M56C. Try on a snake. .12. (.47.)
The character promises to bring a snake. The snake agrees to have the character measure its length. He ties the snake to a stick or, while measuring, finds out where to hit it to kill it.
Ashanti, ash, mankanya, dagari, biafada, (natchez, chitimacha, tunic, alabama, seminoles).
West Africa. Ashanti: Barker, Sinclaire 1917 [Anansi (spider) demanded that the supreme god Nyankupon be called stories about N. from now on, A.; N. agreed that A. would bring he had a jug with live bees, a boa constrictor and a leopard; A. took the vessel and began to wonder aloud whether bees would fit in it; they showed that they would fit inside; A. sealed the vessel, sent N.; took a stick and began to wonder aloud whether it was longer than the boa constrictor or not; the boa constrictor allowed himself to be measured, A. tied it to a stick, sent N.; sewed up his eye, came to the leopard, began singing and shouting admiration; explained a leopard who sees extraordinary things with his eye sewn up; the leopard allowed himself to sew his eyes; A. sent it to N.; he allowed stories to be called stories about A.]: 29-31; Rattray 1930 [Ananse spider comes to the god Nyankonpon for heavenly stories; he says that those who came in stories; he says that he did not give rich cities translated by Capt. R.S could not buy them; demands that they be paid to bring he has a boa constrictor, a leopard, a hornet, a fairy (Fairy); each A. receives a hint from his wife, and then knows what to do; 1) pretends to argue with his wife whether the boa constrictor is longer than a stick, he allows himself to be tied to a stick: 2) puts a banana leaf on his head, the hornets believe that it will rain now, hide in a calebass, A. clogs it; 3) digs a trap hole, the Leopard falls, A. invites him to stretch his paws (so that he pull out), hits the head; 4) the fairy sticks to a resin-smeared wooden doll (tar-baby); N. tells A. heavenly stories]: 55-59 (about the same Herskovits, Herskovits 1937, No. 2:56; in Belcher 2005:109-111); mankanya [the king will marry the Hare if he brings 1) a alive Boa; the Hare tells Udava that some do not believe that he will fit on poles with rings around her; pretends that wants to measure it with a rope, ties it up; 2) the elephant's fangs; The hare invites the Elephant to knock down the tree, its fangs get stuck, the Hare screams that there is a fire, the Elephant runs away leaving its fangs; 3) a cage with birds; The hare speaks to the king of birds, as if some do not believe that all birds will fit in a cage; slams the door shut; the hare gets the princess and the throne]: Mendelssohn 1971:58-63; ash [The lion will make an adviser to someone who will bring the Water Snake; the Hyena followed the Hare; he says that bananas and water are poisoned; he comes back, supposedly in search of a lost ring, shoes, eats and drinks; in the village people are chasing a fox, The hyena decided that she was running away; by the river, the Hare plays the drum, asking the Partridge Rival to go get a stick; the Snake likes the game, she agrees to fulfill the Hare's wish; he asks him to resolve the dispute: The partridge says its stick is longer than the Snake; the Snake wraps around the stick, the Hare and the Partridge tie it to it; the Hare fails to deceive the Partridge and get rid of it like a Hyena; the lion does The partridge is the first, the Hare the second, the Snake is the third adviser]: Anpetkova-Sharova 2010:180-183; Dagari [Der brags that he will be able to fill the vessel with flies, bring a cobra on a stick and ride elephant; tells flies that he argues with the vessel: he does not believe that flies can fill it; flies fill the vessel to prove the opposite, D. closes the lid; says to the cobra as if the stick does not believe that the cobra longer than her; the cobra stretches out next to the stick, D. ties it; asks the elephant to give him a ride because he is sick, rides an elephant, shows a cobra and a vessel of flies]: Métuolé Somba 1991:15- 18; biafada [The hare asks God Hyden to give him horns, otherwise he is weaker; he orders Boa to be brought; the hare tells Boa that it is shorter than a stick; the boa constrictor wrapped around the stick, allowed himself to be tied, to measure; G. gave the Hare horns; he decided to become the king of animals; upon learning about this, G. turned hare horns into ears]: Nikolnikov 1976:41-44.
(Wed. Southeast USA. African borrowing. Natchez [a woman sits in addition on a basket, corn falls out of her ass; her son spies, refuses to eat it; she tells him to shoot jays, chikadi and parrots, revives them, decorates them with them his hat, shoulders and belt; gives a flute, birds sing to its sounds; tells her not to go to bed with women with a toothy vagina; burn it with the house; the young man burns his mother, leaves, agrees to persuasion the fourth woman he met; but his penis was like stone, his teeth were broken; the rabbit leads him to swim, steals his clothes; he smears himself with persimmons; only the old woman agrees to take it dirty; he fills him with fish the whole boat; the Rabbit claims the same, but his wife finds only a few fish that have surfaced; catches a lot of deer; when the Rabbit sends his wife for deer, there is only one with his eyes already pecked out; birds are not they sing on Rabbit's clothes; the young man asks the old woman to part her hair, cuts with an ax, creating two young wives; the Rabbit only kills his wife; people first accuse the young man, but then the Rabbit; they tell him to bring rattlesnake; Rabbit lies that people are arguing about whether the snake is long; she agrees to measure herself, replies that her life is in the middle of her head; Rabbit hits this place, bring a snake; people say that a snake should was alive; they tell the water to lead in a straight line; the water chases the Rabbit, he winds, leaves the water to flow winding; says that the fields on the bank of the winding river are better]: Swanton 1929, No. 8:230-234; chitimacha [The rabbit asked God to give him more strength; he promises to do so if the Rabbit brings 1) the Crocodile's fang; The rabbit tied the wings of the Crocodile sleeping on the shore to a tree, set fire to the grass, Crocodile rushed, the fang broke out, the Rabbit brought it to God; 2) the Elephant's tusk; the Rabbit began to mow the hay, promised the Elephant a part if he took the hay home; tied the rope by the tusk, supposedly to lead the Elephant home, tied the other end to a tree, set fire to the grass, the Elephant rushed, the fang broke, the Elephant allowed the Rabbit to pick it up; 3) the rattlesnake; the Rabbit asked the Rattlesnake to measure it and, for this purpose, allow it to be tied He brought it to the stick to God; he replied that the Rabbit was already smart enough, he did not need more strength]: Swanton 1917:475-476; tunic [(two options); God tells the Rabbit to bring the snake; he says The snake, who wants to measure it, ties it to a stick, brings it; brings a crocodile tooth; The rabbit invites the Crocodile to dance, hits the teeth when he opens his mouth, brings a tooth to God]: Haas 1950, No. 14:101- 107; alabama and koasati [The rabbit mocks other animals by imitating them; he is told to bring a rattlesnake as punishment; he pretends to measure it, kill it, bring it]: Martin 1977: 37; Seminoles [The rabbit brags that he will bring a big snake in the basket; tells the Snake as if people think it is short; the Snake agrees to measure it, the Rabbit grabs it by the head, brings it to people; Once free, the Snake talks about what happened; since then it has been catching rabbits]: Jumper 1994:79).