needle should have been pinned to the clothes; K. finds an awl, works it into the clothes, hitting the body; the awl should have been wrap it, put it in his pocket; K. does it with the puppy; the puppy should have been tied to the tail of a donkey; K. ties a cauldron; K. cuts a tree in the forest, there are bees, K. says that a mountain army is coming; says to the fox, to the bear that his brothers told him not to let them take honey, so let them take it themselves; the brothers kill the bear; go to the wedding, tell K. not to leave windows and doors unattended; K. breaks down doors and windows, drags them to the wedding; the brothers decide to leave K., but he hides in the bag they take with them; the brothers rob the unattended store, K. takes the millstone; merchants come, the brothers hide in the tree, K. drops a millstone at the merchant, merchants run away, leaving their property; the brothers got married]: Aliyeva 2012, No. 83:378-383; Lucky [Yarakhmed is smart, his brother Karahmed is a fool; he takes his shadow for a man, is afraid her; shadows the cauldron of khinkal and the gold pin he found; Y. says that the pin should have been put in his pocket; K. finds a dagger, puts it in his pocket, hurts himself; he should have tied it to his belt; finds a puppy, tied it up, he dies; he should have thrown him bread, he would go; finds an ax, throws him bread; I go after the ax myself, stumbled, broke my leg; K. only at night, when there is no shadow, takes him to the doctor ; puts a hat on the tree so that the tree does not heat its head; a shirt on the stone so that the sun does not burn it; the plough creaks, K. thinks that it spoils the air, broke it; sees the shadow again, throws stones at it, there are mountains by night, there are no shadows, K. thinks he has defeated his enemies]: Aliyeva 2012, No. 84:385-387; Archins [the fool was returning from the forest , found a needle, threw it on the wood rack; said mother, she exclaimed that the needle should have been wrapped in a coat; on the second day, the fool went back to the forest; found a puppy, wrapped it in a coat; the puppy died; the mother: "You could have said "no" to him and bring him with you"; the next day, the fool met a hare; shouted to him: "Come on!" ; the hare ran away; mother: "You should have shot him with a gun"; the fool met a man in the forest, started aiming at him with a gun; the man took his gun, and then beat and drove him away; about this, the fool He did not tell his mother; when he came to the village, he began to dance and jump on the grave; people drove him away; mother: "You should have started punching yourself on the head and crying right away"; the next day the fool got to wedding; started crying, punching himself on the head; people drove him away; the mother decided not to let his fool son out of the house until he got married]: Mikayilov 1967:153-154.