Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M39D. Shemyakin Court, ATU 1534.

.12.-.17.21.-.23.27.-.32. (.36.)

A person consistently and unintentionally harms others. The victims take him to a judge. He saves a person from punishment by making a formally logical but clearly unacceptable decision in each case.

Hausa, Amhara, Sudanese Arabs, Kabilas, Berbers of Morocco, Arabs of Algeria and Morocco (probably), Tunisia, Egypt, Maltese, Spanish, Catalans, Portuguese, Corsicans, Sardinians, Sicilians, Italians (Calabria), Dutch, Frisians, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Menlenburg), Aramaians, Syrian Arabs, Palestinians, Iraqis, Qatar, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Tibetans, Khmers, Sindhi, Punjabi, Hungarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Smolensk, Voronezh, Moscow, Oryol, Saratov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Galicia, Volyn, Kharkiv), Belarusians, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Karachays or Balkarians, Ingush, Kumyks, Avars, Lucks, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Lurs, Persians, Tajiks, Turkmens, Latvians, Livons, Finns, Danes, Kazan Tatars, (Baikal Evenks).

West Africa. Hausa [Balu's merchant borrowed money from Nwanko on condition to return it in two months; otherwise he would cut out a piece of meat from him; B.'s wife squandered the money, N. took him to court; on the way, B. accidentally knocked him out the mulu's eye, tore off the donkey's tail, killed the man by accidentally jumping on his head from the roof; the victims also went to the judge; he asked the owner of the mule to cut it in half and get 30 coins from B. (the mule cost 50), and if he refuses the lawsuit, then give B. 10 coins for anxiety; to the relative of the deceased to jump off the roof on B., and if he does not want to pay B. 10 coins; said that the donkey was tailless, the owner paid 10 coins; let N. cut off meat, but not blood, which was not mentioned in the contract; N. also paid B.]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 202:478-488.

Sudan - East Africa. Amhara [husband was carrying a pregnant wife on a donkey; the man ran up, cut off the donkey's tail, his wife had a miscarriage, her boy died; the man explained to the judge that he only wanted to touch the donkey's tail with a sword; judge : take a donkey and feed it until the tail grows; take this woman, let her give birth to a new son from you; then give him and his wife to the master]: Olderogge 1959:300-301; Sudanese Arabs [the judge came to the tavern and ordered him to serve him two geese, which another person had brought and had already ordered for himself; promised to settle the matter in favor of the cook; when the geese owner came, he got into a fight with the cook and he accidentally knocked out his eye to the slave who intervened; on the way to court, the cook ran into a pregnant woman, she threw it away; the cook tried to escape, jumped over the mosque wall and fell on the prayer, breaking his neck; judge's decision: it is said that glory who raised dead bones; the dead geese flew away - don't you believe that Allah could do this? the geese owner had to leave; two slaves are worth one free; so if you want to knock out the chef's eye, you'll have to knock out the other eye; let the cook live with the injured woman until she is again will be eight months old, and then she will return her to her husband; let the cook pray in the same mosque and the victim's brother jump on him; the cook was pleased]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 70:221-222.

North Africa. Morocco: Nowak 1969, No. 398:332-333; Egyptian Arabs: Artin Pacha 1895, No. 19 [Kadi sends a servant for food; he persuaded the merchant to give the roast goose and tell the owner that the goose has flown away ; the merchant got into a fight with the owner of the goose, accidentally hit the pregnant woman and she threw her away; rushed down the minaret, fell on the old man and killed him; Kady: let the woman's husband give her to the merchant until she becomes pregnant again; the deceased's brother will jump at the merchant from the minaret; the plaintiffs withdraw complaints]: 231-237 (retelling in Nowak 1969, No. 398:332-333); Bushnaq 1987 [the poultry farmer caught a goose, gave it to the baker to fry; cadia asked to give it the goose to him, and tell the birdsman that the roast goose had flown away; he took the baker to court; the baker accidentally poked his head in the pregnant woman's stomach, she threw it away; the Coptic priest stood up for him, but the baker accidentally poked his head in the pregnant woman's stomach, she threw it away; the Coptic knocked out his eye; on the way, the baker grabbed the donkey's tail, which came off; the baker escaped, ran into the minaret, rushed down, fell on the man, killing him; all the victims came to the cadia; he makes decisions: 1) if God is omnipotent, it is a sin not to believe that he cannot revive a goose; 2) let the baker take that woman and give it back to her husband when she is the same month pregnant; 3) eye by eye but one eye a devout is worth two Christians, so the baker must blind the priest in both eyes to deprive him of one; 4) let the victim's brother jump from the minaret to the baker; 5) the owner of the donkey immediately says that his donkey was tailless; others must pay a fine if they do not want to comply with the kadia's decisions]: 322-325; Sayce 1920, No. 5 [the Turk let the servant cook the goose; Kadiy ordered the goose to be given to him, and He would figure it out as a Turk; the servant said that the goose had flown away; the Turk chased the servant; the servant ran into a donkey and, trying to push him away, tore off his tail; the owner of the donkey chased the servant along with the Turk; the servant climbed onto the minaret and rushed down, but fell on the beggar, killing him; two comrades of the beggar joined the chase; the servant ran into the learned Copt and knocked out his eye; everyone ran to Kadiya and he delivered a verdict; Let the owner of the donkey give it to the servant until the tail grows again; let one of the beggars jump on the servant from the minaret himself; for eye for eye and two eyes of an infidel are worth one eye of a Muslim, let The servant would first knock out the Copt's second eye, and the Copt would then knock out the servant alone; the Koran says that God can revive the dead; why could he not revive a goose? each plaintiff not only did not receive compensation, but was forced to pay the cadia legal costs]: 179-180; Moroccan Berbers [Kadia and Pasha saw a roast meat seller and asked to give it to them a portion; another customer had already paid for it; they told him to say "Your pigeons have flown away," and then he would still bring the seller to sue them because they rule the city; it happened; along the way the seller accidentally knocked over the wagon with the slides, they crashed; the potter also went to the cadia; then a Jew whose eye was accidentally knocked out by the seller; then the husband of a pregnant woman, whom the seller accidentally knocked out pushed and she threw it away; Pasha sends those who come to the cadia, who makes a decision; God could make the fried pigeons come to life and fly away; the potter must teach the potter his craft by taking all his expenses, after which he will replace all the broken pots with new ones; it is written that you should give one Muslim eye for two eyes of a Jew; let that person knock out your other eye, and then you one; the one who emptied must fill it again; let the culprit take the woman who has had a miscarriage and return her when she is in the same stage of pregnancy; the defendant is free]: Leguil 1988, No. 37: 247-253; Kabyles, Arabs of Algeria and Morocco (probably), Tunisia, Egypt (many entries): El-Shamy 2004, No. 1534:839-840.

Southern Europe. Spaniards, Corsicans: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1534:264-265; Italians (Calabria), Sicilians, Sardinians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1534:328-329; Maltese [ the donkey fell, the man tried to help the owner, tore off his tail; he promised to sue; the man went on, it began to rain; he went into the house, the hostess invited him to sit on the sofa, and there was a baby lying there; a man accidentally sat on him and ran him to death; the woman turned to the judge; climbing over the wall, the man jumped down and accidentally fell on the old woman, who died; her three sons accused him of murder; a the man promised the defendant to arrange his case; having gathered the people, made decisions: let the perpetrator keep the donkey until the tail grows; let the mother give birth to another baby from the guilty; let the sons of the deceased jumping off the wall at the culprit]: Stumme 1904, No. 32:84-86 (retelling in Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 1534:593-594); Catalans [a man borrowed an ox and he broke his horn; trying to clear the tail from clay the fallen donkey, the tail came off; falling off the bridge, fell on the old man and he died; judge: let the defendant keep the ox and donkey until the horn and tail grow; let him stand under the bridge, and others on him fall; plaintiffs withdraw their claims]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1534:250; Portuguese [the poor man found the wallet and returned it to the owner, who accuses the finder that he embezzled part of the money; judge: if the wallet has less money than the owner claims, it is not his wallet, he gives it to the poor man; on the way to court, the poor man tries to pull the horse out of the ditch, the tail comes off; to the judge: let him keep the horse while the tail will not grow; the woman has a miscarriage because she wanted the onion that the poor man ate; judge: let him pay the poor man for such an accusation; the poor man threw himself off the roof of the house, fell on the old man and he died; let the sons the deceased is jumped at the culprit from the roof of the house]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1534:316.

Western Europe. Dutch, Friesians, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Menlenburg): Uther 2004 (2), No. 1534:264-265.

Western Asia. Aramei: Belov, Wilsker 1960 [=1972:408-411; the debtor fled from creditors, joined the caravan en route to Istanbul, creditors followed him; the owner of the fleeing mule promises who caught half of the animal; the debtor began to catch, threw a stone, knocked out the mule's eye; climbed onto the minaret, rushed down, but survived, and killed the shoemaker below; the cadi cannot solve the case, his the daughter puts on men's clothes, comes to judge instead of him; offers to divide the mule in half, giving the debtor half without an eye; as a result, the owner paid the debtor 1000 piastres; let the brother of the deceased will jump from the minaret to the debtor's head; he refuses and pays 1000 piastres for the refusal; the "cadi" orders them to be given to the moneylender]: 226-230; Bergsträsser 1915, No. 19 []: 63-66; Saudia [hoping to take possession of his wife, the rich man gave the poor man money on the condition that if he went broke, he would cut off as much as the money weighed from his body; the wife explained to the poor man that they wanted to trap him; he returned and said that the money was taken away by the robbers; the merchant's Jewish friend attacked him, but the poor man knocked out his eye; ran, chased him, he ran into a woman and she threw it away; to escape, the poor man climbed onto the roof, fell at the old man and broke his leg; the poor man jumped on the donkey, the belt to which he was tied broke, the donkey ran away; all the victims came to the judge; the poor man saw him doing inappropriate work; the judge asked to remain silent, promised to decide in his favor; the merchant has the right to cut meat, but without bones, lived and blood, and cannot - let him pay 200 gold; similar decisions in other lawsuits; two eyes of a Jew are standing one Muslim eye; let a Jew knock out the other eye, and then one eye for the poor; let the woman who is thrown out be the wife of a poor man, have a child with him, and then return to her first husband; let the old man will jump on the poor man from the roof, and what will break is God's will; the donkey's owner said he came for nothing, but he didn't have a donkey at all]: Juhaiman 1999:29-31; Palestinians, Arabs in Syria, Iraq , Qatar, Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1534:839-840.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Shelton 1925, No. 46 [Yugpachan borrowed the bull and left it in the owner's yard a few days later; the bull ran away, the owner took Yu to court; the man whose horse ran away asked help catch her; Yu threw a stone at her and killed her, the horse's owner also went to court; on the way, Yu climbed the wall and jumped down, falling on the gardener, who died; his wife also went to court; the carpenter took an ax in hands and swam across the river; Yu called out to him and asked him a question, he opened his mouth, the ax drowned; the carpenter also went to court; the boss: whoever returned the bull without telling the owner should cut off his tongue, and the owner, who did not notice the bull - pull out his eye; cut off the hand that threw a stone at the horse, cut off his tongue; let the one who killed the gardener replace the woman's husband; who held the ax not in his hand, but Knock out two teeth in his teeth, and cut off the tongue of the one who scolded him; after that, everyone began to beg the judge to forgive Y. and not to execute his sentences; he agreed]: 184-186; Komissarov 1997 []: 214-215.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [the guy took the bull, returned it to the hostess, and the bull died; the owner demanded compensation; on the way to the king, the slave asked for help to drive the horse, throw a stone at it, the guy broke her leg, master the horse also went to the king; the guy asked the pregnant woman for a drink, she went to get water, fell, threw it away; the guy decided to commit suicide by throwing himself off a tree, fell on the old man, he died, his son also went to to the king; the judge ruled in favor of the victims; the guy turned to the king; he suggests that the owner of the bull, having received a new one, give his wife to the guy; the owner of the horse to give the slave; the husband - to give his wife for 7 months until there is a new child; let the old man's son give the guy his mother as his wife and he will become his father]: Gorgoniev 1978:301-306 (= Marunova 1972:151-154).

South Asia. Sindhi [the poor peasant asks the loan shark in vain; has been starving with his wife for four days; four wanderers come, no one wants to shelter them; the peasant sheltered; the wife sends to the moneylender; he agrees to give money if the peasant returns it tomorrow at noon or he cuts off a pound of his flesh from him; the guests bless the peasant, promising to help; the peasant does not have time to bring money to the moneylender; on the way, the peasant threw a stone at the camel that was poisoning the crops, he died; pushed the child, who fell dead; tripped over the sleeper, he died; all four took the peasant to court king; in each case, the peasant is defended by one of those four guests, turns the case so that the accuser himself pays the peasant 100 rupees; let the moneylender cut off exactly a pound of flesh, and if more or less, will be punished; let the camel owner kill the camel with a stone, otherwise he will give 10 camels; let the father of the deceased child give his wife to the peasant, who will give birth to a new one, and when he grows up, let the father take his wife and child (he naturally refuses the offer); let the brother of the deceased jump off the wall himself; the farmer returns with 400 rupees]: Schimmel 1995, No. 18:118-126; Punjabi [a woman has a fool son named Lall; she persuaded her sister to marry him to her daughter; L. goes to her future mother-in-law's house to eat every day; others laugh at it; when one girl has the well began to laugh at L., he pushed her into the well; when he found out, his mother secretly pulled the corpse out, lowered it into the river, threw the corpse of a goat into the well; scattered sweets, told her son that it was raining from sweets; they are looking for the missing girl, L. says he drowned her - before it rained from sweets; climbs into the well, asks if the girl had horns; four legs; tail; shows the goat's head to her father Are girls your daughter? the fool was released; the aunt refused to give her daughter to L.; the soldier hired L. to carry a jug of oil; he imagines how he would get rich with the money he received for his work, stumbled, breaking the jug; soldier: this is the king's oil; leads L. to the king; towards the mule; the owner of the mule: stop him; L. killed the mule with a stick; the owner of the mule also goes to the king; they stopped to rest in the hut where the old man and the old woman are; the old woman jokingly: L., tell me when they captured Lanka and defeated the 10-headed god; L. cut off the old man's head with an ax, set fire to the hut: like this; the old woman also goes to the king; on the way, L. gives a few cowries to the owner of the oil shop so that lubricate his hair; oil has spilled; hostess: fortunately; L. thinks that if he spills all the oil in the shop, he will be much more happy, makes a pogrom; the shop owner also goes to the king; L. explains to the king, that if he received a payment from a soldier, he became rich, married, etc. - so he himself lost much more than a soldier; explains what happened next; the king decides in favor of a fool]: Swynnerton 1892, No. 23:18- 22.

The Balkans. Hungarians, Romanians, Serbs, Croats, Macedonians: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1534:264-265; Moldovans [the poor man borrowed a mare from his priest, it was eaten by wolves; pop locked the poor man on the bell tower so as not to run away; he decided to commit suicide, rushed down, broke his sexton's neck; the pop took the poor man to court, sexton with them; in the swamp you can't miss the boyar, his horse is bogged down, poor man began to pull, tore off his tail; the boyar also went to court; the poor man hid it under a hollow stone to kill the judge; the judge decided that the poor man had a bribe under the hollow; the plaintiff should give the foal, let him grow up to the fullest strength, and then return the horse to the defendant for a while until the tail grows; let the sexton jump from the bell tower at the poor man; let the boyar give the horse to the defendant for a while until the tail grows; the plaintiffs have abandoned their claims the judge saw only a stone]: Botezat 1981:363-366; the Bulgarians [judge (Khoja Nasreddin) took the cook's poultry, which he was given to cook; answered the owner that the bird had flown away; the owner of the bird was hitting cook; poor brother borrowed a rich horse and accidentally tore off its tail; he takes him to court; the poor man ran, accidentally ran into a man and he died; the son of the victim took him to court; the poor man jumped into the house, the pregnant woman threw out of fear; judge: let the brother (son) of the victim jump on top of the baker; let the poor man live with the new child who threw out; the plaintiffs withdraw complaints]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1534:489; the Greeks [one brother is rich, the other is poor; the poor asks the rich man to take him as a worker; he sent him to work at Christmas - the weather is good today, and tomorrow you will rest in the rain; but as soon as he began to plow, both oxen fell; the elder accused the youngest of killing the oxen himself and taking him to the judge; on the way he spent the night in the house, and the poor man hid from the weather under the stairs; when the hostess went out to recruit guilt and saw a stranger, she miscarried out in fear; her husband also went to the judge; the poor man threw himself off a cliff to end his life, and 14 monks were sitting under it; the one on whom the poor man fell died; monks They also went to the judge; the man pulls the donkey's tail trying to lift it; the poor man decided to help and tore off his tail; and the donkey's owner went to the judge; when he learned that the rich had sent the poor to work on Christmas, the judge fined the rich man 3,000 piastres; the woman's husband was fined 1,000 piastres for not letting the guest in; let the monks jump off a cliff at the poor man who would stand where the deceased was; the monks refused, paid 10,000 piastres for disobedience; (seeing what was happening) the last complainant stated that he had been brought before a judge by force; the poor man took the money paid by others, and his brother went bankrupt] : Kretschmer 1917, No. 10:38-40.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Smolensk, Voronezh, Oryol, Saratov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Galicia, Volyn, Kharkiv), Belarusians [ Shemyakin court: a poor brother borrows a horse from a rich man and accidentally tears off its tail; then on the way to the judge accidentally kills the child from an old man; must answer for this before the judge; shows the judge a stone hidden in his bosom (in a bag), and he, taking the gesture for promising a bribe, issues a verdict beneficial to the poor]: SUS 1979, No. 1534:313; Russians (Vologda) [poor brother borrowed from a rich man to carry firewood, forgot to ask for a yoke; tied the horse by the tail, the tail came off, the rich took him to court to Shemyakin; the poor man fell off the floor at night and ran over the owner's baby, who also went to Shemyakin; in the city, the poor man decided to commit suicide and jumped off the bridge, fell into a sleigh, killed the old man's son, but he was safe; the old man also went to Shemyakin; the poor tied a stone in his handkerchief, showed Shemyakin at the trial, he decided that the poor man promised him a hundred rubles; decided this: let the poor keep his horse until his tail grows; let the owner, who has died a baby, give the poor his wife and she will give birth to a new one; let the old man he will jump off the bridge at the poor man; the old man jumped, did not hit the poor, killed himself, and the poor went home]: Gura 1965, No. 35:258; Russians (Moscow) [poor brother borrowed a horse from a rich man to bring firewood; forgot about the sleigh; borrowed the sleigh, but forgot about the yoke and the harness; tied his guns to the tail, the tail came off; the rich led him to the judge; on the way they stopped at the rich man; the poor decided to kill himself by jumping off the floor; fell into the cradle, ran over the child; the child's father also went to peace; on the way, the poor jumped off the bridge, killed an old man whom his son was taking to the hospital; the son also went to the judge; at the trial, the poor knocks on his sinus every time - I mean, yes, me; the judge thinks he's hinting at money; telling the rich brother to give the poor horse for a while until the tail grows; whoever is killed should give his wife until the culprit does her a new boy; an old man's son jump from the bridge on the sled in which the perpetrator takes out not money from his bosom, but a stone: he would kill; the judge gave him 20 kopecks and let him go]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998 , № 77:204-207; Russians (1925, p. Bolshaya Vereyka, Voronezhskaya) [A rich childless brother wonders how his poor brother with many children survives, why his family is always fun. He invites his brother to live in the same house, but soon his wife convinces him to drive the poor man away. The rich brother promises to take the poor godfather for his future child, but forgets about it and invites rich guests. The poor man comes to a feast in honor of the birth of his nephew, hoping that his brother will offer a treat, asks for a horse to cut wood. My brother doesn't give food, but he gives me a horse. In the forest, an aspen falls on a horse and it dies. The elder sues his brother. The brothers ride the same horse, stop at the priest on the way, the youngest accidentally presses the owner's son (baby) when he reaches through him to the table; he tries to commit suicide, rushes down the mountain, falls on shepherds' children and presses them. Parents are shepherds and pops are suing. The poor brother is afraid to put stones in his bosom, the judges decide that this is a bribe and justify it. A rich brother is ordered to give his last child, his ass is ordered to give birth to a new child from a poor brother, and the parents of shepherds are ordered to jump down the mountain. They all pay off in cash. The poor man returns to his wife, who thinks he is crazy, but sees the money and believes his story]: Baryshnikova 2007, No. 4:59-62; Poles: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1534:264-265.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Abkhazians [a childless elder brother wants to sacrifice the heart and liver of a cow; tells the youngest to slaughter a cow and cook meat; he took the liver and heart and heart with his family; the elder took him to judge; on the way, the brothers began to help pull the donkey out of the mud, the youngest accidentally tore off his tail; at the night he accidentally called out to the woman, she was frightened and threw it away; the younger brother decided not to wait for punishment, but throw himself off a cliff, fall on the shepherd and kill him; Judge: Let the older brother give the younger brother the rest of the meat, and when the younger one gets his cow, he will give it to the elder; the driver will give the donkey, and when the younger one gets his cow, he will give it to the elder; the driver will give the brother will have his own, he will give it to the driver; let that woman's husband change his wife with his younger brother; the shepherd's brother will jump on him off a cliff; the plaintiffs have retracted their claims]: Shakryl 1974, No. 56:279- 282; Karachays or Balkarians [Kasay is a rich brother, Iinal is poor; when they were preparing food for sacrifice, I. took the head and legs of a ram for his wife; K. accused him of theft and took him to court ; on the way, I. wrapped him in someone's house for a drink of water; K. decided that I. wanted to escape and chased him; I. jumped over the wall and fell on a woman with a sick child; the child hit a stone and died; his the father also went to court; the man had a donkey stuck in the swamp; I. began to pull, his tail came off, the donkey's owner went to court; on the way, I. decided to commit suicide and jumped off the cliff; fell on the shepherdess, injuring him; father the boy went to court; I. promised the judge to thank him; 1) when I. would prepare the sacrifice, K. let him slaughter the sheep and take one head and legs of a ram; 2) the woman was afraid not of I., but of the noise, invite this noise to your place, then we'll talk; 3) the donkey's owner drowned him in the swamp himself; 4) let I. walk under the cliff, and the plaintiff's son jump on him and break his shoulder and knee]: Malkonduev 2017:932-935; Ossetians [a rich man complained about the poor man that he did not work all day; that he tore off the tail of his horse; judge: a poor man should use a rich man's horse until his tail grows]: Byazyrov 1960, No. 229:109; Ingush [a rich brother told the poor to slaughter and refresh the ram; the poor man's son asked for a lamb kidney, fried it and ate it; the rich man demanded that kidney back, just this one; the poor man was summoned to court; he came across on the way at the pregnant woman, she threw it away; volunteered to drag a donkey out of the mud, tore off her tail; decided to commit suicide, threw himself off the steep, fell on the shepherd, he died, and the poor man was unharmed; all the victims also go to court; The judge tells the rich man, because he is childless, to give more than half of the property to his poor brother and his son; let the pregnant husband give his wife to the poor man for a while until she gives birth; let the owner of the donkey give it back poor man for a while until the tail grows; let the poor man sit under the steep and the herd owners jump on top of him; who is happy?] : Sadulaev 2004, No. 127:348-350; Kumyks [Kurbanali's elder brother, he has cattle, his youngest is Bayramali, he has children; K. tells B. to slaughter and refresh 15 rams; K.'s wife secretly gave half from her husband one liver for children B.; K. demanded the liver back, but it had already been eaten; sent B. to the judge - let him cut off his head; on the way, B. began to help pull out the donkey, tore off his tail; collided with pregnant, she fell and threw it away; B. decided to throw himself off the cliff, but fell on the shepherd and he died; Judge: K. and B. will exchange their property; the owner of the donkey must give it to B. until the tail will grow up; that woman's husband will give her to B. so that she becomes pregnant again; let the shepherd's son jump off a cliff to B.; the plaintiffs have waived their demands]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 51:236-240; Avars [poor man borrowed money from a moneylender and gave it back with interest; once he promised to return 140 with 100, and if he was even a day late, let the lender cut off a pound of flesh from him; on his way to court, the poor man tried stop the fallen bull and accidentally gouged out his eye, the owner of the bull also went to court; the poor man decided that it was better to run, knocked the pregnant woman down and she threw it away, her husband joined those going to court; poor man tried to pull the donkey out of the puddle, tore off its tail; the judge was not at home and the poor man made an agreement with his wife; the next day, the judge took a receipt from four complainants: the person who disagreed with the decision must pay; the moneylender must cut exactly a pound, no more, no less; let the owner of the bull cut it lengthwise and see how much more he will be given for half with a whole eye; the baby was seven months old, let the husband give his wife to the poor man for seven months to give birth to another; they all had to pay the poor man; the owner of the donkey did not get involved and said that his donkey did not have a tail at all]: Khalilov 1965, No. 81:254-256 (=Saidov, Dalgat 1965:23-26); Lucky [the poor man began to borrow money and invest in business; gave a receipt: if he does not repay the debt, let the moneylender cut a pound of meat from him; went broke; when he went to court, accidentally gouged out the eye of a running bull; ran and knocked down a pregnant woman, she had a miscarriage; began to help get the donkey out of the mud, tore off his tail; the judge was not at home, his wife decided the cases; took all complainants a receipt that the person who does not agree with the court decision will pay the consenter; allows the moneylender to cut exactly a pound, and if there is a surplus or deficiency, they will cut it out from him; let the owner the bull will cut it in half, sell both halves and see what the difference is between the halves with and without an eye; let the pregnant woman's husband give his wife to the poor man for seven months so that the baby is born again; all the complainants did not agree with the decision and paid; the donkey's owner said that the donkey did not have a tail at all and left]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 52:242-244; Azerbaijanis [poor Sadik took money from a neighbor under high interest; he could not pay, the neighbor took him to court; on the way, the man asked for help get the donkey out of the mud; S. pulled, tore off the donkey's tail; on the way he decided to run, came across a pregnant woman, she threw it away; S. decided to commit suicide, jumped into the ravine, the old man was sleeping at the bottom, S. fell on him, the old man died; all four victims led S. to the casia; he was not there, S. entered the house, saw Kazi and the woman; when he went out, announced that the kazi should finish the prayer; when he learned that the defendant said that he was praying, the Kazi ruled: the lender would forgive the debt and pay more, because usury is prohibited ; the husband of the injured woman must wait for S.'s wife to become pregnant, come and push her; the son of the deceased old man may jump into the ravine on S. lying there; when he heard this, the owner of the donkey said that There was no tail at all, but he came to hear the wise Kaziy's trial]: Akhundov 1955:328-331 (=Bagriy, Zenalli 1935 [but the name of the hero Sabri]: 491-493); Kurds [the owner's horse ran away, he asked the poor man to help To catch him, and he accidentally knocked out the horse's eye; the owner took him to the Caliph; on the way he ordered the fish to be fried; the pregnant woman wanted her so much that she had a miscarriage, her husband went to the Caliph; the poor man decided to commit suicide he rushed down the minaret, fell on the old man and he died; the old man's son also went to the Caliph; Balul asked the Caliph to cede the throne to him for a while; remove the skin from the horse, take half of the poor man, sell it and pay a broken eye; let the poor man sleep with that woman until she becomes pregnant again; let the old man's son jump from the minaret to the poor man; the plaintiffs refused to comply with the instructions, paid the poor man money]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 64:321-324; the Turks [to show the woman what a good hunter he was, the man begged the cook to give him a goose, which other hunters let the cook fry; they chased as a cook, he climbed the minaret, jumped right on the girl, she died; he accidentally knocked out the eye of a Jew and hit the pregnant woman, she threw it away; Judge: let the father of the deceased jump on the baker's son, otherwise he will pay; Since a Jew's two eyes are equal to one Muslim eye, let a Jew knock out the other eye, then he can knock out the baker's eye; let the cook get pregnant that woman, and her husband hit her, she'll throw it away again - now a cook's child; everyone had to pay the cook because they refused to comply with the instructions]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 296:339.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Osmanov 1958 [the judge of the city of Balkh got drunk, he was removed, put Bul-Kasem; the merchant's son Mehrak squandered his fortune, but promised the dervish to improve; borrowed money from the Jew - if he did not return it from in interest, he would cut out a pound of flesh from him; M. did not return it, tried to run away from the Jew; trying to stop the racing horse, he knocked out his eye; came across a pregnant woman who had a miscarriage; falling on an old man, killed him; tore off the donkey's tail; everyone complains to the judge; he orders to cut off exactly a pound and not shed a drop of blood; let the horse be cut along, give the blind half to M. and take half of the horse's value from him; let a woman will give birth to another boy or two girls from M.; you must feed M. all his life, and when he is old, fall off the fence on him; everyone refuses to agree with the verdict and is punished for this; (more the judge explains to M. the meaning of his various orders, which seem strange)]: 320-372; Lurs, Persians (Isfahan, Kerman) []: Marzolph 1984, № 1534:220-221; Tajiks: Niyazmukhamedov 1945 (Balkh) [the poor man asked the rich man for money; he gave a condition to cut meat out of the poor man's body (440) if the debt was not repaid on time; the poor man could not repay the debt, the judge ordered fulfill the condition, but the poor man demanded that a Balkh judge be contacted; on the way he saw a man chasing a runaway horse and asking for help in catching it; the poor man threw a stone and knocked out the horse's eye; the owner also went with him to the judge; on the way, the poor man asked the woman for water, accidentally pushed her, she threw the child away; the husband joined those going to the judge; while on vacation, the poor man heard screams, climbed the wall and jumped down, intending to run further, but fell on the man lying under the wall, he died; the brothers of the deceased also went to Balkh; the owner of the donkey asked for help in lifting him, the poor man pulled the tail and tore it off; the owner of the donkey went along with the others; in Balkh they see how people buried a living person; killed another person even though he swore he was innocent; they saw a mukhtasib who drank to vomit; the judge's decisions; 1) let the lender he will cut out the meat, and if there is more or less, let him cut him out and punish him with sticks; the lender refused to slaughter the poor man and paid all the money he had with him for it (the same with everyone other plaintiffs - they have to pay because they cannot execute the decision); 2) let the owner of the horse cut it in half and sell the poor half without an eye for half the price of the whole horse; 3) let the husband will give his wife to the poor man, who will return her as soon as she is the same month pregnant; 4) let the brother of the deceased jump on the poor man from the roof of the madrasah; 5) let the owner of the tailless donkey tear off the donkey's tail judges; he kicked the person who came up; the poor man is happy, but asks for an explanation of what he saw at the entrance to Balkh; 1) the one who was buried alive left; everyone decided that he was dead, and the judge divided his property between heirs; but that man returned and the judge ordered him to be buried; 2) the blacksmith killed the man, but since there were few blacksmiths, the judge ordered the execution of one of the cotton scratchers, who are many; 3) mukhtasib po positions tasting wine from infidels to decide whether it is ripe for sale; he was just returning from a tasting; a joyful poor man returned home; he lived his life until he drank the bowls of death and changed the clothes of this perishable world to the clothes of the world of eternity]: 185-193; Kharitonov 1975, No. 162 [the man decided to do a good thing; went to hold the old man's horse while he cried to pray; horse ran away, the man threw a stone at her, knocked out his eye; the old man took him to the judge; on the way, the man decided to help get the donkey out of the mud, tore off his tail; the owner also went to the judge; the man was imprisoned, he decided to run away, fell off the roof on the old man, he died, the son of the deceased also went to the judge; the man managed to put a stone in his bosom, the judge decided that he wanted to bribe him; sentenced him to cut the horse in half, let the son of the deceased jump from the roof of the prison at that man; they had to pay money to disagree with the verdict; the owner of the donkey said that his donkey was tailless; the acquitted person gave it to the judge stone]: 259-261; Turkmens [the owner tells Esen that if a sick horse lies down, he must be finished off; a healthy horse lay down, E. stabbed him; E. hired to work for a rich widow; stole eggs and butter, hid it under his hat; oil flowed in the heat, the widow hit him, the eggs also broke; Esen enters the house where her husband and lover; E. jumped off the roof and kicked Bayu on his stomach, he died; his sons took E. to the cadia; on the way, E. asked the woman for water; after drinking water, threw away the mug, she hit the woman in the stomach, she threw it away; she also went to the cadia; the donkey got stuck in the quagmire, E. began to help pull it out, tore off his tail, the owner also went to the cadia; E. listened to how the cadiy was doing an inappropriate job; both were frightened; Kadiy handed down a verdict; let the sons of Kadia jump off the roof on E., otherwise they would pay; let other women they will throw it into a pregnant mug, if they do not get there, they will pay; let the owner of the donkey also tear off his tail, otherwise he will pay; E. took the money and left; he is sent to take the chest to the old woman, she gives a drink of water, turns E. into a dog, pushes to other similar dogs; Dog-E. ran away, others followed him; he threw himself into the river, became human; one man took him to him; his daughter gave sand to turn the old woman into a dog, her daughter into donkey; the old woman regained her human appearance; in order to regain her daughter, she restored her human appearance to all the dogs she enchanted]: Stebleva 1969, No. 42:214-222.

Baltoscandia. Latvians [A poor man tears off a horse's tail, kills a child when he falls off a bridge, kills an old man. The judge acquits him]: Aris, Meedne 1977, No. 1534:357; Uther 2004 (2), No. 1534:264-265.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [after his father's death, his elder brother Khaibush kicked the younger Gali out of the house; G. began to work for H., accidentally tore off the horse's tail, H. took him to court; stayed with a friend; G. lay down on the stove, fell, running over the owner's child; G. rushed upside down the bridge, but did not crash, but killed the father of a passing horseman; all three brought G. to court; he put a stone in his bosom, mows his eyes , the judge thinks that G. is hinting at money (ATU 1660); the judge decides: let G. keep the horse X. until her tail grows; let him live with the mother of the murdered child until she is born new; let G. lie under the bridge, and jump on him from the bridge to the son of the murdered old man; G. is grateful: if the sentence were different, he would hit the judge with a stone; the son of the murdered old man gave G. a horse with a sleigh so as not to jump; the father of the murdered child gave 5 cows, 10 sheep and a horse with a sleigh; G. took his brother's horse; became the richest in the village]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 95:367-371.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Baikal Evenks (Barguzin) [Russian borrowing]: Poppe 1927, No. 5:35-36).