Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M45C. Plant boiled tubers .21.23.

The character advises the other person to plant or sow boiled or roasted seeds or tubers, who follows the advice.

Mikir, Kachari, Meitei, Toto, Assamese, Tamils.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Mikir [the old man and the old woman were going to plant tarot; the jackals said that boiled tubers should be planted; the jackals ate them at night; the old man and the old woman decided to take revenge; the old man pretended to be dead, wrapped himself in cloth and lay down in the house; the old woman left the house and began to voice: her husband was dead, there was no one to even light a funeral fire; the jackals offered to eat the old man; the old woman agreed and began to let the jackals in, saying: one in, two in, three in, etc.; when "everyone comes in," she added "stand up, old man, and hit them with a truncheon"; some jackals were killed, some escaped, breaking the wall]: Grierson 1903c: 397; kachari [the monkeys told the old man and the old woman that other people were planting boiled sweet potatoes; they listened, the monkeys dug up sweet potatoes and ate them; the old man pretended to be dead, there was a stick nearby; the old woman advised the monkeys to mourn him and say that they want to be beaten - the old man's soul in heaven will rejoice; the monkeys began to cry, the old man killed them with a stick, only one cub escaped; promised to send the demon Yaojoma to the old people; old men throw him pieces of roasted monkey meat, but it soon ended; the old woman said that the old man was dead and she was ill, let Me put his hand in the meat; the old man cut it off; I ran away, wiped the blood off. Oh leaves, since then there has been a banana variety with red fruits; becoming a rat, overloading the bags of the basket carried by the old woman; the satellites went ahead, and I. twisted the old woman's neck; the old man took a snake, a tiger, a bees, ants and various objects, Y. came to the house when he fell asleep; he was bitten by ants, stung by bees, cut by a razor, an egg burst in hot coals in his face, a snake in the jug bit him, old man hit with a club, killed a tiger in the yard]: Borgohain, Roy Chaudhury 1975:81-84; the Meitei [monkeys advised the old man to plant not raw, but baked tarot tubers; at night they ate the planted one, replacing it with wild tarot; the old people were glad that during the night the plants grew, began to eat, but almost got poisoned; the old man pretended to be dead, the old woman began to lament; told the monkeys who came that there was no one to spend the funeral rituals; the monkeys gathered, the old man jumped up and killed everyone but one with a stick; believing that the survivor would lead others to take revenge, the old men hid in a large jug; when the monkeys came, the old man and the old woman did not held on, making an indecent sound; the monkeys picked up the jug, dropped it, some were hit by shrapnel; others ran away and did not come again]: Singh 1985:248-251; toto [the monkey says to the old man that he is planting tubers and seeds incorrectly: they must be cooked first; at night, the monkeys dug up and ate everything; the old man pretended to be dead, the old woman began to voice; the monkeys gathered around the body in the house, too began to cry; the old man jumped up, closed the door, began to beat the monkeys; the latter persuaded her to let her go for promising to teach effective farming techniques; but let the monkeys go to part of the harvest; so people learned how to farm effectively]: Majumdar 1991, No. 14A: 251-253.

South Asia. Assames [foxes advise the old man to take the boiled grain, put it in holes, cover it with straw; he does so, they eat everything; the old man tells his wife to smear it with molasses so that flies fly off, leave in the house, put a stick next to him; cry, tell the foxes that they can carry it away and eat it; then close the door, he will kill the fox; only 4 are saved; the old woman goes to visit her daughter, the foxes want to eat her; she asks first let her see her daughter, eat her on the way back; the daughter put her mother in the pumpkin, the pumpkin rolled but split; the old woman asks the fox to let her teach them how to dance; dances, loudly shouting the names of their two dogs; dogs come running, foxes flee]: Borooah 1955:56-60; Tamils [younger brother chrome; when dividing property, the eldest two gave him the worst part of the house the worst oxen and the worst field; he tells his wife to fry the sesame before sowing; all the ants gathered to smell and, in gratitude, transferred the seeds that the older brothers sowed; the younger sesame sprouted, they no; he tells them that he roasted the seeds before sowing; the wife confirmed; the youngest shared the harvest with the elders; one day his wife found 7 pots of gold, ran: it's night, we'll take it soon; husband: what God gave, then she would fall through the roof; then the wife went to the older brothers; but when they came, there were snakes and scorpions in pots; the brothers thought that the younger one was going to kill them; the brothers brought pots to the house the youngest and threw them inside through the roof; they contained gold and gems; the brothers brought musicians and mourners because they thought the youngest and his wife were dead; they ran when they saw them alive; the youngest I gave each a pot of gold, and kept 5 for myself]: Blackburn 2005, No. 1.