Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M57С1. The bear defecates in gold. .21.23.34.

A man fights a bear or (Malayali) leopard and makes another person believe that this animal is defecating with gold.

Angami, Nepali, Baiga, Oraons, Muria, Malayali, Kannada, Trans-Baikal Buryats.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Angami [a bear attacked Gakripu on the road, he began to fight him, the money fell apart; G. shouted to the passerby that the coins would be collected, the money was crumbling; G. someone is fighting; G. leaves the passerby to fight the bear, takes his clothes, rides on his horse, picking up money; by the river, mother and daughter are looking for someone to transport them; G. carries her daughter, takes her away, leaving her mother; both deceived people find G. at the Raja, complain; at night G. puts crap in the pockets of the woman's clothes and that rider; when both bowed to the Raja, the crap fell to the floor; the Raja drove them away]: Pawsey 1922, No. 2: 398-400.

South Asia. Nepali [the wife scolds the lazy man, he goes to earn money; tells the shoemaker to repair his shoes, leads to the shopkeeper — he supposedly owes him a rupee, he will give him back; the shoemaker is untouchable, cannot go to the shop; a lazy man buys sweets, tells the shopkeeper that the shoemaker who owes him will give the rupee; a shopkeeper to a shoemaker: a rupee? he nods; the lazy man takes away sweets, the shoemaker and the shopkeeper begin to argue; the lazy man lays out sweets, the children of the laundresses ask their parents to buy them too, the lazy man says that sweets are distributed free of charge at the temple; everything they run away, the lazy man takes the clothes washed by his laundresses; hangs it on a tree, waters it, the merchant buys a tree that brings clothes; a lazy man buys a bear, ties it to a tree, puts a bear in the ass and wakes up gold coins on the ground, sells a gold-littering bear to a merchant; lives richly in the city; when he meets the king, he calls himself Paju (“maternal uncle”); all the deceived came to the city, recognized the deceiver, but were amazed to learn what the king called him “uncle”; did not dare to approach the charges; the lazy man fled the city, brought his wife money]: Sakya, Griffith 1980:171-175; baiga [mother went to reap rice in the Raja field, telling his son to cook curry; he filled the pot with crap; the mother began to beat her son; the next day the son went to reap rice; he squeezed a lot, told the owner that his sickle was reaping himself; he bought a sickle the guy took the money and ran into the forest; the bear grabbed him, the money fell on the ground; at that time a merchant was driving; the guy said that the bear was wasting money; agreed that the bear should also pour money to the merchant , let him pick up some sleep; the bear attacked the merchant, and the guy rode off the merchant's horse, taking the money; at the gonda wedding, he invited the bride to sit on a horse and rode off with her; when they came for her, the guy said that in these places, those who get dirty at night are put in prison for six years; at night he smeared the asses of everyone who came with a mixture of ramtilla and small tomatoes; in the morning, the guests and the groom ran away in horror, the guy got the bride]: Elwin 1939, No. 13:509-510; Oraons [two liars come to a blind old woman; call themselves her grandson's uncles; they say they will take him to their home to meet him with his aunt; when he went with them, the grandson put on his gold and silver jewelry; the deceivers let him carry a heavy basket, told him not to open it — there were snakes in it; he opened, there was food, he ate it; said that the snakes crawled out and fled into the anthill; the deceivers sent him to sell his gold bracelets to the oil squeezer; the young man says he wants to sell him two slaves; the cracker wants to know if they agree men to be sold; the young man shouts to them: both? they think it's bracelets, they shout yes; the young man gets the money and the men are turned into slaves; the young man met a bear and fights with him; when he sees the rider, he threw several gold coins on the ground and put one bear in the ass; said that when you were fighting a bear, gold was pouring out of it; the rider got off his horse, grabbed the bear; the young man rode off his horse; sat on the shore, began to eat the sweets he had bought; told the laundresses that they were given in the village and that his name was Yesterday; they ran to the village, leaving their underwear; he took their clothes and rode away; the laundresses shouted that the clothes were gone yesterday; by the other river an old woman and niece; the young man offers to help transport the girl first, says that his name is Son-in-law; put her on a horse, crossed her, galloped off; the old woman shouts that his niece was taken away by her son-in-law, they laugh at her]: Hahn 1906, No. 11:20- 22; muria [the moneylender came for the money; only a boy at home; replies that the father went to cover the thorns with thorns, the mother went to do a little more, the sister to receive two out of one; when the boy explained what it meant (enclosing prickly eggplants with prickly branches, scratching cotton, peeling peas), the moneylender forgave the debt and gave 20 rupees; the returning parents decided to kill their son because he did not give them back money; pushed into the river; fish swallowed him, but died because the fish was poisoned with poison; the tiger came to drink, hears the boy's voice from the fish: I brush my teeth with a palm tree panicle, eat tiger tails; he tells the tiger to rip open the fish's belly and bring him a deer's leg — then he will spare him; the boy brought a leg to the old woman, gave her a bone to feed his husband; she thought it was meat; grandfather choked and died; the boy threatened to carry to the police, the old woman gave him a pot of rupees; he put the deceased on the edge of a well in the field; the owner thought that the thief hit him with a stick, the body fell into the well; boy: killed my grandfather; the owner paid off in silver; the boy grabbed the bear by the hind legs, put the coin down the tail, scattered the others side by side; agreed to give the bear to a Muslim, but for now, having collected the money, he will take them home on a Muslim horse; he stole a horse; stole Raja's clothes from a laundress; stole a girl from an old woman; volunteered to eat a goat and a pot of rice, having dug a hole in advance, where he threw everything; got a bride; locked himself in the house with two girls; all offended by him came they thought there was an evil spirit in the house; he let them sleep on the condition that they would not go out of need; at night he smeared their clothes with feces; in the morning everyone ran away; the guy gathered people and became a raja]: Elwin 1944, No. VIII.12: 262-266 (translated into Zograf 1971, No. 74:271-275); Malayali [a clever merchant was returning from the market to his village; he was attacked by a leopard; the merchant grabbed the leopard by the tail and started running around it; in As a result, a lot of coins fell out of the merchant's purse; a man walking along the way asked why the merchant was running around the leopard; the merchant replied that it was a magic leopard that defecates gold and silver when he was pulled by the tail; invited a passerby to try it and said that he would take what he had already earned himself; the man agreed and grabbed the leopard by the tail; the merchant collected the woken up coins were like this; hence the saying: “Grab a leopard by the tail” (about a man who is in trouble and can't get out of it)]: Jacob 1977, No. 14:42-43; kannada [thief's clothes he got wet, he took it off and fell asleep on the veranda; the owner asked if he was cold; he replied that his ram ate all the cold around; the owner bought a ram, left him overnight with his old mother, who cared for her; the thief ran away, came to the forest, the bear came at him; they began to fight; the bear relieved the need, and silver coins fell out of the thief's clothes; he told the warrior who came up that it was a pet bear that wasted money; the warrior bought a bear and gave the horse; the thief rode off, and the bear scratched the warrior and ran away; the thief stayed overnight with the royal prostitute, changed the horse manure with money at night; the prostitute bought a horse for a lot of money, and the thief pretended to part with the horse only because he was afraid of the king; waiting for the deceived to come to him, the thief told his wife to dress like Lakshmi, go down from the second floor to who come and pour money for them; the thief calls Lakshmi, turning to a heavy grain grater; those who come agree not to complain to the king if the thief gives them the grain grater; they received it, began to fight over it, and killed each other; and the thief lived well with his wife]: Ramanujan 1997, No. 64:175-180.

Southern Siberia — Mongolia. Trans-Baikal Buryats (p. Alan, Khorinsky District) [the poor guy was hired to work for a rich man; when he comes in, he covers the chest; the rich man thinks that he is hiding money there, he comes to steal at night, the guy grabs him, he pays off; past another rich man's house, a guy leads a goat, gold coins fall from under its tail, a rich man buys a goat; finds a guy, puts him in a bag, tells his servants to drown; the guy says that he buried gold, those they run away to dig; the guy tells a passerby that he is in a bag because he does not want to be a khan; a passer-by climbs into a bag, the servants drown him; the guy meets a bear, they fight, out of torn clothes gold coins fell asleep; the guy answers the khan's son passing by that he was sacrificing a bear to a Tengria, and he was giving gold; the Khan's son gave his horse, began to fight the bear, he killed him, and the guy has left; in Khan's clothes he comes to a rich man, says that Lusan Khan gave him a horse and clothes at the bottom of the river; the rich man orders himself to drown; the guy brings the khan a horse and brings the clothes of the khan's son, that his enemies harassed him with a bear; the khan smashes his enemies, brought the boy closer, then gave him the state]: Dugarov 1990:287-291.