M44C. Food thieves are a young hero.
A young hero steals the older character's food. He is usually caught, but not punished, but invited into the house.
Malgashi, Cooney, Vatut, Maewo, Kusaie, Rotuma, Kalinga, Puyuma, Itelmen, Steppe Cree, Grovantra, Crowe, Hidatsa, Kiowa, Arikara, Pawnee, Sumu, Guahiro, Makiritare, Wapishana, Oyana, oyampi, shuar, aguaruna, bare, maku, Konchukos, camayura, cuikuro.
Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [the couple promise the ogre Rabibiba an unborn child if he allows them to pick plums; the boy Kifundri grows up, R. comes for him; the mother says he recognizes her son by white clothes; R. tears clothes apart, gives them to all the boys; mother tells R. to come at night, she will put K. at the hearth; K. puts her younger sister in her place, R. takes her away; fearing his mother, K. runs away, builds a hut; R. steals in the garden, he catches him; K. says that his meat will deteriorate if he is pierced with a spear, hacked with an ax; advises putting a stone on his head and not turning around if something falls; jumps down the road, R. brings only a stone to his wife; next time K. advises him to carry it in a closed basket; R. and his wife went home for firewood, K. persuades R.'s children to open the basket; pushes them into the fire, cooks; shouts to cannibals what they ate; runs away; cooks meat, treats R. who comes; says that meat is delicious if you put hot iron in your eye; R. dies; R.'s wife comes, chases K. around her husband's corpse, dies of fatigue]: Korneev 1977:195-200.
Melanesia. Cooney: Egidi 1913, No. 3 [old Ivania threw away twin boys Tsiluila and Tsaifika; they hid in a dry tree branch under which people were harvesting; everyone ate; tree they began to cut, the felling overgrown overnight; the child took the chip away, the trail remained; then the women took away all the chips; the tree fell down; the branch in which the twins hid, I. took home for fuel; the twins were taken home for fuel; the twins they quietly eat yams and other blanks; I. finds and scolds them; there is no water; I. goes to the spring, removes the plants that have clogged the entrance, lifts the snake, collects water, puts everything back; before that, levels land (the origin of the plains and plateaus); Okemala spies, tells the twins, they kill the snake, the river flows out; they did not level the ground, so the river is rapids; I. became a rock, businessmen first two palm trees, then rocks too], 4 [Oafodevaya had a leech stuck to his leg; when it fell off, he left it in the branches in the garden, found two boys Tsiluila and Tsaifika there; they climbed into the hollow of the yaleva tree ; women hung crops from the gardens on him, the brothers took everything; they began to cut down the tree; at night, the brothers put chips back; the child took the chip home, it did not grow; people began to pick up the chips, knocked down tree; Ivania wanted to pick up the branch, it turned out to be heavy; the brothers asked me to take them; they ate everything secretly at home; they stuffed game, brought them to brother I. Folia to bake meat in ash; when they returned, there was nothing there; because F. ate their meat, they killed him; I. said they killed their grandfather; they went to the sea, became two rocks; I. also became rock]: 998-1002, 1002-1008; 1914, No. 6b [Boboi has two wives, the eldest has two baby twins Tsilokoma and Tsigomona; after hearing about the famous Kesa and Alobo, the sisters decided to go to them; on the way, the youngest hung bags with the eldest's children on a tree branch and left (according to one option, she literally fulfilled the request of the eldest, who actually asked the children to feed); the twins ate the fallen figs, grew up, came to the site, began to steal sugar cane; old Ilivoda caught the youngest, and her husband Nununana the elder; made them their grandchildren; old people kept snakes and lizards in the pig pen, their brothers released; cut down the forest, made a canopy, cooked vegetables, gave them to old people; they first vomited raw vegetables, worms, blood; then they ate boiled food; the brothers made jewelry, went to dance; there they were again those who became young were taken by women who had left them - the eldest, the youngest the youngest; brought them to the top of Kes and Boal; the brothers became birds, patched up taller trees, flew to Yaloa]: 83-86; cotton wool [the husband went to the forest, became a wild banana; the woman's two sons began to cut it, blood splashed; the mother said that they cut down their father, left milk in the leaf for the youngest, went for Watut River; the elder left the youngest in the sand by the river, went to steal bananas from their grandfather's property; he had no anus or penis; he waited for the thief; called both brothers to his village; there was a piece in his house a tree he considered his wife; his brothers found it, he became a real woman, they hid it in bamboos; he found her, he was happy; they gave him a drink of water in which they put leaves, worms, etc.; ( apparently the result was a penis and anus); his wife gave birth to two daughters with him, his grandchildren married them]: Fischer 1963, No. 2:136-137; Maevo [the cannibal Taso killed his pregnant sister Qatar, abandoned the corpse; the twins who got out of the mother's corpse ate shoots, drank rainwater; found their uncle's pig, took the food he brought her; K. caught them, taught them how to hunt; they said that if a bunch of bananas ripens from above, T. is killed, and if from below, T. killed them; hiding in the men's house, they threw hot stones at T. who entered, finished him and his mother off with clubs, burned down the house]: Codrington 1891, No. 10:398-402 (retelling in Jonker 1903:251, in Dixon 1916:132-133).
Micronesia-Polynesia. Kusae [cannibal Kot (spirit, forest people category) kills everyone; the chief decides to move to another island; the woman Newa does not have a boat; she consistently asks those who sail to take her, everyone replies that he will take the next one behind (the names of the respondents used to mean social groups - from highest to lowest); the last person picks up, but the boat starts to sink, he throws the woman away; she gets to the cliff, then to the island, breaks papaya seed on his head, gets pregnant because of it, gives birth to a son; he has grown up, swims in a boat to increasingly distant islands, sails to where K. lives, steals a banana and a rooster from his house; K. sees the peel floating, runs home, chases the boy to his house; in the evening N. asks K. to bring firewood; he sticks out his hand, immediately pulls out firewood; how as soon as they burn out, they are going to eat N. and her son, but N. does not sleep, each time asks for firewood to be put in the fire; in the morning K. and the boy began to fight; K. lifted the boy to the banana stem, and he lifted him to rough stone; killed the Cat; his head was thrown into the sea, she sailed to the people who had left; various animals called to eat the body; people swam back; N. told her son to put half of the coconut north, the other to the south, The storm that ensued sank all boats except the chief and his wife, as they were the last to return; on the mother's instructions, they became fish of a species that they don't eat now]: Mitchell 1973, No. 80:237-239 ; Rotuma [two sisters on earth, the eldest is Lou; Tonga was underground, where the couple had a son, Mafi; he went to earth, married Lou; they have sons Moea Motua, Moea Langon, miscarriage for the third time; Marie-ki-Langi's woman came down from the sky to steal blood, called the wea bird (quail) for help, she chirped, it rained, washed away the blood; MKL and wea took the child to heaven, called Moea Tiktik; MKL sends him to steal food from his real mother; once warns that his father ambushed him; he catches MK, the couple are happy; MT watches his father, sees him lift a stone, disappears under him; MT he goes down the tree trunk, throws fruits at his father; the father sends him 1) for bananas, they are guarded by a huge kalae bird, MT breaks its wings with a stick, the father is not happy; 2) behind the fire to his parents; grandfather throws MT, he falls to his feet; MT throws his grandfather, he falls flat; gives a whole burning log; 3) behind the roots of the cava, they are guarded by two huge ants, MT runs until they get tired, brings cava; returns to the ground with his father; catches fish with his brothers, pulls Tonga to the surface with his grandfather and grandmother's house; they themselves were carried away by the current; the brothers are looking for other people, finding only Tupu-ah- Rosi; he doesn't know their names; when he becomes a spider, he begins to descend on Moea Motua's head; the brothers scream, Moea Motua, see who wants to attack you! The same goes for My Langon and My Tiktik; TaR tells the birds to shout the names of their brothers when they approach, disappears from home every time; the third time, the brothers tell the birds to shout their own names, find Tar; they catch fish, TAR turns into big fish, tears their net; the third time they grab it, kill it, recognize it by its tattoo, take over the country]: Churchward 1937:489-496 (trans. Permyakov 1970, No. 95:207-217).
Taiwan - Philippines. Kalinga [the snake tells the girl Ikanayang to go with her or she will eat her; runs away, but her sister Kiwada, who remains at home, is friendly to the snake; sees the beautiful Dulliyala in the field, burns him snakeskin; K. gives birth, I. replaces the baby with a kitten, takes the newborn to the forest; so with three children, they were raised by Magsalipa's woman; they steal sugar cane from D.'s field; he catches them, M. explains what's going on; K. gives each one a kitten]: Rybkin 1975, No. 10:38-40; puyuma (Katipol village; similar texts from ami and some paiwan) [two men named Katagulian and Pakulian They were returning from hunting, found a box on the shore with a woman with a toothy womb; everyone wanted it for themselves, but a chief named Sihasihaw got it (it is not specified how they got rid of their teeth); she gave birth to him sons Basakara and Luasayaw and daughter Rarihen; R. washed by the river, swallowed by a snake; the younger brother killed the snake with a spear, took out his deceased sister's bracelet from his womb; fearing the consequences of killing the snake, the brothers consulted with her grandmother, she told them to make a sacrifice; they met and killed their father; their grandmother scolded them; then she started stealing sugar cane; people poured ash, found their younger brother in the footsteps; he ran from captivity, flying away on a hawk (kite); the brothers met, the eldest committed suicide, the youngest became the Berukatawan constellation, which determines the planting time for dry rice; in various The options seem to be either the Pleiades or perhaps Orion]: Yamada 2009, No. 3:67-68.
SV Asia. Itelmen: Lukashkina 1991 [Kutkha Akovach's mother invites him to marry Iyanoch; they come to marry; a son is born, I. is pregnant again; they return to K. ; mother I. warns not to stop if the child cries; K. violates the ban, goes to fetch water for the child; terrible Kacham tells I. to take off her clothes, puts on herself, kills I., buries in snow; Kuth brings home Kacham; in spring a boy comes out of I.'s womb; takes flies in his mouth, they buzz, I. wakes up; boy hunts with onions, comes to Kutha's house twice when there empty, lies on his skins, takes crush and meat, brings his mother; Kuth decides to guard the thief; the boy explains who he is, talks about I. and Kacham; Kuth heats stones, burns Kacham wears them off her clothes; everyone comes to I., who says she can't leave the hut because she is half naked; Kuth gives her clothes]: 84-90; Menovshchikov 1974, No. 177 [The mouse lures Kutkha comes to her place, does not drink until he agrees to give her youngest daughter Nyaa for her son; she does not know how to live with mice, she is expelled with her young son and daughter; she dies; children steal food K., make a fire in her mother's ears, use her mouth as a cauldron; K. finds and catches them; the shaman revives N.; K. does not like her grandchildren, N. leaves with them]: 527-532; Jochelson 1951, No. 38 [Legizna Ememkut's wife Sinanevt comes to the pregnant woman, kills her, hangs her on the rafters, puts on her clothes, ties a cauldron to her stomach as if she is pregnant; in the spring, S.'s body thaws, falls, her the baby goes out, revives the mother; secretly comes to the father's house, collects crumbs of food for his mother; L. and E. notice his traces; E. watches for him, catches him; he brings him to S.; E. drives L. away; she comes to to his grandmother, pretends that his son-in-law has come, eats the food offered by his grandmother], 41 [Kusklnyaku puts on his crow outfit, flies across the sea to two girls, they feed him; he returns; now his son Ememkut is flying; his younger sister feeds him, but he does not eat; makes her a baby; when her brother comes, E. becomes human; the older sister expels the youngest; the child steals for Mother is going from E.'s house; he catches him, wants to kill him, the boy tells us who he is]: 250-252, 274-277.
The Midwest. Steppe Cree [like the peoples of the Plains; six girls dig roots, one loses her way; the Sun Man brings her into his house, makes her wife; she gives birth to him a son; digging roots, comes to an old woman ; she teaches her to find bison droppings that cover a hole in the sky, gives a rope; a woman and her son go down; the Sun kills her by throwing a stone; she falls to the ground, her son is alive; he ruins the old woman's garden, that invites him to live with her; he finds two bubbles with starlings and swallows; kills and roasts birds; an old woman says they were her children, kicks him out of the house; he comes to ten young snakes, kills them; they are also the children of an old woman, she pursues him; the Sun causes heat, the old woman quits persecution; one day the sun does not sit on a stone, but on the ground; a snake crawls into him; the Sun also expels her with heat; takes her son to heaven]: Bloomfield 1930, No. 21:185-194.
Plains. A girl goes beyond the Sun, Month or Star; goes down a rope back to earth with her young son; her husband kills her by throwing a stone or lightning; the boy stays alive, stealing corn and pumpkins from An old woman's gardens, spoils plants or steals cooked corn; an old woman takes him to live with her; he kills monsters. See motives A5, J18, K20. Crowe [husband - Sun]; grovantre [husband - Month then Sun]; hidatsa [husband - Month]; kiowa [husband - son of the Sun]; skidi pawnee [husband - star]; arikara [two girls they sleep outside, discuss young people; one wants a bright red star as her husband; in the morning, chasing a porcupine, she climbs a poplar by the river, a tree grows, the girl is in the sky; a porcupine turns into a handsome middle-aged man, he was a Star; she gives birth to a son with a star on his forehead; her husband tells me not to dig roots in the lowlands; she digs, sees the ground through the hole; the old woman advises to ask husband's tendons, makes a rope out of them, a woman goes down with her little son, the rope is short, the woman hangs; the husband throws a stone, telling him to kill the woman, keep her son alive; the boy sucks the chest of a dead mother, steals corn and pumpkins from the old woman's garden; she leaves the ball and stick, the bow and arrow; the bow and arrow disappear, the old woman knows that it is a boy, catches, educates; feeds rooks with grain ( blackbirds), a young man kills them, an old woman revives them (they guarded her field); he notices a snake behind a curtain to whom the old woman gave porridge, kills him, he falls into a pond, turning it into a lake; an old woman mourns his husband; a young man brings a cougar, an old woman lets her go (these are all her animals); the same with the bear; a young man comes to four men, they kill a pregnant bisonicha, give the embryo to his grandmother; a young man frightened, climbs a tree; men remove the embryo for promising to make their grandmother their wife; she agrees, they agree with her; the grandmother gives him a flute, he plays, the men's dugout loses their way out, they die; a young man comes to snakes, sits on a stone, snakes cannot crawl into it; he puts snakes to sleep with a story, kills them, escapes alone, crawls into their anus, into his skull; the young man's father fills his skull with water, causes fever, the water boils, the snake crawls out, the young man comes to life, makes the snake short-headed; the young man died saving the country from monsters]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 14:45-55; arikara [two girls sleep outdoors on a platform; y both are monthly; one wants a red star as her husband; finds herself in the sky; the husband does not tell you to dig roots in the lowlands; the wife digs up, sees the ground through the hole, cries; the Old Spider advises making a rope from the tendons; lowers the woman, she has a baby behind her back; the rope (= web) was not enough, the woman hung; the husband throws a stone, tells him to kill his wife, save his son, cuts off the rope, the woman falls; the boy sucks the breast of a deceased mother; steals corn from an old woman's garden; she leaves a ball with a stick and a bow and arrows; a bow and arrow disappear, which means that the boy is stealing; the old woman grabs him, educates him, he hunts; He finds a snake behind the curtain, kills him (the old woman fed him meat); it was the old woman's husband, she lowers him into the pond); tells the young man that the bear wants to tear him apart (hoping that it will be so); the young man brings the bear to work; the old woman lets him go; the young man sees a tipi, he has four dice players, one has snot, the young man shoots them; the players accept him; kill the moose, give the young man an unborn calf; the young man is afraid of it, hides in a pine tree (when the females have not yet given birth, the constellation in which the young man's father is not yet in heaven; knowing that his father will not help him, the young man is afraid); they kill the embryo for a promise to bring them an old woman; he brings them, they are happy, let them go both, giving them knowledge of the rituals of catching eagles; the young man is invited by snakes, he, sitting on a stone, puts them to sleep with a story, crawls away alone; he falls asleep on the ground the snake climbs into his anus; he cuts his stomach, chest, throat, cutting off the snake's head, but his head creeps into his skull; his father fills his skull with water in the sky, the heat of the sun boils water, the snake comes out, the young man jumps up, makes the snake flat, crawling on its belly]: Dorsey 1904d, No. 16:56-60
Honduras-Panama. Sumu [brother and sister are orphans; brother steals fruit from the garden, owner catches him, that's hell; brother brings sister, they stay to work for hell; woodpecker says hell is going to them kill, tells you to dance over a covered hole of boiling water; hell will be cooked, the corpse must be burned, the ashes should be thrown away on the other side of the sea; the Toad and the Deer volunteered to carry the calebass with ash; competed, the Toad won; the brother ordered not to open the calebass on the way; when he reached the island, the Toad heard a noise inside, opened it; all the biting and blood-sucking insects flew out from there, the Toad was the first to bite, bite marks can be seen on it until still; if the Calebas were given a Deer, there would be no insects]: Houwald, Rener 1987 (4): 22-23.
The Northern Andes. Guajiro [see motif J1; a pregnant woman comes to Jaguar's mother; he finds a woman, eats her; pieces of her flesh turn into boys; they become Jaguar's children; they steal fruits from The old pigeon woman's gardens; she tells them about their mother's fate; they kill Jaguar's mother, let him eat her meat; they drive him to remote places]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 24-28:61, 67-68, 73-74, 79-80, 83.
Southern Venezuela. Makiritare [Mahanama and his wife have a pregnant daughter; she went for fetuses; Jaguar's men shot and ate her; among them were the Anteater, the Lizard, the Oriole, they were all Stars; a baby from the belly fell into the river, swam away; Sardine, then Perch, Stingray swallowed it, it grew in their stomach; began to go ashore, steal peppers at site M., return to Stingray's stomach; M. leaves the Caracara bird as a watchman, catches a boy; he says he is his grandson Kuamachi; promises to avenge his mother's death; kills an Anteater; meets Jaguar's daughter; Jaguar invites his son-in-law to hunt Paku to attack him in disguise Jaguar; K. makes a trap, kills Jaguar, kills his father; Jaguar's son indicates which of the skulls belongs to K.'s mother; K. brings it to his grandfather]: Civrieux 1980:103-108.
Guiana. Vapishana [the wife of the Sun lost her husband's trail, went not along the right path, but on the left; came to the house of the Old Toad; she asks her to look in her head, not to bite through the lice; the woman saw it out, died; Toad she hid the corpse on the platform under the basket; her sons (or pupils) came - Jaguar, Puma, Ocelot and others; found the corpse, ate it, and gave the old woman twins extracted from the womb (João and Pedro, according to other texts, Duidi and Mauáre); they can't be cooked; they jumped out of her mouth, and when they swallowed them, out of her ass; she thought they were dead, put them to rot in a large vessel; they secretly they come out, steal food; she waited, said let them live; they hide in mocó; she hid the mocó, they stopped hiding, they immediately became adult boys; they wanted to kill the bird, she said that it was not her, but the Toad that killed their mother; the brothers sent the old woman to the site prepared for burning, set it on fire; sweet potatoes, pumpkins, jerimú, melancias grew from her ashes]: Wirth 1950, No. 1:167-168; oyana [ see motive J16; a woman dies in a Jaguar village; her son turns into a turtle, turtle eggs give rise to two brothers and two sisters; they kill Jaguars; the flood begins; children flee in a tree; send to explore the Parrot, then the Pigeon; they come to the Toad Grandma, steal fruits from her garden; the Toad catches them; keeps the fire; the children send the birds to steal it, the last one succeeds; the toad has been without fire since]: Magaña 1987, No. 53:45; oyampy [two men went hunting birds, settled on a platform; Woo (underground creatures in the form of giant sloths) appeared from the ground, from his gaze the head of one of the men rolled off her shoulders; another hunter shot, but the arrow for Woo was like a fly bite; a man descended down the hole into the lower world; Woo's children replied that their parents were fresh on the Kinkaju River (i.e. the killed person); the man asked the children how the weapon worked, pointed them off, ripping their heads off; then killed the adult Woo; lived for two months stealing peanuts from the Sun's garden; the children of the Sun tracked him down and trapped him; man lived by the Sun until the next new moon; the Month came, asked to sell a pet; the Sun reluctantly gave it so that the son of the Month could play; the Month brought man to earth; since then it has been known that under by land]: Grenada 1980:322-324.
Western Amazon. A little boy or twins steal peppers from the ogre who killed their mother. Shuar [Ivianch (Ivia) ate the hiwaro family, married the most beautiful girl; then killed her, her children Etza (sun) and Yanguami (star) were fed by the water goddess Tsungi (sometimes in the form of an anaconda); I. climbed a vine into the sky, became a star; E. began to steal pepper from I.'s site, who caught it and adopted it; E. caught a lot of game for I.; he was going to kill the totora bird with a wind gun, she said that I. killed E.'s mother, made a flute out of his skull, used his eyes to paint vessels; E. killed I.'s current wife, the corpse became a deer; E. cut off and dismembered his head, cooked the meat, ate it with I.; seeing his head in in the hands of E., I. turned it into a tobacco plant; E. freed him from it; E. gave I. a sarbakan, ordered the birds to pretend to be dead; I. picked them up, they came to life, raised him to heaven, promised marriage to a huge a woman who turns out to be a rock; then I. was immersed in the waters of the river, his right hand is tied by a vine, with his left hand he can catch some fish]: Pelizzaro 1993:44 (briefly 1961, No. 12:8, retelling in Forno 1970:42-44); aguaruna: Akutz Nugkai et al. 1977 (1) [A predator (el Carnívoro) killed a pregnant woman, gutted it, washed the meat in the river, found an egg in her stomach, put it on a stone to bake it later, and the goose took it away him to his nest down the river; a boy came out of the egg, the goose raised him; the boy began to come to the site of the murdered mother, ate hot pepper there; the boy was radiant, he was the sun; the Predator's wife I noticed that on their site (they considered him their own) someone was eating all the pepper; the predator waited for the boy, called him a son, brought him to him; made him a small sarbakan; wanted to shoot flies that stuck to his body A predator, and fell into each one without injuring the Predator; the Predator offered to build a house, asked for a pole hole to go down to deepen it, lowered the pole from above and threw earth at the hole; the Sun got out through the hollow core of the pillar; both pretended that nothing had happened; the Sun became a young man, the Predator gave him a big sarbakan on the condition that he would bring him all the game; the Sun brought birds, the Predator brought them barely roasted, devoured raw; made rattling pendants in his ears for the Sun to hear him approach; left alone, he played the flute from his mother's skull; the Sun destroyed all the birds, the dove remained; asked to shoot bird feathers from the sarbakan, the birds were reborn; the dove told me everything; ordered to fasten the pendants so as not to make noise, come quietly and see what the Predator was doing; he tried hide the skull, the skull rolled under the Sun's feet, tears are dripping from his eyes; the Sun has created a tree whose fruits are loved by deer; the predator ordered him to go hunting tomorrow; the Sun made him a spear out of bad wood, bewitched to avoid hitting the target, and the Predator made a good spear for the Sun; since the Sun hit the target, he was the one who went hunting; let the Predator send his wife to the site for cassava; the Sun turned her into a deer, killed, but the head was human; The sun told the digger stick to be responsible for it; brought home a deer without a head; The predator eats meat, the Sun pretends to call "its mother", answers the digger stick; The Sun sent The predator to swim, brought his wife's head, cursed all objects to rot immediately; when he saw his head, the Predator wanted to kill the Sun, but everything he picked up fell to dust; the Sun pierced with a spear The predator, nailing it to the ground; a vine grew and tied it; the Predator's back took root; a flower grew out of the penis, hummingbirds flocked to it, the Predator caught them and ate them; once almost ate a man, the Sun decided to move it to the end of the world; the toucan and woodpecker cut off the roots, lifted the Predator into the air; the Sun created a fruit tree, many birds rushed to it; the Sun told the Predator about the tree, who did not resisted, he sucked the guts of the gathered birds; he did not want to fly, but the birds carried him; they screamed "like a balsa" (i.e. light) and he "like a rock"; at the edge of the world downstream, the Predator could grab and eat only fish, he caught it all; then the Sun left him only one hand free; he turned into a tree, and the three women promised to him in red, cream and gray clothes (they are actually birds) turned into leaves; in At certain times of the year, the leaves dry out, and the wind brings birds from the lower reaches of the river; these birds bring the souls of the dead to the Predator, but they themselves say they hunt monkeys; when birds arrive, many people die; when corpses are smoked, birds are driven away]: 135-169; Chumap Lucía, García-Rendueles 1979 (1), No. 1 [Ajáim went to the site, met a pregnant woman, killed her, gutted it by the river, found an egg in his stomach, put it on a stone; duck (sem. Phalacrocoracidae) took him away; Etsa (the sun) was born from him; one day he got out of the water, came to site A. and began to eat hot pepper, which was sweet to him; A. sent a snake to find out who was on the site; E. he ran away from the snake, but then A. caught him, brought him to his place; E. began to live with him; A. tied seed bells to him; when E. grew up, A. made him a small sarbakan; E. shot flies, then A. sent him to bird hunting; E. brought them, A. ate them; made a big sarbakan for E.; E. soon shot all the birds, the hummingbirds were the last; the dove tells me not to shoot, says that A. killed E.'s mother; from her head made a vessel (rather a wind instrument), blows into it; E. crept up and saw that it was; his mother's skull rolled up at E.'s feet, tears were dripping from his eyes; E. calls A. into the forest: there is a fruit tree to which deer walk; E. throws his spears more accurately; tells A. to send his wife to the site; he killed her himself, turned her into a deer, only a human head; E. cut her off, and ordered his wife A.'s digging stick to be responsible for her; A. ate a deer, and when he returned from bathing, E. gave him his wife's head; A. grabbed his spear, but it turned out to be rotten, and E. pierced A. with his spear; a flower grew out of A.'s penis, and hummingbirds began to flock to him, A. them caught and ate; to take A. to take A. to where he could not eat, E. called for help from a pauhil, a toucan, a woodpecker and a peacock (Pipile cumanensis, sem. Cracidae); at first A. shouted: as heavy as a stone, the birds could not lift it; then he was promised two women and A. began to scream: light, light; he was placed on the island, but he ate all the fish; this place called Tunkín; left one hand on the ground - same, fishing with one hand; you can still hear his screams when he is hungry; the Leistes militaris (Pexites militaris) bird fumigates sick people or the dead and brings A. to eat; A. sings, birds flock to him, sitting on trees]: 39-45.
NW Amazon. Bare [tapir takes the baby, the female stingray brings up; after leaving the river, the boy steals pepper from the garden of the murdered mother's father, stays with him]: Pereira 1980 (1): 251-252; maku [younger among Idn, Kamni walks along the river after the holiday; the old woman washes her grandchildren, says that the jaguars ate all the relatives of IC; the Bushmeister (IK paints him), the old deer woman, say the same; IC comes to the jaguars, they it is cooked, eaten, his hard finger is thrown into the river; it is swallowed by fish; the old deer woman catches it; leaves the contents of the fish stomach in the basket; two IK brothers come out from there; the old deer woman speaks the youngest, that he will also die; he tells the spider to bite her; climbs a tree, sees the Jaguar garden (the grandmother did not want him to see it); the younger IC steals cassava from the Jaguar garden; meets Jaguar girls copulates with them, they get pregnant; IC goes to heaven, gets a lightning club from Thunder, tries it on wild boars, they run away; he goes to Thunder again, gets the real one; at a party where the Jaguars wanted to eat it , he destroyed them with a lightning club; the old deer looked, her head was torn off, she became a large battleship; IK carried the right bones of the Jaguars to Thunder, the left bones to the desan]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 4:221-227.
The Central Andes. Prov. Konchukos (dep. Ancash): Mejia Xesspe 1952 [four versions; during a drought, parents put their son and daughter in a bag, throw them into the abyss; the bag clings to the thorny bush; The swallow can't, Condor brings the bag to the valley, to Chavin de Huantar; The swallow shows the children a potato field; his owner is old Achkay; she fattens the boy, gives the girl stones to eat; kills the boy, he screams, she explains what she is looking for in his head; tells his daughter to send the girl to bring water in a leaky vessel, push her into a boiling pot; the frog teaches the girl what to do; she plugs holes, brings water, pushes the old woman's daughter into the cauldron, puts his brother's bones in the bag, runs; A. eats his daughter; Condor hides the girl under her wings, the Skunk in the hole; the Fox, the Deer, and other animals also hide; The dove puts the bones in the basket, says not open; the girl opens; there is a living brother, but he turns into a white dog; Vicuna gives the girl a golden rope, she and her brother climb to heaven; she turns into the Evening Star, he into the Pleiades or The Morning Star; the old woman Vicuña gives a straw rope; the parrot cuts it; A. falls, asks his own to spread a cloak for her; her screams can still be heard - an echo; her blood turns into a lake, her body turns into mountain; hands and feet in cacti; blackberry nails; nettle hair; eyes in potatoes, ulyuku; teeth in corn; toes in eye and mashua; etc.]: 238-242.
Southern Amazon. Camayura: Seki 2008, No. 2 [Mawutsini has five daughters; they warn not to go after the bark from which the fibers are made of the bowstring, the tree belongs to jaguars; M. went, the jaguars heard a noise, let's go to search; when leaving, M. came across the leader of the Jaguars; he had to promise him daughters as wives; they refused - Jaguar's mother would eat them; M. carved five girls out of tree trunks; hair from bast, not good; then he took black from a black bird; pebble teeth, I didn't like it, black; then the seeds are white; belts made of buriti palm leaves (Mauritia flexuosa), so now women's belts made of these leaves; two trees refused to let the bark do uluri {covers the pubis?} , said that they would only be used to build houses, the third agreed; M. asked the fruits of the vine to deflorize the girls; the fruits were like a penis, but without a head, because they broke; then the fruits the other vine was successful; he gave each a comb, the sisters went; one climbed to cut off the buriti palm shoot, it fell with a sharp end up; the others sent a horsefly, the bite caused the girl to lose her balance, fell with her vagina to escape, died; others ask Jaburu (Jabiru mycteria Ciconidae) stork for directions, then Tuiuiu stork (Mycteria americana Ciconidae), each copulates with one of the girls for this; The White Heron just pointed out that he did not want to copulate so as not to get his feathers dirty; then Martin the Fisherman threw his necklace back on his back; the girl stained his back with sperm, wiping his hands, so the back is now speckled; the battleship ran after his penis, the girls left during this time, then he masturbated using the traces they had left; the older sister did not want the fourth to go further with them; bewitched, she forgot her comb, came back for it; began to scream, call her sisters, turned into the forest spirit "queen of the forest"; Tapir copulated with his third sister, his penis is huge, she died, his sisters hit him on the coccyx; climbed a tree above the lake near the jaguar village; they played ball (people learned this game from them); two women came to swim, saw a reflection, thought they were like that beautiful; the sisters sent horseflies, the women dropped the calebasses twice; they noticed the sisters; they rejected the first jaguar that came, went with the second, one sister says that the groom is not him, his ass is red; he does not have cassava in his house; in the morning, the Jaguar Chief referred to a sore eye, did not go hunting, returned to the village, brought the girls to his place, he had good food; the first jaguar {ocelot?} and his sister gave his mother a drink with thorns, they hoarsened, turned into jaguars, ran into the forest; while Jaguar and his elder wife were on the site, the younger pregnant woman looked for lice from her mother-in-law, spit out her hair, she decided that her daughter-in-law disdained her with lice, killed her, went to the forest; the sister asked Ant to take the children out of the deceased's womb; he pulled her out behind her head, so people have two dents on their skulls; the mother was buried in the middle villages, premature babies were placed in calebasa, hung it; Jaguar and his wife see traces - children secretly go out; children do not take abandoned women's items, they take arrows, which means boys; Jaguar and his wife did The appearance that they are leaving, waiting for them, caught the boys, called them parents, called them Orphans; the brothers hunt, count the fingers of the killed Pakis, the kutias are 4, which means not our grandfather; the lizard is five fingers, so you can't eat; The battleship called himself grandfather, gave the brothers the names Tapea Kana and Tapea Jaú (terms for turning the road); but Cicada gave the names Kwat and Jay ("sun" and "month"); brothers steal peanuts from the field Partridges (that's why people eat peanuts); she finds them, talks about their mother's fate; brothers turn her into a partridge, let her sing at the end of the rainy season (this time New Year); aunt showed where she buried her sister; the brothers opened it, began to call, the mother responded, but the voice was getting weaker, stopped; if earlier, they would revive it; but now we are dying forever; the brothers told the wasp to bury the corpse again; they found Jaguariha, that began to play with them, Quat hit her and killed her; the Jaguar father and the deer were moved to the Milky Way (α and β Centauri); they made arrows, turned them into people, they killed the inhabitants of the jaguar village; they became By the Sun and Month]: 151-187; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Mavutsinim's daughters warn him not to go to the jaguar village for onion fiber; he went, climbed a tree, the jaguars surrounded him, him I had to promise my daughters to the jaguar chief; they refused, fearing Jaguar's mother; M. singing turned 8 felled trees into girls; made hair from buriti palm fibers - too light, then I asked the bird for black; the teeth were first from shells, they were dark, then from mangab seeds; good, but now my teeth hurt; made fiber belts, bamboo genitals, told the vine to have sex with girls; 5 out 8 agreed to go to Jaguar; one forgot the comb, went back, got lost, became an elf of the wood; the stork agreed to show the way when they met him; they painted his neck to make it ugly; one climbed a tree to make a new belt, fell on a broken shoot, died; Tapir agreed to show the way if they met him; he has a big dick, the first died, the other two they left, climbed a tree near the shore where the Jaguar was to come; the black bird heard them laughing, said to Jaguar, who started shooting whistling arrows, the girls were not caught, the Jaguar thought they were not coming to him; they Wolf's arrows were caught, he said they were looking for him; when they went with him, they caused the wind, saw that his buttocks were red under his hair; his mother said he only eats fruit; the girls went to Jaguar; he let arrows, they caught them; The wolf and his mother turned into animals; the youngest is ready to give birth; the mother-in-law asks to look in her head; the girl accidentally took her hair in her mouth, spat, her mother-in-law decided that disgust, killed her daughter-in-law, ran into the forest; the mother was buried, the ants took the two boys out, put them in the basket; while the Jaguar is on the site, the brothers get out, eat fish; the Jaguar put the rags - they did not take the onions and the arrows took it; the Jaguar realized that they were boys; asked them not to hide; the brothers were stealing peanuts from the Partridge field; she said that their mother was dead; the Jaguar and the victim's sister confirmed that they also cried; the brothers they called their mother, she responded, they dug up the grave, but there was a corpse; decided that it would always be like this (death is final); the brothers killed their grandmother; the grasshopper named the brothers Kuát (Sun) and Iae (Month); Jaguar I wanted to make my sons jaguars; they turned bamboo into wild Indians, they killed the people of the Jaguar; the Jaguar and his wife went to heaven; the brothers came to their grandfather, performed a memorial ceremony for their mother]: 57-67; kuikuro: Carneiro 1989 [Kuantïnï decided to visit the sky where all animals are; he was surrounded by jaguars in the forest; their chief, the black jaguar Nitsuengï, agreed not to kill him when K. promised him his two daughters; N. put K. on his bow, untwisted it, threw it from the sky to the ground; K.'s daughters refused to go to the jaguar and K. carved the girls out of wood; out of 8 left in hammocks, 6 came to life; made his hair first from buriti fibers, then pineapple fibers - very wet; then from algae; made teeth from chips (black), piranha teeth (ate too fast), seeds; tried different fibers for the triangle on pubis; cut out the vaginas itself; told tifigu trees (people at that time) to have sex; penises are scratched; then he lined the vaginas with cotton - good; Owl told the eldest of the girls, Itsanitsegu, that their father is going to send them to a jaguar; the battleship told the girls about the difficulties of the journey, in return demanded permission to meet one of them; forgot his penis in the village and while he was running after him, the girls left; he blew, spreading witchcraft so that they would die on the way; then he met the kingfisher, he gave fish, had sex with one of the girls, she put in a tampon so as not to get pregnant; and the same with the howler monkey, gave grilled fish; the seagull offered fried oysters, the girls refused, so the seagull could not get along with them; another species of kingfisher; the girl who stayed with him asked him to throw the necklace over his back, so as not to interfere during copulation; poured sperm on him, taking out her tampon; since then this kingfisher has white spots and necklace marks on its back; the girls sent the most beautiful one to the tree to shed its leaves Buriti; I. turned the stumps of their nails into biting flies; from their bites, the tree who climbed the tree fell, the leaves pierced it, others buried it; the deer refused to copulate, although I. wanted it; she gave him salt and since then, deer have died quickly from the wound; on a slippery path, one slipped, fell and died; K. warned the girls not to drink from the poisonous river; one drank, died, she was buried; the tapir cut trees, warned of a fork - if you go the wrong path, you will get to the wolf village; I. told one girl to get together with him, his thick penis split her; I. hit him in anger, since then at the tapirs narrow ass; when they saw that the split one was made of wood, the remaining two girls were upset, which means that they were sent to the jaguar; Tayra barbara gave honey, but it was strong, the girls became coughing; he got along with him, the cough stopped; at the fork in Itsanitsegu went to the left to the wolf village, and Anafukuagu went to the right, to the village of the jaguar; I. climbed a tree above the river; the wolf's wife saw the seriema reflection, decided it was herself, began to show off beauty; then realized; threw a nail stump, it became a fly, she bit the series, she dropped the calebass with water, it crashed; the same again; then called her husband; I. followed the wolf, thinking it was a jaguar; a fish fell out of his ass, he said that the fish was in the shell of the necklace; the wolf's mother greeted I., but she realized that she was mistaken: she was treated to with fruits, i.e. food for wolves; from her sister, Jaguar N. found out that I. was in the wolf's village; took her; gave her potions to drink, she regurgitated the fish, got rid of the wolf's pregnancy; when I. was 8 months old, N. hid under the roof, told her not to spit if his mother Kafisatïgo came and let the winds go; I. spat the cotton seeds, Kafisatigo thought that, out of disgust, she threw her claw at her, which cut off her head; Sister I. raised the alarm; N. said it was his third wife killed by his mother; Agouti told the girls' father, who sent an ant into I.'s vagina, the ant said that there were two boys in the womb; Quantini put them in the basket; they grew up quickly; the wild dog gave them the names Taoguiñï and Aulukumá; the grasshopper gives them the names Sun (Giti) and Month (Nune); A. asked the Sun to dig peanuts in the partridge garden; In retaliation, she said that A. was the Sun's aunt, and his mother killed her mother-in-law; the brothers took her mother's body from the roof of the house, where they put it to dry; the sun sent a fly in her nose, she came to life, he spoke to her, but she cried and died again; digging animals dug up the grave, I. buried; The sun told the bird to eat wasps, the hawk to eat snakes, the anteater the poisonous ants, the tapir to trample the thorns; the road to mother N. opened; the brothers came to her disguised as young children; she began to tell how she killed I.; the Sun killed her; evil butterfly spirits flew out of her body; the Month looked out from behind the tree, his nose was torn off; his sun I did, but now that the moon is in profile, you can see that there is no nose; the Sun told my father to eat capybaras, not people; Quantini gave A. to eat the ashes of bamboo, she gave birth to zhurun, suya and other wild Indians; took it the opossumicha child, said N. that it was hers, he was happy; but the opossumicha took him; the wild Indians killed all the jaguars; the Sun saved his father and aunt by placing them in heaven, and putting them in the same place to have what they had tapir and deer (now constellations on the Milky Way); after making a life for wild Indians, the Sun rose to heaven]: 4-14; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuatungue went to get fibers to make a net; he was surrounded by jaguars; he promised one daughter, who let him go; he has two daughters, but he carved six girls out of wood; tried different hair fibers; first piranha teeth, they eat too fast, then out seeds; made pubic triangles (the trees did not want to give fiber for this); when they heard an owl scream, the girls asked their father what was going on; he told the whole story; on the way, one got drunk from a poisonous river, died; the kingfisher showed the way, for which he met one of the girls; Tyra gave one honey, she began to cough, he got along with her; the tapir showed the way, met the girl, she split, they realized that wooden; the battleship showed the way, went to get an erection, the girls ran away, he said they would die on the way; one slipped in the river, hit, died; the deer warned of a fork; one climbed onto a palm tree for leaves, the other turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the one who climbed, fell, ran into a leaf, died; at the fork, two sisters climbed a tree; seriema, the wolf's wife I saw the reflection, thought she was beautiful; they turned the nail stumps into flies, they bit the series, she dropped the calebass, she crashed; so twice; the series called her husband; the older sister, made of at the bottom of the trunk, followed the wolf's path, the youngest followed the jaguar path; the jaguar took the wolf that had come to the wolf; she turned around, the wolf's mother's head fell off; the jaguar gave her potions to remove the wolf's fruit; she became pregnant from the jaguar; spat a cotton seed, the jaguariha thought that out of contempt for her, she cut off her head with a claw; her sister picked up the boys Rit (Sun) and Une (Month); the jaguar resettled her mother, surrounding the place with snakes, wasps, thorns, put the body of the victim on the roof of the house; the brothers grew up, stole partridge peanuts, she told them about the death of his mother; the bird ate the wasps, the snake hawk, the tapir trampled the thorns, the brothers killed the grandmother, tied stones to her legs and trampled her; set fire to her house, her body exploded, Months had her nose torn off, now flat; Rit told the jaguar to eat capybaras, not people; her mother was removed from the roof, she was barely alive, Rit hugged her , he said, she was completely dead; the digging animals dug the grave; Rith told his father to prepare lots of bows and clubs; told his aunt to give birth in the forest, she gave birth to wild Indians, Rith gave them weapons; The aunt told her husband that she gave birth to an opossum child, but the opossumich took him away; the wild Indians killed the jaguars, and threw his father and aunt Rit into heaven on the bow; Rit divided the tribes; then Rit and Une went to Morena] : 72-88.