Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M42B. Resin eyes.


After losing his eyes, the character makes new ones out of resin or wax, sees again (often this is an episode on the way to finding good eyes, while tar eyes do not see well).

Eastern Sami, Kuchin, Chipewayyan, Quarry, Kutene, Western Marsh Crees, Western Forest Crees, Steppe Crees, Assiniboin, Achomavi, Maidu, Southern Utah, Hicarilla, Western Apaches, Navajo, Hopi, Oriental Keres, Seri, Pima, Carinha Guyanese, Munduruku, Rikbakza, Kayapo.

Baltoscandia. The Eastern Sami [the man and the Fox lived together; left alone, Lisa began to fry bacon, burned her face, became blind; the man brought her to a pine tree, stuck resin into her eye sockets; the fox sees, but her eyes stick together; then to the birch tree, put pieces of birch bark; the fox went home; another fox is digging a hole under the tree; the fox thinks it's a house; the man pulls her tail, tears it off; finds gold in Lisa's house]: Kharuzin 1890:344.

Subarctic. Kuchin: McGary 1984:460-468 [Vasaagihdzak sees the birds throw their eyes up, they fall back into their eye sockets; he repeats the trick; the second time he throws him too far, the birds carry him away eyes; someone pokes V.'s eyes, he grabs Fox, wants to tear him, he promises to be a guide; ties a rope to him, runs away; V. bumps into trees, asks their names; when a tree replies that it is Fir, he makes new eyes out of fir resin; the resin is light, so Europeans have bright eyes; Ducks and Geese are dancing; V. fills the bag with moss, says that it is dancing; one dance with with his eyes closed; V. strangles birds one by one, the White-fronted Goose opens his eyes, raises the alarm; V. steps on the Greaves of two species, since then they have a flat tail; V. leaves the prey to prepare; V. invites Fox to race, whoever reaches the meat, takes it for himself; the fox pretends to be chrome, V. invites him to run straight, and he will run along the long road himself; the fox comes first, hides the meat, sticks his leg bones into the ground; the fox comes again - supposedly just arrived; V. gnaws bones; then finds the Fox who has eaten sleeping; hits him with a stick, covers him with grass, sets him on fire; then sees him in the distance unharmed Fox], 480-489 [Vasaagihdzak replies to waterfowl that he has dancing in his bag; everyone is dancing all night; in the morning V. offers a dance with his eyes closed, curls the birds' necks; White-fronted The goose raised the alarm; when the two species of Toadstool ran out, V. stepped on their tail, so their legs turned upside down; V. bakes game; goes to the lake; the fox pretends to be sick, apparently reluctantly agrees race to baked ducks, comes running first, eats meat, sticks bones into the ground, as if the meat has burned; V. finds a sleeping Fox, covers it with grass, sets it on fire, he runs away; birds they throw their eyes up, V. joins them, the Blue Jay takes his eyes away; the fox pokes V. in his eye sockets with a stick, V. grabs him; the fox asks him to spare him, leads him by the rope; bandages her to a tree, runs away; V. bumps into trees, asks who they are; Willow, Poplar; when the tree replies that it is Fir, he makes new eyes out of resin; the fox does not know that V. has regained his sight, comes up, V. kills him] , 497-502 [Vasaagihdzak tells the Ducks he has dancing in his bag; the last dance with his eyes closed; the White-fronted Goose raises the alarm; V. steps on Loon and Greaves of two kinds, so they have this tail; V. bakes game; The fox pretends to be sick, suggests that he run around the lake in a short way, and B. a long way; eats ducks, sticks his leg bones back into the ground; V. finds a sleeping Fox, sets fire, he escapes; V. sees birds throw their eyes up, repeats the trick, the birds take his eyes away; he stumbles upon trees, rejects willow, birch, makes new eyes out of fir resin; it is light, so Europeans are light-eyed]; chipewayan [rain floods the ground; Visákecak makes a boat, asks the Duck to dive; she brings silt on her paws several times, V. creates land; sees larvae in deer skull, asks for permission to join the meal, sticks his head, gets stuck, swims along the river with a deer; people rush to him, he jumps ashore, breaks his skull; brings the Bear to the berry tree, he eats, gets fat, falls asleep, V. kills him; cooks meat, asks juniper trees to move apart, otherwise his stomach hurts; gets stuck, birds eat meat; twists juniper, since then its trunk is crooked; V. decides that his eyes are rather weak, takes them out, goes blind; goes, asking trees for their names; rejects poplar, etc., when he finds a pine tree, makes new eyes out of resin; creates landscape features, habits animals; his ass is burned, he throws scabs at the birch tree; asks geese to dance with his eyes closed, kills one at a time; one opens his eyes, the birds run, V. steps on water-hen and the loon, since then can walk on land; V. laughs at the bear's excrement, he rushes at him; V. asks the caress to get into the bear's ass, gnaw his heart; then washes the caress, the tip of the tail remains black; V. eats something black, which causes gas to erupt; sits on a hot stone, throws burnt scabs on a birch tree; asks geese to give him feathers, flies with him; they take feathers, he falls, people defecate on it; he runs away naked, turns into stone, goes into the ground; only his hair is visible on the cliff's surface]: Lowie 1912:195-200

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [Estees catches swans, tying them under water with a rope by the legs; swans lift him into the air; he falls on a rock, sinking into it; Lynx licks the rock, making a hole; in he sees E.'s eye; the Raven pecks it out; the Lynx pulls out the other eye, the Raven takes it away; the Lynx frees E.; he makes false eyes out of resin; comes to two girls; they show him their eyes brought by Raven; E. inserts them into his eye sockets, runs away]: Jenness 1934, No. 39:208-209; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 61 [Snipe throws up his eyes; Coyote grabs them; Snipe takes them back, pulls them out Coyote's eyes; he makes new ones from resin, she melts in the sun; from foam, it flows out; from blueberries; takes the eyes of a boy; his sister; kills an old woman, puts on her skin; her two granddaughters carry on their backs imaginary grandmother for a party where people dance with Coyote's eyes; Coyote grandmother sings; grabs her eyes, runs away]: 183-187.

The Midwest. Wild Cree [Wesakitchak sees the chikadis leave their eyes on the branches, which fall into their eye sockets; decides to repeat the trick with their eyes hanging on the branches, goes blind, their eyes fall into the mud; he walks, bumping into trees and asking their names; poplar, birch, larch; the last is pine, V. makes new eyes from its resin]: Vandersteene 1969:49-50; western marsh crees ( stone crees) [birds throw their eyes up, they go back to the eye sockets; Wīsahkīcāhk wants it too, the birds give him a song that allows him to catch his eyes, but no more than twice; V. throws the third time, goes blind; someone climbs into his eye sockets, V. grabs Fox; says that he took his eyes, and before that, the meat promises to turn his legs; the fox asks not to do this, creates new eyes for V. fir resin]: Brightman 1989:31-32; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [tomtit throws its eyes under the willow; this is how it heals headaches; Vesakaicak repeats the trick every time he sees a willow; his eyes fall to the ground, the Fox takes them away; V. asks the trees what their names are, finds Fir, makes new eyes out of resin; sets fire to the grass around the Fox; he jumps out of the fire, the tip of his tail turns white]: 347-349; Dusenberry 1962, No. 1 [West 1905; Wi-Sak-a-Chak) sees birds look at the bushes, then their eyes come back; the older bird explains that this is done for headaches, no more than three times; V. catches his eye for the fourth time, they remain in the bushes; he goes asking the trees who they are; poplar, willow, pine are the first; when he finds a marsh pine, he makes new ones for himself eyes made from her resin]: 235-236.

Plains. Assiniboine [birds throw their eyes at the tree, they fall back; Sitkonsky wants the same, the birds warn that his eyes are too strong; S. catches one eye, he gets stuck, but falls; birds offer to throw both at once, they stay in the tree; S. makes new eyes out of resin]: Lowie 1909a, No. 22:117.

California. Achomavi [the girl is sick, her mother is looking for a shaman; Coyote pretends to be a shaman; tells him to be left alone with the sick; rapes her, she screams; the mother looks into the house, beats Coyote, he runs away, his penis stays in the vagina; his mother wants Coyote to go blind; he makes himself new eyes out of resin; wants the girl to fall ill fatally; Thrush comes to treat her; Coyote turns into a boy , accompanies Thrush; he sucks his penis out of his vagina; Coyote grabs his penis, runs away]: Angulo 1928:587; Maidu [The fox pretended to lose his skin; the Coyote asks how to take off his skin; The Fox tells him to lie down, rips off his skin, cuts off the tip of his nose, the Coyote dies, the Vulture pecked his eyes out; the Coyote came to life, went, came across a pine tree, made new eyes out of resin, a tail out of a branch]: Dixon 1900:269-270.

The Big Pool. Southern Utah [bird-humans play, Coyote wants too; birds curse his eyes to get stuck in a tree; Coyote makes new eyes out of resin]: Lowie 1924, 12a: 27.

The Great Southwest. If not otherwise: animal people/birds play with their eyes thrown up, Coyote imitates them. Hicarilla: Goddard 1911, No. 33 [Coyote catches his eye on his own initiative; they get stuck, turn into plums; makes new ones from resin]: 229; Opler 1938 [the fox convinced the coyote if he wants participate in the festival, he first needs to cover his eyes with resin; sets fire to the thickets; the coyote first believes that it is the noise of the holiday, then feels burned, runs guessing, gets burned; the rabbit cleanses him charred eye sockets and inserts new resin eyes; the coyote sees again; the rabbit could take his eyes out of his orbits and throw it up, they came back themselves]: 234-238; Western Apaches (San Carlos) [ Rabbits play; new coyotes are made from resin]: Goddard 1918:72; Navajo: Haile 1984, No. 4 [Chickady juggles with their own eyes; Coyote imitates them, eyes stick on a pine tree; Chickady brings them back; now the eyes are stuck on the fir; the Coyote is made new from resin]: 35; Hill, Hill 1945, No. 7-8 [Thrushes throw their eyes at the tree, call them back, their eyes return to their eye sockets; Coyote imitates them, eyes get stuck on a branch; he makes new ones out of pine resin, since then his eyes are yellow; at home he gives his wife a hoof rattle, she ties her to her belt; he sits with her turned away from the fire, but eventually the tar in the eyes melts; therefore, the coyotes have dark stains under their eyes; the Coyote follows his wife to the sound of a rattle; she throws her off a cliff; the Coyote sounds, breaks]: 322-323; Matthews 1994 [two birds Juggle with their own eyes, Coyote wants too; birds throw up his eyes; for the fifth time they tie two eyes together, they get stuck in a tree; they make Coyote's eyes out of resin, since then they're yellow; Coyote sits by the fire, the resin melts; the hawk rattles the girl's rattle; the Coyote sounds, falls into the abyss; comes to life because his life is in his nose and the tip of his tail]: 89-90; Hopi [Sparrow girls throw up his eyes, the Coyote loses his own, they make new ones out of resin]: Wallis 1936, No. 18:56-57; oriental ceres (Sia) [the bird throws up its eyes; the Coyote asks for a lift of his eyes too; asks for more; on this time they don't come back; the bird makes him new ones out of resin]: Stevenson 1894:153; series [on the Chickady tree they catch their eyes; Coyote's eyes get stuck on a branch; Chickady make him new ones made of resin; so Coyote's eyes are yellow]: Coolidge, Coolidge 1939:187; pima [the bird throws its eyes up, tells them to come back; Coyote asks to throw his eyes too; the second time they fly away; Coyote cries; the bird makes him new eyes out of resin; they're yellow and the old ones were black]: Judson 1994:166-167.

Guiana. Carinha (Guyana) [The turtle tells Jaguar that he also hunts tapirs, he requires proof; asks Tapir for food, pepper in it, asks for water, does not want to go to the river; Tapir suggests write in her mouth, she agrees; clamps Tapir's penis with her teeth, bites off, Tapir dies; The turtle asks the Jaguar to borrow a knife to cut the meat; the Jaguar undertakes to do it himself, takes all the meat, leaves only giblets; the turtle makes soup out of them, praises them, lets the Jaguar try, throws boiling soup in his face, takes the meat away; the blind Jaguar asks the Little Crow {apparently uruba} for help; she inserts There are black seeds in his eye sockets, he sees, but badly; the Big Crow {apparently the royal vulture} makes his eyes out of resin, now he can see well; since then, vultures have been pecking the remnants of what Jaguar killed]: Gillin 1937, No. 2:190-192.

Central Amazon. Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 33 [Peresuatpë went hunting with his older brother; he went into the bushes; P. shot the tapir, missed it; this brother took the form of a tapir; his grandmother advised him to the next time pull the tapir inside through the ass; the hand is stuck, the tapir ran, P. pulled out his hand when the tapir relieved himself; along with the tapir P. ended up on the right bank of Tapajos; local people killed the tapir, cut it into pieces, P. saw it while sitting in a tree; those people mistook him for a bee nest, began to poke his pole, on the advice of a parrot, P. described the pole, the Indians began to lick urine, thinking it was honey; to cross back over Tapajos, P. called a caiman named Uàtippanpàn'a; first smaller caimans sailed out, P. rejected them; on W.'s back was grass and trees; the caiman regurgitated, P. compared the aroma to the smell Uruku; once on the shore, he shouted that W. stinks, he was furious, dived, the palm tree on his back broke; at night, the jaguar called P. by name, he asked what he wanted, fell asleep; woke him up the next night inumbu chicken, P. broke all her eggs, three left, since then Inambu has laid three eggs; the next night P. sleeps in a hollow; Jaguar wants to bite off his finger, P. gives him the finger of a dead monkey; so Jaguar got and ate all his fingers, then the liver; left; the next night, the Jaguar promises to bring a stone; P. leaves his bowel movements in the hollow, climbs a tree; sewage is responsible for P., Jaguar throws into the hollow a stone, finds crap; the next night the caterpillars prevented sleep, P. handed over half, now these caterpillars are few; P. sees two girls in the palm grove; agrees to marry; they ask not to be afraid of their father; he came, P. ran away; P. sleeps with Jaguar's wife; in the afternoon he replies that he did not see her; running away, he screams that he had slept with her; Jaguar accidentally rushed not at P., but at the Anteater, who scratched his eyes; Jaguar's wife made him new eyes out of resin, since then Jaguar's eyes shine; P. asks Rain Mother to drop his bananas; she throws the peel; he threatens to shoot, replies that he will cover himself from the rain with a banana leaf; he shot, it started raining, P. got wet; the Inambu woman plays the flute, her hammock had fire; he refused to lie down with her, she flew away, taking the hammock and the fire; P. took the bone out of Jaguar's throat, who showed him the way home; his mother painted him uruku, P. died of a strong smell]: 642-646; Murphy 1958, No. 29 [Akainoatpyo is his nephew, Karujuribo is his uncle; K. turns into deer and other animals, A. not can kill them; Grandma A. advises him to kill tapir with his hand in his ass; tapir - K.; he jumps up, drags A. through Tapazhos, frees him by emptying his stomach; advises him to cross the river back choose a third crocodile with trees growing on its back; now the name A. is Perisvat; P. rejects two smaller crocodiles, swims on a large one; lies that the crocodile's belching is fragrant; jumping on the shore, screams that it stinks; at night, Inambu prevents P. from sleeping with conversations; P. breaks her eggs, since then the Inambu has laid only three eggs; P. kills a monkey, sleeps in a hollow; this is the Jaguar's lair; that requires P. to give him parts of his body one by one; P. gives him the limbs and liver of the monkey; leaves excrement responsible for himself, climbs a tree; Jaguar devours excrement instead of P.; P. conducts night with a man whose leg bones are devoid of flesh are pointed; he tries to pierce P.; when his leg pierces a tree, P. ties it with a bowstring; frees it in the morning; copulates with Jaguar's wife; he chases P., P. turns into a battleship, scratches Jaguara's eyes; Jaguar makes new ones out of wood latex, they have been shining ever since; P. spends the night by the Inambu fire; refuses to lie down in a hammock with her; she flies away taking away the fire; P. falls into the trap of the hunter with both hands and feet; he leaves the old woman to guard the prey; the old woman falls asleep; the ant, the bee, the wasp, the monkey release P.; the hunter beats the old woman in anger, she turns into a bird; P. returns to his grandmother; dies when she rubs his uruku]: 95-102.

Southern Amazon. Rickbacza [Jaguar sees two tiranídeos birds pulling out each other's eyelashes to make pastinha on their heads; asks him to do it too; they tell him to close their eyes so they don't get into them his hair, pulls out his hair on his head, pulls out and swallows his eyes, climbs a tree; the Jaguar grabs the Turtle's tail; he stops laughing, the Jaguar thought it was a piece of wood, let it go (then caught and ate); caught a bird; he asks to pull out only short feathers, leave long feathers, promises to jump into his mouth; relieved his need; Odontophorus guayanensis birds insert the Jaguara into the eye sockets of the bones inaja fruits (or tucum); Jaguar sees again, chased agouti, his eyes fell out; the birds glued them with resin; chased the tapir, fell out again; glued them with fresh resin; the grateful Jaguar painted them with genipa, He no longer hunts them; he began to fight with the Anteater, the forces are equal; to compare who eats which animals, we decided to compare the excrement; the anteater changed, the Jaguar does not believe, but is afraid, they parted]: Pereira 1994, No. 8:93-99.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 87 (shikrin) [Vidal 1977:258; Jaguar tells the Frog his voice is louder; the Frog croaks along with all the other frogs, but there are few other jaguars in the forest; frightened, the Jaguar runs, attacks a branch with his eye; the anteater calls to heal, completely pulls out his eye; Tinamu makes a new eye out of wax; he finds the Anteater, eats his legs, so his legs are at anteaters are thin], 145 (pau d'arco) [Nimuendaju MS; The toad replies to Jaguar that he is not alone; calls his own, their cry is so loud that the Jaguar flees and attacks the branch with his eye; the anteater suggests Cure it, but it also takes out the second eye itself; Jaguar's forest chicken (Cripturus sp.) makes Jaguar new eyes out of wood resin; Jaguar caught up with Muraieda, cut off the meat from his front legs, now they are thin]: 438.