Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M39i. The Hangman's Treasure, ATU 910D.

.15.-.17. (.23.) .27.-.32. (.36.)

After going broke, a person decides to hang himself, but finds gold (specially put by the father where his son hangs).

Portuguese, Spanish, Italians (Calabria, Puglia), British, Irish, Germans (no place of recording; conditionally north), Dutch, Friezes, Palestinians, Arabs of Jordan, Syria, Saudia, Konkani, Bosnians, Ancient Greece, Bulgarians, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia), Belarusians, Poles, Slovaks, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Karachays or Balkarians, Ingush ( Chechens?) , Dargins, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Norwegians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, (Yakuts).

Southern Europe. The Portuguese [when dying, the rich man advises his son to hang himself on a certain beam (or nail) if it goes broke; the son follows the advice, the nail or beam falls out, followed by them money box]: Cardigos 2006, No. 910D: 232; Spaniards: Uther 2004 (1), No. 740**: 395; Italians (Calabria, Puglia): Cerise, Serafini 1975, No. 910D: 231.

Western Europe. British, Irish, Germans (no place of recording; conditionally north), Dutch, Friezes: Uther 2004 (1), No. 740**: 395.

Western Asia. Palestinians, Arabs of Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia: El-Shamy 2004, No. 910D: 573.

(Wed. South Asia. The text is of Portuguese origin. Konkani (Goa) [when he dies, the father leaves half of his wealth to his dissolute son; this is enough money to live comfortably; he hides the other half in a ceiling beam; if the son loses everything, let him hang himself on her; the son went broke, began to hang himself, gold fell out of the beam; he also spent this money, then the house, became a beggar; became friends with a fakir, who taught him how to treat herbs; the royal daughter sick; the fakir asked to leave him with her and not let others in; cut her into four parts, blessed her, the parts joined together, the girl was alive and well; the fakir asked to give all the payment to his companion; the young man he went to treat him himself, the king's son is sick; the young man cut him into four parts, but he did not recover; the young man was hung; at the last moment a fakir came up, revived the prince, gave all the money to the young man again; parting , he asked the fakir to give him the ability to always win cards; and if he sat in a chair, no one would pick him up from there, not even the fakir himself; the hour of death had come and the devil had come; the gambler asked first to play cards with him; he lost and went back to Hell; the man came to St. Peter; he does not let him in; the man sent him to talk to God, at which time he sat in his chair; God came and said that he himself gave man this ability; man is still sitting in this chair, and Peter - on the contrary]: Rodrigues 2020:132-137).

The Balkans. Bulgarians [when dying, a rich man advises his son, if he goes broke, to hang himself from a certain tree (or from a certain beam in the house); when the young man follows the advice, the branch or beam broke and from there gold fell]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, № 740**: 323; Bosnians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 740**: 395.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia), Belarusians: SUS 1979, No. 740** [A rich man gives a rope to hang himself; when a poor man tries to do this, a tree branch breaks off and finds gold in its hollow], 910D [Hangman's Treasures: A dying rich man tells his son to hang himself if he squanders his property; the son squanders everything he wants hang yourself from a beam in a barn; the roof falls along with the gold that his father hid there (a man finds a treasure when he is going to hang himself)]: 185, 229; Poles: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 740** [When a poor brother asks a rich man to help him, he advises him to hang himself; the poor man chose a tree under which the rich man buried money; unable to bear the man's weight, the tree fell down and the treasure opened; the rich man himself hanged himself there when he found that there was no money], 910D [the miser leaves a treasure that the heir will find when he decides to hang himself or when he decides to throw away something unnecessary]: 227, 275-276; Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), № 740**: 395.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Miskhor) [the rich man believes that his son is a little touched; when he died, he hid the gold in a bag in the attic and lowered the rope from it; tells his son to choke on it if he goes broke and friends will leave; once a son bought a liver, hung it on a tree, it was carried away by birds; friends said that this could not happen, they did not give him a penny; the young man decided to hang himself, a bag of gold fell on him; one day invited friends to a feast; said that the mice gnawed at his iron sticks; those who came agreed: this happens; a person drove them out of home]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 39; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 60 [dying, the father advises his son to eat honey every time you sit down to eat; wear fancy shoes every morning; if his wife becomes pregnant, break up with her; after doing all this, hang himself on a hook in the stable; doing the first advice, the young man became impoverished, went to hang himself; under the weight of his body, the ceiling collapsed, the gold hidden there by his father fell out; the young man became rich, decided to return his wife, whom he had previously taken to her parents; she said that he did not understand his father's precepts; he must eat when he is hungry, then all food is honey; beautiful shoes are cleaned; to break up with his wife is to take his parents to give birth; with these third and fourth tips, all That's right; the wife returned; the young man called the guests, said that the eagle had taken his two-pound weight, everyone agreed; young man: before you did not believe that the eagle took a piece of meat from me; so he took revenge on the offenders]: 325-327; Tkhamokova 2014, No. 910D [when dying, the father advises his son to hang himself in a certain place if he squanders his property; the son squanders the inheritance with friends, who then turn away from him; even they do not believe him that the dog can carry meat; he goes to hang himself in the specified place, the beam is broken, gold hidden by his father is pouring out of the roof; the young man calls unfaithful friends for a treat, says a fairy tale - supposedly, the mice ate his rogue (or something else iron); they pretend to believe; the young man drives away unfaithful friends]: 183; Kabardian or Balkarians [Umar hid it in the attic gold of the iron house; when he died, he told his son to hang out there if he wasted everything at all; the son wasted it, and when he asked his ex-friends for help, he was refused; he went back to them, promising to bring them for lamb's lungs; but left them on the tree and the birds ate his lungs; they did not believe him and laughed at him; decided to hang himself, fell, money fell out of the hatch that opened; the young man took up his mind, began to work, again became rich; came to his former friends and bitterly reported that his iron plough was eaten by mice; only one poor man doubted, he was ridiculed; the young man accuses his ex-friends: they did not believe that the birds pecked lamb is light, but they believe that mice ate iron; they live well]: Malkonduev 2017:845-849; Ingush (Chechens?) [reported by D.D. Dmitriev; a rich man has a rake son; when he dies, his father tells him, when he completely goes broke and goes broke, to hang himself in the upper room where the rope is prepared; so it happened; son hanged himself, but the board fell out and gold coins fell down; the son changed his behavior and became a good owner]: Akhriev 1870:31-32; Dargins [dying, the father tells the bad son that if he is all he will squander, let the house not sell and hang himself on a hook that is hammered into the ceiling; that's what happened; the dog snatched the last piece of meat from his hands, and the friends he told about it did not they believed; the young man hung himself, the hook fell out, a bag of gold fell from the ceiling; bought land and property, gathered friends and said that the dog had snatched his whetstone out of his hand; as the young man was again rich, friends began to come up with explanations for this case; he drove them away and healed them with dignity]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:210-211; Georgians [when dying, the rich man tells his son to hang himself if he goes broke; when he does this, the beam in the barn falls with a bag of gold hidden behind it]: Kurdovanidze 2000, No. 910D: 75; Armenians [the rich man bequeathed to his son: if he goes broke, let him hang himself in one of the rooms; young man went broke, decided to hang himself in a room with a rope hanging from the ceiling; the rope broke, the beam collapsed, and a bag of gold fell from under the beam]: Gullakian 1990, No. 910D: 42; Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953 , No. 175.III [having squandered his father's inheritance, the young man decides to commit suicide, but finds a treasure; he also spends this money, but finds a magic object], 215.III [the youngest of the three brothers decides to commit suicide, but finds gold where he wants to hang himself], 315 [when he dies, the father tells the unlucky son to hang himself from the hook he has indicated in case of emergency; the son hangs up, the hook falls out and gold falls out], 350. III [bald guy decides to hang himself and finds money]: 198, 259, 352, 381; Kurds: Wentzel 1978, No. 16 in Uther 2004 (1), No. 910D: 533.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians (Markazi, Fars, Isfahan, Azerbaijan, Kerman) [when he dies, the father tells his son that if he wants to hang himself, there is a hook in the house for this purpose; the son went broke, hanged himself, a hook The money that my father had hidden for this occasion fell out and fell down]: Marzolph 1984, No. 910D: 169.

Baltoscandia. Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 740** [when hungry, the poor man goes to the master to buy bread; he does not have enough money, and while he is looking for the missing ruble, rye becomes even more expensive; the poor man goes to the manor garden to hang himself, but cannot reach the noose; he wants to roll a stone, finds money under the stone; the poor man buys all the rye from his master and gives it to the poor; the master goes to the garden for his with money, does not find it, gets into the noose left by the poor man], 910D [The father, dying, gives advice to his son: if things are very bad, let him hang himself in the specified place; the son, having squandered his father's property , goes to hang himself, but the beam breaks through and the legs hidden by his father fall out of the roof]: 316, 331; Lithuanians, Estonians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 910D: 533; Norwegians [bankrupt peasant decides to hang himself on an old oak tree; he makes three attempts on Wednesday night, but the branch breaks every time; the oak tree says it has a treasure guarded by the dragon and explains how to take possession of the treasure; the peasant gets a treasure and gets rich]: Hodne 1984:206.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars (1 entry) [when dying, the father advises his son, if he goes broke, to hang himself not in the storage shed, but at home - he nailed a ring to the matitsa; the son squandered the good, stabbed the last rooster, went to visit, the rooster was taken away by a dog, they did not believe the man, they drove him away; he began to hang himself, the ring fell out, there was gold; now he is called to visit, but he refuses: the mice gnawed steel in the barn, we must drag it; he was offered help; man: they did not believe that the dog took the rooster away, but believe that the mice chewed on steel]: Zamaletdinov 2010, No. 13:59-60; Bashkirs [Tsar Khatamtai is generous; vizier: there is a more generous queen you; H. comes disguised as a beggar several times, each time he gets gold; queen: I can continue to give, but you don't look like a beggar; to find out my secret, first find out why the shoemaker rings once with an awl, laughs, another time he will cry; shoemaker: first find out why the muezzin wet his shirt, climbs the minaret to shout Azan, and when the shirt dries, he goes down again to wet it and again Azan understands and shouts; muezzin: why does a merchant push a diamond every time and throw dust away; merchant: why does a naked eget run in the desert, run away from a person; H. found a huntsman; the story of the huntsman; he went to old man; he did not tell me to open one door; he opened it, there was a girl and a lake; girl: don't dive; eget decided to break this ban, dived and found himself in this desert; missing the girl, I run away from people; the merchant's story; in his youth he led a wild life; when he died, the father ordered, when his son had done all the good, to hang himself on the ring that was nailed to the matitsa at home; the son hanged himself, the matitsa cracked, fell down gold and diamonds, my father's note there; I won't grind diamonds anymore, let my imaginary friends burst with envy; a muezzin's story; he got wet from the rain, climbed the minaret, a huge bird picked it up, threw him into the cemetery; he saw three people bury something; then he was captured and accused of murdering the padishah's daughter; he spoke about what he saw, the princess was still alive, he was married to her; but to him wanted to go home; the bird took him back; but now he wants to go back to his wife; because his clothes were wet that time, he constantly wets them, climbs the minaret and waits for the bird; the shoemaker's story; he believed wife; neighbors advised me to watch her at night; wife got up, went out to thieves and robbers, spent the night with them; in the morning he hinted that he saw everything; wife: I'm leaving and I'm not killing you just because you are a good man; the queen's story; ishan came to her, bells on her feet; this is to drive away small creatures and not step on them; expensive rosary has disappeared; the king ordered the ishan to be searched; he turned out to be the main robber, has accumulated untold riches; since then, the queen has given everyone; the king returned to his place and made the vizier who advised him to go to the queen, chief]: Barag 1990, No. 24:65-70.

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. Yakuts (explicit Russian borrowing) [the peasant bequeaths the unlucky youngest son, if an emergency occurs, to hang himself on the beam of the house; the son becomes a robber, marries the merchant's daughter; the merchant orders to steal a barbecue, a horse and a man; the guy does everything, marries the merchant's daughter; loses everything at cards; he decided to hang himself out of grief; the beam broke, money fell out of it]: Ergis 1967, No. 322:249 ).