Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M53A. Crows and seals. 40.43.


raven gathers seals or other marine mammals around and deceives them into killing them.

Bering Strait Inupiate, Chugach, Sechelt, Comox, Tillamook.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat (Norton Bay Unalick) [The Raven marries a Goose; flies south with the Geese in autumn; when they see that he is tired, the Raven lies that he has an arrowhead stuck in his heart; Geese do not believe, the Raven falls into the water, has difficulty getting to the shore; asks Keith to open its mouth, flies inside; inside, the beauty warns not to touch her lamp; the beauty is the soul, the lamp is the heart of a whale; The raven touches the lamp, the whale dies; the raven swims inside the carcass to the shore; forgets the fire drill inside the whale; when people fresh the whale and find the drill, the Raven says it's a bad sign; people run away, The raven takes all the meat for himself; looks for a vessel for fat, meets Mink, they build porridge; the Raven; sends Mink to invite marine life to the festival; Seals come; the Raven says he must improve them sight, touching their eyes with its rod; glues their eyelids with resin; forgets about the seal in the doorway; the seal raises the alarm when another seal cries trying to open their eyes; the raven kills guests with a stick one at a time, only a seal in the doorway is saved]: Nelson 1899:462-467; the stranger [The raven marries Cod's daughter; the girl wants crane eggs, the Raven pulls them out, marries, takes his wife away in a boat; Killer whales ask him to close his eyes, kidnap his wife; the bird tells the Raven who is the kidnapper, for which he receives larvae; releases him under water; the Raven consistently comes to the Old Cod Woman, Halibut, Red Snapper, Perch; each replies that the kidnappers have just passed by; Perch warns that Killer Whales have a Crane as a watchman, gives a spear to bribe him; the Raven has given a spear to the Crane since then long beak; Killer whales are sleeping, the Raven puffs like they accidentally croak, grab it, put it under a stone, make a fire on top; the Raven has bark with him, he chews it, spits out red juice, killer whales think it's blood, they take him out, throw him into the latrine; his wife comes there; the Raven tells her to go back and wait; gets out, washes; pretends to be the leader, takes Squirrels, Martens, Lasok, Norok; the leader of the Killer Whales asks why his people are so fast; the raven replies that he cut out a piece of each of their liver, lungs and heart; invites killer whales to lie in a row, smears each eye with resin; the leader's eye barely sees ; The raven rips open the Killer Whales one by one, the chief notices this, runs away through the chimney; the Raven and his wife load the boat with the property of Killer Whales, sail away]: Birket-Smith 1953:167-170.

The coast is the Plateau. Sechelt [The raven comes to his sister Tyulenikha; she holds her hands above the fire, they are dripping fat, she feeds the Raven; he asks to raise one of his daughters; on the way home offers her niece a drink; when she leans over the stream, kills her; cooks and eats her at home; this is how all 12 daughters of the Seal die; when the Raven tries to kill her, she jumps into the water, swims away; The god QeQals living in heaven punished the Raven by turning him and his wives into stones]: Hill-Tout 1904a: 51; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [as in Hill-Tout]: 200-201; comox [Raven married Tyulenikha; she had a son ; The raven fed him venison, he was thirsty, leaned to the water, the Raven broke his neck, fried him, ate him; told his wife that his son had drowned; he ate, he vomited fat in the hearth; the wife understood everything, jumped into the water, with Seals have been living in water since then]: Boas 2002, No. 5.5:198; tillamook [Crow married Seals; asks his wife to bring her brothers to watch him shamanite; Seals men, women and children they come and dance around the Raven; he points his spear at the fattest, but the Seal always catches the spear, unharmed; one Seal leaves her baby to Raven's wife; she hides it under the bed; the Raven feels bad, asks his wife if she has anything; she tells her to look under the bed, the Raven kills the seal, tells his wife to cook, splashes his blood on her feet, says that now she menstruates, should not eat fresh meat; she replies that she won't eat her people anyway; the raven eats alone; it repeats itself, they gave him one seal every time]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 32:109- 110.