Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M39a5a. Pancakes on trees, ATU 1381, 1381B.


Realizing that a stupid son, wife or (rarely) husband, after telling the truth, will cause trouble for the family, the mother or husband (wife) adjusts that the son, wife or husband describes events that They obviously couldn't have happened. They're mistaken for crazy, the message is ignored.

Ganda, Berbers and Arabs of Morocco, Arabs of Egypt, Kabilas, Tunisia, Spaniards, Galicians, Catalans, Aragon, Portuguese, Italians (Liguria, Campania, Basilicata), Sicilians, Maltese, Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Pomerania), French, Scots, Palestinians, Syria, Iraq, Qatar, Yemen, Tibetans, Mustang, Meitei, Himachal Pakhari, Dogri, Kumaoni, Nepali, Punjabi, Bengalis, Hindi, Gondas, Tamils, Greeks, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Romanians, Hungarians, (Croats), Serbs, Bosnians, Albanians, Czechs, Slovaks, Luzhitans, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Vologda, Novgorod, Ryazan, Orlovskaya, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Kiev, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Poltava), Belarusians, Adygs, Ossetians, Terek Cossacks, Kumyks, Dargins, Varnishes, Kyurins, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Persians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes, Lithuanians, Latvians, Karelians, Finns, Eastern Sami, Estonians, Livons, Kazan Tatars, Nogai Karagash, Chuvash, Marie, Mordovians, Bashkirs, Komi, Northern Khanty, (Yakuts).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ganda [the hunter took the money from the ruler's palace, hid it in the forest; trapped the fish and the rabbit in the net; took his wife, she was happy with the money and marveled at the miracle; talked everything up; said that the husband got the money the day they found a rabbit in the nets and fish in the trap; the hunter was released]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 197:469-470.

North Africa. Kabila: Rivière 1882, No. 4 [the mother sent her son to sell the goat; he heard a cuckoo, negotiated a price with her, takes cuckoo for her answers, leaves the goat tied to an oak tree; in Friday, the fool came back, demanded money, threw stones at the cuckoos, which he took out from the ruins of a house, found a treasure, took 2 francs 50 su; the next day, my mother ordered me to show this place ; on the way she threw pancakes and pancakes, the son thinks they are falling from the sky; the son told everyone how she and his mother took the treasure from the abandoned house; the land owners began to demand that the treasure be given to them; the mother said that her son is an idiot; he insisted: pancakes and fritters were raining at that time; people believed his mother that her son had come up with everything]: 179-182; Reesink 1977 [the widow sent her son to sell the cow; he hears cucking cuckoos, offers her to buy a cow, understands "ku-ku" as a positive answer, he will return for the money tomorrow; the next day he again tells her mother that the money will be tomorrow; finds a treasure, She takes only a few coins - the price of a cow; the mother asks to take her to this place, takes everything; after preparing pancakes and boiled eggs in advance, she threw them on the way home, explaining that God sent them; the boy went tell everyone that they found the treasure, and the mother hid the money at that time; son: the treasure was found when pancakes and eggs fell from the sky; everyone was convinced that the guy was a fool; then the guy pushed the man into the well the edges of the man; the mother threw a goat there; the boy was told to go down to the well; he says that the one he found has horns, wool and split hooves; when the guy took out the goat, people again believed that he's just a fool]: 148-150; Moroccan Berbers [mother tells her son to sell a goat; he sees a hooting owl, takes hooting for a promise to buy for a certain price; in the morning he comes for money, the owl continues hoot; he threw a stone at her, the owl disappeared into the crevice; there was a pot of gold; he took 10 coins from it and brought it to her mother; the mother asked her son to show the place and on the way back threw beans and peas; the fool started talking about everything: the mother took gold when it was raining beans and pea; people laughed and did not go to take the widow's money]: Stimme 1896, No. 7:403-405; Arabs of Morocco [Bahlul lived with his mother, who told him to sell their only goat; walking near the cliff, B. heard an owl hooting; he offered her to buy a goat, and when he heard a hoot, he understood this each time as an affirmative answer to his question; left the goat to the owl, promising to come for the money tomorrow; when B. came in the morning, demanded money, threw a stone into the owl, which disappeared into the hole; he followed her, saw a vessel with gold coins and I took just as much as I wanted for the goat; the mother cooked peas and beans, asked her son to show her a place, took all the gold, and on the way back she poured peas and beans on her son; he said what the mother had found the treasures were just before the pea and bean rain; the villagers were just smiling]: Bushnaq 1987:278-280; Tunisian Arabs [Juha and her mother sleep under her veil; mother hears early in the morning the muezzin screams, gets up, throws a veil over himself, and D. remains lying in the cold; then he killed the muezzin, cut off his head, brought it home and threw it into the well; when he found out, the mother stabbed her camel, She threw her head into the well, made sausages from the meat and scattered it; told her son that it was raining sausage; D. brought him to the mosque, said that he had cut off the muezzin's head; he was told to take it out of the well; he asks if the muezzin had horns, pulls out the camel's head; replies that it all happened on the day when it was raining sausage; people left him alone]: Stumme 1893:131-132; Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1381:774-775.

Southern Europe. The Spaniards [Juan the Fool found a purse of gold coins; wife Maria pretends that there is nothing to do with these rounds - not even a chain; she baked donuts and started throwing donuts from the roof into the chimney - like this rain; threw a blanket over the feeder, put candles on either side of the donkey; H.: our donkey serves impoverishment; M. sent H. to school, and he had to leave all about sheep; in the field the rider asks him, did not find it is he a purse; H.: his wife said that they are good for nothing; M. denies everything; H.: then donuts fell from the sky and our donkey served to impoverish; the rider left, and M. bought her husband a flock of sheep]: Malinovskaya 2002 : 242-243; Galicians [fool Jean went to buy firewood and found a bag of money; his wife Maria-Juana said that the bag was rags; but that the bag would bother them; the owner of the money looked for his bag, W . told him everything; his wife got up early, scattered hot donuts (? torresnos, liscos); put a newspaper in front of the donkey; when the couple was summoned to the judge, J. confirmed that he had found a bag of money when it was raining from donuts and reading them in warehouses; the judge let them go]: Contos 1972, No. 41:47-549; Aragon [wife makes her husband believe that on the day he found the purse with money, it was raining pancakes; the owner is looking for his wallet; husband: yes, he found it when he went a rain of pancakes; the owner mistook him for a madman and left]: González Sanz 1996, No. 1381B: 119; Maltese: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 1381B [husband and wife got hold of silver; husband forces wife believe that it was raining that day of dates, figs, nuts, grapes, raisins, almonds], 1643 [a fool sells fabric to a statue; the next day he breaks it into pieces because she did not pay; finds it inside treasures; thanks to this money, he manages to escape punishment for killing a neighbor; his mother makes him believe it was raining from grapes]: 533-534, 674-675; Catalans: Oriol, Pujol 2008, no. 1381A [the husband found a purse of money, told his wife; the wife does not want to return the money to the owner, sprinkles fish in the field; the owner of the money asks her husband if he found it; he says yes, he found it, and what for It was a happy day for him - he harvested fish from the field; the owner of the money takes him for a madman and does not ask him anymore], 1381B (Mallorca included) [the husband found a purse with money, told his wife; after taking her purse, she hangs sausages in the chimney; the owner of the money asks her husband if he found that purse; husband: yes, on the day when it rained from sausages; the owner takes him for a madman]: 236-237, 237 ; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 1381 [the husband foolishly tells his wife that he has found the treasure; realizing that she will talk it all up, he makes her believe that it was raining from sausages (cakes, porridge, manure, spoons) that the rooster caught a hare, etc.; the woman is mistaken for crazy, the treasure remains with her husband], 1381A [like 1381, but the husband is a talker, and an intelligent wife adjusts so that they do not believe him], 1381B [ a woman killed three men and asks a fool to help her get rid of their bodies; so that no one takes his story of the murder seriously, she makes him believe that it was raining manure that day]: 290, 290, 290; the Sicilians [when leaving for the field, Giufá's mother told Giufá to pull the door with her; he pulled until he tore it off its hinges and carried it; the night found them far from home, they climbed a tree; they gathered below the robbers began to divide the money; D. began to urinate, they thought it was raining; then to defecate, they thought it was birds; D. dropped the door, the robbers ran away, the mother took the money; told D. to remain silent; bought raisins and fig, began to pour it on the roof, said that it was raining raisin-fig; put rusty nails in a bag containing gold; D. went to the judge, said that his mother had replaced gold with nails the day she was walking raisin-fig rain; the judge put him in a madhouse]: Calvino 1980, No. 190.VI: 684-686; Italians (Basilicata): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1381:306; Italians (Campaign): Basile, I, 4; Italians (Liguria) [Bartoumé saves money by telling his stupid wife it's for a long May (there is no job in Menton in May); a tall man came in in in in without her husband; wife: aren't you Long May ? he replied that yes, and the woman gave him the money; when he found out, the husband smeared his wife's eyelids with shoemaker and left it on a tree; under the tree, two robbers lit a fire and began to share the money; from the warm the var melted; opening one eye, the woman shouted "One!" , and then "Second!" ; the robbers thought it was about them, fled, leaving the money; the wife brought it home; knowing that she would talk about everything, B. cooked pasta at night and scattered it around the garden, told his wife that he was walking a rain of pasta; she started talking about it to the judge; the judge let the madwoman and her husband go]: Andrews 1895, No. 22:90-94.

Western Europe. Friesians, Flemish, Germans (Pomerania), French: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1381:186; Scots: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1381B: 187-188.

Western Asia. Palestinians [(final episode); a crazy husband looks for work, finds an uncompressed field, works, sees a lizard, who nods, goes into the crevice, there is a treasure, the husband takes what he needs due; tells his wife that Abu Suleiman is rich, but he took only what he honestly earned; the wife throws lamb legs and giblets around the yard, says that it has rained strangely; secretly takes it away from her husband gold; he says that she robbed Abu Suleiman, complains to the police; describes the robbed: he is a lizard; says that it was raining from lamb's legs that day; policeman to his wife: I hope God soon will cure your husband]: Lebedev 1990, No. 55:250-258; Iraqi Arabs [the shoemaker's friend is a shepherd, gave him two sheep skins; the husband tells the stupid wife to find someone who will conjugate wool to make clothes; that hears frogs croaking, calls them relatives, throws sheepskins into the water, promises to come for yarn in a month; the husband goes with her, sees rotten sheepskins in the water, beats his wife, leaves her outside for the night; comes a cat, a dog; a woman thinks that their husband sent them for her, refuses to go; a camel comes up, she agrees; and the husband just felt sorry for his wife and let him in with the camel; he is loaded with gold; when the wife fell asleep, the husband killed and buried the camel, cooked some meat, hid the gold; when the wife went out and then returned, the husband threw the cooked meat at her and she believed that the meat was falling from the sky like rain; the husband in at this time he pretended to be sleeping; the sultan sent him to look for the missing treasures; the wife said that they had the camel; the husband was summoned to the Sultan; when he left, he told his wife to keep his eyes on the door; when the sultan presented He was accused of stealing treasures, his husband asked his wife to be called; she came carrying a door on her back; his wife says that it all happened when meat fell from the sky, and her husband sent Pussy, Woof-Woof and Gorba to pick her up; the couple was released; the shoemaker divorced his wife, dug up treasures, went to another city and healed well]: Stevens 2006, No. 1:1-6; Qatar, Palestine, Syria, Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, NO. 1381A: 775-775.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [a foolish young Muslim was sitting in a meadow sniffing yellow flowers; a passer-by: your soles turned yellow, which means that you are about to die; a Muslim dug his own grave and lay down in it; A man was passing by, carrying a jug of butter for the king; when he learned his story from a Muslim, told him to stand up better and help carry oil, for which he promised chicken; on the way, the boy began to wonder how the chicken will lay eggs, he will raise new chickens, etc., eventually get a house and marry; slipped and broke a jar of butter; the man dragged him to the king; smiling told the guy, the king laughed and gave a bar of gold for him; when the young man came to the house, he saw a dog carrying a purse with money in its mouth; his mother, fearing that the money would be taken away from them, put sugar on the roof and told her son that it was from heaven sugar was falling; while the son was collecting sugar, the mother took the dog's money; they agreed to marry; the young man promised to come to the bride's house in the evening; rides a horse and sees a shadow, takes it for a stalking spirit, consistently throws up all his garments, jumps off his horse, hides in the shade of the poplar, where the shadow disappears; climbed onto the poplar, fell asleep; the travelers picked everything up, sat down under the poplar to divide; the young man screams from the tree: and me; they ran away, the young man went down, got dressed and sat on his horse; during the wedding ceremony, the young man put the best pieces for his mother in a jug; put it deep in his hand, she got stuck; I had to say that he does not want to eat anymore; wife: knock a jug on a white stone on the street; it turned out that he hit his father-in-law on the head; thinking that he had killed a man, the young man ran away; in some yard he lay down first on honeycombs, and then on wool; in the morning he decided that he had been turned into a sheep as punishment for murder; joined the flock; at night, the thieves came to steal the sheep, found the biggest young man; on the river bank they wanted to slaughter a sheep, the young man shouted that it was not necessary; the thieves ran away, the young man returned to his wife; after a few years he went to work; the owner said that the lamp would be held at night not by the servant, but by the cat; if this does not happen, the guest he will take all his property, and if so, he will give everything to the owner; so this man regularly robbed travelers; after losing, the young man remained a servant in the house; the wife dressed up as a man, went in search; agreed with her husband that he would release the mice; the third time the cat rushed after the mouse, dropped the lamp; the husband and wife received wealth, returned home]: O'Connor 1906, No. 6:30-42 (retelling in Parfionovich 1976:110- 121, the hero's name is Lodup); Mustang [mother tells her son Bu Tshuktura to bring firewood; he climbs a tree, cuts the trunk below; the woman says the tree will collapse and he will kill; SC: what is dead? woman: if the body is cold; the shopping center brings firewood, freezes, thinks he is dead, lies in a hole covered with her skin; the mother sends him to play with other boys; the dog meets him, gives a bag of silver in coins for giving her bread; the business center brings her mother's bag; at night she throws fritters on him from the roof; when a merchant comes to look for her money, the business center says that the dog brought silver; mother denies; BC: it was when it rained out of pancakes; the merchant leaves; the mother sends the business center to fetch water, the princess also comes there; the business center does not want to give way to her, drowns her in the lake; the mother pulls out the corpse, throws it into the river, throws the corpse of a goat into the lake; they look for the princess, the business center talks about everything, climbs into the water for her body, asks if the princess was covered with hair, if she had horns; people left; the son's mother is no longer from home released]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 35:202-205; Meitei [the collected work Funga Wari, Vol. 3 by N. Bemni Singha; the widow has a fool son; looking at night he met the robbers and went with them to rob the royal palace; took out the jewelry and went out by himself; dressed in royal clothes; the robbers shared the treasures and told the guy that the clothes were his share; at home, the mother sporized the jewelry from her dress, the dress and scattered rice flakes in the yard; told her son that it was raining rice - let him eat and collect what was on the ground; when the warriors came to search, the fool said that he had stolen the king's dress the day he was walking rice rain]: Oinam et al. s.a.

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [Sheik Chilli is going to marry; mother: whatever his wife serves, be satisfied with "salt and water" (simply "food"); SH demands salt and water from his wife and finally gets it; in As a result, at night he wanted to eat, his wife sent him to take honey, he knocked it over, his wife sent it to a room where the wool was to wipe off; his wife, seeing him look like a sheep, told him to go to bed with the sheep; thieves climbed in and they took him away instead of the sheep; when he started screaming, he was told to participate in the robbery of the rich man; there he woke up the hostess, the thieves fled, and the SHH let go; when he saw a camel with luggage, whose owner had departed, SHH brought him home, took everything, and let the camel go; his mother baked cakes, scattered it around the garden, told her son that it had rained heavily; when they began to look for luggage from the camel, the SC came and told him everything: this It was on the day when it rained; the mother sent the SHH back to her wife, telling her to agree with her on everything, saying "Achcābat" ("Good", "good news"); wife: my mother was imprisoned; SC: good news; his wife kicked him away; mother: I should have said "bad news"; SCH returned to his wife, she: mother released; SCH: bad news; mother-in-law drove him away]: Dracott 1906:70-74; dogri: Brown, Tawi Tales, No. 29 in Thompson, Roberts 1960, No. 1381:141; Kumaoni [the son went on a journey, his mother gave him bread, he gave it to the dog; the dog stole a bag of gold, brought it to the young man, who gave it to his mother; the mother scattered sweets, said that it was raining with sweets; the son went to the bazaar, ordered a lot of goods in four places, and when he returned, he ordered him to give him goods for one coin; he was beaten; the rich man promises reward whoever finds a missing bag of gold; son says his mother has the bag; mother: I don't know anything; son: well, I brought it when sweets fell from the sky; people left knowing that the young man was crazy ]: Minaev 1966, No. 5:36-38; Nepali [mother sends Tanan-Lata to the market for meat, who gives meat to the dog every time; one day she brings him a purse with money; TL tells his mother that the dog is honest paid; the mother hides the money, tells her son to wait in the yard for milk cookies to fall from the sky; the shopkeeper, who has lost his money, asks everyone, TL tells everything, he comes to him mother; mother says he knows nothing; son insists: cookies fell from the sky on this day; the shopkeeper realizes that he is a fool in front of him, he leaves; the mother sends her son to the well in the morning to find the bride; throw it in her pebble, if she smiles, she agrees; TL threw, the girl closed her sari; TL threw a big stone and killed the girl; told the mother that she had a smile from ear to ear; mother: we must throw the body into the well; she buries the girl herself, drowns a goat in the well; the father of the missing person asks everyone, TL says, he is told to get the corpse; he asks if the man's daughter had a tail, four legs, and a scrotum; he answers , yes, thinking it's about braid, arms and legs, breasts; when TL pulls out the goat, the girl's father leaves]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:207-210; Punjabi [a woman has a fool son named Lall; she persuaded sister agree to marry him to her daughter; L. goes to her future mother-in-law's house every day; others laugh at it; when a girl at the well laughed at L., he pushed her into the well; after learning about Thus, his mother secretly pulled the corpse out, lowered it into the river, threw the corpse of a goat into the well; scattered sweets, told her son that it was raining from sweets; they were looking for the missing girl, L. says he drowned her - before when it rained from sweets; climbs into the well, asks if the girl had horns; four legs; tail; shows the goat's head to the girl's father - is this your daughter? the fool was released; the aunt refused to give her daughter to L.; the soldier hired L. to carry a jug of oil; he imagines how he would get rich with the money he received for his work, stumbled, breaking the jug; soldier: this is the king's oil; leads L. to the king; towards the mule; the owner of the mule: stop him; L. killed the mule with a stick; the owner of the mule also goes to the king; they stopped to rest in the hut where the old man and the old woman are; the old woman jokingly: L., tell me when they captured Lanka and defeated the 10-headed god; L. cut off the old man's head with an ax, set fire to the hut: like this; the old woman also goes to the king; on the way, L. gives a few cowries to the owner of the oil shop so that brush off his hair; oil has spilled; hostess: fortunately; L. thinks that if he spills all the oil in the shop, he will be much more happy, makes a pogrom; the owner of the shop also goes to the king; L. explains to the king that if he received a payment from a soldier, he became rich, married, etc. - so he himself lost much more than a soldier; explains what happened next; the king decides in favor of a fool]: Swynnerton 1892, No. 23:18- 22; Bengalis [Sachúli is a fool, a widow's son; asks his mother how to make women laugh; mother: throw a pebble at them; S. began to throw stones at three girls at the well; two left, he killed the third on the spot ; when he saw her grinned mouth, he thought she was laughing; called her mother; she recognized the daughter of a rich man; took her jewelry, threw the corpse into the well; the father promised a reward to whoever would return her daughter; S.: my mother pushed her into well; mother managed to pull out the corpse, threw a sheep into the well; S. went down into the well, asks if the girl had eyes; mouth; long face; tail; four legs; pulls out the sheep; when S. returned, mother threw the corpse into the well again; beat her son; gave him bread, he left; brought a broken camel loaded with jewelry; the mother let the camel go, hid the jewelry, scattered sweets, said to his son that it was raining from sweets; S. says that it rained on the day when his mother got the jewelry; but people found nothing in S.'s house; Xu climbed the tree, began to cut the branch, on which he sat to crash; a passerby says that S. will die if he falls; S. makes him say when he dies; passer-by: seeing a red thread on his clothes; once he saw, dug a grave, lay down die; a man carries a jug of butter, looks for a porter; S. undertakes to carry; thinks how much money he will earn, get rich, get married; stumbled and spilled everything; he met four fairies in the forest, they are him they were frightened, gave a samovar pot; they changed it in the tavern; the fairies gave a chest in which any clothes were; the same; the fairies gave a rope that would tie the person to point to and a baton that hit itself; S. tells them to tie up and beat the owners of the tavern, they returned everything]: Stokes 1879, No. 7:27-34; Hindi [the woodcutter noticed a pearl in a mouse hole, dug up a treasure; the wife chatted; at night, the husband scattered coins from trees, hung them from branches, drowned two jugs in the pond; bringing his wife, said that coins were raining at night, and jugs had grown in the pond; the king ordered the lumberjack and his wife to be grabbed; she explains what the husband had found treasure after the golden shower, when jugs grew in the pond; the tsar calls the woman crazy and drives both spouses away]: Bystrov et al. 1962:173-175; gondas [Raja's daughter swam in the river, the fool saw He threw a pebble, the girl did not pay attention; the third pebble hit her in the head and killed her, took her jewelry; the mother told her son to go to bed, killed the goat and threw it into the water; baked small cakes, She told two boys to throw them off the roof when her son went out into the yard; when she woke her son up, told him that it was raining from cakes; the Raja gathered everyone and asked; the fool described how he killed the girl; Raja: when was this? fool: when it was raining out of flatbread; the Raja let him go {the narrator obviously forgot about the goat episode}; the fool went to another city and sold jewelry; price: sleep with him for a week and cook food, but if at least one fly is in the food, the girl will not receive jewelry; one young woman agreed; on the last day, the fool threw a fly into the food, took the jewelry, left, met the merchant, the woman's husband; promised to give jewelry if he allowed him to pull out part of his mustache and did not cry; the merchant cried, the fool left; cut off pieces of meat from the dead sambhar {human or animal?} ; one sick merchant was recovering, wanted meat, a fool let his wife cook what he cut off, a hard piece stuck in his throat; the fool advised his wife to hit her husband on the back with a pestle, he died; promised the wise advice if a woman gives him a horse loaded with money; let him pretend that her husband died of illness and starts crying; the merchant is buried; the fool gets rich and married]: Elwin 1944, No. 9.1:268-271; Tamils [the man fed the sheep, the village watchman stole it and ate it with his wife; they decided to give meat to his son; the sleeping boy was poured water and said that it was raining terribly outside; the owner of the sheep became hers search, asked the boy what he ate yesterday, he replied that lamb; it came to an official; he asked the boy exactly when he ate lamb; the boy replied that last night, when it was raining; since it hadn't rained for a long time, the official turned down the complainant]: Robinson 1885, No. 10:318-319.

The Balkans. Greeks, Romanians, Serbs: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1381:186; Bosnians [husband beat his stupid wife; she thought the cow was looking at her the wrong way, killed her with an ax; her husband salted the meat, ordered to cover the ham with cabbage leaf and take it as needed; the wife cut it, scattered it in the garden among the cabbage; the dogs ate everything; the wife caught one, tied it to the plug of a barrel of wine, became beat; the dog rushed, the wine flowed out; the wife covered the puddle with flour; fearing her husband, ran into the forest and found the treasure; the husband hid it, but the wife found it, took out a few coins, bought pots, put fences on the stakes, one did not have enough stake; she began to beat the others to part, killed everyone; the husband realized that the treasure would be known; said that a chicken army would come, put his wife in a hole, covered them with skin, scattered grain; the chickens began to bite, the wife was a little alive with fear; then the husband said that the chickens pecked their eyes to those who did not hide; the husband was brought to the cadia to talk about gold; husband: the wife was also crazy; asked the wife, when I found the treasure; when the chicken army came and the cadia pecked out their eyes (cadia crooked); cadia ordered the woman to be expelled]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:329-331; Bulgarians [to hide the treasure found from the stupid wife, her husband tells her that there was a "hen hail" (that birds are pecking people's eyes; that an army is coming, etc.); hides his wife in a hole, puts something on top, sprinkles grain and lets chickens; in court, the wife says that the treasure was found when the chicken hail was walking; asks the crooked judge if his eyes were pecked out; the judge considers her crazy, the treasure remains her husband]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1381:448; Macedonians [the camel with the royal goods fell behind; her husband stabbed him, took the goods; showed his wife to the chickens pecking grain, said that it was the crows who were pecking their eyes; the king sent the woman to buy camel meat as if for medicine; the wife sold a piece, said that the husband killed the camel; at the trial, the wife said that it was when crows pecked their eyes and pecked one out of the judge (and the judge was crooked); the wife was considered a fool, her husband let go]: Sumtsov 2015:89; Albanians [husband tells his stupid wife that Ramazan is long and more food should be bought; the wife asks every passerby if he is a long Ramazan; one young man answers that he; his wife gives him all the meat her husband bought; the husband bought the sheep again, ordered him to put it out with cabbage; the wife spread the pieces of meat on the cabbage in the garden, it was eaten by dogs; the wife tied one dog to the plug from the barrels of wine began to beat, the dog escaped, pulling out the plug, the wine poured out; the wife began to beat the ground with a sickle on the ground where the wine had spilled, the sickle bent; the husband brought Pasha's camel who had run away and let him eat meat; the wife did not spill out, told her that Allah wanted to stone them, covered them with a lid; put them in a cauldron, told her friends to throw stones; the husband let his wife go; she told Pasha's sons that she saw the camel being strangled and they cut it; Pasha ordered the woman's husband to be grabbed, began to ask her; she replied that it all happened when Allah threw stones and knocked out Pasha's eye; Pasha let the couple go]: Serkova 1989:287-290; Hungarians [the man plowed and came across a treasure; put a hare on a tree and fish in the bushes; went with his wife and seemed to stumble upon them; as he passed by the church, the wife hears a donkey scream; husband: the priest said he was coming The comet and the end of the world are near; the same when they walk past the town hall: it is the mayor and the clerk who are seized for embezzlement; the wife talked about the treasure, the husband was summoned to the mayor, who asks his wife to come; she Repeats what she heard from her husband; the Mayor sympathizes with her husband, whose wife is crazy]: Dégh 1965, No. 13:147-149.

Central Europe. Luzhitans [the man and his wife decided to deepen the cellar, found a pot of gold; the wife spilled; the man tells his wife to hide in the underground three times; 1) at night the Turks will go around the village, whoever they see, kill; 2) scattered donuts around the yard - at night they fell from the sky; 3) the pan was crazy, he would be poisoned with dogs; hit the dog, barking began; when asked by the master, the woman replies that they found the money - when the Turks were driving around the village, with donuts fell in the sky, and the master went crazy and was poisoned by dogs; the master drove the woman away]: Veckenstedt 1880, No. 11:231-233 (=Romanenko 1962:79-81); Poles [option: Shcherbakov 1989:207-212; husband found treasure, afraid that his wife will talk; hangs sausage on the fence, sprinkles the blood of a dead pigeon (it was raining bloody); screams from the forest are devils dragging Mr. to hell]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 1381:56; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Transcarpathia, Eastern Slovakia, Galicia, Volyn, Podolia, Kiev, Yekaterinoslavskaya, Poltava), Belarusians [Documentary wife: husband finds a treasure; leading his wife to the treasure, shows a hare in a fishing net, pancakes in the trees; the cry of animals explains that the master (pana) is fighting devils; the master learns from her about the treasure, but when she talks about everything she saw on the way to the treasure place, she is driven away like crazy]: SUS 1979, No. 1381:293; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pechora, p. Ust-Tsilma) [Rich Yakov has a wife Marfa, she constantly demanded that she buy something, Yakov became impoverished and had no money to pay taxes with. I went to the woods to hang myself, but found a treasure, took the money to the council, and everyone wondered where he got it. Marfa told her friend about the treasure, she told others, and the rumor reached her master. Jacob baked pancakes and pies, took a pike and a hare, put them in a trap and in a net, spread it all along the road to the forest, and led Marfa for the treasure. Marfa asked about pancakes, pies, pike and hare, Yakov replied that the pike wanted to walk on the ground, the hare wanted to swim in the water, so they got caught, and pancakes and pies fell because the pancake house collided and cake clouds. Jacob and Marfa reached the right place in the woods, where the cauldron supposedly contained a treasure, and returned home. The next day, the master calls Marfa, asks about the treasure, she says yes, they found it when a pancake cloud collided with a cake shop, and the hare decided to swim, and shows a cauldron of gold. There is coal in the boiler, and Yakov hid the real gold in advance. The master decides that Marfa is sick, she is taken to a madhouse, and Yakov marries a young girl and keeps the gold with him]: Karnaukhova 2008, No. 152, pp. 369-371; Russians (Karelia, Sennogubsky village council, Kizhi) [The woman and the man did not have children, they lived selling oil, but the woman was "intemperate in her tongue" and the man gave her only part of the money, and hid the gold in the forest in the fence. We lived to be fifty, says the woman, that we should now call each other an old man and an old woman, and then offered to sell the cow and live to death like this. The old man sold it for ten rubles, but went with the butcher to the pub (he assured him that whoever received the money must pay for the sheets), and then they met his countryman, so the old man drank all the money. The next morning she tells the old woman that she will either make money, or let her not ask about money, she decided that it is better to live together. Meanwhile, the old man became addicted to wine and drank all the money, and finally, when they had the last three-ruble piece of paper, the old woman offered to sell wine. They came to the pub, told them about their idea, and then the kisser lets go only in quarters, convinced them that it would be more convenient for them during the spill, gave them another measure, and advised them for the remaining change (fifty-five kopecks) give fifty dollars to a sergeant. I did so while we were going back to the remaining patch and asked the old woman to pour him wine, but the old woman decided to try the wine herself for the first time in her life and asked her to pour it on the patch. So they poured on the same patch until all the wine ran out. The old man decided to go to make money, but did not find gold in the same place, he was afraid to tell the old woman about that, and to the sergeant (hiding the treasure was punishable), went to bed and had a dream: he told him Hell, he knows where the gold is, that a witch found it and he will return it, if the old man sells his soul to him, he agreed in his sleep. He signed it, and the hell says: the gold will be there, but the woman should take it, because the witch is afraid of Satan alone, and a woman can replace it. He ordered the old woman to bake pancakes, went to the forest to the hare fishing loops, took the prey, and then to the nets for perch, hung them out on the fence, and the hare into the water. He came back and told the woman that it was time for them to go for happiness, hid the pancakes in his pocket and threw them on the way to the road. The old woman found gold, was surprised at the pancakes on the way back, he says: at night, instead of rain, she attacked, then to the nets on the fence, the old woman was surprised at the fish in the forest, and the old man: at night, water came out of the river and perch hit, offered to go on the way to the river, and there was a hare, explained everything with the same storm. They began to live, but the old woman wanted to live more powdery, and the old man gave her little money, she complained in the village, a sergeant and a bailiff came to them, the old man began to convince them that she was crazy, and she said: they found a treasure, don't you remember, there, after the storm, perch in the net in the forest was caught, and the hare was at the top, and even the cloud fell with pancakes. The sergeant and the bailiff thought that she was really crazy, and they lived until the seventeenth year, and then they drove all the devils away, and they did not need to give her soul, but the old man did not even have her, as he died, out of him only steam came out]: Onegin 1986, No. 11:64-72; Russians (Vologda) [the peasant found a treasure; so that the woman does not talk, he puts a pike in the trap, and at the top of the hare; on the way to the treasure, he throws and hangs pancakes; a goat bleats in the manor's yard; "This is the master of the devils crushing"; the woman chatted, the master called her, she talks about a hare, a pike, pancakes - this is when his devils were crushed; the master drove her away, a treasure stayed with the man]: Sokolov, Sokolov 1920, No. 10:57-59; Russians (Orlovskaya) [the man has a dream: go with a woman and take a treasure from the lordly land; put a hare on top, a pike in a trap; led the woman in the evening, to spend the night in the forest; in the morning she shows a hare at the top and a pike in a trap; in the morning the woman still drank her vodka; they walk past the manor's barn, where the bull roars; husband: it's the damn master pulling her ears; woman oh told everyone the treasure, the master summoned them; when the story reached the story with the devil, the master drove the woman away, making sure that she was absurd]: Kalinnikov 2017:107-111; Ukrainians (Poltava) [husband finds money; Convinces his wife that she caught a hare in the river; that there was a roll storm at the fair, then a bagel storm; the wife asks to buy her a sweater like a lady's; the husband bought wolfskin; the wife went to church, the people accepted her the line and ran away; the wife was offended, told Mr. that her husband had found the money; this was during a roll and bagel storm, when Mr. was beaten in the face with stolen sausage; the pan ordered to carve the woman]: Chubinsky, II , 505-510 in Sumtsov 2015:88-89; Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky district) [The husband of a chatty wife steals a barrel of gold from the lord, buries it in the closet at night, buys bagels and fish in the city, catches a hare, hangs bagels in the forest, puts the fish behind the bushes, and the hare "over the sea." The husband takes his wife to the forest, shows everything he has laid out, then a barrel of gold, she promises not to tell anyone. He explains that a cloud broke out with bagels, the fish was thrown into the bushes due to a storm at sea, and the hare was thrown away. The wife talks about the theft, the pan interrogates her, does not believe the story]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1492:20-21; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Shenkursky, Shikhalovskaya vol.) [An old husband teaches a young wife. He takes her to the forest to look for a treasure, hangs pancakes on the branches in advance. While they come out of the muzzle, they take out a black grouse, a pike from the snare, and they take the treasure. The wife asks where the pancakes come from on the branches. The husband replies that this is how the road for fellows to the governor's wife is paved. They hear the sound of the mill, the old man says that this young wife is dancing well done, they hear the gate creak, the old man says that well done to the voivode because he does not allow his wife to walk with them. The wife brings gifts, pike and black grouse to the governor and asks him to unfasten her evil husband so that he gives her more will, says what she saw in the forest. The governor gets angry and hits her. The wife is becoming more affectionate to her husband]: Onchukov 2008, No. 76:218-219; Russians [Leger, Contes populaires Slaves; the man found the treasure, on the advice of his wife, buried it on the current; hid it on the threshing floor; led his wife into the forest for fish, having buried pike, perch, and ide in advance; then the wife finds pies on a pear, believes that her husband caught a hare in the river; when his wife talked about the treasure, her husband declared her crazy; she said that the treasure was found when pies grew on a pear and a hare was caught in the river; everyone was convinced that her husband was right]: Clouston 1888:154-156 (retelling in Sumtsov 2015:88); Czechs, Slovaks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1381 : 186.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygs [the mother discloses the theft of her sons; they arrange that they stop believing her (they get her to tell the victims: The sons robbed you when it was raining]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 1381*: 200; Ossetians [the poor man found a treasure; brought an egg from the forest and convinced his wife that he was laying eggs; when his wife talked about the treasure he had found, they did not believe her]: Byazyrov 1960, No. 214:107; Terek Cossacks (art. Umakhan-Yurtovskaya) [the old man finds a treasure and decides to call his wife for help; knowing that she will talk, hangs bagels on the bushes, puts the hare in a fishing projectile, and the stellate sturgeon in a snare for catching birds; at night he goes together with his wife into the forest to dig a treasure; warns her that bagels grow on the bushes; she sees bagels, believes his words; the old man comes to the fishing projectile, pulls out a hare; says that he was caught swimming; then he goes to the snails, takes the fish out of them; says that she went out to graze in the meadow; the old woman believes everything; after digging up the treasure and returning home, they pass near the manor's yard; there buffaloes shout; the old man: "This is the master of the devils"; after a quarrel with her husband, the old woman tells the master about the treasure; he calls the old man to him; the old man assures that his wife is a fool; the old woman does not agree talks about bagels, a hare and fish, and then adds: "When we took money in the forest, at that time you, master, were being beaten by devils"; the master is angry, orders the old woman to be punished; the old man lives happily]: Kikot 1892, No. 3:187-189; Kumyks [with his eyes closed, the poor man waited for something to be trapped and hooked; two crows came down to peck out his eyes, he caught them; the crow asked them let go, showed the treasure; the poor man put a carp in the trap, and hooked a pheasant; led his wife, showed her all this; dug a treasure with her, but then hid it; the wife told everyone about the treasure, but the jug with I did not find gold; the khan called her husband, who asked him to ask his wife; when he heard about the carp in the trap, the khan drove them away; the husband slowly began to spend gold]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 113:483-486; Dargin residents: Aliyeva 2013, № 114 [=Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:208-209; the husband changed the cow for instructions on where to find the treasure; went with his wife, they really found gold and silver; while the husband was sleeping, the wife scattered halva on the roof and assured her husband that it was raining from halva; the husband began to tell everyone about the treasure; the khan called her husband, but when he heard about the rain from the halva, he let go]: 488-489; Osmanov 1963 [younger brother found a jug of gold; the elders were afraid that Khan will take it away; their sister made halva and explained what to do; the eldest began to throw halva from the roof, the youngest believes it falls from the sky; when the brothers let the fool out of the house, he began to tell that I found gold when it was raining from halva; they laughed at it]: 46-48 (Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:208-209); varnishes: Ganiyeva 2011, No. 75 [daughter eats 6 chureks until the room sweeps; once there was only three, she began to cry, mother to the merchant: she weaves five canvases until the room was swept, and the wool was only enough for three; the merchant married the girl; left her wool and left; the wife sits, stings her wool, dips fingers in oil and honey, the devils laugh; they brought the son of a padishah, who has an abscess in his throat; the young man laughed, the abscess burst, the padishah ordered to give the woman cloth; the husband is happy, he bought more wool; she is all threw it into the pond and told the princesses of the lake (i.e. frogs) to weave; the husband drained the pond, found a jug of gold; the wife exchanged a bale of cloth for two rag dolls, her husband drove her away; she went to the cemetery, came there a camel with the padishah's treasury; she brought him to her husband; he told his wife that today women are being put in cradles because the green sun will rise and it will rain red, and then a hail of halva; pachaha people are looking for camel, the woman tells everything; talks about the cradle, rain and hail, she was considered crazy, the merchant got the jewelry; the old woman promises to find a camel; tells the woman that camel meat is needed cure her son; the merchant pushed the old woman into a hole with camel meat; locked a crazy wife and married another]: 609-614; Omar-ogly 1868 [the fool husband and wife had a bull; the husband took him to the lake for a watering hole ; heard a frog croak and thought it was saying, "Sell the bull," said to her, "I'll sell it if you give me 16 coins"; the frog continued to croak; the husband threw a stone at her, the frog disappeared, he heard: "Go , take the money"; the husband went to the place where he saw the frog; found a cup of silver there, took 16 coins, left the bull on the shore and went home; the bull returned faster than the owner, the wife drove him into the barn; the husband came and said that he had sold the bull to a frog and that she had a whole cup of money; at night, the husband and wife went to the lake, found a cup; the wife secretly took it from her husband and buried it in the house; then gave her husband a drink and put it to bed him to sleep; then she cooked halva, spread it out in pieces on the roof of the house and began to say: "Get up, husband, it's raining from the halva, let's go collect it"; my husband believed it; in the morning he went to the square and began to brag about what he had found a cup of silver; a rumor about this reached the khan; he sent nukers to the man's house to take away the money they had found; his wife said that her husband was lying; her husband: "You're lying yourself. Do you remember when it was still raining halva that night?" ; the nukers laughed and reported to the Khan that the man was a fool]: 61-62; the Kurins [when leaving the field, the husband and intelligent wife tell the stupid man to look outside the door; she sits at the door, then takes it off, drags it to finally returns to her neighbors; she is scolded for her stupidity; she is offended, runs away, climbed a tree; the hen's cackling, the dog's barking understands as an invitation to return home, but refuses; when she comes camels, agrees, brings a camel; a husband and an intelligent wife slaughter a camel, hide the meat and jewelry that the camel carried; they say that it will rain at night that makes them blind, let the stupid wife sit in tandoor; the camel owner sent a man to find out; he says that the patient needs camel meat; the stupid wife tells everything; they were all summoned to the owner; when she saw that he was blind, the stupid woman explains that She brought the camel when it was raining blinding and here is the result; the owner drove her to a complete fool]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 4:192-193 (=Dirr 1920, No. 78:271-272); Georgians [stupid wife invites the frogs to knit her socks; they croak; she takes it for consent, throws yarn into the pond; when she came for socks, she found a golden reel in the pond; explains that the frogs did not knit her socks and she took their gold; exchanged the reel for several dolls and one flip flop; her husband beat her and drove her away; she sees a dog, a rooster, thinks that her husband sent them for her, decides not to go; when a camel came with luggage, she went, bringing the camel; the husband sees that the camel is loaded with jewelry; he put his wife in a tone, covered it with leather, put grains on top and let geese go; she thinks that hail is coming; the husband killed the camel, hid the luggage and meat; the wife says that she brought a camel, her husband was seized, he tells the king that he knows nothing; the wife says that she brought a camel when the hail was coming and knocked out the king's eye (it was crooked); the king drove her away]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 146:290-292; Armenians [the old woman has three sons: a peasant, a gardener, a weaver; a camel starved the royal caravan; his brothers brought him, slaughtered him, meat they pressed and hid, told the mother it was for her wedding; the royal servants ask each of the brothers about the camel, each pretends to be deaf, answers the wrong questions they ask him; the old woman replies that her sons slaughtered a camel and hid the meat, this was when they were going to play her wedding; they never found the camel]: Nazinyan 1969:104-105 (=Karapetyan 1965:184-186); Turks [stupid the shepherd's wife tells the frogs to weave her cloth; they croak, the wife thinks the frogs agree, throws them expensive yarn; she came to get the cloth and pay for the work; the frogs jumped into the water; the woman decided ruin their homes, started picking with a stick, found a jug of gold; paid the potter to take his goods to her house; interrupted the pots to decorate the house; her husband drove her away; she tells the cat that she did not will go home; seeing a camel, decides to go and brings the camel with him; this is a padishah's camel loaded with gold; the husband hides gold, invites his wife to play newlyweds; it is customary to pour hot peas on them (leblebi), he sprinkles it on his wife; they are looking for a camel, his wife says she saw a camel, "on the night when the leblebi falls, when I became a newlywed"; Kady told the couple to clean up]: Stebleva 1986, No. 59: 254-256.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Rosenfeld 1956 [a rich man hung his pants to dry; the wind tore them off and carried them into the poor man's yard; he does not want his pants back, offers one of his three daughters; the wife sees cracks in the roof, pours oil and syrup on them; the husband returned his wife to her father, got a second daughter; she washes the donkey and puts her to bed; the third daughter hears the frog croaking, throws supplies into the well to cook food for the guests; the food is not ready, the wife jumped into the well and took out the gold brick; husband: three days later Ramadan, this is for him; the passer-by replies that he is Ramazan; his wife gave him gold; her husband kicked her out; she chases his aunts a dog and a cat, but agrees to return with his camel aunt; the husband sees that the camel is loaded with gold; the husband: sleep, and then meat soup and meatballs will flow from the sky; the drovers came and took her husband away; he tells his wife to guard the door; the wife took her off her hinges and went after her husband; tells the Shah that the camel came on the day when soup spilled from the sky, dripped it on the Shah (he has a pendinka mark on his face); the shah let go both]: 94-103; Romaskevich 1934a, No. 13 (Jews of Isfahan) [a mad woman went out at night to sell yarn; came across a frog in a stream, threw yarn at her, promised to come for a fee; came, took a stone, brought it home; my husband saw that it was a gold bar, put it aside; in his absence, the milkman came to sell milk; woman: no money, will you take the stone? she brought the ingot, the milkman took it away; the wife made koloboks out of flour and milk, left one in front of the door to unlock it to her husband when he came; the husband had to remove the door; when he found out everything, he kicked his wife out; she sees a cat, a crow, takes them for her husband's messengers, refuses to return; a camel came with the Shah's treasury in packs; the wife called him an aunt, brought him; the husband killed, stripped the camel, hid everything; the wife about tells everyone; husband: ask her when it was; wife: when was the cool rice soup with wheat and the bloody rain; she was left alone]: 77-80; Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 21 (Kerman) [mother wishes marry one of the seven daughters as a weaver; tells the girls to work very quickly and, when the weaver comes, shout to her every minute that the work has been done; the weaver marries the eldest daughter; asks his wife to cook pilaf; the girl does not know how, but does not admit it; goes to the roof and loudly asks if she cooks; the neighbors answer; the girl says she thought so; neighbors advise putting stones in rice; finding in pilaf stones and dirt, the husband sends the girl to her mother; the mother passes off her second daughter as a weaver; the same with her (neighbors advise you to salt halva); the third daughter, on the advice of her neighbors, puts rags in the food, the fourth gives things to a passerby, the fifth fills the cracks in the roof with oil and honey; having given her sixth daughter, her mother advises her to buy cotton - let her work and not do anything stupid; the girl takes the frog's croaking for asking her to give her cotton - it will spin; asks again, takes croaking for an affirmative answer; the husband demands the cotton back; the girl tells the frog to give it back; dips her hand in water and pulls out a gold bar; the husband does not sends his wife home; the next day she buys halva for gold, sculpts figures out of it, gives them names, tells them to serve her; the husband knocks; the girl orders the figures to open the door; the figures do not they open; the husband sees the figures, divorces his wife; takes the last, younger sister; asks her to make vinegar; she asks neighbors for advice; neighbors advise eating all the grapes; the wife eats and falls asleep; her husband takes her sleeping to the desert; when she wakes up, the girl sees a crow, a cat and a dog; takes the sounds they make as a message from her husband; refuses to return; she is overloaded the king's camel with jewels; she follows him and comes to her husband; her husband blindfolds her mouth, closes her in the oven, forbids her to go out, says that blood rain and a cloud of felt are coming soon; hides jewelry; buries a camel and pours its blood through felt into the oven; the girl says that she brought the royal camel to her; her husband is taken to prison; he says that the wife is crazy; in the proof asks her to ask her what happened that day; the wife replies that while she was sitting in the oven, it was raining bloody; her husband is being released]: 124-134; Tajiks [father died, eldest son sent the youngest to buy what he needed for the funeral; he bought nishals, anointed the bedding, people stuck, threw a gold coin, tore off the bedding; the eldest sent to sell the bull; the youngest offers the bull to the crow; that Shouts every time, Carr! ; the youngest comes for money, the bull was eaten by wolves, there is no money, he picked up a stone to throw at the crow, a treasure under the stone; when the elder was digging up the treasure, a man passed by; he killed and buried it; knowing that the youngest will spill out, asked to inform the padishah tomorrow; buried seven goats in the same hole, scattered cakes in the yard; told the younger that they were falling from the sky; the youngest replied to the padishah that the dead man was under goats, and this happened when cakes fell from the sky; the youngest took away the girl's pot of roll, tore off the donkey's tail, took the frog and millstones; towards the thieves, he offers to bet; katyk is snot, the frog is a louse, the millstone is my father's bracelet; {the tail is not mentioned}; the brothers took the thieves' property]: Osmanov 1989:456-459; Uzbeks [after his father's death, the eldest son Anwar inherited the house, the youngest Tambal is a cow and a barn; T. asks his brother for money, he advises him to sell the cow; offers it to an owl; the owl gets frightened and flies into the hole of the duval, from there coins fall; T. takes 9, for which he thinks agreed with the owl; A. asks to bring him to that place, tells his wife to bake pancakes; throws T. to his knees in the dark, says that today is the day of falling pancakes; A. pulled out gold, he did not give it to Anwar, he complained to the Shah; Shah: When was it? T.: on the day of falling pancakes; the Shah called him a fool and took the treasure for himself]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:270-272; Turkmens [Kemine stayed with a poor man, there are hungry children there; K. stabbed a Bai ram and fed them; when the children fell asleep, he splashed water on them through a hole in the roof; bai looked for a ram, asked the children if they had eaten lamb; they replied that they ate when it was raining; buy decided that children remember spring and left them alone]: Karryev, Kekilov 1967:33 in Permyakov 1972:311-312.

Baltoscandia. Karelians: Konkka, Tupitsyn 1967, No. 67 (South Karelia) [the man found a cauldron of gold in the boyar's forest; put the fish in the snare and the birds in the nets; leads his wife; she chatted; the boyar goes to court; when the judge hears about fish in snare, considers the woman crazy; and the godfather, through whom the rumor went, 25 roses]: 400-402; Onegin 2010, No. 57 (Kalevalsky district) [Marina's wife is stubborn, she does everything in defiance; therefore the husband tells me not to bake pancakes, not to bake a lot - she bakes a lot; etc.; the husband found a treasure in the forest, hung pancakes on the trees, put the capercaillie on the top and the pike in the snare; when his wife and I went to pick up the gold, the husband explains that pike and capercaillie are as stubborn as she is - they all do the opposite; it rained pancake at night; the noise from the royal stable - the king beats his wife; red dawn - the king cut off his wife's head, blood is flowing; husband orders not to go to the king to talk about the treasure, the wife goes; the treasure was found where there was a pike in the snare, and less often a capercaillie; when the king beat his wife, cut her throat; the king advises to lime M.; the husband does not tell her to go to a forest with a purse full of stones, not to jump on a log thrown over the river; M. fell; her husband felt sorry, began to drive a stone on a rope against the current (out of stubbornness, M. had to swim against); a bull came out with with one horn, sorry to save him, M. broke one horn for him; the man threw the bull back - live there for both M. and bulls]: 477-479; Stepanova 2000, No. 122 (northern, Tunguda district) [the husband found the treasure; knowing the stupidity of his wife, put a mirror on the bottom of the river; told his wife that the sun was shining from the river, war was about to begin, hide under the barrel; put grain on top, let the chickens hit the barrel with their beaks; when the wife was released, she said that there was a scuffle, the barrel was shaking; told others that her husband found the treasure; in court they ask her when it happened; when the sun was shining from the river and there was war; her husband was released]: 227; Schreck 1887, No. 7 [husband found treasure in the forest; put the capercaillie at the top, the pike in the snare; in the morning he took his wife to pick up the treasure, took the capercaillie out of the top, the pike out of the snare; when they returned, the dogs howled; husband: it is the wife who beats the owner and he howls; wife she chatted to the whole village; tells the owner that the treasure was brought when the pike was taken out of the snare and the capercaillie was out of the top, and his wife was beating; the owner drove her away]: 48-50; the Swedes [the mother tells the fool to sell the cow, take what they give; the man spits, the fool clamps it in his hand; the priest asks the fool to help build a wattle fence, promises a pie; the spit spreads over the pole, the fool demands it back; the priest thinks that talking about money, denies that he took it; a fool killed him with a stake; his mother buried the corpse, killed the goat and told her son to bury it; he thinks he has buried the priest, because both are black; the mother has cooked flour soup, She spilled it on the roof so that it would drip through the crack; told her son that it was raining from flour soup; they were looking for a priest; the fool said he had buried him; was he black; did he have horns? it was when it was raining out of flour soup; they dug a goat; the fool was released; the mother decided to marry him; tells her son to clean the house, four or five logs in the room, put cabbage and greens in the pot, to be sweet and spread feathers; the fool poured water in the room to make it rise to the fourth or fifth log, but it poured out the window; the mother painted the pig green so that it would not look so dirty; the fool put him and his dog named Cabbage in the cauldron; smeared himself with syrup and fell in feathers; the bride is ready to believe that the groom is a joker, because his mother is rich; everything before the wedding night I understood; went out into the yard, and the groom tied a rope to her; she tied her to the goat, ran away; the fool pulled the goat, began to scream that the bride was shaggy and horned, and beans were falling out of her bed; in the morning a fool set himself on fire and rushed into the river]: Schier 1971, No. 70:229-233; Lithuanians [the peasant found the money, did not tell his wife; she found out, got angry, promised to tell the master; the husband scattered candy around the yard and said that there was a candy hail at night; then said that the Iron-billed war would begin; put his wife in a hole, covered him with dry bull skin, sketched out grains and let geese go; the wife hears thunder; the third time the husband hung the goat by the horns, it bleats, the husband says that it was the devil riding the master; the wife told the master that her husband found the treasure when the candy hail was coming, there was a war of the Iron-billed, and the hell rode the master; her master expelled]: Löbite 1965:336-337; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1381 [Goose War. The husband finds a treasure, but is afraid that his wife will reveal the secret and the master will take the money. The husband arranges the master to take his wife for crazy and chases her away], 1381B [Pretzel Rain. To prove his wife wrong, the husband tells him to "go" in pretzel rain]: 351; Brivzemniax 1887, No. 144 (Livonia) [the man found the treasure, the wife chatted, the master ordered to bring money; the man told his wife what would happen war, ordered to sit in a hole, covered it with cow's skin, poured grains and let the chickens; they peck grain, the wife thinks that war is going on; the husband wrote in the pit, the wife thinks that God sent warm rain; on the way to the master in a ram bleats in the barn; a man to his wife: it was the devils who were fighting our master; the wife to the master: the husband found a treasure when the eider war was going on, it rained warmly and the master's devils were fighting; the master drove the woman away, the treasure remained for the man]: 387- 388; Danes [=Grundtvig 1878:76-83; the peasant found the treasure, the wife chatted, the landowner began to try; the peasant took his wife to the city, and on the way back he threw cakes so that they fell on sleepy wife; said it was so raining; when the donkey screamed, the husband said that it was the hell of a landowner who owed him; for the night he ordered him to hide in the cellar, shot a gun himself; said that they attacked enemies, but he drove them away; when the landowner came and asked when the husband found the treasure, the wife described all the circumstances; the landowner swore and left; the peasant bought a farm in another area and lived well]: Cramer 1919:64-68; Norwegians: Hodne 1984, No. 1381 [a fool committed a crime (theft) but escapes punishment because his wife makes others believe he is crazy], 1600 [a fool killed a priest and said that he did this on the day when it was raining milk and porridge; it was his mother who poured milk into the chimney; she also replaced the priest's body with a goat carcass; taking out the carcass, the fool asks: your priest were there horns?] : 247-248, 283; Finns [the old man found a treasure; arranged everything so that his wife would not be believed when he talked; took capercaillie with him, took out a capercaillie from his nets, a pike from his snare; you can hear the howling of fighting dogs; husband: there the husband's mistress is pounding; the old woman tells everything to the owner of that house, who drove her away]: Salmelainen to Konkka 1991:275-277; Icelanders, Estonians, Livs: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1381: 186; Eastern Sami [two women found a dead moose, brought it home; they had an old woman; they dressed her richly, put on two gold rings and gold earrings; a hunter came in the morning and asked if not Did the old woman see the moose; she said that she definitely ate elk when (the outfit is described) - it was yesterday; the hunter decided that the old woman was talking about the time when she was a bride; left]: Yermolov 1959:91-92.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [the peasant found a treasure, is afraid that his wife will talk; put the hare in a net in the lake, strung the fish on branches; the next morning he spread bread along the road; led his wife and said that he had passed bread rain; shot a fish from a tree, took a hare out of the net; a goat scream is heard; husband to his wife: this is not a goat, but the master's devil whips; the wife told the neighbors everything; bai began to find out about the treasure; wife explains when everything happened; bai praises the peasant: he found the treasure and taught his wife a lesson]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 91:357-359; Nogais Karagash (Astrakhan Region, 1973) [the old man was about to go fishing, told his wife to give him pies; in the forest he saw: a hare was standing; took the hare and put it in the net; put the fish in the traps; when he returned, he saw that the leaves were hanging; removed them , hung up pies; so he found gold; told his wife that he would have to pick it up at night; when they were going to buy gold, he told his wife about the fish in the trap; when he checked the net, he told his wife that he had come across a good one hare; the wife took the gold, went home; in the morning she told a neighbor about the discovery, who gave the news to the rich village; the rich man said that gold had been found on his land; the old man's wife told him: "When we were walking, we saw that a hare was caught in the net, and fish were trapped. There are pies hanging on the tree. Then they found gold"; the rich man did not believe it, asked the old man, who replied that he did not find gold]: Arslanov 1992, No. 8:87-88; Bashkirs [the old man found the treasure, became rich, but his wife wasted everything; again went to the treasure, taking his wife with him, putting the hare on the top and hanging the fish on the branch; tells his wife that this year aquatic animals are entering the field, and the field animals go into the water; the old man no longer gave money to his wife, she complained to others; old man: she speaks empty; old woman: well, at that time we caught a hare in the water and removed the fish from the tree; people thought that the old woman's words were empty]: Bessonov 1941, No. 51: 267-268; Chuvash [in a time of hunger, a peasant stabbed someone else's lamb; a young son sees his father hiding meat and skin; a neighbor says that a ram is missing, a boy says that this ram's parents are missing stabbed; the parents decided to scatter pancakes around the yard, put their son in an inverted tub, on top of the oats, let the chickens peck, tell their son that the chicken army was coming; the son believed that the chicken was passing the army and it was raining pancake; answers the head that it was on the eve of the pancake rain and the attack of the chicken army; his parents were left alone]: Sidorova 1979:206-209; Marie, Mordovians, Komi: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1381:186.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (son dialect) [Kai noticed royal bags of gold on the shore; put the capercaillie at the top, the burbot in a trap; brought his wife; explains that poultry and fish are many places; took bag; soldiers come, the wife says that they took the bag the day they trapped burbot and capercaillie to the top; husband and wife were driven away; Kai tied a calf's stomach with blood to his wife; in the presence three men stabbed his sleeping wife; blood splashed, and the wife jumped up; the men bought a magic knife; they stabbed his wives; Kai tells him to put him in the boat like a coffin, say he is dead; they decided to drown him, they brought the boat ashore; he tells a man with three horses that there is a golden city under water; he changes places with Kai; drowned; Kai took the horses]: Steinitz 2014, No. 20:134-137.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Most likely a recent Russian borrowing. Yakuts [The poor man stole a mare. He showed his wife how he pulled a hare out of his face, and a crucian carp from the trap. The police came and searched. The wife said that they ate a mare, they took a crucian carp from the trap, and a hare from their muzzle. The police decided that the woman was stupid and left with something]: Ergis 1967b, No. 312:24).