Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

M57a1. Where it comes, there's gold.


When a beautiful woman walks on the ground, jewels appear under her feet, flowers bloom, etc.

Kabilas, Algerian Arabs, Italians (Marche), Welsh, Arabs Qatar, Nepalis, Tamils, Albanians, Serbs, Karachays, Lucks, Armenians, Turks, Persians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Danes, Karelians, Buryats (Baikal and Trans-Baikal), Khalkha Mongols, Northwestern and Northwestern Eastern Yakuts.

North Africa. Kabila [Aïcha and her brother Bejliman are orphans, her stepmother especially hates A.; when A. goes, she is followed by a trail of wheat grains, when she laughs, the sun is in the sky, cries, it rains, combs her hair, gold and silver are pouring in; B. told the king about this, who asked A. for his hand; together with stepmother A. goes through the desert to the groom's country, suffers from thirst, her stepmother gives her a drink in exchange for her eyes; changed his ugly daughter, leaves A. under a tree; the deceived king ordered Brother A. to be tied in the stable; turtles brought leaves that restored A.'s sight; they also offered to become a turtle, she became; gorlinka sings to the peasant, then to the king about her brother's suffering; the young queen tells her to catch a turtle, then cut her throat; this is where a date palm has grown; when the queen wants to pick dates, branches they rise; she orders to cut down a palm tree, an old woman took one sliver; the next morning a girl instead of firewood; asks for a comb, gold falls; she asks for shelter in the royal palace; cries - the storm begins; with her gold falls in her hair; the king recognizes A., frees her brother, and his daughter is tied to his place]: Arezki 2010:43-50; Arabs of Eastern Algeria (Souf) [poor peasant woman raised her daughter, her the Sultan's son saw, he was amazed at her beauty, married her, sent her home with two black maids; the mother gave her daughter a sesame seed necklace; the girl wanted to drink, the maids told her to go down from the camel was killed and buried; the necklace was torn; the youngest of the maids put on her clothes; the Sultan's son is surprised by the bride's changed appearance; she explains that it's the local water; the gardener hears the bird that has arrived tells about what happened, then the leaves in the garden fall off; the Sultan's son comes and takes the bird to him; the liar says that the cattle were stolen by robbers, the prince went to watch, she killed and threw away the bird; a pomegranate tree grew in this place; the old woman picked a pomegranate, brought it to her; someone cooks and cleans; drought begins; the Sultan's son distributed cattle, the old woman got a thin cow; but she immediately recovered; where the girl who came out of the grenade steps, the grass turns green; the Sultan's son saw her; the wedding; the black woman was executed]: Scelles-Millie 1963:321-324.

Southern Europe. Italians (Marche) [widower and widow are married, they have a daughter; stepmother sends stepdaughter to fetch water, giving her a basket; the basket fell into the river, the girl followed her; the old woman asks to clean her back from insects, asks what is there; girl: diamonds and pearls; old woman: you will have diamonds and pearls; the same when an old woman asks to clean her bed (roses and jasmine), sweep the floor (rubies and cherubs); the girl chooses a dress, simpler jewelry, gets gold and diamond; the old woman tells her not to look back when the girl hears the donkey roar, but to look back at the rooster scream; after that, she has a star in forehead; stepmother sends her own daughter; she does everything with disgust and speaks directly about it; old woman: you will have it; chooses expensive, gets cheap; the old woman tells you to look back at the donkey scream on the girl's forehead a donkey's tail grows; the prince sees his stepdaughter, takes her as a wife; the stepmother asks her to get into the tank to clean it, goes for boiling water; her daughter asks what her stepdaughter is doing in the tank; she: I will be passed off as a prince; her own daughter takes her place to marry the prince, her mother doused her with boiling water; the girl's father beat his wife to death]: Calvino 1980, No. 95:353-355.

Western Europe. The Welsh [Kiluch and Alwen; wherever Alwen passed, four white clovers grew out of her footprints: "Quatre trèfles blancs poussaient sur ses traces partout où elle passait . C'est pourquoi on l'appeait Olwen ("Trace Blanche")"]: Lambert 1993:140.

Western Asia. Qatar [father and mother died; sister heard about a man named Al-Khadrabouna (H.) and fell in love without seeing him; brother hears her say his name, goes in search; when he comes to H., he says that when his sister steps, a stuffed chicken falls {to the ground} when she laughs, pearls fall off her lips, and when she cries, it starts to rain; H. gives brother cloth to give it to his sister; she must wash it, pour the water in front of the house and grow a tree in this place; when H. comes and sees the tree, he will understand that the bride is here; the neighbor overheard the conversation between brother and sister; changed the water, poured it out who, after washing the cloth, H., in front of her own house; H. marries a liar; her sister sends a brother to him, but H. puts him in prison; her sister turns into a throat; flies to the guard, guarding her brother, talks about everything; stuffed chicken falls, pearls fall, a storm begins with rain; H. notices oddities in the guard's behavior, eavesdrops and spies, catches Gorlinka, {she turns into a girl again}; H. divorced a liar, married his betrothed]: Abu Shehab 2019:59-62.

South Asia. Nepali [the hermit tells the king's two wives that he cannot accept alms from the childless; let the king endure the art; the king has been fasting in the forest for 12 years, Vishnu gives him two apples, both wives ate and became pregnant; the second wife replaced her son with the first chopping block, lowered it in the box along the river; the king told his first wife to retire to the forest; the boy was picked up by a fisherman who grew up to become a young Chandra Mukhi; the son from his second wife is evil; the king promises to make the successor of the one who rides his horse, on which only a man fit to be king can sit; only the World Cup succeeds; the king found out everything, expelled the midwife, cutting off the nose, the first wife was returned, the second was sent to the forest; the king fell ill, he will be cured by the medicine from the hands of the gold-haired princess Sunkeshari, let the World Cup marry her; when she steps, gold falls; must be completed her father's difficult errands; World Cup saved rats and snakes from a burning forest, sparrows from a birdsman's net; rats, snakes and sparrows promised to help; the World Cup meets, takes as companions 1) a person who stretches hand to grab any food; 2) a person who puts one ear under him, covers the other, disperses the clouds with his ears; 3) the companions stopped at the house, cook one by one; every time a dwarf comes with a huge mustache, sweeps the cook with it, eats everything; when it's the turn of the World Cup, he grabs the dwarf by the mustache, throws it out the window; the rats made a move to the princess, she gave the World Cup grains of magic rice; Father S. tells 1) sow the field, harvest tomorrow (the World Cup sows magic rice, it ripens immediately); 2) plant trees from all over the world (the long-armed reaches them, brings them); 3) separate the chaff, rice and millet ( the long-eared chaff, sparrows sort the grain); the king gives S., she cures the father of the World Cup; his evil brother poisoned him, kidnapped S.; the snakes extracted the poison, the World Cup came to life; the king executed his son from his second wife, handed over the throne World Cup]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:70-79; Tamils [Raja has no children for a long time; finally a son was born with a bow in his hand, who knows the secrets of magic; the bird sat on the old woman's hump; the prince shot at the bird and the old woman the hump is gone; she is angry; now her daughter-in-law will make her work; let the prince free Peacock Princess (PP) from behind the 7 seas; along the way, the prince saved the cobra and then the frog caught in the hot sand; the cobra has built steps to get over the steep mountains; the PP princess asks for a braid of hair 16 feet long for her from the pond; the young man dives - there is no way to reach it; the frog got it; having received a braid, PP she went to the young man; gems fall from her lips, when she cries, the flowers bloom, and when she went, jewelry appeared; at rest, the sadhu stabbed the prince and was about to take PP away; she invited him to dig up first for the prince's grave is deeper; saw how one monkey healed the broken legs of another monkey with grass; invited the sadhu to go down to the grave to measure it; covered it with earth, revived the prince with grass; the next since they spent the night with the blacksmith; in the morning he said that PP had already rode away, although he simply hid it; PP agreed to surrender to him, but only six months later, and on the last day let him feed everyone who came; the prince too came and saved her; stopping under a banyan by the pond, the prince put PP on a branch and went to prepare the wedding ceremony; the potter saw the PP reflection, took it for her own; PP laughed, the potter picked up head; PP went down, the potter pulled her eyes out, pushed her into the water, put on her clothes and jewelry; the spouses carrying brushwood pulled out the PP; after settling her in, the couple began to pay a lot of money for the firewood; PP gave them two pearls and told them to give them to whoever gave their eyes in exchange; the potter's mother gave her eyes, PP saw the light, and the potter's pearls faded; at the prince's wedding, there was only dust from under the bride's feet when smiles, black teeth are visible, worms in his hair; the guests ran away, the prince is horrified; PP saw him from a distance from the terrace of her new 7-story palace, told him to bring him home; now a real wedding; while PP I went to the wedding platform, the ground was covered with pearls]: Blackburn 2005, No. 94.

The Balkans. Albanians [the Queen married a girl whose lips, when she laughs, roses fall, pearls fall from her eyes instead of tears, grass turns green under her feet; her mother sends her to the palace, a maid on her way invites the bride to change her clothes, pushes her into a hole, takes her place; the Queen is surprised that the grass does not turn green, etc.; the meadow near the pit has turned green in winter, the geese grazing there are fat, the shepherdess says that there is a bride in the pit; the king orders her to be pulled out, brought in; the maid was executed]: Serkova 1989:82-85; Serbs [Turks and Turkish women visit the bathhouse and pay small money; one does not have money, she is not allowed in; but she gave birth to a happy girl: if she bathes, the water turns golden, laughs - mallows fall from her lips, cries - tears turn into pearls, steps - the grass turns green behind; after buying a girl, a woman collected gold and went to the bathhouse; got rich; {the girl grew up}; the prince decided to marry her, sent a wagon with a gypsy maid to pick her up; she snatched out the bride's eyes, threw her out of the wagon, dressed in her clothes; an old man picked up the girl; became rich thanks to her; she asked him to sell pearls in exchange for her eyes; the liar agreed to give one eye; in the evening she told the prince that thinking about her parents, she cried and here are pearls; gave her second eye for mallows; the prince became king; drought, hunger; the king distributes horses, two to each, so that people could take care of them; the old man received skinny naws; after the disaster ended people returned their horses - all skinny; old man: let my daughter take her out; when she steps, the grass turns green, so the horses recovered; everything turned out; the king married the girl, and the gypsy woman was smeared with resin and burned]: Eschker 1992, No. 26:138-140.

Central Europe. Russians (Terevsky Bereg): Balashov 1970, No. 22 [the princess laughs - gold is falling, crying - pearls; one step is gold, the other is silver; the tsar is dead, the prince goes to the city, the princess tells him not to brag about her; he drank, boasted, the local king orders her sister to be delivered; the king sent a ship; the old woman took the princess's clothes, pushed her into the water, she flew away with a swan; the old woman replaced her daughter; gold does not fall, the prince was put in prison; the sister arrives, sheds her wings, cried pearls; the watchman watched, burned the swan wings, grabbed the princess, she turned into a snake, a spindle, everything; the king took his real wife, and gave his kingdom to her brother], 49 [brother's sister, parents died; brother met king Agar Agarych; said that the sister laughs with pearls, cries with gold; sister Martha agrees; Baba Yaga begged her for all her clothes, gave it to her daughter, M. wrapped it in a bird; there were no gold, no pearls, AA threw Brother M. into prison; the bird flies to him, drops its covers, cries, the dungeon is asleep pearls; the servants told AA, he followed, burned the covers, the baba yaga was shot at seven gates]: 78-80, 169-171; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Pomors) [the tsar and queen died; the prince lulls his sister Nastasya, promises to marry Zorya Tsarevich; her sister has grown up, asks to fulfill her promise; brother tells Z. that her sister will laugh - gold winds, cry - pearls fall, step - one trace is golden, another silver; they sail to Z.; from the cape a woman screams, asks her to take it; sister: don't take it; from the third cape, the brother took it, this is Baba Yaga; she comes to the cabin and says her brother's words: undress and throw yourself into the water; the third time N. listened, became a duck; Baba Yaga dressed up in her dress; Z. is disappointed in the bride, threw her brother in jail; Z. comes to the cook; he says that a duck is coming and becoming a girl gold curls and pearls fall, asks about Z. and her brother; she flew in again, Z. grabbed her and kissed her, N. remained a girl; wedding]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:202-205; 84.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [=Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:56-60; elderly spouses have a daughter Alakoz; four genies give her 1) the talisman of immortality; 2) the gift of turning water into gold; 3) tears are diamonds; 4) under flowers with his feet; the khan takes her as his wife, on the way, her widow dazzles her, leaves her in the forest, replaces her with her daughter; she says that she does not work magic every day; Ivan and his wife sheltered a blind, old woman gave them A.'s eyes for diamonds; they built a tower for A.; the old woman sent A. to steal the talisman of immortality from her hand, who was sleeping, she died; khansha dropped the talisman, picked it up by a boy, and came to the tower with the khan, dropped the talisman on A.'s body, she came to life; the liar and her mother were tied to the tails of horses]: Kapieva 1991:214-217; Lucky (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil from the left; the wind blows her hair away, the stepmother tells her to find it and return it; the cow teaches me to go to people who grind pearls, gold, corals, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones, dogs have hay, you need to change; call the muddy river oil, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Aerial Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out her hair, tear clothes - comb them, wash them; that's what happened; girl she put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river let it through {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger turned golden; C. poured golden water on her head and hair became gold; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides the wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody , but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin her hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the hair, but the cow teaches the wrong way; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, from the water of the muddy river, her fingers are covered with ulcers; C. tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body are covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was stabbed, her stepdaughter buried her bones; asked they have beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he is just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his wife; the stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; flying into the prince's garden, asks the gardener say hello to the prince, and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary has been caught, the false wife ordered her to be slaughtered, a tree has grown out of blood; dates are falling on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: Khalilov 1976, No. 46:109-119; Armenians [gold appeared when a girl stepped]: Gullakian 1983:151; Turks [Padishah's youngest daughter 20, middle 30, eldest 40; youngest asks father to give them away marry; he tells them to shoot a bow; the eldest's arrow hits the house of the vizier, the middle arrow hits the mufti, the youngest the poor man; the father drives her to the poor man; when it is time to give birth and the husband has gone to look for a midwife, three fairies enter they call the newborn Rose; roses will fall from her lips when she laughs, appear on the grass she will walk on; if she cries, pearls will fall; R. grew up, the prince married her; a woman in the palace is also daughter Rosa; to get rid of her rival, she feeds R. salty food at the wedding, her daughter pulls her eyes out for a sip of water, replaces her; R. is left on the mountain in a basket, she was found by a clay digger , took him to him, began to sell falling pearls; she tells him to sell roses in exchange for his eyes; returns one eye, then the other; and the false R. adorns himself with roses and therefore likes the prince more and more; the false R.'s mother told her real adoptive father that R. was a witch; he found out her talisman: a deer on a hill; he was killed, R. died, but coral fell unnoticed from the deer's heart; imaginary R. gave birth to a girl who in fact, a real daughter; the real R. told her husband in a dream where the talisman had fallen; he found it, the girl took it and disappeared; the peri carried her to her mother's grave, she immediately came to life; the prince found them the impostor and her mother were executed]: Kúnos 1901:30-41; Turks [a girl was born in a poor family (var.: princess); three (or more) dervishes (peri; dead mother) predict that where she will pass, The grass will turn green, her tears will become pearls, if she laughs, roses will fall from her lips, gold will appear in the water that she washes; they give her an amulet (bracelet); a girl grows up, marries a prince, goes to accompanied by another woman (sister, maid, neighbor, black woman, etc.; the vizier decides to replace the beautiful woman with his ugly daughter); he suffers from thirst, his companion gives her water in exchange for her eyes; takes her place; the blind woman lives with other people; roses are needed in the palace, they fall from the girl's lips, they are sold in exchange for her eyes, the girl sees the light; (the padishah sees the grass turning green under the girl walking); A liar steals a girl's amulet, she loses consciousness, is put in a tomb; (she gives birth to a child, he sucks her dead mother's breast); the prince finds her and revives her]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 240:291-294; Turks [at the source, Bey's son's horse steps on the witch's foot, she tells the young man to fall in love with the cucumber girl (OD); the father sends him for her; at night, the young man overhears how the owner explains to his daughter, what to do; 1) give milk to a lion, meat to a tiger, chewing gum to a witch; 2) a source from which blood and pus flow, say how clean it is, drink three handfuls; 3) split off a pine chip, give it away and all her gold to the giantess while the giants sleep (their eyes are open); the giantess will give three cucumbers; there are three girls inside the cucumbers; open cucumbers where there is water, otherwise the girls will die of thirst; giants tell creatures and the objects stop the young man, they say they are grateful to him; two girls died of thirst; the third waited for the young man on the poplar for him to arrange a wedding; the ugly maid saw a reflection in the source , decided it was her own; next time she asked how OD got in; Putting eggs one on top of the other; then OD told the tree to bend down; the maid said she was now her mother; looking for her hair, pulled out the hair of life; OD fell, sesame grew up in that place; the maid explained to the young man who came that she was fool from frost and sun; the young man attached a sesame to his hat; married a maid, she asked to throw sesame into the fire, from there two pigeons flew out; resin to the branches, the pigeons stuck, they were slaughtered, poplar grew out of blood; it was made a cradle for the maid's son; one sliver was picked up by an old woman; her absence turns a sliver into OD, cleans the house; the old woman grabs her, adopts her; when hungry, Bey's son distributes his horses; where OD steps, green grass grows, the horse eats it; the rest of the horses starved to death; the young man comes for him, the girl talks in riddles; he comes back, she tells everything; the maid and the child were sent to the mountains, the horse threw them into the abyss]: Walker, Uysal 1966, No. 5:64- 71.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the merchant's property burns down, he lives in a vacant lot, his wife gives birth to a daughter, four peri give her gifts: roses from her mouth when she laughs, tears are pearls, sleeps gold under her head, steps under her feet gold and silver; shahzade takes her as his wife; the merchant's sister (i.e. the bride's aunt) gives her a potion, the girl is thirsty, she gives her eyes for water, her aunt throws her into the hole, replaces her with her daughter; she takes roses and gold in stock, they run out soon; the gardener pulls out the girl, sells roses and pearls to her aunt in exchange for her eyes torn out; shahzade finds a true wife, the impostor asks if she wants a horse or a sword; she replies that a horse, Shahzade, ties her hair to a horse's tail]: Rosenfeld 1956:13-22 (=Osmanov 1987:124-131); Tajiks [stepmother torments stepdaughter with work, tells the cotton to strain; the cow eats it, releases yarn from her mouth; the wind carries the cotton into the old woman's cave; she tells her to comb her hair, clean her house; promises that roses will fall from the mouth of the laughing girl, tears will turn into pearls, gold bricks will fall from the right foot, silver bricks from the left foot; the stepmother's daughter goes to herd the cow; carelessly combs the old woman, sweeps poorly; takes gold away from the pantry; a bump grows on her forehead, gold turns into stones; her stepmother tells her to slaughter a cow, a cow tells the girl to bury her bones in a hole; her stepmother and stepdaughter go to the wedding, tell her to separate the rice from the wheat; the chicken does it, in place of the cow bones - a luxurious dress, a horse; at the wedding, the stepmother does not recognize her stepdaughter; she loses her kaush (boot), the padishah's son is looking for him, finds a girl in good shape, where her stepmother hid it; on the road, the stepmother lets the bride eat salty, she is thirsty, the stepmother gives water in exchange for her eyes torn out; throws her stepdaughter into the well, replaces her daughter with her daughter; the poor old man finds a beauty and pearls; saves her, collects roses; changes them for the eyes of her stepmother's daughter, the current wife of the padishah; now pearls fall from her eyes, roses from her mouth; stepmother sends the witch to suck the girl's blood; the girl tells bury herself in a crypt of gold and silver bricks; stepmother takes her heart away, gives a bag with it to her daughter; when she takes it off her neck for the night, the stepdaughter comes to life; the padishah's son finds her at night comes; she has a son and daughter; the boy has grown up, pulls out a bag with her heart; stepmother and daughter are tied to horses, a beautiful woman and her son are brought to the palace]: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1960:175-182; Uzbeks: Bushui, Zhurakulov 1990 [fairy tale episode: "The eyes are like the morning star, the face is like the moon. If she walked, a flower grew out of her footprints. If she looked at the moon, the moon was shy and hid behind the clouds. Nightingales got drunk at her voice, and flowers took over the patterns from her eyes"]: 44; Sheverdin 1984 [after cutting down a tree, the woodcutter frees the genie imprisoned in it; he lets him eat an apple in half with his wife; a daughter is born, whose tears are pearls, when she laughs, roses fall from her mouth, where he steps, golden sand remains; the old man is rich, asks for his daughter too big dowry; an evil genie tells me to give her to him ; the father kills the genie, gets a beautiful woman; the old woman and daughter say that they have come from the batyr to pick up the bride; they take her to the desert; the old woman gives her water for her eyes torn out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her clothes; the people are surprised that roses do not fall, there is no gold in the bride's footprints; the poor man pulls the blind man out of the well, builds a pearl palace; when the rose smiles, the poor man sells her daughter is an old woman blind by two eyes; a kind genie dove inserts her eyes, the girl sees the light; an evil genie tells the old woman to catch a goldfish, wearing an earring where the soul is beautiful; at night, an imaginary wife takes out the earring, at which time the girl comes to life; after chasing the dove, the batyr finds the true bride, returns the earring; the old woman and her daughter are tied to horses]: 82-89.

Baltoscandia. Danes [to get rid of her stepdaughter, her stepmother sends her to a mound with dwarfs for berries; on the way, the old man gives the girl food - let her feed the dwarfs; they are grateful; let her day by day the day becomes more beautiful; roses and lilies grow where she steps; gold and silver fall off her hair when she combs her hair; stepmother sends her own daughter, who is to the dwarfs not with food, but with a stick; they they make her spits turn into frogs and toads, a calf tail grows on her forehead, emits gases at every step; the heroine's brother is in the service of the king; she sends him her portrait, the king wants her marry; on the way, her stepmother throws her off the ship, turns her into a duck, replaces her with her own daughter; the king is furious, throws the heroine's brother in prison for deception; in the form of a duck, the heroine enters the kitchen, asks about her brother and half-sister, says he can only come twice more; the king tells the maid to catch the duck; draws a cross on her beak, she becomes a girl again; the king is on her marries, frees her brother, stepmother and daughter were placed in a barrel of nails]: Holbek 1987:523; Karelians (northern, Tungud parish) [sister steps with her foot - gold, cries - beads, a month shoulders, Bear stars on his forehead, sun on top of his head; brother went to the palace, the prince saw embroidery on the hoop, asked who was embroidering, told him to bring his sister; sister said he would not marry until the pen the millstone will not break from work; the brother sawed the handle; until the father's shop collapses; the spinning wheel made by the father breaks; the threshold does not break; the brother saws every time; the sister agrees, they they go in a boat, Suottyarikha asks to take her, puts sleepy needles in her sister's ears, tells her to spit in the sheath, jump into the sea, her sister swam with a duck, her brother brought S.; the prince put his brother under lock and key - why brought an ugly one; the sister comes to the widow's house, becomes a girl, sews on a hoop, the widow sells; tells the prince to hide behind the stove, throw duck plumage into the oven, grab his wife; she turned around with a snake, he beat her, did not let her go, she became a woman; they dug a hole, S. was taken to the bathhouse, pushed her into a hole, her brother was released; S.'s mother came, sees two blades of grass, wants to tear it off, my daughter screams out of the hole, "This is my umbilical cord , don't touch it"; the mother went to the gate, rejoiced that her daughter was there, the prince ordered her to be taken to the gate]: Stepanova 2000, No. 103:181-183.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baikal Buryats: Novikov 1936 (northern) [the main character of the "walking tales" is a lonely girl; "She is so beautiful that the shine of her left cheek makes everyone rise at night left-bank people, thinking that morning is coming, and because of the glow of her right cheek, all nations to the right of the Hangara get up from their beds at night and start milking their cows, thinking that the day is coming, and the birds are starting their daytime flights. She is so beautiful that wherever she sets foot, flowers of nine colors grow there"]: XII {separate pagination in the introductory article}; (cf. Novikov 1936 (Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, 1903) [uliger episode: "He stepped to his father-in-law and father/Young Alamji Mergen, /He walked to the palace, /He walked so smoothly and smoothly. /Wherever he set foot, /They bloomed magnificently, /They bent softly/ Flowers of nine flowers"]: 189); Burchina 2007 (Unginsky, Nukut district, 1928 and 1940s), No. I.1 [uliger episode: Shazhi Loman Khan's daughter "walks flexibly smoothly - goats and goats bleat, thin herbs grow, He steps springy and cheerful - sheep and lambs bleat, flowers bloom"]; No. I.4 ["Because of seventy curtains (hushege), a beautiful woman comes out. The hero talks to her in such a way that grass grows on a flat stone, and foam (urme) appears on clear clear water. The glow of the beauty's right cheek illuminates the right wall, and the glow of her left cheek illuminates the left wall. The girl Shataru Gohon (Shataruu Gookhon Abhay) steps quietly and smoothly - thin herbs grow, walk fast and fast - sheep and lambs bleat"]; No. II.1 ["Getting up in the morning red sun, the girl milked the cows. She walked quickly and quickly, then stepped quietly and smoothly, [why] lambs and sheep bleated, thick branched grasses grew"; "The girl Alag-Bulag gets up with the red sun, milks cows and mares. He walks cheerfully soon - branched couch grass grows up, lamb sheep bleat, steps smoothly and quietly - thin couch grass will grow up, born calves gallop and frolic"]; No. III.2 [about Han Segsey Mergen's sister: "Smoothly and softly steps - tender flowers grow, walk firmly, hastily - lush flowers grow"]; No. IV.6 ["When Ereen Tarbazi steps on the ground, he imagines that grass grows on a black stone when he speaks, as if clean water foam appears! If you look at it, it's like you'll see the sun and moon. The radiance of her right cheek illuminates the western taiga, the radiance of her left cheek illuminates the eastern taiga"]; No. IV.7 ["She learns about this with her mind, and Ukhin Hara mangadhaika (Ukhin Hara learns about this with her mind, with her mind mangadhai) and turns into a beautiful girl. She goes out to meet his brothers. The radiance of her right stream illuminates the Western (right-sided) Mongols (Baruunai Mongol), the glow of her left cheek illuminates the eastern (left-sided) Mongols. She steps flexibly and smoothly - leaves and herbs bloom, walks hard soon - sheep and lambs bleat"]; IV.8 ["The shine of the beauty's left cheek illuminates the eastern wall of the palace, and the radiance of her right cheek illuminates the eastern wall of the palace, from the radiance of her right cheek - western wall. Her bones shine through her skin, her brain shines through her bones (myaha ebte ya garlehan, yaebte oy garlehan)! He sits in front of the guest like a rising red sun, shining like a young month. The girl Shara Sesen asks for the hero's name. When he gets to know him, he is happy. She steps stately and smoothly - leaves and herbs grow, walks cheerfully and quickly - sheep and lambs bleat!"] : 49, 88, 100-101, 146, 321, 327, 352; Trans-Baikal Buryats (p. Budalan, Agin District, Chita Region, 1981) [fairy tale episode: "Tugal Masan walked, walked and met a beautiful girl. Wherever she went, Lotus Shell grows up there. He followed her, caught up with that beauty and wanted to grab her, but she couldn't, she took to heaven" (see summary in the K1i "Tree for Descending a Cliff")]: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 12:199; Khalkha Mongols (Orkhon) ["Khan's wife in one fairy tale is so brilliant that when you see her, it seems like the sun is rising: you can sew in front of her, and herd herd behind her, and when she is She passes by the ulus, then apple trees grow on her way, apples, and pearls appear, which children collect. Her son, despite his young age, managed to conquer all enemies and take possession of the Golden Fleece"]: Ramstedt 1902:47; Mongolian written tradition [Siddi-Cure collection, which is a translation" Twenty-five stories by a vetala" (based on an Oirat manuscript purchased in North-Western Mongolia): "At one key, he saw {the White-Faced Bull} a beautiful maiden who carried water. He followed her and saw flowers grow out of each of her traces" (see summary in B46's Seven Star Brothers data)]: Vladimirtsov 1958:35 (=Vladimirtsov 2003:244).

Eastern Siberia. Northern Yakuts are reindeer herders [an old woman harnesses a louse into a thimble, drives a needle, controls a pretext thread, finds a fresh grave in a rich yurt, pulls out a beauty; the arrow of her youngest son Kharah- Haana ends up in an old woman's yurt, he marries a beautiful woman, not knowing that she is dead, pushes her at night, she comes to life, silver money falls from her mouth; returning with his wife, the husband chases the squirrel, does not tell his wife walk along a road where bear and wolf skins hang, and walk where hay is scattered; the wife forgets, turns onto a dangerous road, comes to Dyege-Baab (Baba Yaga); she takes her clothes and comes to X. instead of her; the owners decide that if the daughter-in-law is good, then when the "chicken chicken" jumps, the green grass will crumble, and when the "bar-bar" jumps, silver money will fall down; if the start is evil, it will fall down dried fish and insects; they fall, Erbehtai Bergen's husband pulls off his wife's veil, sees eight eyes and a bull's nose; she is beaten, she gives the girl, she is revived with living water, DB is thrown into the fire ]: Gurvich 1977:175-176; Yakuts: Sivtsev, Efremov 1990 [old woman Byaybyarikyan with five cows finds an unusual horsetail; leaves it in the house, it turns into a beauty; hunter Kharzhit-Bergen gives it for her a lot of cattle, takes away; on the way she goes to chase a fox, tells her to turn east at the fork, where the sable skin hangs, but not to the west, where the bear skin is; the girl forgets, turns west, gets to an abaasa in iron clothes with one hand, one leg, one eye; she rips off her face, puts on herself, puts her clothes on; in the groom's house, everyone expects that when the bride says her mouth beads will fall down; when she sets foot, sables will run; she has frogs falling, shabby ermines are running; at this time, old woman B. digs up horsetail again, he turns into an old girl, says that her dogs dragged her former body across the field; the girl's horse tells HB's father about what happened; HB ties the abaasa's daughter to the horse's tail, returns her wife, red beads fall from her lips, sables run]: 136-143; Yakuts (Verkhoyansky; =Ergis 1964-1967 (1), No. 51:172-177) [a short old woman (Ergis: old Bayberikaen) with five cows brought horsetail with five processes from the field, puts it under her pillow, that turns into a girl, her body is transparent (you can see the body through the dress, through the body of the bone, through the bones of the brain); Harah Haana Harzhit-Bergen's son (Ergis: Haardyt Bergen) takes her as his wife, giving a lot of cattle in dowry; takes home, hunts foxes, tells you to go along the road where the skin of a lynx, a sable is hung, not to go where the bear's skin is; she forgot, went where the bear's skin is, the devil's daughter from an iron yurt with one with her foot, one hand, one eye, she puts on her skin; kings blow their nose in the HB house (?) , everyone disgust (Ergis: green beads fell in her husband's house, where she blew her nose, where she stepped, gray ermines ran, everyone was disgusted); only red skin-haired sables run; old woman finds horsetail, brings her home, he turns into the same girl; tells her what happened to her (the dog dragged her heart and lungs, left her, and horsetail grew there); the horse tells HB's father about what happened; says that if his son does not take her Ayyi mistress (revived from horsetail) again, she will complain to Ürüng Ayyi Toyona (White Creator Master); the son should be kept in for 30 days running water, then ventilated; the son himself tells his father that the girl who arose from horsetail is one of the seven Siberian daughters of ÜAT's younger brother; her wings were cut off, sent to the ground; a false wife tied to a horse, scattered across the field, her body and blood became worms and reptiles; her true wife was returned; when she blows her nose, expensive kings fall, sables run when she steps]: Khudyakov 1890, No. 4:80-89.