M50. Next to the stars.
.13.16.18. (.20.) .
The character tries to join a group of stars (usually the Pleiades) or catch up with characters who run away from him and turn into stars; the goal of the persecution is sexual contact or the desire to be reunited with family.
Sudan - East Africa. Cuff [Orion is Seto's cultural hero with his hands up, looking at the Pleiades, a group of girls he wants to master and who will later become his wives; Orion's Belt is his penis; neighbors The cuff gang is also called Orion Seto]: Sicard 1966:44.
(Wed. North Africa. The Tuaregs [Orion is the "guide"; Orion's sword is his genital organ, Rigel is one of his legs, his left and right arms are Betelgeuse and Bellatrix; the Pleiades ("daughters of the night") are Aldebaran's wives and Orion; six women, and the seventh star is a boy from whom Orion took an eye in payment for a portion of Boerhavia spp grain. ]: Bernus, AG-Sidiyene 1989:145).
Western Europe. Germans [1) East Prussia: the husband mistreated his wife and seven children; they turned to God; God punished her husband by making him a cuckoo, turned the woman with children into stars; the wife became Evening Star, Pleiades children; Pleiades cuckoos hide while cuckoo is cuckoo; 2) Mecklenburg: Pleiades - Cuckoo's wife and children; 3) Pomerania: husband quarreled with his wife, became a cuckoo, wife with children - Pleiades]: Dä hnhardt 1910:426-427; Danes [a girl gave birth to seven illegitimate children; the man called them the children of a hooker; God turned him into a cuckoo, a woman with children into the Pleiades]: Dähnhardt 1910:427.
Australia. Nguluwonga [the wife of the Month leaves him, becomes a star; the Month calls her daughters to eat a duck, sends her penis underground to the eldest; the mother lowers the rope to the girls from the sky, they climb it; they are cut off when the Month follows; now the Pleiades are in fear in a bunch, and the Month is still haunting them]: Waterman 1987, No. 275:34; Chapvurong (Pirt-Copan-noot, West Victoria) [The Raven wanted" queen", who had six companions; became a larva in a tree; the girls began to pick her up, their sticks broke; the Raven let himself pull out whoever he wanted; became a giant, took her away; his companions became Pleiades, Raven is a Canopus star]: Dawson 1881:100 in Waterman 1987, No. 280 (1): 34-35; Mara (SE Arnhem Land) [The Raven wanted an Eagle Girl, she has six friends; she turned him down because all the girls wanted one husband; the Raven became a larva in the trunk, they began to pick him up; the Raven became a raven, took the woman to heaven; she became Sirius, the rest of the Pleiades]: Dawson 1881:100 in Waterman 1987, No. 280 (2): 35; bunya bunya [the hunter wished the eldest of the seven sisters; extinguished his fire, each of the sisters, except the fourth, lit it again; finally grabbed the one he wanted; others burned him, the burns began to fester; the eldest daughter; the fourth was able to throw a rope into the sky; women climbed it, the man followed, she cut it off; fishermen find a stinking body, bring it to Merovrang (assistant creator); that puts it in a bag, heals it; the hunter violates the ban not to touch his savior, falls like a boomerang; M. throws him five times; a boomerang goes to heaven, becomes a young month; a girl and a child became the Pleiades]: Brothers 1897:10-11 in Waterman 1987, No. 285:35; Pitjanjara [old Yoola pursues seven sisters for a long time; finally creates cliffs around them, they jump into the pond, drown, he's for them; their souls rise into the sky, turn into seven stars (probably the Pleiades), Yoola is a bright star nearby that haunts them {Aldebaran?}] : Robertson 1956:84-85; Watjobaluk [Boamberik pursues pleiade women; they go up to heaven, he's behind them; B. unidentified, possibly Aldebaran]: Howitt 1904:429-430.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Easter Island [the woman, without asking her husband, went to the party with her children; her husband began to beat her; her wife and children flew to heaven, they became Pleiades; her husband called them back in vain]: Fedorova 1978, No. 24.1: 225.
Central Europe. Czechs [the hostess has six daughters, her husband is terribly stingy; God has turned him into a cuckoo, his wife and daughters into the Pleiades; when the Pleiades hide, the cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo]: Dähnhardt 1910:427.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [Orion Belt - three girls persecuted by hero Kurgen Alym (Rigel), who wants to marry them]: Butanayev 1975:237.
Eastern Siberia. Evenki, Khabarovsk Krai [Mangi chased 8 girls on iron flying skis; the Big Dipper blocked the road, she is spinning; those girls are the stars of Orion (Chapakte), Manga - star near Orion, Manga Road - Milky Way]: Varlamova 2002:33.
Amur - Sakhalin. Negidals [group of stars - Seven women running away from their scary husband; one star behind is her husband; chased his wives and fell behind them]: Khasanova, Pevnov 2003, No. 9:57 (retelling in Podmaskin 2013 [possibly husband Orion]: 126); the Udege [seven twin girls flew to heaven, became the Pleiades (Nada Aziga); the hunter saw the sisters go down, left their clothes on the rocks, and swam away at sea; hid her clothes alone, she had to marry him; children were born; one day a wife saw her sisters rise to the sky, flew after them; the husband followed them in the skin of a red deer; seven sisters dived into the sea and hid, my husband stayed in the sky; then the sisters took to heaven, cold weather came on earth]: Podmaskin, Kireeva 2010:15.
SV Asia. Chukchi [Orion is a archery with a humpback; Orion's belt is his back, the Sword is the genital organ; Leo is Krivospinnik's wife, who was jealous of the Pleiades and hit him with a cutting board, which caused him his back became hunchback; after a fight he kicked his wife out; the Pleiades are a "group of women" (six); Krivospinnik tried to marry one of them, but they drove him away because of his too big organ; he became shoot them, they ran away; Aldebaran is an arrow that did not reach the women; the Kolyma Chukchi say that the arrow was stuck in the net (small stars) that the Pleiades cover themselves]: Bogoraz 1939:24 (=Bogoras 1907: 308-309).
The coast is the Plateau. Klamath [Coyote fell in love with the Star, waited for her on the mountain; she gave him a hand, he began to rise into the sky with the stars, they were dancing higher and higher, the Star let go of his hand, the Coyote fell, crashed, a lake formed at this place]: Monroe, Williamson 1987:100-102.
Plains. Wichita [the woman has seven brothers; Coyote tells her that he will send his daughter; he does not have a daughter, he turns into a girl himself; brothers marry her; she gives birth to a child, leaves with him; brothers they chase her, take the child away, go up to heaven, turn into the Big Dipper; near her older brother there is a child (a weak star); her sister is a star at a distance; at night, Coyote howls with longing for a child: Dorsey 1904a, No. 10:74-80.
California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. P7 [Pleiades dance at night; Coyote wants too, dies from fast dancing, is thrown away; he comes to life, jumps down from the sky; only his bones reach the ground; he comes to life again]: 368-369; Sapir 1928, No. 5 [in the spring it snowed after the heat, the Coyote's children froze to death; Coyote went to look for the Sun; gave man dentalium shells, he brought him to heaven; Coyote came to at home, heard the Sun calling him by name; when everyone fell asleep, hit him on the head and killed him; came to seven star girls, they were always dancing, moving, always together; wanted to be with them; they he was dragged, his second leg came off; in the morning he jumped from heaven to the ground; his grandmother collected his bones, the next day Coyote came to life]: 256-257; Karok: Bancroft 1875 [=Powell 1877:39-40; The coyote wants to dance across the sky, asks the Star (specific but unidentified) to take him; she reluctantly agrees; they dance across the sky, it's cold; his hand slips out of her hand, he falls, crashes]: 138-139; Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A9 [Pleiades are seven dancing girls; Coyote wants to join them; they warn that he will get tired; he doesn't listen, he dances; wants to go away to urinate; they don't let him in; he urinates, defecates, all parts of his body fall off; only his dancing ass stays in the sky]: 16; (cf. shasta [while hunting squirrels, the Coyote asks the Raccoon to put his hand in the hole, grabs it on the other side, tears it off; he dies; the Coyote brings home his meat; one of the Coyote's sons tells the truth Raccoon's sons; they kill the rest of the Coyote's children (not specified how), flee with Coyote's son; the fugitives turn into Pleiades, Coyote can't catch them]: Dixon 1910a, No. 26:30-31; Farrand 1915, No. 11 [reason murders are that the Raccoon sleeps with his wife Coyote; the ash of the hearth tells Coyote that the children are fleeing]: 220-221); salinan [Pleiades are seven sisters who, after death, rose to heaven one by one; Coyote too became the star following them]: Harrington (material identified and provided by M.A. Zhivlov); yokutz: Gayton, Newman 1940, No. 15 [six young women collected wild bulbs; their husbands left to hunt a cougar, each time they returned with nothing; they scolded wives who smelled of onions; the wives decided to run away, she was pregnant alone, sat on a rock, water poured from her nose, the woman turned into stone; mother-in-law showed their daughters-in-law porridge to lure them, but they ran to heaven; husbands chase them (Taurus stars, identification is unreliable), but cannot catch up]: 26; Kroeber 1907a, No. 20 [(tachi group); five girls sang and danced in the sky at night; Flea was with them, they did not want other men; in the summer he became a flea, began to itch; they ran away, went up to heaven; he looked for his wives, followed him; The Pleiades are five stars in a bunch and one a little further away; (note 1; people of the Yaudanchi group say that the Pleiades are girls who rose into the sky; one was pregnant, stayed on the ground, turned into a rock; a star or stars nearby - young men who followed them]: 213-214; kawaiisu [some versions of the stories "Coyote Marries a Daughter" and "Coyote and Canadian Geese" end with the Coyote family or Goose girls rise to the sky, where they become Pleiades; the Coyote can neither follow them nor convince them to return, and dies]: Zigmond 1980:16; No. 17 [Coyote pretends to be fatally wounded by a bear; asks leave him at the funeral fire; his daughter must marry his friend who looks like him and lives beyond the mountain; the boy, the son of Coyote, looks around, sees his father roll down from the fire; the family comes to the imaginary to a friend, the Coyote sleeps with his daughter, she becomes pregnant; while hunting, the son notices that the Coyote's teeth are drilled just like his father's; the family moves from Coyote to the upper world through a hole in the sky; he sees their reflection , howls, gasps, dies; most other versions are not significantly different; in two, Coyote seduces his mother-in-law, which precedes an episode with an imaginary wound], 19 [two options; Coyote pretends to be a woman, He turns his penis into a baby, comes to three or five goose girls; sleeps with them, each gives birth in the morning; they bake their babies, fly away themselves; the Coyote eats meat, sees the girls' reflection in the water; they take him upstairs or drop his rope; then throw him, he falls down]: 79-88:91-92; Kitanemook [Coyote pretends to be fatally wounded by a bear; when his daughter carries him on cracked, tries to copulate with her; she leaves him, sends her mother Frog for him; Coyote asks her to leave him at the funeral fire, pass his daughter off as his friend living across the mountain; "friend" agrees, fumigates the sun with tobacco so that night comes soon; when hunting, the Coyote calls his son a son, not a son-in-law; The frog squeezes seven little coyotes out of his daughter, roasts it over charcoal; the Coyote comes, eats them; mother, four daughters, son go to heaven, along with the mother's hat are seen there as seven stars (obviously the Pleiades); the Coyote notices their reflection in the water, they laugh at him; there is a group of three The stars are the Coyote, his bow and arrow; both groups are far apart because the Coyote failed to catch up with his family]: Zigmond 1980, No. 67:217-218; monach [six women find previously unknown bulbs, they eat them; husbands smell bad, they tell their wives to sleep outside; they go up to the sky, turn into the Pleiades; husbands can't catch up with them, they turn into a Taurus constellation]: Deep River 1999:48-51 (= Monroe, Williamson 1987:9-12); Luiseno: DubOis 1908 [seven Pleiade sisters throw a rope to Coyote; he climbs to heaven, they cut off the rope, he falls; turns into Aldebaran]: 164; Hyde, Elliote 1994, No. 202 [The Wild Cat is married to seven sisters (Little Bear); the Coyote kills him, puts on his skin, takes his place; sometimes goes down a rope to the ground; first the youngest, then the rest of the sisters guess the change; cut off the rope; Coyote falls, breaks; sees a pinkish star below Ursa Minor]: 1290-1298; serrano [Coyote pretends to be dying; tells his three daughters not look back at his funeral fire, go to his brother, that exact copy of it; an imaginary uncle offers his youngest marriage; daughters suspect deception, run to heaven, turn into Pleiades; Coyote sees them reflection in the pond; the youngest agrees to go down, put his father on his back and pick her up; he tries to copulate with her; she throws him to the ground, he crashes]: Benedict 1926, No. 9:11; Gabrielino [the husbands of seven sisters hide their meat from them; they rise to heaven to become Pleiades; the youngest man did not deceive his wife, he is allowed to follow his sisters; he turns into Taurus; (are the rest in animals?)] : Kroeber 1925:624-625; cahuilla [Tukwishhemish woman laughed without opening her mouth; once she opened it, three girls saw that she had three rows of upper teeth; began to laugh; she rose to shame the sky became a star; those three girls also became stars (probably the Pleiades); until they rose to heaven, no one thought about marriage; Isilihnup and Holinach, two men, looked for these girls; I. woke up at night, saw them through the smoke hole; put a stick in the hearth, threw it into the sky, followed it, became a star; ash was pouring down from the stick, and since then ash to frost]: Hooper 1920:365-366.
Big Pool. Chemewevi [one of the Coyote's daughters is feeling unwell; the summoned shaman sends the Coyote, tells the family that the girl is pregnant with her father; her mother extracts the placenta (more logically, the embryo or embryos), throws them on hot coals; together with the children and the shaman he rises to the sky; the returning Coyote eats roasted meat; sees those who have gone above, says that they will become Pleiades; the wife replies that he will become a fall eater]: Laird 1976:156-157; see the F64A motive [a man feigns death, marries a daughter; his former wife, two daughters and son turn into stars; if not otherwise: the man is a Coyote, the family turns into the Pleiades]. Western and Northern Shoshones; Goshiyute; White River Utah; Southern Utah [Suawawi has a son and two daughters; he sees the eldest's genitals as she repairs the roof; intentionally steps on a sharp bone, pretends to be dying; tells him not to look back at his funeral fire, to migrate to a large village; daughters to marry a man with an otter quiver; the son recognizes S. by specks on teeth, hunting rats; daughter tells her mother that when copulating, her husband sucks her breasts (the same was the case with wife S.); the wife tells S. to turn into a wolf; he tells them to become stars; these four stars can be seen evening]: Lowie 1924, No. 15:28-30; Southern Payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 9 (Moapa) [Coyote goes with his mother-in-law to hunt rabbits, spent the night in a cave; he copulated with her all night, she died; Coyote speaks his wife, as if they were attacked by enemies, pretends to die of his wounds; tells him to leave him at the funeral fire, not to look back; the little son sees him roll down from the fire; ten days later returns, pretends to be a stranger, speaks with an accent; in the morning, when hunting, the son recognizes him, runs home; in the evening, Coyote finds no one, his family has become Seven Stars], 9a (Moapa) [Coyote asks his daughter fix the roof, see her vagina from below, quietly inserts his spare penis into it, it stays in the vagina; the girl gets sick; the Drake heals her, takes out her penis, bakes in ash; all of them, including the Drake, they rise to heaven to become Seven Stars; Coyote comes home, eats his penis]: 172, 173; Sapir 1930, No. 18 (kaibab) [Coyote asks four daughters to cover the house with bark, he will see for himself if there are any holes ; looks at their vaginas from below; pretends to be dying, telling him to leave at the funeral fire without looking back; tells them not to accept strangers from the north, west and south, accept whoever appears from the east on a black horse; Coyote's son sees him roll down from the fire, they don't believe him; Coyote's daughters go to bed with someone from the east; the old wife tells his son to go with his son-in-law to hunt rats; he eats rats raw, the boy realizes it's a Coyote; the whole family runs to heaven, leaving voices in the house as if they're still there; Coyote tells them to become seven stars (Ursa Major? The informant is not sure), the wife tells Coyote to become a coyote]: 463-465; (cf. Northern Payute [izapad m /idz ápad 616; m - Orion's Belt (Coyote's Daughter)]: Liljeblad et al. 2012:83).
The Great Southwest. Kiliwa [(cf. Luiseño); The Wild Cat had six girls; the Coyote killed him, took the girls for himself; those avenging her husband killed the Coyote, went up to heaven, became the Pleiades]: Meigs 1939:15; paypai : Olmos Aguilera 2005 [Owl's daughters (tecolote) secretly went to heaven from Coyote; he heard one of them's voice, asked how they got in; they lowered his belt, he climbed, they cut it off, he fell and shattered ; the grandmother found his bones, put him in a vessel, there were little coyotes in the morning; spread across the ground]: 95-97; Relatos Pai pai 1994 [A coyote boy molested six girls, they were tired, they went up to heaven; they are daughters of an Owl (Tecolote), seen together; Coyote heard them screaming, they lowered his belt; when he almost climbed in, one of the girls cut off her belt, Coyote crashed; his grandmother found bones, grinded, made cakes , put it in a pot; they turned into many coyotes, scattered across the ground]: 10-13; havasupai [the family turns into Little Bear]; valapai [Coyote rapes his eldest daughter]: Kroeber 1935:264-266 [his wife and six daughters reject various transformations; become Pleiades], 266-267 [Coyote's four daughters turn into bison; one killed; the rest become stars]; Western yavapai [Coyote rapes his daughter; his three daughters and wife rise to the sky on wings, turn into a constellation; Coyote tries to catch up with them, asks the Puma to catch up; asks a blind man to shoot at middle daughter; an arrow pierces her, hits Puma; he turns red with anger, so that star is red]: Gifford 1933a:414.
NW Mexico. Tarahumara: Lumholtz 1902 (1): 298 [man lived with three wives; they went hunting squirrels and woodchucks, got nothing, killed their father hand in hand, rose to heaven; husband He nailed them to the sky with arrows, now they are the three stars of the Orion Belt; the husband himself has turned into a coyote], 436 [the husband is a bad hunter, wives turn into the Pleiades; the husband is left alone, becomes a Coyote].