Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M53D. Imaginary enemies. .23.39.41.-.43.

The character pretends to be enemies coming; when people run away in fear, the character takes what the deceived people owned.

Santala [jackal], ho [jackal], Chukchi [raven], tanana [raven], southern tutchoni [raven], tlingit [raven], tsimshian [raven], bellacula [raven], heiltsuk [raven], uvikino [raven], quakiutl [raven], chickpea [raven], comox [mink], quileut [raven], catlamet [rabbit].

South Asia. Santals: Bodding, 12 in Zograf 1971, No. 4 [the jackal and the chicken became friends, the jackal came to visit, the chicken got drunk, the jackal ate it; the chickens said they sleep in a niche in the wall at night, they put it there themselves knives and razors; then: we sleep in the hearth; the jackal cut himself; burned his paw, pulled out hot coals on his belly; the chickens ask to eat them outside, on a stone; run away, left alone, covered in litter, advises the jackal wash it and let it dry; he spoiled the jackal in the mouth, disappeared into the termite; the jackal waited a long time, the termites ate his ass; he goes to catch crabs and fish; swallows the fish, it falls out on the other side; the old woman sends a patch to the shoemaker; he has put it, now the jackal can't relieve himself; the shoemaker sends him to the blacksmith, who pierced his ass with hot iron; he goes to the village for the chickens residents think that Turks have come, they are running away; there is only one old woman left, the jackal knocked her teeth out; people have made a wax figure; the jackal thinks it's that old woman, hitting, sticking; people hacked him down]: 32-39; Bompas 1909, No. 112 [as in Bodding; the jackal says in the village that Mughal cavalry is coming]: 322-325; ho [the jackal and the kite told the residents that the Raja and the army were coming to the village; the jackal began to beat an empty pot, the kite screamed, the people ran, the jackal and the kite began to feast; one sick old woman stayed and called people; the jackals began to beat, but he said that he was not afraid of being beaten, he could only be destroyed by fire; to him They tied an oiled rag to the tail and set it on fire; it burned down the village and rushed into the pond; since then, the jackals have a scorched tail]: Bompas 1909:471-472.

SV Asia. The Chukchi [The Raven (or the wandering young man, the Raven's slave) comes to the rich merchants and says that enemies are coming; the merchants are fleeing, the Raven takes and takes home their supplies of provisions and fur]: Bogoras 1902:645.

Subarctic. Tanana: De Laguna 1995, No. 4 [chief's daughter rejects suitors; Raven makes clothes with dental shells for himself (apparently out of crap); marries; mother-in-law asks why he doesn't eat; Raven explains that because of a lousy old dog; mother-in-law hangs it; the chief sees someone with a three-toed paw pecking out the dog's eye at night; the crow has to show his leg, his wife's brother tears off his beak; the raven turns bumps at warriors, shouts that enemies are coming, in the turmoil he grabs the bag where his beak is hidden, puts it back; his beak has grown crooked, now the crows have crooked beaks; the girl has not been washed off the dirt], 8e [Raven refuses to help make the island big; his beak is torn off; as in (4)]: 92-95, 120; southern tutchoni [The Raven has two helpers, he sleeps, and they cook candlefish fat; the raven pretends to be him you have to go away, asks his assistants to continue working; disguises himself as a bear with moss on himself, breaks in, the assistants run away in horror, the Raven drinks fat, leaves, returns as usual, asks what happened; tells him to hit the bear with a club next time; says he needs to go cut wood; repeats the trick, but gets hit in the eye; when he returns, he has a stiff eye; says that the sliver has bounced, but the helpers understand what's going on; then the Raven goes out, tells the birds to make noise as if enemies are coming; tells the helpers to fight back and he will protect the house; drinks fat from two boxes; when the third one finishes drinking, his assistants find him; close him in a box, let him down the mountain, the box splits, the raven flies away]: McClennan 2007 (1), No. 1e: 26-29; tagish [Raven's brother Fin ( Driftwood), who melts fish oil; Raven says enemies are coming, calling birds, telling his brother to go fight outside, and he will be in the house; drinks fat; asks his brother if he killed many; brother: I thought that enemies are humans, and there are only birds; turns into a fin on the shore]: McClennan 2007 (2), No. 50h: 273-276.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [The Raven allowed Keith to swallow himself, made a fire, began to poke Keith's heart, who died; the Raven wanted the carcass to be washed ashore; for people to cut the carcass; flew out, disguised himself as an old man with moss and resin; came to people who told me how crows flew out of the whale's carcass; said that enemies would come and kill them all; people decided to sail away; he himself swam with others in a leaky boat, covering the hole with moss; took out the moss, the people drowned, the Raven flew back, ate a whale alone]: 618-619; Tsimshian, Heiltzuk, Nootka [there is a motive]: Boas 2002, № XXV.1.10-11: 637; uvikino [The raven told his sisters to pick berries to send with the girl he passed off as another leader; on the way he told his excrement to scream that enemies were coming, covered himself in red juice as if he were injured; but the sisters soon found out that there were no enemies and the Raven ate the berries]: Boas 1995, No. XX.1.6:210-211 (=2002:448); bellacula: Boas 2002, No. XXII.1.6 [Raven has 4 sisters; he is with them sailed in the boat for blueberries; when the boat is full, the Raven says he needs to go ashore; tells his excrement to voice when he returns to the boat; he hears the cry of winā'winā' (apparently, "war- war" on bellacula and quakiutl); The raven tells his sisters to hide, eats all the blueberries himself; when the sisters return, he says that he was beaten, the berries were taken away; noticing that the Raven's beak has darkened from those eaten berries, his sisters beat him]: 505-506; 1898 [The raven marries a widow, he likes her daughter; he asks various trees how they burn; thuja replies that sparks from her fly off to women's genitals; Raven advises the girl to cure the burn by sitting on a plant in the forest; hiding, she exposes her penis, she sits down; The raven is not invited to the party; pretends to be sick, secretly approaches, screams, tells her sons sprinkle ash on him as if he had never left home; says that those screams mean enemies are approaching; people are leaving, the Raven is eating holiday food; asks the Deer when it is fattest; leads to the meadow to the edge abyss; says that he, the Raven, was already when the mountains began to grow; the Deer replies that he was when the Sun was just beginning to give the world its current appearance; the Raven pushes the Deer off the cliff, eats; when he enters an empty house, sees fish stocks; tells his sisters to load everything into the boat; invisible hands beat him and his sisters; the raven goes to the guests, asks for return visits; the bird cuts his leg with a stone knife, caviar falls from there; the seal holds his hands over the fire, fat drips; another bird sings, fills the box with berries; the raven only hurts himself, there is excrement in his box; he swims to the Salmon; tells his sisters hole boats; asks the chief's daughter to help carry food to his boat, takes the girl away, Salmon in leaky boats can't chase him; at home tells his wife to make his hair as long as hers; she warns that salmon hanged to dry will get entangled in his hair; as it happens, the Raven screams that he does not want to catch them again; the offended wife jumps into the water, all the salmon come to life and swim away for her]: 90-95; Quakiutl (neveti group, tlatlasiqual subgroup) [O'Meatl (Raven) and Mink ask Keith to ride them; he opens his mouth, they climb inside; O. shouts that Norka is hungry, Keith allows eat his meat, but do not touch his throat; O. cuts his throat; he nails the whale's carcass to the shore, people find Raven and Mink in his stomach; O. turns into an old woman, shouts that enemies are coming; people run away, O. and Norka are feasting] : Boas 1895, No. XVIII.1.3-4:171-172 (=2002:379-380)

The coast is the Plateau. Comox: Boas 2002, No. VIII.4 [=1895:71; Norka consistently marries women who warn him that he will not be able to act like them and will get into trouble; he insists, tolerates fiasco; 1) Fog; wife and her sisters dance, he joins them, falls to the ground; 2) Eagle; gets clothes made from feathers; warned to dive carefully when fishing for salmon; dives sharply, breaks on the ground; 3) Resin; it melts in the sun, he sticks to the bed, runs to the forest to tear it off, some old man helps him do it; 4) Algae; at high tide he holds on to his wife, the seaweed moves along with the water, the mink almost sinks; 5) The shell; hits it in the face, but only hurts its arm; 6) a white woman; 7) an otter's wife; 8) a grizzly bear; does not prepare food and is not fed in winter; he says that Enemies are coming, we must transfer supplies to another place; swims away with boxes of salmon and caviar; the wife sees leftovers floating in the water, chases, kills the mink brother; he asks the tree to fall, crush him, but it's just scratches his face; so asks for many trees, but each one, falling, only scratches without killing], VIII.5 (4) [The raven and his sisters Canadian Jay, the Crow and the Snail went for berries; says they are coming enemies; told his excrement to scream; the women ran, but the Snail hid and saw that the Raven was now alone eating all the berries; when Jay and the Raven returned, she explained to them that the Raven's legs and arms were red not from blood, but from cranberry juice]: 189-191, 197-198; quileut [The Raven tells Olenikha to cry for the dead and do it on the edge of the cliff; do not look back if he hears footsteps, it may be a long time ago the dead; he sneaks after the Deer himself, pushes him off the cliff; the carcass is fresh with his wife; the wife cooks the breast, gives it to the Deer, who will know the taste of their mother's breast; Raven lies to his wife that he has a daughter from another marriage, offers to take the meat to her; in the boat she screams that enemies are coming, tells his wife to run without looking back, fires arrows over her head; eats all the meat; the wife is surprised that the arrows of her enemies are the same as her husband's, finds only crow feces in the boat]: Farrand, Mayer 1919, No. 14:271-273; katlamet [Rabbit is Olenikha's son; turned rotten branches into something resembling people; sailed with them in the boat so that from afar It seems like a lot of people are swimming; the villagers believe that many enemies are approaching, they run away, the Rabbit takes food; the deer warns that he may be killed, but he repeats several times the same trick; on the sixth day, an old man hid, killed Rabbit with a stick when he started stealing eggs, called people; the rabbit's skin was ripped off, the body was thrown away; his mother found it, revived it; the rabbit says that he is cold, he comes for his skin, threatening people to shoot them with a bow; refuses to take the skin of a shell, beaver, lynx, otter; finally he was given his skin, but only half; he stretched it, covering it whole body; did not dare to repeat the previous trick]: Boas 1901a: 72-78.