Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M46. An imaginary baby.


Some creatures steal or own valuables. To return (get) them, the character turns into a small object, from contact with which a woman becomes pregnant, or into a baby. A picked up or born baby takes on its true appearance and steals valuables (including making the girl who picked it up pregnant, if that was his goal).

Monobo, Truk Islands, Gilbert Islands, Ifaluk Islands, Tsou, Russians (Lipetsk), Sami, Nenets, Ents, Nganasans, Dolgans, Negidals, Ancient Japan, Kodiak, Aleuts, Central Yupik, Inupiat North Alaska, McKenzie Estuary, Koyukon, Ingalic, Tanana, Atna, Upper, Southern Tutchoni, Tagish, Inner Tlingit, Kuchin, Helmet, Taltan, Chipewayan, Eyak, Tlingits, Hyda, Tsimshian, Bellacula, heiltsuk, uvikino, quakiutl, nootka, chilcotin, quileout, quinolt, shuswap, thompson, lillouet, snohomish, skagit, Puget Sound, Cowlitz, Upper Cowlitz, Tillamook, Vasco, Wishram, Yakima, ne Perse, Okanagon, sanpual, kördalen, coutenay, seneca, kato, yuki, western and northern shoshones, mixteks.

Melanesia. Monumbo [building a house to initiate the young men, people cut down and brought a wooden beam; when the boat was approaching the shore, light emanated from the beam; a beam was installed in the house; when the men left, it became human, he danced with children; men threw a beam into the sea, she sailed to Fr. Manam, people made her a headrest; when everyone left, he became human, ate all the chickens, pigs and dogs; the men threw the headrest into the sea, he swam to the shore of the main island; he became a baby; husband and wife adopted him; at night the baby became an adult, made love to the foster mother, who became pregnant; while his wife was away, the husband wanted to throw the baby on a palm tree, but he jumped into the river and swam away; the women of the village came to fish; the headrest man came out of the water and met them; the men sent the boy; the women covered him with nets, but he cut a hole, peeked; the men hid On the shore, they killed the person who came out, cut off his penis, let his wives eat; the old woman put her piece next to him; he flew to heaven, became the Month]: Höltker 1965, No. 4:80-82; (cf. vogeo [Tawawa went north, saw two women, turned into a baby; every time women go to the garden, he becomes a man, defecates in kitchen pots; one peeked, they threw it into a boiling pot, covered it, threw it into the sea; South Seas apple surfaced; the women swam to him, drowned]: Hogbin 1970:41-42).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Truk Islands, Carolina [Olofat and his brother Semen Kanor want one girl; she chooses SK; O. drinks all the water and coconut juice, leaves them in one, puts herself there in the form of a mosquito larva; a woman swallows it with water, has difficulty giving birth to a boy; he cries all the time, and his bowel movements are like an adult man; O. {i.e. is he in two faces - himself and his child?} tells you to throw excrement away where it is not seen; one day she comes back, sees that the child has O.'s face; understands the deception]: Mitchell 1973, No. 38:106-108; Ifaluk (Yap County, Carolina) [cf. K30B motif; to get together with his brother's wife Gio, Wolphat turned into a mosquito, the woman swallowed it unnoticed with water; she gave birth to him, W.; at night the baby was by her side and when she fell asleep, copulated with her; seeing sperm on her genitals, she asked another woman to follow her; she said that her lover was in her own bed; one day a baby relieved G. this is adult excrement; W. laughed and ran away]: Spiro 1951:296; Gilbert Islands [Nareau steals fruits from others; community house builders ask him to climb into a hole, put a pole on top, N. goes through a dig; to take possession of Nautima's wife, bakes herself in coals, comes from outside, takes fish out of the coals; Nautima asks to bake herself, dies; the wife dies of grief; to take possession of his wife Taranga, N. became a baby, a woman picked him up, took him to bed; at night he copulated with her, she had three children with him]: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 2:61-64.

Taiwan - Philippines. Tsoe [the petty officer's only daughter in Tfuya went to the river to fish; a beautiful piece of wood was caught in the net; the girl threw it downstream of the river; the piece of wood was caught again, again discarded; the girl finally put her in her bosom; she was gone; in the morning the girl gave birth; the baby laughed all the time, his body was covered in hair; five days later, he became an adult and was named Grandfather (= god) Hairy; organized a successful campaign against enemies; after dying, he took care of the village as long as it continued to be honored]: Nevsky 1935, No. 3:80-81; bunun [the same legend as tsow, with minor differences recorded by Japanese explorer Sayama u vonun (Japanese bunun]: Nevsky 1935:83; kanabu [Napaarama's hero, also born to a girl who caught a piece of wood, grew up, goes on a campaign against two suns that caused a lot of suffering to people, and kills one of the stars, which then becomes the moon]: Nevsky 1935:83.

Central Europe. Russians (Lipetsk) [the merchant sends his daughter to marry the king; on the way, the maid pulls out her eyes, takes her place; the blind woman asks the old man to borrow silk and velvet, makes a crown, asks for it to be given to the tsar in exchange for an eye; a false wife gives one eye, then a second eye; the true one sees the light, turns the old man's hut into a glass house, goes to the king, the false wife tells her to be cut into pieces, takes the heart; the old man collects, buries pieces, a garden grows; a false wife orders him to be cut down, the garden becomes stony; the king sees a boy in this place, brings him to the palace, he stops crying, having received the heart of the victim to play, runs away into the garden, the king behind him, sees a real wife instead of him; the false one was blinded, tied to horses, let him into the fields]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 127:224-227.

Baltoscandia. The Sami [two people see the double sun; one asks himself two centuries of life, the other girl to fall into her womb; turns into a pike, the girl's father catches her, the girl cooks, the petitioner's soul in at the tip of her tail, the girl swallows it, gives birth to a boy who has knowledge of the world; finds a helpless old man, leads to the pines into which they both plunged their whetstones, asking for a double sun Wishes come true; the old man remembers nothing, dies; the one who is born again marries the one who gave birth to him]: Czarnoluski 1962:187-190.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Lar 2001 (Yamal) [his wife does not tell Yomba to go from the boat to the river, he does not listen; all the fish in the boat and in the house come to life, jump back into the water; Ë. grabs the last jar with caviar; says he will die, tells him to cover him with branches, leave a jar with him; a man with a dog's ass lived with YE. and his wife; in the fall he sees YE. eating caviar, saying that he has deceived everyone; a man with a dog's ass agrees with an old woman to run to the grave of Ë., supposedly from hell; Ë. screams in fear; leaves; comes to the old man and the old woman, turns into a baby, crawls under the old woman hem; old people adopt him, three days later he grows up; tells him to slaughter the last bull to eat the liver; load the meat into the boat; cuts off the rope, swims away with meat; sees the line, turns into a pike, hell swallows it, E. scratches him from the inside, the devil lets the pike out of his ass; chases Ë., he kills him with a knife; YE. digs the shaman's grave, hardly runs away from the skeleton; pees into the river, the pike grabs him For a penis, he rips it off with his penis, throws it into the water; a man promises to give his daughter for someone who makes him laugh; YE. tells his story, makes him laugh, gets a wife; brings 300 deer to old people, whom he deceived; returned to his old wife, took off the skin of a man with a dog's ass, under her was a handsome young man; YE. gave him his young wife, said that he had made the hell he was a half-dog now killed; YE. asked to slaughter a deer for him, ate meat, drank blood, turned into a seat (idol)]: 273-277; Nenyang 1997 (Taimyr) [childless old people have one deer; Yombo ("rogue") turns into the baby, the old woman picks him up, the old man suspects that it may be E.; E. hunts for the elderly; then says that he is sick, tells him to slaughter the deer; when moving, he tells him to load everything valuable in a hollow, A big boat holes, sails away with his property, old people sink]: 151-154; Ents: Porotova 1982 [(=Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 7:37-38); Deua hides in the plague; when the old woman goes out, grabs his hand, tells her husband to shout that she has given birth to a child; turns into a baby; grows up; asks his father to slaughter a big deer; move to another place, put meat and yucola in the boat; he will transport them to the other side, return for their parents; sailing away shouts that he is not their son, but D.]: 153-154; Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 1 [Dhoa wrote - a river formed, pumped up hills; sat on a stone, a pike bit his genitals; he pretended to be a baby, the old woman picked him up, she and the old man raised him like a son; he asks to slaughter the deer, put the meat in the boat, promises to transport the meat and return for old people; from the middle of the river shouts that he is D., swims away; the old people are starved; D. comes to another old woman, Boonle's boyfriend lives with her; D. and B. become elderly; D. dies, tells her to put them down he has a barrel of caviar; B. hears laughter from the grave, shouts that a bear is coming; D. jumps up]: 17-20; nganasany [Dyaiku was hit by a stump, his fist stuck, then his leg, etc.; the old man brought him home, said his wife that a fox was trapped; while the old man was away and the old woman went out into the yard, D. jumped off the crossbar, became a baby, went under the hem of the old woman; asks to slaughter the only deer, the old woman tells her husband allow it, because this is their only son; D. loads meat into the boat, sails away, shouts that he is not their son, but D.; elsewhere, the boat in which the foreman's three sons are supposed to sail holes, covers the hole with clay, sons drown; D. returns to his mother, tells how he deceived an old man, drowned people]: Porotova 1980:21-24; dolgans [Laaiku's lonely dog saw Jige Baba, turned into a child, she decided that she had given birth; L. asked them to slaughter their only deer, move to the other side of the river, ride alone in a boat; sailed away, shouting that he was Laaika; the prince promised to give his daughter away for solving the riddle; L. lies down in the grass, the prince's daughter stumbles over him, tells her friend that if she married, she would not carry water; that his father has a tire for a pack of seven lice skins; L. guesses the corresponding riddle, gets married]: Efremov 2000, No. 17:277-281.

Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [the old man went for firewood; Lisa saw him, made his eyes out of dark lingonberries, turned into a little boy; the old man finds him, adopts him, although the old woman suspects deception ; a grown-up boy asks to load the goods into the boat, let him warm up, sails away with all his property]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 68:135-136.

Japan. Ancient Japan [Of this type of legend, I think the closest thing to Tsow's legend above (see motif A26) is the ancient Japanese myth of one of the gods of thunder, Wakeikazugi, honored at the Kamo Temple in Moscow. Kyoto. This myth is found in various forms in Kamo-engi, Kamo-kyūki, Uama-Shiro-fudoki and other ancient books. Here is a version of the first book mentioned above, as quoted by the famous kokugakusha, Ban Nobutomo, in his work Sami no Ogawa, specifically devoted to exploring this myth: "At Kamo-engi it says: The temple of the great god Kamo. Kamo refers to Lord Kamo no Taketsunumi, the god who deigned to descend from heaven to Mount Takachiho in So, Himuka Province... Lord Kamo no Taketsunumi married the divine Igakoyahime from Kamina, Tamba Province, and gave birth to children named Tamayorihiko and Tamayorihime. (note 4: Tamayorihime is a shaman priestess, "a spirit-obsessed girl; a kamo in the northern provinces of Japan is a penis); When Tamayorihime was walking on the river, where you can see the rapids of a rocky river, she sailed down from the upper reaches of the river, the arrow is red. Taking it, she put it near her bed and, under the influence of her pregnancy, gave birth to a son. When he grew up, his grandfather, Lord Takepunumi, built an eight-fathom house, locked eight doors, and, after making wine that had been brewed eight times [option: after making eight jugs of wine], collected the gods and I had fun seven days, seven nights. And so, turning to the child, he said: "Whoever you think is a father, drink this wine!" Then he picked up a cup of wine and, turning to heaven, honored it, and after breaking through his skate at home, ascended to heaven. So, borrowing his grandfather's name, they called him the lord of Kamo no Wakeikazuchi..."]: Nevsky 1935:71-72.

The Arctic. Kodiak [the chief's daughter is promised to the one who gets the light; the raven turns into a feather, swims in a spring, the daughter of the light owner swallows a feather full of water, becomes pregnant; her son asks for three to play box; finds night in the first month, stars in the second month, the sun in the third; flies away taking the last two; releases first the month and stars, then the sun; gets both daughters of the leader]: Golder 1903, No. 6:85-87 ; Aleuts ["It's great that this fairy tale about a crow receiving light through birth from a girl was also known to the Lisyev Aleuts in almost the same form, including the name Elya, instead of which raven-bird plays the role. This toyon, the guardian of the luminaries, lived somewhere at the height "]: Veniaminov 1840 (III): 47 (quoted in Lyapunov 1984:26-27); central Yupik: Krenov 1951 (Kuskoquim) [the hunters did not give the old woman meat, she hid the light; she was beaten and killed; the Raven was sent to look for light; the Milky Way was his trail; he turned into a sliver, fell into a bucket of water; the daughter of the owner of the light brought the bucket home, the sliver turned into a boy, he was adopted; he wants a ball with light to play; when he becomes a Raven, he takes him away; he opens it at home, the world is light again]: 193-195; Nelson 1899 (hall. St. Michael, unaligmiut) [there are too many people; the creator raven hides the sun in a bag, opens it only for a while; his older brother turns into a leaf (needle?) ; Raven's wife goes to fetch water, drinks, swallows a leaf, gives birth to a boy; he asks for a bag of sun to play; takes away, opens; makes the Morning Star out of a bunch of burning grass; his descendants gradually become ordinary crows]: 460-462; Tennant, Bitar 1981 (Yukon and Cuskoquim Delta) [it's dark all the time; the raven brags that he will get light; men pierced him for lying; he recovered, went to east; stars {obviously the Milky Way} are his ski track, they appeared then; reached a home where a man and a woman; wanted a woman to want a drink; threw himself into a vessel of water {in the form of a needle?} , she drank, became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; asks for glowing bubbles hanging on the wall to play; dark bubbles hang at the other end; while the owners are distracted, the Raven goes skiing, carrying bubbles; when abruptly it lets the air out of them, the days are long, when they are slowly short; where he stumbled, there is a misty group of stars]: 179-181; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Gubser 1965 [umialik (rich man) owns two balloons with bright and dim light; the rest live in the dark; daughter w. refuses to marry; The raven turns into an eagle feather, falls into the lake, the girl goes to fetch water, drinks, swallows a feather, soon gives birth to a boy with a lump on his forehead; he grows fast, wants to play with light, his grandfather gets tired of crying, he allows it, although the bump resembles a crow's beak; the raven takes away the light, breaks it, it becomes light; a woman cries, says that let the day be divided into dark and light parts; the dim light first remained with him, but then he broke it out of grief]: 35-39; Hall 1975, No. EH6 (Noatak) [forever dark; the rich man has two balls; The squirrel digs a hole at the well, where the rich man's daughter takes water; the raven hides there, drops dirt (probably its feces) into the well, the girl drinks water, swallows dirt, gives birth to a boy with a tail; that asks for balls to play; at first only the little one gets; when he gets the big one, pushes him out of the house; the squirrel and the boy run away, throwing the ball to each other, the owner cannot take it away; shouts to the Raven that let him people would take half; if the Raven took the small ball, the days would be short, and now they are long]: 83-85; Lucier 1958, No. 3 [the world is dark; the raven becomes a child, needs a ball to play; takes it out of the house, sunshine breaks, comes out; father says let the light always be like this now]: 92; Spencer 1959 (tareumiut) [the world is dark; a woman and her father live by the sea; she goes to get water, swallows a feather floating in the water; gives birth to a boy with a crow's beak; this is Tulugaak (Raven); he wants to play with the bubble that hangs in the house; tears him up, it becomes light; T. disappears; the woman's father is angry]: 385; McKenzie estuary [man and woman hold light in two bladder; Fox and Raven come to kidnap him; woman goes out to urinate, Raven tells a willow branch to penetrate her vagina; woman becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy; he demands these balls to play; pushes the smaller one out, the Fox carries him away; the baby turns into a Raven, flies after him; leaving the chase, the Fox and the Raven tear the ball, the light floods earth; if they carried away a bigger bubble, there wouldn't be night]: Ostermann 1942:70-73.

Subarctic. Koyukon: Attla 1983 [the sun is gone; people tied a rope to the Bear so that when he looks for berries, they will find it; The bear thinks it's okay, let it be dark; people ask the Raven for help, give him as much food as he wants; the Raven flies away; turns dust and grass into good clothes and shoes; the owner of the sun suspects that it is a Raven, but others say that he is rich handsome; his daughter fell in love with the Raven, he began to live in their house; noticed a dog, asked him to hang it; people notice that someone with a three-toed paw pecked over the corpse; everyone should show bare feet; the Raven says so that the veil covers their eyes, the audience does not notice that he has three toes on his feet; sent his wife to fetch water, threw a fir needle into the water, the woman drank, swallowed it; gave birth to a boy; in the same place it remained dark, the Foxes sang, Let there be light; rattles were tied to the sun and moon in the house so that no one would touch it secretly; the boy cries, asks for the sun to play, the grandfather gives; the raven wants for the dog to grab the salmon; everyone rushed to the yard for the dog, but the Raven back into the house, grabbed it, released the sun, it became light; kicked the child, he turned into a bunch of fir needles; grabbed the moon, became tear off a piece, giving each one of the months of the year the name; December became Nameless; The Raven is back, everyone is happy with the light]: 89-105; De Laguna 1996, No. 23 [The raven makes himself a rich outfit with cones and berries, marries the daughter of a leader who owns the Sun and the Month; a boy born asks for the sun and a month to play; the Raven's outfit begins to turn into what he came from; the raven flies away, grabbing the sun, month and stars; the wind puts them in the sky], 25 [The raven makes the sun and the month, the leader steals them; the raven comes to him disguised as a rich man; throws a fir needle into the water, the leader's daughter swallows her, gives birth to a boy; the raven takes her as his wife; the boy asks for the sun and the month to play; the raven screams that the dog is robbing the barn with frozen fish; everyone runs there, he turns the boy into a fir branch, takes away the sun and the month; then makes stars], 26 [as in (23); The Old Raven gets the sun; cuts off a piece, makes a month out of it]: 197-198, 201-209, 210-214; Jette 1908-1909 [people promise the Crow two dogs to eat if he finds the lost sun; he flies, sees a beautiful girl coming for a drink; turns into a fir needle; a girl swallows it with water, gives birth to a boy; he asks for a hanging the sun is in the house; brings it back to people]: 304-305; inhalic [the daughter of a rich man rejects her suitors; her father's village is light; the raven comes, turns into a fir needle, the girl swallows it with water, gets pregnant, gives birth to a boy; he still cries until he gets a shining thing; flies away with it, bringing light to people]: Chapman 1914, No. 5:22-26; tanaina [the rich man hides the sun and the month; the raven drops in the source of her pen or turns into a fish; the daughter of a rich man drinks, swallows a feather or fish; gives birth to a boy; he asks for sun and a month to play; turns into a crow, takes them away; people are grateful to him]: Osgood 1937 [The raven drops the fir needle, the rich man's daughter swallows it with water; the child gets sun and a month to play; when he becomes a Raven again, flies out through a gap in the corner of the house]: 183-184; Smelcer 1992 [turns into fish]: 111; Vaudrin 1969 [drops his pen]: 43-44; tanana [like tanine; no details]: Smelcer 1992 [turns into a fish]: 31; atna [the chief holds stars in three carved boxes, a month and the sun; his daughter comes to the spring; the raven turns into a speck, the girl swallows it with water; gives birth to a son; the boy asks for and receives stars and a month to play; throws them through the chimney; gets a box with the sun; turns into a crow, takes it away; people don't believe that light exists; the raven opens the box; people are scattered around the world in fear]: Smelcer 1997:19-21; Khan (Eagle) [Bear took the sun off the sky, hung it around his neck under his clothes; the Raven marries his daughter; they have a son; the Raven tells him to ask for the sun to play; the boy throws the sun through a hole in the roof, the Raven flies away next]: Schmitter 1910:26 (=1985:38-39); Upper Tanana: Brean 1975 [a rich chief stole the sun and the month; the raven turns into a piece of moss, the chief's daughter swallows it with a scoop of water; gives birth to a boy; he asks and gets a month and sun to play; throws them out through a hole in the roof, flies away]: 37-41; McKennan 1959 [the old man owns the sun and the month; the raven turns into a fir needle, falls into a spring; the old man's daughter swallows it with water; gives birth to a boy; he asks for the sun and a month to play; turns into a Raven, takes the stars away; smears them with resin, sticks them to the sky; draws them with a pole way across the sky]: 190-191; Smelcer 1992 [like tanine; turns into a piece of moss]: 111; southern tutchoni: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 1b [the world is dark, daylight, sun, moon is owned by a rich man; he has a daughter; her maid goes to fetch water; the raven turns into a grain of dirt, tells the maid to keep silent about it, the daughter of the luminary owner swallows dirt along with the water; becomes pregnant, gives birth three weeks later boy; he asks for a box of daylight to play, then the sun, then the moon; every time he releases into the world; then turns into a crow, flies away]: 18-22; Workman 2000 [(the informant remembered fragments); The raven created the world; the rich man's daughter collected water; the raven made garbage fall into the scoop; after drinking water, the girl swallowed it, gave birth to a son Raven; something about the stolen sun]: 81; tagish, inner tlingits [The raven turns into a pine needle, falls into the cup of the chief's daughter; she spits out the needle, but it is again in her mouth, swallowed; she gives birth to a boy; her father gives birth to a boy for him to play the sun, the month, the stars; the Raven puts them in a box, takes them away; animal people do not give him fish; he opens the box, it becomes light; animal people turn into animals]: Cruickshank 1992:42-43; tagish [The raven goes to get sun, month and daylight; its owner and daughter live on the island; the raven turns into a fir needle, falls into the cup from which the girl drinks; she becomes pregnant, gives birth to a boy, he cries and gets a month to play, leaves him; then gets and takes a bag of sun; steals people's fat in the dark, throws them back dog crap; opens a bag with the sun; with With the advent of light, animal people turn into animals, everyone says who they will be]: McClelland 1987:254-257 (=2007, No. 73c: 361-362); Kuchin: McGary 1984 [The bear lives higher up the river, hides the sun , hangs in her house for a lie; The raven comes there, enters the house; the Bear's daughter goes to the river, scoops water with a scoop, something black falls into the ladle all the time, she swallows, immediately feels pregnant; the Raven swims away, the Bear's daughter gives birth to a boy that night; he grew up, began to go outside on his own, one day began to cry, ask for a bright balloon; the grandfather gave him, told him not to take it far; the boy threw the balloon into the sky, the sun shone; the bear rushed at the boy, who flew down the river like a crow, sat on a fir tree]: 275-285; McKennan 1965 [Bear holds the sun in a bag over his bed; daughter The bear comes to get water; the raven turns into a speck, falls into its bucket, she swallows it with water, gives birth to a boy; he demands the sun to play; rolls out the door, puts it back into the sky]: 90-91; taltan [the chief keeps the light in the box; the raven turns into a cedar needle, falls into the water; the servant brings water to the chief's daughter for drinking; she gives birth to a son; he asks for the sun first, then the Great The bear, then daylight; flies through the chimney, holding sun and light in one hand, and the Big Dipper in the other month; casts light to the north, the sun to the east, the month to the west, the Big Dipper to the south] : Teit 1919, No. 1.5:204-205; helmet [the owner of the sun and the month keeps them in his house, where it is always bright; his daughter drank water, swallowed some dirt with her; gave birth to a boy; he cried, first asked for a month to play, then the sun rolled them out of the house; this is how people got light]: Honigmann 1949:215; Chipewayan [Black Bear is White's nephew; White pulls the Fox's shoulder, hangs it in his house; the Fox asks the Raven for help; the shoulder hangs with a bunch of claws, they ring when touched; the Raven seems to accidentally touch them several times; the Polar Bear falls asleep, the Raven grabs his shoulder, returns the Fox; the Polar Bear chases Black Bear away for telling everyone what happened; hides the sun; it gets dark; the Polar Bear's daughter swallows something dark with water; the boy born demands to play, the sun; turns into a Raven, carries it away; polar bears have been ferocious ever since]: Bell 1903, No. 2:79.

NW Coast. If not otherwise: the world is dark; the chief keeps the light/sun in his house; his daughter comes to the spring for a drink; a raven or a young man wearing crow skin turns into a needle, the girl swallows it with water; gives birth to a boy; he cries until he gets a ball of light to play (the sun, if not otherwise); kidnaps him, brings him to people; see motif A24. Eyak [a wealthy family keeps the sun, the month, the stars; the raven will turn into a fir needle, fall into a vessel of water from which the girl drinks; flies out the chimney, carrying the stars]: Birket- Smith, Laguna 1938:251 [people fish; The raven can't fish in the dark; lets the stars out of the box; it's always light], 259-260 [fishermen don't give the Crow fish; he catches luminaries; for it is light, they give him all the catch]; the Tlingit [the rich/chief in the upper reaches of the Ness River owns the light; the raven turns into a garbage; the rich man's daughter swallows it with water; her father gives her grandson first a bag of stars, then with a month; he throws lights through the chimney into the sky; after receiving a box of daylight, he turns into a Raven, takes the light away]: Golder 1907c: 292-293; De Laguna 1972:852-856 [Raven turns first into a feather, then a fir needle], 860-862 [first into a beetle, then a hemlock needle]; Smelcer 1992 [into a hemlock needle]: 31-32; Swanton 1909 [into a hemlock needle], No. 1, 31:3-4, 81-82, p.374 [ the world was dark; one person knew that the Raven-Upper Reky-Ness had light, came to his daughter; was born and asked for light from his grandfather, brought it to people]; Hyda: Barbeau 1961 [monster with two in his mouths - the leader's slave; brings a lot of prey, eats almost everything himself; the leader's son dies; people mourn, he is resurrected; the monster tells him to eat his skin scales; now the young man is hungry all the time; his father it's a shame, he lets him go get light, lets him wear crow skin; a young man flies into the sky through a narrow passage whose walls converge and diverge; fir needle]: 83-85; Swanton 1905: 116-118 (Skidgate) [like Barbeau; some needle; steals the moon; where the chief lives is not clear; breaks the moon before throwing it into the sky (moon phases)], 142-143 [nephew takes his uncle's wife as a mistress; he causes a flood; a young man shoots arrows into the sky, climbs up a chain of arrows; turns into a hemlock needle in a pond; the leader's daughter swallows it along with the water; the old man sees her baby gets up at night, takes out the eyes of the sleeping villagers, eats them; the leader breaks the floor of the house, throws the child down; he lands on a lonely pole in the guise of a crow; splits it, the waters of the flood go away]; Haida (Masset): Swanton 1908a: 308-311 [A raven comes to a single woman who owned the moon; dies himself and she becomes pregnant (without details); a raven comes out of her thigh; cries, asks play the moon; after closing all the holes in the house, the woman gives the moon; when the smoke hole expands, the Raven turns into a crow, flies out with the moon under its wing; the raven asks fishermen for fir needles, having looks like a candlefish; promises to make it light, they don't believe it; he shows the moon, he gives him fish; he breaks the moon in half, making the sun and the moon; the fragments turn into stars], 346-347 [four sisters own by a salmon river; a person comes, becomes a baby, older sisters pick him up, the youngest doubts; in their absence he becomes an adult, roasts and eats salmon, goes back to the cradle; takes possession of her younger sister one night while she sleeps; leaves]; Tsimshian [like Hyde: flies through a narrow passage]: Barbeau 1961 [(three versions); fir needle]: 75-82; Boas 1902 [cedar needle]: 10-16, 21-23; Barbeau, Beynon 1987 [the world is dark (gloomy), there is no sun; the chief came in and saw his wife with her lover; he thought it was his nephew; he told his wife he knew everything; she was shocked and soon died; the coffin was hung from a pole; the chief is surprised that his nephew shows no signs of grief; tells him to watch; people see a woodpecker flying up to the coffin every evening and flying away in the morning; hear laughter from the coffin; the chief came to see for himself, but cadaveric worms fell on him; the woman gave birth in the coffin, the baby got out; when the coffin was opened, there was a decayed corpse; the chief ordered one of the sisters to take care about the baby, as if it were his son; she has her own son of the same age; they grew up like brothers; the chief's son caught two ducks, took off their skins; wearing them, the young men learned to turn into ducks, fly; flew to the chief, who had daylight; we must fly between two mountains that converge and then diverge; the brothers agreed that whoever flies would marry the leader's two daughters; they flew by and went down to the lake in front of the chief's house; each of his daughters took one of the ducks that turned into men at night; both gave birth to a son; from the eldest Txamsen ("Smart"), from the youngest Lugabula ("Lazy"); time at home, the missing young men mourn their loss; two babies were seen on seaweed in the sea; chief: they returned the missing; they grew up, one of them took the form of a crow to steal the sun from the leader sky; flew to where the chief's daughter took water, turned into a needle, she swallowed it with water; it was the same Txamsen; the baby cries, wants a ball with light to play; once rolled the ball out of the house , became an adult man, then put on a crow's skin and took the ball away; saw spirit men fishing in the light of torches; they refused to share the fish, T. tore the ball, and daylight spread across the world, The sun appeared, the spirits were gone]: 1-5; Garfield, Forest 1961 (b. Ness) [Chief Raven Upper River. Ness owns the sun, moon and stars; the raven asks fishermen for fish, they mock him, promise to give fish in exchange for daylight; the raven goes to the leader's daughter, turns into a garbage, and is thrown away with water; then in the hemlock needle, the girl swallows it; gives birth to a boy; the girl's mother suspects that the baby has feathers under her skin; the grown-up boy asks the moon to play, throws it to the sky, pretends that by accident; gets a box with the sun, gets stuck in the chimney, gathers all his strength, flies out; fishermen keep laughing at him; he opens the box, fishermen turn into all the animals they wore] : 78-79; bellacula: Boas 1895, No. 1 [The chief lives at dawn, keeps the sun in his chest; the raven turns into a spruce needle, the chief's daughter swallows it when he drinks water, gives birth to a boy; he cries, asks the sun to play; releases]: 242; McIlwraith 1948 (1) [the heavenly leader keeps the sun in a box; the raven turns first into a hemlock needle, then into a feather or speck in the cup from which the leader's daughter drinks; she blows away the garbage; the raven turns into clay, the girl swallows it with water; having received the sun to play, the Raven takes it away]: 298, 301; heiltzuk [The raven consistently turns into a fish, a needle, a berry; the chief's wife throws this garbage away every time; finally, in a drop of fat, the woman swallows it with water; the boy born asks for a box of sun to play; takes it away; several groups of fishermen refuse share the catch with the Raven (they catch candlefish); he opens the box, people turn into frogs and waterfowl]: Boas 1916, No. 1:883; uvikino [(told by a young woman); Our Father sent to the land of the First Chief; he taught how to weave nets to catch salmon; only the moon was shining in the sky; the Raven ("true leader", "great inventor") knew that only Menis ("alone in the world") owned the sun; became pine with a needle, fell into the vessel of his eldest daughter M.; she drank water without swallowing the needle; then the Raven became berries, she noticed their reflection, ate them, gave birth to a boy; he immediately speaks; cries, asks his grandfather make a top to catch salmon for him; he does, but the grandson soon cries again; the same is a bow and arrows; a paddle; a boat; a box hanging under the roof; the mother does not give, the grandfather gives; the grandson gets what he is allowed take the box away in the boat; returns the first time, opens the box the second, sunlight floods the world]: Boas 1995, No. XX.1.1:208 (=2002:443-445); Quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XVIII/1 (tlatlasicoala) neveti) [the world is dark, Omeatl (raven) turns into a piece of wood; the owner of the sun sends his daughter to bring it; taking her, she immediately becomes pregnant; a born boy asks for a box of sun to play, takes with him into the boat; cuts off the rope, sails away, opens the box; eternal day first; the former owner of the sun also makes the night]: 173-174 (=2002:382); 1910, No. 17 [Omean (raven) turns into the child of the mistress of daylight (she is a seagull); asks for a boat to play, then a vessel with light; sails away in a boat, brings light to the world]: 233-235; Nootka [the leader of another village keeps the sun in the box; The raven turns into a hemlock needle; when he weeps, he first gets the boat that moves the fastest, then a paddle, then a box of sun; opens it only after the wise Wren promises that everyone will become give him each type of fish and oyster after each catch]: Boas 1916, No. 1:888-892.

The coast is the Plateau. Chilkotin [one person owns the light; the raven turns into a spruce needle, the man's wife goes down for a drink, swallows a needle along with water, gives birth to a boy; he cries, gets to play a box of light; becoming a Raven again, takes him away; women give him berries for opening the box slightly; the Raven breaks the box, releasing light; people are tired of eternal light, the Raven tells night and day alternate]: Farrand 1900, No. 2:14-15; quileut [the chief owns the sun and the month; Kwety turns into a baby, picked him up by the chief's daughter; while she collects the shells, K. stays in the boat where the box of light lies; swims away, throws the sun and the month into the sky]: Andrade 1931, No. 28:85-89; Farrand, Mayer 1919 [the father himself invites his daughter to pick up the boy]: 254-255; Reagan, Walters 1933 [the month is not mentioned]: 299-300, 308-309 [K. turns into a slave, not a baby], 309-310 [K. turns into a baby; two virgin sisters find him by digging roots; the youngest takes him, he continues to cry; the eldest falls silent; at night she takes him to bed; he turns into a man, marries her]; quinalt [zap. Ronald E. Olson in 1926, not published before; Xwoni Xwoni made a fish trap, turned his crap into a man, left him guarded, told him to be called if chinook salmon came across; he called when trapped a driftwood swam; SHH killed him; in the same way he made a new watchman, who called when he caught salmon; SHSH kept the milk, they turned into two girls, he called them daughters; said he was dying, told leave the corpse on the platform, come later, their little brother will be there; the girls find this baby, bring it home, it grows rapidly; first the older sister, then the younger sister throw him on the floor at night, because he tries to have sex with them; they understand that it is SHH, they leave; they see people hitting fish with a spear; they call two young men who bring them to their house, take them as wives; brothers always throw one fish into the fire, they do not tell his wives to touch him; the sisters touch him; the fire is the brothers' mother, it turned out that the sisters poked her in the face with a stick, she died; the brothers said that they themselves are Harpoons; at night, the girls wake up, with not everyone husband, and harpoon; sisters go east, see a blind old woman rocking her daughter Fazaniha's baby; sisters replace the child with a piece of wood, run away; Phazanikha, carrying her mother, chases, abandons her mother, that turns into a lake waist-deep for girls; throws it again, but the old woman has little water left, she was Flood Lake; the baby grows up quickly, from the sisters' song he realizes that they kidnapped him, that his mother Pheasant, and father a log, sails downstream in a boat; all the girls in the village want him so much that they urinate; he is as bright as the sun; Blue Jay pointed to the ugly Frog Girl, who combed her hair, decorated herself, came with a bucket and a box of possessions; she did not wet herself, and Blue Jay did it as if the Frog had wet himself; the young man took the Frog into his boat, swam further down; a young man stands on the shore, swallowing lizards and everything that swims; says that his brother was stolen by the SHH girls; the brothers recognize each other; the frog took him by the leg, shook lizards and other rubbish out of him; the elder brother became the Sun, it's too hot, everything is burning; then it became the Month, married the Frog, she can be seen on the moon with her box and bucket; the youngest (coming from a piece of wood in the cradle) became the Sun]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:202-209; shuswap [see motif F58; The coyote turns into a piece of wood, swims to the top where the two sisters blocked the river; they make a dish out of wood; it swallows all the food, sisters Throw him away; the Coyote becomes a baby, his sisters adopt him; at night he copulates with them; when they carry it on his back, he slides lower, copulates again; breaks the top, leads the salmon up the Thompson and Fraser rivers]: Teit 1909a: 629-630; Thompson: Boas 1895, No. II.5 (ntlakyapamuk) [=2002:87-88; Coyote's son has two wives, Coyote wants one for himself; sends his son to a tree for a bird; the tree grows; when the son jumps into the sky, the Coyote makes the tree low again; the young man wants to pull out the roots; it turns out that these are holes in the sky = stars; turns two old women into birds; Spider spouses they bring him down to the ground in a basket; his wife and son meet him; he kills a deer, sends a Coyote after him; the Coyote sinks in the river; turns into a piece of wood; two women make a plate out of it; it eats food; they they throw her into the fire; she becomes a baby; they make him a servant; they keep fog and wasps in the vessels; left alone, the Coyote opens the vessels, releasing fog and wasps into the world]: 17-18; Teit 1898, No. 2 [two sisters they hold the fish behind the pond; the Coyote turns into a wooden bowl; eats the fish that the sisters put on it; they throw the bowl into the fire, it turns into a baby; left alone, the Coyote takes his old appearance, breaks the dam, fish rushes into rivers]: 27; lillouette [like Thompson; women's brother finds a bowl]: Teit 1912b, No. 7:303-304; snohomish [Fox and Norka went to travel; Norka said he would go see what was ahead; wrote into the water, turned the urine into salmon, gave it to the Fox; he fried it and ate it; got sick; asked the two little girls in it (probably his own excrement), they laugh, Fox became pregnant; gave birth to a boy, he grew up quickly, married Butterball (?) and the bird, he loves the first, the second does not; the fox wants to take possession of his son's wives; asks the "counselors", who tell them to turn them into white birds; the son Fox undressed, climbed a tree, it is higher and higher, to the sky; "birds" returned to Fox; he put on his son's clothes, came to his wives, said that his father was dead; B. understood what was going on, the bird wife believed; the fox took the bird, B. did not agree with him; in heaven, Fox's son came to the gray-haired man the old man; this is the Spider; he said that the country where the young man came from was the third below; began to let him down; when it was warm, the young man realized that he was on earth; in gratitude he gave the spider 4 dressed reindeer skins; bald; caught up with his faithful wife, she touched his head, his hair grew again; first she carried her husband in her basket; then he told Fox and his bird-wife to bring the deer he had killed; bewitched the strap, that constantly eager; the fox and his wife rushed to catch up, his wife was carried away by the river, the Fox hardly swam out; his advisers said that there are two women down the river, they have a dam with a salmon trap; the fox turned into a wooden dish, swam into a trap; the women picked it up, she devours all the meat they put in it; they threw the bowl on the floor, it turned into a baby; when the women are not there, the fox goes to the dam and takes it salmon from there; counselors tell you to break the dam; the head and back must be covered with baskets - these are the only vulnerabilities on the body; the women rushed to the Fox with the jails, but they are stuck in the baskets; the Fox led fish up the river; came to a woman with her daughter, married her daughter, speaks a miraculous language as if he were a mountain leader; salmon ran out; wife gave birth to a girl, left her Lisa and left; she grew up in a few days , married Mountain Sheep's son; the fox went to visit them; the baby, whom the daughter gave birth to, had fat diapers, the Fox ate them; when the Fox stole the stone hammer, his daughter kicked him out; the fox began to play, throwing them up his eyes, the Raven took them away; Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star that Magpie does not see; when she came, he pulled out her eyes and put her in; the fox came to the fat old woman- illnesses; she says that her two granddaughters went to a place where Raven shows Fox's eyes to everyone and the audience is dancing around; the fox asks the old woman in detail about her usual behavior, wants to kill; she claims that you can't kill her with a stone, a club, water, fire, a magic root; Fox's excrement is advised to beat her with nettles; she dies, the Fox put on her skin; counselors: spots under the eyes, tell your granddaughters that you are hurt; the granddaughters carried the imaginary old woman, the Fox copulated with both; the fox began to sing, everyone liked it, he called his eyes, they returned to his eye sockets, he ran away, the pursuer showed his penis, everything was enveloped in the fog, the Fox escaped]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:399-411; Skagit [Coyote's son is married to Turtledove and Duck; the Coyote wants them himself; creates a woodpecker, sends his son to the tree for him; the woodpecker soars higher; the Coyote waves his penis, everything drowns in the fog; puts on his son's clothes, marries the Duck; the Turtledove rejects him; the Spider lowers his son from heaven to earth; he comes to the Turtledove, the Duck leaves the Coyote; creates a river; the Coyote crosses it, is carried away by the current; it turns into a wooden bowl; two women Magpie and Snipe pick it up; the food left in it disappears; they break the bowl; the Coyote turns into a baby, women raise him; in their absence, he eats food; they guess they want to punish him]: Hilbert 1985:66-72; Puget Sound [Coyote turns into a baby; five sisters (birds are birds Carriers) hold the salmon behind the pond; pick up the baby; he breaks the dam, releasing salmon into the river]: Ballard 1929:146-147, 148-150; cowlitz [The Coyote carries the river, it turns into a wooden one a spoon; a woman picks it up, takes food with it, the food disappears; the same episode with a bowl, a horn spoon, a pot; five girls hold the fish behind the pond; K. turns into a baby, one of the sisters picks it up; he breaks the dam]: Adamson 1934:245-247; upper coulitz [Coyote's son Eagle is married to two mouse sisters and two throat sisters; when the Coyote puts sparkling wood into the fire, the women throw off clothes, he sees that the Mice have white vulvas and that the Gorlinki have black ones, prefers white ones; he makes eagles from his excrement, puts them on a rock, sends the Eagle to get the chicks; he takes off his clothes and climbs the rock , finds excrement there; the Coyote makes the rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, takes his form, tells his wives to migrate, takes Mice; the old spider lowers the Eagle to the ground; the son recognizes him; he kills a deer, tells Coyote to carry it, causes rain, the Coyote is carried away by the river; the Coyote asks the trees for help, predicts the usefulness of those that give him their branches; turns into a dead deer, swims to boy; the boy's grandmother knows that it is a Coyote, runs to beat him, he swims away; in the form of a baby in a basket, Coyote sails to five virgin sisters; they raise him, the youngest does not love him, because lying at on their knees, he always puts his hands between their legs; they have a pond with fish; in the absence of the girls, the Coyote gets up from the cradle, digs a ditch; the sisters come running and hit him, but he manages to release the salmon; first he screams, Down the river, then catches up, screams, Up; so there are few salmon in the upper reaches]: Jacobs 1934, No. 2:103-107; tillamook [South Wind sees a girl in the boat, with her her parents; turns into a baby in the cradle board; he gets picked up, he cries in his parents' arms, calms down the girl; climbs under her skirt, touches her vulva, she throws it into the water, but he falls across the river, becomes a man, laughs; two old women offer themselves to him, intending to make him impotent; he refuses, says he knows who they are, they are smelly bugs; converges with two girls, they take him under water, he's barely alive when released; see further motif K1H, South Wind is walled up in the rock]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:22-23; Vasco: Curtin 1909b, No. 5 [Coyote makes eagle chicks out of his giblets; sends his grandson Eagle to get feathers; makes the rock tall; takes the form of a grandson, puts on his clothes, sleeps with his two wives Mouse and Woodpecker; Thunder splits the rock, the Eagle descends, catches up with the family, his wives welcome him; the Coyote is washed into the river by the rain, he turns into a piece of wood; two sisters pick it up; he turns into a baby; when they are not there, he takes on his true form , eats their fish; destroys the dam, releasing salmon into rivers; showers the sisters with ash, turning them into birds]: 264-267; Hines 1996, No. 5A [two sisters keep salmon behind the dam; Coyote turns into an alder log, swims, the youngest picks it up, the eldest tells him to throw it away; turns into a baby in a cradle, the youngest picks it up; while the sisters dig up the roots, he breaks the dam for five days, turns into a baby again at night; releases salmon up Colombia, sisters turn into birds (like swallows); in the Vancouver area, Coyote met people without mouths, they talked food, sniffed, threw them away; he cut their mouths; chief offered him a daughter as a wife, he refused (I take women whenever I want! )]: 51-53; Vishram: Hines 1998, No. 5A [the young man killed a deer, tied the carcass with his intestines, asked the Coyote to bring it; the intestines are tearing, it has begun to rain, the river has carried away the Coyote; he has become a baby in the cradle; five sisters keep all the fish in the dam; found a baby, the youngest suspects it was a Coyote; while the sisters are digging the roots, the Coyote is digging a canal; puts five horn spoons on her head; one of the sisters has broken digger, they came running, started hitting the Coyote, each broke a spoon, but his head was intact, he released the salmon; screams, Little fish into the river, the big fish into the sea; then he recovered, but he couldn't fix it; He turned my sisters into swallows, they fly in front of the salmon; told the fish to jump ashore, but the salmon slide back; asked the sisters, they said they should be beaten with a stick; began to bake salmon, fell asleep; 5 Wolves they ate everything, greased Coyote's hands and lips; his sisters talked about the Wolves; the Coyote put them to sleep when they baked eggs, smeared their mouths with eggs; then pp.50-55: The Coyote goes, setting norms (where to fish, what do different places along the river look like? Colombia)], 5B [=Sapir, p.3-7], 5C [approximately like A; Coyote wears five wooden hats; the Wolves episode on pp.61-65; determines fishing spots: 65-66]: 44-55, 55-57, 58-66; ne perse [cf. motive K1; Coyote's son sends him to bring meat, separates him from the camp by deep gorges; Coyote sails down the river on a raft in the form of a baby; the eldest of the five Swallow Sisters picks it up; he breaks them fish dam releasing salmon into rivers]: Phinney 1934:380-381; Yakima: Hines 1992, No. 44 [Coyote's son is married to three sisters, the youngest Coyote wants himself; asks son to climb a tree for feathers an eagle, advises to take off his clothes; leans a tree with branches against a smooth trunk; then cleans up, puts on his son's clothes, migrates with his wives; two days later the son descends; the youngest wife hides him in her bag; he kills Coyote with a truncheon, throws him into the river; the Coyote turns into a baby, swims to the dam, behind which five sisters hold salmon; while they are away, breaks the dam with five wooden scoops; sisters break scoops but not Coyote's head; Coyote threatens his "sisters" with rain if they don't teach him how to catch salmon; where he gets wives, he makes good fishing spots, where they don't give him bad ], 45 [Coyote's son has two Swan Wives from the coast, two Gorlinki; he loves Gorlinka, Coyote likes Swans; he makes artificial eagles, invites his son to climb the rock after them, takes off his clothes, makes a rock smooth, puts on his son's clothes, says that Coyote stayed on the rock; sleeps with the Swans; Gorlinki know it's not their husband, they leave food for him in the parking lots; five days later, the Spider lowers the young man off the cliff ; he kills a deer, tells Coyote to bring it, he is carried away by the river; the Coyote turns into a baby, picked up by five swallow sisters who held the fish behind the pond; breaks the dam with wooden ones over his head shields; sisters break them, but Coyote is intact]: 121-126, 126-131; Okanagon: Teit 1917c, No. 3a [Coyote sails down Colombia in the form of a small inverted boat; at the mouth of the river, two sisters blocked it in a pond, preventing the salmon from going up; they find a boat at the top, use it as a trough; the fish put in it disappears; they hit the trough, it turns into a boy; it grows fast; while sisters no, breaks the dam, frees the way for fish; turns sisters into sandstone birds; leads salmon up the river; lets him go where he is given wives, blocks the channel with rapids where they are not given]: 67-70; Hill- Tout 1911 [Once in a hurricane, Coyote wants it to be even stronger, thrown by the wind into the river, swims like a wooden bowl to the fish dam owned by two sisters (birds); they pick up a bowl they put salmon meat in it, the meat is eaten in their absence; the youngest throws the bowl into the fire, which turns into a baby, the youngest decides to raise it; when the sisters leave, the Coyote gets out of the cradle, breaks it a dam; his sisters rush to beat him with digging sticks, but he puts a bone spoon over his head; leads salmon up Colombia, marries Wolverine's daughter, puts rapids in this place so that the fish do not go higher; leads salmon through the tributaries of Colombia; People-Mountain Sheep on the Simulkameen River have abandoned salmon, now there are no fish]: 146-147; Kerdalen: Reichard 1947, No. 8 [chief sends his daughters the eldest Squirrel and the youngest Chipmunk to the Crane; he is a good hunter; returning to her father, each carries a baby, and the Crane carries her own belt of meat; it seems that when she unties it, it is enough for all inhabitants villages; the crane organizes the hunt, the Coyote does everything badly; decides to swim down the river; there is a dam, it has four cannibal girls, they are birds; Coyote's advisers turn him into a baby in the cradle, who swims on a log; girls pick him up, he grows fast; he is told to go drinking himself; as soon as he hides from their eyes, he becomes a Coyote, digs a hole in the dam; when he is especially long No, girls come, see him break the dam, hit him, but he's protected by a helmet and a shell; the dam collapses, the salmon rushing up the river; the Coyote catches one, bakes, falls asleep; four Wolves and a Fox they steal salmon, the Fox smears the sleeping Coyote's mouth with fat, the hot smut marks around the eyes; the next time the Fox and Wolves sleep with eggs to bake; the Coyote puts his excrement instead of eggs; where The coyote was refused a wife, he does not allow salmon into that river; he received ne perse in the country]: 98-105; Teit 1917e, No. 5 [four women blocked Colombia with a dam, preventing salmon from climbing up the river; The coyote turns into a piece of wood, sails to platinum, becomes a baby; women pick him up, he grows up; asks permission to go to the dam for a drink; breaks it, salmon rush up Colombia]: 121; sanpual [four sisters keep salmon in a pond; the Coyote turns first into a wooden bowl, then into a baby; his sisters pick him up, the youngest suspects fraud; he becomes a man again, breaks the dam]: Clark 1953:91-95; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 60 [Coyote swims down the river; turns into a wooden bowl; Night Hawk and Snipe girls pick it up; meat left in it overnight disappears; in the morning they find a bowl in their beds; throw it away, it turns into a little boy; while the girls pick berries, the Coyote releases the salmon and deer they held behind the pond and in a pen; both give birth to a child]: 165-171; Linderman 1997, No. 8 [the old woman tells hungry children that their Uncle Kingfisher has a lot of food; the Coyote hears this, runs to Kingfisher himself (same beginning with Moose, Puma); he pulls the fish out of the ice-hole, the Coyote breaks on the ice, his wife revives it; the elk bakes the roots, they turn into brain bones; cuts off his wife's nose, feeds the Coyote, the wife has been ashing on us; since then, moose such a nose; Coyote hurts the Dog Wife, since then dogs have a short nose; Coyote takes meat from Puma while he is not, sends his wife; Puma beats her; Coyote kills him with a magic arrow, lives in his house; kills not two deer at once, as his wife tells him, and many; Deer roll stones at him; he turns into a board, swims along the river to the top; it is owned by three women; one picks up a board; in her house, the Coyote turns into baby; left alone, breaks the top, releasing salmon into rivers]: 73-89.

Northeast. Seneca: Curtin, Hewitt 1918, No. 18 [the eldest of six brothers gets married; their wife blinds them all; Tornadoes kidnap their younger sister; old woman wants to eat her, Tornado boy kills old woman, marries on a girl; her two twin sons find blind uncles; one of the twins comes to women making a veil decorated with human eyes; turns into a duckling; one of the women goes to fetch water, wants to catch a duckling; he disappears, she is pregnant, gives birth to a boy; the baby cries, rejects everything that is offered to him; when everyone, tired, falls asleep, carries away the blanket with the eyes with which he was covered; restores sight to uncles], 24 [seven sisters have a chestnut; a man steals one nut from it, can eat it for the rest of his life, cannot eat anything else; his magic cauldron turns a piece of nut into enough porridge; his nephew spies on his uncle; wants to cook food for him, cooks the whole nut; must get new nuts so that his uncle does not starve to death; moves into one of the geese, guarding a tree; when the youngest sister bathes, moves into it; born by it; steals nuts; var.: moves into a mole, steals nuts while the eagle guard bites meat]: 75-81, 147-151.

California. Kato [Coyote turns into a baby swimming on the river in the cradle; girls pick him up, go to bed; at dawn, Coyote leaves; when girls wake up, they find themselves pregnant]: Goddard 1909, No. 15:219; Yuki: Foster 1944 [The Coyote wove the basket, turned into a baby, swam in a basket along the river; he was picked up by the Swan Girls; at night he became a man, met everyone but the last one to carefully lay on the stone from the back and front; she was the only one who got up in the morning, but immediately turned into a turtle]: 236; Kroeber 1932b [like a kato; the baby cries when an ugly one takes it woman; calms down in the arms of a beautiful woman; in the morning, women cut off Coyote's penis, kill him; he revives]: 938; coastal yuki: Gifford 1937, No. 12 [like a kato; calms down in her arms who picked him up; women give birth to a baby; returning to his wife, Coyote says that he was bitten by a snake; his tribe Woodpecker sees that it was not a snake, but one of the women who stabbed him when he woke up], 21 [ as in (12); Coyote sleeps with only one woman; Malinovka exposes him]: 124-125, 137-138;

Great Pool. Northern shoshones [Coyote turns into a baby, gets into a boat, swims to the dam that prevents salmon from climbing the river; five women find him, the eldest feeds him; in their absence, he breaks the dam; calls salmon, catches, roasts; falls asleep; Wolves stole salmon, stretched out Coyote's nose; Coyote found Wolves asleep, stretched out his noses and them; married; another man stole his wife; since then people take their wives away from each other]: Lowie 1909b, No. 23i: 275-276; Western shoshones [The sun is close to the ground, unbearable heat; every day the Sun kicks Rabbit's back with its hot stick, spots are still visible pores; Rabbit makes a bow, arrows with poisoned flint tips; goes east to the sea; The sun comes out of the water, cleans its head from lice on a tree on an island; fired arrows burn; Rabbit hits the Sun with a quiver stick, which it moistens with its saliva; hides in a hole, burns, stains remain; causes the North Wind to cool the earth with snow and hail; in the darkness that has come pulls the Sun's corpse out of the water, freshens; throws the gallbladder into the sky, it becomes the new sun, the kidneys become the Month; gives names to 12 months starting in July; tells the Sun to shine during the day, the Month at night; the sea will be salty because the Sun fell into it; hot springs are the tears of the Sun when it was killed; the old woman replies to the unrecognized Rabbit that she is waiting for the Rabbit, who kills people by killing the Sun; offers to jump over the fire, before he has time to push the Rabbit there, he collides, burns it; another old woman says that when the Rabbit comes, she will place him in a vessel that weaves and crush it; he gets inside, not crushed; when the old woman climbs, she presses her to death; the third old woman replies that she will bring down a hanging stone on the Rabbit; The rabbit offers to try, remains alive, the old woman is crushed ; he comes to the field; the sister sends his younger brothers to shoot rabbits that spoil the crops; the rabbit deflects their arrows, comes to the house where the sister paints her face with red paint, the brothers do not decide to enter; in the evening he washes off the paint, the brothers come in, everyone roast the rabbits; at night he ties the brothers' hair, rapes his sister to death, burns everyone in the house; Marmots laugh at the Rabbit; he makes a fire at all burrows, strangles Surkov with smoke to death; comes to his two aunts; puts one of the Sun's buds in the place where they kept their food; they call him nephew, he is happy; the Sun's bud turns into a rock; The rabbit moves it, gets food; two Wild Cats are sitting by the fire; their fire is white stone, there is no other, and it is dangerous to take firewood; the Rabbit tells you to take it, the Tree rushes at them, but the Rabbit throws the Sun's bud at him, it freezes; it tells wood to serve as fuel, not to rush at people; the same is true with water, now you can drink it; the Rabbit meets two Sky Boys; they feed him something white, hard and tasty; you have to lie face to the sky, sing, food will come down from the sky; The rabbit is frightened, throws the Sun's kidney into the descending food, tells the food to be on earth to be a sugar-bearing plant; The boys flew to heaven; did not stars, but live in a heavenly hole; The rabbit saw two girls, became a little boy, they picked him up; at night he feels their breasts; the next night he becomes a man, copulates with them; during the day He turns the swamp over with people, they die; the girls come back, he copulates with them until their insides come out of their mouths; turns into a rabbit]: Smith 1993:167-178.

Mesoamerica Mixteci [Our Creator Father (BUT) learns that the mistress of a temazcal (steam bath) owns a ball of thread to measure the world; she comes ashore, where she washes, fires miniature arrows at her, she thinks flies bite; he turns into a baby, gets out of the water; she brings him home, tells her twin sons that they have a little brother; goes to take food to her husband, who works in forest; when he returns, he feeds the baby with his milk; the next day, the boy asks the twins to let him play with their mother's ball; it is stored in a vessel; BUT pulls a thread, measures the world, puts a ball back, lies down in the cradle, cries; a woman scolds the twins for not caring for her brother or comforting him; on the fourth day she returns when BUT is still measuring the world; he explains what she is looking for meat to eat; goes for a walk, she warns not to go right; he goes screams, Go get some food, dad!" A deer appears, BUT kills it with an arrow, makes a scarecrow, fills it with wasps and bees; brings meat to a woman; she eats it with her twins; when she brings food to her husband, he does not answer, she hits him with a stick, Wasps and bees fly out, bite it; BUT drowns the temazcal to treat it, closes the exit; it stays inside; it takes the twins and takes it away]: Solano González 1985:172-177.