Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M44A. Food thieves are the first humans .

The character discovers that someone is stealing game or fish from his trap, mountain, etc. or ravages his garden, field; he or his messengers wait and catch the thief [magical tales clearly of European origin (e.g. Chamacoco, Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 121) are not included]. The kidnappers are the first people to get out of the ground, the first men.

Upper arapesh, kiwai, Yap, tupari, caduveo, tereno.

Melanesia. The upper arapesh [were only women, someone steals their food, spoils their vessels; they're men, every time they come back inside the bamboo stem; one woman followed; the next day, when the men were sleeping, the older sister split the bamboo with an ax; men came out, had sex with women; only the younger sister did not have a husband; she found bamboo, which is the most beautiful, and the others have old men; the youngest he hides him, the eldest finds him (he weaves a rope, the end hangs); they copulate; the wife saw him, drove him away; the older sister called the younger sister to catch crabs, knocked over a stone on her, killed her; the man married on the eldest]: Mead 1940, No. 33:377-378; kiwai [only young men lived on Kiwai, and girls lived on Doody Island; the young men decorated the horn from the shell with leaves, which became a bird, they sat in it, flew to Doody, the bird began to eat fruit; the girls noticed that someone was eating the fruit; chased the bird; one young man went out and stayed with the girl; next time another; this is how everyone got husbands]: Landtman 1977, No. 55:185- 186; (cf. dera (menggwa dla) [I lived in a pond for a month, went ashore to steal crops; the owner of the site followed, called people, they dried the pond with sago palm leaves {it is not said how}, found the Months , who hid in the hollow trunk of a pandanus; the landlord brought it home, hung it on the wall in a mesh bag; fat had been dripping since the Month, people filled it with sago, vegetables and other food; Kariawi came when only children at home; they showed him where the Month was; he took it out of the bag, put it in a bucket of water, the Month rose to heaven; dew is now called "moon dew," meaning "moon fat"; but it is tasteless - probably because the moon is far away]: Sousa 2006:524-536).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Yap [a spirit left coconut pulp on the ground; ants, big ants, lizards, tree lizards, monitor lizards, monitor lizards, cats, dogs came successively to eat it; on the eighth day, no one did not come; the spirit left the coconut pulp again, heard voices; when he came, saw a man, he ran away; the next day three men, then four, five, ten; then a woman came and said to the men, that when the spirit comes, it must be explained that they are poor, so they come to eat its coconut; two women came the next day; the spirit gave them food; they had children]: Müller 1918, No. 80:645.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Tupari [corn and peanuts disappear from the garden of two shamans Eroite and Tova-Pot; E. follows the trail, finds a hole in the ground covered with a stone; lifts it up, from there kinno climbs ; they have horns, membranes on their fingers, boar fangs; E. and T. make people out of k, give them breath and speech, teach them singing and music, cotton and tobacco farming, weaving; tribes disperse, tupari remain where they came out; E. is tired of holding the stone, part of K. has remained underground; they feed only on palm fruits, they starve; when the tupari are extinct, they will come out, they will live on the ground; Europeans have come out recently, so fair-skinned]: Caspar 1975:195.

Chaco. Caduveo [people come out of a hole in the ground, steal fish from God's pond or stream; he tells the birds to watch; all the guards fall asleep, Ibis discovers people, dogs find a hole from which they came]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990a, No. 1 [No-iakailádio-degé has a lake with fish, at night someone muddies the water, steals fish; N. tells the owl to guard, it falls asleep, although N. caught grasshoppers for it; the same anchima bird (Anhima cornuta, horned palamedea); then the carão bird; she said that people were coming to the lake; N. sent dogs, they found a hole in the ground; N. consistently pulls Europeans, Brazilians, Tereno, tells everyone how to live and what to do; N.'s friend, A-li-ginigo, says that N. forgot to pull out the caduveo; N. pulls out four, tells them to kidnap foreigners to grow in number; N.: Let food appear, if you name it; let the food be cooked if you put three stones together; A.: It's too easy for people to work, keep the fire; A.: Let men's periods ; a hunter who has a period misses; N. and A. decide to pass on periods to women; N.: The dead can be pulled out of the ground, they will come to life; A.: No, the earth will overflow; Mother A dies ., he wants to change his mind, N. disagrees; A. cries, N. tells him to take a twig to revive his mother; the twig breaks, the mother does not come to life], 2 [someone steals fish from God's trap; dogs can't find the thief, God sends night birds; one of them sends him on the trail of a dangerous beast; God finds a hole in which people and animals were, pulls them out, caduveo after Europeans; the beast devoured people coming out; God kills the beast, distributes its fat among animals; the pig came first, the caiman also got a lot of fat; nandu, the deer remained skinny], 3 [starting as in (1); Onoenrgodi: I I will cook food for the caduveo; Caracara: Let them hunt and collect honey themselves; O.: Let cotton cloth grow on trees; K. advises to pick it off, scatter it over the bushes (the origin of cotton); K.: Let people spin and weave; O. is afraid of K. because he is an ogre], 4 [god's name Go-noeno-hodi], 5 [no dog episode; Onoenrgodi pulls people out of the cave], 6 [god Onoe-noe; Indians chamacoco arise from its excrement]: 15-29; tereno: Altenfelder Silva 1946 [two Yurikoi-uvakai men have set traps on birds; someone steals birds from the trap; they told the bird to benteví to guard; the bird showed the hatch that closed the exit from the underground hole; all the Indians were there; Yu told them to leave; when they left, people froze; Yu told the Hare (Brachyspiza capensis) to find fire; the fire was owned by two Man Takeoré; The hare carried away the fire, hid in the hole, T. stopped chasing; The hare brought fire to people]: 216; Baldus 1950:218; Oberg 1949 [the Yúrikoyuvakái twins discover that someone is stealing the birds were trapped; they told the Lizard to guard, she did not notice anything, they threw it against the tree, since then the lizards have been living in trees; they asked the bemtevi bird to guard, which pointed to the bump, its twins they pulled out, a hole opened, the Indians in it; the twins told them to go out, everyone went out, suffered from the cold; the twins sent a hare, he ran to Takeoré, threw beans into the fire, it burst, T. was frightened The hare took the coal, hid in the hollow; T. began to poke with a stick, the Hare injured himself, smeared the stick with blood, T. decided that he had killed the Hare, left; the hare came to people, threw the coal on the grass, it caught fire]: 42.