Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M39a6d. Encrypted message.


One of the relatives or spouses transfers a text or object to the other through third parties. Only the recipient understands the meaning of the words or the item handed over, saves the sender and/or destroys his enemies.

Amhara, Malgash, Berbers and Arabs of Morocco, Kabilas, Tunisia, Egypt, Irish, Scots, British, Thousand and One Nights, Arabs of Iraq, Syria, Palestine, South Arabia, Tibetans, Nepalese, Uttar Pradesh, Ancient Greece, Bulgarians, Russians (Terek coast), Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Kabardians, Abkhazians, Abazins, Ossetians, Balkarians, Ingush, Chechens, Dargins, Avars, Lezgins, Tatas, Georgians , Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Persians (Fars, Mazandaran, Azerbaijan, Khorasan), Tajiks, Uzbeks, Sarykols, Baluchis, Karelians, Kazan Tatars, Kazakhs, Mongolian Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Kyrgyz, Uighurs, Dungans, Altaians, Teleuts, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos, Western (Vilyui) and North-Western (Olenek and Lower Lenek) Yakuts.

Sudan - East Africa. Amhara [cf. Kazakhs; a sage tells his son to marry a virgin, and if he does not marry a virgin, let him wear black; the son wears black, the father tells him to divorce; so twice; the third time friends they advised me to hide everything from my father and wear white; the father was happy, showed his daughter-in-law the hidden gold, ordered not to sow chickpeas by the road and died; the wife told her husband only about chickpeas, hid the gold; the husband found gold and left his wife; to find out what would happen, he sowed chickpeas by the road; the boy cut him off; the husband told his wife that he had drowned the boy and hid it himself in the monastery; the wife told the judge that her husband was almost executed, but he presented boy; on the way I met a rich man; suggested that they carry each other; called the city a village and vice versa; the rich man's daughter explained: he offered to tell stories; the village was a city if it was in it both the judge and the elder; the rich man wants to marry him his daughter; he demands that she sow, process cotton and sew clothes in a day; the girl: let her grow chickpeas in a day and make butter from them; he left a note containing "7" and "100"; girl: she will arrive with a hundred relatives in the seventh month; after the wedding, the husband was carrying gold, the robbers attacked him; they are ready to kill him; he advises to go to his wife and say: there are 7 jugs of wine, put 6 to them, and leave 1 with jagged edges; the wife called people; six robbers were hanged; the toothless was told to show where the body of the murdered husband was]: Gankin 1979, No. 116:159-163; Malgashi: Haring 1982, No. 1.6.62 (betsimisaraka) [When going on business, the husband tells three wives to slaughter some of the cattle and sacrifice it to the sun, moon, stars; give it back and give it back, let the water flow; only the youngest wife realizes that the sun and moon are her husband's parents, that "give and return" are rich, and "water flows" are poor; when the husband returns, he finds out that only the youngest wife fed his parents, drives him away elders], 1.6.65 (bar) [Zatuvu (god of earth and animate nature) is captured by the sun god; he executes him if Z. does not renounce his claim that the sun god did not create him; Z. suggests ransom, the sun god refuses all offers; then Z. says that he has a treasure at home: white equals white, red equals red; sun god sends his son to the village Z.; only the youngest Of the wives, Z. understands the meaning of the words conveyed and takes the son of the sun god as a prisoner; Z. to the sun god: you could not create me, I am more cunning than you]: 203-204, 205.

North Africa. The Arabs of Egypt [the prince wants to marry; finds a girl who collects onions with her father; the father immediately orders the construction of a palace; the girl refuses the prince: let him learn the craft; the carpenter promises to learn in two years, the blacksmith in a year, the poor silk weaver, who is not allowed into the front row, in 5 minutes (all it takes for the prince to see how he works); the prince weaved father's palace, the girl married the prince; two years later, the prince and the vizier enter the Maghribin coffee shop; they were locked up with others, the prisoners were hung by the legs, the poison was drowned from them; the prince says that the owner will receive more if he sells a silk shawl (the one he made for testing and depicts the royal palace); the seller was detained, the prince and other prisoners were released; soon the king died , handed over the throne to his son; he fell ill; tells the son, who is 6 years old, to marry only after the wedding of his daughter (she is 8), otherwise the wife will harm the son's sister; after the death of the father, the sister asks her brother twice what he would did with his father's treasures; he offers various nonsense, she realizes that her brother is still young; the third time she offers to irrigate the field near the palace, harvest; his sister gives him money; the old woman persuaded a young man to marry her daughter; fed her sister Umbar eggs that make virgins pregnant; angels adopted a newborn girl and her mother died; the old woman continues to harm; at the end After all, the girl tells everything; the old woman and her daughter were burned]: Spitta-Bey 1883, No. 7:94-104; the Arabs of Tunisia [the prince fell in love with a poor girl; she makes it a condition for him to learn a craft; the prince studies spinning silk, makes a handkerchief depicting his father's palace; falls into the hands of poisoners, but thanks to this handkerchief, his entourage finds and saves him; after the death of his father, the prince inherited the throne; the old woman gives her sister the remedy to cause pregnancy; the princess dies after giving birth to a girl; she grows up, she manages to prevent the old woman from digging up and dishonoring her mother's body; the old woman blackens the girl's skin, takes her to the palace as a slave; she manages to tell the king everything; the old woman was burned]: Nowak 1969, No. 267:254-255; Moroccan Arabs: Alarcón y Santón 1913, No. 3 [Baba Alál trades clandestinely wine; set up a tavern where he feeds meat to captured people; the caliph and the vizier go there incognito; fall into the basement; advise them not to cut them into meat, but to buy silk and sell the fabric they they will make; embroider a message on it; the robbers sell the item to the minister, tell the seller to show the brothel, the caliph and the vizier are released; the owner's beard was shaved off and his head was cut off]: 97-103; Nowak 1969, No. 267 [ The prince met a girl; she is ready to marry him only if he learns a craft; the prince has learned to weave silk, made a scarf with the image of his father's palace; falls into the hands of poison makers; thanks to his product, his fate is known, he is saved; after the death of his father, the prince inherited the throne; the princess dies after giving birth to a daughter; she does not allow the old woman to dig up and dishonor mother's body; the old woman makes her skin black and brings her to the palace as a slave; the girl manages to tell the king everything; the old woman was burned]: 254-255; the Berbers of Morocco [the king told the minister to change clothes, they they went out into the city incognito; went to the tavern; the owner threw them into the basement; he was the first to take the minister out; he was gutted and made food from it; the king offers the owner to earn much more on it; asks bring silk, make silk cloth, entering his name into the pattern; let the owner sell the fabric in the palace; the king's son bought the fabric, read the inscription, asked the seller to take him to his house, ordered him to tie it; The liberated king wrote: an honest craft will not enrich a person, but at least it will prolong his life; a piece was cut off from the owner of the tavern every day, fried it and forced to eat it]: Leguil 1988, No. 18:95 -101; Kabila, Tunisia, Arabs Morocco: El-Shamy 2004, No. 949*: 653-654.

Western Europe. The Irish: Greene 1909 (Kildare County) [Gubbawn Seer {=Goban Saor: Legendary Old Irish Master Builder} gave his son sheepskin and said he wouldn't let him marry until he was not will return the same skin and the money for it; the son tried unsuccessfully to find a buyer; met a girl who, having found out what was going on, cut off the wool from the skin, returned the skin and gave money for the wool; GS married his son to this girl; when they went to work, GS told his son to shorten the road; he did not understand, they returned home; the son's wife explained: when the father repeats the request, start joking or singing; the son did, GS was pleased; the English king called on them to build a huge building; did not want a similar structure anywhere else in England, and decided to execute GS and his son when they will finish the work; upon learning of this, GS told the king that a tool called "Twist against twist" was required to complete the construction and that he should go after it; the king did not agree, instructed this is for GS son and prince; the instrument was supposedly in a large chest; GS son wanted to get it, his wife told him to remove his little short hands and give way to the prince with his long, elegant arms; when the prince put his hands into the chest, grabbed him by the heels, threw it inside and closed the lid; then sent a message to the king: if he did not let GS go, the prince would be executed; the king freed GS]: 172-174; Davies 1859 (Clare County) [Gobawn Saer and his son arrived in the country where the palace was being built; GS helped its builders install the beams and went on; the king sent messengers to pick him up - invited him to complete the construction and promised a reward; GS took to work with his son; before starting this journey, GS found a smart wife for him; gave him sheepskin and told him to sell it to in the city; at the same time, he told him to come back with the skin and the money for it; the son tried unsuccessfully to find a buyer; met a girl who, when she found out what was going on, cut off her hair, returned her skin and gave money for the wool she received; GS married her son to this girl; she gave her husband two tips: 1) on the way to "shorten the way" to her father; 2) not to spend the night in any house for more than two nights without enlisting the favor of one of the women who live in it; GS was tired while traveling, his son asked him to "shorten the road" (but did not know how to do it); GS asked him to tell a story; when they stayed with the king, the son of GS secured the princess's favor; when construction was nearing completion, the king decided to kill GS and his son so that they would not build the same palace for another ruler; the princess reported this to GS's son and he to his father; GS told the king that completing the work required a tool that he forgot at home; the king forbade him to go after him, GS agreed to do so was instructed to the prince; told him to borrow an instrument from his daughter-in-law called "Cur-an-Aigh-an-Cuim" ("This sentence <... > has since become proverbial in Ireland"; no translation); the daughter-in-law was suspicious of this; she found out that her husband and father-in-law were in danger and imprisoned the prince; the king released GS and his son and provided them with expensive gifts; when they returned home, the prince was released]: 106-109; Jacobs 2002 (the text was recorded in the second half of the 19th century in London - it is likely that from an Irish) [ Gobborn Seer was a son named Jack; Gobborn Seer once sent him to sell sheepskin and told him to bring back both the skin itself and the money for it; for two days D tried to do so unsuccessfully; on the third I met a girl who, when she found out what was going on, cut her hair off her skin, took it for herself, and D paid for it; he returned home, GS was happy, invited D to marry this girl; when they played wedding, GS and D went to see a king who wanted to build the best castle; on the way, GS asked, "Could you shorten the way for me?" ; D did not understand the request, GS sent him home; at home, D told his wife about the incident, who explained that she should have told his father a story; then told him what to tell his father; D caught up with him, did as his wife said; on her own advice, GS and D were polite to the court servants during the construction of the castle; when the construction was nearing completion, the domestic worker warned GS and D that the king is going to kill them so they don't build the same castle for another king; GS told the king that completing the construction requires a tool left at home; offered to send after him, D, the king refused, decided to send his son; GS sent a message with him to wife D: "Give him Curved and Straight!" (Give him Crooked and Straight!) ; wife D asked the royal son to help her get the tool out of the chest, and ended up locking it inside (so there he was, both "crooked and straight!") ; while sitting there, he wrote a letter to his father saying he would be released when GS and D returned home; GS and D eventually returned home]: 230-233; Kennedy 1866 [King Munster called Goban Saor for palace buildings; GS knew that the king had killed several architects to prevent them from building a palace like his, so talked to his wife alone before heading out with son; on the way, they stayed overnight at the house of a farmer who had two daughters; GS advised them to keep the old woman's head hooked above the hearth and warm themselves in the morning while working; also told them to take the sheepskin, go to the market, and go back with the skin and the money for it; on their way, GS and his son met carpenters who tried to obey the king's order - build a wooden bridge without stakes or nails; GS helped them do it; when they arrived at the king, GS and his son set about building the palace; when the work was nearing completion, one of the carpenters came to GS, whom he helped build the bridge; the carpenter warned that when the palace was ready, the king would kill GS; GS told the king that a tool was needed to complete the construction, which was kept in his house, and offered to send a prince to pick him up (otherwise he would have to go after him personally, because his son is said to be ill, and his wife would entrust the instrument only to a man of royal blood); the king entrusted this to the prince; GS told the name of the instrument ("The Goban told him some outlandish name in Irish, which his wife would find at his bed's head"); a few days later, two of those came to the king who accompanied the prince; said that the GS wife would not let the prince go until her husband returned home safe and sound; the king agreed; GS completed the palace and went back with his son; on the way visited the house of a farmer who had two daughters; asked them if they found his advice useful and what they did with sheep skin; the first brought a woman's skull into the house from the cemetery (he frightened everyone, brought everyone back back), while combing the linen on a cold morning, she threw some of the flax into the fire (received a thrashing from her mother), went with her skin to the market and tried to sell it under these conditions (she was ridiculed there); the second girl sheltered an elderly relative, moved her arms and legs vigorously while working, so she got warm, took the skin to the market, sold her wool and came back with the same skin; GS announced that he marries his son to this girl]: 68-72; Gregory 1905-1906 (Galway County) [the king called on Goban Saor to build a castle; daughter-in-law advised one of the women living in royal house; GS followed her advice; when the castle was almost ready, a woman with whom GS had a relationship said that the king was going to go to the trick and planned to kill him or put him in prison to prevent him from building another castle like this; the king told GS to make a cat with two tails; GS replied he could do it when he completed the castle, but to complete the construction, it takes an instrument he left at home; only a prince can be sent for it, as the instrument cannot be trusted by anyone else; before the prince set off, GS sent him a message for his daughter-in-law : the required tool is called "When you open it, shut it"; the daughter-in-law was surprised because there was no such tool in the house and regarded the name as an indication of action; invited the prince to take a look at a large chest and find the tool; then pushed it and slammed the lid shut; wrote to the king that she would only free the prince when her father-in-law and husband returned; they were sent home]: 75-76; Mac Gr& #233; ine 1930, No. 4 (Longford County) [the king called Gobán Saor to build the tower; GS appeared with his son; when construction was nearing completion, GS found out that the king was going to plant him and his son go to jail so that no one else would have such a tower; GS told the king that a special tool was required to complete the work and that his wife would not entrust this secret tool to anyone except himself or his son; the king offered to send a servant; GS said a prince could do it; the king agreed, GS told the prince to contact his wife and ask "The Crooked and the Straight "; the prince did so, the GS wife invited him to get the instrument out of the chest; when the prince put his head in there, shoved it inside and closed the lid; GS reported this, who told the king, his king let go]: 262-263; Kelly 1999 [Gobán Saor was looking for a smart wife for his son; told him to sell sheepskin and forbid him to return without the same skin and money for it; the son met a girl who skinned the wool and bought it from him; GS married her son to this girl; the English king called on GS to build a palace; he went to England with his son; on the way asked the son could not shorten the road; they returned home; the next day everything happened again; the son's wife explained: the father wants you to tell him a story and sing a song; on the third morning they went again, son he did so; when he arrived at the king, he wanted to check if GS was really in front of him; ordered the cat with the tail to be carved on a flat stone; GS carved a cat with two tails; during construction, the king asked GS whether it was true that every new palace he built was better than the previous one; GS confirmed his words; a woman working at the royal house told GS that as soon as the palace was ready, the king executes him along with his son; GS told the king that a tool called "Cor in aghaidh an chaim" was needed to complete the construction; the king ordered the translation, GS explained: "The twist against crookedness", and added that he had forgotten it at home; the king did not allow him to go after him, he instructed his son to do so; he came to his wife GS, she invited him to find the tool at the bottom of the chest, pushed and she closed it in it; said she would not let go until her husband and father-in-law returned home, and told her to write a letter; the prince agreed, his wife sent him a letter to GS, he returned soon]: 23-27; Ó Cianá in 1933 (1930? Mullahmore, Sligo County) [Gobán Saor sent his son to sell the sheep; ordered him to return with both skin and pay; the son tried to do so unsuccessfully for two days; on the third he met a girl , who, when she found out what was going on, bought a sheep, skinned it and returned it to her son GS; he came home, told his father; he advised her to marry the girl, the son did so; the English king commanded GS arrive to build the castle; during the journey, GS asked his son to shorten the road; the son replied that he could not do so; GS decided that both returned home; GS wife {wife, not daughter-in-law} explained to her son that a story should have been told; the next day we went again; GS asked for a short road, the son began to tell stories; when construction was nearing completion, the king asked GS , is there a better castle in the world; GS replied that if completed, it could be the most beautiful, but it requires a tool he forgot at home; the king sent his son to pick it up with GS son; GS told them the name of the thing they wanted (cam i n-aghaidh a' caim, agus an dighe i n-aghaidh an árda) and said his wife would give it to them; they came to GS house and passed GS words to his wife; she took the prince to the basement entrance and invited him to come in to pick up the instrument; when he came in, she slammed the doors shut and said he would remain in captivity until GS will return home; after the king let GS go, the prince was released; from the collector's comment: Asked what digh e mean, he {narrator} said: "Drink: Water". It is perhaps the genitive of deoch. Asked if the word might be uisce or struth, he said: "No: digh e was the word". He apparently makes árd a the genitive of árd. Dinnen gives (s.v. Cam) Cor i n- aghaidh an chaim, as meaning "trick for trick"]: 164-166; Kharitonov 2008 [master Gob-en-Shore's father chose a bride for him ; each girl was given three tasks; 1) to distinguish the lower end of the willow twig from the upper one if they are the same thickness; 2) take a herd of sheep to the fair and return both the herd and the cost; 3) get closer to chariot to the edge of the abyss without causing concern; girl: throw a twig into the river (the lower end is heavier, it will turn downstream); 2) shear sheep and sell wool; 3) stay away from the abyss; after G. went to build a palace in Spain; his wife advised him to be friends with women, they know all the secrets; G. found out that he would be killed when he finished the palace; G. told the king that the wall was slightly crooked, but he invented a tool to straighten it; the king does not let him in; then G. suggests that the king send his son; the tool is called "hook-and-rope" (hellish, a hint of bad ideas); the wife is all I got it; she asked the Spanish prince to get the instrument out of the chest, pushed it there, exchanged it for her husband]: 119-122; Scots (North Ouist Gales, Outer Hebrides) [{from an English resume to Gaelic audio recordings}; Boban Saor sent his son to the market with the sheep; ordered him to earn a shilling and return the sheep; a young man met a girl who cut off the sheep's hair and returned them to him; BS advised her to marry, and her son did so; BS and his son went to Ireland to build a castle for the lord; the son, remembering his wife's advice, started a relationship with a local girl; she told him that he and they plan to kill his father instead of rewarding him; BS told the Lord that there is a crack in the wall that cannot be fixed without the special tool he has at home; the lord did not allow him for go to him, sent his son; BS's wife understood the message and held the Lord's son captive until BS and his son were paid off and they returned home]: MacDougall 1957; Scots (South Wist gals, Outer Hebrides) [{from English Gaelic audio resume}; Boban Saor told his son to sell the sheep and bring them back; the girl bought them, cut their hair off, gave them back to her son BS ; they got married; BS took on with his son to build a castle for the French king; when the work was almost done, the young man found out that the king would not pay them and would kill them; BS said that his son or the king's son must go to get an instrument he had left at home; the daughter-in-law realized that trouble had happened and locked the prince in her room; kept it there until BS and his son returned home, after receiving a payment for the work]: MacLellan 1959; [{from an English summary to an audio recording in Gaelic}; Boban Saor instructed his son to sell twelve sheep, each for a shilling; he could not find a buyer; met two girls, one of whom gave him money for the sheep, cut off their hair and then gave them back to him; BS told his son to marry her, he agreed; BS and his son went to Lochlann {probably meaning Norway} to build a castle; BS told her son to have a relationship with a local girl; she said they would be hanged after the work was completed; BS sent Laird's son to Ireland for a thing that required to complete the castle; the messenger was captured; remained in captivity until BS son was released]: MacIntyre 1966; Scots (Gaelic diaspora in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia) [Boban Saor and his son went to build a castle for the king; BS son, remembering his wife's advice, seduced one of the maids; she found out that the king was not going to pay the builders and that they might not be able to return home; told BS's son, who told his father; BS told the king that completing the construction required a tool that was kept in his house; the king offered to send a servant; BS: the wife would not trust tool for anyone, I must go alone or with my son; king: I'll send my son; he got home BS, told his wife he told BS: I need a tool called "Turn alike and turn for turn, and the little tool will not come over here until the big tool goes over there"; his wife took him to the entrance to the room, offered to come in; when he did, she locked the door; losing her son, the king asked BS what was going on; BS: your son will be my wife's prisoner until I get home and until you pay us for our work; BS and his son got paid, came home]: MacNeil 1987, No. 15:58-60; [from commentary to text No. 15: "This is the most popular of many stories told in Scotland and Ireland concerning Boban (or Goban) Saor, a carpenter of legendary skill. In Cape Breton, versions were recorded from Joe Allan MacLean (70A1 28/4/78) of Rear Christmas Island, Cape Breton County, and Sandy William MacDonald (109A12-110A1 20/10/78)"]: MacNeil 1987:243-244; the British [Gobborn Seer (West in Deptford, SE London; Ireland. Goban Saor - free carpenter; English analogue of Wayland Smith {Woland}), ordered his son Jack to sell the sheep's skin and bring both the skin and what was paid for it; the girl who washed clothes advised him to sell wool, give back his father's skin and money; the father married her son; the king tells them to build a castle; GS offers Jack to shorten the road; Jack does not know how to do it, the father sends him home; the wife explains that he should start a conversation; GS and his son have almost completed the castle; the servant said that the castle owner is going to kill them so that there will be no more castles like this; GS tells the king he can't finish work; I must send my son for an instrument; the king offers to send a servant; GS: he can't do it; and my son? GS agrees to this; tells her daughter-in-law to ask Crooked and straight; Jack's wife asked for help to get her "crooked straight", pushed her into the chest; the king's son had to write to his father that he would return if will let GS go with their son; they were released]: Jacobs 1894:60-64.

Western Asia. A thousand and one nights (only in the Wortley-Montague manuscript, written in 1764-1765 in northern Egypt, Moussa-Mahmoud 1976:7-17) [the Emperor of China has three sons; their mother is ill, the doctor says that she can be cured only with the help of living water that is available in Iraq; three sons arrive in Iraq and go on alone; the eldest comes to town and is hired by a Jew; later For a while, a Jew persuades him to accept the following condition: with a whole loaf of bread and half more, he must not eat half or break the loaf; the prince breaks the condition, the Jews kill him; the second prince comes to them and is also killed; the third prince also meets them, then finds and buries their brothers; when a Jew sends him to his home for meat, the prince tells his wife that the master wants celebrate the circumcision of his sons and tells her to kill and cook all the cattle; the Jew plans to throw the prince off the roof; when everyone falls asleep, he puts the Jew's children to his place and lies down them; a Jew kills children and, when he finds this, rushes at the prince; he stabs him with a knife; a Jew's wife gives the prince living water; when he returns to China, he finds out that his father has passed away, heals his mother and becomes emperor; when he sees the daughter of a Bedouin, he falls in love; the Bedouin will pass her off only as a person who has mastered a craft; the emperor learns to weave mats; goes for a walk around the city disguised as a dervish, comes in to the tavern (kebab shop), falls under the floor; tells the robbers who are going to kill him that he can weave mats for them; they agree, sell his works; one day he makes a mat that only suitable for the palace, and weaves a message between the ornaments, thanks to which the palace guards manage to find it; the robbers are killed, the emperor is freed]: Marzolph, Leeuwen 2004 (1): 416; Arabs Iraq, Syria, Palestinians: El-Shamy 2004, No. 949*: 653-654; Arabs of South Arabia [Nashib ibn Basham al-Anbari, nicknamed One-Eyed (hereinafter "N.") from the Tamim tribe, is in captivity from the al-Lakasim tribes; finds out that they want to attack the Tamim; asks for permission to convey a message to his relatives - in the presence of those who hold him captive; a young man was brought to him; N.: what more, sparks from the fire or stars? - Stars, but also a lot of sparks. N., collecting sand in the palm of my hand: how much do I have in the palm of my hand? - Countless. N., pointing to the sun: What is this? - Sun; N.: you are intelligent; tell my relatives to treat their prisoner well (then they will treat me well here too); let them sit my red camel and ride brown camel, remembering that I ate hays with them (made with dates, ghee and cottage cheese); let them take care of my affairs among Malik's sons (my brother's children); tell them that blackthorns covered with leaves, and the women prepared wineskins; the messenger handed everything over, the relatives do not understand anything; Khuzail, taking sand in his hand, explains: N. wanted to say that an innumerable army is coming, and "this is clearer suns"; the red camel is Mount As-Samman, you must migrate from it; the brown camel is the Al-Dakhna Desert, you have to hide there; the blackthorns are covered with leaves - the enemies are armed; women sewed wineskins to prepare the trip ; speaking of Hays, N. meant that many people took up arms against you (Hays is made from several components); the Tamim tribe migrated in time]: Dolinina, Polosin 1983:112-114.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. The Tibetans [the daughter got married, the son brought two wives into the house; then the son and mother died, and the daughters-in-law forced the father-in-law to herd cattle all day and hardly fed them; he asks the caravans to hand over to his daughter that he is happy with life, because who else has power but a shepherd; eats cheese and blood; sometimes drinks wine, but does not need barley and does not have bubbles (i.e. water) to make it; daughter everything understood and sent the precious bead to her father, placing it in a brick; the old man also understood everything, took out a bead from the brick; showed it to each daughter-in-law, promising to leave the bead after death to her; before death he put it a bead on the rafters of the house above the pond; gave her daughter: the treasure is around the dragon's neck, and his image is in the sea; the daughter understood, saw the reflection of the bead in the water, took it]: Shelton 1925, No. 37:147-150.

South Asia. Nepali [the carpenter has three sons, the youngest is stupid; the father orders to kill a sheep and bring food from the market; the son does not understand, falls asleep on the road, hears two girls talking; one knows him problem: the father meant to sell the sheep, buy food with this money; the father marries the son to this girl; the father and sons go to another area, tells them to cut down the mountain; the sons do not understand, they are returning home; the youngest's wife: he meant to tell stories so as not to notice the road; the sons went again, the father is happy with the youngest; the sons are building a pagoda, the king is happy, but tells the builders to cut off their hands, so that they cannot build anything like this; the father replies that they have already sent their hands home, their youngest daughter-in-law keeps them; the king sent his son to ask her for hand; his daughter-in-law locked him: if they will cut off the carpenters's hands, she will cut off the prince's hands; the king canceled the order]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:127-129; Uttar Pradesh (ethnic group not specified; translated from Hindi) [the merchant's son said that marries only a girl who agrees to be spanked five times every day with her shoes; found the daughter of a village merchant, got married; the merchant's son took off his shoe, his wife said: "Oh my husband, I I'll let you hit me with your shoe five times, but only when the things you've earned yourself appear in this house. In the meantime, everything in here doesn't belong to you but to my father-in-law!" ; the son went to trade; stopped for the night at the spring; she hid her silver bowl among his belongings; in the morning she said that the bowl was gone and that whoever found it would have to give everything property; took the cup out of his bag, the merchant gave her all the goods; went on, met the lame man; he said he had pledged his leg to his father; demanded to take the money and return his leg; the merchant had to give him money; then he met a one-eyed man, who said he had pledged his eye to his father; demanded to take the money and return his eye; the merchant gave him the last money; came to the butter maker, he took him to as an assistant; the merchant sat in front of the press all day and squeezed oil from sesame seeds; wrote a letter to his father: "I bow low to you, father! I'm happy with my fate. I rose high, and I had great riches in my hands. Your son"; having received the letter, the father was happy; called his daughter-in-law, began to boast; the daughter-in-law read it and realized that her husband was not rich and everything in the letter was fiction; dressed in a man's suit, went with her servants to her husband; arrived in the village where he worked; promised the butter maker whatever he wanted in exchange for an assistant; the butter maker agreed, took gold; the young merchant did not recognize his wife in dressed as a man and went to her service; she, having prepared cookies and salty foods, told the servants to eat as much as they wanted, but did not dare to drink; the merchant son disobeyed, and on the orders of his wife they gave him two stamps; on the way back she shot a deer and told the servants to take a deer's leg and eye with them; we met a one-eyed rogue who demanded his eye; a woman: "Many people pledge their eyes to us gave. Well, take out and weigh your eye, and then we'll find an equal weight"; the rogue got scared, left; met a lame man, the woman told him to tear off and weigh his leg first (only then he'll get it for sure the same one); then they stopped at the house at the spring; she took her silver bowl and hid it among the merchant's wife's belongings; when the thing fell asleep, the wife took out the bowl and put it in its original place; in the morning the bowl was not found in travelers, but in the belongings of the hostess; therefore, as agreed in advance, the merchant's wife received all the good things; when they arrived at her native village, the merchant's wife told the servants that she should go away; came home, She changed into her usual dress; then a merchant came and said to his wife: "I have been to distant countries and brought great wealth. Now I can buy you a shoe," she replied, "Tell me first who branded your back? Who bought you and brought you home? After all, all the money you took from home is gone. What kind of wealth did you get that you're so crazy about?" ; the merchant asked for forgiveness]: Zograf 1976:218-223).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece [Thracian king Tereus received King Pandion's daughter Proknu; they had a son Itis; Prokna wanted to see sister Philomela and Tereus promised to bring her; when he saw F., he wanted her, raped her, but for her to remain silent, cut off his tongue; Prokne said that F. was dead; F. weaved a story about what had happened and sent a cloth to her sister with one of Terey's men; when Prokna found out how things were going, slaughtered Itis and fed him meat; then told him what he ate and brought her son's head; Tereus rushed with a sword at both sisters, they ran; F. became a nightingale, Prokna became a swallow, Tereus a hoopoe ]: Ovid, Metamorphoses 6, 425-670; cf. Dmitry Torshilov's commentary to Hygin (Gigin 2000, No. 45:68; in Greek sources, Prokna turns into a nightingale, and Philomela into a swallow that is silent; at Hygin Philomela does not lose her tongue, so her transformation into a swallow is more justified; Hygin's Tereus turns into a hawk); Bulgarians [a wealthy man gave his son three hundred rams, but did not give money for them feeding; ordered the son to bring them all alive and well after wintering; the son met a girl, who advised her to borrow money and feed the sheep until spring, and then cut their hair, sell it, repay debts and rams; the guy did so; then told his father who had persuaded him; the father decided to marry his son to this girl, went to marry her; when he came, the girl's father was not at home; asked her where father and whether he would return soon; the girl replied that her father had gone to the mill and that if he went around the forest, he would return soon, and if he went straight, he would be late; soon the girl's father returned, agreed give up his daughter, but demanded that the matchmakers come; when they came and sat down at the table, dogs barked in the yard; the father-in-law went out to see who was coming; when he returned, he said that Neroda (dial. monk) was coming, leads a bad child (dial. mule) and carries nenitsa (dial. salt); the girl explained: there was a monk who led a mule and carried salt; when the young got married and went on the road, the father-in-law said that he would go to hunt, and told him to wait for him by the even furrows and dry stumps that let water in; we reached the vineyards, the girl said that we should wait here; one day the robbers seized the father-in-law, took him to the forest, began to demand money; their father-in-law told them to go to his house and tell their daughter-in-law to feed them and drink them, and then brought them to the basement with the money; asked me to tell her that our female brought the puppies and the pig she got pregnant, so let her take the puppies and throw them under the pig, and put the piglets under the knot; the robbers told their daughter-in-law everything their father-in-law told them; their daughter-in-law fed them and got them drunk, and then said: "Here piglets for you and puppies for a pig!" ; the villagers killed the robbers, went to the forest, saved their father-in-law]: Ketkov 1979:151-153.

Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the tsar had a daughter, the old woman predicted that she would be stolen; the princess grew up, went with her nannies to the garden to the sea, took her to the ship, took her away; after that, her son was born, went look for a sister; one king asks to know why his daughter has been lying on the pus for three years, the other why the gardens have not bloomed for three years; he left the commander on the ship, and with him "12 bottles of blue and red vodkas traffic jams" (these are shirts and hats of sailors); entered the house, where the girl tells me to lie on the chopping block, will cut her head; he asks to allow his last wish: send servants to bring 12 bottles of blue vodkas and red traffic jams; his people understood, took those servants, came to the girl, now she has to lie on the chopping block; she asks for permission to repent, talks about herself, it turns out that she is the missing sister; they are servants and dogs killed, the house was burned down, boarded a ship; one king was told that there was gold and silver under the garden; he offered his daughter as his wife, but the boy refused, received a cane instead of his wife - if he hit, a fleet would appear; daughter He cured the other with raw milk; took the good, not the queen; returned home]: Balashov 1970, No. 58:204-206.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Kiet, near Sivash) [khan asked questions to the wise men; the old man answered correctly: the most heartfelt is the wind, the hardest is the horse's hoof, the sweetest is the conversation between husband and wife; the old man admitted that the answers were suggested by his daughter; the khan got married; the daughter demanded 25 sheep, 30 cows, 40 bulls, 50 stallions, 60 horses; the khan realized that it was about his age: why does a girl need a 60-year-old horse; married a son's girlfriend; went on his way, taking gold; robbers attacked; khan: let two people stay, and the other two go with my letter to take the treasury; the khan's son reads: Dear son, I will not last long it remains to live; give a good welcome to the people who brought the letter; there are two mulberries in front of the palace gate - cut them to the root with an axe with a golden handle; if the axe is stupid, mark them on the black whetstone in the cauldron; wife: the messengers must be executed, the axe is you, the whetstone is me; the young khan sent people to free his father]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 60; Kalmyks [Khan Tsetsen married his son, took him hunting; noticing a deer lying down, said: "Run quickly, catch the deer by the horns"; the son ran, the deer rode away; the khan killed the deer with an arrow, beat his son with a whip; the son told his wife everything, she thought that the old man was crazy; went again to hunting, the khan asked his son to cook meat in a wooden cauldron; the son hollowed out a cauldron from a piece of wood, poured water, crumbled meat and started a fire; the cauldron burned down; the khan beat his son; he told his wife everything, she said that the old man was crazy; the khan asked his son to catch a horse with one head south and the other north; the son caught two horses, tied them by the tails and brought them to the khan; the khan beat his son, daughter-in-law sent him to his parents; began to look for a new wife for his son; met girls who were collecting dung and were caught in the rain; they scattered what they had collected and, covering their heads with empty leather bags, ran home; a girl was walking behind her, who took off her robe, covered it with a bag of dung attached to her back, and led a calf with her; the khan asked her, realized that she was smart; told her father to made koumiss from bovine milk; the next day he rode again; the girl put her father to bed, told him to moan; the khan asked for koumiss from bovine milk; the girl says that the father is giving birth, so not yet cooked; khan: "Do men give birth"; girl: "Does a bull give birth to milk"; the khan decided to marry her son, told her father to come to the palace; the girl gave the old man a purse when he met the khan, who offered him gold; began to fill his purse, the purse stretched, held the entire treasury; they had a wedding, the khan took his son hunting; noticing a deer lying down, said: "Rather catch a deer for horns"; the son did as before; the beaten man returned home, the wife explained: "Shoot soon"; went hunting again, the khan asked to cook meat in a wooden cauldron; the son did as before; beaten returned home, his wife explained that it was necessary to pick up the khan's phone, fill it with tobacco, light it and give it to him; the khan asked to catch a horse in the herd with one head facing south and the other north; son he did as before; the beaten man returned home, his wife explained that it was necessary to bring a mare who was about to necklace; a neighboring khan sent Khan Tsetsen a wooden whip handle with the same thickness ends so that he can determine where the roots were and where the top were; daughter-in-law: "If we dip this stick into the water, the root, since it is denser than the top, must go deep into the water"; the neighboring khan sent the same a mare and a foal for Tsetsen to determine which of them is who; the daughter-in-law said they should not feed them for three days, and then both pour oats smaller than one horse in size and see who of these, while eating, she will shovel and move oats to the other with her lips, she is the mother; the neighboring khan sent two identical snakes to Tsetsen to determine which one is male and which is female; daughter-in-law:" You have to keep them in the dark, and then put some wide velvet on the way at the entrance so that they can crawl on it. As soon as the snakes are on the velvet, the female one will immediately curl up and lie quietly, and the male one will crawl around the sleeper, with her head raised high, as if guarding her dream"; the neighboring khan invited Tsetsen to visit; he came, chained him to a cart, given bread and water; Khan Tsetsen: "Write a letter to your own so that your whole kingdom will be chained here to one soul, and there I will find that wise man myself {who solved riddles}"; Tsetsen wrote to his wife: "The kingdom of our neighbor Khan turned out to be a real paradise. There is no suffering, no death, no illness; there is also no winter, and everything smells like spring; there is no summer either, and everything is cool in autumn. People here live on allowances in all four seasons and do not know what work is... I sleep on a soft feather bed. I eat fatty lamb and drink strong aromatic tea, dress in blue velvet. There are no limits to my pleasure, entertainment and fun... It all happens 24 hours a day. There is no way to leave this country even for one minute. When you receive this letter, all your heart and soul come here. Remember: you, my old lady, are trusting; there is an unfortunate piebald foal in my herd, but it is gratifying that there is a piece of fragrant oil in my chest... Everybody wander around. I miss you a lot"; a letter was sent with a messenger to the Tsetsen Khanate; daughter-in-law: "Everything he writes must be understood in the opposite sense. Tea and mutton are water and crackers; feather bed is earth, blue velvet is sky. Fun around the clock - suffering around the clock. And the fact that there is no way to be away even for one minute means that he is shackled... "You, my old lady, are trusting" is a warning not to believe the letter; "An unfortunate piebald foal in the herd" is the khan talking about a son who still does not understand anything, "a piece of butter in a chest" - it's me... The call "all wander here" means "go to war against the neighboring khan and free me"; they went to the neighboring khanate, told the khan that they were happy to wander to him; he freed Tsetsen, asked feast; by morning, the daughter-in-law brought the army, found the enemies sleeping, captured them]: Egorov 1978:19-31; Kabardian people [the khan was going to marry a stupid son to an intelligent girl; sent two servants to her with a gift; the girl noticed that the servants cut off some brocade for themselves; asked me to tell the khan: let him not punish the servants for the sake of her daughter-in-law and son; the khan realized that the servants had stolen brocade; the khan and his son go camping, the khan told his son cut the road; put a ladder on the road; he began to cut the road with a sword; lay down on the road, for there are no stairs; daughter-in-law to her husband: your father told you to first get off your horse and rest, and then prolong the song; The abreks captured the khan; he asks to send three people for ransom, ordering them to hand over: cut one pole in Kunatskaya, knock down two; give the messengers a hundred red hornless cows and a hundred one-horned bulls; daughter-in-law: kill two messengers, injure a third; send a hundred horsemen and a hundred pedestrians; soldiers forced the wounded to show the way, freed the khan]: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:21-26; Abkhazians (Gudauta District) [Prince Salby Akhmat's son wants to check if his daughter-in-law is smart; tells his son to go with him, does not tell him to take supplies; on the way he asks him to shorten the road, feed him, bring him to a place where he can find out what he does not know; son does not understand, her daughter-in-law does not understand at home either, A. sent her to her parents; the same with his new wife; A. is looking for a new one, notices an intelligent Rasidac; sends a flax stalk, ordering her to weave the canvas and make clothes; R. in the answer sends a bamboo stick to make a loom; A. gives an egg - let him feed the chicken; R. gives a seed - let him grow millet to feed him; A. takes R. to marry her son; she explains to her husband: the father wanted for you to hand him the phone (tobacco will fight off hunger), start a conversation (this will shorten the road), take him to visit someone; Prince Jatkar captured A.; he promises a ransom: 500 rams with straight horns and 500 seconds curved, 500 bulls with straight horns and 500 hornless; tells the messengers to find an ax under the balcony upon arrival, sharpen it, cut down the middle wing post of the balcony, then tell who sent it and why; R. explains to his people: you need 500 warriors with guns and 500 with sabers, and to get back cattle, 500 people with sticks and 500 unarmed; whoever cut down the pole is dangerous, he must be killed; the other two will show the way; Prince A. was released]: Khashba, Kukba 1936:189-203 (=Bgazhba 1983:238-245); Abazins [father went with his son asking to pave the road; son: I have no ax or boards; father beat his son; listened to him talking to his wife, she also does not understand how to pave the way; the father drove away his daughter-in-law; next time he tells his son that the living and the dead are buried in the cemetery; again, neither the son nor his new wife understand, father also drove this daughter-in-law away; the third explains everything: the father asked you to tell me something interesting; among the dead there are those who remain in memory; when the father asked me to wake him up without waking him up, you had to pet him head; father-in-law is happy; the abreki captured him; he asks to go to his daughter-in-law for ransom; asks to give it: the father-in-law asks for one hundred rubles in silver, one hundred old rubles, one hundred new rubles; with silver there are two extra ruble; keep one for yourself, exchange the other for two half rubles and keep one of them for yourself; give these people 300 rubles and one half a ruble; daughter-in-law orders to gather 300 armed horsemen; orders one Kill the messenger, gouge out one eye and follow him; the abrekov was killed]: Tugov 1985, No. 80:255-257; Ossetians [Aldar needs a smart daughter-in-law; decided to test the daughter of neighboring Aldar; went with his son, tells him to shorten the road, he does not understand, his father beats him; hears his daughter-in-law feeling sorry for her husband; tells her to send her away; the same with another daughter-in-law (the father asks his son to boil the boiler without water); the third time: sell a ram and return its two halves; the daughter of a poor old woman tells her mother to buy a ram; he was eaten, and his head cut in half was returned (these are the shares of older men); Aldar is happy, marries his son; beats for he did not understand the order to "make the horses fat"; the new wife explains everything: he should have started a conversation, kindled his father's pipe, let the horses get caught; Aldar was captured by enemies, put him in a hole; he advises asking for ransom yourself: 18 x 18 one-horned, as many two-horned bulls; remove knives from the wall, sharpen them outside the door on a grindstone; cut down two out of three golden pillars, bring the third whole here and bring cattle; daughter-in-law: one-horned - spearmen, two-horned - with shields and swords; knives - you, I - a grindstone; kill two ambassadors, the third will show the way; the army killed enemies, freed Aldar]: Britaev, Kaloev 1959: 348-356; Balkarians [at night Oryuzmek noticed a fire, came up, the devils were dancing there; he cut them with a sword, but then the fire reappeared; O. came up and liked the hell; the devils demanded dowry: horse, helmet and sword; understanding the trick, O. said to go home first; his wife Satanai already knew everything; to get the hell, O. had to come back before the dew dried; S. did that when O. woke up, he saw the stars and thought it was too early to go; O. and S. quarreled and O. left; blacksmith Ulaugan Debetov promised his comrades to seduce S.; turned three knives into young men, gave them to S. for love with on condition that she should come along with him; but S. sent a maid; the blacksmith spat and a black spot remained on the wall; when O. returned, he thought S. had a lover; O. left again; once S. received a message from him: a hundred one-horned and a hundred cochkars (a baptized ram) came; S. guessed that O. was demanding an army, sent it; O. did a lot of good with this army, returned and reconciled with his wife]: Tulchinsky 1903:50-53; Ingush [the master married his son; they went to build a tower; on the way he asks his son to shorten the road; he does not know how; then to bring the horse - we do not have a horse; the father tells his son divorce; so several times; the last wife explains: shorten the road - start a conversation, bring a horse - give a staff; father is happy with his daughter-in-law; they are building a tower with the prince; the father anticipates that theirs they will want to kill so as not to pay; tells the son to meet the prince's daughter; the prince's daughter falls in love and warned of her father's intentions; the father deliberately lays out the top of the tower crooked; the prince sends him into the house master son and servant with the master's instructions: everything is fine; let the daughter-in-law send a lever to straighten the towers; let the crow go from home, and keep the falcon locked until we return; after finishing work, let's return home; the daughter-in-law understood: there is no such lever, there is no crow or falcon in the house; she tells me to tie the prince's son, and send the servant back: if you do not let the craftsmen go and pay them, we will kill the son; the tower is finished , received the money, released the prince honorably]: Malsagov 1983, No. 58:208-210; Chechens [A.O. Malsagov's comment on Ingush text No. 58: "In an abbreviated form, a similar version was published in records by Chechen writer X. Oshayev in Chechen under the same name" (Chechen folklore /Comp. C. Elmurzaev. Grozny, 1964. T. II. C. 121); father and son lived, tower builders; son got married; went on the road, the father said: "If you don't give me a horse and shorten the road, I won't be able to go any further"; "I don't have a horse and I can't go any further"; "I don't have a horse, and I can't shorten the road," answered the son; we returned home many times; my daughter-in-law found out about this and gave advice to her husband: "When you are on the road and your father gets tired, put {leather shoes} in his dudes straw will be a horse for your father; if you give him a staff in your hands and have good conversations, they will shorten the road"; my husband did so; they hired a rich man together with his father to build a tower for sixty cows; when they were finishing construction, my father heard that they wanted to be killed; then they began to build the tower at random; the prince became angry; "We have a lever at home that can straighten the crooked tower. Five men and forty oxen should be sent for this lever," said the father; the prince complied with the request; when these five arrived for the lever, the daughter-in-law realized that her husband and father-in-law were in trouble; with fellow villagers detained four, and sent the fifth back and said: "Here's a lever for you, prince, to straighten bad people"]: Malsagov 1983:345; Chechens [the prince contracted an old mason to build a tower ; the old man had a son; he married him to his neighbor's daughter before going to the prince; after the wedding he took his son and went to work; on the way he was tired, said to him: "Give me a horse or shorten the road"; the son replied: "Father, How can I give you a horse when I don't have one, and how can I shorten the road God created?" ; the old man got angry and returned home; the son told his wife everything, who said that his father was stupid in his old age; the next morning the old man asked his son which of them his wife considered right; the son told him the wife's answer; the old man drove her away and told her son to marry another; the same with the second wife; the third wife explained to her husband: "Instead of a horse, you would offer your father a stick, and shorten the road with an entertaining story"; the old man was pleased with his daughter-in-law's answer, went to the prince with his son; when the tower was half ready, the prince's employee told the old man that as soon as the construction was completed, the prince would kill him and him son, so as not to pay them money; the old man continued to work, but the tower began to come out crooked; prince: "The tower may collapse - your walls are crooked"; the old man: "This is because I forgot the weights at home. I will have to go get them"; the prince sent his son and his servant to the old man to go get weights; the old man to the princely son: "Please tell my daughter-in-law: let her be one of the two birds she has on tie, the falcon will tie it more tightly, and let the daw, a useless bird, go wild"; when she heard these words, the daughter-in-law understood what was going on; ordered her servants to seize the princely son, and sent the servant to the prince:" Tell the prince that if he does not let my husband and old father go home right away, I will kill the young prince"; the prince was frightened and sent the old mason and his son home]: Kharuzina 1898:247-248; Dargins [Shah Abbas demanded that everyone come to work; girl: let the Shah come to me himself; he asks questions, she answers; What are you doing? - One out of two. - Where is Dad? - I went out of my friend to make an enemy. - Where is the mother? - I went to make one out of two. Shah did not understand, the girl explained: I sew one new shirt from two old shirts; my father went to a friend to borrow money; my mother went to help the woman in labor; the girl agreed to marry the Shah after he had mastered craft - he learned to make gold chains; the Shah went on a journey, saw a lot of meat in one city, he was thrown into a hole; there were dead and alive; he sold the unfinished chain, he used this money to make new; the news of the chain master reached his wife; the Shah was released]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 20:93-94; Lezgins: Aliyeva 2013, No. 16 [Shahabbas wore dervish clothes, found out about the poor man's smart daughter; girl She agreed to marry him only when she found out that the padishah knew how to make felt carpets; one day, the padishah went into the caravanserai and fell into the basement; there they were waiting for their fate: they would be slaughtered for meat; the padishah took making felt carpets: it would be more profitable for the owner; advised to sell the carpet to Shahabbas; the wife guessed that her husband was in danger, the robbers were executed, the prisoners were released]: 82-83; Khalilov 1965, No. 88 (western 1935) . B. Nabiev) [Shah-Abbas (SHA) overheard the conversation of three sisters; the eldest wants to marry SHA, the middle wants to marry his Nazir, the youngest wants the king to be her slave; the SHA marries the eldest, the middle one gives Nazir and tells him to kill the youngest; he let her go; she found three mounds, one silver coins, the other gold coins, the third copper; disguised as a man, she lived with an old woman whose son was a firewood seller; gave her money to buy a plot of land on which mounds; built a palace; he was visited by the SHA, she took the guests to the bathhouse, the SHA carried a basin of linen after her; the SHA opened, who apologized; Nazir advised to run, SHA and his men were captured, but the girl forgave him; married the old woman's son; advised him to learn a craft, he became a carpet weaver; while hunting, her husband got lost, he was brought home and threw him into a hole; the robbers agreed not to kill him when he promised them to weave expensive carpets; asked them to sell a carpet in such a city, weaved a message on it; his wife found out, read it, forced those who came Tell me everything, sent an army; her husband was released, the robbers were beaten to death]: 270-279; Avars [Khan's son fell in love with a girl; matchmakers were sent to her parents; the girl's father asked how The groom owns the craft; the Khan's son did not have any skills, while the bride's father was a dagger master; the Khan's son agreed to learn how to make daggers if the master's daughter was passed off as him; the master agreed and the Khan's son mastered the craft; later, on behalf of his father, he went to the city; on the way he was attacked by three, thrown into a hole; then two more were put in the pit, and a month later they were taken away; the khan's son was sent for firewood; he told the kidnappers he could make daggers; they agreed, gave him tools; the khan's son's daggers began to be sold in different cities; father-in-law saw them on bazaar, took one and saw the inscription on it: "I am the son of such a khan, imprisoned"; these words were so skillfully carved that only the master could make them out; the father-in-law reported this to the khan and daughter; the khan collected army, freed his son]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 55:250-251; tatami [the padishah has 30 wives, he fell in love with the shepherd's daughter, she agrees to marry him only if he learns a craft; padishah in 7 weeks learned to weave carpets, married a girl; one day, dressed as a dervish, he came to the same city with a bodyguard; they went to a tavern, fell into the basement; the man said that fat people were sent to kebabs at once, and thin ones are fattened; the padishah invites the robbers to weave the carpet: they will pay much more for it than for its meat; asks to take the carpet to such a shop; 30 wives of the padishah took lovers , and the shepherd's daughter went into the shop and recognized the carpet; she followed the warriors in the footsteps of the robbers, cut off their heads, freed her husband; the padishah stayed with the shepherd's daughter, ordered the rest of the wives to starve to death in dungeon]: Kukulla 1974, No. 33:250-256; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 118 (Tbilisi) [the prince fell in love with the girl, she tells him to master the craft first; the prince learned to weave carpets, gave him a present the carpet to the bride; once he went into the dukhan while hunting, fell under the floor; the prince suggests not to kill him for meat, but to allow him to weave the carpet and sell it to the palace; the queen read among the leaves and flowers husband's message; orders to bring the weaver so that he can accurately determine the size of the next carpet; the king was brought, he changed his outfit, the attackers were hanged]: 227-232; Chikovani 1954, No. 72 (Kakheti) [prince for a long time I was looking for a bride, found a poor girl; she told him to learn the craft first; the king summoned the artisans; everyone had a long study, the burki master taught the prince in a day; the prince married; decided incognito to see the kingdom; went to see how meat is cooked, it was thrown into the cellar, the owners kill passers-by for meat; prince: I'll make a burka, sell it for a dearly price to the king's wife; between the flowers he drew an inscription where he to search; the wife sent an army; at her command (broke the cup), the robbers were strangled, the prisoners were released]: 345-346; Georgians (Kartli) [Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 110:194-195; cf. Ingush; father wants test my son: carry me (he told a fairy tale); buy horses for six nickels (my son bought wine); find one friend for himself and one for me (my son cut off two sticks to make staffs); father: good field; son: she was eaten; they saw salt that the river did not melt, and the girl, she was mowing a little; father: the house is good, but the roof is slightly mowed; girl: but the smoke is going straight; your son is right - the owner of the field has debts; water is wife, salt - husband, a good wife's salt does not melt; the father married his son to this girl; the father and son went to build a royal palace; he did not like something, he put both in prison; father to the king: I have a car at home, it's all he will correct; send his son - the daughter-in-law will not give anyone else; let him order to send something with which to correct the lie; the daughter-in-law ordered to seize the prince; the king had to let the masters go and pay them]: Chikovani 1954, No. 66:325-327; Armenians [the king went out incognito, fell in love with a poor girl; she agreed to become his wife only if he mastered some craft; the king learned to weave carpets; once he went out to the beggar's clothes fell into the hands of the robbers, they sold it to the merchant; he wanted to give the carpet to the king; the tsar weaved it, woven a secret message to his wife in the corner; the wife understood everything, the tsar was returned to the palace]: Harutyunyan 1986: 138-140 (=Nazinyan 2007:171-173); Azerbaijanis [the Shah built fortresses and towers on the border; each fortress was built by a new master, and then the Shah killed him because he was afraid of the secrets of the fortifications The enemies did not visit; when he decided to build another tower, the servants could not find a single master; the message reached the Isfahan mason Abdullah's mouth; he told his wife that he would go to the Shah, and warned: "If I'm not lucky, I can't do the job on my own, I'll send it to you"; I came to the Shah, started building; built a tower with 88 doors and each one inscribed some kind of defect Shah; when the tower was ready, A. asked the Shah for payment; the shah refused to pay, ordered the guards to seize the master; A. said: "In the tower I built, all the underground passages are bewitched. And their secret is unknown to anyone but me. And you didn't even ask how or how to open eighty-eight doors..."; when the Shah offered to tell everything, Abdullah said: "Each door has its own key, eighty-eight in total. No master in the world will give you such keys for any money. I'm the only one who has them, but I've left them at home. Send someone to Isfahan, let them take my wife's keys and bring them to you"; the Shah's messenger arrived in Isfahan; A.'s wife took him into the house; went through 12 rooms; in front of the door, the 13th woman said: "Oh my dear Guest, come in here and wait for me. I'll be back soon to find out how I can serve you"; the messenger crossed the threshold and fell into the dungeon because there was no floor in the room - ropes were stretched instead of boards and a carpet lay over them; when he woke up, told A.'s sons that he had come for the keys; the sons realized that the father was in danger; asked the messenger what he could do; he replied that he could spin threads; they brought him wool; the Shah lost the messenger; find out , what was the matter, the vizier volunteered; came to A.'s house, also fell into the dungeon; began to paint the threads that the messenger was spinning; the Shah went by himself, A.'s wife did to him the same as with the messenger and vizier; A.'s sons asked him, what he could do; he replied that he knew how to weave carpets, they brought him a loom; A. returned home, went down to the dungeon; saw that one prisoner was spinning, the other was painting, and the third, the Shah, was weaving the carpet; A. ordered the Shah to write to the treasurer to pay double the wives of the murdered craftsmen; when the Shah did this, A. took him, along with the vizier and messenger, to the roof, threatened to throw him off; the Shah promised that no one else will not destroy; A. took pity, let all three go; the Shah became a good ruler]: Seyidov 1983:139-144 (=Gabulov 1987:154-158); Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 208.V [the young man dreams of a girl and falls in love, she dreams of him and falls in love too; the young man falls into the hands of an ogre; says he will be more useful if he works than if he just eats him; he weaves a carpet by weaving it in ornament is a message about what happened to him; the carpet goes to his lover and she frees him], 231 (Ankara, Kars) [a padishah in disguise meets a poor girl, falls in love; her father gives his daughter with a condition that the groom will learn a craft; the padishah and the vizier learn to weave mats; they go incognito into a gambling house, are captured, they are going to be beheaded; they weave mats that contain encrypted message; thanks to this, what happened is being known; they are released, thanking the girl's father]: 245, 278.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Romaskevich 1934a, No. 10 (Jews of Isfahan) [the girl agreed to marry Shah Abbas only after he learned her craft - making knitted shoes; at night A. wandered around the city in dervish clothes, came to the robbers; promises to make him a profit if he does not kill him, but lets him do what he can do; weaved a message to the vizier on his ink; he understood everything, asked him to bring the master, and Let the owner also come and receive the reward; the robber saw A. on the throne, captured, the rest of the robbers were also captured and hanged; A. thanks his wife]: 67-70; Marzolph 1984, № *888B (Farce, Mazendaran, Khorasan, Azerbaijan) [the girl agreed to marry the king after he learned the craft; he falls into the hands of enemies; weaves a carpet for them (or does something else); seeing his work, his wife (vizier) learns about his situation and frees him]: 161; Tajiks [the padishah married the shepherd's daughter; she announced that she would marry a man who knew a craft and asked what the craft was knows the padishah; the padishah called the wazirs, who decided that the best craft was carpet weaving; the most skillful weaver taught the padishah; the padishah liked to walk around the streets of the city in disguise and watch the people live; disguised himself as a beggar, went into a tavern; the owner put him in a corner, went to get pilaf; the robbers sitting in the other corner jumped up to the padishah, threatened him with knives, dragged him to the back room; one of them said:" We will give this poor man to the torturers of the padishah instead of our friend"; the padishah asked not to do this, promised to weave carpets for which they will give a lot of money; the robbers locked him in a room, in five days he he woven a beautiful carpet; the robbers sold it for a lot of money, not noticing that there was a Padishah seal between the patterns in the corner of the carpet; five days later, the padishah woven a second carpet; it was brighter and more beautiful first; the padishah said: "Take this rug to the Padishah's palace. There is a famous craftsman in the palace who should appreciate this carpet dearly"; the robbers did so; the Padishah weaver (padishah's teacher) praised the carpet, the robbers received a lot of money, ordered the padishah to weave new carpets; the padishah's teacher, admiring the carpet, looked at the familiar drawing and guessed that it was the work of the padishah; when he found the Padishah seal in the pattern, he called the wazirs; they sent servants to look for carpet sellers and track down where they lived; the soldiers surrounded the house, freed the padishah; he ordered the robbers to be caught and imprisoned, ordered to give gifts to his teacher and hand them over shepherd's daughter, that she is not only beautiful but also smart]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957:352-354; Uzbeks [the poor man's daughter agrees to marry the king if he learns a craft; he has learned to weave carpets ; several merchants were missing; the king changed his clothes and went to look for them himself; went to the tavern, the floor failed, the robbers agreed not to kill him if he had a carpet; the carpet was sold to the palace; the wife found out the job husband, sent soldiers; robbers were executed, prisoners were released]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 445-447; Sarykol residents (villages. Tung, People's Republic of China, 1956) [The carpenter sent his son to the city to choose a wife; the son met a woman who gave him a melon on the tablecloth, told him to take the melon to his father and treat the guests with it for seven days; the son took the melon to his father, it was enough for seven guests who came for seven days; the father asked his son who gave the melon; then married him to that woman; the king sent a letter to the carpenter, told him to come and build a castle; the wife gave to the carpenter's son, a rose: "If I cheat on you, this rose will wither. If I remain faithful before your arrival, this flower will not wither in forty years. Day by day it will flourish"; the carpenter and his son came to the king, began to build a castle; the rich man asked the carpenter's son about the rose, he talked about his wife; they agreed: if her rich man seduce, the carpenter's son will get the rich man's wife and all his possessions; the rich man came to town, met an old woman; she promised to help him in exchange for gold, put two chickens under her arms and came to to the wife of the carpenter's son; said that every woman who protects her husband's honor starts to make such a sound (cackling); the wife agreed to meet the rich man, but then changed her mind; the old woman stuffed into sheep bowls and came back to the carpenter's son's wife; she was afraid that this would happen to her, agreed to meet the rich man, but the dog dissuaded her; the rich man returned to his country, gave it to his son the carpenter's wife and property; when the castle was completed, the king gathered all the viziers and asked if there was a castle like him in the world; the viziers replied that there was no such castle yet and advised him to kill the carpenter and his son, so that there would never be a better castle anywhere; the poor man heard this conversation, warned the carpenter; he carved a wooden wedge and hammered it into the middle of the castle's pillar; the castle squinted ; the king saw it, called the carpenter; the carpenter said that the castle was squinting because either the king or his malicious intent at night; the king began to repent, the carpenter said: "Now I need a knockout Klin, if I had known this would happen, I would have taken it with me and he would have stayed at home. You now choose forty men from your veziers, and we will send them to my country for a wedge." The king sent forty vezirs home to the carpenter; the carpenter handed them a note for his daughter-in-law: "Because you my daughter-in-law, then give these forty people a wedge!" ; she understood the meaning of the note and thought, "My father-in-law and my husband must have been in trouble"; she carried twenty drank, twenty large axes, twenty bits, and told them to come they cut down and cut off the poplar, and then stood with their feet on the resulting log and hollowed out each groove the size of a foot; when they completed the task, the daughter-in-law said: "I will now run over your legs With this iron bolt, and this log, which will serve as a wedge, will take you in three hours right to the city where the master carpenter built the king's castle"; she ran that bolt over their feet and She chained them all to a log; the captives had swollen legs, they scolded their king; their daughter-in-law cut off one ear at a time and let them go; they became dervishes; when the messengers did not return to his city, the carpenter thought that their daughter-in-law had probably not given them a wedge, and made it himself; told the king that the wedge had fallen into the corner of the bag; knocked out the wedge from which the castle squinted; The king was happy and said: "I will give you twenty men, forty pack animals, I will equip you to your city, and you have come here as soon as possible those forty daring men of mine!" ; the carpenter and his son returned home safely]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 48:405-413; the Baluchi [the king remained childless for a long time; finally, a son was born; grew up and started shooting clay balloons at women who were going to fetch water, breaking the jugs; people complained, the king ordered to give the victims a copper jug; but the prince pierced them with steel bullets; the king ordered the maid to leave night, the prince's shoes with the soles up; this meant expulsion; the sons of the vizier, the cat and the slave went with him; the slave's son was dragged away by a crocodile, the son of the kotwal by a tiger; the prince and the vizier came to the city where the king died; the doors of the palace are inscribed: whoever opens will become king; the prince opened, reigned; and the vizier went to the butcher shop, he was captured and imprisoned together with other prisoners to feed human beings to the customers; he asked the owner, whose name was Hanud, to give him a cloth: he would decorate it, let H. present it to the new king and receive a reward; the vizier embroidered the inscription: four came to town, one was eaten by a fish, the other was eaten by a tiger, the third is on the throne, and the fourth is in prison; the king answered: Who did the fish eat, who was eaten by the tiger, some on the throne, and who was in prison? The vizier wrote in turn: a slave, a cauldron, a king, a vizier; shop H. was inspected, the prisoners were released, H. and his men were burned alive]: Dames 1893, No. 11:202-205.

Baltoscandia. Karely (Kalevalsky District, 1937) [mother tells her son to find a bride, go early to the house where the stove is already being heated; the girl in one shirt is weaving; asks why the guest has no mouth or nose; tie the horse to winter or summer, both in the yard; father for he went warmly, the mother lies down from her fun, the brother walks back and forth; whether to cook food with spits or right with sips; with spits; she cooked perch; when he returns, the guy complains that the bride is stupid ; the father explains: you had to cough when entering; there was a cart and a sleigh in the yard; the father went for eyebrows, the mother gave birth, the brother was plowing; cook porridge or perch; the son married; the father tells his daughter-in-law to heat the bathhouse, the rooster put food on the shelves, food on the table, sword across the table, go to bed yourself; father and son went to the forest; on the way back: take off my head and hands, and throw logs on the road to make the path shorter; wife explains: the father-in-law ordered to put a broom in the bathhouse, cover the food with a towel; on the way, he had to take his father's hat and mittens and talk; the king found out about the intelligent woman and took her away; the old man asks the beggars to ask daughters-in-law, where is his death; daughter-in-law: when you hit your forehead on a pole in the stable, then death; the old man took out the treasury hidden in a pole; sends a message to your daughter-in-law: do you always wear strong dresses or go to torn? daughter-in-law: torn on Saturday evening (which means that the barn gate is open); father-in-law released and returned his daughter-in-law]: Concca 1959:79-82 (=Car folk tales 1963, No. 58; the same, but in the best translation from Karelian texts in Lavonen 1992:214-216).

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [8 entries; girl rejects grooms; padishah's son marries, the girl tells him to learn a craft first; the prince became a carpet weaver, the girl married him (he inherited the throne); when he went around the possessions, he was captured, he found himself with other prisoners who are tormented by work and killed; the head of the robbers is the ruler of the city; he suggests weaving a carpet - it will be more profitable to sell it to the padishah; at this time, the padishah's wife in his clothes does business; asks for new carpets; on each husband tells her about himself with hidden signs; the wife sends an army, frees her husband and other prisoners; tells every victim to deal with the person who tortured him]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 62:251-255; {Zamaletdinov 2010:494, note to No. 62, mistakenly mentions the Bashkir parallel: Barag, Suleimanov 1990, No. 29:77; this is a text on a different story}.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Daurenbekov 1979:138 [Edelbay has three sons, the eldest two are married; the youngest is Zhandaulet, E. wants to test him before marrying; tells him to drive 40 goats to the bazaar and, without selling them, buy chintz; J. stayed with the poor man for the night; the daughter explains: sell horns; E. guessed that his son did not solve this problem himself, married him to that girl; is going to go to town; older daughters-in-law ask bring a carpet and a chest; the youngest gives the bag and tells me to bring it back without opening it; on the way back, E. opened the bag, saw it gnawed sheep bones, scattered it across the steppe; robbers attacked, E. promised ransom - 60 old camels and 70 young ones; chieftain: we were watching you, but you were 41 - where did 40 go? E. guessed that the bones were magical; when the robbers came for the camels, the daughter-in-law guessed: she called 60 elders for advice and sent 70 horsemen to rescue E., they killed the robbers], 193-195 [ Khan Kaiyr teaches his son: drive goats to the bazaar, but do not sell them, but benefit from them and bring good things on nine camels; the girl Sakipzhamal teaches: cut down the goats and sell them; K. married her son; wants send his son with a caravan; S. advises to go himself; K. was captured by robbers; he promises a ransom; tells his son and daughter-in-law to ask his son and daughter-in-law for 60 black-headed and red camels, a black sharpener that lies on the right the sides of the lintel; and the chest under lock and key; of the two poplars that grow in front of the house, let them cut down one, remove the bark from the other; the two robbers decided not to say that they were going for a ransom, but to say that their sister Kenzhekei K. married his son as his youngest wife; then let's talk about cattle; the daughter-in-law understood: to send 60 elders and horsemen; the chest under lock and key is herself, the sharpener is my husband; kill one robber, tie the other; the old man was rescued]; Sidelnikov 1964 [Khan Hasen's son Idris fell in love with his peasant daughter Duria; she will marry only someone who owns a craft; craftsmen gathered; most quickly, in half a month, the hatter Toktybay is ready to teach skills; D. agrees to marry I.; teaches secret signs that can be used to embroider a message; dressed as a beggar I. went to travel and got to cannibals; suggested make a hat - you can sell it to hansha; she gave money to the robbers, then sent soldiers; I. was released, the robbers were hanged]: 116-119 (=1971 (3): 95-98); Mongolian Kazakhs [Akkaishy ("white scissors "); there was Khan Alip, he has an ugly, stupid and weak-willed son; the khan was afraid that after his death his property would go to ashes; the viziers advise marrying his son to an intelligent girl; the khan orders the artist to depict the picture is everything that is animate and inanimate in our lands; the khan ordered to hang the picture at the beginning of the gorge through which people descended from mountain pastures; the khan ordered to see if anyone would find it in the painting is a flaw; the daughter of a poor old man: the artist forgot about the leopard and the moon; the khan came to the old man when the girl was not at home; tells him that tomorrow, by his arrival, she will ferment a roll of ox's milk; when khan arrived, the girl says that you can't go to the kibitka - the father has just given birth; the khan admits defeat; tells me to make fetters from the ashes; the girl told her father to make a lasso out of dry grass, burned it on an iron sheet; Khan tells the old man not to arrive on foot or on horseback, not to enter the house or stand in the yard; the daughter tells her father to come on a baptized goat, to climb between the upper felt cloth of the yurt and the inner ones with mats; the khan married his son to a girl and gave them Akkaishy, in the sense that she has a sharp mind; once tells his son to come on a two-headed horse; A. tells her to ride a mare for childbirth; when the son arrived, from the head of a foal appeared in the mare's belly; the khan orders three red horses to be prepared for the races, they must be sent directly to the pasture, they cannot be tied and confused; A. orders the horses to pull their tongues; khan ordered to bring three immense four-year-olds, giving only one belt into a fathom long; A.: drill their hooves, thread the belt through; a large army of another khan attacked, seized land, and the khan was captured; a foreign khan tells Alip to make all his people servile; A. promises to write a letter so that everyone will migrate, let the khan send him with three reliable people; Khan Alip wrote to the vizier: "I live in the midst of this people in prosperity and pleasure alone. I put black silk under me, cover myself with blue silk. Ten people support me when walking behind me; the property allocated to me by the khan here does not count; so move all here; relocate all the people completely; three poplars that are planted in front of with a palace, cut down one and burn it as soon as these three messengers come to you; burn another poplar on the way, bring the third to me, I must see it with my own eyes; when migrating, all cattle let it go ahead; after reading the letter, the khan's wife, his son and viziers were happy; Akkaishy was sad, secretly gathered the khan, viziers and the most worthy people as his wife, explained the meaning to them; lay down for themselves black silk means that he has nothing to lay under him, he sleeps on bare ground, covered in blue silk, means that he has nothing to hide with, he sleeps in the open air. The fact that 10 people support him from behind when walking means that his hands are tied and he holds 10 fingers behind his back; three poplars in front of the palace; kill one right there, another on the road, and the third bringing Khan Alip alive; letting cattle in front means that heavily armed warriors must enter first; the army was led by Akkaishi herself; suddenly attacking, it took possession of a stranger khanate; Alip freed himself from captivity, handed over the throne to Akkaisha]: Babalar Sozi 2011 (79): 71-75; Karakalpaks [bai sends his son to sell sheep, bring back money, and bring the sheep back; he stays in the peasant's kibitka; the owner's daughter explains: the sheep must be cut, the wool must be sold; bai did not believe that his stupid son guessed it himself; when he learned about the girl, he married her son; to him robbers attacked; buy promises a rich ransom, asks to send two people with a letter; "Put forty black dromedary camels forward, forty red dromedaries behind, young people between them and bring everyone; if the cattle do not want to go, cut down one of the trees growing in front of the door to the root, and only cut down the other's branches"; daughter-in-law: forty black trees are the leaders, forty red ones are the rest of the horsemen, young animals - others; kill one who came, cut off the other's ears and nose, let him show the way; the robbers fled when they heard a horse tramp, saved the bay]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:140-142; Kyrgyz [v Ways Jeerence-Chechen (LC) asks Telemirza's son to cook food on the horse's mane; then shorten the path; T. tries to set fire to the mane, level the mounds with ketman; LC: you had to get food and eat without getting off; entertain with conversation; LC is looking for an intelligent wife for T.; during the rain, the girls ran away, and Karachach covered the brushwood with a robe: the firewood remained dry and her mother would not scold her; Zhanybek Khan married her son; Zhanybek Khan came with his questions, K. answered; he tells the LC to come neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor on the road, nor across the field; K. teaches you to ride a goat along the steppe between two roads; tells you to pull tendons out of the stone and sew sand boots; K., under the guise of another woman, asked Zhanybek Khan about the same, he replied that this was impossible; then Zhanybek Khan captured ZhCH and his son; ZhC gave a letter: burn crops before winter; black Throw a blind goat into the lake; make a goat with straight horns the leader of the herd; I have a knife with a sharp blade, and there is also a worthless one, don't forget about it; K.: kill enemies, kill them and throw them into the lake Zhanybek Khan, put his younger brother Berdibek in his place, me with a sharp knife, my husband, a worthless one; everyone did so]: Brudny 1954:37-47 (=Brudny, Eshmambetov 1968:87-97, =Ledenev 1987:15-22) ; Uighurs (Kashgar) [the padishah wants to test his son, goes hunting with him, offers to catch gazelle; the son rushes after the gazelle; the padishah hit the gazelle with an arrow, beat his son for stupidity; the vizier advises her son to marry an intelligent girl; the padishah and the vizier see girls fleeing the rain; everyone is covered with empty bags, Gulinur alone took off her clothes, covered a bag of dung; the padishah asks where G. lives; in a hut with 60 windows; the padishah realized that he had holes; tells Father G. to make a katyk out of bovine milk; in the evening G. says that the order has not been executed: the father gives birth; the padishah decides to marry his son to G. tells her father to come for gold; S. tells her to take not the bag, but his eye, he will fit more into it; after the wedding, the padishah tells his son to bring meat cooked on a stick; the stick burned down, G. tells him to bring it to his father kebab; a neighboring padishah sent a planed stick, tells me to answer where the butt was and where was the top; G.: the butt will fall in the water; distinguish the mare from its adult foal; G.: mother will shovel oats daughters, and take the daughter for himself; the neighbor captured the padishah, ordered him to write a letter for his army to surrender; the padishah writes: "I am visiting a neighbor. His kingdom turned out to be a true paradise. There is a yellow silk canopy above me, I sleep on a soft feather bed, eat fatty pilaf, drink strong tea, and the khan drinks red wine. We have fun day and night, we have no strength to leave this kingdom. After receiving the letter, come with the entire treasury, and slaughter three lambs who come from the steppe. There is an unfortunate black foal in the herd - don't take it with you. And be sure to grab a smart fox." The padishah's wife believed that everything was so; G. orders the messengers to be killed, led the army, freed the padishah]: Kabirov 1963:28-34; Dungans [poor girl refuses the emperor: let him learn first some craft; he became a weaver and weaved a marvelous carpet; got a wife; wanting to know how the people live, he went into a tavern in the guise of a commoner; he was drunk and thrown into the basement, then slaughtered into manta meat; he convinced the owner that it was more profitable for him to allow him to weave the carpet and then sell the carpet to the emperor; when she saw the carpet, the Empress understood everything; the emperor was released, the owners of the tavern were executed]: Riftin et al. 1977, No. 49:233-235.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chelkans [father speaks in riddles; tells his son to make a long journey short, short long; son begins to cut the road with an ax; takes his son a wife, she also does not understand what he says, he kicked her out; asks the poor girl how many steps she hit the barley; girl: how many steps did your horse take? etc.; the father is happy with such a daughter-in-law; she explains to her husband that cutting the way is to sing a song; the father has left, the son and wife found a parcel at the door, there is a letter: I hide in a white sweat, I style black; two cut down the birch trees at the wall and at the door, bring the blunt bone at the door; the son wants to cut birch trees, the wife explains: the father is defeated, lies on the ground, covered with snow; taking a blunt bone is me, daughter-in-law; they found their father, killed enemies in a fierce battle, came home together]: Sadalova 2002, No. 35:347-355; Teleuts: Potanin 1883, No. 100 [Eren Checheng wants to marry a stupid son to an intelligent girl; went rain, all the girls sat on their bunches {?} ; one undressed, covered the firewood with her clothes, covered her breasts with her hands; EC: why? I will have to start a fire at home immediately; my father and mother saw my genitals, but no one saw my breasts; EC married her son; Yara Checheng decided to take my daughter-in-law, ordered me to make boots out of stone; daughter-in-law collects sand: I want to make a rope; YACH: is it possible? daughter-in-law: and boots made of stone? YACH: let the bull give birth to a calf, treat the bull with milk; the daughter-in-law tears the grass: the father-in-law gave birth to a child, grass must be laid; YACH tells you to arrive neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on a horse, nor on foot, nor by road, stop neither in the yurt nor outside; the daughter-in-law tells you to put on a net, ride between two furrows on a stick, step into the yurt with one foot; YACH threw EC into the hole, sent seven ambassadors to his son with his letter; EC: I'm lying on 6 layers of white silk, covered with seven silk blankets, playing checkers, drinking sweet light wine; I have 7 rams at home; kill 6, prick out the seventh's eye, break your arm, let him read the letter daughter-in-law; daughter-in-law: wine - tears, silk - snow, checkers - stars, 7 rams - ambassadors; six were killed, the seventh's eye was gouged out, he led them to YCH, they killed him, EC took his place]: 362-363; Funk 2004 [Ermen-Chechen sent his son to look for a bride; asks the girl where his parents are. - Let's go get firewood. - When will they come back? - If they go around, they will spend the night, and if straight, they will spend the night (on the road). - How many trees are placed on the horse during transportation? - But one is good, two are bad, and some are three. ECH calls his son a fool because he does not understand the answers; if straight, then without a road; good people go one piece of meat, stupid, scooping a few; ECH sent his son to ask the girl to sew shoes made of stone; she tells you to make threads out of the sand; the girl tells the guy to come neither in a shirt, nor naked, nor on horseback, or on foot, not on the road or along the side of the road; ECH tells him to go wrapped in a net, sit on a twig, another pick up, put one leg in the house, leave the other outside; girl: why a rod? guy: with spikes, but not a tree (rose hips); the guy married the girl; ECH was captured; two people came to say hello from him: my bed is black down, the blanket is black (white?) fluff, drink - black vodka, food - horse fat intestines; there is a gold cutter under the pillow, bring it with you; two goats are coming; two eyes are pierced, take guides and bring them with you; daughter-in-law: he was in the summer captured, lying on black ground, now white snow is falling; two thumbs suck, rain-snow serves as a drink; the gold cutter is her; let those who come to poke out the eye, let them show the way; daughter-in-law won enemies freed by ECH]: 41-43; Tuvans (Toja; 9 options throughout Tuva) [old man SÿMeldey tells his daughter that he will go to Ai-Khan for milk; she teaches what to do and how to respond; A.: 1)" In the middle of the blue lake, there is a sandalwood without a top, 15 branches are damp, 15 are dry"); if S. does not guess, A. tells him to cut off his arm and head (the moon in the first and second half); 2) count the years of white a bear with a black head (the daughter sewed three dried human skulls to her father's clothes on the right and left; the bear says he is 110 years old, but has never seen such a seven-headed creature); 3) weave a rope from ash (weave from sedge, pull between poles, set fire, it will be covered with ash, but will remain stretched); A. tells S. to drive 6 oxen home, milk them, cook tarak; daughter tells them to drive them into the pen, in the morning sits down to comb her hair; A. comes and asks how much hair she has; she: how many steps your horse has taken; forbids entering the yurt - her father gives birth there; if the father cannot give birth, then like oxen get milk; A. tells S. to come with his daughter; writes the names of all living beings on a pole, and deliberately misses the falcon and the kite; S. did not notice this, the daughter noticed; A. marries his son to daughter S.; comes to Saryg Khan, who put gold and silver under his pillow, accused him of stealing, crucified him on four stakes; sent four soldiers to his camp; crucified A. asks S. to send only four soldiers and tell him to the people that he has four servants serving him. In the middle of his camp, there is an iron poplar with four shoots - cut off three, leave one. Put my damask scissors at the beginning and the yellow knife at the end. Cattle at the beginning, hornless at the end. So, they say, the camp will be captured without a fight; daughter-in-law: damask scissors - me, knife - his son, cattle - army, hornless - ordinary people; orders to kill three warriors, let one be a guide; they release A., Saryg Khan captured]: Samdan 1994, No. 9:307-321; South Altai Tuvans [Haraat Khaan and Jechen Khaan hate each other; DH has an unfit son; he left a sign on ovaa with with the inscription; the poor girl read it and said: if an eagle is drawn, why write "kite", if a woman is drawn, why write "man"; khan decided that she is suitable for daughter-in-law; khan: how many times did she hold out skin under a leather stick? girl: how many steps did your horse take? khan orders to latch a rope from the ashes; the girl burned the rope; khan: make tarak from bull's milk; girl: the father is now having labor pains; since a man cannot give birth, then the bull does not milk; khan: let the father will come and be neither inside nor outside, naked or dressed; the girl tells her father to wear pants, shirt and stockings and climb between the wooden lattice wall and the felt of the yurt; the khan tells the girl's father to count years of a bear's life; daughter tells me to bring her two skulls that have turned white in the sun; painted them red and tied them to her father's shoulders; bear: there are 75,000 trees on the mountain, and I'm 75 years old, but I've never seen one; find out hare age; daughter: smear honey and sugar on trees in a hare meadow; hare: 60,000 trees on the mountain, and I am 60 years old, but I have never tried such sweets; XX married my son to a girl; was captured; two heroes and XX was tied to iron stakes, XX was given one louse a day, heroes two lice; XX said that his people were warlike; to take prisoners, you must send his son a letter: you need to gather people with the lower reaches of a large river and from the upper reaches of a small river; the droppings of a sheep and a neutered goat are a value, it cannot be left; tell the daughter-in-law: let sheep and goats with horns go ahead, and without horns follow them; in front of 4 iron poplars with my doors; let two cut down and uproot two and bring them here; I win, I lie on 9 blue silk carpets, lean on 4 iron backs on all four sides of the world and eat every day sheep soup; son is going to saw poplars; daube: gather warriors, they will need weapons sent to kill two at once, take two with them; the soldiers freed the khan and brought the loot]: Taube 1978, No. 50: 254-259 (=Taube 1994, No. 39:255-258); Buryats: Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 24 (Tunkinsky District) [on the way, the khan tells his son to move the horse's tail (i.e. sing a song); he got off his horse and began to tug tail; orders to make a wooden cauldron, the son begins to cut down a tree; the khan beat his son; decided to marry him to an intelligent girl; she advised his father to ask for a full yard of cattle and a hat of gold for her; the cattle were driven out through the other door, there is a hole in her hat; having received enough for her parents, the girl moved in with her husband; the khan went to another and lost; he was thrown into the yard; he wrote home that he lived well, was lying under a blue blanket, on a green silk mattress, has two watchmen, feeds on this and that, wrapped in a gold chain; come chasing three hundred sheep in front, cattle in front, hornless cattle behind, bring a thin red bull and a seedy white cow, bring a samovar with a gold chain; daughter-in-law: father-in-law lies chained on the ground under a blue sky; cattle - people with spears and guns; thin bull - his son, the cow - his wife, the samovar - me; the khan was released, the enemies were killed, captured], 25 (Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district) [checking the herd, the father tells his son to cook meat in a wooden cauldron; he begins to pick aspen; his father beat him; his daughter-in-law tells her husband that he should have picked faster; the father tells him to send his wife and take a new one; she explains that it was necessary to string the meat on sticks and fry it; the father was captured, promises ransom: 300 white horses, three black rams; sent a letter with three warriors: bring 300 white sheep, kill one ram on the spot, another on the way, the third here; daughter-in-law: send 300 warriors, one of those who came immediately to kill, then let the third one show the way; the old man was released, the enemies were destroyed], 27 [the khan tells the old man to bring a rope of ash neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor on the road, nor without a road; the daughter orders to come on a goat along the side of the road, set fire to a straw rope; the khan orders to milk the bull, cook tarak; the daughter of the khan who came: the father was born; the khan married the girl to his son; the khan has people Wolf, Sheep, Water, Wood, the daughter-in-law should not say these words; she says that the one who grows up for the current one catches a bleat; Khan tells his son to make a wooden cauldron; wife: fire meat on a spit; Khan is in captive to another; he asks to send a letter with three messengers; "I am held in high esteem, lying on a black silk bed, under a blue silk blanket; take gold scissors, throw the front roof back, and the back one - forward, leave the lump nigella and the cleaver, drive the cattle in front, let the hornless go behind; cut down one of the three golden aspens on the spot, the second when you leave home, the third by stepping over Khan's possessions"; daughter-in-law: Khan lies bound under a cart, on sheep droppings under the blue sky; cattle - an army, hornless cattle - unarmed people; cleaver - Khan's son, nigella - Khan's wife, golden scissors are daughter-in-law; kill one sent at once, the other by leaving home, taking the third as a guide; the khan was released], 28 (Bayandaevsky District of the Irkutsk Region) [an intelligent man came to the daughter of wealthy parents; both speak allegorically, understand each other, he took the girl away; her parents are unhappy; when he arrived, he was beaten and thrown into the steppes, sent eight a man to return his daughter; the husband asks to tell me that he lives in a huge white palace, a blue silk blanket on top, a yellow silk mattress under it; let them bring a gold thimble; in the south-west, seven of Cut down eight golden aspens, bring the eighth; assemble the southern roof in front, collect the northern roof from the back; wife: the golden thimble is me, gather people from the south and north; the blanket, the mattress and the palace are on the ground under clear sky; 8 aspens - eight arrived; seven were decapitated; wife returned her husband], 32 (Tunkinsky district) [khan found an intelligent wife for his son; was captured, tied between four pillars; he sent letter: "I have a green silk cape, a blue silk blanket, I have watchmen day and night, I am with a Western Khan; you are wearing these three bulls, with thirty escorts I sent, come, all Send your goods, chase the cattle in front, lead the rest of the cattle behind, leave the bad ax there, take gold scissors with you, you will come"; daughter-in-law: cattle are warriors, the rest of the cattle are warriors, the rest of the cattle are other people, the axe was my husband, the scissors were me; as they arrived, they killed three bars of another khan, hung 30 escorts, released the khan; he handed over power to his daughter-in-law]: 123-125, 127-129, 132-134, 136-137, 153-154; Eliasov 1959 [Khan tests the wisdom of the future wife of his son Altan-Haish, asks for a rope from the ashes; the girl makes straw, sets fire, remains a strip of ash in the shape of a rope; get 13 chickens out of boiled eggs; AH: to have food for chickens, take porridge, sow, grow millet; Khan is happy; went hunting with his son, tells him to do with wooden dishes; the son tries to hammer the block; seeing that the son is behind, tells you to pull the horse by the tail; the son understands literally; AH: it was necessary to fry a barbecue and drive a horse; the khan came to another, he makes riddles, the khan cannot guess, he was shackled and tied to a pole; khan promises a ransom, sends a letter to his daughter-in-law: Shajin Nomon Khan gave me jewelry for my arms and legs, a silver twisted chain around my neck; his people do not leave day or night; chase horned cows and bulls after them hornless cattle; cut down two out of three golden aspens and burn them on the spot, take one to the borders of Sh.'s possessions; let my daughter-in-law cut the letter with gold scissors; when three messengers arrive, my son tries gather cattle, and daughter-in-law orders to kill two out of three messengers and send an army; S. tied up like a ram and brought]: 7-19; Mongols: Dulam, Molomjamts 2010 (halha; exact place of recording is not specified) [khan decided to marry his stupid son to an intelligent girl; called her old father, ordered her to bring an ash hobble with three legs made of ashes, while walking neither along the road nor off the road, neither in boots nor in boots, do it day, night, inside or outside; the old man handed this to his daughter, who explained what to do; the next morning the old man came to Khan; Khan: Where are you? old man: neither inside nor outside - between a wooden floor and a felt roof; Khan: When did you come? old man: at dawn; khan: what way? old man: along a narrow path; Khan: How did you make horse fetters with three legs out of ashes? old man: made fetters with three legs, put them on a stone, burned them; khan: I'll come to your house, give me bull milk; the girl put the old father in a yurt, went to the khan and said that the father was giving birth; khan: is Can a man give birth? girl: does a bull give milk? Khan married her son; ordered him to bring a horse with two heads; the son tried to tie two horses, turned to his wife; she explained: we must bring a mare who will soon be necklaces; the khan told his son cook meat in a wooden cauldron; the son burned a wooden cauldron and turned to his wife; she explained: it is necessary to string pieces of meat on dogwood sticks; the khan ordered to make a man who can speak out of ice; son I made an ice man, he was silent; my wife explained: I must say that my body consists of water, and water is ice; Khan was satisfied; once he went hunting, he was caught by two people who wanted to seize the throne; they allowed him to send a letter; Khan wrote: above me there is a blue vault, a green silk cloth under me, ten people support my back, I always have two wineskins of milk and plenty of lamb, I live happily, send cattle in front of you, hornless behind, drive the white hare into the pen, there are two aspens, they are local spirits, cut down one, use the other as fuel, To come here, my son has a file at his feet (? file), my daughter-in-law knows this, let her cut down the lock and open the chest; two people brought a letter, my daughter-in-law deciphered it: above the khan is the sky, there is grass under him, his hands are tied behind his back, we must send it forward those who are armed with guns and spears and leave the unarmed behind must hide during the day and move at night, two pines are two messengers, one must be killed and the other left as a guide; they did the enemies were killed, the khan was saved; when the khan was old, he decided to hand over the throne to his daughter-in-law; before that he wanted to test her: you must write a phrase without the words araq, sawar (dung stick), aduu (horse), khomil (pellets, sheep droppings), honi sheep (), huts (sheep), chono (wolf), qol (river), mod (tree species), idekh (tree species), but to mention them all; gave her a box and stick to collect dung; meanwhile, a wolf dragged a ram out of the herd, dragged it across the stream and ate it; daughter-in-law: when I carried the basket on my back, held a curved wooden hand and collected what the runners had lost, a howler appeared and grabbed my father bleating, crossed the water stream and swallowed the person captured near the tallest plants; the khan was pleased, handed her the throne]: 37-38; Mikhailov 1962 (probably khalkha) [the khan had a stupid son; officials advised : "Find a smart wife for him so she can conduct public affairs. Tell me, Khan, to draw all the animals in the world, written signs, plants, the sun, the moon and stars, put these pictures on the main roadway, and make all your subjects worship them images. An intelligent person will immediately notice the shortcomings in the drawings"; the Khan approved this, and a decree was read out everywhere: "A prayer has been posted for the faithful at the pass. I command everyone, without exception, to come to that pass within three days and pray. Whoever does not pray will be severely punished"; all subjects prayed; when the old man and daughter passed through the pass, his daughter dissuaded him from praying: the drawings are inept, the artists forgot to depict a hare, the text of the prayer lacks the "huvm" sign; the khan found out, wanted to see the girl; when she was collecting argal, he came to the old man, ordered him to milk the bull by morning, and cook tarak from milk; in the morning, daughter she scattered manure on the west side of the yurt, put her father on a mattress, and at the entrance to the yurt she drove two stakes and held a hairrope between them (this is done when there is a sick or newborn in the yurt); when the khan came for a cockroach, the girl went out and said that it was impossible to enter the yurt - the father was giving birth; the khan asked where it had been seen for a man to give birth; the girl: "Didn't you, O Your Lordship, /You saw that eccentric, /What makes yogurt/From bovine milk? /If he has appeared like this now, /Why not give birth to a man?!" ; khan returned home; when the girl went to get the argal, came to the old man, ordered him to twist the horse fetters from the ashes by morning; in the morning the girl weaved fetters out of hay, set it on fire - it turned out to be fetters of ashes; showed them to Khan , he left; she went for the argal, the khan came back, told the old man that he would come again tomorrow, and ordered the old man not to let his daughter go outside or leave her in a yurt; he came in the morning and could not find her (she stood between the wall and the felt tire of the yurt); when she went out, she returned to the palace; the girl went for the argal, the khan came to the old man again: "Ride a double-headed horse and come to me at the turn of day and night, between today and tomorrow. But you can't go on the road. If you do otherwise, don't blow your head off." The girl told the old man to catch a mare about to get necklaces and explained: "When you arrive, say: "The sun is setting there, it's night here , and it's dawning in the west." When asked which way you went, say, "On the grass between two roads." When they ask: "Did you come on a double-headed horse?" , say yes. When they look at your mare, she will already have two heads"; the old man came to the khan, answered as his daughter told her; the khan married his son to her; went hunting with him, said: "Go, son, in front of his father, so that the horse's tail moves"; he jumped off the horse, began to twist the horse's tail; the khan scolded him, beat him; killing and cutting the beast, ordered him to make a fire, prepare a wooden cauldron and fry the meat; the son made a fire, knocked down the tree, sawed off the lower part and began to hammer it; told the khan what he was making a wooden cauldron; the khan beat him again; killed another beast, the khan asked him to start a fire, fry the meat and spread the black litter; the son made a fire, roasted the meat on a spit, tore the felt off the saddle and spread it; the khan beat him; at home, the son complained to his wife, who explained what was going on; khan went hunting again, took his son with him, repeated his previous requests; when he heard the first, the son went in front of his father in a quiet trot; when he heard the second, he made a wooden spit and fried meat on it; when he heard the third, fried the meat, and when the ground from the fire turned black, he removed the ash from it so that he could sit down; the khan sent his son home, decided to continue hunting himself; went to a foreign state, was captured; for three years I was lying in a dirty yurt; when they decided to execute him, I asked permission to send a letter; wrote: "I show mercy to all relatives and friends, /I write to my homeland with a low bow /And I inform you that in a foreign country/ My life is nice and free./Will I ever come back? - I don't even like the thought of it! /It's so wonderful to sleep under a canopy blue/On an emerald silk bed! /I lie in scarlet pillows day and night, /I drink goat milk in large bowls, /And eight servants in an eight-story palace/They serve me so respectfully and important! /I live here as a master, not a guest, /I'll die, let my bones decay here./If you want to share my happiness, /Well, pick up the cattle and come./And the first person to go to my country/ Let him drive him cattle in front, /And lead hornless cattle back./Take your belongings, - it will do on the road, -/ Carry everything... Yes, I almost forgot: /The foal was scabies /And the mare in our herd./You can part with them/Leave them, scabies, in place: /A contagious horse will not bring us honor./Two my sandalwood trees/They shine with a hat of gold leaves. /You need to leave one in place, /Try to transport the other. /Go deep into my large rooms. /Gold scissors hang there/At the head in bedroom, for a nightmare, /You must definitely take them with you..."; the messengers handed a letter to the khan's son, who believed and was happy; my wife deciphered: "A great trouble has happened to me./I ask my relatives; to me show mercy. /Find out: I'm captured in a foreign country, /And I'm in danger of dying here every hour./My fate is incredible, /Will I ever come back? /I sleep and eat in the open air, /Bed is earth, and I'm completely waste./Eight guards out of an eight-walled yurt /They don't even let me into the steppe; /I won't die today or tomorrow/And bones here in someone else's the country will decay. /But if you want to save me/Then come with the army as soon as possible: /Armed in the lead squad, /And let the unarmed man walk behind. /The messenger who rode with my letter, /Make him walk behind. be a guide on the way/And if there are two of them/And kill one on the way./So that your son and khansha mother do not interfere with you/You hardly need to take them with you on a camp./There is no smarter than my daughter-in-law in the khanate./ Ask her for advice on everything, /She will always find a solution./So let her boss go camping!" ; the daughter-in-law gathered an army; one of the messengers was killed, the other was forced to be a guide; they seized the lands of the neighboring khanate, freed the captive khan]: 78-86; (cf. Mongols (Khalkha) [the legend of the founding of Ikh-Khur ("grand monastery"), =Urga, modern Ulan Bator; the text was kindly provided and translated by Sergey Neklyudov; When officials began to look for a place to establish a settlement, they could not find the right solution. They eventually met a gray-bearded old man (probably a local host spirit) who said he wanted to give Bogdo Gegan gifts the next day. Waiting for abundant offerings, officials prepared carts, but the old man returned and offered only a large hat (a ritual gift scarf) and said: "Understand what I said, remember and pass it on Bogdo my words. I offer the Tsar Vladyka a golden mandarva (mandarivaa altan is a flower, apparently a lotus), as well as an inseparable silk thread and a golden trough." Some greedy officials thought that instead of the promised plentiful offerings, they were also offered an empty play on words and wanted to punish the old man, but they still conveyed these words to Bogdo through messengers. When Bogdo heard the old man's words they couldn't understand, he said, "This is the same place you're looking for." They found this place and founded Ih-Hure there. The golden lotus is Mount Bogdo ula, the silk thread is the Tola River, the golden troughs are the northern slopes {valleys}]: Olziykhutag 1989:34-35); the Mongols (Ordos): Potanin 1893, No. 19 [for a rich man stupid son, Tenek-hoo, who has an intelligent wife; his father tells T. to go to the steppe and ask the hamhak ("Schanginia or another plant from these hodgepodge plants") where he is heading; T. goes for a hamhak, to no avail asks; the wife advises him to tell his father: "I grew up on the north side, my roots have come out of the ground; I'm going to lie down in the plain, settle in the basin"; T. does so; next time my father sends him to ask the crow where she is flying; T. follows the crow, asks her unsuccessfully; his wife advises him to say to his father: "I hammered, hammered with my beak, my head hurts; now I'm going thinking, not If there will be meat, I'll gouge it like that! If the eyeball will not meet, I pick it out"; T. does so; the father realizes that the son's wife is smart and tells her to always speak to him allegorically (ondan yandzor); the wife goes to check sheep and sees that one of them has been grabbed by a wolf; tells T. to tell his father: "There is a mailamai inside the current smile growing on the shore; you, father, ride a maned, take it, call shonshumai and come soon, come soon"; the father understands what she wants to say: "Inside the forest by the river, a wolf ate a sheep; after riding a horse, taking an onion and calling a dog, come soon"; T. and his wife go to visit wedding; the wife tells him to sit with his back to the window and stick his braid out - when she tugs her, he should stop eating; T. does so; when he returns home, he meets six people who they brought a letter from my father: "Out of these six arrows, break two in my house, break two on the road and break two before my eyes; take a white ram in the middle, four of us come to me"; T. does not understand What are you talking about; the wife explains: "Your father has been captured and taken away; he now orders that you kill two of those sent to you with a letter in your house, two on the road, and two in front of his eyes; so that you take me and two ambassadors, the four of us came to him"; T. does so, frees his father, returns home; later becomes king]: 178-179; Mostaert 1937, No. 9 [Shurguljin Khan wants to marry a stupid man red-faced son on an intelligent girl; gathers people, asks questions; a tree with 12 branches, 360 flowers looking up, 360 down; the old man's daughter explains to her father that this is a year; five myriads of yellow hares led by a hare with a white spot on its forehead (stars and moon); ten myriads of bushes and a red stump (mountains and Mount Sumeru); bring three measures of meat wrapped in bone, two measures of bones wrapped in meat (egg and yuyuba); having learned that the old man has a daughter, S. promises to come, tells him to cook koumiss from the milk of a castrated bull; girl: father gives birth, I am going to get a midwife; S. married his son to this girl; tells his son greet him on a horse with two heads (wife: pregnant mare); greet him neither in the yurt nor outside (between the bars and the nightmare); prepare ashes (weave fetters from dry couch grass, set fire, an ash trail will remain); S. decides to seize the neighboring kingdom, the son chatted everything; the enemies seized Sh., put him in a well, he eats his own lice; the neighboring king sends the nobleman to bring the people Sh.; Sh.: they will go if they find out that I live well; asks me to tell you: I live happily in a house dark as a coffin; I eat only goat meat and lamb; the carpet on which he is sitting is made of colorful brocade and striped yellow silk; I spend my days contemplating five jewels - turquoise, corals, mother-of-pearl, ruby and lapis lazuli; lying on a piece of blue silk that has no boundaries; when you come, let your cattle in front of you, and let me go ahead horned ones come, followed by hornless; there is one red ram with curved horns that is always behind everyone - kill him; there is a black rough file at the head - take it with you; there are a pair of sharp scissors at the feet - take it with you; there is no need to go in large numbers, it will be enough if three go; the daughter-in-law understood everything: the file is the wife of Sh., the scissors are herself; the ram is the son of Sh., kill him; the horned are the army; the enemy is defeated , S. was released; he married his daughter-in-law to the son of his younger brother, handed over the kingdom to him] in Solovyov 2014.

Eastern Siberia. Yakuts: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 36 (the text was recorded in Yakut language in 1945 in the Shologonsky Heritage of the Olenek District) [the old man left his son at home, went down the river; met people, went to their uras; the girl put food in front of him, he asked how many cooks she had poured into his plate; "I don't know how many cooks she poured. If you said how many steps your deer took to walk from home to here, then I would have answered"; the old man realized that she was smart, brought his son, they got married; while hunting, the old man met hostile people; he was captured, tied to a tilted larch and lit a fire under the tagan - they decided to kill him with smoke; the old man asked him to tell his son: "I'm exhausted like a bump rolling, with I'm struggling with young leaves"; "Also tell me, let my son, when he hears my words, cut down the tops of two birch trees growing right in the north, then let him look directly to the west, there will probably be a pine forest with with countless trees. If my son doesn't know how to cut them off, a white stone under my bed will help him. If he cannot understand my word, a sharp knife under his pillow will help him; toyon sent two heroes to the old man's house; they sent a message to his son and his wife; his wife explained: "a sharp knife " - this is her; "I'm exhausted..." - tied to a tilted tree; "Let my son... cut down the tops..." - the son must cut down the heads of these heroes; "... there will be a pine forest..." - the son must destroy all enemy troops; "... a white stone must lie under my bed..." - my father's combat knife; my son did so, saved his father]: 358-363 (=Sivtsev-Omolloon 1976:190-194; =Ergis 1967a, No. 95:61-63); Ksenofontov 1992b (2), No. 27 (Bulun, Khatyginsky Nasleg of Zhigansky Ulus, 1924) [Old Kuraah-Mangel had a crazy son; KM drove down the river, met the chum where the old man and the old woman and daughter lived; when they put soup in front of the guest, he said to the girl: "Honey, you're good I cooked food. Tell me, did you pour the soup on a spoonful basis, or according to the amount of meat?" ; the girl replied, "Old man, do you know how many steps your deer took from home to us? If you counted your deer's steps, I guess I also counted how many times I scooped up with a spoon, but if you didn't count the deer's steps, I hardly watched how many times I scooped up with a spoon"; the next day, KM came with his son, the young got married; KM went hunting, met people from a hostile tribe; he was caught, strapped to an obliquely growing tree; after collecting a bunch of rotten things under the tree, set fire to make him suffocate from the smoke; KM said, "I still have a son at home. You tell him the following words for him: "I found friends with whom I lived in peace and in constant harmony... Unable to control my strength, I swung in a pot, unable to restrain my zealous heart, and began to play with the young larch." Then tell him again: "When he is, with his face facing east, he will see two birch groves. Let him cut down the tops of these birch trees as soon as possible and bring them to me... Then, if you look west, you'll see a thick thicket of young larch trees. Let him cut off their tops and bring them to me. Next, my sharp hatchet under my pillow is unlikely to understand anything. If he can understand anything, he will understand my white stone, which lies under my red bunk"; the enemies sent two knights with several warriors; they reached the old man's yurt, they did not find their son at home, They sent a message to their wife; she said, "Wait, let my husband come. He'll cut off what he's been assigned to. You'll see for yourself"; KM's son came, his wife interpreted the meaning to him: "Unable to control my strength, I swing my pot <... >" means: "I was tied to an obliquely growing tree and, having lit a rotten fire under me, they smoke." Speaking of two growing birch groves whose heads need to be cut down, he suggests that you cut off the heads of these two knights. And speaking of the thicker than young larches, he understood the army of these knights. The sharp hatchet that's under my pillow is you. Really, would you understand anything by yourself? Under the white stone lying under the red bunk, he understood me, hoping that I would understand the meaning of his words"; the son of the KM cut off the knights and killed their warriors; then saved his father, killed the rest of the enemies]: 283- 285; Ergis 1960 (1) (Kyrgyz Nasleg of Vilyui District, 1938) [Yungkeebil Hosuun was fishing on the river; saw warriors led by Mangan Makchi approaching; Yuh ran into the forest but was caught by an arrow; he addressed his enemies: "Yes, you killed me. In the old days, I walked a hundred and fifty kos on foot. Back then, I felt a lot of pain in my legs. Separate my leg bone, try to split it and look at it. Then I have a decrepit father in the woods. I also had a bow and arrow. Let him use his bow to shoot an arrow right to the East!" ; the warriors split his leg bone and saw layers of blood freeze in her brain; then they went to his father and said, "We killed your son. Your son Yungkeebil bequeathed to you: "I had a bow and arrows, let my father turn straight east and shoot it"; the old man guessed it, grabbed his grandson with his cradle and threw him into the hole, where did they get the land from; the warriors did not notice this and left; YuH's son grew up, killed MM and his warriors]: Ergis 1960 (1): 109-111; ["The allegorical will of a dying son to his father or wife is found in legends about northern khosuns and soldiers of the central uluses of Yakutia during intertribal wars and skirmishes"]: 285.