Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M48. The trickster turns into a bison .43.46.47.


Trickster asks another zoomorphic character to turn him into a creature of his kind, but if he breaks the condition for transformation, he becomes himself again. Usually, a trickster asks a bison or elk to turn it into a bison or elk. The bison (elk) rushes to the trickster, which bounces off in fear. The next time the trickster stays in place, metamorphoses, but regains its former appearance after trying to turn another trickster into a bison, etc.

The coast is the Plateau. Yakima: Beavert 1974 [Coyote goes east to look for buffalo; falls asleep at night, wakes up in the same place; four times; his "sisters" (excrement) say that it is the Sunwoman above him mocks; they advise you to become a fluff so that the wind carries him; to land, he becomes a branch; enters a rich tipi, asks the owner's five daughters to be married; these are bison; the owner warns not have been copulating with them for five days; they go west, spending every night in the same type they magically carry with them; the Coyote becomes a bison; the older girl doesn't like the new country; she goes to bed expose the genitals, the Coyote copulates; the bison returns east, the Coyote becomes a coyote again]: 45-51; Hines 1992, No. 59 [Coyote asks Eagle to make him an eagle; the Eagle hits the Coyote four times, sitting on a rock, he loosens back every time; the fifth time he does not recede, becomes an Eagle; another coyote asks him to be turned into an Eagle; when the Coyote Eagle hits the second Coyote for the fifth time, he himself turns into a Coyote again]: 194-196; ne-perse [the hungry Coyote asks the Bison to turn him into a bison; he butts him off; the first time the Coyote bounces, the second stays in place, turned; Another coyote asks Coyote Bison to do the same with him; as a result, Coyote Bison becomes Coyote again]: Phinney 1934:9-10; quail at Walker, Matthews 1998, No. 25:79-81.

Plains. {Where there is no complete link to the source, data for Beckwith 1938:138}. Arikara: Dorsey 1904d, No. 50 [The Coyote asks Bison to turn him into a bison so that he can eat grass without starving; three times the Coyote bounces in fear, on the fourth he waits for the Bison to hit him with run, turns into a bison; together they kill the main male with all the females, disassemble the females; in the morning, the Coyote Bison is alone, the bison has gone west; invites the other Coyote to do and his bison; as in the beginning, but he turns back into a coyote]: 138-139; Park 1996, No. 52 [Coyote envies Bison, who is easy to get food; he throws him four times with horns, turns him into a bison; another coyote asks the new bison to do the same trick with him; as a result, the coyote bison becomes an ordinary coyote again]: 359-362; Shayens [The White Man tells Bison he would also like to become bison; he rushes at him three times, turns him into a bison for the fourth time; hunters killed him thinking it was a real bison]: Kroeber 1900, No. 13:170; Dakota: JAF 20:125; yankton [ Iktomi asks Pheasant to turn him into a Pheasant; he does so on the condition that I. does not fly, I. immediately violates the ban, becomes himself; the same with the Arrow (The Arrow tells you to fly only in a straight line, I. turns to the Deer, loses the appearance of an arrow); The deer reply that their mother burned them with hot coal, so they have specks on their faces; leave I. in an earthen furnace, run away]: Zitkala-Å a 1985:47-57; teton (oglala): Beckwith 1930, No. 37 [The bison turns Iktomi into another bison, rushing at him with a run; the fox asks I. to transform him now; trying to do so, I. finds his former appearance], 37a [as in (37); Wolf instead of I.; tries to transform another wolf]: 437-438; Walker 1983 [Iktomi turns into Bison; the hunter chases him, he says he's not a real bison; tries transform a hunter]: 171-174; mandan [after becoming a bison, the Coyote invites another coyote to make his bison, but only becomes a coyote again]: Beckwith 1938, No. 36:277-287; Omaha, ponca: Dorsey 1909:73-74 [Moose transforms Iktinica; people kill most moose; I. regains its former appearance, turns Moose into an elk], 105-106 [The bison transforms the Coyote; he again becomes a coyote in an attempt to transform another coyote; asks the buffalo to transform him again; the bison butts him to death]; Osage [The wolf asks the Bison to make him a buffalo; he performs hit the Wolf with a run; the imaginary bison becomes a wolf again, trying to make another wolf's bison; asks Bison to turn him again; by Bison's blow, the Wolf is torn in half]: Dorsey 1904c, No. 4:10- 11; Pawnee [The Coyote asks Bison to turn him into a bison too; he doubts that the Coyote will do the right thing; the Coyote first bounces when the Bison rushes at him, then holds back when the blow is made by a bison; the other Coyote asks the Coyote Bison to turn him too; as a result, the first one becomes the Coyote again; the Bison makes him Bison again; warns to disagree when the other The bison will call him to go to the people; the Coyote goes for smoke; the Coyote Bison pretends to know what it means; people kill buffalo, drive the Coyote Bison off the cliff, he falls, becomes a Coyote; for the third time asks Bison to turn him into a Bison; The bison butts the Coyote to death]: Dorsey 1906, No. 128:449-451; wichita: Dorsey 1904a, No. 3 [The sun teaches the Coyote to grab the magic bison, which turns into a shield ; you have to grab the bison every time before dawn; one day the Coyote tries to do it after dawn; the arrows lose their power, the bison kills the Coyote, he turns into a coyote], 4 [as in (3), but the Swallow instead Suns], 47 [The bison turns the Coyote; he in turn tries to turn another coyote into a bison, becoming a coyote again]: 36-47, 278-280; (cf. assiniboin [Iktomi pulls a bison calf out of the mud; on the way to the other bison, it becomes an adult bison; tells I. to lie down, he also turns into a bison; a real bison kidnaps a cow from the bison camp; tells the Bison I. not to approach the leader's tipi; I. goes there, takes the leader's wife; both couples run; the chief with iron horns catches up with them; together I. and his friend win buffalo from whom they stole their wives]: Lowie 1909a, No. 47:130-131).

Southeast USA. Caddo [The Coyote asks the Bison to turn him into a bison; the Bison rushes to the Coyote, who bounces in fear; for the seventh time, the Coyote stays in place, turns into a bison; he can become coyote again, lying in a puddle where bison drinks, and can turn back into a bison himself, but only when absolutely necessary and no more than seven times; you can't turn others yourself; on the same day, Coyote seven changes its appearance once; hitting another coyote with a run does not turn it into a bison, but becomes the same coyote]: Dorsey 1905, No. 64:101-102.