Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M49. A hero in someone else's skin.

.11.-.13. (.14.) . (.53.)

The hero meets a character from the enemy camp and, taking on his form, penetrates enemies. Usually, the hero kills the person he meets and puts on his skin.

Owambo, Ashanti, Malgashi, (Kordofan, Nubians, Arabs of Sudan, Morocco, Berbers of Kabylia), Gilbert, Tibetans (Ladah), Tibetans (Amdo), Mustang, (Bhutan), Munda, Kalmyks, Karachays, and Balkarians, Abkhazians, Chechens, Nogais, Turks, Vakhans, Rushans, Yazgulyam, Kazakhs, Altaians, Mongols, Tuvans, Buryats, Mongors, Dagurs, Northern Khanty, Amur Evenks, Nanais, Orochi, Udege, Ainu Sakhalin, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, St. Lawrence, Bering Strait and Northern Alaska Inupiate, Koyukon, Hyda, Bellacula, Quarry, Chilcotin, Shuswap, Thompson, Snohomish, Cowlitz, Skagit, Western Sachaptin, Ne Perse, Okanagon, Kurdalen, Kutene, tillamook, alsea, cous, tututney (joshua), upper coquill, takelma, winnebago, menominee, ojibwa (Sault Ste Marie, Font du La, timagami, etc.), North Solto, Western Marsh Cree, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) ), Steppe Cree, Steppe Ojibwa, Montagne, Assiniboine, Omaha and Ponca, Iowa, Karok, Hoopa, Shasta, Vintu, Nomlaki, Yana, Achomavi, Tubatulabal, Kawaiisu, Serrano, Northern Payut, Western and Northern Shoshones, goshiyute, chemewevi, southern payut, southern utah, havasupai, walapai, yawapai, western apache, hopi, zunyi, pima, maricopa, (bribri).

Bantu-speaking Africa. Owambo [the mother of Enkembe and his younger sister is dead; Lufufu, the son of the same man's other wife, is ill, the sorcerer advises the victim; the patient's mother asks her husband to kill E.; sister warns his brother about this; he does not approach the vessel into which the milk is poured and where his father is hiding; kills his father, takes off his skin and pulls him over himself, and the corpse takes the form of E.; disguised as father, E . divides meat, lets L. eat his penis; takes on its real form; mother tells L. not to eat the penis, but he refuses to throw it away, eats it]: Loeb 1951:310-311 (=Serauky 1986:196-197).

West Africa. Ashanti [eight sisters go looking for husbands, do not want to take their younger brother Kwasi Gyinamoa with them; he goes; hitting his cow's tail with his whip, tells the three-jet waters to part ( white, red, black) rivers; in an empty city, an old woman took off her head, put her head on her knees, looked for insects in her hair; when she sees them, she puts her head in place; gives girls her eight husbands sons; at night, KG sees the old woman's teeth turn red to eat the girls; promises to fall asleep if the old woman brings him water in a leaky calebass; outweighs the amulets from the old woman's sons on her sisters; at night, an old woman burns her sons' necks with her teeth; those who come run away; an old woman in the form of a young girl comes to their village; promises to marry someone who pierces her calebass with an arrow; this is done by KG, but his uncle marries; at night, an imaginary girl takes his eyes out, takes him away; knowing that the old woman's granddaughter is pregnant, GK comes disguised as a pregnant woman, says that her husband has fallen, lost his eyes; the old woman gives replacing the eyes of Uncle GK, GK inserts them back to him; bathes with other children, the old woman takes him away; leaves him in the vessel at home to cook, goes for spices; KG knocks with pebbles, the old woman's granddaughter believes that these are nuts, she wants it too, opens the vessel, the KG kills her, puts her skin on, puts the meat to cook; KG and the old woman eat the brew; the old woman adorns her imaginary granddaughter with gold jewelry; KG runs away, gives jewelry to her relatives; the old woman is chasing; you can still hear a rustle along the trail, this is the old woman chasing KG]: Rattray 1930:221-227.

Sudan - East Africa. Malgashi [the old woman tells two childless sisters to look in her head; one finds a blade of grass, the other a piece of amulet; all the trees in the forest promise children, one is silent; the sisters have taken its root, they cooked the drug, the eldest gave birth to a girl Iampelasuamanura; the youngest unborn son tells her to swallow a knife, goes out, cutting her side, heals it, jumps into the fire, he is unharmed, he is "holy and all-destructive Bunia"; marries I.; Ifuzanatukundrilyahi wins by driving him into stone, gives his people to the Swimmer, the Connector, the Reviver; B.'s wife is kidnapped by Ravatuvulyuvuay; B. asks the old man what he presents to the king, puts on his skin, brings R. bananas in his guise; wins the game, ties wild bulls; R. suspects that this is not an old man; B. takes his wife away, warns not to contact him; she asks where the ford is, the bullet immediately hits him; houses see that the banana he planted withers; the swimmer pulls his bones out of the river, the Connector and the Reviver revive; B. kills R., takes his wife]: Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, 116: 276-282; (cf. Kordofan (ethnicity not specified) [a rich man unfairly took another man's money and son, made him his servant; took him to the city, where he was going to give three daughters of the impoverished man for his acquaintances; on the way The poor man argues why he could kill a rich man; and killed him; told his acquaintances that he was dead; when he came to the scene of the murder, he saw a magnificent watermelon growing there; decided to present it to the Sultan; But when the cook cut the watermelon, blood poured out; the poor man told him everything; people sympathize with him; the eldest daughter Fatma notices that they are not treated as before, comes to town and finds out what is going on; tells the Sultan that if he kills her father, they, daughters, will kill him; he does not take the threat seriously; F. found 7 more girls, 10 of them; they took out horses and weapons; when the Sultan took out his father girls from the city to execute him, the girls rode, began to defeat the Sultan's men; he hurried back to the city; two younger sisters fell in battle, but the Sultan's people lost great; they managed to close before F. gate; she promised to return and threatened to destroy the whole city if something happened to her father; F. ordered the horses to be killed and their weapons left, took the girls to another country; they met an old shepherd; F. at his request, she cleaned his lice; he replied that he had to stab thorns into his head, then it was easy to tear off his skin; F. did so, put her skin on herself and turned into an old man; they came to the drone; she she crushed the bones of those she had previously eaten to feed those who had come; F. noticed this and did not order to eat; asked the gulya to bring water to the sieve; the girls ran away; on the banks of the Nile they asked the crocodile to transport them; they fed lamb on the way; he transported them; unable to collect water into the sieve, Gulya chased; the crocodile took her too; but since she did not give him lamb, but hit him in the face, he drowned her; the girls spent the night in the cave; the Sultan's son and 7 noble young men were nearby; the Sultan's son was lost; the young men began to look for him, releasing their horses; the horses came to the cave, the girls drove them away; the young men found the girls were brought to their parents, married; the Sultan's son also came there; one of the girls advised him to look in that cave too; he brought an imaginary old man to him; he said that he would herd goats and He can't do sheep, but geese can; when the Sultan's son sent a slave to take lunch to the goose shepherd, he saw a beautiful woman at the spring; F. quickly pulled on the old man's skin, and when they sat down to eat, asked the slave to show her tongue - there was an insect on it; cut off her tongue and the slave could not tell anything to the Sultan's son; so with 4 slaves; after the fifth, the Sultan's son followed and saw everything; in the evening he ordered to bring the imaginary old man for dinner; he said he was too weak, and the Sultan's son ordered him to be brought; began to play dice: whoever wins can do what he wants to do to the other; the third time the Sultan's son won, cut the skin with a knife and F. came out from under it; agrees to become the wife of the Sultan's son if her father is released; the Sultan's son and the husbands of F.'s friends came with an army; at first, the Sultan decided that F. was not among those who came; but during she went out to battle with her friends, killed the Sultan's people and captured him; he had to let Father F. go and give a big ransom]: Frobenius 1923, No. 20:224-237; the Nubians {synopsis of the Nubians and Arabic Sudanese versions} [brother wants to marry his sister, Beautiful Fatma; F. and his companions run away, get to the cannibal, they manage to send her away, run away again, they cross the river to crocodile; F. meets an old man (in two out of five versions, an old woman), peels off his skin with a thorn, puts him on himself; the girls hide in a cave, they are found by young men, taken away, the Sultan's son gets an imaginary the old man, whom he tells to herd geese (pigeons, goats); the slave, followed by the Sultan's son, sees F. bathing with the old man's skin off; the sultan's son plays chess or another game with an imaginary old man, the winner gets the right to skin the loser; F. wins first, but then the Sultan's son wins; wedding]: Goldberg 1997:34; Sudanese Arabs [Hadariya's man's wife with daughter Nayya and another with three daughters; H. died, half-sisters persuaded N. to ask his father to get a young man named Green Beans (ZB); he has 7 fathers and 7 mothers, his palace is guarded by ants, hyenas, lions, slaves; the old woman commands take and throw millet (Pennisetum glaucum) to ants, something to smoke to slaves, meat to lions and hyenas; ZB began to show different things and ask if N. was better than them; Father N. spoke every time which is better; ZB wrote that it was foolish for N. to want him as a husband, that he would marry a slave; N. told the old woman to sell her, ZB bought her; she went home, leaving a note: it is foolish for the ZB to hope make N. a slave; ZB found N. and married him; sisters persuaded N. to find out how to kill ZB; that: you need to burn the seven-headed snake, spray the ashes on the bed; the sisters did so; the ZB fell ill, his relatives took him away; N. went, met an old man, asked how men in their country could be killed; old man: stab a thorn into his head; she stabbed, put on the old man's skin and clothes, asked the birds what they ate; alone said that ZB was sick, another, that if you burn their liver and wings and mix them, he would recover from this drug; N. killed birds, prepared a potion; cured ZB; asked for his sword and scourge as a reward; brought him to home; ZB came, saw them, was surprised; went back; N. followed him; the sisters followed her, robbed and blinded her; the nomads picked them up; she began to weave carpets, asked to sell them to cannibals, exchanged the carpet for eyes; ZB came, N. admitted; they burned the sisters, all is well]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 13:91-94; Sudanese Arabs: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 20 [Fatima is so beautiful that her brother Muhammad decided for himself marry her; F. asked her mother to help put a jug of water on her head; she replied that F. should first call her not mother, but mother-in-law; the same with her father (father-in-law), brother (groom); F. told everyone the girls of the village, who were decided to pass them off as brothers, took everyone away, they came to the cannibal giant; F. ordered them not to eat anything, hide the food in a cooked hole, but the youngest girl tasted it; F. told the cannibal bring water from the seventh sea in a net or in a leaky calebass; the girls ran away, but the youngest could not; the cannibal returned, found out from the younger that the girls had run away, told them to have piles in front of them gold; silk fabrics; each time F. tells you to take only a little and run on; the river; F. asked the crocodile to transport, on the other side he will give one girl to eat; when they swam, F. tells the crocodile first transport them to their mother (i.e. the cannibal); when they were in the middle of the river, F. shouted that the crocodile was on his back; he dived and ate the cannibal; the girls settled in a cave; an old man nearby at 6 sons; F. asks him how to remove his skin - to pierce a thorn; she plunged him, her skin slept, F. put it on, returned to the cave in the guise of an old man; the camel comes to eat foliage from the bush, the girls drive him away ; the young men consistently began to come to find out what was going on; each took a girl; when Wad al-Amin approached, only an imaginary old man came to the cave; the old man says he is unable to herd cattle; YES agrees to that herd by the river of pigeons; F. removes the old man's skin by the river; the slave sent with her is delighted, but he cannot tell him anything; the imaginary old man said that the slave is sick, let his chest be burned; so a few once; then AM himself went, saw everything; at home he offered to play chess, the winner would remove the skin from the loser; F. won, but did not fresh AM; AM won, F. took off her skin; everything was gathered for the wedding village], 21 [by the river, Fatma's older brother's horse slipped on strands of hair; the brother promised to marry the one whose hair it was, even if it was F.; F. persuaded seven girls to run with her, or their brothers they will do the same; before the wedding night, she went out to pee, pierced a pre-prepared wineskin with water, you could hear the murmur of the stream, the girls managed to leave; in the desert they came to the cannibal; she offered them milk and one of the girls tried it; at night F. replies that she is awake; asks to go to calm the dogs in a distant village; and other tasks (not named); in the morning they asked the cannibal to bake bread for them on the fire that is there it's burning; it's the sun; the cannibal tried it, but didn't bake the bread; when she returned, she found only the one that drank her milk; broke her neck and ate it; the girls asked the tree to become small, climbed on he was then asked to be tall again; they stuck knives around; they lowered the cannibal's rope, picked it up and threw it several times; knives pierced her and she died; the girls moved on; F. began to look in the old man's head; asks how he can be killed; the old man: pierce a thorn into the crown; F. did so, put on old man's skin; the girls began to live in a cave; merchants passed, their camel began to chew the straw that closed the entrance; the merchants dismantled the girls; one of them is crooked; says to the merchant: they took the curve, but left the flower; the Sultan's son heard, returned, took the imaginary old man; when they were going, F. they ring; "These are my bones"; F. chose to herd geese rather than sheep to be able to swim; the slave sees her taking off old man's skin; she deprives him of speech (apparently by witchcraft); at home he points to F., but cannot say anything; F.: he is crazy, he should be burned with iron; burned to death; this is how almost all slaves died; the Sultan's son went to spy himself, climbed a tree, stole F.'s ring; at home, he offered to play checkers: the winner would take off the other skin; F. won twice, but did not exercise her right; then the Sultan's son won; married F., but hid it from people; once F. left people fell breathless because of her beauty; she sprayed blood on them from her little finger, everyone came to life; everything is fine], 22 [Muhammad wants to marry her sister; I agree to remove the jug from her head only if she calls his fiance; the same mother: mother-in-law; father: father-in-law; she throws a jug, asks the carpenter to make her a dawn-palm (wooden case, DC), comes to the Sultan, remains to work with other slaves; the son of the Sultan wants to choose a wife, the girls come to dance; DC takes off his cover, dances unrecognized; for the third time, the Sultan's son grabs her hand, he still has her gold ring; he goes in search; for him they bake bread for the road, the DC puts it in his own ring; this bread is at the bottom of the bag; when the Sultan's son finds the ring, he tells him to return; plays four games of checkers with DC, the loser will be taken off his clothes; DC wins the first three, but forgives the Sultan's son in the name of himself, his mother, his father; the fourth time he wins, takes off the cover, throws a silk blanket on the girl; wedding; once a former DC sees her parents among the poor; forgives them, settles them in a separate house], 23 [Fatma the Beautiful saw the camel come to eat crops; not knowing that it was her brother Muhammad's camel, she tied him with strands her hair; M. swore to marry the one whose hair it was; the parents agreed on the condition that M. would bring dowry from distant places; told F. to run away with her mother's sister's six daughters; one of them was lame; they saw big and small lights; F. said that where the big one was, there was a cannibal, but the girls did not listen; the cannibal gave food to crushed human bones moistened with her milk; F. ordered not to eat; limping not I listened, the others quietly threw the food into the dug holes; in the morning the girls said that they should bring water with a net, a calebass without a hole, an unburned vessel; she could not, came back, fried it and ate a lame girl, rushed to chase the others; she wants her to meet the wedding (the girls start dancing at the wedding, but they run again), so that the river with the crocodile; he transports on condition that he will be given one of the girls; but on the other side they ask to transfer the cannibal first, they say that she is his share, the crocodile dives; the girls live in a cave; a camel approaches her, followed by his owner Wad al-Nimair, he tells the girl to go out; so one girl every day; F. secretly came to the VN garden, asked the old man how to remove his skin (a thorn in his forehead), stabbed a thorn, put on his skin; an imaginary old man I agree to herd only pigeons; and that only a dumb slave with him; by the river F. took off the old man's skin, bathed; at home, the slave tried to gesture what he saw; F. explained that the slave had a headache and wanted to be cut off; the slave was beheaded; so all slaves but the last were beheaded; VN went with him himself; stole F.'s ring while she was bathing; the same with the slave as the previous ones, but VN refuses to cut him head, but offers to fight; the winner will rip open the belly of the defeated; VN loses three times, but F. does not touch him; for the fourth time he won, took off the old man's skin, married F.]: 110-114, 114-118, 118-120, 120-125.

(Wed. North Africa. Morocco [a family with seven sons decides to move; each one takes turns getting tired, asking his father to build a wooden house for him; Hdiddan's seventh son asks for an iron house; six guli are eaten, There is no seventh; old Mamma-Goula and her ugly daughter remain guarded; they can't lure H., he goes for food and water; the man advises to smear donkey H.'s back with the old man's brains, H. sticks, MG grabbed him; H. advises to place him in a barrel of dates to make him fat and give him a pestle to knock; knocks, says he is now too fat - let MG call other gulas; MG leaves, leaving daughter cook H.; H. praises the beauty of MG's daughter, offers to cut her hair, cut her throat; puts on her skin, gives meat to ghouls; gets the key to her iron house, runs away, screaming who guli eaten; collects a bunch of firewood, shouts that it's under it; guli rush there, he sets fire to wood, guli burn]: El Koudia 2003, No. 12:81-84; kabila: Rivière 1882, No. 8 [from behind 7 seas, a man carried 7 apples for his seven wives; someone asked him for an apple, he gave him half; all the wives ate an apple, the one who ate half gave birth to Amor Ennefç; the brothers came to the cannibal, she offered to feed their horses; The AE horse ate only coals and salt and did not die; the cannibal asks how to know that the brothers are sleeping; six say they will snore; AE that the stones will fall into the hearth; the cannibal about herself: all animals will scream they will make sounds; she fell asleep, the brothers rushed to the horses, they were dead, they all rode AE horse together, got to her father; one of the brothers says that the cannibal has a carpet, and the father tells AE to get it; AE poured thorns into the carpet, the cannibal threw it away, AE took it away; the same: get a mill that grinds salt; AE hit the mill with a cane, the cannibal tells her to calm down, then threw it away; the same with the bowl, who makes couscous herself; the same is tamis qui tamise le couscous; the cannibal herself - supposedly beautiful; AE brought an iron chest, invited the cannibal to climb, brought her father, released her, she ate it father, chased AE; the old man advised me to glue the donkey's back, AE stuck; said that hood, let the cannibal put him in a date box; she planted it; asks him to show his finger, he sticks a spoon, a rat tail; then a hand; the cannibal goes to call other cannibals, her three daughters must cook AE; the blind man is told to kill him; she asks to show how AE's parents danced, and he asks to show where the knife lies; killed her, put on her skin, the cannibal's daughter is eaten instead of AE; one of the sisters recognizes the victim's eye; AE burned them all]: 225-230; Taos-Amrush 1974 [the young man wants to marry a girl with a face white as snow and red as blood; this is the daughter of the cannibal Ceriel; the girl hides him; when C. falls asleep and the cattle she swallows begin to moo and bleat in her stomach, the lovers run away; the girl commands a prickly fence and a river to part, calls both honey and sugar; C. pursues, scolds both, cannot cross the river, curses his daughter; the young man is carried away by an eagle, he shouts to the girl to kill the black maid, put on her skin; in the image black daughter C. tells the young man's father that he was taken away by an eagle; the father leaves a slaughtered heifer on the mountain, eagles flock, the father beats the one who took the son, brings the son, heals him; he convinces the father to marry him a black woman, takes off her skin, is beautiful in front of him; the young man's younger brother tells him to marry a dog, demands that she take off her skin, the dog bite him]: 213-218).

Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands (Nonbouti Atoll, western 1963-1964) [while Nareau was still in Samoa and Tarawa was ruled by another chief, N. went there and saw people preparing for the feast; he decided participate, but the stranger would probably have been killed; N. grabbed an old man who was working at a distance and changed his heads with him, so he did not notice anything; when the old man went to the village, they rushed at him, he had difficulty ran into the forest; after the feast, N. found him and changed his head again; the old man came back and did not understand why they wanted to kill him last time]: Koch 1966:22.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Ladah) [The Fox brings the Bear to the Lion, who allows them to wash and eat the goat's stomach; the Fox persuades the Bear to eat meat, and when the Lion asks who ate the meat, look at ground; Leo thought that the Bear ate the meat, killed it; the next day, the Fox went to wash his stomach, ate it, said that the "water lion" had taken away the stomach; the lion went to the river, saw his own reflection, rushed to the him, drowned; The fox caught the body, put on the Lion's skin, came to the Lioness; she leaves two lion cubs in his care, he kills them; runs away; the Lioness cries; K931, K1941]: Francke 1925:420-422 (brief retelling in Bødger 1957, No. 80:19); Tibetans (Amdo) [a mare gave birth to a boy, an old lady adopted him; with two friends he hides from the rain in a cave; they see 3 turtles fly in, become girls, they prayed, flew away again; the same day, August 15, the following year; two years later, the young men seized and destroyed the pigeon bodies, took the girls as wives; wives wither away; the young men watched them fly the kite became a copper-beaked witch, she drank the girls' blood, flew away, the mare's son managed to injure her with an arrow; the young men follow the bloody trail, the companions let the mare's son down, cut off the rope, his haruda picked it up; a local shepherd says that a witch was wounded by an arrow; another shepherd herds many goats; this is the son of a witch; replies that in order to tie up goats, you must tell them to "Contact"; to transport them through the river, we must tell the river to retreat up and down, cross the dry; after bringing goats, he will lick the wound on his mother's back caused by the mare's son; the mare's son offers to remove his lice; the son of a witch: around his neck I'm a black mole, my mother's strength is in him, be careful; the second part of my mother's life is at home in a needle in a salt bag; a mare's son crushed a mole {and apparently killed a shepherd}, put on his clothes, took it with him yak tongue; told the waters to part, the goats to contact; the witch mistakes him for a son, asks him to lick the wound; he explains that his tongue is hard because he did not drink water today; breaks the needle, the witch dies; coming out the witch's house, the son of a mare killed a snake that was going to eat a garuda chick; the chick explains to the mother that the man saved him; the mare's son asks to be brought to the ground; the garuda asks to prepare 100 birds carcasses and 100 wineskins full of water; carries the mare's son across the sea; he forgives his companions, reigns, everything is fine]: Kajihama 2004, No. 28:117-123; Mustang [the eldest queen is childless, the youngest is pregnant; when the king returned, the eldest said that the youngest gave birth to a puppy to lick the king's brains and pest to break his head; the king ordered the youngest to be sent, the eldest expelled her from the country, and threw the baby to be eaten by the watchdog a dog; she has been raising a baby for three years, losing weight herself; the kennel tells the king that a child eats everything; the king tells the dog to be killed; she has managed to hand the child to the cow; she is losing weight, the shepherd saw that everything is eaten by an Otrung Gepo child with a golden top, a silver bottom, a mother-of-pearl belt; the king orders to kill the cow, she managed to give the horse's OG; the same with her; she tells OG to bring a saddle, reins, bow with arrows, he got on a horse and rode away; killed a snake that was about to eat three tiger cubs with an arrow; adult tigers came, saw cubs sleeping, thought that a man had killed them; the cubs woke up, everyone said the tigers gave OG one tiger cub; three of Garuda's chicks stuck together, OG washed them, the chicks fell asleep (the same as with the cubs - adults gave one chick); the old man herds the herd, says that three days later the elephant will choose a groom for the royal daughter; OG killed the shepherd, put on his wrinkles, the elephant chose him; the king expelled the young to live in the forest; OG tells his wife to bring a copper cauldron from his mother, benches with tables, calls the king and the people to the feast; the king tells his daughter to follow her husband; in the evening she pretends to fall asleep; when OG took off the old man's skin, she threw her into the fire; father-in-law and everyone is happy; OG comes to his father, he says that he does not have a son; oh demands that his mother be returned; she is covered with hair like a tiger, calls her son every time; she was planted with food with alcohol, she fell asleep, she was smeared with flour and oil, the wool came down; OG ordered both queens, each with an egg on their heads, to be planted on mats; killed the elder queen with an arrow and ruled two kingdoms]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 27:158-164; (cf. Bhutan [the raven dropped the fruit; the girl ate it and asked the father to bring more; it was the fruit from the shinpo garden (demon), the father had to go; the shinpo was sleeping; the man climbed the tree, but when the bag full, she fell off, Shinpo woke up and was about to eat the man; agreed not to do so for promising to give him his daughter; but let Shinpo know her name; he sent a pig, she overheard when the girl was named Sing Sing Yangdonma (SS, but on the way back she ate roots and forgot; the same monkey (began to eat bananas); the bee did not forget, shinpo did not eat it, sing sing sing sing is still buzzing; The sinpo led the SS through beautiful valleys and mountains, but led him to the desert, in the middle of which his palace of bones; hung it in a basket from the ceiling and left; the SS pretended to always stay in the basket: from there India and Tibet are visible; Shinpo's daughter also wanted to see this, took SS's place, she lowered her into a boiling pot in the basket; unlocked the rooms; one had children caught by Shinpo, the other had young people, and the third aged women, fourth aged men; last, an old woman; she said that in her youth, Shinpo brought her here as his wife and locked her; when he did not have food, she would eat it; told her to take everything jewelry and let her skin put on; when she ran and Shinpo caught up with her, he believed it was an old woman; one day she met three brothers princes; she chose someone who was not rude to her like an old woman; went swimming and took off her old skin; the chosen prince saw it; it was so beautiful that it would melt in the sun and reappear in the shadows; they lived a life in love]: Choden 1994:99-105).

South Asia. Mundari [in the sky, the sunny god Singh Bong feels the heat, it's the asuras who heat iron furnaces on the ground; he sends birds to Dingchua (Dhechua; in Leuva 1963, p.143: king-crow) and Kerketa (in Leuva 1963: shrike - shrike) ask to work only day or only at night, but the asuras smeared the first with coal dust and the second with iron ore dust, the first since then black, the second gray colors; then the SB sent a golden vulture and a silver vulture, the asuras hit them with a hammer, poked them with mites; then the lark and the crow are the same as king-crow and the shrike; then two (in Leuva - four) brightly colored birds; the first was bought in saffron water, the second was stretched out its tail; then the SB himself went down, pulled off the skin of a person working in the field, came to the asuras in the guise of a scabies patient young men; defeated young asuras in a ball game (he broke their iron balls with chicken eggs); the stoves began to work poorly; SB (in the form of scabies) advises sacrificing a chicken, a goat, then himself; comes out from the oven in glory and gold; advises the asuras to get there and their wives to fan the flame; male asuras burn, the SB raised the women by the hair, threw them; who fell where and what became the appropriate spirit]: Roy 1912: xx-xxxvii retelling in Leuva 1963:133-138).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [fearing the 15-headed Musa, people migrated, left the child in an iron cradle and a foal; the child became hero Aman Tsagan, the foal became the horse Ashin Alag; the AC married Khan's daughters, his wife is missing; he comes to the well, where the servant of heaven Tögy Bus; says that he brought his wife from the lower world; the AC tells her to pour water into the hostess's hands along with the gold put there with a ring; the wife recognizes the ring, finds her husband at the well; he makes a hole in the TB yurt, pushes him there; puts on his clothes, comes to his father, he does not notice the change, arranges a feast; at night, the AC kills his father TB, returns his wife]: Basangova 2002:42-45; Karachays, Balkarians: Aliyeva 1994, No. 9 [red-bearded Red Fook paid tribute; Satanay teaches Yoryuzmek what to do; he catches a hare, hides in a hole in the reeds; Albridge comes to catch a hare, YE. kills her, puts on her skin, hides in Fouc's latrine, takes away his golden seal; F. runs away to heaven, leaves sledges without rain; YE. fire a cannon, he invites F. to watch how the sledges suffer on the ground; cuts off his head; it rains bloody, then clean], 14 [red-bearded Red Fook picks up Yoruzmek rams; Satanai tells her husband to kill the albridge living in the reeds, hiding and leaving the hare bait; put on albridge leather, watch F. in the latrine; YE. cuts off F.'s finger with a seal; F. in eagle robe flew to the heavenly fortress, the rain stops; Yorusmek was shot with a cannon, he cut off F.'s head; it rained bloody for half a day, then it went clean; YE. flew to the ground on sent by S. horse to the wind; sledges want to give YE. poison; S. inserts a copper tube into his throat; poison flows to the floor; sledges think that drunk YE. urinates, they want to kill him, he cuts their heads; the boy takes E. to wash on the river; S. says that this hero boy is the son of Ë.]: 313-316, 325-328; Nogais [the old man picked up the bull, threw the ground; decided he was strong, went to fight with Elmavyz Shylpuvyr Shylpyk; shepherds offer to cut and cut the skin into pieces, the old man cannot; the same with herdsmen, shepherds; the mother of the SHSH tries to hide the old man, but the SHSH killed him; the wife of the victim gave birth sons named Alsuvdir and Soyun-Ali; they play with children, broke someone's arm, their mother advises them to break the arm of their father's killer; they ask their mother to fry corn, put her hand on in a hot cauldron, she is forced to talk about her father; on the way they carry out the tasks of shepherds, etc.; they easily kill ShSH and his friend; SA goes home kindly, and A. comes to the shepherd, asks; he He herds the herds of the khan, who lives on the other side of the sea; says, "Part up, sea!" , goes over, then says, "Close up, sea!" ; licks the feet of the khan's three daughters with his tongue; A. kills the shepherd, puts on his clothes, comes under his guise, strokes the girls' feet with a cow's tongue; one day asks the girls for a comb, only the youngest gives it; A. puts her golden hair in the comb, returns the comb; the youngest falls in love with A.; the gardener gives Khan's eldest daughter rotten apples, the middle daughter is half rotten, the youngest is good; the wise men say that It's time to marry the daughters (the eldest has already faded); the khan tells his daughters to throw an apple at the grooms; the elders throw khans at the sons, the youngest at the shepherd; A. tells us who he is; wedding; A.'s mother is blind by tears, and when I saw him again, I saw the light]: Nogai 1979, No. 22:116-120; Abkhazians [in the steppe, Wahsit defeats the hero, he becomes his sister; his six brothers died striving for the distant fire in the east; W. goes, does as his brother told him; the giant is chained to the sky, he molested the sister of the hunting god Ajveipshaa; W. does not respond to his praise and swearing; sister A. cannot defeat W. marries him; her brothers again tell the hanging giant not to answer; W. hits the chain with a sword, the giant takes his wife; the swineherd lets W. wear his skin; W. comes to the kidnapped wife, who recognizes him by eyes, finds out where the kidnapper's soul is; W. kills a bison, there is chamois in it, a hare in a chamois, a pot in a hare, there are three birds in the pot - the soul and two eyes of a giant; W. returns his wife]: Inal-ipa et al. 1988, No. 12:73-81; Chechens [mother says Nelbiy Chuara that his father is a horse, he eats iron and flint; heavy weapons and armor are left; LF tames the horse, puts on armor, kills rivals, marries princess; on her wedding night she disappears; the shepherd says that she was kidnapped by Nege ("Nogai"); advises her to wear his clothes, drive calves across the river, come with congratulations; his wife recognizes him, hides him; when N. enters, he kills him, returns his wife]: Dalgat 1972:326-328 (=Malsagov 1983, No. 16:100-102); Turks [the old man tells the childless padishah of Egypt to eat an apple in half with his wife, feed the peel horses; he himself will come to give a name to the boy who will be born; when he is 12 years old, the old man comes and gives the name Hüsnügüzel (Beautiful Soul); H. dreams of the Most Beautiful in the World (PM), goes to searches; companions Padishah Moray's son and Padishah's son Stars; Padishah Arabs marries them to his three daughters; H. puts a sword between his wife and himself, promises to return; if there is blood on his sword, he is in trouble; H. marries PM; her golden hair flies away, her sandal swims away, gets to Padishah Giants (PV); he sends a witch to steal PM; she persuades PM to find out what H.'s life is: he first calls the mirror, a broom, a witch breaks them, burns them; life in a sword, a witch throws it into the sea; a witch carries the PM in a jug covered in skin, drives the jug with a whip; the daughter of Padishah Arabs sees blood on her sword; Padishah's son of the Stars finds the stars, the son of Padishah Moray pulls his sword out of the sea; H., in the guise of a shepherd, comes to the PV garden; hides in the PM room, kills PV on his wedding day, puts on his clothes; servants take him for PV; on his way home he picks up his second wife, the daughter of Padishah Arabs]: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 3:34-54.

Iran - Central Asia. The Wakhans [the cat tells the sheep that today it will be stabbed and it will eat its fat tail; the sheep asks the cat to bring a knife, cuts off its fat tail, the cat opened the door, the sheep went to Mount Kof, gave birth to a herd May-Zman ("son of a sheep"); tells him to go to people; the Ministry of Health meets, wins, takes Chinorboz ("playing plane trees"), Kuboza ("playing with mountains"), Khdorgboz ("playing with mills") millstones"); companions come to an empty house, food is ready there; they take turns guarding; a girl comes out of the crack in the pole, washes, paints the rest, puts a dish with food, turns into a needle , goes back; the remainder stains his face with mud without anyone noticing; when the Ministry of Health remains, he sprinkles salt on the cut, grabs the girl, the companions agree to take her as his wife; the Ministry of Health tells his wife to watch out with fire; she dropped a red bead, thought that the coals were turning red and they were out; she saw smoke over a pile of stones, Barzangi comes there; tells me to sprinkle the road with fried lice, then the dung in the hearth will catch fire; He comes on horseback on a goat, sticks needles into the bread, tells the girl to dance on them, she hurts her legs, he drinks blood; the companions take turns guarding, everyone is afraid; the Ministry of Health hits Barzanga with a dagger, kills 5 heads of Barzanga, the sixth under the stone, the seventh ran away, returned with the army; the Ministry of Health burns the hairs of the mother sheep, which heals his wounds and the wounds of his companions; the Ministry of Health orders him to be lowered into the hole under the stone where the sixth head disappeared ( the satellites tried, but could not); Barzanga's shepherd below; the Ministry of Health asks him how to count the cattle (hit the tree, how many leaves did not crumble, so many sheep were gone), how to cross the river (say, "Chuck ", the waters will part), where the soul of our grandfather, i.e. Barzanga (in the staff, if you break it on the knee, he will die), grandmothers (in the stones with which salt is crushed; hit each other, the wick will flash, blow it out), the shepherd himself (in the lice on the back of the head); the Ministry of Health suggests cleaning the shepherd's head, presses the louse, "pulls on the demand that was on the shepherd's head"; under the guise of a shepherd, crosses the river; grandmother asks bring a sheep, a goat, he brings a ram, a goat; says he has mixed everything up in the sun; breaks his staff, blows out the wick; sends cattle upstairs to his companions; tells him to drag himself, but does not tie himself; those they cut off the rope; a forest has grown out of a thorn in the leg of a Simurg bird; the Ministry of Health frees Simurg; her children think that a man wants to kill her, she explains everything; she tries to raise the Ministry of Health to the ground, supplies were not enough , he throws meat out of her hand, but she comes back; the next day, from her leg, they reach the ground, Simurg belches, puts back pieces of meat from the Ministry of Health; gives two feathers - turning him into an old man and a young man; under He looks like an old man comes to his companions, becomes young, kills them with a dagger; lives with his wife]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 12:153-163; Rushantsy [the slave leads to water the horses, sees the reflection of three doves; they say that anyone who reports us to King Komiron will petrify; Comiron is surprised why the horses are thin, the slave asks him to see for himself; K. shoots the little finger of one of the doves, reports kingdom to a slave, goes to the desert; takes out a thorn from a tigress, she and two cubs give them a hair to call for help; changes clothes with a bald shepherd, asks him how to behave; by the river says "In the name of King Peri, let this river part"; the waters diverge, K. crosses the herd; each of the three peri tells the shepherd to rub her legs; two have intact fingers (K. scratches their feet with a cow's tongue) , the third does not have enough little finger, K. puts it; when choosing husbands, the older sister throws a skullcap on the judge's head, the middle sister throws an elder, the youngest a pleshivets; Peri's father tells the pleshivets to bring a hundred He brings camel bales of gold; tells his servants to kill him, his servants spare him; the father sends the young to live in the stable; only K. hunts successfully, gives meat to other sons-in-law, stigmatizing them on their heads and on ass; older daughters bring meat to their father-in-law, it is bitter, the youngest brings legs and heads, they are delicious; leaves a piece of manure on the plate; father moves them to the front room; bald plays gold polo with a stick, a golden ball; the father-in-law offers a reward, he takes his men, i.e. branded older sons-in-law; older sisters understand that handsome and bald are one person; father-in-law gives him the throne]: Scribe 1954, No. 6:48-54; Yazgulyam [the servant complains to the king that every day three doves say that whoever does not tell the king about them hurts his teeth, head, etc.; the servant is slightly alive and the horses are losing weight; the king puts on his servant's clothes, goes by himself, shoots off his little finger, goes after the doves, takes out a splinter to the tigress, the cubs promise to help him; Bald herds the cattle of the royal daughters; explains what to do tell the waters of the river to disperse and come together again; rubs those girls' legs at night; the king drowns the shepherd, pulls a goat bubble to look like Bald; the older sisters rub the bulls' heels with their tongue, they think that Bald's hands are coarsened; the youngest is put a torn little finger; the eldest daughters put flowers to the heads of the son of Kadia and the son of the vizier, the youngest to the head of Pleshivy; the king is in vain tries to destroy him (drowns him, hangs him upside down); tells him to bring 40 camels with gold (tigers bring him); older sons-in-law can't get anything hunting, tigers hunt for Bald, he gives it to his elders meat for sons-in-law, stamps; tripe soup is the sweetest, but it contains manure; the tsar moves his daughter and Pleshiv from the stable to the house; playing ball Bald appears in his true form; shows the stigma; gains the throne]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 19:213-223.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Aral-Irtysh watershed) [Koblanda's hero robbed bay; the son of that youngster Karaman offered martial arts; after a long struggle, Koblandy killed him, stole people and property; remained the old man under the cauldron and the boy Talas-pai under straw; Karaman's bow was worn by two strongmen, T. brought one; three swans torment the old man every day; T. tells him to tell, puts on his clothes, shoots swans, the ring falls; comes to the lousy shepherd, who replies that he is herding Kadyr-kan's cows; explains that according to him, cows and calves cross the sea themselves, tie up, milk; that he licks their heels K., the youngest of his daughters; T. killed the boy, put on his clothes, told the cattle to do what they needed, came to K.; his daughters were those swans; he became ill to stay with the youngest; began to stroke her heels with the tongue of a cow; replies that yes, his tongue cracked; she gave honey, he began to iron softer; he swam where the girls flew in with swans; the youngest recognized T., took her to bed; T. explains how to let the khan know that his daughters it's time to get married: let one bread burn, the other burn, the third be baked properly; the khan told his daughters to choose suitors, the youngest took the lousy guy; the khan fell ill, they needed saiga meat; only the lousy one killed, gave to his older sons-in-law, he left giblets for himself; only from them did the khan recover; the cherry plum kara-gus ("huge black eagle") annually carries the foal of a winged mare; older sons-in-law fall asleep, a lousy arrow the tail of the foal, one feather of a bird; the sons-in-law took their tail, could not raise the feather, only the lousy one brought it; three sons-in-law go to look for the bird; the lousy one comes to the seven-headed cannibal, she promises to help; the bird sat down on the bai-terek tree, the lousy man shot her, only his horse was able to carry the carcass; the girl daughter of the bird pursues, the lousy one defeated her, married her, released the bird's captives; saved the snake, she gave him the gift to understand speech animals; a bay horse came running, this is the mother of the horse T., she escaped from Koblanda; T. appeared to his father-in-law in his real form, who gave him half of the cattle, he returned to his father (i.e. to the old man with whom he lived after Koblanda's raid); T. and his son went to Koblanda; it turned out that their mothers were sisters, they fraternized; Ir-Kosai, avenging his father, attacked and killed Koblandy; T. reconciled with him and became khan]: Potanin 1916, No. 11:73-80 (=1972, No. 6:123-130).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Altaians [Kundu Khan (his soul swallows out of the eye of the sun) and Jety-Sabar (seven brothers coming out as pikes) destroy the people of old man Maral; his newborn the son is hidden at the bottom of the lake; this is inscribed on the Temir Terek poplar; Altyn-Mize agrees with Altyn-Tan to marry her; reads the inscription; his horse Uchkur-Kongur comes into a yurt of Kundu Khan, turns into an orphan boy, a servant of an old man and an old woman; kills them, puts the old man's skin on Altyn Miz, and the old woman on himself; while the old man sings, distracting attention herding heroes, an imaginary old woman rises to the sky with a falcon, scouts everything; Altyn-Mize kills Jety-Sabar with one arrow, the other a swallow that has flown out of the eye of the sun; takes the people and the property of the killed, returns home with his wife]: Nikiforov 1915:65-106 (skin episode: 100-101); the Mongols [one of Geser's two wives was stolen by Rduri; G. meets two interpreters on the way stone; says that they do not diverge much; they diverge more, he manages to slip through, the stones have only cut off the horse's tail; G. kills shepherd R., comes to R.'s house in his clothes, asks women, like R., drive cattle; wife hides G., G. kills R.]: Potanin 1893:42-43; Tuvans [El-Saryq has Ege-Shyrban's horse; mother asks not to go to sunset, his father left and never returned; ES a monster rides, kills with an arrow; at this time, three wild geese fly over the yurt, asking if ES is at home, if his horse is tied Ash; the mother is so surprised that she cut her nose with a knife; the geese are flying again, S wounded one in the paw; goes in search; asks the old man to allow one camel to be slaughtered; that: if the khan finds out, it will be bad; but allows; another shepherd with calves; asks ES to drive them to the khan; by the river they scattered; khansha: is it really difficult to say "Khan's cattle, wade across the river"; ES says the calves are crossing; the khan has eyelids to nose, he raised one finger, told the servant to serve serum; khansha: cows are not milks; ES milks, they do not give milk; hansha: "Is it really difficult to say, leisya, leisya, khan's wealth"; milk has poured; at night khan tells him to lick his heels; ES cut off his tongue from the cow's carcass; khan asks why tough; ES says he's from serum; Khan tells me to remind ES with cream; ES cuts off the tongue of a dead dog, Khan liked it, he fell asleep; ES marries Khan's youngest daughter; Khan tells seven son-in-law to save foal; the mare gives birth every three years, the Khan Hereti bird takes away; the sons-in-law are sleeping, ES shoots, the bird drops the glowing feather; the khan orders to bring the bird itself; ES goes to the lower world, there are three poplars on the island, on them nests with birds; mangys came out of the lake, the chicks screamed; ES climbed into the throat of the mangysu, ripped it, jumped out; it rained, the bird XX flew in, the ES asks her to return the foals; she tells her to prepare food, throw her in flight; they flew, XX releases 9 horses out of her nostrils; ES met his older sons-in-law, sat on the carpet, fell into a hole, his sons-in-law took the horses away; the ES horse comes running to his wife, says everything; wife pulls him out; the khan tells everyone to shoot up; the arrows of his sons-in-law kill them, ES is unharmed; gets half of the cattle, returns to his mother with his wife]: Hadahane 1984:59-65; Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 7 (western, right bank of the Angara) [Harasgay Mergen goes to fight with an old woman and her 7 grandchildren; bars around her house are on stakes; she asks to open her armpits, sucks XM blood, but not all; he sees boiling poison, throws it at it, kills it, finds living water, revives bars; kills a hare, inside which the key, the key falls into the water, the fish pulls it out, says that a suction box containing 7 souls quails are the grandchildren of the old woman; he crushed the quails, the grandchildren died; came to the possession of Shazhgai Khan, took the form of a local shepherdess; another said that he would have to lick the heels of the khan's daughter; XM pulled out the veal tongue, took it with me; touches their heels, the girl is in pain, HM says that she has not eaten oil for a long time, she feeds him oil; the same the next evening; Khan's 6 daughters are married, the seventh middle is gone, XM wants her marry; a mare must bring a wonderful foal; 6 brothers-in-law fall asleep, XM takes shape, shoots an eagle that grabs a foal, which drops the foal and the feather; HM (once again becoming a shepherdess) gave them brothers-in-law, ripping off a piece of skin from their backs; sons-in-law explain to the khan that it was the eagle that tore them; HM again turned the flint into a horse, hunted many animals, gave them to his brothers-in-law, taking his ears and giblets; the khan ate the meat brought by his brothers-in-law fell ill; after eating the giblets given by the shepherdess, he recovered; the khan gave XM his middle daughter, but placed them in a barn; tells them to get the bear; this is Sh.-Khan himself; XM brings the bear in chains Khan is a little alive, tells him to let the bear go; HM appears Khan in his true form, gets a daughter and riches, talks all about his brothers-in-law; on his way home, XM met 12-headed Shara-mangadhai, who defeated him threw it in an iron wagon to the bottom of the sea; XM's wife reports this to his sister Aga Nogokhon; she leaves her to guard the house, dressed and armed with her brother, meets his horse; he, becoming an eagle, went to heaven to Ehe Malan's grandmother; she raised one eyelid with forceps, sees the horse, sends it to Esege Malan (supreme deity, head of 55 Western Tengrias), who orders to save HM (send him milk, bread and clothes); fish pushed HM out of the sea, her sister sprayed live water, gave the milk and bread sent, he came to life; HI and his sister go through the mangadhai estate of a red boar; they go through the frog valley, turning into frogs, bear valley, becoming bears, broke through fighting people; these guards tell Mangadhay that they did not see anyone; XM and his sister return to his wife XM, XM have a son, the family has multiplied, wealth has increased] , 18 [Jebzhenei (originally "Old Man Jebzhenei") is a poor orphan; he came to Sharaldai Mergen to ask where to find his betrothed; he was lying in his house in the form of a snake; replied that she was Labandu Khan's daughter; J. a foal, he becomes a horse, on which J. comes to the old shepherd, asks him; he says that he drinks strips of washed buckets, licks the heels of the khan's daughter; J. puts on the shepherd's clothes, strokes Khan's daughter's heels with a calf tongue; when she stroked her rough side, she jumped up; they agreed to marry; the girl has a fiancé, Shazgai Mergen; J. turned his red horse into a black horse, warning the betrothed; the khan invited her daughter to choose a horse, she chose a black one; her son flew away on it; SHM, Shagshaga Mergen Taizha took J.'s wife away when he was hunting; J. caught up with him; SMT became a lark, J. - hawk, CMT with grains, J. - chicken or rooster, pecked grains, returned his wife]: 117-141, 225-231; Dugarov 1990 [Tsar Bogdor has a son Khan-Khuzhir in old age, the upper body is golden, the bottom is silver; brother B. Zoton-Hara tames his horse for him; XX goes to marry Gonok-Gohon-duhe, daughter of Guli Khan (GH); wanting to test the groom's insight, the bride gives poison, XX does not drink; GH demands 1) defeat the 58-headed mangadhai; that comes out of the sea, his dog, mutter and kite sense danger, he kills them in anger, XX hits him with an arrow; 2) bring the dog Gunir; XX comes up when she sleeps, puts on a collar, leads, GH is terrified, XX lets the dog go, it promises to help; 3) the feather of the Han-Heregde bird; its chicks say that a 25-headed snake will come out of the sea to eat them; XX turns into a birch tree by the sea; the snake comes out, XX becomes human again, a snake hits all heads with an arrow; a drop of blood the size of a tick chases him, catches up, XX dies; the dog Gunir comes running, swallows XX, spews out a living, and dies from poison; the bird gives a feather, GH is terrified, the feather remains with XX; 4) Naral-Garel's liver, which has edible oil; on the way XX, he sees Khokhodoy-Mergen, who fought NG, and now has only the upper half of his body and below is only the bone; XX turns into a poor veal shepherd, comes to NG; he sends him to bring a knife that remains under XM's body (he himself is afraid to approach it for fear of it knife); XM gives a knife, XX cuts through NG with them, takes the liver, revives XM oil, he flies to heaven, promises to help; 5) get back from the heavenly Esege-Malan-Tengir what GH has sacrificed to him over the years ; immediately lightning destroyed GH, the ashes scattered the wind; XX takes the bride, goes to her father, falls asleep; the monster stole half of the subjects and cattle, flew away; XX woke up from the bride's tear, fired an arrow and followed; the sky beats on the ground, cutting the swallows in half; XX slips, only the horse's tail is cut off; the servants in the palace answer that the hostess returned with an arrow in her back, died, her four sons went to bury her; XX won and killed them, took everything; four younger brothers were looking for him; XX they fired an arrow: if brothers read his name on it, if strangers, an arrow hit them; they caught arrow; all is well]: 223-244; Dagurs [the couple has seven daughters, two of them blind; the father leads them to collect wild grapes, leaves them blind; by evening they realize that their baskets have no bottom; in the morning they hear chirping, they climb a tree, there is something round and soft, they eat it, they begin to see the light; when they wash their face in the stream, they see better; they come to the golden and silver wells; when they are completely drunk they regain their sight; after eating fruits from gold and silver trees, they become pregnant; they come to an empty house full of supplies; the son of the eldest Aletannenbo, the youngest is Mengongnenbo; young men grow up and meet the old man says where to find flying horses; they tame horses, return to their mothers; the demon comes out of the ground; threatens mother A. that he will eat her if she treats M. well; since then she feeds M. with garbage; M. leaves, exchanging arrows with A.: if he rusts, the owner is dead; on the way M. the same demon, M., hits him with an arrow; by the river, the Tuoku shepherd herds rich Su's sheep; they must be driven across the river, saying, "If the river stops for a moment, then I won't be angry"; at Su's house, he licks his wife's feet in the evenings, they give him a cow cake; M. puts on T.'s clothes, sends the horse to graze, pretends to have forgotten the words that make the waters of the river disperse; Mrs. Su utters them herself; the imaginary T. shouts to her from the other room that he is eating up a cow's cake; strokes her feet with the cow's cut off tongue; says that his tongue is rough with herbs; the mistress tells him to drink oil; he cuts off the dog's tongue, Su is happy, goes to bed; the six daughters of rich Su are married, the seventh youngest is not; he will pass her off as someone who the iron rod will bend; only the imaginary T. bends; Su has to give his daughter; he is ill, he will be cured by bile and bear meat; M. in his true form preys, returns on horseback, sees his older sons-in-law; they ask to sell them a bear; for this he burns their butts with a hot copper cauldron; but these Su's sons-in-law brought by his sons-in-law are no better; the imaginary T. kept part for himself, cooked it, his father-in-law has recovered; the sons-in-law dug a hole, invited M. to the races, M. and his horse fell into a hole; the horse flew to the sky to the Jasper Emperor, his daughter lowered her braids, M. got out of them; M. recovered from her potions; sees that A.'s arrow is rusting ; with his wife on horseback rushes home; the heavenly maiden also descends to him - her father drove her away for helping a mortal; she cured A., married him; and A.'s mother had previously died]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:110-125; Mongors: Todayeva 1973, No. 10 [a childless old woman prays for a child; God sends her a son; her black mare gives birth to a stomach, there is a boy in it; the children tease him, he tells the old woman to cook wheat, she clamps hot grains in her fist, she is forced to admit that she did not give birth to him; he goes to look for parents, brothers, sisters; shoots a stone, a young man Stone comes out from under it; from under the tree - Wood; three twins hunt, someone cooks in their house; Stone, Tree fall asleep, Mare's son grabs three doves turned into girls; the most beautiful smears with soot, Stone and Wood choose others, beautiful goes to the son of the Mare; the women forgot to leave food for the cat, he extinguished the fire with his tail; the wife of the Mare's son comes to the nine-headed old woman for fire; she gives fire and an armful of yellow flowers, tells her to throw it along the way; in the absence of husbands, comes to suck women's blood; the Stone, the Tree remain guarded, numb with fear; the Mare's son cuts off the old woman's eight heads, comes to her dungeon; she tells the boy to lick her wounds; The mare's son tells them to be stroked with cow's tongue, the old woman screams in pain; then the dog, the old woman goes to bed, says that it will be warmer on the iron bed; the Mare's son and the boy put her in the cauldron, cover her with a lid, burned; brothers live well with their wives]: 289-295; Schröder 1959 [an old woman's black mare gave birth to a piece of meat, a boy was inside; he grew up; children say he is the son of a mare; he asks his mother hold hot wheat in her hand, the mother admits that he is the son of a mare (SK); he goes wandering, meets, companions Stone Brother, Wooden Brother; they take turns cooking; KB and DB they fall asleep, at which time the cooked food disappears; when it is the UK's turn, he sees three doves, they threw off their feather clothes, he married them to himself and his companions; he took the most beautiful one for himself, but smeared her faces with soot so that her companions would not choose her; the wife did not leave food for the cat, she put out the fire; KB's wife came to old Mangudze, who gave her a bag of holes in rapeseed, they sprouted, the rapeseed bloomed, so In flowers, M. came to the house where the wives of the KB. DB and SK; drank their blood, they are losing weight; husbands take turns guarding; KB says that a 9-headed old woman came, he was frightened; the same was DB; SK cut down 8 heads, M. ran away; SK followed, asks the shepherd, how he drives cattle; you have to hit the gong, then eat sugar, lick M.'s wounds; SK kills the shepherd, under the guise of a shepherd, drives cattle, strokes wounds with rough cow's tongue, that's rude; then canine, M. she falls asleep, the UK cuts off her head; brings cattle and treasures, brings her home; the corpse has been burned]: 102-115.

Western Siberia. Northern Khanty (Obdorsk, son dialect) [three brothers live in a hut, take turns cooking; the elder hears three swans flying in; three women enter and scooped up hot meat the cook on his stomach; when the brothers returned, he replies that the cauldron overturned; the same with his middle brother; the younger Kemyas hid between the beams, burned his swan clothes, three women became the brothers' wives; leaving, men tell them not to play cards; they play, the seven-headed Menk-Iki comes, plays, wins, takes women away; K. goes in search, consistently sleeps with three old men, each forges iron; the last says that M. has an employee, a man-with-tail, a squirrel, who has an iron club; he must be told that he is lost, throw a club at him, take his form, bring seven into M.'s house in armfuls firewood weighing 7 sledges; it happened; he feeds M.; he lowered the ring into a cup of water, the eldest of the women recognized him; in the morning the women ran away; K. fed M. so crazy; 7 knives hung in the sky K. cut them off, M.'s heads fell; his torso is chasing K.; those old men pierce him with iron walks; then they put them on the iron top, people throw it into the Ob; the brothers got wives back; they were beaten, from the eldest and the middle one fell on a white pebble, the youngest one was not to blame; K. and his wife went down the Ob River, the middle one went up, the eldest went to the Urals]: Steinitz 2014, No. 3:219-226.

Eastern Siberia. Amur Evenks [when leaving, Khurukochon sticks a knife into a poplar, tells his three younger sisters that if the knife falls, he is in trouble; giant Sekakchan takes him away with one hand, one leg, one eye older sister; H. comes back, does not ask about her; the same with the middle sister, with the youngest; C. goes to look for them; the old teal woman throws three eggs into his mouth, he becomes a hero; indicates in which side of his sister; C. comes to the edge of the lower earth, tears off the shepherd's head, puts on his clothes; comes to his older, middle, younger sister; each has a half child in her arms, they themselves are halves; C. kills all devils from a bow; an old woman throws an egg at the women, they take on their former appearance; sisters marry three sons of the Month; H. goes to the sunset, shoots an elk in the stomach, follows her, but sees no traces of blood; flies in a fly into a house without holes when a woman comes out; becomes human again; the girl says that her sister is stuck against a tree if X. cures her, marries her; H. pulls out her arrow, heals a girl, takes a wife]: Bulatova 1987, No. 2:111-116.

Amur-Sakhalin. The Nanais [Boralda the old man takes Mergen's sister to heaven as his daughter's maid; M. broke his stick, waved halves, went up to heaven; the son of Mudur Khan (i.e. the dragon) gives him a sword, says that B.'s daughter would have to be sister M.'s maid; the servant cuts the tree, M. threshes it into porridge with the butt of an ax, dumps out meat and bones, puts on his skin; the sister recognizes him, the servant's wife believes it the husband, although he joins her, beats her; M. takes off the servant's skin, gives it to his wife; Sangia the old man descends from the second heaven, promises a daughter to be M.'s wife, who cuts off the heads of B., his wife and daughter with a sword of Mudur Khan; In second heaven, M. marries daughter S.; fell into the water at night; finds himself in the sand; comes to an old man, marries his daughter; she says there is a house from which they do not return; there is Kalta, the youngest of nine sisters, gives birth to nine girls and nine boys, her (i.e. father-in-law M.) father feeds on them; M. brings them to her father-in-law; S. returns first for his first wife, with her and many people descends to earth; son Mudur -khana marries sister M., brings her people to live on land]: Kile 1996, No. 19:225-235; Orochi [Ngetyrka stays at home, his older brother hunts; seven swans arrive and turn into girls, clean the house, wash and comb N.; then told to get dirty again, scatter spruce branches spread on the floor; N. does not do this; lies as if he combed his bird's foot, wiped his face with a bird's foot, wiped his face with a bird's foot in peace; brother shows that this is impossible; N. tells the truth; brother tells him to sew his younger sister's robe next time to N.'s robe, hides himself; grabs the girl; she gives birth to him a son; the boy stops cry when N. tells him that his mother's clothes are in the box; the woman tickles N., makes him say how he stopped crying the baby; puts on feathers, flies away, taking her son; the husband shoots at the flying swan, shoots his son's little finger; meets the servant, asks what he is doing and talking at home; kills him, takes his form, comes to his wife, puts his son's little finger; appearance (skin?) he dumps his servants in the taiga; says that he killed a hare, in fact, a lot of moose, feeds his father-in-law and mother-in-law; returns home; N. stuck to the door, because contrary to his brother's warning, he ate fatty meat first, not lean; brother revives him]: Aurorin, Lebedeva 1966, No. 14:142-145; the Udege [young Egdy tries to shoot back from the ogre Sontra-Mas, but he has a stony body, metallic chest; S. carries him in a boat, E. says that it is dangerous to swim in the middle of the river, jumps ashore unnoticed; S.'s wife finds nothing in the boat, sends her husband to catch up with E.; E. killed an elk, cut it in half; says S., who throws his lower half into his mouth, throws the elk's ass; throws the upper half in front of the moose; the horns steam S.'s stomach, S. dies; E. puts on his clothes, comes to his wife, tells him to cook cauldron and knife; lowers a noose through the chimney, catches the witch by the horns, kills with an ax; helps birds, boys, fish on the way; marries a rich girl; father-in-law tells me to collect discarded oats (birds collect); 2) get a ring thrown into the water (they get the fish); 3) kill a fox with seven tails; foxes with two, three, etc. tails pass by, E. kills the seven-tailed; 4) bring fading heat from the sun ; E. helps a wild boar, elk, bear along the way; an old woman brings him heat wrapped in cloth; animals bring him home; father-in-law unfolds the bundle, burns]: Lopatin 1933, No. 2:241-246; nivhi: Pevnov 2010, No. 2 [the older brother has a wife; he tells her to wash, comb her younger brother every morning, ventilate his clothes; the elder's wife thinks to make the youngest her husband; once the youngest dressed himself, went out to at sea, saw a seal, she took off her skin, became a woman, they met; the seal woman promised to come again tomorrow, bringing tables and dishes to taste elks; the younger brother returned, the elder and his wife did not they asked; in the morning, the elder's wife put on her younger brother's clothes, went on his ski track, hid herself, buried in the sand; the seal is afraid, the woman tells her to go out as agreed; throws a harpoon at her; they have been fighting for a long time, the tench broke off, the wounded seal went to sea, ordered him to tell her husband's brother not to pursue her; at home, the young man understood everything, went ashore, overheard the conversation between the two younger sisters seal wives who came to the house from shavings; carved a figure, swam on it, then fired an arrow, flew it, so he fired arrows and flew on each one, reached another land; there were his wife's sisters and others seals in the guise of people say that a man from the ground wounded the elder's daughter, they prepare spears and arrows, guard him; he asks the servant where his jews harp is (by the window behind the pillow), asks other questions; when he finds out everything , shook him out of his skin, put it on, went to his nerpa wife; there the local shamans were camlaing; the imaginary servant asked for a camla, pulled the prison out of the wounded woman's chest, now the seal will marry him; the young man returned , returned the servant's skin, he came to life; told his grandfather and grandmother seals that he did not injure her, but his brother's wife, and he cured him; the uncles of the seal bear and walrus were guarding him on the shore, but he gave them a fish, they named him son-in-law; he flies back on an arrow; there whoever turned walrus growls, his lower lip drags along the ground, his upper lip reaches the sky, there is fire in his mouth; the young man jumped into his mouth, began to cut it from the inside, he released it; The man went with him, brought him to that bear, the young man jumped into his mouth (all the same); those two seal girls go with him (the younger sisters of the first seal?) ; at home he forced his brother to take his wife by the leg, took him by the other, they tore her apart; he married one seal girl, gave his brother another]: 16-25; Sangi 1989 [sister and brother grow up alone; brother sees how two seals take off their clothes (scales), turn into girls, wash themselves; he hides their clothes, gives them to one only after she agrees to marry him; his sister tries to kill Nerpa with a jail, injures her; she sails away, tells her to marry her brother herself; she braids like a woman; her brother goes to the sea, two girl seals tell him the words of their older sister (his wife) to make a loon bowl out of wood; they take him to her in the sea; two long-haired women catch him, tickle him; he causes thunder, they kill them; a sea lion brings him to the island; a slave shows the way; a young man puts on a slave's clothes; turning into a water lion a flea, jumps over two wolves closing the way, two bears; shamans try to heal the wounded Nerpa; a young man revives her, takes her home; his sister is barely alive there; he is a successful hunter]: 395-402.

Japan. Aina Sakhalin [the girl hears the voice of the devil; turns into a doorknob; next time into a flower; not recognized by the devil; into a bird, says the line that he will find a girl by knocking down a large tree; turns into a tree, presses the devil; puts on his clothes, goes to hell in his image, tells everyone to start eating the girl's meat she brought right away; it's actually the meat of that devil; everyone starts eating, are dying]: Pilsudski 2001, No. 6:35-36; 2002, No.: 29-30.

SV Asia. Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 50 [while chasing the seal, Ekekenushi sailed to an unknown shore; began to fry meat, kele climbs out of the ground, the dog's body below the waist; E. hit him with a harpoon, kele went under the ground, his seal bubble bag rolls along the tundra, then goes underground, then rolls again; E. sees yaranga, that bag in it, someone screams to call an old shaman; E. asked her, killed her, put on her skin; asks to put out the lights, sing loudly; pulled his harpoon out of Kele's body and stabbed him in his left side; runs away, promises the ground a striped, then colorful whale, the ground hides him from the chase; he swims away to the singing of dog people on the shore]: 133-135; Bogoras 1928, No. 8 [ten brothers go missing; every two walk across the sea on the ice, find freshly cooked meat, taste it, die (this is a human being); The fox promises their parents to send another son; the old woman gives birth to Methino; he asks them to make him a big bow; swims across the sea in a boat, kills a seal, waits for forbidden meat; the Wolf comes, demands from M. give him his liver, kidneys, eyes, intestines, heart; M. gives nerb giblets, pretends to be dying; The Wolf leaves, M. wounds him with a spear; steals clothes from the feathers of his neighbor Wolf Eagle, comes to the Wolf under the guise of Eagle; does not heal him, but kills him with a knife, runs away; the Eagle returns, finds his blood-stained outfit in the Wolf's house, kills the Wolf's children; M., returns to his parents, they soon die; M. lives with deer, wolves, foxes; finally, people catch him; they force him to regurgitate moss, pieces of skins, etc. food eaten while he was an animal; a year later M. is speechless, telling us who he is]: 330-332; Kozlov 1956 [ eleven brothers disappear one by one; the twelfth Nono swims in a kayak, a giant overgrown with hair calls him from the shore; N. puts the heart and liver of the killed seal under the camley; the giant offers hide (N. hides in his torbazes); give each other his heart and liver; N. gives giblets of seals, rips a giant, kills; kills two old cannibals who call the giant a son; puts them on clothes; a hairy head leaned out of the yaranga floor, N. threw a harpoon at it; his head went into the ground, N. followed; he is mistaken for a doctor, the old woman brings a giant with a harpoon N. in his head; N. finishes him off with a knife, kills an old woman; returns to earth; eats berries, the tundra begins to lean to one side to throw N. on knives; he pretends to be dead; the giant brings him home; the giant went to bed; N. strangled the crows- watchmen, the sea poured into the yaranga, the giant drowned, N. pretended to be a bull; returned home]: 39-44.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 75 (Chaplin) [four brothers go to sea, into the tundra, disappear; the fifth Akhakhanavrak remains; his father does not want to give him a kayak; he makes a kayak sails to a giant sitting on the shore; he offers to play blind man's buff; then eat each other's liver; A. hides a seal under his clothes, the giant cuts out its liver; A. cuts the giant, kills, cutting off his heart ; swims further; a tugnygak comes out of the ground, tells him to give him his intestines, lungs, heart; A. gives giblets of seals, throws a harpoon into t.; he runs underground, a float on the ground; the old woman is ready to treat t.; A. strangles her, puts on her skin; they come for her; the shaman (i.e. A.) tells everyone to sing and scream, putting out the fat seeds; finishes it off with her harpoon; runs away, swims to her parents], 91 (Naukan) [=1988, No. 33:160 -162; four brothers disappear one by one; the fifth kills a seal, enters an empty dugout; an ogre comes, demands that he eat intestines, liver, stomach and kidneys, a person's heart; he gives parts of the body seals; now the cannibal wants the whole man; he pierces him with a harpoon; comes to an old woman who is about to go to treat the cannibal; puts on her skin, pretends to be a healer, pierces the ogre's heart with a knife, runs away; other spirits in the form of wolves rush in pursuit; stop persecution]: 166-168, 210-213; Rubtsova 1954, No. 5 (Chaplin) [as in Menovshchikov 1985; the cannibal requires a heart last]: 86-92; Bogoras 1913, No. 9 [two older brothers were taken to the island, they want to sacrifice them there to the god of the sea; the younger brother sails, learns everything from two old women, kills one, wears her skin, puts on her clothes; hers carry to the place of sacrifice; the foreman asks why she has such broad shoulders; Because of the desire to see the sacrifice; the imaginary old woman cuts the ropes tied, gives her brothers knives, they everyone is killed; in another village, the elders get married; the youngest returned home young, and his son grew old at home during this time]: 430; St. Lavrenia [boys and girls played, each took a pair, one girl was left without a pair, sat on her skull in her face, said he would be her pair; her skull took her away; her older brother Ayvanga became everyone ask questions; the old man explained that it was necessary to make a boat faster than a duck; A. and his four brothers made boats out of different wood and broke them when they could not overtake the ducks; finally found a suitable tree and swam; there are cliffs ahead, many dead birds and seals in front of them; the boat slipped, only cut off the very stern of the kayak; on the shore there was a man, they promised to give him a knife, he said that the leader had brought a new wife; A. killed him so that he would not report them; through a hole in the dugout, the brothers see the audience, their sister was cooking; met with his sister; the chief asks what the wife is concerned about; she answers that her food was too monotonous, the chief promised to bring other meat; A. went to the old woman, killed her, put on her skin, and the other brothers came to the chief and he offered to fight; the local young men followed the old woman, they carried it, because she usually cannot walk, they wonder why it is so heavy; the leader easily defeats and kills each of the younger brothers; when he is going to kill the youngest, A. takes off the old woman's skin, kills the leader, everyone is happy; A. revives both the brothers and the leader; the competition continues the next day; A. is lowered into the hole, she is covered with burning firewood; in the pit A. hid under the shoulder blade of a whale; to him they lowered the rope, he went out; the leader was subjected to the same test, burned down; the brothers go to the shore, taking his sister and another girl; towards an old man and an old woman, holding human figures and a wand; like they only hit the figure with a stick, one of the brothers falls dead; A. kills the old people themselves, revives the brothers; a whale chases the boat into the sea; the brothers consistently throw the girl's garments, the whale every time she stays; when a girl is naked, they throw her whale herself]: Slwooko 1977:54-60; Bering Strait inupiate (west in the village. Shishmarev, but the action takes place in the upper reaches of the river. Kobuk) [brothers disappear one by one; in old age, the couple has another son, Ogoonogoroseok; the father wants to kill him so that he does not leave them; digs traps on the path, puts a noose at the entrance into the house, shoots a bow; W. easily avoids dangers; swims away; before that he received a partridge feather and a weasel skin (amulets) from his father; swims down the river, kills a seal, takes his head with him; on the shore a house with a woman in it; a kayak like W.'s next to it, but old and fallen apart; W. throws a seal's head into the needle; a seal fights a woman, they kill each other; in the next needle, a young woman puts it inside, there is an old woman, a knife hangs above her; W. does not sleep; cuts off the head of a young woman, puts her head where she sleeps, puts her crown where the woman slept; the old woman gets up, lights a lamp, cuts her head like she thinks, to a young man; the way out of the needle has disappeared, but when W. gets out; the needle disappears, the black bear is chasing W., W. manages to sail away in a kayak; hears the bear calling him in that voice old woman; the next needle has several broken kayaks, these are the W. brothers' kayaks; he enters the first house, throws a harpoon at the person who comes in, he disappears; W. comes to the next one, there's an old woman, W. kills her, pulls her skin; they come after him (in the sense of an old woman), ask him to treat the wounded; this is the one W. threw a harpoon at; W. asks to turn off the lights, finishes off the wounded, sheds off the old woman's skin, runs away; after him wolves and wolverines run away, he manages to sail away in a kayak; sees an object hanging on a tree, touches it, is trapped; the catcher brings prey to his mind, believes that the game is dead, falls asleep; his two children they also fall asleep; W. kills a man with a stone, goes out, looks into the house, there is a dead bear and two bear cubs; W. swims on; when he reaches the sea, marries; father-in-law tells not to go to the mountain, W. goes, kills two ferocious dogs, father-in-law says they were his hunters, decides to kill his son-in-law; tells 1) to get a tree for the boat (the log rushes to O. when he starts cutting off branches, W. splits him); 2) walrus boat skin (the storm begins, O. calms the sea); 3) the father-in-law pours resin on the hearth in the dugout, O. caresses behind the turf; takes his wife and daughter to his home, the storm calms down only when he throws them into sea; O. finds them alive with his father-in-law, burns him in the dugout in the way his father-in-law wanted to burn him; brings the family home; along the banks of the river he sees dens instead of dugouts where hostile creatures lived]: Keithahn 1958:52-61; Northern Alaska Inupiate: Alaska Native Writers 1986 (Kobuk River - Noorvik-Selawik) [sea hunters go missing one by one; a young man's rich father promises half his property to whoever finds and returns his son; an orphan living with his grandmother promises to do so; a grandmother teaches that when a grandson finds those people, he must shout to them "Who is home first?" , then row to the house with his eyes closed; after chasing a seal, the young man finds himself on the high seas; after chasing a duck, he finds himself near the ground; enters the house, puts the caught seals and duck on the floor; into the house The monster looks in, mouth from ear to ear, tells him to throw what he has hunted; the young man throws the seal, next time the duck; the third time the young man no longer has meat, he throws his spear; the wounded monster leaves, the young man walks along then, in the village he kills an old woman, puts on her clothes; two men come for her, say that their hunter is seriously ill, asking for help; the young man pretends to be a helpless old woman; when he is brought to The wounded monster, the imaginary shaman asks him to leave her in the dark; when he finds his spear in the monster's neck, the young man carves it out of the monster's body, takes off the old woman's clothes, runs away; he is chased, he screams as told grandmother; when she reaches home, she turns around, sees all the missing, including the son of a rich man, receives rich gifts]: 79-87; Curtis 1976 (20) [hunters disappear, orphan swims to look for them, harpunite along the way leaves, seals, because they helped the murderers; enters the dugout, repairs the harpoon; the owner comes, demands meat, the orphan throws a seal at him, then pierces a harpoon into his neck, he runs away; an orphan comes to two women kills them, puts one on the bed, buries the other in ash, puts on her clothes himself, pulls her skin over her face, tells people who come that she and her sister are feeling bad, let them take them to someone who came; they lead to the mansion where the wounded man lies; an imaginary old woman tells her to be left in the dark while she heals, takes out her harpoon, pierces the wounded Keith into the neck, killing him; the inhabitants of the village find themselves animals, led by the Bear, are chasing an orphan; he asks the Fox not to give him away, promises to leave him meat; sails away in a kayak]: 258-259; Spencer 1959 [hunters disappear one by one; an orphan kills a crow, a seal, comes to the ogre's house; he demands that food be thrown into his mouth; an orphan throws a crow, a seal, harpoons an ogre; he runs away; an orphan comes to two old healers, kills them, accepts them the appearance of one; goes to treat the ogre, instead finishes him off; runs; the ogre's people (foxes, wolves, bears) chase him; he sails home; forgets to give the promised meat to the fox that noticed him, but did not betray her pursuers; falls ill; corrects her mistake; marries the daughter of a rich man who was kind to him; another rich girl had a hard time begging him to marry her]: 388-390.

Subarctic. Koyukon [people go to the lake to hunt ducks, disappear; the raven makes a boat out of resin, fills the basket with tree mushrooms, turning them into human ears; on the lake, an ogre sees a basket ears, believes that the Raven is of his breed, agrees to swap boats; the Raven offers to throw his spears, throws his further, invites the ogre to go forward, stabs his spear in the back, he runs away; The Raven comes to the ogre's mother, kills her, puts on her clothes; the cannibal's daughter comes with the news that her father is sick; an imaginary old woman advises to put a noose around his neck; suffocates to death, runs away; the lake becomes safe]: Attla 1989:135-145.

NW Coast. Hyda (Skidgate): Swanton 1905:130-131 [A raven finds a woodpecker's feather, turns it into a woodpecker, tells the Fisherman he knows an island where there are many woodpeckers; they sail there, the Raven beats himself on the nose, turns blood into woodpeckers, sails away in a boat, comes to the Fisherman's wife in the guise of her husband, eats a lot; the abandoned calls his seal whipping club, she carries him across the strait; he He hits the Raven, throws him into the latrine; he gives a voice; he pushes him into the dust, throws him to the surf, presses him down with a stone, he comes to life again; tells the whale to swallow itself, eats its insides, an exhausted whale it nails to the shore; people cut the carcass, a black bird flies out; the raven puts on the skin of an old man who lived on the outskirts of the village, who says that the bird that has flown out is not good; people are leaving, Raven one eats a whale], 136-137 [the chief's son has a stronger hand than everyone else; a small pale hand sticks into the smoke hole; the chief's son grabs it, she tears off his hand; the raven flies to a foreign village ; an old man he meets says that his hand is kept behind a partition in the local chief's house; the raven puts on the old man's skin, steals his hand in the morning; touches the partition, it sounds like a tambourine; the raven carries his hand, she grows up with a young man], 159 [a man comes to the chief's wife, asks about her habits, puts on her skin; her baby refuses to take his imaginary mother's breast]; bellacula [the hunter sees how out holes in the glacier, a fireball flies out on a thread of fire; cuts off the thread, brings the ball to the village, all people play with it; only one old woman stays at home; a handsome man comes to her and asks about What happens, touches her, she falls dead, he takes her form, comes to the players, grabs the ball, shoves the ball into his anus, runs away; it was the Glacier itself, the ball was the wind blowing from it]: Boas 1898:109-111.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry: Jenness 1934, No. 26 [a group of people quarrel with the chief; murders occur; the younger brother remains alive; the man tells him to kill the healer, stretch his skin; the false healer gives the leader clothes that catch fire; he is called for help; he burns everyone, revives his brothers], 39 [Estees turns into salmon, rips the bait off the hooks; people make a strong hook, pull E. out of the water, his jaw comes off; he makes a new one out of maple; comes to an old woman, kills her, pulls her skin; comes to the dancers, lets an imaginary old woman look at her jaw; E. takes her away]: 183-184, 207-208; Chilcotin [the wife of the Fisherman (Fisher) disappears; his friend Marten makes the baby able to speak; he explains that the mother was taken away by a man; the Fisherman's Marten and the Marten come to the lake, they ask two women about their customs, kill them, put their skin on; Marten throws salmon caviar to the girl so hard that she hurts her; the girl screams that it is not her sister; at night, imaginary women cut off the kidnapper's head, run away with the kidnapped]: Farrand 1900, No. 27:41-42; shuswap [Copper kidnaps the wife of the Fisherman Marten (Fisher); the Fisherman and Marten brothers meet two Medi sisters (Rat and Mouse); asked about their normal behavior, killed, put on their skin; on Marten, the skin does not cover his genitals and face around his eyes; the younger sister of the dead notices that the Mouse looks strange; at night, the Fishing Marten and the Marten cut off Medi's head, throw them into the lake; they return home with the fishing marten's wife; Medi's blood drips, his younger sister thinks he is drinking; Medi's people Waterfowl is summoned to reach his head; Loon dives and brings his head, Copper revives]: Teit 1909a: 675-677; Thompson [Coyote's daughter marries Lynx, lord of the cold; Coyote comes to to his son-in-law, he freezes it; the Coyote melts a hole in the ice with his tongue, disassembles and pushes himself piece by piece; collects it, but the Raven took his eyes away; the Coyote stumbles upon trees, asks for their names; the first they grow high in the mountains, then lower the slope; when poplar and willow appear, there is a river nearby; the Coyote goes downstream, meets the Bird Girls; lures Wren as if he wanted to show a star pulls out her eyes, puts her in; friends put red berry eyes in Wren; people play ball through Coyote's eyes; he meets an old woman, asks about her customs, kills with a stick, puts on her skin; asks her four granddaughters to take him to where they are playing; the youngest three throw their imaginary grandmother on the way; the eldest reports; the Coyote grabs his eyes, runs away; makes a fog, they can't catch up with him]: Hanna, Henry 1996:56-6; snohomish [Fox and Norka went traveling; Norka said he would go see what was ahead; wrote into water, turned urine into salmon, gave Fox; he fried and ate; got sick; asks the two little girls in it (probably their excrement), they laugh, Fox is pregnant; gave birth to a boy, who grew up quickly, married Butterball (?) and the bird, he loves the first, the second does not; the fox wants to take possession of his son's wives; asks the "counselors", who tell them to turn them into white birds; the son Fox undressed, climbed a tree, it is higher and higher, to the sky; "birds" returned to Fox; he put on his son's clothes, came to his wives, said that his father was dead; B. understood what was going on, the bird wife believed; the fox took the bird, B. did not agree with him; in heaven, Fox's son came to the gray-haired man the old man; this is the Spider; he said that the country where the young man came from was the third below; began to let him down; when it was warm, the young man realized that he was on earth; in gratitude he gave the spider 4 dressed reindeer skins; bald; caught up with his faithful wife, she touched his head, his hair grew again; first she carried her husband in her basket; then he told Fox and his bird-wife to bring the deer he had killed; bewitched the strap, that constantly eager; the fox and his wife rushed to catch up, his wife was carried away by the river, the Fox hardly swam out; his advisers said that there are two women down the river, they have a dam with a salmon trap; the fox turned into a wooden dish, swam into a trap; the women picked it up, she devours all the meat they put in it; they threw the bowl on the floor, it turned into a baby; when the women are not there, the fox goes to the dam and takes salmon from there; counselors tell you to break the dam; the head and back must be covered with baskets - these are the only vulnerabilities on the body; the women rushed to the Fox with the jails, but they are stuck in the baskets; the Fox led fish up the river; came to a woman with her daughter, married her daughter, speaks a miraculous language as if he were a mountain leader; salmon ran out; wife gave birth to a girl, left her Lisa and left; she grew up in a few days , married Mountain Sheep's son; the fox went to visit them; the baby, whom the daughter gave birth to, had fat diapers, the Fox ate them; when the Fox stole the stone hammer, his daughter kicked him out; the fox began to play, throwing them up his eyes, the Raven took them away; Magpie suspects that the Fox is blind; he says he sees a star that Magpie does not see; when she came, he pulled out her eyes and put her in; the fox came to the fat old woman- illnesses; she says that her two granddaughters went to a place where Raven shows Fox's eyes to everyone and the audience is dancing around; the fox asks the old woman in detail about her usual behavior, wants to kill; she claims that you can't kill her with a stone, a club, water, fire, a magic root; Fox's excrement is advised to beat her with nettles; she dies, the Fox put on her skin; counselors: spots under the eyes, tell your granddaughters that you are hurt; the granddaughters carried the imaginary old woman, the Fox copulated with both; the fox began to sing, everyone liked it, he called his eyes, they returned to his eye sockets, he ran away, the pursuer showed his penis, everything was enveloped by the fog, the Fox escaped]: Haeberlin 1924, No. 20:399-411; Koulitz: Adamson 1934, No. 16 [The cloud takes Samtik's wife (Səmtic; fox?) ; he goes looking for her, Cloud cuts off his head; in the sky, two sisters Cloud nail their heads to their boat; son S. and brother S. A fishing marten (fisher) step on Lark's leg; he reports that there are grass steps to heaven in the prairie; an uncle and nephew kill the Clouds sisters, put on their clothes; and negotiate with the kidnapped, she tells her husband that she does not feel well, she will spend the night with the girls; they set fire to the house, the Cloud burns down, they bring widow S. back to the ground, bring his head; the widow gives birth to a girl; she bites her mother's chest , scratches the children's eye 5 times, returns to heaven; she is weaker than her father - only the shadow of a cloud], 46 [Shwanee throws up her eyes, the Raven takes her away alone; the old woman's children play with him; S. kills her, wears her clothes and hair; her daughter carries a fake mother to watch the game, S. slides lower and lower, copulates with the girl; the episode repeats with four sisters; the fifth throws S. on the ground; S. grabs his eye; tells sisters what to call his children they will give birth to; sisters revive mother]: 196-198, 253-254; Skagit: Hilbert 1985:45-56 [Coyote promises daughter to whoever overtakes her; Raven, Norka and others fall behind, the Mountain Goat overtakes, marries; the wife gives birth, the diaper is fat; the Coyote eats it; when he goes to the mountains, the Goat sends frost, the Coyote is trapped in an ice trap; does breathes a hole, breaks himself apart, sticks out; The raven takes his eyes away; the Coyote puts leaves, sees a little; pretends to see a star; one of the sisters comes up, he pulls it out eyes, inserts herself; asks an old woman about her daughters; kills with nettles, takes her form; sisters carry an imaginary mother on the back to where they play with the eyes of the Coyote; the youngest throws him on on the road, he copulates with the eldest; takes his eyes, runs away], 87-95 [Coyote pretends to be dying, tells his daughter to marry a yakim man with a painted face and put food and property with his corpse; children see Coyote cooking for himself, but he pretends to be dead; painting his face, speaks yakima, takes his daughter as his wife; the paint dries up and falls off, the daughter recognizes her father; the family leaves The Coyote, turning his house into a block of ice; the Coyote makes a hole, looks out, the Raven takes his eyes away; the Coyote puts yellow-green mold in his eye sockets that grows on a rotten tree, tells Bekas and Soroca that sees a fat beetle on a branch; grabs Snipe's eye; asks the Sick Old Woman what she is afraid of; Nettles; hits her to death with nettles, puts on her clothes; her two daughters carry their mother (i.e. Coyote) on the back to where people play with Coyote's eyes; on the way, he tries to have sex with girls, the youngest throws him to the ground; he takes his eyes, runs away]; Western sachaptines: Farrand, Mayer 1917, No. 8 [Lynx throws up his eyes; Coyote does the same, Lynx pushes his thrown eyes, they don't return to the eye sockets; Coyote takes her eyes away from the oriole; the old woman sings, talks about how people they dance with Coyote's eyes; the Coyote kills her, puts her skin on; the youngest of her five daughters feels it's a Coyote; at night he touches each one's genitals, the youngest chases him; in the morning she pretends to be lame, girls carry him on his back to where they dance; he copulates with everyone, the youngest does not allow it; dances, grabs his eyes, runs away; later returns to give names to his children], 12 [1) Month sends his son to kill people, eats testicles; Coyote pretends to be the brother of the Month, kills his son with his own club, puts on his clothes, feeds the Month with his son's testicles; the house is full of ornaments; when Months fall asleep, the Coyote takes them away, walks for a long time, falls asleep; wakes up at the exit from the house of the Month; the same the next night; The Month asks why Coyote killed his son; Coyote tells him not to kill again people, to be a month; 2) the same; The month was hot as the Sun; Coyote cuts off his head, tells him to be a month]: 155-157, 173-175; ne perse: Spinden 1908, No. 8 [Wild Cat throws and catches its eyes; The Coyote imitates him; he catches and carries the Coyote's eyes; the Coyote kills the old woman, puts on her skin, comes to dance; he, not knowing it's a Coyote, is given his eyes, he takes them away]: 19-21; 1917, No. 7 [Son of the Month kills passers-by with a club, brings the corpses to his father, he eats his genitals raw, cooks the rest; Coyote invites the Son of the Month to bend down for a drink, give him his club, kills him, changes clothes with him, brings the corpse of his son to the Month under the guise of prey; the Month devours him; at night, the Coyote runs away, falls asleep in the morning, wakes up on the doorstep of the house; so three times; then he kills the Month, tells him to shine at night]: 186-187; Okanagon: Guie 1990, No. 16 [Chicady throws his eyes, catches them in his eye sockets; Coyote does the same; two Crows carry them away; Coyote asks trees for their names to go to the river; drinks; asks his own little sister Blue Bird, does she see a star; snatches out her eyes, inserts her in; her sister Blue Jay makes her new berries; Coyote asks the old pheasant what she is afraid of; Nettles ; he hits her with nettles to death, puts on her skin; her granddaughters Blue Bird and Blue Jay talk about them playing the Sun Dance through the eyes of a Coyote; asking why you have a strange voice (Burned her mouth with soup); Eyes (Injured one with a stick); in the morning they take turns carrying her grandmother to the Sun Dance; Coyote makes herself heavy, sisters leave her imaginary grandmother, people for it they scold them; Coyote grabs his eyes, runs away, throwing Pheasaniha's skin; sisters revive grandmother]: 141-147; Hill-Tout 1911 [Otter (Fisher) warns his younger brother Marten not to go to a certain one side; he goes, the woman in the house bends his face to the fire, since then the marten's muzzle has been wrinkled; the otter brings this deer woman to his wife; tells him not to swim far into the lake; after giving birth to a son, she swims, climbs onto a log, it goes under the water with it; the brothers meet a boat with two young men, who say that they are servants and guards of the underwater chief's new wife; the otter kills them, the brothers put on their clothes , come to the chief; the marten jumps awkwardly into the boat, everyone wonders what is wrong with him; the otter tells his wife not to let the chief sleep longer; when he falls asleep, the brothers cut off his head and sail away with the woman; the pursuers almost catch up, then they throw their heads; the Turtle, the Frog dive, can't reach their heads from the bottom; the Frog's legs are painted, the turtle's shell is made; now both do not freeze in the water, they reach out their heads; the shell and color remain]: 158-161; curdalen [Coyote comes to the house where Pheasant's children bake berries; asks their parents' names; the answer is an indecent and threatening play on words (in the sense that his father will frighten him suddenly from behind and his mother between his legs); Coyote kills them; Pheasants take off suddenly when Coyote walks along a cliff, he falls; Pheasants revive their children; Coyote breaks his leg, eats his bone marrow, fills his hollow bone with chewed willow branches; to prevent two children from saying that Coyote is eating himself, he curls their mouths, they turn into crossbill, Loxia curvirostra); Coyote sees a man throwing his eyes, they go back to his eye sockets; Coyote says his grandfather also took this trick, throws his own, the man grabs them, runs away; Coyote bumps into someone, takes their eyes, throws them off a cliff, they turn into Catbird (rock wren?) ; sees a woman sitting, she reacts only when he burns her with nettles, says he will go with him; he sees dancing, puts out the fire, but the fat bubbles turn out to be stone; he lights the fire, there is no one He is surrounded by rocks, he is in a stone bag; birds come to hammer a stone, the Woodpecker pecks a hole to Coyote's eye, flies away; the Coyote sees the Vulture, calls him names; the Vulture pecks out his eye; The Coyote looks at others, the Vulture pecks him out; the woman who went with the Coyote broke the rock with her belt; aims the blind Coyote's arrow at the deer, which hits the target, but the woman lies like an arrow got into a tree; drives the Coyote in circles as if they had gone far; cooks venison; admits that he did kill a deer; after filling his gut with fat, he told me to put it on his eyes; the Coyote begins to see, but then eats fat , goes blind again; makes her eyes out of resin; they are weak, the resin melts every now and then from the heat; the Coyote comes to the blind woman; today she will come to the dancers, where she will insert the eyes of the Coyote; the Coyote kills her puts on her clothes, scratches her eye; explains to her four granddaughters (Nightjar and three other types of birds) that she is hoarse and a sunflower seed has fallen into her eye; granddaughters take turns carrying an imaginary grandmother; she is planted before Coyote's eyes; an imaginary old woman tells her to extinguish the fire, dance in the dark; inserts her eyes in, runs away, leaving saliva responsible for herself; the audience understands that "the leader took his eyes"]: Reichard 1947, No. 7:89-95; coutenay: Boas 1918, No. 61 [Snipe throws up his eyes; Coyote grabs them; Snipe takes them back, pulls out Coyote's eyes; he makes new ones from resin, it melts in the sun; from foam, it flows out; out of blueberries; takes the eyes of a boy; his sister; kills an old woman, puts on her skin; her two granddaughters carry an imaginary grandmother on their backs to a party where people dance with Coyote's eyes; Coyote grandma sings; grabs her eyes, runs away]: 183-187; Linderman 1997, No. 4 [Coyote sees the Old Man throw his eyes at the birch tree, they come back; Coyote catches his eyes, makes fun of him The old man puts his fingers in his eye sockets; he grabs him, returns his eyes, takes away the Coyote's eyes; the Coyote asks the bushes and trees what their names are; finds blueberries, makes blueberries, makes blueberry eyes, sees a little bit; a young man calls his sister to pick blueberries; a coyote kills him, puts on his clothes; kills his sister, puts her clothes on; comes to an old woman, kills her, puts her on her clothes, comes to where dance with his eyes; grabs his eyes, runs away]: 41-48; tillamook [two brothers go to heaven where their father's murderer lives; kill two enemy wives, stretch their skins; women's husband is surprised that they 1) jump into the boat, raise the wave slightly, 2) sharing the collected roots, give them to blind old people on the outskirts of the village, 3) both refuse sex under the pretext of menstruation; at night, the brothers kill the enemy and his people; take their father's head; when they go down to earth, they revive his father]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 8:25-28; alsea [in the enemies' house, a little boy notices tears in the eyes of a hero who has taken on someone else's image, when he looks at his severed head]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 5 [brothers see ball players; the youngest steals the ball; he is caught, his head is cut off; the Seuku brothers' father (Converter) calls the carrier across the river, asks about his customs, kills him, puts on his skin; at night S. carries his son's head, throws ash behind him, then paint, coal; each time the fog thickens; at home S. revives him], 10 [y a man has two sons born of a dog; he makes a boat, enemies cut off his head from heaven; sons climb into heaven, making a chain of arrows; asking the murderer's two wives about their customs, killing them, they put on their skins, turn them into snakes (so snakes change their skin); the husband is surprised that the youngest wife touches the water when jumping into a boat; brothers hole boats, carry their father's head to the ground and cut off they are the head of his murderer (their "husband"); they try to resurrect their father; his head falls four times, grows on the fifth; they turn him into woodpecker, themselves into dogs], 11 [=No. 10; one son from a woman, the other from a dog]: 67-75, 125-149; cous [=Frachtenberg 1913, No. 24:149-157 (zap. Saint Clair); the older brother was making a boat, his dog was next to him; a man appeared, cut off his head, disappeared; the youngest found the body, the dog barks, pointing up; the younger one shoots at the sky, makes a chain of arrows, comes to people dancing with his older brother's head; finds out where the murderer's wife is; asks her about her behavior, kills her, puts on her skin; stumbles while jumping into her husband's boat, he is surprised; gives edible rhizomes to the old man and his wife; they are surprised, they say that this woman is from the ground; fortunately, they have not been heard; she cries when she sees her brother's head under the roof, says that she has burned her hands on a hot pot and eats smoke in her eyes; the boy notices that the woman looks like a man; the younger brother holes all but one of the boats; cuts off her husband's head at night; his mother raises the alarm because she is bleeding; the youngest takes her head away the eldest, goes down to the ground; the head grows on the fifth attempt, the eldest turns into a woodpecker, his head is red with blood]: Saint Clair 1909a, No.: 32-34; Tututney (Joshua) [Coyote finds an old woman, when her sons are at sea; goes to sleep in the steam room, sends a storm, an old woman comes in to wake him up; he tells her to go out first; when she bends down, exposing her genitals, copulates and kills her; her sons They send him to sea in a boat without oars; when he meets marine animals, he makes their teeth smaller; jumps into a whale, swims inside it for five years, becomes bald, loses skin; takes a knife out of his ear, cuts a whale, when he approached the bank to the mouth of the Ampqua River; the chief's youngest daughter, a teenager, finds him; he feels her body, demanding that each part be named; when she touches her genitals, the girl freezes in place; he asks her, puts her skin on, turns the girl into salmon, lets her go to sea; lies between her sisters, gets pregnant all three; their mother sees a coyote's leg, cut it off, he ran away; she squeezed out coyotes from daughters' bellies, crushed to dust, let them go north]: Farrand 1915, No. 18:233-238; upper coquil [Coyote comes to the Cous River; the old woman replies that her sons are at sea; Coyote says goes to bed in the steam room; when the sons arrive, let the old woman go into the steam room to pinch him, he will not hear a shout; when she enters, the Coyote rapes her; the sons see it; send the Coyote who has fallen asleep to boat into the open sea; he calls the Seal, corrects his head shape; Keith makes teeth out of the basket (whalemustache?) ; lets Keith swallow himself; cuts Keith's heart with a knife, goes outside when he feels that the carcass has been washed ashore; hides in the sand; those who are going to slaughter the whale say that it smells like a living person; they themselves are dead, they abandon the whale, leave; the Coyote climbs into the whale again, sews the hole, the whale nails to the other side; the Coyote is bald and blind; a girl with her period has come; holding her by the hand, the Coyote touches all parts of her body with the other hand, each time asking what it is; she calls it; after she calls her vagina, he pulls her skin off it, puts it on himself; now he is again sees; before that he asked the girl what she would have to do when she returned home; he walks along a rope, holding a tree in each hand, losing his balance a little; the girl's mother is surprised at this; the little brother asks what it is between his sister's legs, they don't pay attention to him; everyone has gone to cut the whale carcass, and Coyote lies down with another sister, who is also a period, rapes her; when the victim is found, The coyote has already run away; he hid in the hollow, telling the hole to overgrow, so he spent the winter; in the spring he screams, consistently sends birds and animals that have come, but the Woodpecker asks to open the hole; he cut, Coyote pulled out his feathers, the woodpecker flew away; the Coyote cuts himself to pieces, pushes them out; The Raven (?) takes his guts away; he eats strawberries, berries fall out of his ass; he seals his anus with resin; jumps over burning grass, his ass lights up, he rushes into the river, it dries up; into the sea; burns; She takes the remains ashore; they are bitten by a beetle, the Coyote comes to life, scolds the beetle for not letting him sleep; comes to his grandmother; gets deer; hears singing, this is the dance of girls who are menstruating; grandmother warns of danger, but he goes from mountain to mountain, singing moves away; eventually tells his excrement to dress him as a leader, joins the dance; dances day and two nights; dancers tear him off hands, even in spite of him; Puma is indignant, goes dancing but breaks out of the circle; only he managed to survive; the dancers were dead]: Jacobs 2007:159-172; takelma [someone (probably , Sun) kills the Otter; the two sons of the victim see a bow and arrow, a shell, a harpoon in the house; ask the mother's grandmother who is the owner; she lies that she is, they suspect the truth; the brothers go up the river; they kill two daughters of the Sun who come for resin, stretch their skins; when jumping into a boat, one brother stumbles; the old man suspects that they are not daughters of the Sun; in the house of the Sun, the Otter's heart is smoked on resin; at night Brothers kill the Sun, bring their father's heart home; since then, the otter skin has been black]: Sapir 1909, No. 17:155-163.

The Midwest. Winnebago [a scalped old man calls the Hare, asks for help to return his scalp; the Beaver transports the Hare across the sea; the hare asks the leader's son about his normal behavior, puts on his skin; the chief's wife suspects that it is not her son (he eats too much, the arrows he throws do not fall into one place); the hare is scalping, running; the Beaver holes the pursuers' boats; drowns two the rest; the grandfather returns his scalp, rises to the sky]: Radin 1956, No. 18, 20:81-86; menominee: Bloomfield 1928, No. 70 [Menapus warns his son Wolf not to cross the bay by ice; it breaks the ban, the ice breaks, the Wolf sinks; the spirits are afraid of M., send his son back; M. tells him that it is too late, tells him to go to the sunset, light the lights there; all the dead will follow him; spirits arrange a big lacrosse game for all animals; M. pretends to be a stump; Bear, Snake try, confirm it's a stump; M. shoots at the spirit leader, runs away; Kingbird replies that he is watching where the giblets of son M. will pop up; M. touches his head, now the feathers are tousled; the old woman goes to treat the leader of the spirits, M. asks her, kills her, wears her skin; two ox frogs are guarding the way to the leader, Garter-Snake; M. promises them the leader's fat, they miss it; now these frogs have a fat mouth and the snake's body shines; M. kills the leader, runs away; the old badger hides him in a hole]: 153-159; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 7 [see motif B3B; Myanyabush injures three underground bear gods; meets an old woman going to treat them; asks about her plans, puts on her skin; does not remove patients from their bodies arrows, but drives them deeper; they die; water chases Myanyabush, he hides in a hole]: 260-263; chippewa [Wolf is Venebojo's younger brother; underwater snakes kill him; crawl out bask on the beach; V. pretends to be a stump, injures two snake leaders; the old woman goes to treat them; V. puts on her skin, kills snakes, driving arrows deeper into their bodies; water chases V. see motive B3A]: Barnouw 1977:34-38; Western Swamp Cree (Stone Cree) [Kingfisher tells Wisahkicahk that misipisiwak ("water cougars") play with wolf skins (Wolf is W.'s brother, they killed him when he drove an elk to lake); V. takes the form of a dried tree, beats misipisiwak who have come ashore and fall asleep with a spear, takes away wolfskins; V. asks the Frog Healer how he will behave when he goes to heal misipisiwak, kills him, puts his skin on, comes to heal, pierces his spears deeper, killing misipisiwak; water rises, V. makes a raft; when the water sleeps, revives the Wolf]: Brightman 1989:18-20; northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [see B3A motif, motif C6; Kingfisher tells Visakaizhyak 'u how water monsters killed his brother Wolf; V. paints Kingfisher's throat red; hides on the beach, shoots monsters; The Frog goes to heal them; V. kills her, puts on her skin, hurts M.'s heart, runs away; the flood begins; V. sends Beaver, Otter, Muskrat to the bottom to reach the ground; finds on the paws of the surfaced Muskrat clay; creates land; sends Wolverine to see if it is big; for the third time Wolverine does not return, the earth is ready]: Ray, Stevens 1971:20-26; northern solto [Wolf jumps across the river, three Pumas they drag him into the water; his uncle Visekajak hits one arrow; the Toad goes to heal her; he puts on the Toad's skin, drives the arrow deeper, the Puma dies; other Cougars cause a flood; then like the Cree; Visekajak with animals escapes on a raft; see B3A motif]: Skinner 1911:173-175; Ojibwa: Blackwood 1929, No. 2 [the grandmother confesses to Manabazoo that his parents were killed by a snake living on the island; the water around is covered with resin; M. greases the boat, sails to the beach, pretends to be a stump; The serpent sends a smaller snake to squeeze the bear, injure the stump, but M. does not move; hits the Snake who has fallen asleep with arrows , returns home; the old woman goes to treat the wounded, M. removes her skin, puts her on herself; pierces the tip deeper, the Serpent dies; the rain floods the ground with a flood, M. and the animals escape on the raft; Beaver, Loon , Otter, Muskrat consistently dive, emerge dead, M. revives them, finds some land in Muskrat's paw; M. sends Muskrat for the second time, she brings more; M. creates land, blows on it, she expands, valleys and mountains appear; flowers blow gently, snowstorm; sends the Wolf to find out if the earth is big, he returns in 10 days, six months, does not return for the third time; sends the Eagle, Hawk, Dove, Crow to the east, west, south, north; as long as they fly, the earth will stretch; creates trees, rivers, lakes, man and woman; goes east, now looks at us]: 323- 328; Carson 1917 [Unnecessarily injures a white Lion; meets the Frog Healer, who tells him what to do; N. kills him, puts on his skin, tells him to be left alone with the patient, drives his own arrows deeper, killing Leo; runs away with his nephew; kills Leo's wife, puts on her clothes, cuts Leo's corpse into pieces, throws them away; (without continuing with the diver)]: 491-492; Coleman et al 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958) [Nanabozho hunted with a wolf and his two sons; it freezes at night, wolves cover it with tails, then it's too hot; stayed with one of the young wolves, saw in a dream that he fell into the river in pursuit of game; the wolf was gone; the kingfisher said that there was someone near the shore, advised him to shoot not at the underwater puma itself, but at its shadow; N. pretended to be a stump, the animals could not recognize him; shot in the shadow of the cougar, ran; the shaman frog goes to heal the cougar; N. killed her, put on her skin, came to the wounded man, plunged the arrow deeper, killing him, took away the wolf's skin; it rained, the animals gathered in N.'s raft; the loon dived, emerged half-dead, N. revived it; the crane-necked toadstool, the beaver, the muskrat brought sand in its paws; N. blew on it, placing it on the water, land appeared; N. sent a hawk, that returned black after 10 days; N. sent a muskrat again for sand, blew, sent a hawk again, the earth became very big]: 70-72; Josselin de Jong 1913, No. 9:12-16; Radin 1914, No. 10 [Nenebojo and the Fox lived together; N. warns the Fox not to hunt at the lake shore; The fox is gone; N. found traces, water creatures dragged the Fox; N. pretended to be a stump on the shore; when the water creatures came ashore, fell asleep, N. shot them, but one wounded man fled into the water; the frog shaman cries, says that N. wounded the water spirit; N. kills her, wears her skin, comes under the guise of a Frog to heal the wounded; asks everyone to go out, does not take out the arrow, but kills the wounded with it; runs away, the water follows him; he makes a raft on the mountain; tells the Otter to dive, she pops up half dead; then Muskrat, N. finds grains of earth on her paws; blows on them, they formed land; N. makes mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers with his rod]: 22-23; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 2 (southeast Ontario) [Manabozo injures Minito Leo, Old Frog Woman walks him treat; without recognizing M., says that Minito is going to catch M.; M. kills her, puts on her skin when he comes to the minito, drives the arrow deeper into the body of the wounded, killing him; water rushes after M., he climbs a tree, makes a raft; tells Beaver, Otter, Muskrat to dive; they float up unconscious one by one; M. finds grains of earth between the fingers of Muskrat, makes land; sends The ferret finds out if it is big; the first time the Ferret comes back, the second does not return, which means the land is great], 3 (western Ontario) [while Wissekedjak is hunting, his younger brother Manabozho disappears; V. gives The crane has a white stripe around its neck; for this, he tells how the Minito Sea Lions killed M., hung his skin in their doorway; V. turns into a stump on the shore, where minito go out to warm up, shoots a black minito into the shade, injuring him; the water rushes after V., he makes a boat; tells Beaver to dive, pulls him lifeless by the tied rope, revives him, he does not have him on his paws finds land; the same Beaver; when he pulls out the Muskrat, she has particles of earth on her paws; M. blows on them six times, they grow to land; he sends the Fox to find out if it is big; the Fox returns, says that small; M. blows again on pieces of earth, sends Fox again, this time he does not return; M. sees the Frog Healer rattling with rattles; he says that he is going to treat minito; M. kills The frog wears an ax, puts on his skin, ties rattles to him; under the guise of a doctor, finishes off the wounded; runs away, carrying M.'s skin and the body of the killed minito; hides in a groundhog hole], 5 (Minnesota) [M. lives with his grandmother; Sea Lion lives on an island surrounded by resin; M. covers the boat with fat, swims on resin; during the battle, Blue Jay advises M. to shoot at the enemy's little finger, M. kills Morskoy Leo; takes the young Wolf as his comrades, warns not to jump over streams; The wolf chases the moose, jumps across the stream, it turns into a turbulent stream, carries it away; as in (3), the Wolf instead of M. Kingfisher instead of the Crane, minito - Snakes; water rises but falls; the episode with the Frog and the Minito Killing; Beaver, Otter, Loon, Muskrat dive; Raven, Pigeon are sent to find out if it's big land; the Raven returns after four days, the Dove does not return; now M. lives in the east]: 62, 63-67, 70-76; Ojibwa (Sault Ste. Marie, runoff from Upper to Huron) [Nanabozho called the young wolf his nephew; warned not to go out on the ice; hunting, he went out, the underwater spirits broke the ice, drowned it; in the summer N. turned into a stump on the shore; the leader of the spirits Mishi Bizi (white puma) sends a horned snake, a yellow bear, a red bear to check if it is N.; they can not pull out a stump, they answer that it is not N.; spirits in the form of animals go ashore, N. hits MB with an arrow, spirits hide in the lake; N. meets MB's grandmother Frog, who is going to treat him; not recognized by her; learns from her that spirits are going to fill him with stones; hides, rockfalls do not harm him; since then, there have been debris on the ground stones; spirits send winter (the origin of winter), N. hunts skis; The frog replies that spirits will now send a flood; N. finds out how she camlates with a rattle, kills, stretches her skin, at the entrance into the cave, MB tells two frog guards that she looked like N. because she cried; finishes off MB, driving an arrow into his heart, runs away; flees from the water on a pine tree, she grows, cannot go further; N. tells the Heron drink water, she drinks part; N. sends Beaver to dive, then Otter, both come dead, N. revives them; Muskrat is the same, but the earth is in its paws; N. blows on it, throws it into the water, a new land appears; The heron lies with a swollen stomach, N. kicks her in the stomach, the water pours out]: Kidder 1994:25-29; Ojibwa [Manabojo tells his grandmother to urgently get 200 arrows from an old neighbor; runs to kills, puts on his skin; when his grandmother comes, agrees to give her arrows in exchange for copulation; runs home before her]: Radin 1928, No. 6:76; ojibwa (timagami) [Nenebuk hurts Queen of the Giant Lynxes; the Toad goes to heal her; N. kills the Toad, puts on her skin, pierces his arrow deeper into the Lynx's body, killing her; Lynxes send a flood; see motive C3]: Speck 1915d, No. 1:34-36; Steppe Cree: Ahenakew 1929 [see motif K27, motif L5; two brothers flee from their mother chasing their head; Waimesosiv takes an elder named Vesakaicak into his boat, leaves the youngest; he turns into a Wolf; his brother finds him; tells him not to go to the shore; he comes; the Kingfisher tells Vesakaicak that the Water Pumas killed the Wolf; Vesakaicak is beautiful paints it; turns into a log on the shore, kills Pum who have come out of the water; the wounded rush into the water; the Toad goes to heal them; he kills the Toad, puts on its skin, finishes off the wounded; the remaining Pumas are summoned flood; animals dive to get the ground from the bottom; see motif B3A]: 320-327; Bloomfield 1930, No. 1 [cf. B3A; Visakechak's younger brother turns into a wolf; Water Pumas and Snakes eat the Wolf; V. injures the Pisces Chief; Frog goes to heal him; V. learns from her normal behavior, kills her, accepts her appearance; shoves an arrow deeper into the Leader's body, he dies; the flood begins]: 16-20; Skinner 1916, No. 1 (1) [see motive F73; Visakecjak meets Volkov, makes the wolf cub his nephew; tells not approach the lake; it comes up, disappears; the Sun tells V. that it was dragged away by underwater Lynxes; V. turns into a stump, then into a tree on the shore, lies in wait for the Lynx; the Sun tells him to shoot in the shade The White Lynx; the wounded Lynx hides in the lake; the old toad goes to heal her; V. kills her, wears her skin, comes to heal the Lynx; instead kills her, runs away, carrying her nephew's skin, revives him; later the flood begins; V. asks Fish on a raft, then Beaver to get the land; they can't; the muskrat brings the earth from the bottom, pops up dead; V. revives it, blows to the ground, it grows; Deer, others animals run around; Wolf is sent fourth; goes so far north that he becomes too old to return; the earth is big; V. sends his nephew to the Sun]: 341-346; steppe ojibwa [ see motif B3A; Nanny takes a young Wolf as his companions; Horned Snakes drag him under water; N. finds his trail, turns into a stump on the shore; wounds three largest snakes with arrows; old woman- The toad goes to treat them; N. recognizes her song, kills her, wears her skin; cries when he sees the Wolf's hanging skin; kills snakes, driving arrows deeper into their wounds; grabbing the Wolf's skin, runs, the water follows him; Muskrat brings silt from the bottom; N. creates land; revives the Wolf, sends him to find out if the earth is big; the Wolf returns when he reaches middle age; next time he is old; N. is happy, turns the Wolf into a wolf]: Skinner 1919, No. 6-8:283-288.

Northeast. Montagnier: Savard 1979, No. 7 [see motif M53; Mesh takes Wolf as his companion; he says he dreamed that he should not chase the Caribbean by swimming across the lake; M. insists that The wolf swam; the wolf disappears; The bird says that during the day, lake stones raise the Wolf to the island, and at night they pull him back; M. rewards the Bird with fish; hides in the hollow of a tree on the island; when the stones they fall asleep, hit them with a spear, run away with the Wolf; the Frog goes to heal the wounded stones; M. asks her what she is doing, killing them, pulling her skin; whistles, pouring cold water on the stones, the stones are not recover and die; M. meets women, they reply that they sew bags for the bodies of the stones killed by M.; he kills themselves, gives them to their daughters; they find mothers inside their bodies; see motif L33, racing with Boulder]: 28-30; Basile, McNulty 1971:1 in Brassard 1980 [Mesapus ("big hare") follows a bear trail, meets an old Bear; she says she can no longer walk, waiting for other Bears; M. her kills, puts on her skin; when the Bears come, she hides some of the meat; others are surprised that the Bear leaves the parking lot; at night M. trembles with cold, but in fact out of fear; three nights in a row, M. slowly kills one of the cubs; then hangs a bear skin on a tree, runs away; Bears tell him to die at the hands of someone weaker than him; M. comes to two lynxes; tells him to light a fire and scratch it; I am dissatisfied that the trot does not scratch well; he kills it; Lynx parents come, cook and eat M.'s head]: 188-190.

Plains. Assiniboine [two orphan brothers sit on the shore of an old man in a boat; the youngest plays throwing a deer's hooves, one falls into a boat, the old man pretends to hand over the elder's hoof, drags him into the boat, takes him away; the youngest shouts to him that his (younger brother) legs will become wolf; the old man leaves his older brother under the boat, tells his eldest daughter to take him as her husband; she refuses; the old man says that the young man has become ugly because he cried; the youngest daughter takes him as her husband; every day the young man kills his father-in-law's helper spirits; when the last one is killed, the father-in-law dies in his sleep; the young man goes looking for a brother, finds a trail, one leg is wolf; he is told that the younger brother has become a wolf, he cannot be caught up; the elder turns into a dead moose, the animals come to eat the carcass; the younger wolf feels deceived; the elder grabs it; the brothers live together, but are dissatisfied with each other; the elder tells the youngest to drive the moose, he jumps after him into the lake; the Bald Eagle says he watches dogfish (river drummer, Aplodinotus grunniens) play with wolf skin; that they will go ashore to bask in the sun; older brother kills and injures many dogfish; the shaman toad goes to treat them; the older brother asks him about him normal behavior, kills, stretches his skin, comes to dogfish; pretends to heal and kills them all]: Lowie 1909a, No. 5:145-147; Omaha, Ponca [two var.; younger brother Hahige chases otters on the ice; water monsters grab and devour him; looking for his brother, H. cries, his tears turn into rivers; hears one Drake bragging to another, how much Brother H.'s meat to him got it; H. kills him; makes the second tell them where monsters go ashore to warm up; in the form of an eagle, leaf, hawk, he is recognized by monsters; creeps up on them, becoming a snake, injures two; shaman- The vulture goes to treat them; H. asks about his normal behavior, kills him, puts on his clothes; does not heal, but finishes off the sick; feeds them with meat to the snake; takes away his brother's skin; Bobrikh hollows out the boat; predicts that the remaining monsters will send a flood, snakes, darkness, cold to destroy H.; H. replies that he is not afraid, kills Bobrikha; H. cannot fully resurrect him, turns him into a wolf, himself made by a moose (or vice versa)]: Dorsey 1890:238-253; 1898 [H. revives his brother, but he becomes a spirit again; turns into a wolf and H. into a deer]: 303-304; Iowa: Skinner 1925, No. 10 [Khashuga and his brother is hunters; his brother disappears when he goes to get water; the Woodpecker tells H. how the Horned Water Pumas killed him, the skin was hung in the doorway; all the animals, fish and birds ate the meat; he, Woodpecker, only got nail; for the message, H. paints a woodpecker; turns into a stump on the shore; Chief Pum and his wife go ashore to warm up; H. wounds them with arrows; remaining unrecognized, meets Bobrikha, Otter, Toad, Squirrel , Shells; everyone says how animals will kill H.; he kills them himself; now their tails, etc. are used in a witch doctor's ritual; Vulture goes to heal Pum; X. kills him, wears his skin; not heals and kills Poom by piercing her with sharp sticks; other Cougars send Snake to find out if X. is a doctor; H. feeds her with the meat of the dead; runs away, carrying her brother's skin; revives him by shooting up over the skin; brother turns into an eagle; H. goes to heaven], 12 [see motif L5; a bird carries the arrow of the youngest of four brothers; he follows it; marries four daughters of chiefs in four villages; comes to scalped old man; he asks for his scalp; a young man kills the son of an enemy village leader, pulls his skin; steals a scalp from a pole, brings it to the old man; he gives gifts for four fathers-in-law boys]: 468-472, 475-477

California. Karok [heavenly spirits kidnap Little Brother, hold him above fire; Big Brother rises to heaven, kills the spirit, takes his form (wearing his skin?) ; swallows hot stones along with perfume; kidnaps brother, leaving a mouse instead; returns to earth with him]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. B1:27; hoopa [Rough Nose (SHN) does not tell his younger brother fry short ribs while he is hunting; he roasts, takes something away; SHN catches a bird, wants to kill, she says that his brother is being fried in the sky; SHN calls Coyote and Spider to make a rope, Mouse gnaw through the bowstrings (and hole the boats), the Louse tie his sleeping hair, the Caterpillar pave the way up; the Coyote fails to throw the rope into the sky (it is too thick and heavy); the Spider's arrow hits into the sky, the Caterpillar crawls along a rope tied to her, followed by the others; SHN kills an old woman keeping fire under a bag with her younger brother, puts on her clothes, pretends to be an old woman, in a bag above the fire puts a rat; when enemies fall asleep, attacks them, they panic (bowstrings are torn, etc.); brings his younger brother home]: Goddard 1904, No. 3:154-156; shasta [brothers Ädihoriki and Erikaner - deer hunters; an owl turns into a dog, E. picks it up, she gets big, takes him away; A. meets Badger; he cuts wood to fry the young man who has been taken away; A. kills Badger, puts on his skin, comes to enemies; ties sleeping hair, sets fire to the house, runs away with his brother]: Dixon 1910a, No. 1:8-12; screw [Shrew kills Little Brother, smokes his heart; Shrew and other people- animals drink hot resin; Big Brother pretends to be a woman, kills an old man, wears his skin, comes to Shrew's people; drinks resin; sets fire to the dugout, the owners die; revives his brother hearts]: Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 18:311-315; nomlaks [the world is dark; animals send a Raccoon, then Skunk, Fox, Badger to get light; none of them have returned; the Coyote reaches the sea; The log replies that he will not be able to transport it; the Oak Growth transports him; the Coyote meets the Old Mole; he has a coyote leg pendant in his ear, he gnaws on an oak tree; replies that he will bring it on his back. that the oak tree will split into wood when it dumps it in camp; that the Coyote is his enemy; the Coyote sits on top of the tree, presses the Mole to death, takes his form, tells the tree to move, but it does not fall apart; he explains that he is old; eats everything that has been brought to him clean; the mosquito says he senses the Coyote; he replies that it smells like his pendant in his ear; after dancing, people fell asleep, the Coyote took the light away; the fly raises the alarm, but the Coyote is not caught; then the Mist Brothers are sent; the Coyote turns first into boys throwing chestnuts, then into an old man collecting fuel, then to the old woman; each time he replies to the Mists that he did not see the Coyote; when they want to look into the old woman's basket, Coyote throws and tears the bag of light, it spreads around the world]: Goldschmidt 1951:391 -393; Yana [Coyote's wife Heron ate salmon and he ate roots; she tells the salmon not to smell so that Coyote would not know what she was eating; pretended to be sick, and when Coyote left, she caught salmon; when The coyote fell asleep, went to the dance, leaving the acorns responsible for herself; the Coyote came there dressed as an old woman, with a child in his arms (actually his penis); told the Lizard that the child was "hers" and her husband was killed; asked Put flint knives on his back, threw it up, cut the knives. The lizard died; the Coyote put on his skin; sent his penis home to put poultices on both Heron's cheeks; when he entered the steam room, some guessed it was Coyote because he blinked; he explained that he had a sore throat and told him to dance; at that time his unfaithful wife Heron came; everyone shouted that the best dancer, his wife, was coming Coyote; Coyote smeared everything with tar and set it on fire; Duck and Goose escaped, who immediately rushed into the lake]: Sapir 1910, No. 12:153-159; achomavi [Edechewe (Fisher) Sr., Yahtch (Laska) Jr. brother; Y. disappears; E. asks the Spiders to shoot into the sky; their two arrows pierce the sky, they attach a rope to them, E. climbs into the sky, gives the Month a rainbow in jewelry; for this he says that The lizard kidnapped Y., keeps him bound over the fire, his men are dancing around, soon I. will be killed; Osprey, the wife of Coyote, goes to these dances; she pretends that her teeth hurt, supposedly spends the night outside; E. did not order I. fry fat; he broke the ban, the Lizard smelled, became a Mouse, let himself be caught, became big, took me away; E. returned to earth, asked Coyote for help; he became an old woman, came to where the Lizard was collecting firewood, found out everything, killed him (he fell into the ground), gave his skin to E.; he came to the dance, threw firewood like the Lizard did; boiling water was poured into his mouth; he blinked, the Teal woman suspects it not the Lizard; he took off his brother, told everyone to dance, then sleep; together with Coyote they set fire to the house; Teal, Ducks, Geese, Osprey jumped out; E. tells everyone where and how to live (the origin of species); others burned]: Merriam 1992:127-144; tubatulabal [during the battle, Coyote says Lapapille's heart is in his head; L. is killed; Coyote comes to children playing with the eyes and head of the victim; kills children, divides himself into pieces, taking the form of children; Coyote's anus tells him he's moving too fast; he slows down; he grabs L.'s skin, runs away]: Voegelin 1935, No. 5:203; kawaiisa [four option; Coyote is a younger brother, a bad hunter, stays at home to cook; Puma (or Wolf) is the older brother; the Coyote pees in the water he brings, the Puma takes the water himself from the spring; the brothers make a trap pit, The bear falls into it, dies; the cougar tells you not to throw a single organ just like that; the Coyote ejects the gallbladder or pancreas; she comes to life, resorts to the Bears (soldiers), reports what happened; they go to kill the Puma; the Puma sticks the flute through the wall of the house, through which he and Coyote hope to escape; the Puma does not tell the Coyote to look back; he looks around, the Puma is killed, crushed, the enemies they take his eyes; Coyote revives his brother from a small part; tries to insert the eyes of different animals in him, they do not fit; he comes to an old woman, asks how she will dance with the Puma's eyes in her hands, kills her, puts on her skin, comes to her granddaughters, kills them; at the festival she dances with the Puma's eyes, runs away, returns her brother's eyes; brothers go to the edge of the world, turn into stones, summon earthquakes]: Zigmond 1980, No. 16:69-78; serrano [Wolf warns Coyote not to look at him when enemies come; passes two groups of enemies; Coyote watches, third group kills Wolf; Coyote meets a woman collecting firewood; she says that they will have a holiday, there will be a Wolf's skull on the pole; Coyote kills a woman, puts on her clothes, comes to a party, takes her skull away; cannot Revive the Wolf as his bones were crushed by enemies]: Benedict 1926, No. 10:12-13.

The Big Pool. Unless otherwise: the brother of the Coyote or Wolf is killed; the Coyote (Wolf) kills two women; pulls the skin of one over himself, the other over his penis (gosyute, shivvitz payut, utah) or tail (Moapa Payut); accompanied a female penis comes to her enemies, steals her brother's remains, revives him. Northern Payut [Laska tries to kill Skunk; his uncle kills Laska, puts on his skin, comes to his wife; he is recognized and killed]: Lowie 1924, No. 21:239-241; Western Shoshones: Steward 1943a [The Coyote kills the Bear; the Wolf tells you to pick up all the giblets; the Coyote forgets a piece of gut; the gut turns back into the Bear, brings enemies from the north; they kill the Wolf; the Coyote kills the old woman, puts on her skin, comes to enemies, takes the Wolf's skin, revives him]: 294-296; Smith 1993 [brother asks not to look at him during battle; Coyote looks; kills an old woman]: 91-94, 132-135, 110-113; northern shoshones: Lowie 1909b, No. 2b [Wolf is Coyote's older brother; brings food from their aunt Bear; Coyote sees her genitals, tries to copulate, she tears his groin; Wolf kills her, tells Coyote bring meat, lose nothing from his internal organs; Coyote loses one part; enemies attack, Coyote envies his brother's beautiful clothes, wants him dead; enemies kill the Wolf, take the scalp away; Coyote meets an old woman, kills her, puts her skin on; tries to have sex with girls (her daughters?) ; comes to the place where they dance with the Wolf's scalp, takes him away, revives his brother], 2c [enemies attack; the Wolf does not tell Coyote to peek; he watches, the Wolf is immediately killed; as in (b)]: 239-243, 243; gosiute [Coyote]: Smith 1993:45; Chemewevi: Laird 1976 [The wolf sends Coyote's brother to their aunt Bear; he does not know that her husband is a poker and the children are sticks to stir the fire; puts them in the fire , The bear injures him; the Wolf heals; sends him to feed the Bear with blood pudding with flint fragments; The bear and the sticks die; The wolf tells him to take everything, the Coyote forgets one stick, then cannot grab; The Wolf tells you to make arrows, the Coyote pretends to not understand him well; the Wolf kills many Bears; the Coyote is jealous of his rainbow warshell, wants to be injured, the Wolf is killed; among Brother Coyote finds a bundle of things, unties it, it turns dark (it was night there); he tries to equip his arrows with feathers of different birds; when he fires an arrow with a seagull's feather, the day comes back; Coyote asks two old women about their behavior, kills, puts their skin on themselves and on their penis; at home both kill old women's daughters; dance with the Wolf's scalp; jump over the circle of dancers where the short Badgers are; running away , Coyote shoots back with bows hidden in advance; Bears send a snowstorm, Coyote sits in a cave; revives the Wolf at home]: 192-207; Southern Payutes [kills the Bear]: Lowie 1924, No. 1 (Shivvitz) [Coyote and Wolf's aunt is the Bear; Coyote spies on her masturbating with an artificial phallus; offers her services; hugging the Coyote, the Bear ripped off his back; the Wolf cured him by attaching his muscles a deer; sent a Coyote to kill the Bear, giving her a wineskin of blood with cream inside; he gave a drink to the Bear's sons, they died; when the Bear asked her sons to give her phallus, the Coyote said they were sleeping offered to drink blood; the bear died; the wolf ordered to collect all the remains, but the Coyote forgot the bag of blood; asks the tip of his tail why the Wolf tells him to uproot the bush; tail: to make arrows, Bear's blood will try to kill you; lightning is approaching from the south, Wolf shoots; killed when Coyote notices Wolf's beautiful armor; Wolf's property has turned into stones; Coyote comes to two women, asking about their customs, killed them, put the skin of one of them on himself, the other on his penis; their sons wonder why old women eat so fast; Coyote sees girls lying down with them his secret penis took care of, he himself killed the sons of old women; while dancing, the Coyote jumped out of the old woman's skin, grabbed the clothes of the murdered Wolf, ran; turned into a coyote droppings a year ago; then into a feather; every time the pursuers guess they shoot, but the Coyote runs away; the pursuers caused snow, the Coyote caused the wind, hid in an acorn on an oak tree, rolled with an acorn through the snow to their cave; put a pebble with traces of blood and a bone in Wolf's clothes; when he woke up, not; Coyote found Wolf sleeping with a woman; broke his bow to come back; tried to rape a woman who climbed into an oak tree, Coyote's penis stuck; The wolf cut off his penis, the Coyote asked him to be called "with a short penis"; the Wolf killed him; found Coyote's cock in his wife's vagina; he stayed there forever (the cause of genital odor)], 3 (Moapa) [enemies from bile (?) ; brother is a bird, shoots better than Coyote]: 93-101, 161-163; Sapir 1930, No. 1 (kaibab) [The wolf sends a Coyote to bring edible seeds from their aunt Grizzly Bear; The bear returns, asks her two children give her an object to masturbate; Coyote offers his services; The bear hugs him, does not let him go, rips the meat off his back; the Wolf heals the Coyote, sends him to kill the Bear, warns nothing Do not leave it there; the Coyote puts the Bear and the cubs to sleep, kills, forgets the bear bubble; thunder is heard, it is Rain that throws lightning; the Wolf sends the Coyote to hang in the tree many times (apparently a play on words); The Coyote asks his tail, who explains that the Wolf wants arrowpoles; the Wolf tells Coyote not to look at him during the battle, the Coyote looks, lightning strikes the Wolf; the Coyote meets two old women (his the tail explains what they are talking about); kills, puts their penis in one itself, in the other; imaginary old women come to where everyone gathered with the Wolf's property; kill children trusted to them; Coyote accepts his appearance, takes away property; turns into dog crap; into gopher crap; pursuers only suspect it may be a Coyote, kick a bunch; Coyote revives the Wolf; asks trees which sparkle when burning; the spruce answers last; the Coyote puts it in the fire, sparks fly, the Coyote discovers that the Wolf has a wife; in his absence he rapes her; she glues him to the aspen; the Wolf rapes him; tells him to bring pitcher, then brushwood; they stick to Coyote; Wolf sets fire to brushwood, Coyote burns]: 338-345; southern Utah [Wolf: If someone is killed, they will come to life the next morning; Fox: If someone is killed, they will stay dead; his relatives will cut the tails of horses as a sign of mourning; the Fox began to fight with other tribes; the Wolf wanted the Fox to be injured in the calf; the wounded Fox asked to be placed on an anthill; the Wolf took it; followed the enemies who killed the Fox; meets two women, asks what they will do; they answer that before entering the camp, they dance; the wolf killed them, turned his penis into one old woman, himself to another; began to dance at the camp; jumped on the head of all the dancers, killing them; found Fox, who is alive again; denies that he has a woman; Wolf set fire to the blanket under it found a woman; in her absence, the Fox rushed at her, but she was a woodworm, disappeared into the tree; the Wolf's cock was stuck in it; the fox came back, cut off the dick, the Wolf left]: Lowie 1924, No. 2a: 5.

The Great Southwest. Western Apaches (White Minetin) [chief sends boys and girls to collect wild plant seeds; each girl finds a mate, cooks food from seeds; plantain cuckoo (roadrunner) left alone, no one wants him; he hears a voice telling him to cut off a mulberry branch, put it in the mud; the branch turns into a young man, his brother; the girls want him, gets two wives (all of them birds) and the plantain cuckoo is alone again; accuses the "brother"; after that, everyone goes somewhere, the plantain cuckoo is left alone with his mother; he follows in the footsteps; voice: they are all dancing, old woman (this is the mother Sun) will step aside; you have to shake it out of her skin, put her skin on, come up in her form, sing her song, he will be missed, mistaken for the mother of the Sun; the plantain cuckoo found a "brother" and told him to follow behind him; running away, he threw the old woman's skin to the Sun; to prevent him from catching up, he split his leg three times; the plantain cuckoo has such a mark that it is not clear which direction she was running]: Goodwin 1994, No. 23:133-130; hopi [Maasav hits an old woman collecting firewood, puts on her skin, comes in her guise to her granddaughter; at night he copulates with her, explaining that women grow a penis in old age; leaves in the morning, pulls on skin back on the old woman, runs away; at night, the granddaughter asks her grandmother why she does not have sex with her; the grandmother realizes that these were M.'s pranks]: Malotki 1997, No. 7:111-117; Zunyi [twins kill an old woman guarding the remains of their murdered mother]: Cushing 1901:452, 462; Pima [Coyote, Puma, Vulture, Raven, Wild Cat live together; Coyote foolishly calls the Bear to him, promising meat for her children; The jealous Bear comes after him, kills the Coyote, the Puma, the Vulture and the Raven; the Coyote becomes a stone, the Bear breaks its claws on him, he tears the Bear's throat; revives his comrades; invite guests to celebrate victory, sent by the Coyote; he calls the Bears; they find the bear's paw, scalp the Puma, take it away; the Coyote meets an old woman going to the party, where they will show the Puma cliff; learns her song takes her clothes, comes under her guise to sing the victory song; after receiving a scalp, takes it away, returns it to Puma; the cougar has since had a stripe around the circumference of her head]: Shaw 1968:56-62; maricopa [Coyote kills and eats a dangerous woman (Bear?) , decorates her headdress with his claws; calls four tribes to a feast; those who come recognize their claws, try to kill the Coyote, he runs away, they kill his two Pum Brothers, take their scalps away; Coyote meets an old woman carrying these scalps; he asks her about her customs, kills her, puts her skin on, comes scalping to dance, twitches her skin, throws it to others, runs away; scalping back, revives brothers]: Spier 1933:360-363; havasupai [Coyote kills an old woman whose tribesmen killed his brother Wolf; gets Wolf skin]: Smithson, Euler 1994:112-114; Valapai [like havasupai; no questions asked]: Kroeber 1935:260-261; yavapai [like havasupai; brother Puma]: Gifford 1933a: 369-371.

(Wed. Honduras-Panama. Bribri [Sorcula wants to kill Sibo, but he kills him himself, changes his appearance; other spirits do not recognize their leader, dismember his body]: Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas 1987, No. 2:31; Bozzoli, Cubero Venegas, Constenla Umaña 1983:31-34; Hidalgo Solis 1997, No. 2 [Sibo throws pieces of Sorcula's body into the air, they turn into evil spirits]: 152-153; Murillo 1991 [as in Hidalgo Solis ]: 12).