Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M5. Provoked insult. .12.20.-.

Once in a situation where his life depends on the will of a demon or animal, the hero feels like insulting or hitting him. See M1 motif.

West Africa. Mamprusi [mischievous brother Nanzu-bishi (NB) and calm Nanzu-kara (NK) were born from a bump on the woman's leg; leaving their parents, they went on a journey; a woman with a baby asks to fry for he is a grasshopper; the NB roasts the baby, tries to feed the meat to the grasshopper; the old man asks to take the threshed millet to the house by the stream, the NB sprinkles it into the stream; the brothers climb the tree under which the naba rested ( ruler), the NB spits on the naboo; he orders the tree to be cut down; when it is ready to fall, the lizard raises its head and the tree straightens up; the NB kills the lizard with a knife; the tree falls, but the vulture picks up and takes the brothers away; The NB tells him he stinks, the vulture drops them; where the NB fell, small hot peppers grew, and where NK is large sweet]: Anpetkova-Sharova 1966, No. 12:22-24; tenda [Cranes are flying for meat, Hyena wants too, she is asked to run on the ground, she gets tired dragging her bag; cranes give her feathers, she flies, sleeps with them in a tree; they warn not to eat birds singing at dawn, they will not come without them day; Hyena eats all the birds, only one hides; in the morning sings about what happened; Cranes take Hyena's feathers, leaving only the ones she has deceived; The monkey plants the Hyena on his back, begins let her down, she sings that she will bite her on the ground, the Monkey leaves Hyena halfway; the Hippopotamicha invites Hyena to jump off, promises to catch it, does not tell her to touch the bloating on her body; the Hyena jumps, tears it up place, runs away; now Hippopotamychus is attacked by fish in the water, flies on land; the hare promises to help, asks Hippopotamich to open his anus, climbs inside, cuts fat, gets out; tells Hyena to pretend dead, calls a skillful hunter; gives Hyena a taste of fat; she makes meat baskets all night, Hippopotamich comes to eat in the morning; she dives with her into the river, drowns, takes out giblets, fills it with sand, plugs the holes in the body with fish; on the shore, Hyena comes to life, comes to its children; they take out their plugs, the sand falls asleep, the Hyena dies]: Ferry 1983, No. 31:157-164; Yoruba [during hunger animals agree to kill their mothers; The dog hides its own in the sky, secretly climbs a rope to it, the mother feeds her, the dog shines, other animals are weary; The turtle spies and eavesdrops the Dog's song, hearing her mother lower the rope; the Dog's mother pulls the rope, but when she sees the Turtle, she lets it go; the Turtle breaks the shell; the Ants come to glue it together; the Turtle says they they smell bad; offended Ants leave, the turtle shell is cracked]: Walker, Walker 1980:27-29; Igbo [childless parents finally have a son; immediately says that if he cries, dies; after any pranks, he predicts that he cannot be beaten, otherwise he will cry; one day kills another child; the mother takes him, runs to another village; the falcon agrees to carry them across the river if they do not they will touch his ass; the boy threatens to touch him, does so, mother and son fall, but to the other side; in the village two animals are killing people; residents will make the leader of the one who kills animals; a boy with trees throw pebbles at one and the other; animals think at each other, fight, are exhausted; the boy comes up, throws stones into their mouths, their bellies are filled with stones, they die; the boy becomes the leader ]: Ugochukwu 1992, No. 4:41-45.

Micronesia-Polynesia. Tuvalu (Waitupu) [Manumanu invites you to his boat, asks what passengers will do if the boat sinks; all birds say they will take off, Crab what will dive to the bottom, the Rat what will swim; the boat sank, the Rat began to sink; the octopus took her to the shore; tore out all his hair on his head, saying he was looking for insects; from the shore she shouted that the Octopus was now bald; one day he waited for the Rat, She bit off one of his tentacles, but he climbed into her ear and killed him; if they see an octopus without a tentacle, they say the rat bit off; they make rat-shaped bait to catch octopuses]: Kennedt 1931:161-162.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Lavrung [The Bear and the Rabbit go to dig roots; the Bear eats them immediately, the Rabbit collects them; the Bear suggests looking for insects from the Rabbit, she warns not to touch the dark one the growth on her head, her life is in it; the Bear pulls it out, cuts her body, cooks it at home; Rabbit's daughter spies; invites the Bear's daughter to play while standing under a threshing stone; throws it at her, runs away; when she sees her daughter dead, the Bear rushes in pursuit; the yak shepherds hide the Rabbit in the yak's nose; the big yak butts the Bear, she runs away in blood; the Rabbit's daughter first tells Yaku that his eyes, the nose is golden, then crappy; runs away through a hole in the wall, Yak gets stuck; Rabbit's daughter invites the woman to watch her child, let her and her husband go for the yak carcass; cooks the baby's legs, arms , puts her head to bed as if the baby is sleeping; the spouses eat the baby's meat; the husband smears a stone with glue, the Rabbit's daughter sticks; asks to pour ash into her ear before death, catches the person's eye, runs away ]: G.yu lha 2011:375-381.

Burma - Indochina. Khmer [mother sent a girl to dig wild yam; a shovel fell into a termite mound; a sick tiger promises to get worms out of his wounds; asks if his wounds stink or laugh; girl cleans wounds, says they smell fragrant; a tiger fills her basket with gold; another woman sends her daughter to the forest, who deliberately throws a shovel into the hole, tells the tiger that it stinks; he fills her basket poisonous snakes; when she opened it at home, snakes ate all her relatives]: Gorgoniev 1973:110-112 (=Marunova 1972:183-185); Burmese [Leo appoints Bear, Monkey, Rabbit as ministers , but then looks for an excuse to eat them, asks what his mouth smells like; The bear says that the smell is bad (eaten), the Monkey says that he has a thin one (accused of hypocrisy, also eaten), the Rabbit says that he has a runny nose , he asks to let him go home for a few days; Leo lets go]: Aung 1957:12-13.

China - Korea. Chinese (Liaoning) [In ancient times, a hare's tail was not short, one day a hare had to cross a wide river, saw a group of turtles and decided to deceive them to get over with their help to the other side. He went to the biggest turtle and said, "Sister, are these all your descendants?" "Yes, that's right." Then he began to argue that there were more of his descendants, and, supposedly to count all her children, invited them to stand in a row one after the other to the other side. They did so, the hare started running over their backs, and when he almost reached the other side, he could not help himself and shouted: "Old turtle, you've been deceived!" But she did not sleep and grabbed the rabbit by the tail. His tail came off, he ran away, and the hare's tail has been short ever since]: Zhou Yang et al. 1994:377-378; Chinese (Jiangsu) [the hare wanted to go to the other side of the river, but there was no bridge or crossing. He saw a couple of crabs near the shore and said to them: You have so many children and grandchildren, your luck is great! I asked them to gather all their descendants to count them themselves. The next day, the crabs came together, stretching from one bank to the other. The hare began to cross them to the other side. At the last moment, he could not restrain himself and shouted: fools! The crab grabbed the hare's tail with its claws, since then it's short]: Zhou Yang et al. 1998a, No. 480:531; Chinese (no recording) [the hares had long fluffy tails; to get to the grass across the river, Hares suggest that the Turtle count its relatives; Turtles line up in a chain, Hares run along it; on the shore they shout deception; Turtles manage to cut off their tails]: Riftin 1993:39 -40.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans (Buren-Gol river) [old man Tyumendey saw felt floating along the river; it turned into a jelbag, grabbed the old man by the beard; let him go when he promised his three daughters; an old man and an old woman they gave their daughters buckets without a bottom, sent them to pick berries, migrated; after filling holes in the buckets, the girls picked berries; they saw a stranger in the yurt, realized that it was J.; went out into the yard, ran away; threw the comb ( turned into a forest), a bar (into a rock); J. cut the road with an ax; a beaver by the river asks the girls what his tail, ribs, teeth are; they praise, he carries them; J. says they are worms; Beaver tells him pick up stones, drops in the middle of the river, J. drowned; Beaver told his sisters to climb three spruce trees; three fellows passed by and married them; see motif J25 (like the tale of Tsar Saltan)]: Potanin 1883, No. 84:341-343; the Altaians [the father sends three daughters for berries, holes the youngest's tuyaski; while they found the hole, they filled the tuyas, evening came; the girls came to the seven-headed Tielven hut; that sends them for skewer branches, they bring them unusable ones; he goes by himself, they run away; they tell Beaver that his back is round, his teeth are white; he drinks the lake, they cross to the other side; T. says that the back is flat, the teeth are yellow; the Beaver orders to make a raft out of reeds, rock in the middle of the river; T. drowned; the girls climbed the fir; after urinating, they betrayed themselves to three passing merchants; one promises the future for the husband to sew clothes from lice skins, the second to bake a thousand pies from one wheat, the third to give birth to a gold-headed son; the husband and wife leave the husband's newborn mother; she throws the baby into the sea, lulls puppy; mother exposes her breasts, says, shuyut smayit (My Milk River), eventually lures her son out of the water; grandmother is tied to an immense stallion]: Kandarakova 1928:125-127.

Western Siberia. Nenets (Taimyr; the author heard from her mother) [the nenka has a good plague, the savage has a straw plague next to him; the savage calls the nenka to tear the straw for bed; by the evening she returns alone, the Nenka's daughter sees in an armful of straw, the mother's head; fills the bakary with ash, leaves it so that they can be seen from under the canopy, ties a bird to them, runs away; the savage opens the canopy, the bird rushes around, covers the savage's eyes; a fleeing girl throws her mother's scraper (an iron mountain, a savage climbs it), a cutting board (a wide ladder, a savage crosses), a comb (forest); the girl asks the old beaver to transport her across the river, tells the beaver that her face and park are beautiful; the savage says that the old beaver's face is crooked, her belt is poorly tied, she advises her husband to push the savage out of the boat, the current carries her away; the girl grows up, a savage meets her, makes her change clothes; husbands a man with white deer decorated with chorea, leaves the girl with his older brother with dark deer, unadorned; brothers bring brides; a girl gives birth to a son, a savage cuts a little man; the brothers' father asks the savage to hand him a knife through the fire, pushes him into a fire; her ashes turn into mosquitoes]: Nenyang 1997:30-34; Ents : Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 12 [husband is hunting, a giant guy enters the plague, calls the hunter's wife to tear the grass together; suggests looking in each other's head; witch lice are beetles and other crawling insects; Parnay tells them to eat, the woman slowly throws them to the ground; when she puts her head on Parnay's lap, she pierces an awl into her ear; carries her body home, wrapped in grass; the victim's eldest daughter notices her mother's hair; Parne takes the corpse into his plague, cooks, eats; the eldest girl takes a knife, scraper, comb, awl, runs away with her sister; Parnay chases, the girl throws a scraper (mountain), a comb (forest), asks the old man carry them across the river; says his back is like lake ice, his head is like white grass, his legs are fast; he carries girls on his back; Parnay says the old man's back is crooked like a scraper's handle, his legs like rotten knots, the head is like a shaggy bump; the old man throws it into the river, the current carries it away; the old man warns the older sister not to give the younger sister an awl; she gives it, the girl sticks it in her ear, dies; the eldest wants to bury her with trees, she asks not to do this (people will harvest the forest, the head hurts from the sound of axes); the sister leaves the corpse in the den; rests by the stump, from there a witch jumps out, goes with a girl; sits on the sledge of a man with white deer, a girl sledge a man with black deer; a witch eats her husband and many other people; the old father of these brothers makes a fire, throws Kleinitsa into the fire, calls daughters-in-law to extinguish; people push the witch into the fire, her hair flashes, the ashes will turn into mosquitoes and other insects that burst her eyes into wasps], 13 [Parne and a woman lives in the same plague, the woman has two girls; Parne calls to go to tear the grass, suggests looking in her head; pierces an awl into the woman's ear, she dies; she carries her, wrapped in grass, cooks, eats; the eldest daughter notices the mother's hair; the girls leave their glasses in bed instead of themselves, the eldest takes a thimble, a comb, a scraper; they run away, an abandoned scraper turns into a mountain, a comb into a forest, a thimble in an iron hill; the eldest tells the old man that his head is white as ripe grass, his face is like the sun, his back is straight like the ice of a lake; the old man sent them; Parnay says that his head is like tangled bars, his face like the place where the stone was taken out, his back is like stone and clay; he throws Parnay into the river, which drowned; sending the girls, the old man tells me not to take anything at the end of the island; the youngest asks for a toy, grabs spike, her eye leaked out, she died; tells her not to leave her on the edge; on the cape; on the hill; agrees to stay in the den; the eldest stops at the stump, Parne appears from it; they go together; Parnay a man with white deer sits on a sledge, a girl with black deer; the brothers' father asks her daughters-in-law to visit their relatives; an Aenets woman goes to the den, from there two bear cubs come out and again living little sister; Bear sends two bear-drawn sledges of gifts; black man sends bears by kissing them; Parne brings mice, these are her deer, the old man kills them with a kick; Enetskaya a woman gives birth to a bright boy, Parnay is a witch; makes an Enets woman leave in an abandoned camp, gives her a witch; takes the boy, throws him into the water; the witch has grown up to help a woman; she wonders why he has been walking on the water for so long; he says that his hand sticks out of the water; a woman comes up, a boy asks to catch him, calls him mom; the plague floods the water, it's the water father who comes for a boy; an Aenets woman gives him a witch, the water goes away; the father comes for his wife and son; the brothers' father makes a fire, asks Parnay to cast a bell through the fire, pushes him into the fire; her ashes turns into mosquitoes], 14 [hunter Moreo has a wife, a daughter and a son; Parnay comes, calls his wife to tear the grass; the girl takes a mother's scraper, an iron braid, a comb, a thimble; the witch brings a bundle of grass, the girl notices his mother's hair in him; runs away, throws objects (the braid is a mountain, the crest is a forest); asks the old man to cross the river, says that his back is smooth like a lake, his legs are beautiful like a sled sledges; Parnay says humpback's back, legs are oblique; the old man carries the girl, drowns Parne]: 65-76, 82-88, 94-95.

Japan. Chamberlain 1887:25-26; Kojiki ch. 16:61-63 [Eighty gods go to marry Yagami-hime; Oo-namuji-no kami is packed with luggage; grooms see a ragged Hare, advise him take a bath in salt water, lie on a mountain; the hare gets worse; he tells O., as suggested to Vani (Sea Crocodile - ver., monster or Shark; cf. Nihon Shoki 1996:421, note 158) count relatives; the Vani lay down a chain from island to cape, the Hare ran down their backs, supposedly counting; jumping to the ground, shouted, I deceived you; Vani manages to rip off his clothes; O. advises him to wash himself in fresh water, lie in cane pollen; the hare recovers, promises O. that he will marry Y.; after marriage, 80 gods try to kill O.; he comes to life, runs away from them].

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [The goby calls the Wild Deer (Big-legged, legs, arms are thin); he picks him up with horns; the Goby asks him to let go; teases again; The deer catches him again, the Goby is dry and died]: Rubtsova 1954, No. 7:105-106.

The coast is the Plateau. Except for the kalapuy: The skunk falls, its caustic iron falls out, swims down the river; he follows it along the shore; people say they saw something smelly float; some say something was floating pleasant; Skunk finds his iron, kills the former, spares the latter. Puget Sound [Skunk mistreats his wives; they lure him to climb the rock with his feet forward; throw hot stones in his ass]: Ballard 1927:64; upper chehalis [the girl comes to marry the chief, The skunk pretends to be him; his owner and woman run away; lure Skunk to climb into the sky with his feet forward; throw hot stones in his ass]: Adamson 1934:43-52; colitz [like upper chehalis; girl runs with the Puma; after returning the iron, the Skunk kills it]: Adamson 1934:198-200; clickitat [Skunk and Eagle are brothers; a woman comes to them; the Skunk hides it for himself; the Eagle lures him to climb the rock on a rope, cuts it off]: Jacobs 1929, No. 6:210-213; ne perse [see motif J12; like a clickitat; five sisters come; the Eagle and his wives hide from the Skunk at the top of the cliff; advises him to climb backwards; throws him in anus hot stone; iron comes off]: Phinney 1934:251-259; kalapuya: Jacobs 1945, No. 1 [(=Romanova 1997, No. 118:412-413); More is coming, people are running, birds are taking them to heaven; Coyote carried him Brother Griff (Cathartes aura); he smells nice to him, bites off a piece from Vulture's neck; A fly, screams, He eats his brother; Coyote: She said - Treat carefully his brother; the third time Vulture hears correctly, throws off the Coyote; he turns into a feather, takes his form on the ground; pretends to be Moore, meets the real Mora; he sees him in in the mouth of swarming people, believes he eats them; at night, Coyote sends mice to steal some of Mohr's power, who is no longer so strong]: 89-90; Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 5 [as in Jacobs; all people are animals flee to heaven; Mohr kills and eats Coyote]: 356-358.

The Midwest. Ojibwa [Nyanabushu pretends to be dying in order to marry his younger sister; asks to keep food by his body; every time her sister returns, the food is touched; she accuses the Mouse of eats the food left to the deceased, the Mouse talks about N.'s intentions; the sister buries N., asks the Mouse to cut down the tree, lament it in his voice, runs away; N. gets out of the grave, kills the Mouse, pursues his sister; She calls Lysukha the lake's father; he stands on one leg, offers to walk between his legs; the girl runs, turning around, sees the corpse on Coot's back; hides in his house in the rock; N. calls Lysukha names, laughs at him; when he runs, Coot hits him with a corpse, he loses consciousness; when Coot leaves, N. breaks the door of the cliff house, finds a flute, bison, burst bison carry the girl, their leader on her marries; Coot finds her, runs with her, manages to slam the door in front of the buffalo; N. comes again (same episode series); this time Coot cuts off the head of the buffalo leader]: Jones 1917, No. 33:279-299.

Northeast. Mikmak, passamaquoddy [see motif K19B; two sisters run away from the Wolverine Man who wants to marry them; ask the Crane to carry them across the river; praise the beauty of his legs, feathers, neck; Crane carries them; Wolverine says the Crane is ugly; he throws Wolverine in the middle of the river, he sinks]: Leland 1968:151-153; mikmaq: Parsons 1925, No. 5 [two sisters go into a teepee where the speakers lie bones; the eldest pees on the cervical vertebra; S. sucks her out, leaving only her bones; the youngest runs; Kigwaju hides her in her hair; the girl moves on, S. chases her again; the crane asks her how she likes parts of his body; she praises them; he puts his neck like a bridge over the river, the girl crosses; S. says that the Crane has a crooked neck; he throws it into the water], 6 [The badger answers the Crane that he has crooked neck, ugly tail, etc.; The crane puts its neck like a bridge over the river; the badger walks along it, the Crane throws it into the water, it is barely alive]: 66-69; malesite [The fishing marten (Fisher) gathers marry Whistler; Poktcinskwes herself wanted to marry Marten; sails with him to the island to collect bird eggs, leaves him there; Lisa replies that she can't help, the Heron tries to raise Marten, unable; Keith carries him; sitting on Keith, Marten sings that he is being carried by a bald eyed; Keith thinks that fish are singing, asks Marten what they are singing about; Marten replies that they command it is faster for him to take his grandson; throws four pebbles given by Keith, which makes Keith sail faster; returning to the mainland and pushing Keith back into the water, Marten meets his Grandmother, the Groundhog; they are happy with each other. The groundhog drops, loses his grandson Sable; he meets the Snake; the Serpent tells him to bring a skewer to fry it; The marten hears Sable's crying, advises him to bring a crooked skewer; when the Serpent scolds for it, promise to straighten him, heat him, hit the Snake on the head; the Serpent rushed to catch up with Sable, the Marten killed her; different animals came together to eat the snake; the Turtle was late, the Marten threw snake blood on her feet, now her legs are red; Marten forced P. to stick to the tree; she cut herself out of the trunk, some of her legs were left behind her back, she wrapped herself like she had a child on her back; she came to the dance, saying that Marten's child; Marten burns her; ashes turn into bees, hornets, flies, mosquitoes]: Mechling 1914, No. 11:59-62; penobscot [Kivakveskwe cannibal feeds the young man to eat him later; he considers her a sister; the rabbit tells him the story; the young man pretends to be asleep, sees K.'s face for the first time; she has no lips, she chewed them off with her teeth; he runs to the river; the old heron shows off his beautiful with his legs and neck, the young man asserts; the Heron stretches his leg like a bridge over the river, the young man crosses it; K. says that Heron's legs are in crap, the neck is crooked; when K. reaches the middle of the river, the Heron throws it into water; the young man runs to Porcupine, agrees that he has a beautiful hole; K. says that Porcupine's hole is in crap; Porcupine opens the door to his house, pierces K. with needles; the young man runs to his grandfather; he tells how K. kidnapped him when he was a baby; fights in K.; the dog tears K. apart]: Speck 1935b, No. 25:66-69.

Plains. A boy and a girl run away from the cannibal; she is drowning. See motif K43. Blacklegs [the girl agrees to remove the lice from the Bison; bites through beads instead; the bison carries the children across the river; the cannibal says the lice taste disgusting; the Bison dumps them into the water]; grovantre [Kit -fox smells a corpse left on a tree; it turns out to be an evil spirit; Kit-Fox: I said I smell herbs; from afar it screams that the smell is disgusting, hiding in a hole]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 18:77; assiniboine [two Swans connect their necks like a bridge over the river; those who walk through it should look for Swans in their heads and bite through lice; the girl says that the lice are delicious, cannibal, that lice stink; Swans encourage children to pass; raise their necks when the cannibal is walking]; santi [The Spider asks Vulture to fly with him; sitting on Vulture's back makes it clear that he smells bad; Vulture throws him into the hollow of a tree; a spider pretends to be a fat raccoon; two women cut a hole; a spider fools them, kills and eats their pet raccoons, suffocates women with smoke]: Wallis 1923, No. 15:73-74.

Southeast USA. Koasati [Owl asks Mouse: What do people call me? - Night Chief! ; for the fourth time: Eyed owl! The mouse escapes down the hole; the owl waits at the hole, starves]: Swanton 1929, No. 40:198.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [walking past swallow people, Coyote insults them for no reason; they kill him]: O'Bryan 1956:44; Tiwa (Taos) [see motive L5]: Parsons 1940a, No. 24 [Apache hunter takes his wife hunting, kills bison; wife cries, he shoots at her too, bakes her head; sends son and daughter to eat buffalo head; Head hisses: Children, don't eat me; pursues them; brother carries sister on the back; snake ( ?) Päkeleana transports them across the river, they sit by his horns; P. invites the Head to look for lice; these are frogs; The head rudenly replies that it does not eat lice; P. dives, the head sinks], 24 var.1 [from his wife The Apache chief is a snake lover; she feeds him the best meat; the chief watches her, kills both with arrows, places his wife's head on a tree, roasts her ribs; sends her son and daughter to taste bison meat; Head tells the mother not to eat; stalks children; the chief marries Coyoticha, the tribe migrates; Beaver asks the children to look in his head; there are frogs; the girl bites through the beads from her brother's bracelet, and the frogs fall into water; The beaver transports children across the river; The head tells Beaver that it has no arms; Grab the lice with your mouth! - Dirty creature! The head throws frogs into the water; the Beaver drowns it], 27 [see motif K43; children come to the old cannibal; the frog tells the boy that she needs wet firewood, rotten water; gives a brush, a mirror, an awl; children run away; abandoned objects turn into thickets, thorns, ice; the old woman continues to pursue; the crane by the river offers to remove his lice; the boy deceives him, crunching his elk tooth, the old woman replies that she does not eat lice; children cross the river; when the old woman reaches the middle, the Crane folds her legs, she falls into the water; continues to pursue; Bear, Bison, Puma, Elk, Deer, Antelope, Wolf, Coyote can't help, killed by an old woman; Little Bison rips an old woman with horns, throws her in the sun; children come to people; they hit the dog, leave; the dog keeps the fire for children; boy becomes a good hunter, and the departed are starving; they return to the abandoned]: 70-73, 74-76, 81-83.

Mesoamerica Veracruza Nahuatl [The crocodile carries the Rabbit across the river; the Rabbit whispers that the Crocodile is lousy, smelly; he promises to eat it; the rabbit claims that he said that the Crocodile has smooth skin, nice smell; jumping ashore: You're a lousy, smelly crocodile! ]; tequistlateca [a turtle flying on a vulture claims it stinks; the vulture throws it down]: Turner 1982:212-214; quiche (Chapultenango) [Vulture offers the Turtle lift it into the air; she says his head stinks; the second time he throws it off; the doctor fixed it, but the stitches remain]: Montemayor 1996 (1): 73; Hakalteki [Toad wants to be friends with Vulture; that offers to ride it; feeling his belch, the Toad exclaims, What a stench! - What are you saying? - I say it's great to fly through the air; then he adds, The stench from your beak makes me feel bad; Vulture understands, but asks again, What are you saying? - That happy flying with you; Toad continues his insults, Vulture throws her off, she crashes]: Montejo 1991:52-54; juice: Relatos Zoques 1997 [The turtle is jealous The vulture offers a ride through the air; the Turtle says the Vulture stinks; after the second time, the Vulture drops it; the Turtle's grandmother glued her shell, but the stitches remain]: 37; Sulvar & #225; n López 2007 [same; third time; var.: frog instead of turtle, since then it has a swollen belly]: 42-43.

The Northern Andes. Nonama [jumping ashore, the rabbit hits the crocodile with an ax]; Kogi [vulture: People say I'm ugly and eat garbage; do you think so too? ]: Reichel-Dolmatoff 1985 (2), No. 10:54

Llanos. Guajiro [man visits water snakes that have a smelly mouth; What a scent! he repeats]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, no. 42:189.

Guiana. Warrau [caiman, blowing the wind: Nice smell? Hero: Yes! ]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1970, No. 201:465-466; kalinha [caiman: Am I disgusting? ; the hero replies, Yes, by jumping ashore]; oyampy [caiman: Do I stink? ; the hero replies, Yes, by jumping ashore].

Western Amazon. Napo [caiman; big brother pretends to have a caiman..]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985 [unbulging eyes]: 57-58; Mercier 1979 [fragrant scent]: 36-37; Wavrin: 1979:64-65

Ecuador. The canyar [the animal (la comadreja) flies with its teeth clinging to the bird's tail; the bird provokes it to answer the question; it opens its mouth and falls]: Howard-Malverde 1981, No. 42:269.

Western Amazon. Siona, Sekoya [younger brother denies caiman is their grandparents, caiman bites off his leg]: Chaves 1958:146; Vickers 1989:163; napo [caiman; younger brother insults caiman by naming his]: Foletti Castegnaro 1985 [eyed]: 57-58; Mercier 1979 [smelly]: 36-37; Wavrin: 1979:64-65.

NW Amazon. Cubeo [Wanari sails in a boat, a woman appears in it; in his absence, agrees to fly away with the Royal Vulture (KS); W. took the form of an old man, knocked out a bird, which promises to take him to wife, if he cures her; his wife did not recognize him; after the end of the dabukuri holiday, W. is younger; the COP agrees to take W. and his wife to the ground; asks on the way, is my belching fragrant? - Yes! On the ground, W. screams that belching stinks; after the death of his first wife, W. takes the youngest of the old woman's two daughters; she converges with the Serpent in the guise of a man; W. followed, killed his lover with an arrow, let the penis eat to his wife disguised as a fish; said that she ate; mother-in-law asked W. to clear the plot; the birds helped to do this in a day; the snake son came out of W.'s wife's womb to collect fruit for her; the tip remained in the womb; the woman threw him at the foot of the tree, ran home with her sister; W. made all the participants of the festival look like him, left himself; people rose to the sky, a storm began; W.'s wife turned into a river dolphin , her sister and mother threw her into the river; the serpent son screams to his mother, Inhom, inhom! ]: Pereira 1980 (1): 269-277; Tarian [monkeys invite Wanali to go up the tree for fruit, leave him alone; Herons give him their feathers, he flies with them, they fly to the old mother Herons; pull out their feathers, they grow back overnight; W. does the same, feathers do not grow, Herons fly away without it; the old woman says that she has scolopendra, scorpions and ants in her vagina, tells her to wash her vagina with a decoction of bark; W. does not listen, his penis is swollen; she leaves him at the top of the mountain; the ant lowers him down; waits for W. to say that the muraya's mouth stinks; W. abstains, reaches the ground, the ant does not drags him into an anthill; fish wash his penis, it takes on normal size]: Brüzzi 1994:208-211; tarian [in the cannibal's stone abode; does my belch stink? Running away, the hero answers Yes! ]: Biocca 1965 at Brüzzi 1994:108 and in S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 8:305-306; bar [when the caiman blows the wind, the monkey and her cub say it stink but have time to jump ashore; just the tail monkey bitten off]; yagua [wandering through the woods, a man sleeps in a partridge's hut; spits when he smells from her anus; the partridge flies away with his hut]: Powlison 1959:13; 1972a: 81.

Central Amazon. The Middle Amazon [a man gets lost, climbed into the hollow of a snake; it blows the wind and asks: Does it smell good? -Yes! ; the man hears the falcon scream, says that his grandfather is singing; the snake is frightened, tells him to leave and not say that it is here; the man says the falcon is killing the snake; then he picked up the man and carried him to his land]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:189; maue [man spends the night in the forest; Boa constrictor invites him into his hollow; the wind blows; the man replies that it smells nice; in the morning Boa constrictor climbs a tree for Macaw's chicks; the man taught shout them suddenly; The boa constrictor fell on the sharp leaves of a palm tree, cut into pieces; the tail turned into a big sloth, the head into a red inambu (bird), two veins into two varieties of plants for weaving tipiti bags; Man turned Boa's son into sweet potato], No. 6 [young woman: cassava]: Ugge 1991, No. 3:147-156; Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 33 [Peresuatpë went hunting with his older brother; he went into the bushes; P. shot the tapir, missed it; it was his brother who took the form of a tapir; his grandmother advised him to pull the tapira out through the ass next time; his hand was stuck, the tapir ran, P. pulled out his hand when the tapir relieved himself; together with the tapir, P. found himself on the right bank of Tapajos; local people killed the tapir, cut it into pieces, P. saw it sitting in a tree; those people mistook him for a nest of bees, began to poke his pole, on advice a parrot, P. described the pole, the Indians began to lick urine, thinking it was honey; to cross Tapajos, P. called a caiman named Uàtippanpàn'a; first, smaller caimans sailed out, P. them rejected; on W.'s back was grass and trees; the caiman regurgitated, P. compared the aroma to the smell of uruku; once on the shore, he shouted that W. stinks, he was furious, dived, the palm tree on his back broke; at night, the jaguar became call P. by name, he asked what he wanted, fell asleep; the next night, the inumbu chicken woke up, P. broke all her eggs, there were three left, since then the inambu has laid three eggs; the next night P. sleeps in hollow; Jaguar wants to bite off his finger, P. gives him the finger of a dead monkey; so Jaguar got and ate all his fingers, then his liver; left; the next night Jaguar promises to bring a stone; P. leaves his own in the hollow bowel movements, climbs a tree; the innocent are responsible for P., the Jaguar throws a stone into the hollow, finds crap; the next night the caterpillars prevented sleep, P. handed over half, now these caterpillars are few; in palm P.'s grove sees two girls; agrees to marry; they ask not to be afraid of their father; he came, P. ran away; P. sleeps with Jaguar's wife; in the afternoon he replies that he did not see her; after running away, he screams that he slept with her; Jaguar accidentally he caught himself not at P., but at the Anteater, who scratched his eyes out; Jaguar's wife made him new eyes out of resin, since then Jaguar's eyes shine; P. asks Mother Rain to drop his bananas; she throws the peel; he threatens to shoot, replies that she will be covered by the rain with a banana leaf; he shot, it started raining, P. got wet; the Inambu woman is playing the flute, her hammock has fire; he refused to lie down with her, she flew away, taking hammock and fire; P. took a bone out of Jaguar's throat, who showed him the way home; his mother painted his uruku, P. died of a strong smell]: 642-646; Murphy 1958, No. 29 [Akainoatpyo is a nephew, Carujuribo is his uncle; K. turns into deer and other animals, A. cannot kill them; Grandma A. advises him to kill a tapir with his hand in his ass; tapir K.; he jumps up, drags A. through Tapajos, frees by emptying his stomach; advises choosing a third crocodile with trees growing on its back to cross the river; now the name A. is Perisvat; P. rejects two smaller crocodiles, swims on a big one; lies that the crocodile's belching is fragrant; jumping ashore and screams that it stinks; at night, Inambu prevents P. from sleeping with conversations; P. breaks her eggs, since then Inambu has laid only three eggs; P. kills a monkey, sleeps in a hollow; this is Jaguar's lair; he demands that P. give him parts of his body one by one; P. gives him the limbs and liver of the monkey; leaves the excrement responsible for himself climbs a tree; a Jaguar devours excrement instead of P.; P. spends the night with a man whose leg bones are fleshless, pointed; he tries to pierce P.; when his leg pierces a tree, P. ties it bowstring; frees him in the morning; copulates with Jaguar's wife; he chases P., P. turns into a battleship, scratches out Jaguar's eyes; Jaguar makes new ones out of wood latex, since then they shine; P. spends the night by the Inambu fire; refuses to lie with her in a hammock; she flies away, carrying fire; P. falls into the hunter's trap with both hands and feet; he leaves the old woman to guard the prey; the old woman falls asleep; An ant, a bee, a wasp, a monkey free P.; a hunter beats an old woman in anger, she turns into a bird; P. returns to his grandmother; dies when she rubs his uruku]: 95-102.

Eastern Amazon. Cayman. Spiking [Am I a disgusting stink? ; jumping ashore, the hero answers Yes! ]; tenetehara [about Munduruku]: Nimuendaju 1915, No. 10:299-300; Wagley, Galvão 1949, No. 15 [Wiraí boy went to the site with his mother, got lost, the river split, he found himself on an island; the Nighthawk ("night hawk") refused to move it, the Woodpecker could not, Cayman offered to sit on it; on the opposite bank he went under water; the Socó bird {apparently the pelican} dived, swallowed V., hid it in his throat bag, Cayman sailed away; V. spent the night under a rock, in the morning it turned out to be a huge Toad; saw hummingbirds dancing and singing "I'll make a calebass out of his head", V. them frightened him; the snake Moizuhú invited him to her house, wanted to eat him, but V. began singing Hawk's song "Hawk Eats Snake Eyes", the snake got scared and disappeared; V. slept again by the huge toad, who repeated "Sleep with on the other hand", where V. found a path, walked along it to a fruit tree; on the other hand, V. ate so many fruits that he began to go bald; the bakers brought him to the yam field; V.'s father frightened off the Bakers, grabbed his son; at home he He hugged his mother so tightly that they could not split up (var.1: called a shaman to separate them; var.2: could not separate because V. was a shaman]: 140-142; urubu [the boy chased with a nightjar, found himself on the other side of the sea (he carried him there with a nightjar); Toucan, a toucan with a red beak, the duck is offered to take him home, the boy replies that they are too weak; The duck gives a boat to cross, This is Cayman; on the way, he asks if his back, tail, teeth, digging leeches are pleasant; the boy praises them every time; he jumps ashore and screams that they are disgusting; Cayman chases the boy, he asks the Pelican (Socó-Ramoui - Owner of the Pelicans) for help; the Pelican belches the fish, hides the boy in his goiter, threatens Cayman, who has to leave; the boy returns to his mother]: Ribeiro 2002:463-466.

The Central Andes. See the M25 motif; The fox descends a rope from the sky; insults parrots flying by (Crooked, Bowlegged, Cornthieves! ); they cut off the rope. The coast of Peru (more precisely, the area is not specified; central?) [The fox wants to reach the moon, asks Condor to fix the rope there, climbs it; The parrot laughs, the Fox is offended, shouts that the Parrot is ridiculous and heavy that it cannot get so high; The parrot cuts the rope , The fox falls, asks other foxes to pick it up; foxes sleep in holes, Fox breaks]: Herrera Gray 1963 in Toro Montalvo 1990a:154; Tarma (dep. Junin) [The fox wants to climb the moon; asks Condor to tie a rope there; climbs up; the Fox feels like the Parrot is laughing at him; he scolds the Parrot, she cuts off the rope; the Fox asks to lay blankets, they can't hear him; he falls, breaks]: Vienrich, Adolfo. Tarmapap Racha Huaranin, Fabulas Qyechuas, in Azacenas Quechuas. Tarma, 1906: Imprenta "La Aurora de Tarma": 129-131 in Metraux 1935b:408; in Morote Best 1988:68-69; in Toro Montalvo 1990:401-402; Tarma [a holiday is expected in the sky, the Fox asks Condor to take it there; In the sky, Condor says that the Fox is a musician; the fox plays badly, the spirits laugh, solder him, leave him; he weaves a straw rope, begins to descend; the parrot calls him "compadre," the Fox says that he is not a compadre for such a bird, calls him names; the offended Parrot cuts the rope; when he falls, the Fox asks to spread the blankets; no one hears him, he breaks]: Vienrich, Adolfo. Tarmapap Racha Huaranin, Fabulas Qyechuas, in Azacenas Quechuas. Tarma, 1906: Imprenta "La Aurora de Tarma". Pp. 99-107 in Toro Montalvo 1990b: 417-418; Ayacucho: Morote Best 1988:69; Orgona (Mantaro Valley): Morote Best 1988:69; Kero (Cordillera Oriental): Morote Best 1988:58-61; dep. Cusco: Morote Best 1988 (Cusco, Chumbivilcas, Kispicanchis, Calca): 61-64; Urton 1985 (Pacarictambo): 262; Cusco [Toad rises on the Vulture; goes down a rope, insults parrots, crashes]: Morote Best 1988:64; chipaya [The fox makes a ladder, climbs to heaven to listen to mass; a bird (Ctenomis sp. or Octodon sp.) cuts off the stairs; the fox goes down the rope, it breaks, it hangs, falls; now there are many foxes, so few rabbits and young llamas]: Metraux 1935a: 74-75 (=1935b: 410-411); Cusco [The eagle says it will rain on fire, wants to fly to heaven; the fox asks to take it too; in flight insults Eagle, he drops the Fox, he crashes]: Payne 1984:76; Aymara (Kakachakab, Oruro Dep.) [Bigmouth parrot! ]: Arnold, Yapita Moya 1992:16; mountainous Bolivia (Quechua, Aymara): Metraux 1934:97-98; 1935:406-409; Morote Best 1988:72; Tomoeda 1982 (Potosi and Sucre depots): 277-278; Atacameño: Guggiana 1966:9 in Lehnert Santander 1988:757-758 [The fox asks Condor to take him to heaven; he warns not to gnaw his bones if thrown; the fox gnaws first; the Condor flies away, asks the Devil to tell the Fox for him to go down to earth; God advises the Fox to weave a rope; in a year she is ready; asks that cultivated plants be taken to the ground, puts them in the Fox's mustaches, nostrils, and all parts of the body; going down, the Fox sees Condors, calls them names (Crooked, Pumpkin Peel Beaks, Just dare to cut the rope! ); The Condors cut the rope, the Fox falls, screams for a blanket to be spread out on the ground, God falls! breaks, seeds are scattered on the ground (the origin of cultivated plants)]; Tolosa 1970:32 in Lehnert Santander 1988:758 [The fox lies monkey; the Condor goes down to eat it; he is alive, Condor suggests take him to heaven; Easter is there; the fox says that Condor has dirty and lousy feathers; the Condor flies away; San Isidro advises the Fox to weave a rope, gives a basket of various seeds; The parrot cuts off rope; the fox falls, (cultivated) plants spread across the ground].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 32 [Ocelot asks Eagle to take him to heaven; he warns him not to hunt partridges there; the owner of the partridges tells Ocelot to guard them; he eats one; He weaves a rope, goes down; tells flying parrots that he can travel without wings; shouts to catch up that they have a hoarseness voice, a black beak; parrots cut off the rope; Ocelot asks people for him pick it up; they don't understand, it crashes]: 77-79; Nordenskiöld 1924 (kaviña) [the caiman offers relief to the person he is transporting on his back; the man does not do it, but the caiman still manages to bite off his leg]: 288; pauserna [the man got lost, came to a wide body of water; the duck offered a caiman as a boat; the caiman sailed with the man for three days; - Say I stink and ugly; the man kept silent; when the shore was near, the man grabbed the tree, ran; asked the uru (flightless) bird to hide it from the caiman pursuer; she sent him along the way to the herons, they hid it in a basket under fish; Cayman put his paw in the basket, pricked on thorny catfish, left; the man became a heron, flew to his relatives with other herons, became human again; two days he died]: Snethlage 1936:287-288; guarazu: Riester 1977, No. 33 [caiman transports across the river; -I'm disgusting? The hero replies yes, jumping ashore], 65 [Cayman agrees to transport the Monkey across the river; she indulges in covering his eyes with her hand; screams that his pimples are nauseous; Cayman gathers throw it into the water, she says she was joking; she grabs branches, a stream of abuse hits Cayman from the tree; he promises the Vultures to eat the Monkey's body if they help him, saying that Cayman is dead; The monkey notices that Cayman's tail moves; throws three stones into his mouth, he swallows them; this later dies, is eaten by the Vultures; the monkey cries, she really wanted to just to joke]: 279, 316-317.

Southern Amazon. Cayman transports across the river. Trumai [Say: how does it stink! - On the contrary, it smells nice! ]; calapal [Say: how ugly teeth and head are, how it stinks! - No, you're adorable and you smell nice! ]; kayabi [What do you think of me? - Prettier than anyone else, I love your name! Jumping ashore: Thin eyelash, long tail! ]: Pereira 1995, No. 4:42-43; Rickback [caiman blows the wind; ugly women hold back, beautiful spit in disgust, caiman drowns them]); paresis [in the forest, a girl calls parrots ugly; those they make her go off the road by witchcraft]: Pereira 1986, No. 16:255.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 151 [(Metraux 1960:30-32); the Europeans attacked the kayapo, one Sakawāpö escaped, came to the shore of Shingu; Cayman offered to transport it; sailing to the shore, accuses S. of calling him "protruding eyebrows", "sawtooth tail", calling him long-toothed and fat; S. grabbed a branch, jumped, ran, hid in the Heron basket, which covered it with fish; Cayman began to rummage through the basket, but his paws were short, he did not reach S.; S. wanted to shoot a deer; he said he had shot him once, the arrow was still in his body; went with S., but went to graze, S. did not waited for him; the same with Tapir; with Obezhiana; from Coati; S. came to a recently abandoned village; then met his brother, who showed him the way home; S. said that the rest had been killed; mother and other women held mourning ceremonies], 152 [(Lukesh 1968:60-63); Kayapos attacked the village of other Indians, but they killed the attackers, only Tčakamandapá escaped; the monkey asks not to shoot, promises to bring C. to his house; but she often stopped looking for food, C. went by himself; the same with Tapir, with the Deer; at nightfall he met a bird with fire under its feathers; the bird allowed to warm up, but warned her not to push; when C. moved, she flew away; then returned; in the morning C. came to the river, Cayman offered to transport her; in the middle of the river he offered to say that he had a nasty face, a thick belly, a tail like a saw; C. answered no; at the shore he grabbed a branch, shouted to Cayman that he was fat; the Heron shot the fish with a bow, hid C. in the basket under the fish; Cayman did not was able to find C.; Fox asked C. not to shoot, took him to the house, C. spoke about his adventures]: 361-362, 363-367; Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 152 [Call me eyed! etc.]; crash: Wilbert 1978, No. 18 [Snub face with scars! says a young man on the shore], 154 [Schultz 1950:144-150; the husband was convinced that his wife was unfaithful; decided to leave, the children went with him; three boys and two girls became horses with their father, but the middle girl could not turn; the same in another family, where everyone turned into deer, the youngest girl could not, but turned golden brown; Autxetpirire poisoned fish with poison; father and children became kingfishers to to fish, we climbed a tree, the middle daughter could not; A. asked how to become the same color as the girl; the father said that we should go to the oven, cover it with leaves and soil on top; A. stayed in the oven, everything left, but the middle girl came back for the forgotten calebass, dug up A.'s penis, began to eat; followed her father's footsteps, A. began to get out of the oven; Cayman volunteered to transport the girl, asked in the middle of the river if she would name whether she was disgusting; she denied, when she was on the shore, called him; hid under Emu's arm, Emu told Cayman that she had a pain in her armpit, did not raise her arm; the same with another caiman, the girl became as a bird, hid in the wasp nest, they did not give it away; her family reached the palm tree, at the top, they told the palm tree to bend down, she climbed in; she spat, giving them to A.; they lowered the rope, let him go, he fell, crashed, became a crab, climbed into a hole; the girl fell behind again, came to Serie's house, near the Vulture House; climbed a tree by the water; Seriema's daughter came for water, the girl spat, calebasa slipped out, crashed; so 4 times; The mother series wants to punish her daughter, she talks about a girl on a palm tree; comes to a bird village; hides in a tree at the spring; Vultures, Royal Vultures- men, even Seriema's husband, persuaded her to go down, raped her using different parts of her body for copulation; she died; each hawk took a piece of her vulva, tied it with amber fibers; did a stick house, each piece on a stick, told them to stretch, the pieces covered the stick, it turned out to be a house; the pieces of her body put on sticks by others dried up]: 80-87, 371-377; sherente [young man still in the water calls the caiman, mocking his nose].

SE Brazil. Botokudy [the girl he stole and is lucky, the caiman offers relief on his back; she does it, their voyage continues]: Sebestyen 1981, No. 7:151.

Chaco. If not otherwise: like in the Central Andes. Matako [see motive M87; The Hawk is standing on one leg on a branch; Tokhuah believes that the Hawk does not have the other; the Hawk helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two; the Spider attaches T. a leg back , he calls her redmouth and fat dog, her leg falls off again; another Spider heals him again; the red-eyed Pigeon advises rubbing red pepper into his eyes, T. temporarily goes blind; a white-faced bird and with a long beak, he advises him to smear clay and put sticks in his nose; he does this]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 78:165-168; mokovi [calls parrots Dry tongues! ]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 121-123:155-158; Quechua (on Rio Salado?) , Santiago del Estero in northwestern Argentina) [like mocovi?] : Morote Best 1988:71; Chamacoco: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987a, No. 47 [throwing his rod, the young man loses and the rod disappears; he finds him pierced into a tree with water and fish in its trunk; tribesmen carefully take fish from there; Lisa (single, she has children from different fathers) releases fish, water floods the forest; the fox flees to the tree; the Hawk carries it on his back, she says he is bald head; he throws it into the fire; people killed her children, except her son and daughter, who are foxes], 50 [a rod thrown by a young man pierces a tree with water and fish; mother-in-law asks for eels, for which he gives himself; the fox finds big eels, but people always turn them into small ones; the fox takes out the plug, releasing water and fish; people kill her daughters; the Vulture carries it on his back, she says his head is disgusting; he throws her into the fire; she runs away, carrying the fire into the savannah; her daughters are reborn as foxes]: 158-165, 172-173; Toba [the monkey promises his sister to the Cayman; when she reaches the shore, he reports that this is a lie]; mockovi: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 113 [Fox Cayman: People praise your beauty and voice; Cayman carries him across the river; the next day: People call you son of a bastard; the fox runs away] 114 [as in No. 113; The fox runs away from the Jaguar; comes to the river; Cayman first: The girls send you hello; then: with a shovel, a nose with a hammer], 174-175 [the monkey says her sisters like caiman songs; when she reaches the shore, she says it's a lie], 176-178 [three female fish pretend to be in love with a caiman; when they are safe, they say the opposite]: 148-150, 211-216; matako [caiman transports a woman across a huge lake; asks to be called crooked, eyed; she finally agrees; the caiman goes under water; the woman's husband Months takes her to heaven ; she returns voluntarily to the water]: Alvarsson MS, #308:390-392.

Southern Brazil. Cayman; upon reaching the shore, the hero says You're disgusting! Caigua [What do people say about me? ], Taylor, Taylor 1966; mbia [Am I handsome? ].