Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M40. Distorted instructions. .11.13.15.-.17.21.-.23.26.28.-.30.33.34.-.

The character is sent to get something relatively low in value. He asks for something else and shouts to whoever sent him to confirm the assignment. Usually, a weaker character comes to a stronger wife or son and tells her (him) that her husband (his father) told him to surrender to him, feed him, marry him, etc. {It is highly likely that American versions are borrowed after Columbus}.

Tootsie [hare], aunt (nyungwe?) [hare], lamba [hare], safwa [hare], Swahili [hare], Nyika [hare], Sudanese Arabs [man], Amhara [man], Malgashi [two cunning], Italians (Ticino, Veneto, Bologna) [man], Portuguese [human], Basques [human], Ladins [human], Bretons [human], Harsusi [fox], kachins [man], mikir [man], garo [man], Lao [human], Burmese [human], Palaung [man], Nepali [human], Oraons [ cunning], gondas [man], fox [cunning], Russians [man], Crimean Tatars [bald], Kalmyks [young man], Karachays or Balkarians [man], Avars [man], Bukhara Arabs [beardless], Yagnobs [bald ], Kyrgyz [people], Kazakhs [people], Salars [pleshivets], Chulym Turks [fox], South Altai Tuvans [fox], Mansi [Ekva-Pyris], Western Evenks (Ilimpic, Turukhan), Baikal Evenks ( Irkutsk, North Baikal), Far Eastern Evenks (Amur) [fox], Evens [fox], Orochi [fox], Chukchi [fox], Kiowa [Sendeh], Kiova-apachi [coyote], wichita [coyote], koasati [rabbit], natchez [turkey], southern utah [turkey], jicarilla [turkey], mescalero [boy], lipan [turkey], chiricahua [turkey], navajo [partridge], teva [turkey], pima [turkey], papago [duck], acateque [human], mopan [human], canhobal [human], tsotsil [human], guajiro [rabbit], Huaraz (Ancash) [human], toba [hawk], southern Tehuelche [fox].

Bantu-speaking Africa. Tootsie [the owner of the cornfield put a scarecrow, smeared it with glue, touched it, stuck, threatened to kill, hit him with his other hand, kicked, completely stuck; the owner gave the Hare to his son, sent him fry the Hare home; The hare explains to the boy that his father ordered him to fry the chicken, feed him; ate, ran away]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:427; aunt (nyungve?) [a man cut down trees on the site, they stand again in the morning; he puts a wax figure, a hare sticks to it, which restored vegetation at night; a man puts a hare in a bag, gives it to the child, tells take the mother to cook the hare, not the chicken as they intended; the hare persuades the child to say: cook the chicken for a hare; eats the chicken, goes to bed; the man comes back, is going to kill the hare, he hears, covers the child with his blanket, himself with a blanket; the father kills the child, the hare screams about it, runs away]: Mohl 1905, No. 5:15-18; lamp [man and hare go to cut down trees ( probably to prepare a plot under the field); the hare comes to the man's wife, says that he is terribly tired, she thinks that her husband has come, gives him porridge, heats the water to wash; when the husband returns, the wife surprised: you just ate; the husband is furious; so four times; on the fifth hare did not overhear the plans for the day that the man shared with his wife; the man only pretended to go to work; the hare came, the man came in, began to beat him, the hare hardly ran away; began to eat Eleusina on the field; the owner of the site put his snare, the hare was caught; pretended to be dead; the man tells his son to take the animal to his wife: let him fry it to my parish; the hare convinces the teenager that his father told me to tell him: the wife should fry the rooster, feed the hare; she did so; the hare went to bed, a man came, tried to kill the hare, but he ran away]: Doke 1944:31-36; safwa [the man caught a hare, told his son to cook with his liver aside; the hare explained to the boy that his father ordered the rooster to be cooked, not the hare; in the man's house he goes to bed; when he comes, leaves a lump of grass instead, a man pierces the grass with a spear; the hare hides in the blacksmith, he gives it away, he hides in a hole, people begin to dig it up, the hare comes out through another exit, in the image of a person steals a hoe, becomes a hare again, hides in a hole; so soon; people stop persecuting]: Arewa 1961, No. 2181:114; Swahili [The hare steals peanuts from the field; the old man does a scarecrow, smears resin, the Hare hits him, sticks; the old man tells his son to take the Hare to his mother, cook for dinner; on the way, he explains that the boy did not listen well, he must slaughter the rooster, feed the guest, put to bed; at home, the old man rushes to catch the Hare, but he has already run away]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 87:211-213; nika [the hare steals millet, sticks to the sticky bench in front of the woman's figure; the owner gives the hare to his son, tells him to burn on fire, cook the liver; the hare convinces the boy that he should cook a rooster, eats a rooster, goes to bed]: Klipple 1992:99.

Sudan - East Africa. The Arabs of Sudan [Juha saw a funeral procession, exchanged a horse for the deceased, planted it by the river, holding yarn and a spindle; boats with wood, iron, silver passed; when the boat was full of gold, asked his mother to take him; she can't hear well, shove him with an oar; she fell, J. said they killed her, left him a boat of gold; told his uncle that he was beaten and thrown into the river, gold from the bottom; uncle asked him to throw him into the river; asked him to give him shoes; J. came to his wives: his uncle told me to marry you; they don't believe it; does he scream to his uncle - one or both? the uncle replies that both (them); beat his uncle, he has diarrhea; his uncle beat him - the same; he put gold coins in a jar, on top of the crap; the goats ate the crap; J. said that the jar was full of coins, got goats in return ; J. climbed a tree above the river with his shoes on; said he was going on a trip; the boat was sailing, he jumped into it and sailed away]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 56:194-195; amhara [Bilcho is adopted son; the stepmother tells his daughter to push him into a jug, cook him; he confronts him, cooks his stepmother's daughter, puts on her clothes, feeds her stepmother with meat, runs away; the stepmother shouts to people to hold it, B. explains that she asks give him beans, chickpeas, peas, barley and wheat; tells monkeys to give them edible roots; one monkey says they are asked to detain B.; he throws them the fruits they have collected, runs away; asks God to drain the river; on the other side asks to fill it again; the stepmother asks how he crossed; He closed his eye, put his hand behind his back, tied a yoke to his neck, crossed on one leg; the stepmother does so, drowns; in the dry season, A tree grew in this place; the goat ate the leaves and began to speak; the shepherd stabbed her, her meat and skin began to speak; they covered the sieve with a cloak of skin, burned the sieve, the ash asks the thieves to smear it on their faces calls the owners, the thieves are caught]: Gankin 1979, No. 70:87-89; the Malgashi [Kutufetsi and Mahaka offer themselves as field workers; the owner sends them to his wife for shovels; they tell her that her husband ordered give them a hundred piastres; the wife does not believe; K. and M. shout to the owner: she does not want to give; he in response: give them; the deception has been revealed, the owner ordered to catch the deceivers, sew them into a mat and drown them; the workers decided have breakfast first; K. and M. began to bleat, the old woman opened the bag to get the lamb, K. and M. sewed it there herself; the old woman was drowned]: Rodman 1965:218-219.

Southern Europe. Basques [Errua ("madman"), leaves home, is hired by the owner; whoever of them is dissatisfied with the other will skin off his back; the owner tells 1) bring the crooked branches for firewood ( E. cuts down a vineyard), 2) drive the cows into the pasture without breaking a fence in which there is no passage (E. cuts cows into pieces, pushes them into hedges), 3) herd pigs on the mountain where the cannibal Tartaro lives; T. suggests competing, 1) who will throw the stone next (the old woman advises releasing the bird), 2) who will throw a piece of iron next (a bar of iron; say: from here to Salamanca; T. does not tell you to throw it, because Salamanca is his parents), 3) snatch and drag an oak tree (E. ties the entire forest with a rope, T. is frightened - where he will herd pigs); at T. E. goes to bed next to him for the night; puts the dead man lying under the bed in his place; T. hits him with iron, in the morning E. complains that fleas have bitten; E. must separate pigs from T. pigs; E. says he will take those with one mark and two markings; all pigs turn out to be so; in the village of E. sells all but two pigs, cutting off their tails; cuts one, hides giblets under clothes; in full view of people He stabs a knife in his stomach, people believe that his intestines have fallen out, he runs after the last pig; people tell T. that E. released his guts to run faster; T. rips his stomach open, dies; E. drives the pig into the mud, puts his tails in the mud, tells the owner that the pigs have fallen into the mud; the owner sends him for a spade; E. hits the hostess, she yells, he shouts to the owner - "One or both?" ; the owner replies that both {in the sense of a spade and a hoe}; E. beats the maid, brings a spade with a hoe, hits the owner with them, he can't stand it, E. rips the skin off his back; var.: E. burns T. with a hot skewer; crunches nuts, says they are Christian bones; whoever brings more water, E. is going to carry the entire source, T. is afraid]: Webster 1879:6-11; Portuguese: Shishlova 1971 [The swineherd has been working for 7 years, but the owner still does not pay; the swineherd sold the herd, asked him to keep his tails and ears; stuck them in the swamp, told the owner that the pigs were drowning; owner: go to my wife, let will give you two skeins of ropes; swineherd: your husband told you to give me two bags of money; wife to husband: both at once? husband: yes; the swineherd comes to the innkeeper with bags, asks the belt to tie his legs more tightly in order to run faster; the owner comes running, the innkeeper tells him about the belt, he asks him to tie it too; after jumping to the forest, he fell from fatigue]: 176-179; Italians (Veneto) [the peasant's son is strong and lazy, his nickname is Massafadiga (Faulhanns); his father told him to go look for food himself; M. was hired a worker to the giant; he asks for help to bring water from the well; M. begins to dig in the well, pretending to bring it in its entirety; the giant agrees with his wife to roll it on the sleeper at night The worker is a big stone; M. overheard, lay down at the door; shouts for the giant to calm the boys - they throw stones; the giant leads M. to his hunting hut, chases two bears at him; when they break in, M. he jumped out and locked the door; told the giant that he took the bears by the ears and brought them into the house; and to finish them off and bring them home, let the giant do it himself; the giant sent M. to his wife for a pickaxe; he says that the owner asks for the key to the chest of gold; the wife shouts to the giant: right? he: yes, give it back; M. took the gold and rushed to run; on the way he bought a sheep from the shepherd, slaughtered him, threw his giblets on the ground, asked the shepherd to tell the giant that M. had cut out his guts in order to run faster; Hearing this, the giant ripped his stomach open and died]: Widter et al. 1866, No. 2:13-16; Italians: Calvino 1980, No. 51 (Bologna) []: 157-162; Keller 1981 (Ticino) [mother sent Giovannino to buy food; he was late, found himself in the forest, came to the ogre's house; his wife hid J. in the oven, but the cannibal found it; tells him to clean the well, throws earth and stones from above, but J. got out; tells him to take 1001 wedges, go to the forest to split the tree; J. takes 999; two are missing; J. explains that the ogre's wife ordered them to be left at home; the cannibal sends them to bring them; J. tells the ogre's wife that her husband tells him all the gold ; she shouts, asking again: Is that all? The cannibal answers: yes; after taking the gold, J. runs away; on the way he buys sheep from the shepherd; says that he will change his insides for sheep ones, so he runs faster; the cannibal pursues; the shepherd tells the story; the cannibal ripped his stomach open, died]: 236-238; ladins [the guy is looking for a job; towards a man with his ear cut off; he agreed with the owner that whoever gets angry first can cut off his ear; the guy was hired by the same owner; no food was brought to the field; then he picked up a bag of wheat, took it to the tavern and exchanged it for food; the owner sent him with four horses to bring firewood; he exchanged it for donkeys and is back; the owner asks to cut down a tree; the guy says he will sharpen the ax first; broke the axe against a rock; the owner said there are two more axes under the bed in the house; the guy from the house window: both? The owner: yes; the guy hacked the hostess and the maid; the owner was furious, the worker cut off his ear]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 77:209-211.

Western Europe. The Bretons [January is the elder brother, February is the youngest; I went to work, knocked on the door of the castle; the owner hired him until the first cuckoo on the condition that he would not be angry, otherwise he would they will tear off a strip of skin from his back and send him without pay; and if the owner is angry, his back will be ripped off; in the morning he is told to go where the bulldog leads him to; he makes sure that I work all the time; Hungry and exhausted by work, Y. is angry, his skin is ripped off, sent home; F. comes; killed a bulldog, threw the owner's children out the window; in the forest the owner killed an old woman; F.: her three sons will take revenge; the owner sent F. to bring two shovels to bury the corpse; F. told the owner's wife and daughter that he had told them to hug them; F. to the owner: after all, both? The owner thinks he is asking about shovels, says both; bringing shovels, F. explains that his wife and daughter were screaming when they saw a wolf; the owner tells his wife to climb a tree and cook; F. shot her; the owner shot her Angry, F. ripped his skin off his back, took his salary, returned home]: Luzel 1887 (3): 216-230.

Western Asia. Harsushi [fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture and raven went hunting; the vulture flew away, the fox and raven found nothing, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed the leopard camels; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed, told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat intended for the hyena, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia, and then she would carry it; she jumped and started screaming that the hyena was tired; hyena: the fox was tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, he was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it; the fox: eats when the leopard dies; eating the leopard, the fox told the donkey that she was dying of thirst; she allowed her to go inside through her ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, she died; the fox wanted dew to fall, then she will fill one wadi with blood, the other with milk; the dew has fallen out, the donkey's ass is softened, the fox has come out; tells the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised, and she is ready to guard their herd; the fox milked the goats filled the wadi with milk; stabbed them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and the girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw the goats slaughtered and shouted to her mother hold a fox; woman hears hard; fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells you to give yourself to me; woman in rabies, the fox runs away, carrying jewelry; hangs it on a dry tree, relieves itself by throwing sand at excrement; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives his herd for the tree; warns that if he copes with the need near the tree, it will not give jewelry; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox tears off its excrement, says that this caravan is not held on; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that its camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take its own; its camels are dead, she has received a big ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Kachin [the fraudster stole a buffalo, stabbed him, gave many meat, took pots, saying its name was B last year; hid his stomach, stuck his tail in the swamp; told the owner that the buffalo was stuck ; the owner pulled the tail, the fraudster kept it in the mud at the other end, the owner fell, thought the tail had come off; the fraudster started hitting the stomach with a stick, screaming, Oh, don't hit, I'm not the only one who stole; people those who cooked meat threw the pots, ran away; the owners of the pots complained to the head; he thought that the pots had been stolen last year, drove the petitioners away; the fraudster buried the pots of meat, pretended to be a fortuneteller, said Where is the meat; when the meat is over, he was beaten; he came to the old man and asked for water; he sent him to his wife to give him water; the fraudster told the woman that her husband had ordered him money; the husband screams from afar Give it; while sailing in the boat, the swindler told everyone his name was Son-in-law; took the princess away; the king shouted that her Son-in-law had taken her away, people decided that was the case]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 41:136-140; mikir [Tenton {probably the name} came to the brahman, said he did not have a home, the brahmana kept him; they began to plow; T. said he was thirsty; the brahman sent him to his wife - let him give him water in a bamboo vessel; T.: and if he does not; brahman: then call me; T. came to the brahman's wife and said that he was asking for a bamboo jar with money to buy an ox; the wife did not believe it, but T. called out the brahmana and he told his wife to give the vessel to T.; T. disappeared; came to the palace and began to play with the stolen money; told the prince his name was Ong (maternal uncle); when the brahmana came and heard that T. they turn to "maternal uncle", he did not dare to demand his money right away; fell asleep; T. said it was his slave, sold it for 100 rupees and ran away; the brahman woke up and explained everything; everyone was given shackles, when he found T., put him in them; T. saw a man with shackles, began to ask him; asked him to show how they were worn; when he was chained, he left, shouting that he had caught T.; that man beaten to death]: Grierson 1903c: 402-403; garo [Gangbo Nokma is rich and smart; envious neighbors agreed to burn him in his house, but GN found out, took it out in advance and hid everything valuable, and brought it out family; after the fire, he collected ash in bags and said that he was going to sell them; he threw ash into the river himself, dug up valuables, and when he returned, he said that he received them by selling ash; neighbors burned down their houses; deciding take revenge, slaughtered Mr.'s cattle; agreed to give him his skins; MR. dried them, made holes and pretended to be lucky to sell them; told a wealthy peasant that he bought any skins; asked for water; he sent him to his house; Mr. told the peasant's children that their father told him to give him all the money and jewelry; the children began to call their father, asking again; the peasant: yes, give it back; he thought it was about water; in his In the village, GN showed the money: it was obtained for their skins; neighbors killed their cows, removed and perforated their skins; they laughed at them; the MR. offered to buy expensive fabric on credit; showed the owner a rich house, allegedly him, but in fact a stranger; said that his name would not give, and his father's name could not give; dressed up in purchased fabric like a groom for a wedding; neighbors put him in a basket, carried him to drown him; left him by the pond and went to eat; the shepherd drove the herd; the GN said they wanted to force him to marry the king's daughter; the shepherd agreed to climb into the basket instead; the GNR brought the herd and said it was from the bottom; neighbors allowed themselves to be drowned, all went to GN]: Rongmuthu 1960:11-19.

Burma - Indochina. Palaung [old men find large and small pots of gold and silver coins; when the old man works in the field, the crook asks him for rice; he replies that he only took a small one with him a pot (i.e. rice for himself), let him go to his wife for a large pot (rice); the fraudster tells the old woman that her husband ordered him to give him a large pot (of gold); she screams to her husband from a distance, asking him whether to give a large pot or a small one; the husband replies that it is big (thinking it's rice); the fraudster takes gold]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 144:331; Burmese [the owner is going to give the beggar a piece of roast pork; sends it to the house to ask his wife for a pot; beggar to the owner's wife: here is my roast pig, your husband tells me to give me a bag of gold for her; the wife does not; the beggar screams about it to the owner; he tells his wife to give; the fraudster takes the gold]: Aung in Goswami 1960:135; Lao [Ai Powlo tells the mother that the father was killed in the field by a tiger, and to his father that the mother burned down along with the house; offers everyone a marriage to a woman/man who looks like his former wife/husband; brings parents together, they get to know each other, AP runs away from home; stole pork from a Chinese man; invites an old man to eat it together; he sends him to his wife for a pot; AP tells her that her husband tells her to give all the money, he wants to buy an elephant; his wife does not believe it, but her husband shouts from a distance, "Yes, give it back!" ; AP takes the money, runs away; four bald men pour water on their heads in the heat; AP: I'll bring medicine, your hair will grow, and for now you rub your bald heads to blood; gives a paste mixed with salt; runs away and talks to the ruler that four strongmen collided with their heads to blood; the ruler tells them to show how they did it, they had to butt each other; AP ran away, fell into the water and drowned; a few years later, fishermen they caught a laughing skull; the boatman exchanged it for his own goods and made gambling chips out of the skull]: Fleeson 1899:131-134.

South Asia. Nepali [Chattu was hired to work for an old brahmana, he has a young wife; he speaks to him in a nevar language: let his wife give him a shawl; brahmana allows it; in Nepali it sounds like" surrender"; the wife asks the brahmana, who confirms that the woman undresses and gives herself to C.; the brahman suspects something is amiss, but in order to force C. to leave and remain silent, she pays him money; C. is hired by the king , introduces herself as Husband (Princess), Son-in-law (Queen), Penis (King); raped the princess (she shouted that her husband was with her, no one reacted), ran away with her; the Queen shouted to the guards "Son-in-law takes her away your daughter," they did not react; the king told the guards to grab their penis, each grabbed their own; the princess stayed with C.]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:198-201; Oraons [two liars come to the blind old woman; call themselves her grandson's uncles; they say they will take him to their home to meet his aunt; when they went with them, the grandson put on his gold and silver jewelry; the deceivers gave carry him a heavy basket, told him not to open it - there were snakes in it; he opened, there was food, he ate it; said that the snakes crawled out and disappeared into the anthill; the deceivers sent him to sell their gold to the oil squeezer bracelets; the young man tells him he wants to sell him two slaves; the cracker wants to know if men agree to be sold; the young man shouts to them, "Both? they think it's bracelets, they shout yes; the young man gets the money and the men are turned into slaves; the young man met a bear and fights with him; when he sees the rider, he threw several gold coins on the ground and put one bear in the ass; said that when you were fighting a bear, gold was pouring out of it; the rider got off his horse, grabbed the bear; the young man rode off his horse; sat on the shore, began to eat the sweets he had bought; told the laundresses that they were given in the village and that his name was Yesterday; they ran to the village, leaving their underwear; he took their clothes and rode away; the laundresses shouted that the clothes were gone yesterday; by the other river an old woman and niece; the young man offers to help transport the girl first, says that his name is Son-in-law; put her on a horse, crossed her, galloped off; the old woman shouts that his niece was taken away by her son-in-law, they laugh at her]: Hahn 1906, No. 11:20- 22; gondas [four found a purse with money on the road, left it for a while to the merchant; then sent one of them to pick up the wallet; the merchant replies that he will only give it back if all four come; sent Shouts to his comrades that the merchant needs confirmation; they shout: let him take it; the sent man took the wallet and fled]: Grierson 1906:545-546.

China - Korea. Lisu (border between Yunnan and Burma) [Khwàdjasap'à is married to the eldest of four sisters; decided to take possession of everyone and his mother-in-law; when he went to the site, he pretended to forget his betel; walking back, meets his wife's first sister, shouts to her mother-in-law that she does not give; mother-in-law thinks she does not give betel, tells me to give; so with all sisters; pretends to be seriously ill; mother-in-law goes to ask the oracle; K. hides behind as an oracle, replies that K. will recover if she meets his mother-in-law; she agrees]: Dessaint, Ngwâma 1994:518-521.

Central Europe. Russians (the place of recording is not specified) [the pop gave the man a drink, robbed him; he returned unrecognized, called himself Kakofy, hired a clerk; in church he is silent, does not sing, then left altogether, said that pop sent him for a sheepskin coat and a beaver hat, left his own, relieving him; the pop put on his hat, rushed to look for a guest, asks the man in the hut, "I saw Kakofya"; he replies, "I see it's good!"] : Afanasiev 1992, No. 76:153-155.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [rich Saranbay comes from the bazaar, asks Pleshivy (Tazolan) to give him a large bag, where he has a jug of bekmes; T. deliberately broke the jug, licked the bekmes, galloped away; spent the night in S.'s house; S.'s wife and daughter hide a turkey and a cake, T. notices that they have to feed him; at night T. eats the filling in the pie, replaces pieces of leather dudes; S. is going to pierce him at night T.'s horse with a pitchfork; he smears his horse with manure and chalk to match the color of S.'s horse, and vice versa, S. stabs his horse; T. tells S. that his wife does not want to give him his whip; tells S.'s wife that her husband told her give him his daughter; his wife shouts, asking again, S. shouts to give it back (meaning the whip); having received the girl, T. invites the ploughmen to go to that one, and he will work for them; steals oxen, cuts off tails, sticks them into the ground; the ploughmen remain to dig up the oxen, T. and the girl drive the oxen further; suggests curing the shepherd from scab: slaughter a ram, put a stomach on his head, hold them until midnight; tie them to your feet kid: if it bleats, then the herd leaves; steals the herd himself; comes to the witch's palace; says that the army of the Lilliputian king (this is a stolen herd) is coming, telling them to escape; she climbs into the oven, he burns it ; S. follows, meets ploughmen, a shepherd, they all come to the witch's palace, grab T.; he tells them not to make noise so as not to wake up the witch, puts them to bed on good beds, pours in bed at night water; they think they have peed themselves, slowly leave; they come back, put T. in a bag to drown, go to the wedding, throwing the bag in a pile of hay; T. shouts that they want to forcibly marry him, the shepherd climbs into the bag instead, thrown off a cliff into the sea; T. drives the herd, says he got 500 sheep at the bottom; everyone asks them to be thrown into the sea too; T. marries daughter S., thrives]: Borovkov 1938:47-63; Kalmyks : Dzhimbinov 1962 [a young man saw a rich man in a kibitka scorching his lamb legs, his daughter cooking cakes; comes in, asks him to spend the night; hears a rich man and his wife agree to burn his boots at night and drown him horse; changes boots, paints his horse black, sprinkled flour on the rich man's horse; the rich man burned his boots, drowned his horse; in the morning he catches up with the rich man, complains that his daughter does not give him his beshmet; the rich man orders to take the beshmet with his daughter; the mother does not give her daughter; the rich man shouts to give it back; the young man is happy with his wife]: 156-158; Sandalova 2002 [the young man promises to marry the daughter of a rich man; asks for permission to cook the meat he brought along with the meat cooked by the owners; throws the lamb shoulder eaten by lamb into the cauldron, then says that the owners' meat has eaten his meat, gets the whole pot; hears how a rich man tells his wife that he will throw the visitor's boots into the fire at night; then he will drown his horse; the young man changes boots in places, swaps horses; the rich man burns his boots, drowns his horse; decides eat a fresh hot cake away in the steppe; the young man hugs him, pressing a hot cake to his stomach; the rich man has left, the young man shouts to him that the rich man's daughter does not give him his whip; he tells him to give it back immediately ; young man: give my daughter for me; mother asks again, husband shouts: yes, immediately; the young man marries, everything is fine]: 165-169; Karachays or Balkarians [Azret comes to the greedy bay, adjusts it like this that he has to give him the best treat; hugs him, snuggling closely and putting a hot cake under the beshmet; when he leaves, asks for permission to take the whip, he has lost his own; tells the hostess that her husband allowed him pick up their daughter; the wife asks her husband again; he thinks it's a whip, shouts - let him take it; A. takes the girl away]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:22-28; Avars [three merchants gave theirs to the old woman the money, telling them to return it only if all three of them came for it; when they left, they forgot the comb, sent one for it, he told the woman to return the money; she went to ask others, they shouted for her gave (referring to the comb); the merchants took the old woman to Dibir, who ordered her to reimburse the money; boy: but all three of them must come for the money; Dibir decided in favor of the woman, took the boy in mutallims]: Khalilov 1965, No. 89:279-280.

Iran - Central Asia. Bukhara Arabs [beardless takes gold and silver from the emir to sow money; when the emir's servants come, he pretends to be the daughter of a beardless man; the emir passes off the imaginary girl as Baja; she asks her mother Baja, so that her son does not enter her for 10 nights; on the tenth, asks his father-in-law to come; asks him to put his beard in the door hole, hangs him from his beard, takes off his pants, puts a carrot in the ass; the boy in the house the beardless says that he is dead; bai sits down to relieve himself on his grave, beardless from below pokes him with a hot rod; hires a peasant; asks his wife for their daughter as his wife, gets refusal; tells the owner that his wife does not give a whip; he shouts to give; the wife thinks that he tells him to give her daughter, gives it; on the way she invites the farmer to smell for him; sends oxen with his wife, He cuts off his tails, sticks them in the ground, says that the oxen have failed; tells the owner of the sheep to wrap his head in leather, steals sheep; at home promises to return his daughter, oxen, sheep to those who come; at night he puts them in their pants demand; in the morning he shouts that his mother is dead; those who come think they have done it, run away]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 41:257-260; (cf. Bukhara Arabs [bai kept a farmhand, fed him freshmen for a year; farmhand died; bai took his brother as a laborer; he also died; took his third brother, whose name was Hamadak, as a laborer; gave him freshwater; H. soaked alone, ate it and saw that the water turned yellow; realized that buy had killed him brothers to death; when bai went to the bazaar, H. ordered: "Sweep the yard so that you can lick oil on it; cattle do not raise their heads from the nursery; the bird does not tear off its beak from the grain; you so as not to take your back away from the gate!" ; H. swept the yard, spilled four jugs of butter on it; slaughtered all the cattle, put their heads in a nursery with food; slaughtered the chickens, put their heads on grains; broke the gate, tied them to his back; who returned the bay asked, "Didn't you order it yourself?" ; bay's mother died; when she was carried to the cemetery, they forgot her shovel; bai told H. to bring it; he went to the gate, pretended to be a stutter, shouted: "BBC!" (bibi 'mistress'; ber instead of bil 'shovel'); buy shouted: "Carry a shovel!" ; H.: "The hostess does not give a shovel!" ; buy: "Go hit her on the head - let her die! The shovel is under the chest, take it!" ; H. took a shovel from under the chest and hit bay's eldest wife on the head; she died; bai asked H. why he hadn't brought the shovel for so long; H.: "I went, there was a shovel under the chest, I took it; then the eldest I hit the hostess on the head, she died!" ; buy: "May you die young! Oh my god! Why did you kill her?" ; H.: "Didn't you order it yourself?" ; after the funeral of his mother and elder wife, bai H. hid near the suffa; bai told his wife to run, otherwise the farmhand would kill them; ordered them to put their things in the chest; his wife offered to sleep, they fell asleep; H. climbed into chest; buy and his wife woke up, put their things in the chest, took it with them, went; stopped on the riverbank under a mulberry tree; the wife said that if H. were, he would shake the berries; H. responded, got out of chest, shook berries; three returned home; at night H. killed bay; married his wife]: Vinnikov 1969, No. 55:315-316); Yagnobtsy: Andreev, Peshereva 1957, No. 16 [Bald tells his mother that now he will earn money; asks the reaper to help reap the sickle; he sends for a sickle to his wife; the bald man tells her that he is a royal man, gathers girls for marriage; she does not give it, he shouts it to her husband , he tells me to give it, the bald man takes the girl; the man brings the bulls to the pond; the bald one says that bulls can drown, let him go for the bucket and he guard; cuts off the tails of the bulls {and, obviously, pokes them into the water, and hides the bulls}; says that the bulls have gone to the pond, advises him to scoop out the water; the man tries to scoop out the pond, the bald one steals the bulls; says to the shepherdess that he will cure his head, rubs him with tobacco, he faints, a bald man steals sheep; three deceived people come, the bald man pretends to be deceived himself; leaves those who come to sleep, warns that if someone spoils the air, his mother immediately will die; they ruined the air, ran away; understood the deception, one returned, put his head in the hole in the gate, got stuck; the bald man tells the mother to cut down the knot at the gate; the stuck runs away, carrying the gate leaf around his neck; the deceived have come to terms with fate], 33 [Shomilty asks the reaper to help reap the sickle; he sends him for a sickle to his wife; S. tells her that the king demands girls; she does not give it, he shouts it to her husband, he tells her to give, S. takes the girl away; promises to cure the bald shepherd, buries it up to the neck in the ground, kills, takes the herd away; plants an apricot seed, threatens to grind it, the apricot grows in a few days, S. climbs on it; the old woman asks to throw off the fruit, asks for her hands, grabs S., takes it away in a bag; the reapers offer her to eat bread, S. runs away, leaving stones in the bag; the old woman's daughter lowers the contents the bag into the cauldron, it breaks; the old woman catches Sh again in the same way, does not stop eating bread, brings S. home; while she sleeps, S. gets out, cuts off the heads of the old woman's daughters, throws one into the cauldron, hides at the top of the plane tree; the old woman eats meat, discovers her dead daughters; asks how S. climbed; he says he hit himself in the ass with a hot iron; she does so, burns, dies]: 98-101 , 167-169.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [in winter, the khan beats the dekhkan in Toguz-kumalak (like playing backgammon); tells him to bring grapes; the son of a farmer Kalyk tells the khan's son that his father was bitten by a snake; in winter there are no snakes, but not sometimes grapes; Khan calls K. to serve him; he persuades cooks to serve Khan beshbarmak on a hot spoon; Khan orders horses to herd without releasing bridles; K. sells horses, leaves bridles; Khan sends K. home, writing an order on his back to kill him at home; K. makes a semblance of a honey hat with millet, sells it for a promise to erase the khan's letter, write an order to give K.'s younger sister to the khan, and half a khanate; khan orders K. in a bag to be thrown into the water; K. leaves a scarecrow, he is thrown into the river; brings sheep, says that from paradise; wanting to go to heaven, the khan and his son drown]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1963:248-254 ; Kyrgyz [bai named Chygay is greedy and stingy; he has an old wife, a married daughter, a black shepherd and a slave, the wife of this shepherd; Aldar Kose, a beardless cunning man, arrived; he crept up quietly, looked in a yurt; bai sits on a "rub" (place of honor), his old woman kneads dough, a slave puts firewood, a cauldron with meat on fire, a shepherd singes lamb's leg, a Bai daughter roasts kirsen (the tasty part of the brisket with with his skin); A. came in, asked for an overnight stay; C. asks the guest to tell us what he saw; A. talks about a pot of meat, etc.; C. said it was time to sleep; A. pretended to fall asleep and watched that happens in a yurt; when everyone fell asleep, A. took the meat out of the cauldron, put it in his place; cut the shepherd's pants and trousers of the slave and put it in the cauldron, then lay down; C. woke up and woke up his wife to eat meat , but there is some filth there, you can't see it in the dark; the old woman gave her husband a cup of oil, A. intercepted it; in the morning A. asks C. to give him an awl to patch his boots; he tells him to ask his wife; the name of bay's daughter is Mis ("awl "); A. shouts to bayu that his wife does not give; he orders to give back; A. took the girl away]: Sabyr uulu 2008:85-87; Kyrgyz [Aldarkose asked to spend the night; he was given a soup of wheat and millet; he hears that the owners cooked lamb for themselves; at night he got up, ate meat, put the owner's pants in the cauldron, lay down again; the owners got up, tried to chew their pants; leaving, A. sees how the hostess gave her husband hot the cake, and he hid it under his clothes; hugged the owner goodbye, burned his cake, he threw it away in his hearts, and A. picked it up; when he left, returned, asked the old man to fix his boots; he ordered him to go to Kibitka and ask my wife; if my wife does not give it, I will wave my hand - let her; A. tells the hostess that her husband ordered to give him their youngest daughter; the owner waves from a distance and shouts: Give me back (awl); the hostess believes that he was shouting "Give the kyz" (girl, daughter); came to the shepherd, sat down to eat meat; said that everyone in the village was giving the meat of a bruised cow; the shepherd ran to the village; A. cut off the tails of the cows, put them in the ground, and stole the herd; said that the cows had drowned in the ground, only their tails were sticking out; the people rushed to save the cows; the girl's father ran up, talked about the fraudster; at that time A. drove the cows and came to the bald boy, who herds sheep; to get rid of bald spots, you have to sit in a hole, put a sheep's stomach on his head and not get out until he, A., allows him; A. brought the cows and sheep home; his mother died; people came, A. looks rich, began to feed everyone lamb; warned that his mother was sick and clean; if she noticed dirt, she would die of excitement; when the guests fell asleep, A. poured the contents of lamb next to the sleepers stomach; in the morning, the guests thought they had diarrhea; A.: mother died! the guests fled, forgetting about the stolen cows and sheep]: Muchnik 1944:35-38; Kazakhs [Chygai-bay is terribly stingy; Aldar-Kose and Zhirenche-Cheshen argued: if A. manages to eat at C., J. will give him that he wants; A. quietly crept into C.'s yurt, cursed inside; the hostess pinched the goose, the owner singed the wool from the lamb's head, the slave singed the lamb's legs, the daughter crushed the dough; A. came in, the owners hid everything under myself; A.: I chased a snake and I can't catch up; and if this is not true, let them pluck me like your goose, scorched like parts of your ram, crumpled like your dough; C. put everything in the cauldron and told him cook for 5 months; A. told his ass to sit for 10 months; at night he took out and hid what was in the cauldron, put pieces of the slave's skirt there; covered the bald head on the master's horse with mud, and drew it on his own with chalk; at night, C. found that there was no meat, went out into the yard and killed his horse, believing that it was A.'s horse; in the morning he told A. that his horse had died, but it turned out that he was wrong; in the morning C. ate hot bread, and A. hugged him and pressed on his stomach so much that C. threw all his bread to him; A. asked him to take it from his wife, and A. said that C. ordered him to give him his daughter, whose name was Shiloh (PPE); the wife asked her husband again; .: let him take it and go; A. came to J., but he asked to deceive him; A. my bag of lies stayed at home; J. gave him his horse; when he found out that he had been deceived, J. ran to his wife; having agreed with her husband, she took an empty cradle and began to cross the river in front of A.'s eyes; A. gave her a horse, she drove away on it; "Don't cry, you're still young"]: Pantusov 1909:31-34; salary (Ullagyl, Xunhua-Salar Autonomous County) [Plešivets worked at the rich man's threshing floor; the rich man told him to go and bring him a lasso; the pleshivets went to the rich man's house and asked his wife: "Let me go!" ; the wife replied, "What do you want?" ; the pleshivets said to the rich man that his wife does not give; the rich man: "Let him give it!" ; the wife asked Pleshivets again what he wanted; he replied that he wanted to take his daughter; eventually took the girl; sat down on the way, supporting the wall with his back; told the rider who was passing by that the wall was falling, and asked help; the rider dismounted, supported the wall; bald: "You support the wall more strongly and sit for yourself! Don't leave here, if you move, the wall will fall down and crush you! I'll bring someone"; put the girl on a horse, walked himself; told the camel herding man that his name was home; the shepherd left; the bald man slashed the camel's tail with a knife; one end of the tail He buried it in the ground, and grabbed the other with both hands and sat down; when the shepherd returned, he said: "The camel has gone all into the ground. I only grabbed my tail. Hold it too. I'm going to go get a hoe! Let's dig it up!" ; then he left; the rich man returned home from the threshing floor and asked his wife where his daughter was; she said, "You told me to give it back, and I gave it back!" ; the rich man went looking for Pleshivets; met a man who was supporting the wall and a shepherd; explained to them that the pleshivets had deceived them; the three of us came to Pleshivets's house and stayed there for the night; Plesivets: "All of you don't lie on my cana! If you do this, my mother and father will both die!" ; when those who came to sleep, the bald man put porridge under each of them; someone woke up, told another that he had stained the kan; found that this had happened to everyone; the bald man cried, saying: "Father! Mother!" ; those who came ran away, the Pleshivets had everything left: wife, horse, camel]: Tenishev 1964, No. 50:97-98.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Chulym Turks [the chanterelle asks the elderly to live, will be an assistant; says that she will go to visit her pregnant older sister; eats fish stocks herself; says that the child was named Full; in next time Half a thimble; then It's over; the old man shouts to the old woman to catch the fox, the old woman does not hear, asks again, the fox explains that the old man tells her to boil water; pours boiling water on the old woman, she died; the chanterelle hides in the underground, answers the old man that she is at home; when the old man entered the house, the chanterelle is outside; the old man fell, died, the chanterelle got the farm]: Porotova 1980:82-83 (=Lukina 2004, No. 5.13: 123-124); South Altai Tuvans [The fox pretends to be a poor orphan, childless old people take him as sons, let their seven goats herd; every day alone disappears; the fox explains that goats stayed on the rock; the old man finds skins full of grass there; shouts to his wife to kill the Fox, she can't hear well; the fox explains that her husband tells her to bake a cake for him, Fox, in butter; hits him to death the old woman runs away with his tail; the old man's heart is broken; the Wolf sees the Fox regurgitating fat; he explains that it is necessary to lower the tail into the water, oil will fall from the sky; the tail is frozen, the fox brought To kill the wolf, he took the Fox as his son; the fox killed the old man's horse, the old man hung it in the chimney, went to get firewood; the old man's children began to lick the fox's urine and feces, thinking it was fat; the fox said that sugar will flow from his mouth, asks him to bring a knife to cut off their sugar, kills both boys, cooks; the old man recognizes his sons, falls into a boiling pot out of grief; a fox tells the birds that he is a llama; a hundred birds take turns suitable for blessing, he bites each wing, kills; jumps on a bunny, is trapped by a hunter]: Taube 1994, No. 47:266-268.

Western Siberia. Mansi [Ekva-pyris lives with his grandmother; goes to town; his priest has three white horses pulled into a sledge; E. asks to borrow horses, bought flour; he came to the popadye, tells him to give a box of money, they say, pop sent it, he bought a white horse; killed the horses, took the money; the tsar tells him to drown; the priests sewed E. into a cowhide bag, left the Cossack to guard; E. shouts: I don't need gold and silver money; explains to the Cossack that they give money in the bag, he changes places with E.; E. put on the Cossack's clothes, stole three more horses, sewed them back into a bag, hung them on the church door, the chief pop remained on guard; E.: I here with God's mother and father; the pop changed with him; the bag was beaten with sticks, E. dressed as a priest came to the king; the queen recognized him, went for a walk with him and the king; E. asked the king to undress, tore him pieces, put on his clothes; disguised as a king, accused the priests of not being able to kill E., but instead killed the chief priest; he also killed E.; became a good king]: Tales of the Peoples of the North 1991:5-10.

Eastern Siberia. Evenki (band not specified) [The fox calls to herd the old man's deer, eats them herself; he chases her, shouts to the old woman, She ate our deer; the old woman can't understand words, Lisa says to her, the Old Man told me to tie a knife to my tail as an ornament for a good job; tells Wolf that she got her jewelry by rolling with ice; The wolf rides, he is in pain; the fox says he has a splinter in the back, undertakes to pull it out, pierces a knife; eats the Wolf]: Sangi 1985:191-194; Western Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 1 (Turukhansky: Tura) [Bird invites Lisa to jump on the ice of the lake; Fox fails; at the bottom, the mother falls ill; the fox offers to cure, orders the guys to be taken out, eats Soroga; invites Burbot to race; each time other burbot who are responsible ahead; The fox sleds with the old woman, eats fat; tells the old man to bring the deer to the fodder; kills them herself, eats them; the old man shouts to the old woman to kill isa; the fox explains what he tells tie fat to her tail; runs away; the old man let the dog go, the Fox went down the hole, the old man lit the fire, the Fox told the fire to leave her tail even a sleeve long; he left it], 2 (Ingarigda - Podkamennaya Tunguska) [Fox invites Wolverine to get his deer, eats it; explains to Wolverine's wife that her husband tells her to tie a bell to her tail as a reward; Lisa invites Kuksha to swim and attack other people's plague; while Kuksha sleeps, Lisa leads the boat up and then down again to their own plague; without understanding, Kuksha kills her own children; Lisa fell through the ice, tells Kuksha to give snags, he foolishly gave it, Lisa got out, Kuksha failed, drowned], 4 (Erbogachen) [The fox offers the Wolf to herd the deer, ate them all; tells his wife that her husband ordered to tie fat around her neck, a bell to her tail]: 7-8, 9, 11; Vasiliev 1936, No. 5 (Ilimpic, Western 1907) [The fox and the bird Kovshichan went up the river; at night the Fox turns the shuttles, K. does not notice that they are now swimming down; they see the herd, K. does not understand that he is cutting his own deer; when he learns about this, Lures the Fox to the fragile ice; the fox sinks to the bottom to the ulcers, they say that their mother is sick; the fox undertakes to shamanize, treat, says that the disease will scream; eats eggs, runs away; is hired as a shepherd, kills deer; the old man shouts to his wife to beat the Fox; she hears poorly, the Fox explains that her husband tells her to tie a bubble of fat to the Fox's tail; runs away; tells the Wolves that he caught fat in the river with his tail down; wolf tails freeze, Wolves tear them off; Fox gnaws bones, breaks a tooth; Wolves in the plague will make people laugh, one hoots an owl, mutters a hare; the Fox covers his mouth, Wolves beat him; the Fox invites the Bear to lie on on a cliff ledge, closer to the wall; at night he lies between him and the wall, asks him to move, the Bear falls; the fox eats bear meat; the girls carry supplies, the Fox calls to show the way, eats everything on the way; hides on larch, girls make a fire; the Fox asks the Fire not to burn it to the end, becomes small as it is now]: 258-262 (quail in Bulatova 1985:154-160); Baikal Evenks: Voskoboynikov 1958 (North Baikal: Buryatia) [The fox hired an old man to herd deer, ate most of it; the old man chased her, shouts to hold her; she does not hear well, Lisa explains that the old man ordered give her fat for a good job; tells the Wolf to put her tail into the ice-hole, meat or fat will stick; the tail froze; Russian women began to beat the Wolf with rocker arms, the tail came off; the fox pretended dead, a Russian man picked it up, she threw the fish off the cart]: 46-47; 1960, No. 2 (Irkutsk Region) [The fox offers to be the daughter of the elderly; the old man lets her herd a cow, she bit it; the old man shouts to his wife Hold Lisa! ; she hears poorly, Lisa says that the old man told me to give her a bag of bacon; gets into the boat, sails away with her bag; the woodpecker promises to catch up with Lisa; asks her to transport him across the river, makes a hole in the boat; The fox sends him for resin, he brings knots; he goes by himself, the Woodpecker will tar the boat, sails away, returns his property to the elderly; the old man shackled his beak, the old woman sewed a red riding hood; he sat on a knot, ripped himself apart belly, the old woman sewed it up, it remained red]: 41-42; Far Eastern Evenks (Amur) [The fox invites the old man to herd his missing deer and herd them; eats deer; the old man screams to his wife To hold Lisa, Lisa says that the old man tells her to tie an ornament - a knife - to her tail; runs away with a knife; invites the Bear to roll off the ice, sticks a knife at the bottom; tells the Bear that he will pull out a splinter , pulls out his intestines, eats it; tells the Wolf that the jewelry will be on the tail if it is lowered into the water; the Wolf freezes, the Fox eats it; drives the Hare into the loops, eats it; invites the old man to carry meat moose killed by that; takes away all the meat]: Bulatova 1980:98-102; Evens [the hare has 10 bunnies; the fox demands to give one cub every day; the hare complains to the eagle; he advises asking for the fox first fight the tree; she butts, her horns of their grass are broken; the fox asks who taught the hare to answer this way; when she finds out that the eagle grabs him sleeping; the eagle broke the fox's leg, threw it on the island; she cries , burbot asks what's going on; the fox asks all the burbot to come to the surface, she will count them; believing she crossed their backs to the shore; asks the old man to give her a ride in a sledge; he asks how rivers are called; Elementary; Middle; Final; the fox took an ax, went for firewood; threw the ax, ran away; the bag of food was empty, it had two fox teeth; the old man called birds and four-legged animals, stuffed rotten and moss in his pants, lit it, smoke came through the holes, everyone laughed, the old man recognized the toothless fox, began to beat her; she asked not to beat her, promised to marry Kagankan's daughter; entered K.'s yurt, ordered to give her daughter, otherwise she would not be able to sleep and walk; brought the girl to the old man as his wife; hired to herd the old man's deer; when the old man came to see, the deer had only bones; the old man screams to his wife to catch the fox by the tail; the fox explains that he asks to tie a piece of fat to her tail; the bear says he is afraid of hazel grouses, the fox is afraid of crossbow; the bear went in front, the arrow hit him stomach; the fox volunteered to treat, pulled out its intestines, the bear died; once she was caught by a crossbow herself]: Novikova 1987:17-21.

Amur - Sakhalin. Orochi [Davekta tells the bird to inflate its fur, she makes excuses why it does not cross the river to him; his Older Brother addresses him; he hits it, she flies up a tree; his the arrow gets stuck; he climbs a tree, sticks to it; Sandunga takes D. out of the trap, brings him home, hangs him over the hearth, goes for firewood; D. tells S.'s little sons to release him; show where their father's spear; wounds his leg, blood flows on the ice; S. licks it, his tongue freezes, D. kills him with a spear; sets fire to the Seal's house, they die, he takes their fish supplies; the fox asks to take her in a sledge, eats her fish, runs away, hides with an old woman; D. screams like an owl and like a hare, the Fox laughs; asks not to kill her, brings D. to his wife the old man's daughter Ka; brings a deer; eats it herself; D. follows her footsteps; The fox comes running to wife D.: the older brother told me to tie fat salmon to my tail; D. The fox did not catch up]: Aurora, Lebedeva 1966, No. 2:129-130.

SV Asia. Chukchi [The fox is hired as a shepherd, kills the herd; the owner shouts to his wife and daughter to kill Lisa; they can't hear well, Lisa says he tells her to feed her fatty meat; the daughter waves her hand ( OK, let's feed you! ); the owner understands, OK, let's kill! ]: Baboshina 1958, No. 54:139-140.

Plains. Kiowa [Sendeh Turkey: Go to my wife, behave to her; Turkey to Coyote's wife: The husband tells you to cook your youngest son for him; S. eats his son; when he finds out, he regurgitates what he has eaten, cries]: Parsons 1929a, No. 24:44-45; Kiova-Apache [Coyote sends Turkey to his wife, tells her to cook it; Turkey says her husband told her to lie down with him, Turkey, kill and cook their youngest child for the Coyote; the Coyote eats the child thinking that the Turkey is eating; finds out the truth; cannot harm the Turkey with arrows from sunflower stalks; kicking a stump that he mistook for a Turkey, injures the leg]: McAllister 1949, No. 18:65-66; (cf. Kiova-Apache (obviously Hebrew) [The coyote hires the sheep, eats them, fills their skin with sand, leaves them in quicksand; the owner sends him home to dig up the sheep for a hoe; he tells his two wives that the master told him to lie down with them; they don't believe; the Coyote screams they don't give wives, the master yells to the wives to give them quickly; the Coyote lies down with both, runs away]: McAllister 1949, No. 25:77-78; wichita [Coyote Turkey: Go to my wife, behaved to her; Turkey to Coyote's wife: My husband tells you to surrender to me, weld your tendons, break arrows]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 54:289-290.

Southeast USA. Koasati [the cannibal told Rabbit that he was going to sow beans; The rabbit came to the ogre's wife: Cook me beans! Ogre: Isn't it true? Ogre: Yes (he meant: I will really sow beans; my wife understood: You can cook rabbit seed beans); when the cannibal came home, the Rabbit said that if he was angry, can cut it in half, and for that he will lie on the chest; the rabbit bounced, the cannibal broke the chest with an ax; then lay down on a stone - the cannibal broke his ax; I can only be burned in the house; when I am burn, you'll hear my testicles burst; Rabbit dug an underground passage in the house, got outside and waited; when the ogre saw the Rabbit alive, he decided to make friends with him; they spent the night under a tree; when the ogre fell asleep, the Rabbit began to pour hot coals on him, and cold on himself; they came to the river (stream?) , Rabbit offered to jump; jumped and then back; the cannibal jumped, and when he was going back, the river split {incomprehensible} and carried the ogre overseas]: Swanton 1929, No. 57:207-208 (translated in detail and in the original language in Kimball 2010:12-15); Natchez [Turkey asks the Wild Cat not to kill him on the spot, but to send him to his wife; reports to the one that her husband told her to surrender to him, Turkey]: Swanton 1929, No. 29: 254.

Big Pool. Southern Utah [Wolf to Turkey: Let her cook you and leave me a part; Turkey for Wolf's wife: Cook your son]: Lowie 1924, No. 26:52.

The Great Southwest. Hicarilla [Coyote Turkey: Let her cook you; Turkey: Cook your youngest son]: Goddard 1911, No. 38:233; mescalero [a giant sends a boy to his wife; he says she ordered to weld all the tendons that make the bow string]: Opler 1946:271; lipan [Coyote Turkey: My leg hurts, eat me; Coyote marks one leg of the Turkey with charcoal to make it left for him; sends him to his wife to be cooked; Coyote's wife makes onions, cooks tendons and glue for this purpose; Turkey: your husband told me to break the onions, tendons and glue]: Opler 1940, No. 25:144-145; chiricahua [Coyote Turkey: Tell my wife to cook you for dinner; Turkey: Take your tendons off your onions and cook for dinner]: Opler 1942, No. 53:69; Navajo: Baylor 1976 [Coyote caught the Partridge, cut off his feathers, told him to go to his Rabbit Wife and tell himself to cook; the partridge says that the Coyote told me to give her corn, and cook porridge for himself with his moccasin in it; the wife of Coyote who returned says that the food is ready; he eats, finds a moccasin; runs after the Partridge, sees a reflection in the water (Partridge eats corn on a tree), dives; tells his wife to tie it in a blanket and tie a grain grater; sinks]: 67-70; Parsons 1923b, No. 14 [like mescalero; Turkey instead of boy]: 374-375; teva (San Juan) [The turkey invites Coyote to send it to his wife Coyote, he tells her to cook it himself; says to Coyotiche that The coyote ordered to cook the tendons prepared to make moccasins; after starting the meal, the Coyote complains that the turkey is as tough as tendons; the wife explains how it happened]: Parsons 1926, No. 65:162-163 ; pima [The Coyote catches the Turkey, refers him to his wife, tells him to cook it, leave his head to him, the Coyote; the Turkey says that the Coyote asked to cook his best leather sandals; the Coyote pursues A turkey; sees his reflection, asks his wife to put a heavy grain grater on his back; dives, sinks]: Shaw 1968:84-89; papago (or pima) [Ducks cut down trees and sing; the fox wants to do the same, but it's hard to cut he goes to bed; Ducks knock down a tree on him, his tail is pinched; he has difficulty getting out; meets Duck, tells her to go to his wife, tell her to cook herself, leave her head for him, Fox; The duck speaks to his wife The fox, who told her or his sandals to be welded; when the Fox found out, he saw the Duck in the lake, tied a millstone to the tail, dived, drowned; and the Duck was sitting on a tree]: Neff 1912:55-56.

Mesoamerica Acateques, mopan, canhobal, tsotsil [the owner sends a trickster to bring guns, tools (two or more); when he reaches the owner's house, he asks, Both? The owner replies yes; the trickster tells the owner's wife and daughter that he told them to sleep with both of them; when he gets together with both, he runs away]: Peñalosa 1996, No. 1563:80.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro [The rabbit comes to Hawk's site, offers to help dig the ground; says he is thirsty; the Hawk sends him to his wife for water; the Rabbit tells her that her husband has ordered him to marry him both daughters; leads the girls into the forest, copulates with both, runs away in the morning; since then, the rabbits have been awake at night, sleep during the day; the Hawk drives the Rabbit into the hollow, leaves the Vulture as a watchman; the Rabbit promises go out to be eaten, tells the Hawk to open his eyes wider, splashes urine into them, runs away; Hawk leaves Boa at another hollow; the Rabbit promises deer, runs away; since then, hawks have been hunting rabbits]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 73:194-198.

Central Andes. Prov. Huaraz (dep. Ancash) [the owner tells the worker to go home to buy a lamp and a pickaxe to dig carefully; he tells the owner's wife that the master told him to sleep with her and her daughter; the woman believes after her husband whistles and shouts "los dos, los dos"; the employee interprets it "with both"; copulates, leaves]: Souffez 1985a: 171-202.

Chaco. Toba [Hawk comes to Jaguar's wife, says her husband told her to spend the night with him; after learning the truth, the furious Jaguar tries in vain to catch the Hawk]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1989a, No. 361:482-483.

The Southern Cone. South Tehuelches [Jaguar asks his nephew Fox to take the meat to his wife; he tells her that the Jaguar sent him to sleep with her; to catch the Fox, the Jaguar pretends to be dead; the Fox does not comes close, laughs when the dead man blows the winds]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984b, Nos. 90, 91 [after that, the Fox tells Jaguar that a storm is beginning; he asks to tie him tightly; he can hardly free himself; Fox comes to the hawk Carancho, hoping to play the same joke on him; Carancho throws hot coal in his ass]: 131-134.