M45B. Animals at the trough, ATU 179B* .16.28.31.
The old man carries a trough and lies down to rest, covered with it. The animals take the trough to the table and bring food. The old man gets up, the animals run away, the old man gets the food.
Western Europe. Germans (Prussia): Cammann 1973:141ff in Uther 2004 (1), No 179B*: 124
Central Europe. Russians (Teresky Bereg) [Animals at the trough: lie under it to rest; animals (hare, fox, wolf and bear) take the trough at a comfortable table, bring food (cabbage, duck, ram) , honey); the old man wakes up; the animals run away and leave him all the supplies]: Balashov 1970:157 in SUS 1979, No. 179*: 83.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [the old man made sauerkraut, carried it to the customer, lay down, fell asleep under sauerkraut; a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear take sauerkraut at the table, bring a hive, a ram, a goose, cabbage; the old man woke up, animals ran away, the old man got the food]: Arys 1971:33-34.